521 resultados para poker incomes


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The recent increase in prices and production of quinoa have had important effects on the employment structures and livelihoods of rural communities in the Nor Lipez Province (Bolivia). The "quinoa boom" resulted in significant changes in household incomes and in gender roles in the context of increasing market integration. The nature of these changes however is not easy to grasp, as new official narratives on gender and on traditional systems of labour divisions and shared access to land have surfaced since the election of Evo Morales (2006) and the adoption of a new constitution (2009). Furthermore, rural employment is found to be much more diverse than the term suggests. Women have always participated in the production of quinoa when it was widely considered as a subsistence crop. Our research takes place in the Nor Lipez Province, Bolivia with exploratory studies that were conducted in January and February 2015 in 8 rural communities of quinoa producers. Preliminary results suggest positive effects for local women in that they managed to earn additional income which might have contributed to their empowerment. This article will present both preliminary results, challenges for gender-oriented research in Bolivia and the methodology aiming to capture changes at the individual, the household and the community level through a survey that will be conducted from September to November 2015 in 500 households.


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INTRODUCTION Little is known about the impact of childhood cancer on the personal income of survivors. We compared income between survivors and siblings, and determined factors associated with income. METHODS As part of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (SCCSS), a questionnaire was sent to survivors, aged ≥18 years, registered in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry (SCCR), diagnosed at age <21 years, who had survived ≥5 years after diagnosis of the primary tumor. Siblings were used as a comparison group. We asked questions about education, profession and income and retrieved clinical data from the SCCR. We used multivariable logistic regression to identify characteristics associated with income. RESULTS We analyzed data from 1'506 survivors and 598 siblings. Survivors were less likely than siblings to have a high monthly income (>4'500 CHF), even after we adjusted for socio-demographic and educational factors (OR = 0.46, p<0.001). Older age, male sex, personal and parental education, and number of working hours were associated with high income. Survivors of leukemia (OR = 0.40, p<0.001), lymphoma (OR = 0.63, p = 0.040), CNS tumors (OR = 0.22, p<0.001), bone tumors (OR = 0.24, p = 0.003) had a lower income than siblings. Survivors who had cranial irradiation, had a lower income than survivors who had no cranial irradiation (OR = 0.48, p = 0.006). DISCUSSION Even after adjusting for socio-demographic characteristics, education and working hours, survivors of various diagnostic groups have lower incomes than siblings. Further research needs to identify the underlying causes.


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This study examines and relates concepts from environmental risk perception and environmental justice and focuses on the perception of environmental problems, their consequent health risks and their impact on neighborhood attachment in a predominately Hispanic community along the U.S.-Mexico border. The findings indicate that the perception of environmental problems in the immediate area varies by problem and demographic subgroup. Ethnicity and income have the highest number of statistically significant associations across ten environmental problems. This result lies in the fact that Hispanics in El Paso County and those with low annual incomes live in neighborhoods that are faced with more severe environmental problems. Thus the findings lend support to the environmental justice claim that the poor and minorities bear the brunt of environmental degradation. ^ The findings also provide evidence that public perception of health risks from an environmental problem is influenced by the perceived severity of an environmental problem in the immediate area. Those who believe the problem is serious on a local level are the ones who are most likely to believe that they could become ill or injured from that problem and that the illness/injury will be serious. ^ The findings of this study also indicate that the young, Hispanics, those who perceive considerable environmental problems in their neighborhood, those who believe that their neighborhood has more environmental problems than others, and those who are angry about those problems are most likely to want to move from their neighborhood. ^ Efforts need to be made to enact policies and programs designed to reduce the environmental hazards in disadvantaged Hispanic communities along the U.S.-Mexico border. Future environmental education campaigns need to complement community-based projects with the media. Programs that involve and empower the community, particularly the youth, in improving the neighborhood could provide a sense of control and pride within their community in solving these problems. These neighborhood improvement efforts could also lead to the development and strengthening of social ties within the community, as well as enhanced community cohesiveness in tackling these problems. ^


