898 resultados para primate reconciliation
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains are important agents of infantile diarrhea all over the world, gaining even greater importance in developing countries. EPEC have also been isolated from various animal species, but most isolates belong to serotypes that differ from those recovered from humans. However, it has been demonstrated that several isolates from non-human primates belong to the serogroups and/or serotypes related to those implicated in human disease. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic differences between thirteen strains isolated from non-human primates and the same number of strains isolated from human infections. Human isolates belonged to the same serogroup/serotype as the monkey strains and the evaluation was done by analysis of random amplified polymorphic DNA. Dendrogram analysis showed that there was no clustering between human and monkey strains. Human and non-human isolates of the EPEC serotypes O127:H40 and O128:H2 shared 90 and 87% of their bands, respectively, indicating strong genomic similarity between the strains, leading to the speculation that they may have arisen from the same pathogenic clone. To our knowledge, this study is the first one comparing genomic similarity between human and non-human primate strains and the results provide further evidence that monkey EPEC strains correlate with human EPEC, as suggested in a previous investigation.
Panic disorder patients are vulnerable to recurrent panic attacks. Two neurochemical hypotheses have been proposed to explain this susceptibility. The first assumes that panic patients have deficient serotonergic inhibition of neurons localized in the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter of the midbrain that organize defensive reactions to cope with proximal threats and of sympathomotor control areas of the rostral ventrolateral medulla that generate most of the neurovegetative symptoms of the panic attack. The second suggests that endogenous opioids buffer normal subjects from the behavioral and physiological manifestations of the panic attack, and their deficit brings about heightened suffocation sensitivity and separation anxiety in panic patients, making them more vulnerable to panic attacks. Experimental results obtained in rats performing one-way escape in the elevated T-maze, an animal model of panic, indicate that the inhibitory action of serotonin on defense is connected with activation of endogenous opioids in the periaqueductal gray. This allows reconciliation of the serotonergic and opioidergic hypotheses of panic pathophysiology, the periaqueductal gray being the fulcrum of serotonin-opioid interaction.
Memories of historical injustices affect contemporary politics from local to global level. In East Asia, questions of commemoration and historical responsibility have turned into international and domestic controversies. The main focus has been and still is in apologies conducted by Japanese prime ministers in regards to the war, aggression and colonialism during the era of Imperial Japan. Although it is granted that state apologies are not a crucial part of reconciliation, they can be analysed as a linked but separate process within the context of memory and international relations. The purpose of this study is to examine the discourses of history in Japanese prime ministers’ commemoration speeches on Memorial Ceremony for the War Dead from 1995 to 2015 in order to analyse how the Japanese government is reflecting on its past. In particular, attention is paid on what is being commemorated and how, whether it is the war and its victims or Japan’s post-war era of peace. As an apology is a reciprocal activity, responses from Japan’s most vocal former victims, South Korea and China, were also examined. Discourse analysis was used to identify and examine the different representations of the past. In addition, the apology statements of Japanese prime ministers were analysed in the Many to Many apology framework developed by Tavuchis (1991). Primary material consisted of 21 prime ministers’ speeches from the annual Memorial Ceremony for the War Dead on August 15th and from three apology statements made in 1995, 2005 and 2015. Further international context was primarily collected from newspaper articles of The New York Times and The Times throughout the examined period. It can be concluded from the findings that in the official Japanese remembrance of the past war from 1985’s annexation of Taiwan to the atomic bombings in 1945, both discourses that reinforce apology and remorse over Japan’s past aggressions and discourses that consciously avoid doing so are used. The commemoration speeches and apology statements consistently assert that Japan has acknowledged its past and expresses regret over the acts of aggression. At the same time, the speeches and statements strengthen the narrative that Japan was a victim of circumstances as well as turn the focus on post-war peace-making or on Japan’s own victimhood.
