765 resultados para new media, civic space, politics, deliberative democracy, education, public sphere
En el presente artículo intentaremos realizar un análisis crítico de las interpretaciones que ven a la democracia deliberativa como una moralización de la política. No sólo intentaremos contestar a esta lectura, sino que además nos ocuparemos de mostrar la manera en la que la perspectiva deliberativa capta la moralidad en política, la cual no consiste en proponer una concepción ética densa para el espacio político.
En el presente artículo intentaremos realizar un análisis crítico de las interpretaciones que ven a la democracia deliberativa como una moralización de la política. No sólo intentaremos contestar a esta lectura, sino que además nos ocuparemos de mostrar la manera en la que la perspectiva deliberativa capta la moralidad en política, la cual no consiste en proponer una concepción ética densa para el espacio político.
En el presente artículo intentaremos realizar un análisis crítico de las interpretaciones que ven a la democracia deliberativa como una moralización de la política. No sólo intentaremos contestar a esta lectura, sino que además nos ocuparemos de mostrar la manera en la que la perspectiva deliberativa capta la moralidad en política, la cual no consiste en proponer una concepción ética densa para el espacio político.
The relationships between narrative and leadership, between rhetoric and performance, between doctrine and its voicing, are crucial to party politics and are underrated by both practising politicians and scholars. This study analyses the ‘performance of leadership’ in the UK Labour Party, and what this means for a new approach to understanding politics. The main focus of this study is the five-year leadership of Ed Miliband, 2010-2015. The fortunes of the party and the party leadership can be apprehended as a series of performed rhetorical events. A political leader’s persona is a construction that performs – rather like an actor – in the political space. The author identifies and analyses the architecture and the modalities of leadership persona construction and performance in contemporary politics.
While celebrating collective representation, the media can be seen as spaces of ritualization that are fundamental to the consolidation of wider social values. In this paper we give an empirical frame to the concept of “media rituals” considering it as an entrenched symbolic practice that could be traceable in Eusébio’s exequies television broadcasting. Three sorts of media rituals are identified: rituals dealing with immediacy, rituals dealing with collective prominence and rituals dealing with the revelation of reality. Each media ritual exemplifies how a space of comprehensive ritualization is erected. It is through this generalized and mediated ritualization that the idea of a major social occurrence is refreshed and worked through.
Uneasy by the consumerism of the society of our days, this thesis embodies a reflection and a research about the influence of the new media over a behavior standardization, which results in the creation of the artistic project “Conshumano”. Looking up for a description and a critical integration of various converging concepts of this social paradigm, which lead to a growing tendency of the consumption: Capitalism, Industrialization, New Technologies, Cultural Industry, Mass Media or Globalization. Focusing the research on the concepts presented, developed a theoretical framework that relates different authors and artistic examples. Embracing art as an active agent of social life, concepts such as Video-Art or Interactive Art gain evident shape, as they establish essentially the basis for the interactive multimedia instalation accomplished by this project. The possibility of young artists resort to new ways to produce their works is an emerging factor today, and in this project the new technologies were used creatively as an artistic medium, with a view to developing an artistic, active and interventionist citizenship. Finally, lying properly contextualized in this paper, was presented the exhibition of interactive multimedia installation “Conshumano: os novos media na sociedade de consumo”, at National Museum Grão Vasco, in Viseu. Art is seen as a creative and alternative critique of the consumerism and as a way to interact socially, which aims to create a self-analysis for the society about the act of purchasing.
O presente trabalho buscou analisar o atual discurso jornalístico sobre educação, no contexto da internet como nova mídia, levando em conta os efeitos das mensagens difundidas e no que contribuem para o processo histórico e cultural do meio em que vivemos, trazendo como estudo de caso, uma pesquisa realizada no Portal do Jornal Zero Hora – um dos veículos de comunicação com maior circulação do Brasil. Buscando empreender uma pesquisa bem sucedida, e, como uma forma de nortear o que nos propusemos a desenvolver no papel de pesquisadores, definimos perguntas que nos orientaram no decorrer deste trabalho, entre elas: Como se dá o discurso educativo no Portal Zero Hora? Como o discurso jornalístico no Portal Zero Hora contribui para disseminar assuntos relacionados à educação? As informações veiculadas no Portal Zero Hora contribuem para a formação contínua do professor? A partir do arcabouço teórico e metodológico planejado, partimos para a pesquisa empírica que se utilizou de uma vasta revisão bibliográfica e de técnicas e métodos quantitativos e qualitativos, buscando respaldo nas Teorias do Jornalismo, as quais contribuíram para o sucesso dos resultados. Das teorias, nos alicerçamos da Análise de Conteúdo e Análise de Discurso, Teoria do Agenda-Setting e Teoria de Knowledge Gap, com base na fundamentação teórica de autores. A investigação concluiu que o meio online exerce um papel importante na difusão de notícias da área educacional, contribuindo na construção da realidade social e no desenvolvimento e enriquecimento cognitivo, cultural e informativo das pessoas em sociedade. Constatamos que a divulgação de informações na mídia online colabora na formação de processos comunicacionais, possibilitando reflexões que incentivam às transformações no contexto da educação.
