432 resultados para polyester


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The effects of modified atmosphere (MA) conditions on the quality of minimally processed pineapple slices were determined. Commercial pineapple slice packs sealed with 40 pm thick polyester film were kept at 4.5 degrees C for 14 d. The oxygen transmission rate of the film was 23 ml m(-2) day(-1) atm(-1) (at 25 degrees C, 75% RH). In-built atmospheres and the quality of the products were determined. O-2 concentrations within the packs stabilised at 2%, while CO2 concentrations increased to 70% by day 14. The high CO2 level suggested an inappropriate lidding film permeability for the product, and hence affected its quality. Three batches of pineapple slices were packed in the laboratory using lidding films with oxygen transmission rate of 75, 2790 or 5000 ml m(-2) day(-1) atm(-1) (at 23 degrees C, 0% RH). Headspace atmospheres from laboratory-packed pineapple slices suggested an optimum equilibrium modified atmosphere of ca. 2% O-2 and 15% CO2. Respiration data from the laboratory-prepared packs were pooled together and used to develop a correlation model relating respiration rates to O-2 and CO2 concentrations. The model showed a decrease in respiration rate with decreasing O-2 and increasing CO2 concentrations. Respiration rate stabilised at 2% 02 and 10% CO2. The high concentrations of CO2 observed in the commercial packs did not fit the range in the respiration model. The model could aid in selection of MA conditions for minimally processed pineapple fruit.


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This paper reviews the recent research and development of clay-based polymer nanocomposites. Clay minerals, due to their unique layered structure, rich intercalation chemistry and availability at low cost, are promising nanoparticle reinforcements for polymers to manufacture low-cost, lightweight and high performance nanocomposites. We introduce briefly the structure, properties and surface modification of clay minerals, followed by the processing and characterization techniques of polymer nanocomposites. The enhanced and novel properties of such nanocomposites are then discussed, including mechanical, thermal, barrier, electrical conductivity, biodegradability among others. In addition, their available commercial and potential applications in automotive, packaging, coating and pigment, electrical materials, and in particular biomedical fields are highlighted. Finally, the challenges for the future are discussed in terms of processing, characterization and the mechanisms governing the behaviour of these advanced materials.


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This article reports thermoset blends of bisphenol A-type epoxy resin (ER) and two amphiphilic four-arm star-shaped diblock copolymers based on hydrophilic poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and hydrophobic poly(propylene oxide) (PPO). 4,4'-Methylenedianiline (MDA) was used as a curing agent. The first star-shaped diblock copolymer with 70 wt% ethylene oxide (EO), denoted as (PPO-PEO)(4), consists of four PPO-PEO diblock arms with PPO blocks attached on an ethylenediamine core; the second one with 40 wt% EO, denoted as (PEO-PPO)(4), contains four PEO-PPO diblock arms with PEO blocks attached on an ethylenediamine core. The phase behavior, crystallization, and nanoscale structures were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, transmission electron microscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering. It was found that the MDA-cured ER/(PPO-PEO)(4) blends are not macroscopically phase-separated over the entire blend composition range. There exist, however, two microphases in the ER/(PPO-PEO)(4) blends. The PPO blocks form a separated microphase, whereas the ER and the PEO blocks, which are miscible, form another microphase. The ER/(PPO-PEO)(4) blends show composition-dependent nanostructures on the order of 10-30 nm. The 80/20 ER/(PPO-PEO)(4) blend displays spherical PPO micelles uniformly dispersed in a continuous ER-rich matrix. The 60/40 ER/(PPO-PEO)(4) blend displays a combined morphology of worm-like micelles and spherical micelles with characteristic of a bicontinuous microphase structure. Macroscopic phase separation took place in the MDA-cured ER/(PEO-PPO)(4) blends. The MDA-cured ER/(PEO-PPO)(4) blends with (PEO-PPO)(4) content up to 50 wt% exhibit phase-separated structures on the order of 0.5-1 mu m. This can be considered to be due to the different EO content and block sequence of the (PEO-PPO)(4) copolymer. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This thesis is concerned with the effect of polymer structure on miscibility of the three component blends based on poly(lactic acid) (PLA) with using blending techniques. The examination of novel PLA homologues (pre-synthesised poly(a-esters)), including a range of aliphatic and aromatic poly(a-esters) is an important aspect of the work. Because of their structural simplicity and similarity to PLA, they provide an ideal system to study the effect of polyester structures on the miscibility of PLA polymer blends. The miscibility behaviour of the PLA homologues is compared with other aliphatic polyesters (e.g. poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL), poly(hydroxybutyrate hydroxyvalerate) (P(HB-HV)), together with a series of cellulose-based polymers (e.g. cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB)). The work started with the exploration the technique used for preliminary observation of the miscibility of blends referred to as “a rapid screening method” and then the miscibility of binary blends was observed and characterised by percent transmittance together with the Coleman and Painter miscibility approach. However, it was observed that symmetrical structures (e.g. a1(dimethyl), a2(diethyl)) promote the well-packing which restrict their chains from intermingling into poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) chains and leads the blends to be immiscible, whereas, asymmetrical structures (e.g. a4(cyclohexyl)) behave to the contrary. a6(chloromethyl-methyl) should interact well with PLLA because of the polar group of chloride to form interactions, but it does not. It is difficult to disrupt the helical structure of PLLA. PLA were immiscible with PCL, P(HB-HV), or compatibiliser (e.g. G40, LLA-co-PCL), but miscible with CAB which is a hydrogen-bonded polymer. However, these binary blends provided a useful indication for the exploration the novel three component blends. In summary, the miscibility of the three-component blends are miscible even if only two polymers are miscible. This is the benefit for doing the three components blend in this thesis, which is not an attempt to produce a theoretical explanation for the miscibility of three components blend system.


