949 resultados para pleitropic drug resistance


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INTRODUCTION: Metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) has been reported all over the world. METHODS: The inhibitory effect of mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) on bacterial growth was evaluated by comparison between disk diffusion and broth dilution methodology with determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumanni strains. RESULTS: MPA significantly inhibited growth of the strains. CONCLUSIONS: The use of MPA can affect the results in phenotypic methods of MBL detection.


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The occurrence of tuberculosis with first-line multidrug resistance leads to the use of alternative medications, often at higher costs, longer treatment periods, and greater clinical complexity. Here, we report 3 patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. One patient with human immunodeficiency virus died before the sensitivity test was performed. The early diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and appropriate treatment should be priorities of the National Tuberculosis Control Program in order to break the chain of transmission. In addition, the possibility of substituting the proportion method with more modern and faster techniques should be urgently evaluated.


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Introduction This study evaluated the efficacy of retreatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) with regard to treatment outcomes and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (ST) profiles. Methods This retrospective cohort study analyzed 144 patients treated at a referral hospital in Brazil. All of them had undergone prior treatment, were smear-positive for TB and received a standardized retreatment regimen. Fisher's 2-tailed exact test and the χ2 test were used; RRs and 95% CIs were calculated using univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression. Results The patients were cured in 84 (58.3%) cases. Failure was associated with relapsed treatment and abandonment (n=34). Culture tests were obtained for 103 (71.5%) cases; 70 (48.6%) had positive results. ST results were available for 67 (46.5%) cases; the prevalence of acquired resistance was 53.7%. There were no significant differences between those who achieved or not therapeutic success (p=0.988), despite being sensitive or resistant to 1 or more drugs. Rifampicin resistance was independently associated with therapeutic failure (OR: 4.4, 95% CI:1.12-17.37, p=0.034). For those cases in which cultures were unavailable, a 2nd model without this information was built. In this, return after abandonment was significantly associated with retreatment failure (OR: 3.59, 95% CI:1.17-11.06, p=0.026). Conclusions In this cohort, the general resistance profile appeared to have no influence on treatment outcome, except in cases of rifampicin resistance. The form of reentry was another independent predictor of failure. The use of bacterial culture identification and ST in TB management must be re-evaluated. The recommendations for different susceptibility profiles must also be improved.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Nosocomial infections are closely associated with antimicrobial drug resistance. One of the most important mechanisms of resistance to β-lactam antibiotics is the production of extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs). The objective of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of ESBL-producing strains and to assess the evolution of antimicrobial drug resistance between 2007 and 2013 at the Hospital São Vicente de Paulo, Passo Fundo, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. METHODS: We conducted a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study. Bacterial culture was performed from January to December 2013. The antimicrobial susceptibility profile of these cultures was determined using the disk diffusion method. Phenotypic screening for ESBL production was performed using the disk approximation method. RESULTS : We analyzed a total of 19,112 cultures, 11.5% of which were positive for Enterobacteriaceae. Of these, 30.3% of the isolates were positive for ESBL production, and the most prevalent species was Klebsiella sp. (37.5%). Over 95% of these isolates showed reduced susceptibility to all cephalosporins, aztreonam, and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. The isolates also showed high sensitivity to the following antimicrobials: amikacin, meropenem, and piperacillin/tazobactam. Overall, the resistance rates among ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae decreased from 2007 to 2013. CONCLUSIONS : In our hospital, the increased sensitivity to certain antimicrobial agents seems to be directly related to the implementation of improvements in the methods to prevent and control nosocomial infections in addition to the natural development of other resistance mechanisms.


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Abstract: New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 (NDM-1) is a bacterial enzyme that renders the bacteria resistant to a variety of beta-lactam antibiotics. A 20-year-old man was hospitalized several times for surgical treatment and complications caused by a right-sided vestibular schwannoma. Although the patient acquired several multidrug-resistant infections, this study focuses on the NDM-1-producing Acinetobacter spp. infection. As it was resistant to all antimicrobials tested, the medical team developed a 20-day regimen of 750mg/day metronidazole, 2,000,000IU/day polymyxin B, and 100mg/day tigecycline. The treatment was effective, and the patient recovered and was discharged from the hospital.


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Electroconvulsive therapy is known to be effective in the treatment of mood disorders, more specifically for depression and mania. Although a large body of evidence confirms the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy in the treatment of mania, few prospective studies have been done to assess its effectiveness in treatment-resistant manic episodes. These case reports describe the initial results of a study that is being conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Electroconvulsive therapy among treatment-resistant bipolar patients. METHODS: Three manic patients (according to DSM-IV criteria) who were considered treatment-resistant underwent a series of 12 bilateral Electroconvulsive therapy sessions. Before the treatment and then weekly, they were evaluated with the following rating scales: Young Mania Rating Scale, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, and Clinical Global Impressions-Bipolar Version. RESULTS: The 3 patients showed a satisfactory response to Electroconvulsive therapy, although some differences in the course of response were observed. CONCLUSION: These case reports suggest that Electroconvulsive therapy needs further evaluation for the treatment of resistant bipolar patients.


