996 resultados para neurology


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As general practice (GP) is the main source of referrals to neurologists, neurology education for GP trainees is important. We investigated the existence of neurophobia, contributing factors and potential prevention strategies among GP trainees.


In a questionnaire survey interest, knowledge, confidence and perceived difficulty in neurology were compared with different medical specialties. Reasons for difficulty with neurology, postgraduate neurology education experience, learning methods and suggested teaching improvements were examined.


Of 205 GP trainees, 118 (58%) completed the questionnaire. Threshold analyses justified categorical intervals for the Likert responses. Trainees recorded poorer knowledge (p < 0.001), less confidence (p < 0.001) and more perceived difficulty (p < 0.001) with neurology than with any other medical specialty. GP trainees had less interest in neurology than any other medical specialty (Duncan test, p < 0.001). There was a similar gradation in difficulty and confidence perception across medical specialties. Hospital and community-based neurology teaching was graded as “poor” or “very poor” by over 60% of GP trainees. There were multiple perceived causes of neurophobia, including neuroanatomy and poor quality teaching. More organised clinical teaching and referral guidance were suggested to address GP neurophobia.


Neurophobia is common among GP trainees in Northern Ireland. GP trainees have clear and largely uniform ideas on improving their neurology education. GP training posts should reflect the importance of neurology within the GP curriculum.


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Background: The aim was to collate all myasthenia gravis (MG) epidemiological studies including AChR MG and MuSK MG specific studies. To synthesize data on incidence rate (IR), prevalence rate (PR) and mortality rate (MR) of the condition and investigate the influence of environmental and technical factors on any trends or variation observed.

Methods: Studies were identified using multiple sources and meta-analysis performed to calculate pooled estimates for IR, PR and MR.

Results: 55 studies performed between 1950 and 2007 were included, representing 1.7 billion population-years. For All MG estimated pooled IR (eIR): 5.3 per million person-years (C.I.: 4.4, 6.1), range: 1.7 to 21.3; estimated pooled PR: 77.7 per illion persons (C.I.: 64.0, 94.3), range 15 to 179; MR range 0.1 to 0.9 per millions person-years. AChR MG eIR: 7.3 (C.I.: 5.5, 7.8), range: 4.3 to 18.0; MuSK MG IR range: 0.1 to 0.32. However marked variation persisted between populations studied with similar methodology and in similar areas.

Conclusions: We report marked variation in observed frequencies of MG. We show evidence of increasing frequency of MG with year of study and improved study quality. This probably reflects improved case ascertainment. But other factors must also influence disease onset resulting in the observed variation in IR across geographically and genetically similar populations.


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We report a case study of a female who received an allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from a sex-mismatched related donor and who, after a twenty-year interval, developed an acute fulminant biopsy-proven demyelinating disorder of cerebral white matter which followed a remitting-relapsing chronic course. In situ hybridization studies using Y-chromosome-specific markers revealed Y-chromosome-positive mononuclear cells in biopsy samples of white matter. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of the asymptomatic healthy male donor showed multiple white matter lesions. These observations suggest that donor lymphocytes were sensitized to central nervous system (CNS) antigens prior to or at the time of transplantation but remained dormant for 20 years before becoming activated to cause widespread demyelination.


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Background: Prospective investigations of the association between impaired orthostatic blood pressure (BP) regulation and cognitive decline in older adults are limited, and findings to-date have been mixed. The aim of this study was to determine whether impaired recovery of orthostatic BP was associated with change in cognitive function over a 2-year period, in a population based sample of community dwelling older adults. 

Methods: Data from the first two waves of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing were analysed. Orthostatic BP was measured during a lying to standing orthostatic stress protocol at wave 1 using beat-to-beat digital plethysmography, and impaired recovery of BP at 40 s post stand was investigated. Cognitive function was assessed at wave 1 and wave 2 (2 years later) using the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), verbal fluency and word recall tasks. 