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The enzyme catalysed polytransesterification of diesters with diols was investigated under various conditions. The most consistent results were obtained using crude porcine pancreatic lipase (PPL) suspended in anhydrous diethyl ether. Addition of molecular sieve to the above system gave higher molecular weight products. The PPL catalysed reaction of bis(2,2,2-trichlorethyl) adipate and glutarate with butane-1,4-diol in anhydrous ether with and without molecular sieve was investigated over a range of times from 8 to 240 hours. The 72 hour adipate reaction with molecular sieve gave the highest molecular weight polymer (Mn 6,500 and Mw 9,400). The glutarate gave the maximum molecular weight polyester after 24 hours (Mn 5,700 and Mw 9,500). Occasionally the glutarate reaction produced very high molecular weight polyester-enzyme complexes. Toluene generally gave lower molecular weight products than diethyl ether. Dichloromethane and tetrahydrofuran gave mainly dimers and trimers. Alternative enzyme and diol systems were also investigated. These yielded no polymeric products. The molecular weights of the polyesters were determined by 1H NMR end-group analysis and by GPC. The molecular weights determined by NMR were on average about twice as great as those determined by GPC. The synthesis of the following diesters is described: i)Bis(2,2,2-trichloroethyl) succinate, glutarate, adipate, trans-3-hexenedioate, and trans-3,4-epoxyadipate. ii) Diphenyl glutarate and adipate.iii)Bis(2,2,2-fluoroethyl) glutarate and trans-3-hexendioate.iv) Divinyl glutarate. v) N,N'Glutaryl dicyclohexanone oxime.The polytransesterification of all the above esters with diols was investigated. The easily synthesised bis(2,2,2-trichloroethyl) glutarate and adipate gave the best results and the work was concentrated on these two esters.


