799 resultados para octahedral tilting


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Four hydrazone ligands: 2-benzoylpyridine benzoyl hydrazone (HBPB), di-2-pyridyl ketone nicotinoyl hydrazone (HDKN), quinoline-2-carbaldehyde benzoyl hydrazone (HQCB), and quinoline-2-carbaldehyde nicotinoyl hydrazone (HQCN) and four of their complexes with vanadyl salts have been synthesized and characterized. Single crystals of HBPB and complexes [VO(BPB)(l2-O)]2 (1) and [VO(DKN)(l2-O)]2 ½H2O (2) were isolated and characterized by X-ray crystallography. Each of the complexes exhibits a binuclear structure where two vanadium(V) atoms are bridged by two oxygen atoms to form distorted octahedral structures within cis-N2O4 donor sets. In most complexes, the uninegative anions function as tridentate ligands, coordinating through the pyridyl- and azomethine-nitrogen atoms and enolic oxygen whereas in complex [VO(HQCN)(SO4)]SO4 4H2O (4) the ligand is coordinated in the keto form. Complexes [VO(QCB)( OMe)] 1.5H2O (3) and 4 are found to be EPR active and showed well-resolved axial anisotropy with two sets of eight line pattern


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A novel binuclear Ni(II) complex of salicylaldehyde 3-azacyclothiosemicarbazone (H2L) has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR and UV–Vis spectroscopy. The single crystal X-ray structure of the complex shows that bridging occurs through thiolato sulfur and phenolic oxygen atoms. Nickel centers in the complex have square planar and octahedral geometries


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Zinc ferrite belongs to the class of normal spinels where it is assumed to have a cation distribution of Zn2`(Fe3`)2(O2~)4, and it is purported to be showing zero net magnetisation. However, there have been recent reports suggesting that zinc ferrite exhibits anomaly in its magnetisation. Zinc ferrite samples have been prepared by two di¤erent routes and have been analysed using low energy ion scattering, Mo¬ ssbauer spectroscopy and magnetic measurements. The results indicate that zinc occupies octahedral sites, contrary to the earlier belief that zinc occupies only the tetrahedral sites in a normal spinel. The amount of zinc on the B site increases with decrease in particle size. The LEIS results together with the Mo¬ ssbauer results and the magnetic measurements lead to the conclusion that zinc occupies the B site and the magnetisation exhibited by ultraÞne particles of zinc is due to short range ordering


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Spinel ferrites are commercially important because of their excellent magnetic and catalytic properties. The study by Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS) can reveal atomic scale information on the surface. The surface of selected spinel ferrites was investigated by LEIS. It has been found that it is the octahedral sites which are preferentially exposed on the surface of the spinel ferrites. So the probable planes which are exposed on spinel ferrite surfaces are D(110) or B(111). This prediction using LEIS gives scope for tailor-making compounds with catalytically active ions on the surface for various catalytic reactions.


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FT-Raman and FT-IR spectra of ASnFe(PO4)3 [A=Na2, Ca, Cd] were recorded and analyzed. The bands were assigned in terms of the vibrational group frequencies of SnO6 octahedral and PO4 tetrahedral. The spectral analysis shows that the symmetry of corner shared octahedral (SnO6) and the tetrahedral (PO4) are lowered from their free ion symmetry state. The presence of Fe3+ ions disrupts the S–N–O–S–N chain in the structure. This causes distortion of SnO6 and PO4 in the structure of all the compounds. Also it is seen that there are two distinct PO4 tetrahedra of different P–O bond lengths. One of these tetrahedra is linearly distorted in all the title compounds. The PO4 frequencies and bond lengths are calculated theoretically and are in agreement with the experimental values. The presence of PO4 polyanion in the structure can reduce the redox energy and hence reduce the metal oxygen covalency strength in the structure


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Six new copper complexes of di-2-pyridyl ketone nicotinoylhydrazone (HDKN) have been synthesized. The complexes have been characterized by a variety of spectroscopic techniques and the structure of [Cu(DKN)2]·H2O has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound [Cu(DKN)2]·H2O crystallized in the monoclinic space group P21 and has a distorted octahedral geometry. The IR spectra revealed the presence of variable modes of chelation for the investigated ligand. The EPR spectra of compounds [Cu2(DKN)2( -N3)2] and [Cu2(DKN)2( -NCS)2] in polycrystalline state suggest a dimeric structure as they exhibited a half field signal, which indicate the presence of a weak interaction between two Cu(II) ions in these complexes


