901 resultados para overall survival (OS)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunoexpression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and CD31/microvascular density in squamous cell carcinomas of the floor of the mouth and to correlate the results with demographic, survival, clinical (TNM staging) and histopathological variables (tumor grade, perineural invasion, embolization and bone invasion). Data from medical records and diagnoses of 41 patients were reviewed. Histological sections were subjected to immunostaining using primary antibodies for human MMP-2, MMP-9 and CD31 and streptavidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase system. Histomorphometric analyses quantified positivity for MMPs (20 fields per slide, 100?points grade, ×200) and for CD31 (microvessels <50?µm in the area of the highest vascularization, 5 fields per slide, 100?points grade, ×400). Statistical design was composed by non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test (investigating the association between numerical variables and immunostainings), chi-square frequency test (in contingency tables), Fisher's exact test (when at least one expected frequency was less than 5 in 2×2 tables), Kaplan-Meier method (estimated probabilities of overall survival) and Iogrank test (comparison of survival curves), all with a significance level of 5%. There was a statistically significant correlation between immunostaining for MMP-2 and lymph node metastasis. Factors associated negatively with survival were N stage, histopathological grade, perineural invasion and immunostaining for MMP-9. There was no significant association between immunoexpression of CD31 and the other variables. The intensity of immunostaining for MMP-2 can be indicative of metastasis in lymph nodes and for MMP-9 of a lower probability of survival


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Abstract Background Salivary Glands Malignant Neoplasms (SGMNs) account for 3-6% of head and neck cancers and 0.3% of all cancers. Tumor cells that express CD44 and CD24 exhibit a stem-cell-like behavior. CD44 is the binding site for hyaluronic acid, and CD24 is a receptor that interacts with P-selectin to induce metastasis and tumor progression. The present study aims to evaluate the expression of CD44 and CD24 on SGMNs and correlated these data with several clinicopathologic features. Methods Immunohistochemical stains for CD44 and CD24 were performed on tissue microarrays containing SGMN samples from 69 patients. The CD44, CD24 and CD44/CD24 expression phenotypes were correlated to patient clinicopathologic features and outcome. Results CD44 expression was associated with the primary site of neoplasm (p = 0.046). CD24 was associated with clinical stage III/IV (p = 0.008), T stage (p = 0,27) and lymph node (p = 0,001). The CD44/CD24 profiles were associated with the primary site of injury (p = 0.005), lymph node (p = 0.011) and T stage (p = 0.023). Univariate analysis showed a significant relationship between clinical staging and disease- free survival (p = 0.009), and the overall survival presents relation with male gender (p = 0.011) and metastasis (p = 0.027). Conclusion In summary, our investigation confirms that the clinical stage, in accordance with the literature, is the main prognostic factor for SGMN. Additionally, we have presented some evidence that the analysis of isolated CD44 and CD24 immunoexpression or the two combined markers could give prognostic information associated to clinicopathologic features in SGMN. Virtual Slides The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1284611098470676.


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Abstract Background The application and better understanding of traditional and new breast tumor biomarkers and prognostic factors are increasing due to the fact that they are able to identify individuals at high risk of breast cancer, who may benefit from preventive interventions. Also, biomarkers can make possible for physicians to design an individualized treatment for each patient. Previous studies showed that trace elements (TEs) determined by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) techniques are found in significantly higher concentrations in neoplastic breast tissues (malignant and benign) when compared with normal tissues. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of TEs, determined by the use of the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique, as biomarkers and prognostic factors in breast cancer. Methods By using EDXRF, we determined Ca, Fe, Cu, and Zn trace elements concentrations in 106 samples of normal and breast cancer tissues. Cut-off values for each TE were determined through Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis from the TEs distributions. These values were used to set the positive or negative expression. This expression was subsequently correlated with clinical prognostic factors through Fisher’s exact test and chi-square test. Kaplan Meier survival curves were also evaluated to assess the effect of the expression of TEs in the overall patient survival. Results Concentrations of TEs are higher in neoplastic tissues (malignant and benign) when compared with normal tissues. Results from ROC analysis showed that TEs can be considered a tumor biomarker because, after establishing a cut-off value, it was possible to classify different tissues as normal or neoplastic, as well as different types of cancer. The expression of TEs was found statistically correlated with age and menstrual status. The survival curves estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method showed that patients with positive expression for Cu presented a poor overall survival (p < 0.001). Conclusions This study suggests that TEs expression has a great potential of application as a tumor biomarker, once it was revealed to be an effective tool to distinguish different types of breast tissues and to identify the difference between malignant and benign tumors. The expressions of all TEs were found statistically correlated with well-known prognostic factors for breast cancer. The element copper also showed statistical correlation with overall survival.


