961 resultados para pressure controlled ignition
A participative ergonomics approach to reducing injuries associated with manual tasks is widely promoted; however only limited evidence from uncontrolled trials has been available to support the efficacy of such an approach. This paper reports on a randomized and controlled trial of PErforM, a participative ergonomics intervention designed to reduce the risks of injury associated with manual tasks. One hundred and seventeen small to medium sized food, construction, and health workplaces were audited by government inspectors using a manual tasks risk assessment tool (ManTRA). Forty-eight volunteer workplaces were then randomly assigned to Experimental and Control groups with the Experimental group receiving the PErforM program. Inspectors audited the workplaces again, 9 months following the intervention. The results showed a significant decrease in estimates of manual task risk and suggested better legal compliance in the Experimental group.
The tensions produced in the wall of a rigid, thin-walled, liquid-filled sphere as it moves with an axisymmetric straining flow are examined. This problem has not been previously addressed. A generalised correlation for the maximum wall tension, expressed in dimensionless form as a Weber number (We), is developed in terms of the acceleration number (Ac) and Reynolds number (Re) of the straining flow. At low Reynolds number We is dominated by viscous forces, while inertial forces due to internal pressure gradients caused by sphere acceleration dominate at higher Re. The generalised correlation has been used to examine the case of a typical yeast cell (a thin-walled, liquid-filled sphere) passing through a typical high-pressure homogeniser (a straining-flow device). At 56 MPa homogenising pressure, a 6 mu m yeast cell experiences tensions in the inertially dominated regime (Re = 100). The correlation gives We = 0.206, corresponding to a maximum wall tension of 8 Nm(-1). This is equivalent to an applied compressive force of 150 mu N and compares favourably with the force required to break yeast cells under compressive micromanipulation (40-90 mu N). Inertial forces may therefore be an important and previously unrecognised. mechanism of microbial cell disruption during high-pressure homogenisation. Further work is required to examine the likelihood of cell deformation in the high-strain-rate short-residence-time environment of the homogeniser, and the effect that such deformation may have on the contribution of inertial forces to disruption. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The cardiac limb of the baroreflex loop was studied in the saltwater crocodile Crocodylus porosus, The classical pharmacological methodology using phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside was used to trigger blood pressure changes, and the resulting alterations in heart rate were analysed quantitatively using a logistic function. Interindividual differences in resting heart rates and blood pressures were observed, but all seven animals displayed clear baroreflex responses. Atropine and sotalol greatly attenuated the response. A maximal baroreflex gain of 7.2 beats min(-1) kPa(-1) was found at a mean aortic pressure of 6.1 kPa, indicating the active role of the baroreflex in a wide pressure range encompassing hypotensive and hypertensive states. At the lowest mean aortic pressures (5.0 kPa), the synergistic role of the pulmonary-to-systemic shunt in buffering the blood pressure drop also contributes to blood pressure regulation, Pulse pressure showed a better correlation,vith heart rate and also a higher gain than mean aortic, systolic or diastolic pressures, and this is taken as an indicator of the existence of a differential control element working simultaneously with a linear proportional element.
A theoretical analysis is carried out to investigate the pore-fluid pressure gradient and effective vertical-stress gradient distribution in fluid saturated porous rock masses in layered hydrodynamic systems. Three important concepts, namely the critical porosity of a porous medium, the intrinsic Fore-fluid pressure and the intrinsic effective vertical stress of the solid matrix, are presented and discussed. Using some basic scientific principles, we derive analytical solutions and explore the conditions under which either the intrinsic pore-fluid pressure gradient or the intrinsic effective vertical-stress gradient can be maintained at the value of the lithostatic pressure gradient. Even though the intrinsic pore-fluid pressure gradient can be maintained at the value of the lithostatic pressure gradient in a single layer, it is impossible to maintain it at this value in all layers in a layered hydrodynamic system, unless all layers have the same permeability and porosity simultaneously. However, the intrinsic effective vertical-stress gradient of the solid matrix can be maintained at a value close to the lithostatic pressure gradient in all layers in any layered hydrodynamic system within the scope of this study.