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Four manganese(II) complexes Mn2(paa)2(N3)4 (1), [Mn(paa)2(NCS)2] 3/2H2O (2), Mn(papea)2(NCS)2 (3), [Mn(dpka)2(NCS)2] 1/2H2O(4) of three neutral N,N donor bidentate Schiff bases were synthesized and physico- chemically characterized by means of partial elemental analyses, electronic, infrared and EPR spectral studies. Compounds 3 and 4 were obtained as single crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction. Compound 4 recrystallized as Mn(dpka)2(NCS)2. Both the compounds crystallized in the monoclinic space groups P21 for 3 and C2/c for 4. Manganese(II) is found to be in a distorted octahedral geometry in both the monomeric complexes with thiocyanate anion as a terminal ligand coordinating through the nitrogen atom. EPR spectra in DMF solutions at 77 K show hyperfine sextets with low intensity forbidden lines lying between each of the two main hyperfine lines and the zero field splitting parameters (D and E) were calculated.


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Aquesta tesi és el reflex que de la cooperació entre grups experimentals i grups teòrics s'aconsegueix l'assoliment d'objectius inassolibles de forma individual. A partir de la DFT s'expliquen processos inorgànics i organometàl·lics de gran valor biològic i/o industrial. La tesi està enfocada especialment a l'estudi de complexos mononuclears i binuclears de coure, on té lloc l'activació d'enllaços C-H, C-C, i O-O. L'estudi de complexos octaèdrics de ruteni ha permès dur a terme extensos estudis isomèrics i racionalitzar les propietats espectroscòpiques dels mateixos. A més a més, estudis més puntuals respecte clusters de coure, l'estudi de la reacció de Pawson-Khand, l'estudi d'enllaços Pt-Pt en complexos trimèrics de platí, a més a més de l'estudi de la isomeria de complexos de Ni i Pt.


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Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are relatively rare events in the UK but, when they do occur, can be associated with weather that is considered extreme with respect to climatology (as indicated by the number of such events that have been analysed as case studies). These case studies usually associate UK MCSs with a synoptic environment known as the Spanish plume. Here a previously published 17 year climatology of UK MCS events is extended to the present day (from 1998 to 2008) and these events classified according to the synoptic environment in which they form. Three distinct synoptic environments have been identified, here termed the classical Spanish plume, modified Spanish plume, and European easterly plume. Detailed case studies of the two latter, newly defined, environments are presented. Composites produced for each environment further reveal the differences between them. The classical Spanish plume is associated with an eastward propagating baroclinic cyclone that evolves according to idealised life cycle 1. Conditional instability is released from a warm moist plume of air advected northeastwards from Iberia that is capped by warmer, but very dry air, from the Spanish plateau. The modified Spanish plume is associated with a slowly moving mature frontal system associated with a forward tilting trough (and possibly cut-off low) at 500 hPa that evolves according to idealised life cycle 2. As in the classical Spanish plume, conditional instability is released from a warm plume of air advected northwards from Iberia. The less frequent European easterly plume is associated with an omega block centred over Scandinavia at upper levels. Conditional instability is released from a warm plume of air advected westwards across northern continental Europe. Unlike the Spanish plume environments, the European easterly plume is not a warm sector phenomena associated with a baroclinic cyclone. However, in all environments the organisation of convection is associated with the interaction of an upper-level disturbance with a low-level region of warm advection.


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Reaction of fac-[ Mo( CO)(3)( NCMe)(3)] with three equivalents of NCCH2(C4H3S- 3) in acetonitrile gives the tris(thiophene- 3- acetonitrile) complex, fac-[Mo(CO)(3){NCCH2(C4H3S-3)}(3)] (1) in 7% yield. Complex 1 crystallizes out in the orthorhombic space group Pnma with a = 12.714( 17), b = 16.41( 2), c = 11.304(16) Angstrom, Z = 4. The structure has crystallographic m symmetry and the metal is in an almost perfect octahedral environment, with a facial arrangement of carbonyl and thiophene- 3- acetonitrile groups. The thiophene rings are disordered.