Contient : 1 « Les Articles de la pes anvoyés par mesrs les Estas des Païs Bas et de l'Unyon à leurs deputés à Coulongne pour la pes, au moys de novambre 1579 ». En latin ; 2 « Inventoire des pieces touchant le traicté de paix faicte à Couloigne, d'entre la Maté du roy catholicque [Philippe II] et ses Estatz generaulx de ses Pays Bas » ; 3 Nomination par les États généraux des Pays-Bas des députés chargés de négocier la paix avec Rodolphe II. « En Anvers, le neufiesme d'apvril XV.C. soixante dix neuf » ; 4 « Instruction pour monseigneur le ducq d'Arschot et des aultres deputez en la commission denommez de ce qu'auront à proposer et concluire pour parvenir à une bonne et asseurée paix entre Sa Maté catholicque, prince et seigneur naturel du Pays Bas, d'une part, et les Estatz desdicts pays, d'aultre, en la future assamblée qui se tiendra à Couloingne... Faict en Anvers, en l'assamblée desdicts Estatz, le VIIIe d'apvril 1579 » ; 5 Lettre des députés de Rodolphe II à « nos chiers et bien amez les Estatz generaulx des Pays Bas... Escript à Couloigne, le XIe d'apvril 1579 » ; 6 Sauf-conduit délivré aux États généraux des Pays-Bas pour envoyer leurs députés à Cologne. « A Couloigne, le unziesme d'apvril, l'an de Nostre Sauveur XV.C. septante neuf » ; 7 Lettre des « deputez assamblez à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatzgeneraulx des Pays Bas assamblez en Anvers... De Couloigne, ce IXme de may 1579 » ; 8 « Poinctz et articles, en forme d'instruction, à proposer par monseigneur le duc d'Arschot et aultres Srs deputez des Estatz generaulx des Pays Bas, en l'assamblée que se tiendra à Coloigne, pour arrester et moyenner une bonne et pardurable paix entre la Maté du roy catholicque... et Estatz susdictz... Faict en Anvers, en l'assamblée desdictz Estatz, le IXme d'apvril XV.C.LXXIX » ; 9 « Ampliation d'instruction pour messrs les commis à la tractation de la paix à Couloigne... Faict en Anvers, le dix septiesme d'apvril XV.C.LXXIX » ; 10 Instructions des députés envoyés à Anvers par les États généraux des Pays-Bas. « Faict en Anvers, le XVIIe d'apvril 1579 » ; 11 Lettre des « deputez estans à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assamblez en la ville d'Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XIIe de juing 1579 » ; 12 Articles proposés par le duc de Terranova, commissaire du roi d'Espagne, aux États généraux des Pays-Bas. « Faict à Couloigne, le premier de juing XV.C. soixante dix neuf » ; 13 Remontrances des députés des États généraux sur les articles proposés par le duc de Terranova. « Actum Coloniae, 10 junii 1579 ». En latin ; 14 « Annotatio difficultatum quae se in articulis ab ill° duce de Terranova propositis offerunt... Actum Coloniae, 10 junii 79 ». En latin ; 15 « Concordia articulorum per legatos ordinum belgicorum, XXV° maii 1579 exhibitorum, cum pacificatione Gandavensi, edicto perpetuo Bruxellae publicato, privilegiis ac ratione ipsa... Actum Coloniae, XI° junii 1579 ». En latin ; 16 Lettre adressée au duc d'Arschot et aux autres députés des États généraux des Pays-Bas à Cologne. « Le XIIIIme de juing 1579 » ; 17 Lettre des États généraux des Pays-Bas à leurs députés à Cologne. « D'Anvers, le XVIIIme de juing XV.C.LXXIX » ; 18 Lettre de « RUDOLPHUS secundus... electus Romanorum imperator... Statibus et ordinibus Belgicis, vel eorundem legatis Coloniam destinatis... Datum in arce nostraregia Pragae, die 18 martii 1579 ». En latin ; 19 Lettre des « deputez estans presentement à Coloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assamblez en Anvers... De Coloingne, ce XIIIe de may 1579 » ; 20 « Brevis explicatio eorum quae octavo maii 1579 Coloniae acta sunt » ; 21 Instructions du duc DE TERRANOVA aux délégués et subdélégués du roi d'Espagne en Belgique. « Acceptum XII maii 1579 Col[o]niae ». En latin ; 22 Réponse aux propositions faites aux commissaires du roi d'Espagne par le duc d'Arschot et autres députés des États généraux des Pays-Bas. « Actum Coloniae, 13 maii 1579 ». En latin ; 23 Lettre des « deputez estans presentement à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estats generaulx assamblez en la ville d'Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XVIme de may 1579 » ; 24 Lettre des « Estatz generaulx des Pays Bas » à leurs députés à Cologne. « D'Anvers, le XXVIIIe de may 1579 » ; 25 Lettre des États généraux des Pays-Bas à leurs députés à Cologne. « D'Anvers, le 28 de may 1579 » ; 26 Lettre des « deputez estans à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assemblez en Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XXIIe de may 1579 » ; 27 Réponse des députés des États généraux des Pays-Bas aux objections faites sur leurs articles par les commissaires du roi d'Espagne. « Factum Coloniae, XXIa maii 1579 ». En latin ; 28 Lettre des « deputez estans à Couloigne... à messrs les Estatz generaulx assemblez en Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XXIIIIe de may 1579 » ; 29 Instructions de RODOLPHE II aux électeurs et commissaires impériaux. « Datum in arce nostra regia Pragae, die duodecima