988 resultados para psychological testing
Job loss is widely known to lead to a substantial decrease in workers' subjective well-being. Functionalist theories explain this fact by arguing that the fundamental needs that work fulfills are absent during unemployment. Recent evidence from longitudinal studies however contradicts this approach, showing that workers who find a new job do not fully regain their former level of well-being upon reemployment. Therefore other mechanisms must be at work. We suggest that changes in social or economic domains of workers' lives - triggered by job displacement - lead to the observed changes in well-being. Drawing on a unique data set from a survey of workers displaced by plant closure in Switzerland after the financial crisis of 2008, our analysis confirms the previous result that finding a job after displacement does not completely restore workers' pre-displacement level of well-being. The factors that best explain this outcome are changes in social domains, notably changes in workers' job - related social status and their relationships to friends. This result provides valuable insights about the long lasting scars job displacement leaves on workers' lives.
Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited form of intellectual disability. Here we report on a study based on a collaborative registry, involving 12 Spanish centres, of molecular diagnostic tests in 1105 fragile X families comprising 5062 individuals, of whom, 1655 carried a full mutation or were mosaic, three cases had deletions, 1840 had a premutation, and 102 had intermediate alleles. Two patients with the full mutation also had Klinefelter syndrome. We have used this registry to assess the risk of expansion from parents to children. From mothers with premutation, the overall rate of allele expansion to full mutation is 52.5%, and we found that this rate is higher for male than female offspring (63.6% versus 45.6%; P < 0.001). Furthermore, in mothers with intermediate alleles (45-54 repeats), there were 10 cases of expansion to a premutation allele, and for the smallest premutation alleles (55-59 repeats), there was a 6.4% risk of expansion to a full mutation, with 56 repeats being the smallest allele that expanded to a full mutation allele in a single meiosis. Hence, in our series the risk for alleles of <59 repeats is somewhat higher than in other published series. These findings are important for genetic counselling.
To enhance the prevention and intervention efforts of childhood obesity, there is a strong need for the early detection of psychological factors contributing to its development and maintenance. Rather than a stable condition, childhood obesity represents a dynamic process, in which behavior, cognition and emotional regulation interact mutually with each other. Family structure and context, that is, parental and familial attitudes, activity, nutritional patterns as well as familial stress, have an important role with respect to the onset and maintenance of overweight and obesity. Behavioral and emotional problems are found in many, though not all, obese children, with a higher prevalence in clinical, treatment-seeking samples. The interrelatedness between obesity and psychological problems seems to be twofold, in that clinically meaningful psychological distress might foster weight gain and obesity may lead to psychosocial problems. The most frequently implicated psychosocial factors are externalizing (impulsivity and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and internalizing (depression and anxiety) behavioral problems and uncontrolled eating behavior. These findings strengthen the need to further explore the interrelatedness between psychological problems and childhood obesity.
La médecine prédictive évalue la probabilité que des personnes portant des mutations génétiques constitutionnelles puissent développer une maladie donnée, comme par exemple une tumeur maligne (oncogénétique). Dans le cas des prédispositions génétiques au cancer, des mesures particulières de surveillance et de prévention sont discutées en fonction de l'évaluation des risques et des résultats de l'analyse génétique, y compris certains traitements préventifs allant, à l'extrême, jusqu'à l'intervention chirurgicale prophylactique (ex : mastectomie et/ou ovariectomie). Cette étude est basée sur une interprétation psychanalytique du récit de sujets ayant entrepris une démarche en oncogénétique et vise à analyser l'impact psychique : a) du résultat de l'analyse génétique et b) de la construction de l'arbre généalogique. Elle a été conduite dans l'Unité d'oncogénétique et de prévention des cancers (UOPC) du Service d'oncologie des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG). L'UOPC assure des consultations de conseil génétique spécialisé pour les personnes ayant des antécédents personnels et/ou familiaux de maladies tumorales suggestifs de l'existence de prédispositions génétiques au cancer. La population de cette étude comprend 125 sujets suivis lors des différentes étapes du dépistage, pour un total de 289 consultations et 50 entretiens individuels. Cette recherche montre que les sujets asymptomatiques réélaborent de façon personnelle, soit le résultat génétique (négatif ou positif), soit l'acte de prédiction. En revanche, ceux qui ont développé un cancer expriment des sentiments d'angoisse, comme s'ils subissaient les effets d'un destin inéluctable qui s'est effectivement réalisé. Par ailleurs, l'arbre généalogique est réinterprété de façon personnelle, laissant apparaître des aspects refoulés ou niés qui peuvent resurgir. Lorsque d'autres membres de la famille sont sollicités pour préciser les liens génétiques et/ou être soumis en première intention à l'analyse génétique, le sujet exprime sa difficulté de dépendre d'autres personnes pour connaître son propre statut biologique. D'une façon générale, on constate que là où la médecine prédictive réalise son acte de prévision, le sujet répond de façon imprévisible. Dans l'optique de la psychanalyse, cette imprévisibilité est liée aux aspects du « désir inconscient ». Cette étude