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The interaction of microorganisms with glass-reinforced polyester resins(GRP), both under laboratory and simulated operating conditions, has been examined following reports of severl! fungal biodeterioration. Although GRP was not previously associated with substantial microbial growth, small amounts of microbial activity would pose problems for products associated with comestible materials. The microbiology of the raw materials was investigated, two ingredients were supportive to microbial populations whilst five materials were biostatic or inhibitory in their action. Production laminate was not susceptible to microbial deterioration or inhibitory to microbes. Incorporation of zinc stearate, one of the supportive ingredients, at 300% manufacturing level or drastic undercuring produced laminate capable of supporting microbial growth but only after a non-biotic stage of degradation. Study of the long-term population dynamics of cisterns of GRP and competitive materials under conditions simulating in-service conditions, monitoring microbial numbers within the experimental vessels and comparing with the populations of the supply water, suggests that the performance of GRP cisterns is slightly superior to conventional competitive materials. An investigation of the biological performance of GRP cisterns in an isolated area of known microbiological hazard was conducted. Severe biodeterioration had been experienced with Preform GRP articles moulded using different production techniques, but substitution of current GRP articles resulted in no recurrence of the problem. All attempts to establish the fungal isolate responsible for the phenomena in cisterns under controlled conditions failed. Scanning Electron Microscopy of GRP surfaces showed that although differences exist between current and Preform laminates, these could not satisfactorily explain the differences in service behaviour. These results and the results of the British Plastics Federation Expert Working Group interlaboratory study are discussed in relation to the original report of gross fungal biodeterioration and, to the design of future testing programmes for the products of industrial concerns.


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An investigation has been undertaken to determine the major factors influencing the corrosion resistance of duplex-zinc coatings on steel substrates.Premature failure of these systems has been attributed to the presence of defects such as craters and pinholes in the polymer film and debonding of the polymer film from the zinc substrate.Defects found on commercially produced samples have been carefully characterised using metallographic and scanning electron microscopy techniques. The influence of zinc substrate surface roughness, polymer film thickness and degassing of conversion coatings films on the incidence of defects has been determined.Pretreatments of the chromate, chromate-phosphate, non chromate, and alkali-oxide types were applied and the conversion coatings produced characterised with respect to their nature and composition. The effect of degassing on the properties of the films was also investigated. Electrochemical investigations were carried out to determine the effect of the presence of the eta or zeta phase as the outermost layer of the galvanized coating.Flow characteristics of polyester on zinc electroplated hot-dip continuous and batch galvanized and zinc sprayed samples were investigated using hot-stage microscopy. The effects of different pretreatments and degassing after conversion coating formation on flow characteristics were determined.Duplex coatings were subjected to the acetic acid salt spray test. The effect on adhesion was determined using an indentation debonding test and the results compared with those obtained using cross-cut/peel and pull-off tests. The locus of failure was determined using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy techniques.


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The mechanisms involved in the production of chromate-phosphate conversion coatings on aluminium have been investigated. A sequence of coating nucleation and growth has been outlined and the principle roles of the constituent ingredients of the chromate-phosphate solution have been shown. The effect of dissolved aluminium has been studied and its role in producing sound conversion coatings has been shown. Metallic contamination has been found to have a dramatic influence on chromate-phosphate coatings when particular levels have been exceeded. Coating formation was seen to be affected in proportion to the level of contaminaton; no evidence of sudden failure was noted. The influence of substrate and the effect of an acidic cleaner prior to conversion coating have been studied and explained. It was found that the cleaner ages rapidly and that this must .be allowed for when attempting to reproduce industrial conditions in the laboratory. A study was carried out on the flowing characteristics of polyester powders of various size distributions as they melt using the hot-stage microscopy techniques developed at Aston. It was found that the condition of the substrate (ie extent of pretreatment), had a significant effect on particle flow. This was explained by considering the topography of the substrate surface. A number of 'low-bake' polyester powders were developed and tested for mechanical, physical and chemical resistance. The best formulation had overall properties which were as good as the standard polyester in many respects. However chemical resistance was found to be slightly lower. The charging characteristics of powder paints during application by means of electrostatic spraying was studied by measuring the charge per unit mass and relating this to the surface area. A high degree of correlation was found between charge carried and surface area, and the charge retained was related to the powder's formulation.