mensis maii, anno millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo nono ». En latin ; 30 Lettre des « deputez estans à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assemblez en Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XXVIIe de may 1579 » ; 31 Présentation par les députés des États généraux des Pays-Bas aux commissaires du roi d'Espagne d'articles de paix modifiés. En latin ; 32 Lettre des « deputez estans à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assemblez en Anvers... De Couloigue, ce VIIe de juing 1579 » ; 33 Lettre des « Estatz generaulx des Pays Bas » à leurs députés à Cologne. « D'Anvers, ce XVIIIe de juing 1579 » ; 34 Lettre des « deputez Estans à Couloigne... à messieurs... les Estatz generaulx assemblez en la ville d'Anvers... De Couloigne, ce XVIIIe de juing 1579 » ; 35 Réponse, en latin et en français, du duc DE TERRANOVA aux députés des États généraux des Pays-Bas. « Faict à Couloigne, le 15 de juing 1579 » ; 36 « Responce de l'empereur [RODOLPHE II] à messieurs les Estats generaulx [des Pays-Bas]... Du 15e janvyer 1578 ». En latin ; 37 Instructions pour l'archiduc d'Autriche remises au comte de Schwartzemberg, de la part de Rodolphe II, par le conseiller Obernburger. « Ordonné à Pragues, le XVme du mois de janvier, l'an de Nostre Seigneur 1579 » ; 38 « Discours du moyen donné à messieurs des Estatz du Pays Bas comme estant necessaire pour le bien public du pays, le premier de janvier 1577. Faict par M. BOUCHAR, de Dieppe » ; 39 « Lettre au Sr de La Motte, gouverneur de Gravelines, touchant la reconciliation des Espagnolz avec les Estatz »
Contient : 1 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS », duc D'ALENÇON, à « mons Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le XXme jour de janvier 1584 » ; 2 « Coppie en abregé de ce que le Sr Des Pruneaux a remonstré à messieurs les Estatz generaux sur les lettres de Son Altesse du XXe janvier 1584 » ; 3 « Copie de la lettre que mesrs de Bruxelles ont envoyé à Son Altesse... Ce XVIe de mars 1584 » ; 4 Lettre d'ARMAND DE GONTAUT, maréchal DE « BIBON,... à monsieur... Despruneaulx,... De Paris, ce XXIe mars 1584 » ; 5 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le XXVIe jour de mars 1584 » ; 6 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le 30e jour de mars 1584 » ; 7 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le XXVIe jour de mars 1584 » ; 8 Lettre du Sr « QUINSE,... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le XXVIe mars 1584 » ; 9 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... A Chasteau Thierry, le XXIXe jour de mars 1584 » ; 10 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le XXIXe jour de mars 1584 » ; 11 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à monseigneur Caron,... A Chasteau Thierry, le VIIIe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 12 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le VIIIe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 13 Lettres closes de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à nos... gouverneur, bailly, bourguemestre, eschevins et conseil d'Ostande... A Chasteau Thierry, le VIIIme jour d'avril 1584 » ; 14 Lettres closes de « FRANÇOYS », duc D'ALENÇON, aux « bourguemestres, eschevins et conseil de Arnhen... A Chasteau Thierry, le VIIIe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 15 Lettres closes de « FRANÇOYS », duc D'ALENÇON, aux « bourguemestres, eschevins et conseil de Nimveghen... A Chasteau Thierry, le VIIIe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 16 Lettres closes de « FRANÇOYS », duc D'ALENÇON, aux « bourguemestres, eschevins et conseil de Venlo... A Chasteau Thierry, le VIIIe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 17 Lettres closes de « FRANÇOYS », duc D'ALENÇON, aux « grand bailly, bourguemestres, eschevins et conseil de Bruges et du Francq... A Chasteau Thierry, le VIIIe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 18 « Articles envoyez au Sr Des Pruneaux, pour estre proposez de la part de monseigneur [le duc d'Alençon] à messieurs les Estats generaux des provinces unies des Païs Bas... Faict à Chasteau Tierry, le VIIIe d'apvril 1584 ». Copie ; 19 Lettre de « FRANÇOIS [duc D'ALENÇON]... A Chasteau Thierry, le IXe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 20 Lettre du Sr DE « BONYVET,... à monsieur... Despruneaulx,... A Chasteau Thierry, ce IX apvril 1584 » ; 21 Lettre de « GUILLAUME LOUYS, conte DE NASSAU,... à monsieur... d'Espruneaux,... De Franicker, ce XII d'avril [15]84, stilo veteri » ; 22 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le XVIe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 23 « Articles arrestés par messrs les Estats generaulx et le Sr Des Pruneaux, soubz le bon playsir des provinces... Le 25e d'apvril 1584 » ; 24 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le XIXe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 25 Lettre du Sr « QUINSE,... à monsieur... Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le XIXe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 26 Lettre du Sr « QUINSE,... à monsieur... Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le XXIXe d'avril 1584 » ; 27 Lettre de « GUILLAUME MARTINY,... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... D'Anvers, ce IIe de may 1584 » ; 28 Lettre du Sr « O. V. JYMPEL,... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le IIIIe jour de may 1584 » ; 29 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le IIIIe jour de may 1584 » ; 30 Lettre du Sr « HENRY DE BLOEYERE,... à monsieur... de Prunieaux,... D'Anvers, ce VIIIe de may 1584» ; 31 « Articles envoyez au Sr Des Pruneaux pour estre representez à messrs les Estatz... Fait à Chasteau Tierry, le XIe de may 1584 ». Signé : « FRANÇOYS », duc D'ALENÇON ; 32 Résolution des États de Brabant sur « les articles de la reconciliation avecq Son Alteze[le duc d'Alençon]... Faict et arresté par messieurs les deputez desdicts Estats de Brabant, en Anvers, le XIme de may 1584 » ; 33 Double de la résolution des États de Brabant, « aveques la reponse fette par le Sr Des Pruneaux, du 15e juin 1584 » ; 34 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à monseigneur Des Pruneaux,... A Chasteau Thierry, le XIIe jour de may 1584 » ; 35 Lettres closes de « FRANÇOYS », duc D'ALENÇON, aux « Srs des Estatz generaux des provinces unies des Païs Bas... A Chasteau Thierry, se XIIe jour de may 1584 » ; 36 Lettre du Sr DE « FARVAQUES,... à monsieur... Des Pruneaux,... De Chateau Tiery, se XIIe jour de may 1584 » ; 37 « Segont Passeport de... FRANÇOYS », duc D'ALENÇON, au « Sr Des Pruneaux,... Donné à Chasteau Tierry, le XIIe jour de may mil V.C. quatre vingtz quatre » ; 38 Lettre du Sr « NOEL DE CARON,... à monsieur... Desprunaulx,... De Diepe... ce XIIIIe jour de may 1584 » ; 39 Lettre de « ANTHOINE DE LALAING,... De Culembourg, ce XIIII de may 1584 » ; 40 Lettre du Sr « JACQUES VALIKE,... à monsieur... Des Pruneaulx,... De Middelburch, ce premier jour de juing 1585 » ; 41 « Requeste » de « FRANCHOIS VAN LARE,... à l'advancement de l'estat et demaynes de Son Altesse es Pays Bas... En Delft, le premier de jung 1584 » ; 42 « Instruction segrette » de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... au sieur Des Pruneaux,... touchant les articles... à luy envoyez par Son Altesse... Fait à Chasteau Tierry, le VIIIe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 43 « Articles envoyez au Sr Des Pruneaux » par « Françoys [duc d'Alençon]... pour estre proposez... à messieurs les Estatz generaux des provinces unies des Païs Bas... Fait à Chasteau Tierry, le VIIIe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 44 Lettre de « FRANÇOYS [duc D'ALENÇON]... à monseigneur Doye, bourguemestre de nostre ville de Monnegen... A Chasteau Thierry, le VIIIe jour d'avril 1584 » ; 45 « Coppie du testament de monseigneur... duc D'ANJOU, D'ALENÇON,... adressé au roy Henry troisiesme... Ce jourd'huy huictiesme jour de juin » ; 46 Dix Lettres circulaires de « HENRY » III pour le « Sr Despruneaux », envoyé aux Pays-Bas. « Escript à Fontainebleau, le dernier jour de juillet 1584 »
Numerous definitions of forgiveness have been proposed in the literature (e.g.. North, 1987; Enright, Freedman & Rique, 1998), most ofwhich are based on religious or philosophical notions, rather than on empirical evidence. Definitions employed by researchers have typically set very high standards for forgiveness. This research was designed to investigate the possibility that these definitions describe an ideal of forgiveness and may not reflect laypersons' beliefe and experiences. Using Higgins' Self-Discrepancy Theory as a fiamework, three types of forgiveness beliefs were investigated: actual, ideal, and ought Q-methodology (which permits intensive study ofphenomena in small samples) was employed to examine and compare participants' beliefs about forgiveness across these domains. Thirty participants (20 women), 25 to 78 years of age, were recruited firom the community. They were asked to sort a set of66 statements about forgiveness according to their level of agreement with each statement This process was repeated three times, with the goal of modelling participants' actual experiences, their ideals, and how they believed forgiveness ought to be. Three perspectives on forgiveness emerged across the domains: forgiveness as motivated by religious beliefs, reconciliation-focussed forgiveness, and conflicted forgiveness. These perspectives indicated that, for many participants, the definitions presented in the literature may coincide with their beliefs about how forgiveness would ideally be and should be, as well as with their experiences of forgiveness; however, a large number of participants' experiences of, and beliefs about, forgiveness do not conform to the standards set out in the literature, and to exclude these participants' experiences and beliefs would mean overlooking what forgiveness means to a large portion of people. Results of this study indicate that researchers need to keep an open mind about what forgiveness may mean to their participants.