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Eighty-six newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) patients from a public hospital of São Paulo (Brazil) were evaluated by cIg-FISH for the presence of del(13)(q14), t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) and del(17)(p13). These abnormalities were observed in 46.5, 9.3, and 7.0% of the patients, respectively. In order to identify the possible role of del(13)(q14) in the physiopathology of MM, we investigated the association between this abnormality and the proliferative and apoptotic indexes of plasma cells. When cases demonstrating t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) and del(17)(p13) were excluded from the analysis, we observed a trend towards a positive correlation between the proportion of cells carrying del(13)(q14) and plasma cell proliferation, determined by Ki-67 expression (r = 0.23, P = 0.06). On the other hand, no correlation between the proportion of cells carrying del(13)(q14) and apoptosis, determined by annexin-V staining, was detected (r = 0.05, P = 0.69). In general, patients carrying del(13)(q14) did not have lower survival than patients without del(13)(q14) (P = 0.15), but patients with more than 80% of cells carrying del(13)(q14) showed a lower overall survival (P = 0.033). These results suggest that, when del(13)(q14) is observed in a high proportion of malignant cells, it may have a role in determining MM prognosis. Another finding was a statistically significant lower overall survival of patients with t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) (P = 0.026). In the present study, almost half the patients with t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) died just after diagnosis, before starting treatment. This fact suggests that, in São Paulo, there may be even more patients with this chromosomal abnormality, but they probably die before being diagnosed due to unfavorable socioeconomic conditions. This could explain the low prevalence of this chromosomal abnormality observed in the present study.


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Diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma is the most common subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the West. In Brazil, it is the fifth cause of cancer, with more than 55,000 cases and 26,000 deaths per year. At Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo - HCFMUSP, diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma represents 49.7% of all non-Hodgkin lymphoma cases. Initially, the classification of non-Hodgkin lymphoma was based on morphology, but advances in immunology and molecular medicine allowed the introduction of a biological classification for these diseases. As for other cancers, non-Hodgkin lymphoma involves patterns of multi factorial pathogenesis with environmental factors, as well as genetic, occupational and dietary factors, contributing to its development. Multiple lesions involving molecular pathways of B-cell proliferation and differentiation may result in the activation of oncogenes such as the BCL2, BCL6,and MYC genes and the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes such as p53 and INK4, as well as other important transcription factors such as OCT-1 and OCT-2. A dramatic improvement in survival was seen after the recent introduction of the anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. The association of this antibody to the cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin, oncovin and prednisolone (CHOP) regimen has increased overall survival of diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma patients by 20%. However, 50% of all diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma patients remain incurable, creating a demand for more research with new advances in treatment. Thus, it is important to know and understand the key factors and molecular pathways involved in the pathogenesis of diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma.