montre aussi qu'on ne peut pas considérer le dépistage génétique comme étant la cause directe du traumatisme. L'effort doit porter sur le fait que le sujet puisse se réapproprier ce qui lui arrive, et exprimer progressivement sa souffrance spécifique en jeu dans le processus de prédiction pour créer un écart entre la vérité médicale et la sienne. L'espace de la parole devient ainsi le lieu d'un travail privilégié. La psychanalyse opère donc pour que le résultat génétique se détache de l'acte de prédiction, c'est-à-dire qu'il redevienne un moment de la vie du sujet qui puisse s'articuler comme sa propre histoire personnelle. The aim of predictive medicine is to assess the probability that individuals carrying germ-line mutations will develop certain diseases, for instance cancer (oncogenetics). In predictive oncology, particular surveillance and prevention measures are discussed with these patients in relation to risk assessment and results of genetic testing, including preventive care which can, in extremes cases, lead to prophylactic surgery (i.e. mastectomy and/or ovariectomy). This study is based on a psychoanalytic interpretation of subjects' narration of the oncogenetic process and aims at analyzing the psychological impact of a) genetic testing and b) the construction of the family tree. It was carried out at the Oncogenetics and cancer prevention unit (Unité d'oncogénétique et de prévention des cancers) from the Geneva University Hospitals (Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, HUG) which organizes genetic counselling for individuals having personal and/or family history suggestive of genetic predisposition to cancer. The study population comprises 125 patients followed during the successive steps of genetic counselling, for a total of 289 consultations and 50 personal interviews. This research shows that asymptomatic subjects re-elaborate in a personal way either the results of genetic testing (negative or positive) or the act of prediction. Conversely, those having developed cancer express feelings of anguish, as if they were undergoing the effects of a destiny which effectively happened. Its sight remains a difficult step of the oncogenetic process, as psychological aspects which were repressed or denied can re-appear. When some family members are solicited to help reconstructing the genetic relationships, sometimes being themselves submitted first to genetic testing, the study subject expresses the difficulty to depend on other persons to learn more about his own biological status. In this study, we observe that, in parallel to predictions delivered by the process of predictive medicine, the subject actually answers unpredictably. With a psychoanalytic perspective, this unpredictability is related to an "unconscious desire". We also find that we cannot consider that genetic screening is a direct cause of psychological trauma. Our efforts must rely on allowing the subject to re-appropriate himself what is happening, to let him progressively express his own suffering of the prediction in order to create a gap between the medical reality and his own. In this process, "speech" is needed to let this happening. Psychoanalysis works in such a way that the genetic testing's result becomes distinct from the act of prediction, a moment of the subject's life expressed as his own personal history.
In Brazil, human and canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) caused byLeishmania infantum has undergone urbanisation since 1980, constituting a public health problem, and serological tests are tools of choice for identifying infected dogs. Until recently, the Brazilian zoonoses control program recommended enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence assays (IFA) as the screening and confirmatory methods, respectively, for the detection of canine infection. The purpose of this study was to estimate the accuracy of ELISA and IFA in parallel or serial combinations. The reference standard comprised the results of direct visualisation of parasites in histological sections, immunohistochemical test, or isolation of the parasite in culture. Samples from 98 cases and 1,327 noncases were included. Individually, both tests presented sensitivity of 91.8% and 90.8%, and specificity of 83.4 and 53.4%, for the ELISA and IFA, respectively. When tests were used in parallel combination, sensitivity attained 99.2%, while specificity dropped to 44.8%. When used in serial combination (ELISA followed by IFA), decreased sensitivity (83.3%) and increased specificity (92.5%) were observed. Serial testing approach improved specificity with moderate loss in sensitivity. This strategy could partially fulfill the needs of public health and dog owners for a more accurate diagnosis of CVL.
In the first part of this research, three stages were stated for a program to increase the information extracted from ink evidence and maximise its usefulness to the criminal and civil justice system. These stages are (a) develop a standard methodology for analysing ink samples by high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) in reproducible way, when ink samples are analysed at different time, locations and by different examiners; (b) compare automatically and objectively ink samples; and (c) define and evaluate theoretical framework for the use of ink evidence in forensic context. This report focuses on the second of the three stages. Using the calibration and acquisition process described in the previous report, mathematical algorithms are proposed to automatically and objectively compare ink samples. The performances of these algorithms are systematically studied for various chemical and forensic conditions using standard performance tests commonly used in biometrics studies. The results show that different algorithms are best suited for different tasks. Finally, this report demonstrates how modern analytical and computer technology can be used in the field of ink examination and how tools developed and successfully applied in other fields of forensic science can help maximising its impact within the field of questioned documents.