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A significant number of poly a-ester homologues of poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) have been synthesized and used in miscibility studies together with conventional isomeric diacid-diol polyester variants, poly ß-esters (based on ß-hydroxybutyrate (HB) and ß-hydroxyvalerate (HV)), poly e-caprolactone (PCL), poly e-caprolactone copolymers (e.g. poly(L-lactide-co-caprolactone), and a series of cellulose-based polymers (e.g. cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB), cellulose acetate propionate (CAP)). A combinatorial approach to rapid miscibility screening using 96-well plates and a uv-visible multi-wavelength plate reader has been developed enabling the clarity of PLLA-based multi-component blend films to be observed. Using these techniques and materials, the ternary phase compatibility diagrams of a range of three-component blend films was prepared, illustrating ranges of behavior varying from miscible blends giving rise to clear films to immiscible blends which are opaque. In this way, novel three-component blends of PLLA/CAB/PCL were developed which are miscible when the CAB content is more than 30%, PLLA less than 80% and PCL less than 60%.


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The thermal degradation of 2,6,2',6'-tetrabromo-4,4-pm-isoproylidene-di phenol (tetrabromobisphenol A) (TBBPA) has been investigated and a mechanism for its thermal degradation is suggested. TBBPA is a comonomer widely used in epoxy and in unsaturated polyester resins to impart fire retardance. These resins find a common use in electric and electronic equipment. The presence of bromine atoms is the key factor in fire retardant activity, while on the other hand it represents an ecological problem when pyrolytic recycling is programmed at the end of the useful life of such items. However, pyrolysis is the more advantageous recycling system for thermosetting resins and thus efforts should be made to control the pyrolysis in order to avoid or minimize the development of toxics. Homolytic scission of the aromatic bromine and condensation of aromatic bromine with phenolic hydroxyl are the main processes occuring in the range 270-340°C. A large amount of charred residue is left as a consequence of condensation reactions. HBr and brominated phenols and bisphenols are the main volatile products formed. Brominated dibenzodioxins structures are included in the charred residue and not evolved in the volatile phases.


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Purpose: The aim of this work was to optimize biodegradable polyester poly(glycerol adipate-co-ω-pentadecalactone), PGA-co-PDL, microparticles as sustained release (SR) carriers for pulmonary drug delivery. Methods: Microparticles were produced by spray drying directly from double emulsion with and without dispersibility enhancers (L-arginine and L-leucine) (0.5-1.5%w/w) using sodium fluorescein (SF) as a model hydrophilic drug. Results: Spray-dried microparticles without dispersibility enhancers exhibited aggregated powders leading to low fine particle fraction (%FPF) (28.79±3.24), fine particle dose (FPD) (14.42±1.57 μg), with a mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) 2.86±0.24 μm. However, L-leucine was significantly superior in enhancing the aerosolization performance ( L-arginine:%FPF 27.61±4.49-26.57±1.85; FPD 12.40±0.99-19.54±0.16 μg and MMAD 2.18±0.35-2. 98±0.25 μm, L-leucine:%FPF 36.90±3.6-43.38±5. 6; FPD 18.66±2.90-21.58±2.46 μg and MMAD 2.55±0.03-3. 68±0.12 μm). Incorporating L-leucine (1.5%w/w) reduced the burst release (24.04±3.87%) of SF compared to unmodified formulations (41.87±2.46%), with both undergoing a square root of time (Higuchi's pattern) dependent release. Comparing the toxicity profiles of PGA-co-PDL with L-leucine (1.5%w/w) (5 mg/ml) and poly(lactide-co-glycolide), (5 mg/ml) spray-dried microparticles in human bronchial epithelial 16HBE14o-cell lines, resulted in cell viability of 85.57±5.44 and 60.66±6.75%, respectively, after 72 h treatment. Conclusion:The above data suggest that PGA-co-PDL may be a useful polymer for preparing SR microparticle carriers, together with dispersibility enhancers, for pulmonary delivery. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011.


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The performance of a compact, wearable Conformal Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance (CSCMR) system is studied when the antenna is in the air and is worn on a user’s arm. The wireless powering system consists of the receiver and load elements designed on a printed circuit board that is attached to a polyester fabric band. The wearable antenna achieves high efficiency, has a small volume, and can be easily printed on substrates. Although the user effect on mobile terminal antennas has been studied in detail, absorption losses in wearable antennas have not been widely investigated. Our results show that efficiency of the antenna in free space is 70% and on a user’s arm is 50%. Human tissue in the close proximity of our wearable Conformal SCMR caused a decrease in radiated efficiency and total efficiency. This undesired degradation in antenna efficiency might be attributed to body loss and absorption losses. Our findings can be used as a reference for future studies on wearable devices and their applications, such as health and sports monitoring.


