848 resultados para parent involvement
Consistent inter-individual variation in behaviour over time and across contexts has been reported for a wide variety of animals, a phenomenon commonly referred to as personality. As behavioural patterns develop inside families, rearing conditions could have lasting effects on the expression of adult personality. In species with parental care, conflicts among family members impose selection on parental and offspring behaviour through co-adaptation. Here, we argue that the interplay between the evolution of personality traits (i.e. boldness, exploration, activity, aggressiveness and sociability) expressed outside the family context and the specialized behaviours expressed inside families (i.e. offspring begging behaviour and parental response to offspring solicitations) can have important evolutionary consequences. Personality differences among parents may relate to the typically observed variation in the way they respond to offspring demand, and dependent offspring may already express personality differences which may relate to the way they communicate with their parents and siblings. However, there has been little research on how personality relates to parental and offspring behaviours. Future research should thus focus on how and why personality may be related to the specialized parent and offspring behaviour that evolved as adaptations to family life.
The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and multi-morbidity represents challenges for health systems worldwide. In that perspective, the current organization of healthcare delivery, fragmentation of care, limited use of evidence-based guidelines and patients'insufficient empowerment are some reasons explaining the current limited effectiveness of the management of chronically ill patients. Based on theoretical models such as the Chronic Care Model (CCM), initiatives targeting improvements in the care of patients with chronic diseases have been implemented worldwide since more than a decade. Their development in Switzerland, a health system where more than half of practices are still single handed [6], is only recent and infrequent. Structured programs for patients with chronic diseases or multimorbidity usually propose patient-centered interventions and consider an integrative multidisciplinary approach. Currently, little is known on the existence of such programs and on the role of family physicians (FPs)within these programs, in Switzerland. The objective of this study was to identify and describe current structured programs targeting chronic diseases or multi-morbidity in Switzerland. This may help in examining innovative approaches that are only developed locally but would deserve wider interest for further implementation. We conducted a telephone-based survey between June and November 2013 and contacted systematically key institutions, informants and stakeholders nationwide and in the 26 cantons...
Contexte et but de l'étude: La relation médecin-patient a subi d'importants changements et l'actuelle émancipation des patients a conduit à un véritable partenariat dans la prise de décisions thérapeutiques. Notre étude a pour but de déterminer les préférences des patients pour différents aspects de la prise de décisions au cours d'un traitement et de ses potentielles complications, de même que la quantité et le type d'information souhaitée avant une intervention chirurgicale digestive. Patients et méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude prospective non-randomisée basée sur un questionnaire donné lors de la consultation préopératoire à 254 patients consécutifs prévus pour une chirurgie gastro-intestinale élective. Résultats : Pour les potentielles complications chirurgicales et la possibilité d'un séjour aux soins intensifs, 64% des patients souhaitent participer activement aux décisions médicales, et respectivement 89% et 60% des patients aimeraient discuter d'une éventuelle réanimation cardio-pulmonaire et de limitations au traitement. Respectivement 73%, 77% et 47% des patients ont souhaité une information très détaillée, une infoimation pour une possible hospitalisation en soins intensifs ou une éventuelle réanimation cardiaque. Les patients âgés ou avec un niveau de formation bas étaient significativement moins intéressés à une prise de décision partagée (p=0.003 et 0.015) et à une information complète (p=0.03 et 0.05), De plus, l'implication des familles dans les prises de décision n'était favorisée que si le patient est en coma (74%), et significativement moins importante chez les personnes âgées et de sexe masculin (p=0.04 et 0.03 respectivement). Ni le type de chirurgie prévue (majeure ou mineure) ni la sévérité de la pathologie (cancer ou non) ne furent des facteurs statistiquement significatifs pour un désir plus élevé de partager la prise de décision, pour plus d'information ou pour impliquer d'avantage la famille. Conclusions : Notre étude démontre que la majorité des patients chirurgicaux souhaitent recevoir une information préopératoire complète concernant leur maladie et le traitement planifié. Ils considèrent également comme crucial d'être impliqués dans les prises de décisions thérapeutiques pour le traitement et pour les possibles complications. Le rôle de la famille est limité aux situations ou le patient n'est plus en mesure de participer aux décisions.