Graffiti, Memory and Contested Space: Mnemonic Initiatives Following Periods of Trauma and/or Repression in Buenos Aires, Argentina This thesis concerns the popular articulation ofmemory following periods or incidents of trauma in Argentina. I am interested in how groups lay claim to various public spaces in the city and how they convert these spaces into mnemonic battlegrounds. In considering these spaces of trauma and places of memory, I am primarily interested in how graffiti writing (stencils, spray-paint, signatures, etchings, wall-paintings, murals and installations) is used to make these spaces transmit particular memories that impugn official versions of the past. This thesis draws on literatures focused on popular/public memory. Scholars argue that memory is socially constructed and thus actively contested. Marginal initiatives such as graffiti writing challenge the memory projects of the state as well as state projects that are perceived by citizens to be 'inadequate,' 'inappropriate,' and/or as promoting the erasure of memory. Many of these initiatives are a reaction to the proreconciliation and pro-oblivion strategies of previous governments. I outline that the history of silences and impunity, and a longstanding emphasis on reconciliation at the expense of truth and justice has created an environment of vulnerable memory in Argentina. Popular memory entrepreneurs react by aggressively articulating their memories in time and in space. As a result of this intense memory work, the built landscape in Buenos Aires is dotted with mnemonic initiatives that aim to contradict or subvert officially sanctioned memories. I also suggest that memory workers in Argentina persistently and carefially use the sites of trauma as well as key public spaces to ensure official as well as popular audiences . The data for this project was collected in five spaces in Buenos Aires, the Plaza de Mayo, Plaza Congreso, La Republica Cromanon nightclub, Avellaneda Train Station and El Olimpo, a former detention centre from the military dictatorship.
Failed and fragile states that result from intrastate war pose severe threats to the security of both the international system and individual states alike. In the post-Cold War era, the international community has come to recognize the reality of these threats and the difficulty involved in ending violence and building sustainable peace in failed and fragile states. This work focuses upon the development of a comprehensive strategy for sustainable peace-building by incorporating the tenets of the human security doctrine into the peace-building process. Through the use of case studies of The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and East Timor, the development and refinement of the doctrine of human security will occur, as well as, an understanding of how and where human security fits into the sustainable peace-building equation. The end result of the analysis is the development of a hierarchical pyramid formation that brings together human security and peace-building into one framework that ultimately creates the foundation and structure of sustainable peace-building. With the development of a sustainable peace-building structure based upon the human security doctrine, the role of Canada in the support of sustainable peace-building is analyzed in relation to the form and level of involvement that Canada undertakes and contributes to in the implementation and support of sustainable peace-building initiatives. Following from this, recommendations are provided regarding what role(s) Canada should undertake in the sustainable peace-building process that take into consideration the present and likely future capabilities of Canada to be involved in various aspects of the peace-building process. ii This paper outlines the need for a peace-building strategy that is designed to be sustainable in order that failed and fragile states resulting from intrastate conflict do not regress or collapse back into a condition of civil war, and subsequently designs such a strategy. The linking of peace-building and human security creates the required framework from which sustainable peace-building is derived. Creating sustainable peace is necessary in order to increase the likelihood that both present and future generations existing in failed and fragile states will be spared from the scourge of intrastate war.
This study deals with personality and situational variables that influence forgiveness. The relations between empathy and forgiveness were studied, followed by the examination of the relation of these two variables to the Big Five personality traits, as well as honesty, absorption, the propensity to mystical experiences, and dissociation. Empathy was then tested as a mediating variable between the personality variables and forgiveness. Empathy and forgiveness were then studied in relation to childhood maltreatment. Finally, the effects of six different motivations to forgive were examined in relation to the personality variables. Participants were 142 undergraduate students recruited from the ftrst year psychology class at Brock University; 75% were either 18 or 19 years of age, and 84% were female. All of the variables were measured using self-report questionnaires. The relation between empathy and forgiveness was only partially replicated. In terms of personality, forgiveness was found to be related to honesty, emotionality, and agreeableness. Empathy at least partially mediated the relations between forgiveness and agreeableness, honesty and emotionality. Childhood maltreatment was negatively related to forgiveness, and positively related to openness to experience, absorption, and dissociation from reality, but not to the propensity for mystical experiences. Six different motivations for forgiveness emerged from an exploratory factor analysis. Out of these, Forgiveness to Promote Reconciliation was related to emotionality and dispositional empathy. Religious Forgiveness was related to honesty, emotionality, and mystical experiences. Forgiveness to Feel Better was related to honesty, emotionality, agreeableness, conscientiousness, absorption, mystical experiences, and empathy. Forgiveness to Assert Moral Superiority over the Injurer was negatively related to honesty, empathy, and positively related to extraversion. Forgiveness out of Fear was related to agreeableness. Finally, Altruistic Forgiveness was related to honesty, emotionality, and agreeableness, absorption and the propensity to mystical experiences. Altruistic Forgiveness correlated most highly with all the measures of forgiveness, followed by Forgiveness to Feel better. Altruistic forgiveness was also the motivation for forgiveness that correlated the highest with absorption.