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This work aims to manufacture and characterize a hybrid plastic composite with the matrix isophthalic polyester resin base and having as reinforcing glass fiber and the dry endocarp of coconut (Coco nucifera Linn) in the form of particles as filler. The composite was made industrially in Tecniplas Industry and Trade LTDA. in the form of plate, and was manufactured process made by the manual lamination (Hand Lay Up). From the plate they were prepared test specimens for testing density, water absorption, uniaxial traction in dry and wet states, and testing of bending, as well as studies on the behavior of the generated fractures, macroscopic and microscopic, in mechanical tests through. All tests were performed in order to find the most viable applications the hybrid composite manufactured. The tensile and bending tests were analyzed last tensile properties, elasticity and deformation module. After the studies, it is observed that the percentage moisture absorbed was 3.03%. The presence of moisture in the tensile test meant a decrease of 19.77% from last stand, and 5.26% in the elastic modulus. For bending tests gave an average value of 69.13 MPa flexural strength. The results show the application of hybrid composite studied in lightweight structures, indoors, which require low / medium performance traction demands, and which involve flexural requests.


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He was obtained and studied the feasibility of using TPA (Tissue Cotton Plan) screen type, for bagging, with a weight of 207.9 g / m2 in a composite of orthophthalic crystal polyester resin matrix. The process for obtaining the composite was tested against the maximum number of layers that could be used without compromising the processability and manufacturing of CPs in compression mold. Five configurations / formulations were selected and tested at 1, 4, 8, 10 and 12 layers of cotton tissue - TPA. TPA was not subjected to chemical treatment, only by passing a mechanical washing process. The composite in its various configurations / formulations was characterized to determine its physical properties. The properties of the composite were higher viability resistance to bending, approaching the matrix and impact resistance, superiority in relation to the polyester resin. Another property that has shown good result compared to other composite has water absorption. Analyzing all the properties set the settings / formulations with higher viability were TA8 and TA10, by combining good processability and higher mechanical strength, with lower loss compared to polyester resin matrix. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior of the resin matrix for all the formulations studied except the impact resistance. The SEM showed a good adhesion between the layers of TPA and polyester resin matrix, without the presence of micro voids in the matrix confirming the efficient manufacturing process of the samples for characterization. The composite proposed proved to be viable for the fabrication of structures with low requests from mechanical stresses, and as demonstrated for the manufacture of solar and wind prototypes, and packaging, shelving, decorative items, crafts and shelves, with good visual appearance.


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He was obtained and studied the feasibility of using TPA (Tissue Cotton Plan) screen type, for bagging, with a weight of 207.9 g / m2 in a composite of orthophthalic crystal polyester resin matrix. The process for obtaining the composite was tested against the maximum number of layers that could be used without compromising the processability and manufacturing of CPs in compression mold. Five configurations / formulations were selected and tested at 1, 4, 8, 10 and 12 layers of cotton tissue - TPA. TPA was not subjected to chemical treatment, only by passing a mechanical washing process. The composite in its various configurations / formulations was characterized to determine its physical properties. The properties of the composite were higher viability resistance to bending, approaching the matrix and impact resistance, superiority in relation to the polyester resin. Another property that has shown good result compared to other composite has water absorption. Analyzing all the properties set the settings / formulations with higher viability were TA8 and TA10, by combining good processability and higher mechanical strength, with lower loss compared to polyester resin matrix. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior of the resin matrix for all the formulations studied except the impact resistance. The SEM showed a good adhesion between the layers of TPA and polyester resin matrix, without the presence of micro voids in the matrix confirming the efficient manufacturing process of the samples for characterization. The composite proposed proved to be viable for the fabrication of structures with low requests from mechanical stresses, and as demonstrated for the manufacture of solar and wind prototypes, and packaging, shelving, decorative items, crafts and shelves, with good visual appearance.