A number of bacterial species, mostly proteobacteria, possess monothiol glutaredoxins homologous to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial protein Grx5, which is involved in iron–sulphur cluster synthesis. Phylogenetic profiling is used to predict that bacterial monothiol glutaredoxins also participate in the iron–sulphur cluster (ISC) assembly machinery, because their phylogenetic profiles are similar to the profiles of the bacterial homologues of yeast ISC proteins. High evolutionary cooccurrence is observed between the Grx5 homologues and the homologues of the Yah1 ferredoxin, the scaffold proteins Isa1 and Isa2, the frataxin protein Yfh1 and the Nfu1 protein. This suggests that a specific functional interaction exists between these ISC machinery proteins. Physical interaction analyses using low-definition protein docking predict the formation of strong and specific complexes between Grx5 and several components of the yeast ISC machinery. Two-hybrid analysis has confirmed the in vivo interaction between Grx5 and Isa1. Sequence comparison techniques and cladistics indicate that the other two monothiol glutaredoxins of S. cerevisiae, Grx3 and Grx4, have evolved from the fusion of a thioredoxin gene with a monothiol glutaredoxin gene early in the eukaryotic lineage, leading to differential functional specialization. While bacteria do not contain these chimaeric glutaredoxins, in many eukaryotic species Grx5 and Grx3/4-type monothiol glutaredoxins coexist in the cell.
Tutkimus lasten ja nuorten luvattomasta tulen käsittelystä perustuu näkemykseen siitä, että ilmiöön voidaan puuttua tehokkaasti interventioin, jos toiminta havaitaan ajoissa. Ilmiötä sävyttää teon salailu ja neutralisaatio eli vähättely. Tulella tehtyjen tuhotöiden lisääntymistä ja muuttumista aggressiivisemmaksi voidaan ennalta ehkäistä ongelman tunnistamisella ja reagoimalla lasten häiriökäytökseen. Lasten ja nuorten luvatonta tulen käyttöä ei ole tutkittu Suomessa aiemmin. Työn ensimmäisessä osiossa tarkastellaan luvattomaan tulen käsittelyyn liittyviä teorioita (esim. Fineman 1980, 1995), kansainvälisiä näkökohtia, teonpiirteitä ja yksilön sisäisiä prosesseja. Lisäksi tarkastellaan perheen, koulun ja ystäväpiirin osuutta ilmiöön, niin sanotun Oregonin mallin mukaisesti (Oregon Treatment Strategies Task Force 1996, 16 – 47). Työn empiirisessä osiossa ilmiötä ja sen ilmenemistä lasten ja nuorten keskuudessa kuvataan oppilaiden, vanhempien ja opettajien näkökulmasta. Tutkimukseen osallistui 661 oppilasta perusasteen toiselta, viidenneltä ja kahdeksannelta luokalta, 341 vanhempaa ja 22 koulun työntekijää. Oppilaiden ja vanhempien aineisto kerättiin survey-tutkimuksella ja opettajat tutkittiin haastattelumenetelmällä. Lasten luvaton tulen käyttö on yleisempää kuin aiemmin on luultu. Vielä viidenteen luokkaan mennessä luvaton tulen käsittely oli yleisempää pojille kuin tytöille, mutta murrosikään tultaessa sukupuolierot vähenivät. Pojista 37 % ja tytöistä 25 % raportoi käsitelleensä tulta luvattomasti. Kaikkiaan kolmasosa oppilaista raportoi leikkineensä tulella. Yleisin tulen sytyttelypaikka oli oma koti tai kodin lähiympäristö, josta tulentekovälineet yleisimmin hankittiin pyytämällä tai ottamalla. Luvattomasti tulta käsitelleet oppilaat olivat häirinneet oppitunteja. Tilastollisesti merkitsevimmin runsasta luvatonta tulen käsittelyä ennusti omien tulentekovälineiden omistaminen ja häiriökäyttäytyminen koulussa. Vanhemmat eivät pitäneet lastensa tulen käyttöä merkittävänä vaarana. Aikuisten suhtautumista lasten luvattomaan tulen käyttöön sävytti tekojen vähättely eli neutralisaatio; vähättelyilmiö oli yhteinen sekä lapsille itselleen, vanhemmille että viranomaisille. Kasvattajilla ei ollut käytössään tehokkaita interventiomenetelmiä ongelman ratkaisemiseen. Viranomaisyhteistyöstä raportoitiin vain vähän. Pelastusviranomaisia ei juurikaan käytetty lasten luvattoman tulen käsittelyn interventiossa. Interventiota sävytti aikuisten käsitysten mukaan tapauskohtaisuus ja sattumanvaraisuus.