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Fifty-two cases of monomorphic post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (M-PTLD), developed in patients undergone solid organ or bone marrow transplantation, were studied by the application of the tissue micro-array (TMA) technology. They included 50 cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) and 2 Burkitt lymphomas (BL). In order to evaluate the immune-profile a large panel of antibodies was applied including several new markers (Cyclin D2, Cyclin D3, p27, PKC-β, FOXP-1 and Survivin) identified as negative prognostic factors in DLBCL of the immunocompetent patient. Out of 50 DLBCL, 23 cases (46%) had an Activated B Cell (ABC) phenotype, 8 (16%) a Germinal Centre B-cell (GCB) phenotype, and 11 (22%) an Unclassified (UC) phenotype. In 8 cases (16%) the subtype was not demonstrable due to sub-optimal preservation or loss of the tissue core. FISH analysis detected BCL2 gene amplification and MYC rearrangement. EBV was identified in 32 cases (64%) performing immunohistochemistry (LMP-1) and in situ hybridization (EBER). Clinical data and follow-up were available in all cases of malignant lymphomas but one. Thirty-two patients died for progression of disease or complications related to transplant (bleeding, bacterial infections, and multi-organ failure); 17 patients are actually alive and disease-free. M-PTLD are aggressive lymphomas characterized by very poor outcome. The neoplastic process is stimulated by a prolonged immunosuppressive status which is capable to induce alterations of the immune system and allow EBV reactivation in previously infected patients. Indeed EBV infection seems to be the most significant risk factor to predict the development of a PTLD while age, sex, site of involvement and type of transplant do not have significant correlation. Furthermore DLBCL arisen in a setting of immunodeficiency share phenotypic and molecular features with DLBCL of the immunocompetent patient. In particular, the former shows a high incidence of BCL2 gene amplification and this aberration typically correlates with “non-GCB” phenotype. Also M-PTLD do express prognostic markers (PKC-β, cyclin D2, FOXP-1, and Survivin): notably, in our study, PKC-β and FOXP-1 were frequently expressed and they were predictive of a shorter overall survival even in lymphomas recognized to have a good prognosis (GCB-type). Given the fact that such molecules are detectable at the time of the diagnosis, we postulate whether a “tailored” or more specific therapy might be applied in the management of the immune-compromised patient.


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Introduction. Craniopharyngioma (CF) is a malformation of the hypothalamicpituitary region and it is the most common nonglial cerebral tumor in children with an high overall survival rate. In some case severe endocrinologic and metabolic sequelae may occur during follow up. 50% of patients (pts), in particular those with radical removal of suprasellar lesions, develop intractable hyperphagia and morbid obesity, with dyslypidemia and high cardiovascular risk. We studied the auxological and metabolic features of a series of 29 patients (18 males) treated at a mean age of 7,6 years, followed up in our Centre from 1973 to 2008 with a mean follow up of 8,3 years. Patients features at the onset. 62% of pts showed as first symptoms of disease visual impairment and neurological disturbancies (headache); 34% growth arrest; 24% signs of raised intracranial pressure and 7% diabetes insipidus. Diagnosis. Diagnosis of CF was reached finally by TC or MRI scans which showed endo-suprasellar lesion in 23 cases and endosellar tumour in 6 cases. Treatment and outcome. 25/29 pts underwent surgical removal of CF (19 by transcranial approach and 6 by endoscopic surgery); 4 pts underwent stereotactic surgery as first line therapy. 3 pts underwent local irradiation with yttrium-90, 5 pts post surgery radiotherapy. 45% of pts needed more than one treatment procedure. Results. After CF treatment all patients suffered from 3 or more pituitary hormone deficiencies and diabetes insipidus. They underwent promptly substitutive therapy with corticosteroids, l-thyroxine and desmopressin. In 28/29 pts we found growth hormone (GH) deficiency. 20/28 pts started GH substitutive therapy and 15 pts reached final height(FH) near target height(TH). 8 pts were not GH treated for good growth velocity, even without GH, or for tumour residual. They reached in 2 cases FH over TH showing the already known phenomenon of growth without GH. 38% of patients showed BMI SDS >2 SDS at last assessment, in particular pts not GH treated (BMI 2,5 SDS) are more obese than GH treated (BMI 1,2 SDS). Lipid panel of 16 examined pts showed significative differencies among GH treated (9 pts) and not treated (7 pts) with better profile in GH treated ones for Total Cholesterol/C-HDL and C-LDL/C-HDL. We examined intima media thickness of common carotid arteries in 11 pts. 3/4 not GH treated pts showed ultrasonographic abnormalities: calcifications in 2 and plaque in 1 case. Of them 1 pt was only 12,6 years old and already showed hypothalamic obesity with hyperphagia, high HOMA index and dyslipidemia. In the GH treated group (7) we found calcifications in 1 case and a plaque in another one. GH therapy was started in the young pt with carotid calcifications, with good improvement within 6 months of treatment. 5/29 pts showed hypothalamic obesity, related to hypothalamic damage (type of surgical treatment, endo-suprasellar primitive lesion, recurrences). 48% of patients recurred during follow up ( mean time from treatment: 3 years) and underwent, in some cases up to 4 transcranial surgical treatments. GH seems not to increase recurrence rate since 40% of GH treated recurred vs 66,6% of not GH treated pts. Discussion. Our data show the extereme difficulties that occur during follow up of craniopharyngioma treated patients. GH therapy should be offered to all patients even with good growth velocity after CF treatment, to avoid dislypidemia and reduce cardiovascular risk. The optimal therapy is not completely understood and whether gross tumor removal or partial surgery is the best option remains to be decided only on one patient tumour features and hypothalamic involvement. In conclusion the gold standard treatment of CF remains complete tumour removal, when feasible, or partial resection to preserve hypothalamic function in endosuprasellar large neoplasms.