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Widely used in cancer treatment, chemotherapy still faces hindering challenges, ranging from severe induced toxicity to drug resistance acquisition. As means to overcome these setbacks, newly synthetized compounds have recently come into play with the basis of improved pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic properties. With this mind-set, this project aimed towards the antiproliferative potential characterization of a group of metallic compounds. Additionally the incorporation of the compounds within a nanoformulation and within new combination strategies with commercial chemotherapeutic drugs was also envisaged. Cell viability assays presented copper (II) compound (K4) as the most promising, presenting an IC50 of 6.10 μM and 19.09 μM for HCT116 and A549 cell line respectively. Exposure in fibroblasts revealed a 9.18 μM IC50. Hoechst staining assays further revealed the compound’s predisposition to induce chromatin condensation and nuclear fragmentation in HCT116 upon exposure to K4 which was later demonstrated by flow cytometry and annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide double staining analysis (under 50 % cell death induction). The compound further revealed the ability to interact with major macromolecules such as DNA (Kb = 2.17x105 M-1), inducing structural brakes and retardation, and further affecting cell cycle progression revealing delay in S-phase. Moreover BSA interactions were also visible however not conclusive. Proteome profiling revealed overexpression of proteins involved in metabolic activity and underexpression of proteins involved in apoptosis thus corroborating Hoechst and apoptosis flow cytometry data. K4 nanoformulation suffered from several hindrances and was ill succeeded in part due to K4’s poor solubility in aqueous buffers. Other approaches were considered in this regard. Combined chemotherapy assays revealed high cytotoxicity for afatinib and lapatinib strategies. Lapatinib and K4 proteome profiling further revealed high apoptosis rates, high metabolic activity and activation of redundant proteins as part of compensatory mechanisms.


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OBJETIVO: Fazer uma revisão sobre oito estratégias farmacológicas de potencialização de antidepressivos na DRT. MÉTODOS: Fez-se um levantamento bibliográfico de 1990 até janeiro de 2006, nas bases eletrônicas de busca Medline, LILACS e da Biblioteca Cochrane, utilizando-se os termos de busca treatment, resistant, refractory e depression e os descritores depression, drug resistance e augmentation, incluindo apenas ensaios controlados duplo-cegos. Foi consultada a referência dos artigos para obtenção de ensaios realizados em data anterior a 1990 e artigos originais de valor histórico. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 17 estudos duplo-cegos com o lítio, seis com o hormônio tireoidiano, dois com a buspirona, seis com o pindolol, um com a carbamazepina, dois com a lamotrigina e quatro com a olanzapina. Foram favoráveis à potencialização 41,2% dos ensaios com lítio; 60% daqueles com hormônio tireoidiano e antidepressivos tricíclicos e nenhum com hormônio tireoidiano e inibidores seletivos da recaptação da serotonina (ISRS); 50% dos com pindolol; 100% dos ensaios com carbamazepina e 40% daqueles com olanzapina. Nenhum dos estudos com a buspirona foi favorável. No único estudo com lamotrigina não houve eficácia de tratamento na avaliação pelo critério principal, mas superioridade ao placebo em critérios secundários. CONCLUSÃO: Na DRT há evidência de eficácia apenas em relação ao lítio na potencialização de várias classes de antidepressivos e ao hormônio tireoidiano na potencialização de tricíclicos. A olanzapina foi razoavelmente estudada e sua eficácia não foi estabelecida. Os poucos estudos realizados com a buspirona e o pindolol não comprovaram sua eficácia. A carbamazepina foi muito pouco estudada, e a lamotrigina ainda não foi adequadamente avaliada.


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Glucose addiction in cancer therapy: advances and drawbacks.


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50 years ago, the introduction of penicillin, followed by many other antibacterial agents, represented an often underestimated medical revolution. Indeed, until that time, bacterial infections were the prime cause of mortality, especially in children and elderly patients. The discovery of numerous new substances and their development on an industrial scale gave us the illusion that bacterial infections were all but vanquished. However, the widespread and sometimes uncontrolled use of these agents has led to the selection of bacteria resistant to practically all available antibiotics. Bacteria utilize three main resistance strategies: (1) modification of their permeability, (2) modification of target, and (3) modification of the antibiotic. Bacteria modify their permeability either by becoming impermeable to antibiotics, or by actively excreting the drug accumulated in the cell. As an alternative, they can modify the structure of the antibiotic's molecular target--usually an essential metabolic enzyme of the bacterium--and thus escape the drug's toxic effect. Lastly, they can produce enzymes capable of modifying and directly inactivating antibiotics. In addition, bacteria have evolved extremely efficient genetic transfer systems capable of exchanging and accumulating resistance genes. Some pathogens, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and multiresistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis, have become resistant to almost all available antibiotics and there are only one or two substances still active against such organisms. Antibiotics are very precious drugs which must be administered to patients who need them. On the other hand, the development of resistance must be kept under control by a better comprehension of its mechanisms and modes of transmission and by abiding by the fundamental rules of anti-infectious chemotherapy, i.e.: (1) choose the most efficient antibiotic according to clinical and local epidemiological data, (2) target the bacteria according to the microbiological data at hand, and (3) administer the antibiotic in an adequate dose which will leave the pathogen no chance to develop resistance.