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The proportion of children and adolescents living with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is rising at an alarming rate. Studies have shown that poor dietary choices and sedentary behaviors account for progression of some of the most prevalent diseases in America, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Other studies have shown that genetics plays a role in the diabetic determination of an individual, although not very common. What are some of the differentiating factors between elevated and non-elevated fasting capillary glucose (FCG) levels in children of similar ages, knowing they spend a majority of their lives at home or at school? Why are some children acquiring diabetes while others are not? This study utilized an IRB-approved Family Demographic Survey to determine gender, family income, parent education levels, sedentary practices, and household size. Only those families who gave consent to take part in the study received a questionnaire. The statistical results were used to test the hypothesis that children living with elevated FCG levels are more likely to descend from families with lower incomes, and lower levels of education.^ With regard to household income and FCG status of non-hyperglycemic and hyperglycemic children (Table 4b), there are 10.4% more hyperglycemic children in the lower income bracket than non-hyperglycemic children in the same income bracket.^ With regard to maternal education and FCG status (Table 5b), there are 7.0% more hyperglycemic children in the high school or less maternal educational attainment level than non-hyperglycemic children in the same maternal educational level. The Pearson correlation of maternal education and FCG status showed a negative correlation value of -.035 (Table 5d). The higher the occurrence of hyperglycemia in a child, the lower the maternal educational status is. Household size ranges and averages are nearly identical in families of both hyperglycemic and non-hyperglycemic children. ^


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HANES 1 detailed sample data were used to operationalize a definition of health in the absence of disease and to describe and compare the characteristics of the normal (healthy) group versus an abnormal (unhealthy) group.^ Parallel screening gave a 3.8 percent prevalence proportion of physical health, with a female:male ratio of 2:1 and younger ages in the healthy group. Statistically significant Mantel-Haenszel gender-age-adjusted odds ratios (MHOR) were estimated among abnormal non-migrants (1.53), skilled workers/unemployed (1.76), annual family incomes of less than $10,000 (1.56), having ever smoked (1.58), and started smoking before 18 years of age (1.58). Significant MHOR were also found for abnormals for health promoting measures: non-iodized salt use (1.94), needed dental care (1.91); and for fair to poor perceived health (4.28), perceiving health problems (2.52), and low energy level (1.68). Significant protective effects for much to moderate recreational exercise (MHOR 0.42) and very active to moderate non-recreational activity (MHOR 0.49) were also obtained. Covariance analysis additive models detected statistically significant higher mean values for abnormals than normals for serum magnesium, hemoglobin, hematocrit, urinary creatinine, and systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and lower values for abnormals than normals for serum iron. No difference was detected for serum cholesterol. Significant non-additive joint effects were found for body mass index.^ The results suggest positive physical health can be measured with cross-sectional survey data. Gender differentials, and associations between ecologic, socioeconomic, hazardous risk factors, health promoting activities and physical health are in general agreement with published findings on studies of morbidity. Longitudinal prospective studies are suggested to establish the direction of the associations and to enhance present knowledge of health and its promoting factors. ^


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Background and Objectives: African American (AA) women are disproportionately affected with hypertension (HTN). The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of a 6-week culturally-tailored educational intervention for AA women with primary HTN who lived in rural Northeast Texas. ^ Methods: Sixty AA women, 29 to 86 years (M 57.98 ±12.37) with primary HTN were recruited from four rural locations and randomized to intervention (n =30) and wait-list control groups ( n =30) to determine the effectiveness of the intervention on knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, social support, adherence to a hypertension regimen, and blood pressure (BP) control. Survey and BP measurements were collected at baseline, 3 weeks, 6 weeks (post intervention) and 6 months post intervention. Culturally-tailored educational classes were provided for 90 minutes once a week for 6 weeks in two local churches and a community center. The wait-list control group received usual care and were offered education at the conclusion of the data collection six months post-intervention. Linear mixed models were used to test for differences between the groups. ^ Results: A significant overall main effect (Time) was found for systolic blood pressure, F(3, 174) =11.104, p=.000, and diastolic blood pressure. F(3, 174) =4.781, p=.003 for both groups. Age was a significant covariate for diastolic blood pressure. F(1, 56) =6.798 p=.012. Participants 57 years or older (n=30) had lower diastolic BPS than participants younger than 57 (n=30). No significant differences were found between groups on knowledge, adherence, or attitudes. Participants with lower incomes had significantly less knowledge about HBP Prevention (r=.036, p=.006). ^ Conclusion: AA women who participated in a 6 week intervention program demonstrated a significant decrease in BP over a 6 month period regardless of whether they were in the intervention or control group. These rural AA women had a relatively good knowledge of HTN and reported an average level of compliance, compared to other populations. Satisfaction with the program was high and there was no attrition, suggesting that AA women will participate in research studies that are culturally tailored to them, held in familiar community locations, and conducted by a trusted person with whom they can identify. Future studies using a different program with larger sample sizes are warranted to try to decrease the high level of HTN-related complications in AA women. ^