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Introduction: Transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic shunt (TIPS) is an accepted indication for treating refractory ascites. Different models have been proposed for the prediction of survival after TIPS; aim of present study was to evaluate the factors associated with mortality after TIPS for refractory ascites. Methods: Seventy-three consecutive patients undergoing a TIPS for refractory ascites in our centre between 2003 and 2008, were prospectively recorded in a database ad were the subject of the study. Mean follow-up was 17±2 months. Forty patients were awaiting liver transplantation (LT) and 12 (16.4%) underwent LT during follow-up. Results: Mean MELD at the moment of TIPS was 15.7±5.3. Overall mortality was 23.3% (n=17) with a mean survival after TIPS of 17±14 months. MELD score (B=0.161, p=0.042), AST (B= 0.020, p=0.090) and pre-TIPS HVPG (B=0.016, p=0.093) were independent predictors of overall mortality. On multivariate analysis MELD (B=0.419, p=0.018) and pre-TIPS HVPG (B=0.223, p=0.060) independently predicted 1 year survival. Patients were stratified into categories of death risk, using ROC curves for the variables MELD and HVPG. Patients with MELD<10 had a low probability of death after TIPS (n=6, 16% mortality); patients with HVPG <16 mmHg (n=6) had no mortality. Maximum risk of death was found in patients with MELD score 19 (n=16, 31% mortality) and in those with HVPG 25 mmHg (n=27, 26% mortality). Conclusions: TIPS increases overall survival in patients with refractory ascites. Liver function (assessed by MELD), necroinflammation (AST) and portal hypertension (HVPG) are independent predictors of survival; patients with MELD>19 and HVPG>25 mmHg are at highest risk of death after TIPS


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This 9p21 locus, encode for important proteins involved in cell cycle regulation and apoptosis containing the p16/CDKN2A (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2a) tumor suppressor gene and two other related genes, p14/ARF and p15/CDKN2B. This locus, is a major target of inactivation in the pathogenesis of a number of human tumors, both solid and haematologic, and is a frequent site of loss or deletion also in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) ranging from 18% to 45% 1. In order to explore, at high resolution, the frequency and size of alterations affecting this locus in adult BCR-ABL1-positive ALL and to investigate their prognostic value, 112 patients (101 de novo and 11 relapse cases) were analyzed by genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms arrays and gene candidate deep exon sequencing. Paired diagnosis-relapse samples were further available and analyzed for 19 (19%) cases. CDKN2A/ARF and CDKN2B genomic alterations were identified in 29% and 25% of newly diagnosed patients, respectively. Deletions were monoallelic in 72% of cases and in 43% the minimal overlapping region of the lost area spanned only the CDKN2A/2B gene locus. The analysis at the time of relapse showed an almost significant increase in the detection rate of CDKN2A/ARF loss (47%) compared to diagnosis (p = 0.06). Point mutations within the 9p21 locus were found at very low level with only a non-synonymous substition in the exon 2 of CDKN2A. Finally, correlation with clinical outcome showed that deletions of CDKN2A/B are significantly associated with poor outcome in terms of overall survival (p = 0.0206), disease free-survival (p = 0.0010) and cumulative incidence of relapse (p = 0.0014). The inactivation of 9p21 locus by genomic deletions is a frequent event in BCR-ABL1-positive ALL. Deletions are frequently acquired at the leukemia progression and work as a poor prognostic marker.