The very nature of computer science with its constant changes forces those who wish to follow to adapt and react quickly. Large companies invest in being up to date in order to generate revenue and stay active on the market. Universities, on the other hand, need to imply same practices of staying up to date with industry needs in order to produce industry ready engineers. By interviewing former students, now engineers in the industry, and current university staff this thesis aims to learn if there is space for enhancing the education through different lecturing approaches and/or curriculum adaptation and development. In order to address these concerns a qualitative research has been conducted, focusing on data collection obtained through semi-structured live world interviews. The method used follows the seven stages of research interviewing introduced by Kvale and focuses on collecting and preparing relevant data for analysis. The collected data is transcribed, refined, and further on analyzed in the “Findings and analysis” chapter. The focus of analyzing was answering the three research questions; learning how higher education impacts a Computer Science and Informatics Engineers’ job, how to better undergo the transition from studies to working in the industry and how to develop a curriculum that helps support the previous two. Unaltered quoted extracts are presented and individually analyzed. To paint a better picture a theme-wise analysis is presented summing valuable themes that were repeated throughout the interviewing phase. The findings obtained imply that there are several factors directly influencing the quality of education. From the student side, it mostly concerns expectation and dedication involving studies, and from the university side it is commitment to the curriculum development process. Due to the time and resource limitations this research provides findings conducted on a narrowed scope, although it can serve as a great foundation for further development; possibly as a PhD research.
While celebrating collective representation, the media can be seen as spaces of ritualization that are fundamental to the consolidation of wider social values. In this paper we give an empirical frame to the concept of “media rituals” considering it as an entrenched symbolic practice that could be traceable in Eusébio’s exequies television broadcasting. Three sorts of media rituals are identified: rituals dealing with immediacy, rituals dealing with collective prominence and rituals dealing with the revelation of reality. Each media ritual exemplifies how a space of comprehensive ritualization is erected. It is through this generalized and mediated ritualization that the idea of a major social occurrence is refreshed and worked through.
Esta investigación busca analizar las distintas formas a través de las cuales las personas gais y lesbianas de Quibdó lograron una visibilización en la esfera pública de su ciudad. Este proceso será visto en diferentes escenarios. Primero, en la participación en espacios culturales como San Pacho, shows y reinados de belleza. Segundo, en el activismo realizado por la Fundación Ébano Diverso, que ha logrado abrir espacios de diálogo con instancias como la Alcaldía de Quibdó y la Gobernación del Chocó. Finalmente, se verá cómo la creación de tejidos familiares y afectivos está relacionada con su activismo y las formas distintas de visibilizarse.
La política del comparendo ambiental como herramienta pedagógica para el adecuado manejo de los residuos sólidos, pretende responsabilizar a la ciudadanía sobre el aseo del espacio público, en tanto la gestión por sí sola del Estado o las empresas privadas no ha logrado alcanzar este objetivo. El presente trabajo busca analizar, en el marco del servicio público domiciliario de aseo, la gestión del comparendo ambiental en el espacio público de la UPZ 97 Chicó Lago del 2014 al 2016, haciendo énfasis en las relaciones de los actores desde una perspectiva de gobernanza. De esa manera nos aproximamos a la noción de la ciudadanía frente al comparendo ambiental, para determinar cómo la política incluye su participación en la gestión del aseo en el espacio público.
School technology integration rarely begins with school or educator choice. It is part of a wider context where external and internal factors have direct influence on the goals and tools that are adopted over time. The objective of this study is to investigate the systemic conditions that contribute or inhibit the development of different activities by teachers making use of new media. We compiled a list of well-known conditions for technology integration success and mapped these in the historical and culturally bound perspective of activity theory (cultural historical activity theory). We conducted a multiple case study analysis of four schools, public and private. The results point to unique and distinctive scenarios even when homogeneity would be expected, reinforcing the argument that material conditions do not determine pedagogical outcomes nor do they determine changes in practice. Beyond this, the study proposes a methodology that can help elicit tensions in technology integration, pointing to avenues for school development.
L’elaborato affronta il tema della massiccia diffusione di disinformazione tramite internet sotto il profilo del diritto costituzionale, nell’ottica di indagare se le dimensioni del fenomeno richiedano l’elaborazione di principi e soluzioni nuove ovvero se i paradigmi costituzionali enucleati dalla tradizione costituzionalistica con riferimento alla libertà d’espressione forniscano gli strumenti sufficienti per un intervento efficace. In tale ottica, il lavoro premette una ricostruzione del fenomeno della disinformazione nel tentativo di individuare il perimetro socio-cognitivo e tecnologico entro cui la medesima prolifera, descrivendo gli elementi che distinguono l’informazione diffusa dai nuovi media rispetto a quella veicolata dai media mainstream. Ciò premesso, lo studio passa a delineare lo “statuto costituzionale” del falso, indagando la rilevanza che la menzogna assume sotto il profilo costituzionale nel suo rapporto con la libertà di manifestazione del pensiero negli ordinamenti interno, europeo e statunitense. L’analisi prosegue poi con l’esame delle politiche di contrasto alla disinformazione introdotte da singoli Stati (prevalentemente Germania, Francia e Italia), Unione europea, e piattaforme, con l’obiettivo di mettere in luce vantaggi e limiti dei modelli di eteroregolamentazione, coregolamentazione e autoregolamentazione. Da ultimo, l’elaborato scompone alcune delle azioni e misure passate in rassegna e le analizza con la lente d’ingrandimento della libertà di manifestazione del pensiero, ordinandone i contenuti secondo la specifica propensione a comprimere la libertà d’espressione. L’indagine si conclude con alcuni brevi spunti conclusivi che evidenziano l’esigenza, in base ai principi costituzionali analizzati, che eventuali interventi normativi siano se del caso volti alla regolazione delle piattaforme, ovvero dei “contenitori”, lasciano i contenuti al libero scambio delle idee.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física