Objective: To investigate a proposed model in which manipulative therapy produces a treatment-specific initial hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effect by activating a descending pain inhibitory system. The a priori hypothesis tested was that manipulative therapy produces mechanical hypoalgesia and sympatho-excitation beyond that produced by placebo or control. Furthermore, these effects would be correlated, thus supporting the proposed model. Design: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, repeated-measures study of the initial effect of treatment. Setting: Clinical neurophysiology laboratory. Subjects: Twenty-four subjects (13 women and 11 men; mean age, 49 yr) with chronic lateral epicondylalgia (average duration, 6.2 months). Intervention: Cervical spine lateral glide oscillatory manipulation, placebo and control. Outcome Measures: Pressure pain threshold, thermal pain threshold, pain-free grip strength test, upper limb tension test 2b, skin conductance, pileous and glabrous skin temperature and blood flux. Results: Treatment produced hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory changes significantly grater than those of placebo and control (p < .03). Confirmatory factor-analysis modeling, which was performed on the pain-related measures and the indicators of sympathetic nervous system function, demonstrated a significant correlation (r = .82) between the latencies of manipulation-induced hypoalgesia and sympathoexcitation. The Lagrange Multiplier test and Wald test indicated that the two latent factors parsimoniously and appropriately represented their observed variables. Conclusions: Manual therapy produces a treatment-specific initial hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effect beyond that of placebo or control. The strong correlation between hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effects suggests that a central control mechanism might be activated by manipulative therapy.
Objective: To determine the effect of an early intervention program in an acute care setting on the length of stay in hospital of elderly patients with proximal femoral fractures. Setting: Acute orthopaedic ward of a large teaching hospital. Design and Participants: A randomised controlled trial comparing 38 intervention patients with 33 Standard Care patients. Intervention: Early surgery, minimal narcotic analgesia, intense daily therapy and close monitoring of patient needs via a multidisciplinary approach versus routine hospital management. Main outcome measures: Length of stay (LOS); deaths; level of independent functioning. Results: Mean LOS was shorter in the Intervention group than in the Standard Care group (21 days v. 32.5 days; P<0.01). After adjusting for other factors that could affect LOS (e.g. age, sex, pre-trauma functional levels, pre-trauma comorbidity and postsurgical complications), the Intervention program was significantly predictive of shorter LOS (P=0.01). The Intervention group did not experience greater numbers of deaths, deterioration in function or need for social support than the Standard Care group. Conclusion: This early intervention program in an acute care setting results in significantly shorter length of hospital stay for elderly patients with femoral fractures.
Evaluation of trunk movements, trunk muscle activation, intra-abdominal pressure and displacement of centres of pressure and mass was undertaken to determine whether trunk orientation is a controlled variable prior to and during rapid bilateral movement of the upper limbs. Standing subjects performed rapid bilateral symmetrical upper limb movements in three directions (flexion, abduction and extension). The results indicated a small (0.4-3.3 degrees) but consistent initial angular displacement between the segments of the trunk in a direction opposite to that produced by the reactive moments resulting from limb movement. Phasic activation of superficial trunk muscles was consistent with this pattern of preparatory motion and with the direction of motion of the centre of mass. In contrast, activation of the deep abdominal muscles was independent of the direction of limb motion, suggesting a non-direction specific contribution to spinal stability. The results support the opinion that feedforward postural responses result in trunk movements, and that orientation of the trunk and centre of mass are both controlled variables in relation to rapid limb movements.
A population-based observational study of men acid women aged 35-69 years in the Hunter Region of New South Wales, Australia, was conducted to assess the impact. of risk-factor modification and increased drug therapy on the trends in major coronary events and case fatality. From 1985 to 1993, there were 3006 coronary deaths and 6450 nonfatal major coronary events. Rates of death and nonfatal myocardial infarction declined, but there was an increase in hospital admissions for prolonged chess pain. Reductions in cigarette smoking, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and increased use of aspirin can fully explain the 3.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.4, 4.2) average annual reduction in rates of major coronary events for men and the 4.1% (95% CI 2.7, 5.5) reduction for women. In contrast, increased use of aspirin, beta-blockers, fibrinolytic therapy, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors explain less than hall of the 8.9% (95% CI 5.9, 11.8) and 6.9% (95% CI 2.7, 10.9) average annual reduction in case fatality in hospital for men and women, respectively. These trends suggest a decline in severity of coronary heart disease consistent with reductions in risk-factor levels and improved acute medical treatment. J CLIN EPIDEMIOL 52;8:761-771, 1999. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.