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Background: Nilotinib is a potent and selective BCR-ABL inhibitor. The phase 3 ENESTnd trial demonstrated superior efficacy nilotinib vs imatinib, with higher and faster molecular responses. After 24 months, the rates of progression to accelerated-blastic phase (ABP) were 0.7% and 1.1% with nilotinib 300mg and 400mg BID, respectively, significantly lower compared to imatinib (4.2%). Nilotinib has been approved for the frontline treatment of Ph+ CML. With imatinib 400mg (IRIS trial), the rate of any event and of progression to ABP were higher during the first 3 years. Consequently, a confirmation of the durability of responses to nilotinib beyond 3 years is extremely important. Aims: To evaluate the response and the outcome of patients treated for 3 years with nilotinib 400mg BID as frontline therapy. Methods: A multicentre phase 2 trial was conducted by the GIMEMA CML WP (ClinicalTrials.gov.NCT00481052). Minimum 36-month follow-up data for all patients will be presented. Definitions: Major Molecular Response (MMR): BCR-ABL/ABL ratio <0,1%IS; Complete Molecular Response (CMR): undetectable transcript levels with ≥10,000 ABL transcripts; failures: according to the revised ELN recommendations; events: failures and treatment discontinuation for any reason. All the analysis has been made according to the intention-to-treat principle. Results: 73 patients enrolled: median age 51 years; 45% low, 41% intermediate and 14% high Sokal risk. The cumulative incidence of CCgR at 12 months was 100%. CCgR at each milestone: 78%, 96%, 96%, 95%, 92% at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months, respectively. The overall estimated probability of MMR was 97%, while the rates of MMR at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months were 52%, 66%, 85%, 81% and 82%, respectively. The overall estimated probability of CMR was 79%, while the rates of CMR at 12 and 24 months were 12% and 27%, respectively. No patient achieving a MMR progressed to AP. Only one patient progressed at 6 months to ABP and subsequently died (high Sokal risk, T315I mutation). Adverse events were mostly grade 1 or 2 and manageable with appropriate dose adaptations. During the first 12 months, the mean daily dose was 600-800mg in 74% of patients. The nilotinib last daily dose was as follows: 800mg in 46 (63%) patients, 600mg in 3 (4%) patients and 400mg in 18 (25%), 6 permanent discontinuations. Detail of discontinuation: 1 patient progressed to ABP; 3 patients had recurrent episodes of amylase and/or lipase increase (no pancreatitis); 1 patient had atrial fibrillation (unrelated to study drug) and 1 patient died after 32 months of mental deterioration and starvation (unrelated to study drug). Two patients are currently on imatinib second-line and 2 on dasatinib third-line. With a median follow-up of 39 months, the estimated probability of overall survival, progression-free survival and failure-free survival was 97%, the estimated probability of event-free survival was 91%. Conclusions: The rate of failures was very low during the first 3 years. Responses remain stable. The high rates of responses achieved during the first 12 months are being translated into optimal outcome for most of patients.