This qualitative study addresses the question of how teachers negotiate meaning of new curriculum to better understand how curriculum is transformed from a theoretical construct to a practical one. Through interviews with 5 teachers, their experiences were examined as they negotiated the process of implementing new curriculum. Three theoretical constructs provided the entry point into the study: epistemology, teacher knowledge, and teacher learning. Using inductive analysis, 4 points or attributes of negotiation emerged: reference, growth, autonomy, and reconciliation. These attributes provided a theoretical framework from which a constructivist conceptualization of teacher learning and teacher knowledge could serve to understand the process of how teachers negotiate meaning of curriculum. Studied and theorized in this way, teacher knowledge and teacher learning are seen to be inextricably linked in a relationship that is dynamically changed by forces of stability and instability. Theorizing the negotiation of meaning from a constructivist epistemology also strengthened the assertion that negotiating meaning is a unique structural process, and that knowledge construction is therefore unique to each knower and subject to experience in a particular time and place. The implications for such a theory are, first, that it questions the legitimacy of privatized teacher practice and, second, that it calls for a renewed conceptualization of collegial network and relationship to strengthen the capacity for negotiating meaning of curricular initiatives. Understanding the relationship of curricular theory and negotiating meaning also has implications for curriculum development. In particular, the study highlights the necessity of professional discretion and the generative process of negotiating meaning.
Alternative splicing (AS) is the predominant mechanism responsible for increasing eukaryotic transcriptome and proteome complexity. In this phenomenon, numerous mRNA transcripts are produced from a single pre-mRNA sequence. AS is reported to occur in 95% of human multi-exon genes; one specific gene that undergoes AS is DNA polymerase beta (POLB). POLB is the main DNA repair gene which performs short patch base excision repair (BER). In primate untransformed primary fibroblast cell lines, it was determined that the splice variant (SV) frequency of POLB correlates positively with species lifespan. To date, AS patterns of POLB have only been examined in mammals primarily through the use of cell lines. However, little attention has been devoted to investigating if such a relationship exists in non-mammals and whether cell lines reflect what is observed in vertebrate tissues. This idea was explored through cloning and characterization of 1,214 POLB transcripts from four non-mammalian species (Gallus gallus domesticus, Larus glaucescens, Xenopus laevis, and Pogona vitticeps) and two mammalian species (Sylvilagus floridanus and Homo sapiens) in two tissue types, liver and brain. POLB SV frequency occurred at low frequencies, < 3.2%, in non-mammalian tissues relative to mammalian (>20%). The highest POLB SV frequency was found in H. sapiens liver and brain tissues, occurring at 65.4% and 91.7%, respectively. Tissue specific AS of POLB was observed in L. glaucescens, P. vitticeps, and H. sapiens, but not G. gallus domesticus, X. laevis and S. floridanus.The AS patterns of a second gene, transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1), were compared to those of POLB in liver and brain tissues of G. gallus domesticus, X. laevis and H. sapiens. This comparison was performed to investigate if any changes (either increase or decrease) observed in the AS of POLB were gene specific or if they were tissue specific, in which case similar changes in AS would be seen in POLB and TRPV1. Analysis did not reveal an increase or decrease in both the AS of POLB and TRPV1 in either the liver or brain tissues of G. gallus domesticus and H. sapiens. This result suggested that the AS patterns of POLB were not influenced by tissue specific rates of AS. Interestingly, an increase in the AS of both genes was only observed in X. laevis brain tissue. This result suggests that AS in general may be increased in the X. laevis brain as compared to liver tissue. No positive correlation between POLB SV frequency and species lifespan was found in non-mammalian tissues. The AS patterns of POLB in human primary untransformed fibroblast cell lines were representative of those seen in human liver tissue but not in brain tissue. Altogether, the AS patterns of POLB from vertebrate tissues and primate cell lines revealed a positive correlation between POLB SV frequency and lifespan in mammals, but not in non-mammals. It appears that this positive correlation does not exist in vertebrate species as a whole.