Increasing evidence from human epidemiological studies suggests that poor growth before birth is associated with postnatal growth retardation and the development of cardiovascular disease in adulthood. We have shown previously that nutritional deprivation in the pregnant rat leads to intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), postnatal growth failure, changes in the endocrine parameters of the somatotrophic axis, and to increased blood pressure in later life. In the present study, we investigated whether administration of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) or bovine growth hormone (GH) during pregnancy could prevent IUGR and/or alter long-term outcome. Dams h-om day 1 of pregnancy throughout gestation received a diet of nd libitum available food or a restricted dietary intake of 30% of ad libitum fed dams. From day 10 of gestation, dams were treated for 10 days with three times daily subcutaneous injections of saline (100 mu l), IGF-I (2 mu g/g body weight) or GH (2 mu g/g body weight). Maternal weight gain was significantly increased (P
Preparation of a series of specific penta- and tetra-amine derivatives of Co-III and Cr-III with a neutral leaving ligand has been carried out in order to accomplish a fine tuning of the associativeness/dissociativeness of their substitution reactions. Spontaneous aquation reactions of the neutral ligands have been studied at variable temperature and pressure. Although rate constants and thermal activation parameters show an important degree of scatter, the values determined for the activation volumes of the substitution process illustrate the mechanistic fine tuning that may be achieved for these reactions. In all cases, in the absence of important steric constraints in the molecule, electronic inductive effects seem to be the most important factor accounting for the dissociative shifts observed both for pentaamine (i.e.Delta V double dagger=+4.0 or +14.0 cm(3) mol(-1) and +5.2 or +16.5 cm(3) mol(-1) for the aquation of cis- or trans-[Co(MeNH2)(NH3)(4)(DMF)](3+) and cis- or trans-[CoL15(DMF)](3+) respectively, where L-15 represents a pentaamine macrocyclic ligand), and tetraamine systems (i.e.Delta V double dagger=+4.1 or +8.4 cm(3) mol(-1) and -10.8 or -7.4 cm(3) mol(-1) for the aquation of cis-[Co(NH3)(4)Cl(DMAC)](2+) (DMAC=dimethylacetamide) or cis-[Co(en)(2)Cl(DMAC)](2+) and cis-[Cr(NH3)(4)Cl(DMF)](2+) or cis -[Cr(en)(2)Cl(DMF)](2+)). From the results, clear evidence is obtained which indicates that, only when the situation is borderline I-a/I-d, or the steric demands are increased dramatically, dissociative shifts are observed; in all other cases electronic inductive effects seem to be dominant for such a tuning of the substitution process.
We present a novel method of performing quantum logic gates in trapped ion quantum computers which does not require the ions to be cooled down to the ground state of their vibrational modes, thereby avoiding one of the principal experimental difficulties encountered in realizing this technology. Our scheme employs adiabatic passages and a phase shift conditional on the phonon number state.
A two-step method of loading controlled amounts of transition metal cations into alumina pillared clays (Al-PILCs) is proposed. First, calcined Al-PILC was dispersed into an aqueous solution of sodium or ammonium ions. Increasing the pH of the dispersion resulted in an increase in the amount of cations loaded into the clay. The ion-doped Al-PILC was then exchanged with an aqueous solution of transition metal salt at a pH of similar to 4.5 to replace Na+ or NH4+ ions by transition metal cations. Analytical techniques such as atomic absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, diffuse reflectance-ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, as well as N-2 adsorption were used to characterize the PILC products with and without the loading of metal ions. The introduced transition metal species exist in the forms of hydrated ions in the PILC hosts. The content of transition metal ions in the final product increased with the amount of Na+ or NH4+ loaded in the first step so that by controlling the pH of the dispersion in the first step, one can control the doping amounts of transition metal cations into Al-PILCs. A sample containing 0.125 mmol/g of nickel was thus obtained, which is similar to 3 times of that obtained by directly exchanging Al-PILC with Ni(NO3)(2) solution, while the pillared layered structures of the Al-PILC remained. The porosity analysis using N-2 adsorption data indicated that most of the doped transition metal ions dispersed homogeneously in the micropores of the Al-PILC, significantly affecting the micropore structure.
Hydrothermal alteration of a quartz-K-feldspar rock is simulated numerically by coupling fluid flow and chemical reactions. Introduction of CO2 gas generates an acidic fluid and produces secondary quartz, muscovite and/or pyrophyllite at constant temperature and pressure of 300 degrees C and 200 MPa. The precipitation and/or dissolution of the secondary minerals is controlled by either mass-action relations or rate laws. In our simulations the mass of the primary elements are conserved and the mass-balance equations are solved sequentially using an implicit scheme in a finite-element code. The pore-fluid velocity is assumed to be constant. The change of rock volume due to the dissolution or precipitation of the minerals, which is directly related to their molar volume, is taken into account. Feedback into the rock porosity and the reaction rates is included in the model. The model produces zones of pyrophyllite quartz and muscovite due to the dissolution of K-feldspar. Our model simulates, in a simplified way, the acid-induced alteration assemblages observed in various guises in many significant mineral deposits. The particular aluminosilicate minerals produced in these experiments are associated with the gold deposits of the Witwatersrand Basin.