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Mixed ligand complexes: [Co(L)(bipy)] (.) 3H(2)O (1), [Ni(L)(phen)] (.) H2O (2), [Cu(L)(phen)] (.) 3H(2)O (3) and [Zn(L)(bipy)] (.) 3H(2)O (4), where L2- = two -COOH deprotonated dianion of N-(2-benzimidazolyl)methyliminodiacetic acid (H(2)bzimida, hereafter, H,L), bipy = 2,2' bipyridine and phen = 1,10-phenanthroline have been isolated and characterized by elemental analysis, spectral and magnetic measurements and thermal studies. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show octahedral geometry for 1, 2 and 4 and square pyramidal geometry for 3. Equilibrium studies in aqueous solution (ionic strength I = 10(-1) mol dm(-3) (NaNO3), at 25 +/- 1 degrees C) using different molar proportions of M(II):H2L:B, where M = Co, Ni, Cu and Zn and B = phen, bipy and en (ethylene diamine), however, provides evidence of formation of mononuclear and binuclear binary and mixed ligand complexes: M(L), M(H-1L)(-), M(B)(2+), M(L)(B), M(H-1L)(B)(-), M-2(H-1L)(OH), (B)M(H-1L)M(B)(+), where H-1L3- represents two -COOH and the benzimidazole NI-H deprotonated quadridentate (O-, N, O-, N), or, quinquedentate (O-, N, O-, N, N-) function of the coordinated ligand H,L. Binuclear mixed ligand complex formation equilibria: M(L)(B) + M(B)(2+) = (B)M(H-1L)M(B)(+) + H+ is favoured with higher pi-acidity of the B ligands. For Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II), these equilibria are accompanied by blue shift of the electronic absorption maxima of M(II) ions, as a negatively charged bridging benzimidazolate moiety provides stronger ligand field than a neutral one. Solution stability of the mixed ligand complexes are in the expected order: Co(II) < Ni(II) < Cu(II) > Zn(II). The Delta logK(M) values are less negetive than their statistical values, indicating favoured formation of the mixed ligand complexes over the binary ones. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Equilibrium study on complex formation of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II), hereafter M(II), with the quadridentate (O-, N, O-, N) donor ligand, N-(2-hydroxybenzyl)-L-histidine (H(2)hb-L-his, hereafter H2L), in the absence and in the presence of typical (N, N) donor bidentate ligands, 1,10 phenanthroline(phen), 2, 2'-bipyridine(bipy), ethylenediamine(en), hereafter B, in aqueous solution at 25 +/- 1 degrees C was done at a fixed ionic strength, I = 0.1 mol dm(-3) (NaNO3) by combined pH-metric, UV-Vis and EPR measurements provide evidence for the formation of mononuclear and dinuclear binary and mixed ligand complexes of the types: M(L), M(L)(2)(2-), M-2(L)(2+), M-2(H-1L)(+), M(L)(B), (B)M(H-1L)M(B)(+). The imidazole moiety of the ligand is found to act as a bridging bidentate ligand in the dinuclear M-2(L)(2+), M-2(H-1L)(+) and (B)M(H-1L)M(B)(+) complexes, using its N-3 atom and N1-H deprotonated moiety. Stability constants of the complexes provide evidence of discrimination of Cu(II) from the other M(II) ions by this ligand. Solid complexes: [Ni(L)(H2O)(2)] (1), [Cu(L)(H2O)] (2), and [Ni(L)(bipy)] (.) H2O (3) have been isolated and characterized by various physicochemical studies. Single crystal X-ray diffraction of the ternary complex, 3, shows an octahedral [(O-,N,N,O-)(N,N)] geometry with extensive pi-pi stacking of the aromatic rings and H-bonding with imidazole (N1-H), secondary amino N-atom, the lattice H2O molecule, and the carboxylate and phenolate O-atoms. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three new polymeric complexes [Cd(hmt)(SCN)(2)(H2O)(2)](n) (1), [Cd-3(mu(2)-hmt)(2)(SCN)(6)(H2O)(2)](n) (2), and [Cd-2(hmt)(2)(tP)(2)(H2O)(6)](n) (3) [hmt = hexamethylenetetramine, tp = terephthalate] have been synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Both the compounds 1 and 2 are 1-D polymers where Cd units are linked by double end-to-end thiocyanate bridges but in 2 the chain is wider containing three cadmium atoms instead of one as found in 1. In both compounds the coordination environment around cadmium atom is distorted octahedral. Compound 3 is a three-dimensional polymer having water-filled microporous channels. Both tp and brut are mu(2)-bridged. One of the acid groups of tp is coordinated in chelating bidentate and the other in monodentate fashion. Half of its Cd atoms are hexa-coordinated and the rest are hepta-coordinated. Thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray diffraction study of 3 show that its framework remains intact upon removal of water molecules. The flexibility of coordination number around cadmium atoms (six or seven) probably plays an important role in establishing the rigidity of the framework. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A dinuclear Ni-II complex, [Ni-2(L)(2)(H2O)(NCS)(2)]center dot 3H(2)O (1) in which the metal atoms are bridged by one water molecule and two mu(2)-phenolate ions, and a thiocyanato-bridged dimeric Cull complex, [Cu(L)NCS](2) (2) [L = tridentate Schiff-base ligand, N-(3-aminopropyl)salicylaldimine, derived from 1:1 condensation of salicylaldehyde and 1,3-diaminopropane], have been synthesized and characterized by IR and UV/Vis spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry and single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The structure of 1 consists of dinuclear units with crystallographic C-2 symmetry in which each Ni-II atom is in a distorted octahedral environment. The Ni-O distance and the Ni-O-Ni angle, through the bridged water molecule, are 2.240(11) angstrom and 82.5(5)degrees, respectively. The structure of 2 consists of dinuclear units bridged asymmetrically by di-mu(1,3)-NCS ions; each Cull ion is in a square-pyramidal environment with tau = 0.25. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility studies indicate the presence of dominant ferromagnetic exchange coupling in complex 1 with J = 3.1 cm(-1), whereas complex 2 exhibits weak antiferromagnetic coupling between the Cu-II centers with J = -1.7 cm(-1). ((c) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2005)