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This study aimed at identifying clinical factors for predicting hematologic toxicity after radioimmunotherapy with (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan or (131)I-tositumomab in clinical practice. Hematologic data were available from 14 non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients treated with (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan and 18 who received (131)I-tositumomab. The percentage baseline at nadir and 4 wk post nadir and the time to nadir were selected as the toxicity indicators for both platelets and neutrophils. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to identify significant predictors (P < 0.05) of each indicator. For both platelets and neutrophils, pooled and separate analyses of (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan and (131)I-tositumomab data yielded the time elapsed since the last chemotherapy as the only significant predictor of the percentage baseline at nadir. The extent of bone marrow involvement was not a significant factor in this study, possibly because of the short time elapsed since the last chemotherapy of the 7 patients with bone marrow involvement. Because both treatments were designed to deliver a comparable bone marrow dose, this factor also was not significant. None of the 14 factors considered was predictive of the time to nadir. The R(2) value for the model predicting percentage baseline at nadir was 0.60 for platelets and 0.40 for neutrophils. This model predicted the platelet and neutrophil toxicity grade to within ±1 for 28 and 30 of the 32 patients, respectively. For the 7 patients predicted with grade I thrombocytopenia, 6 of whom had actual grade I-II, dosing might be increased to improve treatment efficacy. The elapsed time since the last chemotherapy can be used to predict hematologic toxicity and customize the current dosing method in radioimmunotherapy.


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The MET pathway is dysregulated in many human cancers and promotes tumour growth, invasion and dissemination. Abnormalities in MET signalling have been reported to correlate with poor clinical outcomes and drug resistance in patients with cancer. Thus, MET has emerged as an attractive target for cancer therapy. Several MET inhibitors have been introduced into the clinic, and are currently in all phases of clinical trials. In general, initial results from these studies indicate only a modest benefit in unselected populations. In this Review, we discuss current challenges in developing MET inhibitors--including identification of predictive biomarkers--as well as the most-efficient ways to combine these drugs with other targeted agents or with classic chemotherapy or radiotherapy.


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Although the number of available antiviral drugs for hepatitis B infection (VHB) today is higher than ever, treatment of chronic VHB infection is still often managed by specialists because of the complex natural history of this viral infection and of the risk of selecting viral strains that are resistant to therapy. Different clinical and virological aspects need to be considered to establish a correct indication for therapy. Once antiviral therapy has been started, patients need close monitoring to guarantee adequate compliance and to detect promptly the selection of viral variants resisting to therapy.


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Patients with moderate to severe disease and patients with steroid-refractory or steroid-dependent disease differ in their management, as the latter groups usually include patients with less acute situations. Systemic corticosteroids represent the mainstay of the management of moderate to severe disease and remain the first-line therapy in this setting. Infliximab is the choice alternative for patients who do not respond to steroids or in whom steroids are contraindicated. Purine analogues, methotrexate and infliximab have shown efficacy in achieving steroid-free remission in patients with steroid-refractory or -dependent disease. Other fast-acting immunosuppressors showed little benefit. Surgery may be indicated in this setting. Nataluzimab may prove useful in patients refractory to infliximab.


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Malaria and other arthropod born diseases remain a serious public health problem affecting the lives and health of certain social groups when the two basic strategies to control fail due to : (1) the lack of effective chemoprophylaxis/chemotherapy or the rapid development of drug resistance of the infectious agents and (2) the ineffectiveness of pesticides or the arthropod vectors develop resistance to them. These situations enhances the need for the design and implementation of other alternatives for sustainable health programmes. The application of the epidemiological methods is essential not only for analyzing the relevant data for the understanding of the biological characteristics of the infectious agents, their reservoirs and vectors and the methods for their control, but also for the assessment of the human behaviour, the environmental, social and economic factors involved in disease transmission and the capacity of the health systems to implement interventions for both changes in human behaviour and environmental management to purpose guaranteed prevention and control of malaria and other arthropod born diseases with efficiency, efficacy and equity. This paper discuss the evolution of the malaria arthropod diseases programmes in the American Region and the perspectives for their integration into health promotion programs and emphasis is made in the need to establish solid basis in the decision-making process for the selection of intervention strategies to remove the risk factors determining the probability to get sick or die from ABDs. The implications of the general planning and the polices to be adopted in an area should be analyzed in the light of programme feasibility at the local level, in the multisectoral context specific social groups and taking in consideration the principles of stratification and equity