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Scholars have found that socioeconomic status was one of the key factors that influenced early-stage lung cancer incidence rates in a variety of regions. This thesis examined the association between median household income and lung cancer incidence rates in Texas counties. A total of 254 individual counties in Texas with corresponding lung cancer incidence rates from 2004 to 2008 and median household incomes in 2006 were collected from the National Cancer Institute Surveillance System. A simple linear model and spatial linear models with two structures, Simultaneous Autoregressive Structure (SAR) and Conditional Autoregressive Structure (CAR), were used to link median household income and lung cancer incidence rates in Texas. The residuals of the spatial linear models were analyzed with Moran's I and Geary's C statistics, and the statistical results were used to detect similar lung cancer incidence rate clusters and disease patterns in Texas.^


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En Mendoza, Argentina, más del 60 % de los productores agrícolas tiene predios menores de 10 ha, algunos de ellos con modelos productivos que no alcanzan para la sustentabilidad del grupo familiar. La presente investigación identifica la situación actual de la población estudiada, mediante variables de ingreso familiar, grado de asociativismo, características de la comercialización y algunas prácticas de gestión, para establecer comparaciones entre grupos poblacionales. Se trabajó en una muestra de productores regantes del Río Mendoza. Para los de menos de 10 ha se agregó un cuestionario complementario que indagó sobre niveles de asociación y sus resultados. Se analizó con mayor detalle el sector vitícola y olivícola con nuevas encuestas y entrevistas en profundidad. El 42 % de los productores tiene vid, el 30 % olivos y el 28 % horticultura, fruticultura y floricultura. El mayor nivel de asociación se encuentra entre los viticultores. En los demás sectores, éste es muy bajo o nulo. En la comparación de grupos, los mayores niveles de pobreza están en los productores de menos de 10 ha y baja tecnología. Además, en el sector vitícola, los menores niveles de ingreso se encuentran en aquellos no asociados y en toda la población estudiada la pobreza es mayor en el sector asalariado que en los propietarios de la tierra. Este proyecto identifica la capacitación como una de las acciones para mejorar la situación socioeconómica de los productores.


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Se determinó la rentabilidad del feedlot bajo distintos escenarios productivos y económicos para la situación de precios del ganado vigentes en 2009 y 2010. La información básica provino de encuestas en feedlots, entrevistas con informantes clave y consulta bibliográfica. La tasa interna de retorno y el valor actual neto se estimaron considerando un costo de oportunidad del capital del 12% anual. El capital total varió en función de la adquisición total o producción parcial de alimentos para el ganado. Los ingresos para 3.000 animales año-1 se incrementaron 50% en 2010 respecto de 2009. Durante 2009, sin compensaciones, no existió rentabilidad al adquirir los alimentos. Se obtuvo rentabilidad sin compensaciones con aumentos del 5, 10 y 15% en inversiones y gastos operativos con producciones de 4.466, 6.214 y 9.670 animales año-1, respectivamente, al adquirir el alimento y con 2.110, 2.430 y 2.880 animales año-1 con producción del mismo. Los precios de la hacienda de 2010 con respecto a los de 2009 aumentaron la rentabilidad tanto al adquirir como al producir alimentos sin dependencia del cobro de compensaciones. Con 2.300 y 1.500 animales año-1 para las situaciones de alimento adquirido y producido, respectivamente, se alcanza rentabilidad con los precios del ganado de 2010. Se comprobó la hipótesis que la rentabilidad depende de la escala productiva y su interrelación con los escenarios contemplados.


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Se determinó la factibilidad económica de la actividad conjunta de recría y engorde a corral de bovinos para carne en la provincia de Mendoza, postulando la hipótesis que la rentabilidad del engorde a corral puede mejorar al integrarse con la recría. Las alternativas analizadas fueron: a) riego superficial y confección de rollos de alfalfa con contratista (alternativa 1.1) o con maquinaria propia (alternativa 1.2) y b) riego por aspersión con cañón regador y confección de rollos de alfalfa con contratista (alternativa 2.1) o con maquinaria propia (alternativa 2.2). Los precios usados para valorizar inversiones, gastos operativos e ingresos fueron los vigentes en abril de 2011. Fue determinada la cantidad de animales por año necesarios para alcanzar rentabilidad en dichas alternativas, con y sin la percepción de la compensación provincial. Se estimó la tasa interna de retorno, considerándose una tasa de interés anual del 12% como costo de oportunidad del capital. La rentabilidad del engorde a corral mejoró al integrarse con la recría. La unidad económica en la actividad conjunta varió entre 446 (alternativa 1.1, con compensación) y 708 animales por año (alternativa 2.2, sin compensación). Los equipos para confección de rollos de alfalfa y riego proporcionan beneficios directos: autonomía en la confección de rollos y mayor eficiencia de riego, e indirectos: ingresos adicionales por la prestación del servicio de confección de rollos a terceros.