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Traditional morphological examinations are not anymore sufficient for a complete evaluation of tumoral tissue and the use of neoplastic markers is of utmost importance. Neoplastic markers can be classified in: diagnostic, prognostic and predictive markers. Three markers were analyzed. 1) Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) was immunohistochemically examined in prostatic tissues: 40 radical prostatectomies from hormonally untreated patients with their preoperative biopsies, 10 radical prostatectomies from patients under complete androgen ablation before surgery and 10 simple prostatectomies from patients with bladder outlet obstruction. Results were compared with α-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR). IGFBP2 was expressed in the cytoplasm of untreated adenocarcinomas and, to a lesser extent, in HG-PIN; the expression was markedly lower in patients after complete androgen ablation. AMACR was similarly expressed in both adenocarcinoma and HG-PIN, the level being similar in both lesions; the expression was slightly lower in patients after complete androgen ablation. IGFBP2 may be used a diagnostic marker of prostatic adenocarcinomas. 2) Heparan surface proteoglycan immunohistochemical expression was examined in 150 oral squamous cell carcinomas. Follow up information was available in 93 patients (range: 6-34 months, mean: 19±7). After surgery, chemotherapy was performed in 8 patients and radiotherapy in 61 patients. Multivariate and univariate overall survival analyses showed that high expression of syndecan-1 (SYN-1) was associated with a poor prognosis. In patients treated with radiotherapy, such association was higher. SYN-1 is a prognostic marker in oral squamous cell carcinomas; it may also represent a predictive factor for responsiveness to radiotherapy. 3) EGFR was studied in 33 pulmonary adenocarcinomas with traditional DNA sequencing methods and with two mutation-specific antibodies. Overall, the two antibodies had 61.1% sensitivity and 100% specificity in detecting EGFR mutations. EGFR mutation-specific antibodies may represent a predictive marker to identify patients candidate to tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy.


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Purpose: evaluation and comparison of volumetric modulated RapidarcTM radiotherapy (RA-IMRT) vs linac based Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in the salvage treatment of isolated lymph node recurrences in patients affected by gynaecological cancer. Materials and Methods From January 2010 to September 2011, 15 patients affected by isolated lymph nodes recurrence of gynaecological cancer underwent salvage radiotherapy after conventional imaging staging with CT and 18-FDG-PET/CT. Two different radiotherapy techniques were used in this study: RA-IMRT (RapidarcTM implemented radiotherapy Varian Medical System, Palo Alto, CA, USA) or SBRT (BrainLAB, Feldkirchen, Germany). Five patients underwent CT scan and all patients underwent 18FDG-PET/CT for pre-treatment evaluation and staging. The mean total dose delivered was 54.3 Gy (range 50-60 Gy with conventional fractionation and 27.4 Gy (range 12-40 Gy hypofractionation) for RA-IMRT and SBRT respectively. The mean number of fractions was 27.6 fractions (range 25-31) and 3-4 fractions , the mean overall treatment duration was 40.5 days (range 36-45) and 6.5 days (range 5-8 days) for RA-IMRT and SBRT respectively. Results: At the time of the analysis, October 2011, the overall survival was 92.3 % (80% for RA-IMRT and 100% for SBRT). Six patients are alive with no evidence of disease and also six patients are alive with clinically evident disease in other sites (40% and 50% patients RA-IMRT vs SBRT respectively, one patient died for systemic progression of disease and two patient were not evaluable at this time. Conclusions: Our preliminary results showed that, the use of RA-IMRT and SBRT are an excellent local therapy for isolated lymph nodes recurrences of gynaecological cancer with a good toxicity profile and local control rate, even if any long term survivors would be expected. New treatment modalities like Cyberknife are also being implemented.


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Background: Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and circulating free plasma DNA (FPDNA) have been proposed as biomarkers predictive of outcome and response to therapy in solid tumors. We investigated the multiple associations of the presence of CTC and the levels of FPDNA with the outcome and/or the response to chemotherapy in patients with localized breast cancer (LBC), metastatic breast cancer (MBC) and advanced ovarian cancer (AOC). Experimental Design: Blood samples were collected before (baseline), during and after therapy in 40 LBC and 50 AOC patients treated with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. In 20 MBC patients blood was sampled at baseline and every each cycle of adjuvant chemotherapy. Real time PCR was applied to quantify FPDNA using the Quantifiler Human Quantification kit and CTCs through the detection of tumor-cell specific mRNA levels with or without epithelial enrichment. Results: At baseline CTCs were detected in 90% MBC, 42.5% LBC and 33% AOC patients respectively. The presence of baseline CTC was significantly associated with shorter overall survival (OS) in MBC and AOC patients, and shorter progression free survival (PFS) in LBC patients. Presence of CTCs at the end of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy was detected in 42% LBC and 18% AOC patients and was associated with shorter PFS and OS only in LBC. Increased FPDNA levels at baseline were found in 65% MBC, 17.5% LBC and 76% AOC patients but never related to OS. Baseline FPDNA high levels were associated with shorter PFS only in LBC patients. High FPDNA levels after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy were detected in 57% LBC and 48% AOC patients. Increased FPDNA after neo-adjuvant was associated with response to therapy and shorter PFS in AOC patients. Conclusions: Detection of CTCs may represent a prognostic and predictive biomarker in LBC, MBC and AOC. Quantification of FPDNA could be useful for monitoring response to therapy in AOC patients.


