923 resultados para ovarian reserve


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Thecomas are tumors originating from the ovarian stroma and of rare occurrence in the equine species. Clinical, ultrasonographic, endocrine, and histopathologic descriptions of thecoma are scarce. This article aims to describe a case of ovarian changes in a mare with anomalous growth of the right ovary and anestrus for 1 year. After surgical removal, the ovarian growth was diagnosed as a thecoma. Histopathological findings were consistent with the findings previously described in the literature, characteristic of a thecoma, and decisive for the correct diagnosis. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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A 5-year-old Mangalarga mare was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Veterinary Medical School in Botucatu with a complaint of a persistent 2-month ovarian follicle which had grown progressively to 20 cm in diameter. Ultrasonography showed a circular, cystic structure in the right ovary, whose wall was thickened and interior was filled with anechoic content. Ovarian neoplasia was suspected, and a unilateral ovariectomy was performed through the paralumbar fossa, using general anesthesia through inhalation. Histopathological evaluation concluded that the ovarian enlargement was caused by a fibrothecoma. The present report describes features of fibrothecoma, which is extremely rare in the equine species. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Hydrometra is considered a very important pathological condition, because it represents one of the main causes of temporary infertility in dairy goats. The objective was (i) to evaluate a protocol for the treatment of hydrometra associated (n=2) or not (n=17) with follicular ovarian cyst in 19 dairy goats and (ii) to assess its reproductive efficiency after treatment. For this purpose, 10. mg of dinoprost (PGF) divided in two equal doses were administered to all animals intravulvosubmucosally on Days 0 and 10. In addition, 500. IU hCG were administered on Day 7. Ultrasound exams were performed in all females from Days 0 to 3, 7 and 10 to 13 of treatment, in order to evaluate uterus drainage after each treatment. Goats were monitored for estrus after both treatments and mated after the second dose of PGF. Blood samples were collected from 11 goats to determine plasma progesterone concentrations before, during and after treatment. Of the 19 goats treated, 16 lost weight after the first dose, probably due to uterine discharge. Complete drainage of uterine fluid was observed in 11/19 (57.9%) and 17/19 (89.5%) after the first and second doses, respectively. Afterwards, we diagnosed 2 more goats with follicular cysts, for a total of 21.1% (4/19) of animals exhibiting hydrometra and ovarian cyst concomitantly. In one doe the diagnosis was on Day 2 and in the other on Day 11. All does showed progesterone concentrations superior to 1. ng/mL at Day 0, with an average of 10.6 ± 1.4. ng/mL. Out of the 10 goats mated, only two became pregnant after treatment, corresponding to 10.5% of the total (2/19). Although prostaglandin was effective to drain the uterine fluid and led to the onset of estrus, it did not improve the pregnancy rate. The use of hCG in female goats was not effective in luteinizing the cysts. It can be concluded that hydrometra alone or associated with ovarian follicular cyst may adversely affect goat reproductive performance. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Zara, F.J., Gaeta, H.H., Costa, T.M., Toyama, M.H. and Caetano, F.H. 2011. The ovarian cycle histochemistry and its relationship with hepatopancreas weight in the blue crab Callinectes danae (Crustacea: Portunidae). -Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00:1-13. Several studies use macroscopic patterns of the ovarian development in crustaceans. Here, we examined the relationship between ovary histochemistry, changes in gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices against the macroscopic pattern of the ovarian development in Callinectes danae. Animals were collected in the south coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. Ovaries were macroscopically classified as juvenile, rudimentary, developing, intermediary, mature, and rudimentary ovigerous. Samples were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, processed for historesin, and stained with HE, protein, and neutral and acid polysaccharides detection. The juvenile oocytes are not enclosed by follicular cells and have fewer yolk nuclei being less intense in PAS reactivity than rudimentary oocytes. Developing oocytes show yolk granules and thick follicular cells. Yolk granules were positive for proteins and neutral polysaccharides. The intermediary stage is marked by a qualitative increase in yolk granules and the onset of chorion formation. In mature oocytes, cytoplasm is completely filled by yolk granules and the chorion is completely formed. Ovigerous ovaries have several atretic follicles and large quantities of hemocytes in the process of tissue reorganization. In C. danae, the changes in cell, goandosomatic and hepatosomatic indices coinciding with macroscopic observations and any combination of different macroscopic stages in a single pattern should be avoided. © 2011 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