Retrotransposons, which used to be considered as “junk DNA”, have begun to reveal their immense value to genome evolution and human biology due to recent studies. They consist of at least ~45% of the human genome and are more or less the same in other mammalian genomes. Retrotransposon elements (REs) are known to affect the human genome through many different mechanisms, such as generating insertion mutations, genomic instability, and alteration in gene expression. Previous studies have suggested several RE subfamilies, such as Alu, L1, SVA and LTR, are currently active in the human genome, and they are an important source of genetic diversity between human and other primates, as well as among humans. Although several groups had used Retrotransposon Insertion Polymorphisms (RIPs) as markers in studying primate evolutionary history, no study specifically focused on identifying Human-Specific Retrotransposon Element (HS-RE) and their roles in human genome evolution. In this study, by computationally comparing the human genome to 4 primate genomes, we identified a total of 18,860 HS-REs, among which are 11,664 Alus, 4,887 L1s, 1,526 SVAs and 783 LTRs (222 full length entries), representing the largest and most comprehensive list of HS-REs generated to date. Together, these HS-REs contributed a total of 14.2Mb sequence increase from the inserted REs and Target Site Duplications (TSDs), 71.6Kb increase from transductions, and 268.2 Kb sequence deletion of from insertion-mediated deletion, leading to a net increase of ~14 Mb sequences to the human genome. Furthermore, we observed for the first time that Y chromosome might be a hot target for new retrotransposon insertions in general and particularly for LTRs. The data also allowed for the first time the survey of frequency of TE insertions inside other TEs in comparison with TE insertion into none-TE regions. In summary, our data suggest that retrotransposon elements have played a significant role in the evolution of Homo sapiens.
Genome sequence varies in numerous ways among individuals although the gross architecture is fixed for all humans. Retrotransposons create one of the most abundant structural variants in the human genome and are divided in many families, with certain members in some families, e.g., L1, Alu, SVA, and HERV-K, remaining active for transposition. Along with other types of genomic variants, retrotransponson-derived variants contribute to the whole spectrum of genome variants in humans. With the advancement of sequencing techniques, many human genomes are being sequenced at the individual level, fueling the comparative research on these variants among individuals. In this thesis, the evolution and functional impact of structural variations is examined primarily focusing on retrotransposons in the context of human evolution. The thesis comprises of three different studies on the topics that are presented in three data chapters. First, the recent evolution of all human specific AluYb members, representing the second most active subfamily of Alus, was tracked to identify their source/master copy using a novel approach. All human-specific AluYb elements from the reference genome were extracted, aligned with one another to construct clusters of similar copies and each cluster was analyzed to generate the evolutionary relationship between the members of the cluster. The approach resulted in identification of one major driver copy of all human specific Yb8 and the source copy of the Yb9 lineage. Three new subfamilies within the AluYb family – Yb8a1, Yb10 and Yb11 were also identified, with Yb11 being the youngest and most polymorphic. Second, an attempt to construct a relation between transposable elements (TEs) and tandem repeats (TRs) was made at a genome-wide scale for the first time. Upon sequence comparison, positional cross-checking and other relevant analyses, it was observed that over 20% of all TRs are derived from TEs. This result established the first connection between these two types of repetitive elements, and extends our appreciation for the impact of TEs on genomes. Furthermore, only 6% of these TE-derived TRs follow the already postulated initiation and expansion mechanisms, suggesting that the others are likely to follow a yet-unidentified mechanism. Third, by taking a combination of multiple computational approaches involving all types of genetic variations published so far including transposable elements, the first whole genome sequence of the most recent common ancestor of all modern human populations that diverged into different populations around 125,000-100,000 years ago was constructed. The study shows that the current reference genome sequence is 8.89 million base pairs larger than our common ancestor’s genome, contributed by a whole spectrum of genetic mechanisms. The use of this ancestral reference genome to facilitate the analysis of personal genomes was demonstrated using an example genome and more insightful recent evolutionary analyses involving the Neanderthal genome. The three data chapters presented in this thesis conclude that the tandem repeats and transposable elements are not two entirely distinctly isolated elements as over 20% TRs are actually derived from TEs. Certain subfamilies of TEs themselves are still evolving with the generation of newer subfamilies. The evolutionary analyses of all TEs along with other genomic variants helped to construct the genome sequence of the most recent common ancestor to all modern human populations which provides a better alternative to human reference genome and can be a useful resource for the study of personal genomics, population genetics, human and primate evolution.