The recently discovered apolipoprotein AV (apoAV) gene has been reported to be a key player in modulating plasma triglyceride levels. Here we identify the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 (HNF-4 ) as a novel regulator of human apoAV gene. Inhibition of HNF-4 expression by small interfering RNA resulted in down-regulation of apoAV. Deletion, mutagenesis, and binding assays revealed that HNF-4 directly regulates human apoAV promoter through DR1 [a direct repeat separated by one nucleotide (nt)], and via a novel element for HNF-4 consisting of an inverted repeat separated by 8 nt (IR8). In addition, we show that the coactivator peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- coactivator-1 was capable of stimulating the HNF-4 -dependent transactivation of apoAV promoter. Furthermore, analyses in human hepatic cells demonstrated that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and the MAPK signaling pathway regulate human apoAV expression and suggested that this regulation may be mediated, at least in part, by changes in HNF-4 . Intriguingly, EMSAs and mice with a liver-specific disruption of the HNF-4 gene revealed a species-distinct regulation of apoAV by HNF-4 , which resembles that of a subset of HNF-4 target genes. Taken together, our data provide new insights into the binding properties and the modulation of HNF-4 and underscore the role of HNF-4 in regulating triglyceride metabolism.
In rodents, sensory experience alters the whisker representation in layer IV of the barrel cortex (Woolsey and Van der Loos, 1970). Excitatory and inhibitory interneurons, together with the astrocytic network, modify the functional representation in an integrated manner. Our group showed that continuous whisker stimulation induces structural and functional changes in the corresponding barrel. These modifications include the depression of neuronal responses and an insertion of new inhibitory synapses on dendritic spines (Knott et al., 2002; Genoud et al., 2006; Quairiaux et al., 2007). This form of cortical plasticity is controlled by several gene regulatory mechanisms including the activation of genetic programs controlling the expression of microRNAs (miRNAs). The transitory and localized expression of miRNAs in dendrites and their capacity to respond in an activity-dependent manner make them ideal candidates for the fine tuning of gene expression associated with neural plasticity. In a previous study of our group (Johnston- Wenger, 2010) using microarray analysis on laser-dissected barrels in order to compare the gene expression levels in stimulated and non-stimulated barrels after whisker stimulation, 261 genes were found significantly regulated, among these genes there were two miRNAs (miR- 132 and miR-137). In this study I tested the initial observation on the up-regulation of miR-132 and miR-137 after whisker stimulation and the possible involvement of two other miRNAs (miR-138 and miR-125b) that are known play a role in other form of synaptic plasticity. I used in situ hybridization (ISH) after unilateral stimulation of three whiskers (Cl-3) in the adult mouse. We found that sensory stimulation increases the expression, of miR-132 after 3hours of stimulation (p<0.01) and miR-137 (pO.Ol; 24 hrs of stim.), whereas it reduces the level of miR-125b (pO.Ol; 9 hrs of stim.). No significant difference was detected for miR-138. We further determined a correlation between the level of expression of the four selected miRNAs in the cortical barrels (measured by ISH) and in blood plasma (measured by qPCR). In addition to this quantitative comparison, we combined miRNAs ISH and immunolabeling for various neuronal markers that were chosen for the localization in both excitatory and inhibitory circuits as well as in astrocytes. Analysis of three-dimensional confocal acquisitions showed that stimulation alters significantly the degree of co-localization in the stimulated barrel of miR-132 with GAD65/67 and VGLUT2; miR-125b with GAD65/67 and parvalbumin; miR-138 with parvalbumin, VGLUT1 and PSD95; and miR-137 with VGLUT1 and astrocytic markers (GS; GFAP and SlOOß). To conclude, using increased neuronal activity in the whisker-to-barrel pathway; our results suggest that miRNAs can be regulated in an activity-dependent manner and they may regulate local mRNA translation to shape