19-Norandrosterone (19-NA) as its glucuronide derivative is the target metabolite in anti-doping testing to reveal an abuse of nandrolone or nandrolone prohormone. To provide further evidence of a doping with these steroids, the sulfoconjugate form of 19-norandrosterone in human urine might be monitored as well. In the present study, the profiling of sulfate and glucuronide derivatives of 19-norandrosterone together with 19-noretiocholanolone (19-NE) were assessed in the spot urines of 8 male subjects, collected after administration of 19-nor-4-androstenedione (100mg). An LC/MS/MS assay was employed for the direct quantification of sulfoconjugates, whereas a standard GC/MS method was applied for the assessment of glucuroconjugates in urine specimens. Although the 19-NA glucuronide derivative was always the most prominent at the excretion peak, inter-individual variability of the excretion patterns was observed for both conjugate forms of 19-NA and 19-NE. The ratio between the glucuro- and sulfoconjugate derivatives of 19-NA and 19-NE could not discriminate the endogenous versus the exogenous origin of the parent compound. However, after ingestion of 100mg 19-nor-4-androstenedione, it was observed in the urine specimens that the sulfate conjugates of 19-NA was detectable over a longer period of time with respect to the other metabolites. These findings indicate that more interest shall be given to this type of conjugation to deter a potential doping with norsteroids.
The present study aims to identify organisational antecedents of public service motivation (PSM). Numerous research has been devoted to the identification of socio-demographic PSM antecedents, or to its outcomes. However, organisational antecedents are understudied thus far. In order to fill this research gap, we question whether human resources management practices, whether intrinsic or extrinsic ones, might be related to PSM. Drawing on person-environment fit theoretical assumptions, we depart from the idea that PSM may be developed or sustained by HRM practices, which might contribute to create an environment allowing public employees to fulfill their needs or personal aspirations. Based upon a survey in an important Swiss municipality (N = 859), our findings surprisingly highlight that extrinsic HRM practices are significantly related to PSM, whereas intrinsic ones are not. Furthermore, when taking into account work-related outcomes, such as job satisfaction and organisational commitment, there is evidence of full mediation effects towards extrinsic HRM practices from organisational commitment. Astonishingly, neither job satisfaction nor intrinsic HRM practices are significantly related to PSM.
General practitioners are regularly called to evaluate the psychological work capacity of patients. The implicit motivation behind the explicit reason for requesting a sick leave is linked to the subject's history and the way he transfers it in his professional life. An incapacity to work harbours a variety of challenges for the patient, the physician and their relationship. In order to get a better understanding of all the issues at stake, the doctor should understand the significances that represents the work to the patient and the consequences of a sick leave and its associated transference and countertransference issues.
Time of injection determines the effect of alpha-MSH antiserum on DA neurons in psychological stress
Male rats were subjected to "psychological stress" which consisted in 10 sec footshock on the first day followed 24 hr later by a 10 sec stay in the experimental chamber without shock. Intravenous antiserum against alpha-MSH markedly changed the functional state of mesencephalic and hypothalamic DA neurons (assessed by histochemical microfluorimetry) when administered before the second session but not when given before the first session. These observations reveal an interesting parallelism in the temporal characteristics of the effects of alpha-MSH on avoidance behavior and central DA systems.
Big sports events like the 2008 European Football Championship are a challenge for anti-doping activities, particularly when the sports event is hosted by two different countries and there are two laboratories accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency. This challenges the logistics of sample collection as well as the chemical analyses, which must be carried out timeously. The following paper discusses the handling of whereabouts information for each athlete and the therapeutic use exemption system, experiences in sample collection and transportation of blood and urine samples, and the results of the chemical analysis in two different accredited laboratories. An overview of the analytical results of blood profiling and growth hormone testing in comparison with the distribution of the normal population is also presented.
Lab tests are frequently used in primary care to guide patient care. This is particularly the case when a severe disorder, or one that will affect patients' initial care, needs to be excluded rapidly. At the PMU-FLON walk-in clinic the use of HIV testing as recommended by the Swiss Office of Public Health was hampered by the delay in obtaining test results. This led us to introduce rapid HIV testing which provides results within 30 minutes. Following the first 250 tests the authors discuss the results as well as the benefits of rapid HIV testing in an urban walk-in clinic.