Ce mémoire porte sur la constitution du tiers secteur français en tant qu’acteur social et politique. Dans de nombreux pays, les relations entre l’État et les organismes mutualistes, coopératifs et associatifs de la société civile (un ensemble hétérogène qu’on appelle ici le « tiers secteur ») ont été récemment formalisées par des partenariats. En France, cette institutionnalisation s’est concrétisée en 2001 par la signature d’une Charte (CPCA). Nous explorons l’hypothèse qu’à travers l’institutionnalisation, le tiers secteur français se construit en tant qu’acteur –ayant une (ou des) identités propres de même qu’un projet de société relativement bien défini. La perspective dominante présente dans la littérature internationale traitant de l’institutionnalisation des rapports entre l’État et le tiers secteur est celle d’une instrumentalisation des organisations du tiers secteur au détriment de leurs spécificités et de leur autonomie. Cette perspective nous semble limitative, car elle semble être aveugle à la capacité d’action des organisations. Par conséquent, dans ce mémoire, nous cherchons à comprendre si une transformation identitaire a eu lieu ou est en cours, au sein du tiers secteur français, et donc s’il se transforme en acteur collectif. Pour apporter certains éléments de réponse à nos hypothèses et questions de recherche, nous avons effectué une analyse des discours via deux sources de données; des textes de réflexion rédigés par des acteurs clés du tiers secteur français et des entretiens effectués avec certains d’entre eux au printemps 2003 et à l’automne 2005. Sur la base de deux inspirations théoriques (Hobson et Lindholm, 1997 et Melucci, 1991), notre analyse a été effectuée en deux étapes. Une première phase nous a permis d’identifier deux cadres cognitifs à partir desquels se définissent les acteurs du tiers secteur français, les cadres « association » et « économie solidaire ». Une deuxième phase d’analyse consistait à déterminer si les deux cadres cognitifs pouvaient être considérés comme étant des tensions existant au sein d’un seul et même acteur collectif. Nos résultats nous permettent de conclure que les organisations du tiers secteur français ne se perçoivent pas globalement comme un ensemble unifié. Néanmoins, nous avons pu dégager certains éléments qui démontrent que les cadres sont partiellement conciliables. Cette conciliation est grandement subordonnée aux contextes sociopolitiques et économiques français, européen et international et est également conditionnelle à la découverte d’un mode de fonctionnement convenant à tous les acteurs.
Le présent mémoire est consacré à l'étude de l'obligation faite à l'État canadien de consulter les autochtones lorsqu'il envisage de prendre des mesures portant atteinte à leurs droits et intérêts. On s'y interroge sur le sens que peut avoir cette obligation, si elle n'inclut pas celle de s'entendre avec les autochtones. Notre étude retrace d'abord l'évolution de l'obligation de consulter dans la jurisprudence de la Cour suprême du Canada, pour se pencher ensuite sur l'élaboration d'un modèle théorique du processus consultatif. En observant la manière dont la jurisprudence relative aux droits ancestraux a donné naissance à l'obligation de consulter, on constate que c'est en s'approchant au plus près de l'idée d'autonomie gouvernementale autochtone - soit en définissant le titre ancestral, droit autochtone à la terre elle-même - que la Cour a senti le besoin de développer la consultation en tant que véritable outil de dialogue entre l'État et les Premières nations. Or, pour assurer la participation réelle des parties au processus de consultation, la Cour a ensuite dû balancer leur rapport de forces, ce qu'elle a fait en admettant le manque de légitimité du pouvoir étatique sur les autochtones. C'est ainsi qu'après avoir donné naissance au processus de consultation, la jurisprudence relative aux droits ancestraux pourrait à son tour être modifiée substantiellement par son entremise. En effet, l'égalité qu'il commande remet en question l'approche culturaliste de la Cour aux droits ancestraux, et pourrait l'amener à refonder ces droits dans le principe plus égalitaire de continuité des ordres juridiques autochtones. Contrairement à l'approche culturaliste actuelle, ce principe fait place à la reconnaissance juridique de l'autonomie gouvernementale autochtone. La logique interne égalitaire du processus de consultation ayant ainsi été exposée, elle fait ensuite l'objet d'une plus ample analyse. On se demande d'abord comment concevoir cette logique sur le plan théorique. Ceci exige d'ancrer la consultation, en tant qu'institution juridique, dans une certaine vision du droit. Nous adoptons ici celle de Lon Fuller, riche de sens pour nos fins. Puis, nous explicitons les principes structurants du processus consultatif. Il appert de cette réflexion que l'effectivité de la consultation dépend de la qualité du dialogue qu'elle engendre entre les parties. Si elle respecte sa morale inhérente, la consultation peut générer une relation morale unique entre les autochtones et l'État canadien. Cette relation de reconnaissance mutuelle est une relation de don.