neuronal responses. These findings motivate further investigation of the different modes in which miRNAs may regulate cortical plasticity. -- Chez les rongeurs, l'expérience sensorielle modifie la représentation des vibrisses au niveau du cortex somatosensoriel primaire (Woolsey and Van der Loos, 1970). Les interneurones excitateurs et inhibiteurs, en collaboration avec le réseau astrocytaire, modifient la représentation fonctionnelle d'une manière intégrée. Notre groupe a montré que la stimulation continue des vibrisses induit des changements structuraux et fonctionnels dans le tonneau correspondant. Ces modifications incluent la dépression des réponses neuronales et une insertion de nouvelles synapses inhibitrices sur les épines dendritiques (Knott et al., 2002 ; Genoud et al., 2006 ; Quairiaux et al., 2007). Cette forme de plasticité corticale est contrôlée par plusieurs mécanismes de régulation génique dont l'activation des programmes géniques contrôlant l'expression des microARNs (miARNs). Par leur expression transitoire et localisée dans les dendrites et leur capacité à réagir d'une manière dépendante de l'activité, les miARNs sont des candidats idéaux pour le réglage fin de l'expression des gènes associée à la plasticité neuronale. Afin de comparer le niveau d'expression des gènes dans les tonneaux stimulés et non-stimulés après stimulation des vibrisses, une étude antérieure dans notre groupe (Johnston-Wenger, 2010), utilisant l'analyse par microarray sur des tonneaux disséqués par laser, a montré l'altération significative de 261 gènes. Parmi ces gènes, il y avait deux miARNs (miR-132 et miR-137). Dans la présente étude, j'ai testé l'observation initiale sur la régulation de miR-132 et miR-137 après stimulation des vibrisses et la possible implication de deux autres miARNs (miR-138 et miR-125b) connus avoir jouer un rôle important dans d'autres formes de plasticité synaptique. J'ai utilisé l'hybridation in situ (ISH) après stimulation unilatérale de trois vibrisses (Cl-3) chez la souris adulte. J'ai trouvé que la stimulation sensorielle augmente l'expression, de miR-132 après 3 heures de stimulation (p < 0.01) et miR-137 (p < 0.01 ; 24 hrs de stim.), alors qu'elle réduit le niveau de miR-125b (p < 0.01; 9 hrs de stim.). Aucune différence significative n'a été détectée pour miR-138. J'ai aussi déterminé une corrélation entre le niveau d'expression des quatre miARNs sélectionnés dans les tonneaux (mesurés par ISH) et dans le plasma sanguin (mesuré par qPCR). En plus de cette comparaison quantitative, j'ai combiné le miR-ISH et l'immunomarquage pour divers marqueurs neuronaux qui ont été choisis pour étudier la localisation dans les circuits excitateurs et inhibiteurs, ainsi que dans les astrocytes. Les acquisitions tridimensionnelles montrent que la stimulation modifie considérablement le degré de co-localisation dans le tonneau stimulé de miR-132 avec GAD65/67 et VGLUT2; miR-125b avec GAD65/67 et parvalbumine; miR-138 avec parvalbumine, VGLUT1 et PSD95; et miR-137 avec VGLUT1 et les marqueurs astrocytaires (GS ; GFAP et SlOOß). En conclusion, à l'aide de l'activité neuronale accrue dans la voie de vibrisses-au-baril; les résultats suggèrent que les miARNs peuvent être régulé d'une manière dépendante de l'activité et peuvent résulter la stabilité des ARNm et la traduction pour façonner les réponses neuronales ultérieures. Ces résultats incitent d'investiguer davantage les voies importantes par lesquels les miARNs peuvent réguler la plasticité corticale.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Exposure of pancreatic beta cells to cytokines released by islet-infiltrating immune cells induces alterations in gene expression, leading to impaired insulin secretion and apoptosis in the initial phases of type 1 diabetes. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a new class of transcripts participating in the development of many diseases. As little is known about their role in insulin-secreting cells, this study aimed to evaluate their contribution to beta cell dysfunction. METHODS: The expression of lncRNAs was determined by microarray in the MIN6 beta cell line exposed to proinflammatory cytokines. The changes induced by cytokines were further assessed by real-time PCR in islets of control and NOD mice. The involvement of selected lncRNAs modified by cytokines was assessed after their overexpression in MIN6 cells and primary islet cells. RESULTS: MIN6 cells were found to express a large number of lncRNAs, many of which were modified by cytokine treatment. The changes in the level of selected lncRNAs were confirmed in mouse islets and an increase in these lncRNAs was also seen in prediabetic NOD mice. Overexpression of these lncRNAs in MIN6 and mouse islet cells, either alone or in combination with cytokines, favoured beta cell apoptosis without affecting insulin production or secretion. Furthermore, overexpression of lncRNA-1 promoted nuclear translocation of nuclear factor of κ light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 1 (NF-κB). CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Our study shows that lncRNAs are modulated during the development of type 1 diabetes in NOD mice, and that their overexpression sensitises beta cells to apoptosis, probably contributing to their failure during the initial phases of the disease.
Aim: To summarize published findings in peer-reviewed journals of the first two waves of the Swiss Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF), a longitudinal study assessing risk and protective factors of 5,987 young men during the phase of emerging adulthood (20 years at baseline, followed-up 15 months later). Methods: Included were 33 studies published until November 2014 focusing on substance use. Results: Substance use in early adulthood is a prevalent and stable behavior. The 12-month prevalence of nonmedical use of prescription drugs (10.6%) lies between that of cannabis (36.4%) and other illicit drugs such as ecstasy (3.7%) and cocaine (3.2%). Although peer pressure in the form of misconduct is associated with increased substance use, other aspects such as peer involvement in social activities may have beneficial effects. Regular sport activities are associated with reduced substance use, with the exception of alcohol use. Young men are susceptible to structural conditions such as the price of alcohol beverages or the density of on-premise alcohol outlets. Particularly alcohol use in public settings such as bars, discos or in parks (compared with private settings such as the home) is associated with alcohol-related harm, including injuries or violence. Being a single parent versus nuclear family has no effect on alcohol use, but active parenting does. Besides parenting, religiousness is an important protective factor for both legal and illegal substance use. Merely informing young men about the risks of substance use may not be an effective preventive measure. At-risk users of licit and illicit substances are more health literate, e. g., for example, they seek out more information on the internet than non-at-risk-users or abstainers. Discussion: There are a number of risk and protective substance use factors, but their associations with substance use do not necessarily agree with those found outside Europe. In the United States, for example, heavy alcohol use in this age group commonly takes place in private settings, whereas in Switzerland it more often takes place in public settings. Other behaviors, such as the nonmedical use of prescription drugs, appear to be similar to those found overseas, which may show the need for targeted preventive actions. C-SURF findings point to the necessity of establishing European studies to identify factors for designing specific preventive actions.
Reliance on private partners to help provide infrastructure investment and service delivery is increasing in the United States. Numerous studies have examined the determinants of the degree of private participation in infrastructure projects as governed by contract type. We depart from this simple public/private dichotomy by examining a rich set of contractual arrangements. We utilize both municipal and state-level data on 472 projects of various types completed between 1985 and 2008. Our estimates indicate that infrastructure characteristics, particularly those that reflect stand alone versus network characteristics, are key factors influencing the extent of private participation. Fiscal variables, such as a jurisdiction’s relative debt level, and basic controls, such as population and locality of government, increase the degree of private participation, while a greater tax burden reduces private participation.