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The Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station (JIES) is one of the few protected areas in the state of São Paulo, which harbor a significant portion of the Atlantic forest. Although there is high diversity and endemism of fish species in this region, knowledge of the ichthyofauna in JIES is incipient. A total of 4,809 specimens belonging to six orders, 15 families and 31 species were captured during April 2009 to February 2010, using electrofishing, gillnets and traps. The family Characidae was predominant, mainly due to the abundance of freshwater species such as Astyanax ribeirae, Mimagoniates microlepis, and Hollandichthys multifasciatus. Although the estuarine regions were rarely sampled in this study, six brackish water species were captured. In this study, nine species previously unknown from JIES were discovered. Five endangered fish species, endemic to the Atlantic forest, occur at JIES, thus the presence of protected areas, as a conservation measure, is particularly relevant. © 2013 Check List and Authors.


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The effects of nursing regimens on the body condition, onset of ovarian cyclicity postpartum and weaning weight of lambs were assessed in Santa Ines ewes. Thirty-two ewes were blocked according to parity, number of lambs, and body weight at lambing and within each block randomly allocated to treatments: continuous nursing (CN), controlled nursing (CN2) with two daily feedings for an hour after the 10th day postpartum, or early weaning (EW) with total separation from the lambs after the 10th day. The animals were evaluated from the 12th day postpartum until the first estrus or until 60th day. The dry matter and nutrients intake did not differ among treatments ( P>. 0.05) but did differ over time ( P<. 0.01). The weight, body condition score, serum concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids and prolactin, the percentages of ewes in estrus, of ewes that ovulated within 60th day and had ovulation silent, the period from lambing to estrus, ovulation and follicle with a diameter ≥5. mm and the maximum follicular diameter did not differ ( P>. 0.05) among the treatments. The percentage of ovulation until 30th day was greater ( P<. 0.05) in the EW group. The percentage of short luteal phases was higher in the CN2 and EW groups ( P=0.07) and normal luteal phases were higher in the CN group ( P=0.01). Lamb weight weaning was lower in the EW group ( P<. 0.05). It is possible to use CN to obtain lambing periods less than eight months in Santa Ines ewes, with the advantages of simpler management and higher lamb weaning weights. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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In Brazil, the state of São Paulo contains both preserved areas (Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station) and extremely impacted ones (Cubatão Municipality). This study evaluated the concentrations of five metals (Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, and Hg) in two mangroves with different levels of anthropogenic impact and the apparent genotoxicity to Ucides cordatus. Water and sediment samples were obtained, and metal concentrations were determined with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The genotoxic impact was quantified based on the number of micronucleated cells per 1,000 analyzed (MN‰), using hemolymph slides stained with Giemsa. Metal concentrations in water were below the detection limit, except for lead, although no significant difference was observed between the areas (P > 0.05). Sediment from Cubatão had higher concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cr, and Cu than sediment from Juréia-Itatins (P < 0.05), but no significant differences in metal concentrations were detected among depth strata of the sediment (P > 0.05). Crabs from Cubatão had a 2.6 times higher mean frequency of micronucleated cells (5.2 ± 1.8 MN‰) than those from Juréia-Itatins (2.0 ± 1.0 MN‰; P < 0.0001). The more-polluted conditions found in the mangrove sediments of Cubatão were reflected in the micronucleus assay, demonstrating their genotoxic effect; however, genetic damage should be attributed to a synergistic effect with other kinds of pollutants previously recorded in different environments of Cubatão. U. cordatus proved to be an excellent bioindicator of mangrove pollution. This study established, for the first time, the normal frequency of MN‰ in a population of this species within an ecological station. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Incluye bibliografía


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Includes bibliography.


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Previous cytochrome B (CytB) mtDNA studies have suggested four species for the opossum genus Philander (four-eyed opossums), three (P. mcilhennyi, P. andersoni and P. opossum) from the Amazon and one (P. frenata) from the Brazilian Atlantic forest. During a faunal survey nine specimens of Philander sp. and four of Didelphis marsupialis were collected in the Mamirauá Sustainable Reserve, Amazonas State, Brazil. Preliminary analyses based on morphology and geographical distributions were not conclusive, suggesting that Philander specimens could belong to either P. andersoni or P. opossum. In order to elucidate the relationship of this taxon to the remaining Amazonian taxa, seven Philander and two Didelphis specimens animals were sequenced for the cytB mtDNA gene and compared to other previously studied taxa. The maximum likelihood (ML), neighbor-Joining (NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) consensus bootstrap trees depicted six groups: Didelphis., P. frenata, P andersoni, P. mcilhennyi, P.o. opossum and Philander sp. and Philander canus in a common assemblage supported by significant bootstrap values, suggesting that the Philander sp. from Mamiraua in fact belongs to the species Philander canus.