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Two sets of ligands, set-1 and set-2, have been prepared by mixing 1,3-diaminopentane and carbonyl compounds (2-acetylpyridine or pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde) in 1:1 and 1:2 ratios, respectively, and employed for the synthesis of complexes with Ni(II) perchlorate, Ni(II) thiocyanate and Ni(II) chloride. Ni(II) perchlorate yields the complexes having general formula [NiL2](ClO4)(2)(L = L-1 [N-3-(1-pyridin-2-yl-ethylidene)-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 1 or L-2[N-3-pyridin-2-ylmethylene-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 2) in which the Schiff bases are monocondensed terdentate, whereas Ni(II) thiocyanate results in the formation of tetradentate Schiff base complexes, [NiL(SCN)(2)] (L = L-3[N,N'-bis-(1-pyridin-2- yl-ethylidine)-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 3 or L-4 [N,N'-bis(pyridin-2-ylmethyline)-pentane-1,3- diamine] for complex 4) irrespective of the sets of ligands used. Complexes 5 {[NiL3(N-3)(2)]} and 6 {[NiL4(N-3)(2)]} are prepared by adding sodium azide to the methanol solution of complexes 1 and 2. Addition of Ni(II) chloride to the set-1 or set-2 ligands produces [Ni(pn)(2)]Cl-2, 7, as the major product, where pn = 1,3-diaminopentane. Formation of the complexes has been explained by the activation of the imine bond by the counter anion and thereby favouring the hydrolysis of the Schiff base. All the complexes have been characterized by elemental analyses and spectral data. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies con. firm the structures of three representative members, 1, 4 and 7; all of them have distorted octahedral geometry around Ni(II). The bis-complex of terdentate ligands, 1, is the mer isomer, and complexes 4 and 7 possess trans geometry. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.