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Desde las últimas décadas, Argentina ha evidenciado un fuerte proceso de agriculturización. El departamento Río Primero, de la provincia de Córdoba, participa de la dinámica visible en gran parte de la región pampeana, y el área de estudio presenta profundas transformaciones productivas, económicas y sociales. En este contexto, los más vulnerables del entramado quedan fuera del sistema productivo. Sin embargo, recientemente, y en forma aparentemente contradictoria, aparecen en escena pequeños productores de origen urbano que comienzan a completar sus ingresos urbanos con los provenientes de actividades agrarias.Abordamos en este trabajo el ingreso a la actividad agraria de nuevos actores pluriactivos de origen urbano, los motivos del mismo, sus modalida desde producción y estrategias de adaptación, sus trayectorias de vida y la conexión con lo rural en sus historias familiares, ponderando de qué manera incide la herencia y/o cesión de tierras en dicho ingreso.


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Las villas y aldeas de Castilla recorrieron juntas un largo y difícil camino desde los siglos medievales, cuando se fueron conformando como cuerpos políticos, basados en servicios recíprocos que aspiraban a alcanzar el bien común del conjunto. La naturaleza jerárquicamente desigual de dicho cuerpo fue acentuándose y las cabezas jurisdiccionales llevaron a la práctica unas relaciones de dominio cada vez más acusado frente a las aldeas. En estas comunidades rurales, linajes en ascenso aspiraban, no obstante, a ampliar sus propias cotas de autogobierno. La armonía que debía presidir el cuerpo común de villas y aldeas fue desapareciendo, y la política regia de ventas de villazgos con fines hacendísticos, iniciada por Carlos V, respondió a una demanda de segregación que solucionaba al mismo tiempo las aspiraciones jurisdiccionales de las comunidades rurales y de sus nuevas oligarquías así como las necesidades de ingresos extraordinarios de la real hacienda


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La crisis global comenzó en 2008 a golpear la economía argentina y puso en cuestión nuevamente las políticas sociales y de empleo. La respuesta del gobierno fue profundizar un esquema que asume que el crecimiento podrá resolver -por sí solo- el problema del bienestar. En este trabajo nos proponemos alcanzar dos objetivos principales. Primero discutir la actual crisis y las formas en que se articula el ciclo del capital en Argentina. Segundo analizar las políticas de empleo y sostenimiento de ingresos implementadas con posterioridad al 2001, en especial aquellas que se creadas en el marco de la crisis. Con este fin se trabajará a partir de información estadística e informes y evaluaciones de los principales programas implementados: el Plan Jefes y Jefas de Hogar Desocupados, el Programa de Recuperación Productiva (REPRO) y el Plan de Ingreso Social con Trabajo "Argentina Trabaja".


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El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la inserción laboral de los trabajadores agrícolas asalariados en el Valle de Uco, provincia de Mendoza. Partimos de entender que las características del mercado de trabajo agrícola condicionan las inserciones laborales generando prácticas sociales ocupacionales que se expresan en disposiciones, orientaciones y estrategias de estos trabajadores. Estos trabajadores se caracterizan por una inserción laboral precaria y/o inestable y la percepción de ingresos insuficientes y discontinuos, a lo que se suman las frecuentes condiciones de vulnerabilidad social de sus hogares de pertenencia. El artículo contiene una descripción de la esfera laboral en tanto campo social en que se desempeñan los trabajadores agrícolas en el Valle de Uco. Luego analizamos algunos elementos vinculados a la socialización en el trabajo, aspecto importante para comprender las relaciones sociales que fundamentan la constitución del mercado de trabajo agrícola y la construcción de las "disposiciones" de los trabajadores. En el siguiente punto describimos y analizamos algunos elementos que orientan la inserción laboral de los trabajadores agrícolas conformando sus estrategias laborales. Finalmente, analizamos la mediación del hogar en la inserción laboral de los miembros.


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En este trabajo se discute en torno al comportamiento que ha presentado la estructura social del trabajo entre 1998 y 2006, buscando contribuir al debate sobre el cambio del régimen de empleo operado en la etapa posdevaluación. Con este objetivo, el documento examina la desigual performance que registraron los diferentes segmentos del mercado laboral, así como la invariabilidad que mostró tener la composición sectorial de la fuerza de trabajo. En este marco, se realiza una evaluación comparativa del impacto generado sobre las brechas de ingresos laborales por la heterogeneidad estructural en el mercado de trabajo. Para tal efecto, se ajustan diferentes modelos teóricos de regresión sobre el logaritmo de las remuneraciones horarias de cada año. El estudio analiza cuatro momentos clave del proceso económico argentino: 1998, 2001, 2003 y 2006