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O presente trabalho objetivou adaptar um procedimento mecânico para o isolamento de folículos pré-antrais a partir de ovários de Cebus apella. Para isso, foi testado o efeito do intervalo de cortes seriados do tissue chopper sobre o número de folículos pré-antrais isolados a partir de ovários (n=6) de três fêmeas de C. apella, duas pré-púberes e uma adulta. Os ovários foram divididos em quatro partes iguais e fragmentados com auxílio de um tissue chopper, ajustado para a realização de secções seriadas a intervalos de 250, 500, 750 e 1000µm, respectivamente. Os folículos isolados foram contados em câmara de Neubauer e classificados em primordiais, primários e secundários. O número (média ± EP) de folículos pré-antrais isolados de 1/4 de ovário variou de 68.330+17.590, no intervalo de corte de 1.000µm, a 300.830+111.460, no intervalo de corte de 500µm, o de melhores resultados. O diâmetro médio dos folículos pré-antrais isolados variou de 11,6µm a 27, 8µm.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi obter dados quantitativos e qualitativos da população folicular ovariana de fêmeas de Cebus apella. Foram obtidos 7 ovários de 4 fêmeas adultas de C. apella através de ovariectomia. Os ovários foram submetidos à preparação para histologia ótica de rotina. O número de folículos pré-antrais e antrais por ovário foi estimado utilizando o Método Fracionador. Os folículos pré-antrais foram classificados em primordial, transição, primário e secundário. Foram considerados folículos antrais todos aqueles que apresentavam uma cavidade antral. Todos os folículos contados foram classificados em normais ou degenerados. Com o intuito de acompanhar o desenvolvimento folicular, os diâmetros médios folicular, oocitário e do núcleo do oócito foram determinados. Todos os resultados foram apresentados em Média ± Erro Padrão. A população média de folículos pré-antrais foi de 56.938 ± 21.888 e 49.133 ± 26.896 para os ovários direito e esquerdo, respectivamente. A percentagem de folículos pré-antrais estimados normais foi de 80,00 ± 4,95 %. O diâmetro médio folicular variou de 22,0 ± 0,5 µm a 61,2 ± 4,0 µm. No tocante aos folículos antrais, a população média de folículos normais e degenerados por ovário foi de 60,0 ± 19,0 e 3 ± 1,8 folículos, respectivamente. O diâmetro médio folicular foi de 514,4 ± 56,6 µm. Para concluir, as informações obtidas neste trabalho poderão servir como parâmetro para posteriores estudos in vivo ou in vitro da foliculogênese de primatas não-humanos neotropicais da espécie C. apella.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever as características ultrassonográficas uterinas e ovarianas, e dopplervelocimétricas das suas artérias nos dias periovulatórios em cadelas. Quinze ciclos estrais em 10 animais foram avaliados. As características ultrassonográficas, índices de resistência (IR) e índices de pulsatilidade (IP) do útero e dos ovários em cada animal foram registrados 5 dias antes e depois da ovulação (D0). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente e os resultados foram expressos em média ± erro padrão da média (P<0,05). Como resultados as características ultrassonográficas uterinas foram semelhantes em todos os ciclos e dias avaliados, tendo o corpo uterino um diâmetro médio de 0,85±0,02cm. Foi observado um aumento no volume dos ovários e nos diâmetros dos folículos, tendo os ovários um volume de 0,64±0,06cm3, e a cavidade dos folículos um diâmetro de 0,46±0,01cm no dia da ovulação. Após a ovulação, foi observado colapso dos folículos somente em alguns ciclos. A perfusão sanguínea uterina diminuiu dois dias antes da ovulação e permaneceu inalterada até a ovulação. Após a ovulação, houve um aumento gradual na perfusão das artérias uterinas e ovarianas, direcionando o fluxo de sangue para os ovários e aumentando a perfusão da artéria intra-ovariana um dia após a ovulação. Conclui-se que características específicas são observadas na imagem ultrassonográfica uterina e ovariana, e dopplervelocimétricas de suas artérias nos dias periovulatórios, e quando associadas permitem estimar com mais precisão o dia da ovulação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)