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La chemioembolizzazione (TACE) è uno dei trattamenti locoregionali più largamente utilizzati nel trattamento dell’epatocarcinoma (HCC). A tutt’oggi però rimangono irrisolte alcune importanti controversie sul suo impiego. Nella presente tesi sono stati analizzati alcuni dei principali oggetti di dibattito quali (1) indicazione al trattamento, (2) trattamenti multipli e schema di ritrattamento e (3) trattamento dei pazienti candidabili a trapianto di fegato. A tal fine sono stati riportati tre studi che hanno analizzato gli argomenti sopradescritti. La TACE viene comunemente eseguita nei pazienti al di fuori delle raccomandazioni delle linee guida tra cui i pazienti con nodulo singolo, i pazienti con trombosi portale e con performance status (PS) compromesso. Dallo studio 1 è emerso che la TACE può essere considerata una valida opzione terapeutica nei pazienti con HCC singolo non candidabili a trattamenti curativi, che la trombosi portale non neoplastica ed una lieve compromissione del performance status (PS-1) verosimilmente legata alla cirrosi non hanno impatto sulla sopravvivenza post-trattamento. Multipli trattamenti di chemioembolizzazione vengono frequentemente eseguiti ma non esiste a tutt’oggi un numero ottimale di ritrattamenti TACE. Dallo studio 2 è emerso che il trattamento TACE eseguito “on demand” può essere efficacemente ripetuto nei pazienti che non abbiano scompenso funzionale e non siano candidabili a trattamenti curativi anche se solo una piccola percentuale di pazienti selezionati può essere sottoposto a più cicli di trattamento. La TACE è frequentemente impiegata nei pazienti in lista per trapianto di fegato ma non c’è evidenza dell’efficacia di trattamenti ripetuti in questi pazienti. Dallo studio 3 è emerso che il numero di TACE non è significativamente associato né alla necrosi tumorale, né alla recidiva né alla sopravvivenza post-trapianto. Un tempo d’attesa prima del trapianto ≤6 mesi è invece risultato essere fattore predittivo indipendente di recidiva riflettendo la possibile maggiore aggressività tumorale in questa classe di pazienti.


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Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden 106 Minipins bei 62 Patienten (29 Männer und 33 Frauen)untersucht.rnÜberlebensrate betrug 76,4%. Misserfolge, die zum Verlust der Minipins führten wie Mukositis, Lockerung oder Wurzelperforation, stellten sich in 23,7 % (n=25) der Fälle ein. Dabei gingen beim Auftreten von Mukositis 9 von 14 (8,5 %), bei der Lockerung der Minischrauben 8 von 10 (7,5 %) der Minischrauben verloren. Eine Wurzelperforation trat in einem Fall auf. rnDie einzige lingual im Unterkiefer implantierte Schraube ging verloren. Implantation palatinal im Oberkiefer führte in zwei von vier Fällen zum Verlust. rnDie Sofortbelastung der kieferorthopädischen Kortikalisschrauben erscheint ein praktikables Belastungskonzept zu sein.rnDie Verlustraten bei der vestibulären Implantation betrugen 3,8 % (n=4) für den Oberkiefer und 15,1 % (n=16) für den Unterkiefer.rnBei der Implantation in befestigte bzw. unbefestigte Mukosa betrug die Überlebensrate entsprechend 83,3 % (n=72) und 62,3 % (n=22). rn