Results: After adjustment for measured, potential confounders, and multiple imputation for missing data, the change in the number of errors between waves on the MMSE was 10 % higher [IRR (95 % CI) = 1.10 (0.96, 1.26)] in those with impaired recovery at 40 s. However, this was not statistically significant (p = 0.17). Impaired BP recovery was not associated with change in performance on any of the other cognitive measures. 

Conclusions: There was no clear evidence for an association between impaired recovery of orthostatic BP and change in cognition over a 2-year period in this nationally representative cohort of older adults. Longer follow-up and more detailed cognitive testing would be advantageous to further investigate the relationship between orthostatic BP and cognitive decline.


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There is lack of consistent evidence as to how well PD patients are able to accurately time their movements across space with an external acoustic signal. For years, research based on the finger-tapping paradigm, the most popular paradigm for exploring the brain's ability to time movement, has provided strong evidence that patients are not able to accurately reproduce an isochronous interval [i.e., Ref. (1)]. This was undermined by Spencer and Ivry (2) who suggested a specific deficit in temporal control linked to emergent, rhythmical movement not event-based actions, which primarily involve the cerebellum. In this study, we investigated motor timing of seven idiopathic PD participants in event-based sensorimotor synchronization task. Participants were asked to move their finger horizontally between two predefined target zones to synchronize with the occurrence of two sound events at two time intervals (1.5 and 2.5 s). The width of the targets and the distance between them were manipulated to investigate impact of accuracy demands and movement amplitude on timing performance. The results showed that participants with PD demonstrated specific difficulties when trying to accurately synchronize their movements to a beat. The extent to which their ability to synchronize movement was compromised was found to be related to the severity of PD, but independent of the spatial constraints of the task.


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AIM: The routine use of psychometrically robust assessment tools is integral to best practice. This systematic review aims to determine the extent to which evidence-based assessment tools were used by allied health practitioners for children with cerebral palsy (CP).

METHOD: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis protocols 2015 was employed. A search strategy applied the free text terms: 'allied health practitioner', 'assessment', and 'cerebral palsy', and related subject headings to seven databases. Included articles reported assessment practices of occupational therapists, physiotherapists, or speech pathologists working with children with CP aged 0 to 18 years, published from the year 2000.

RESULTS: Fourteen articles met the inclusion criteria. Eighty-eight assessment tools were reported, of which 23 were in high use. Of these, three tools focused on gross motor function and had acceptable validity for use with children with CP: Gross Motor Function Measure, Gross Motor Function Classification System, and goniometry. Validated tools to assess other activity components, participation, quality of life, and pain were used infrequently or not at all.

INTERPRETATION: Allied health practitioners used only a few of the available evidence-based assessment tools. Assessment findings in many areas considered important by children and families were rarely documented using validated assessment tools.


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BACKGROUND: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common cause of physical disability in childhood in developed countries and encompasses a wide range of clinical phenotypes. Classification of CP according to movement disorder or topographical distribution is widely used. However, these classifications are not reliable nor do they accurately predict musculoskeletal pathology. More recently, the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) has been introduced and its validity, reliability, and clinical utility have been confirmed. In 2005 it was suggested that children should be described and classified according to the GMFCS in all outcome studies involving children with CP, in the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics (JPO). This study aimed to describe utilization of the GMFCS in 3 journals: Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS Am), JPO, and Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology (DMCN), over a 7-year period (2005 to 2011), and any relationship to the journal's impact factor. A secondary aim was to establish if differences in methodological quality existed between those studies utilizing GMFCS and those that did not.

METHODS: A targeted literature search of the 3 selected journals using the term "cerebral palsy" was conducted using the Medline database. Utilization of the GMFCS was assessed using report of these data in the methods or results section of the retrieved papers. The Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies (MINORS) was employed to evaluate the quality of papers published in JPO.

RESULTS: One hundred and fifty-four studies met the inclusion criteria and in 85 (68%) the GMFCS was used. Of these, 112 were published in JPO, of which 51 (46%) utilized the GMFCS, compared with 72% for JBJS Am, and 88% for DMCN. In the JPO, utilization of the GMFCS improved from 13% to 80%, over the 7-year study period.

CONCLUSIONS: Utilization of the GMFCS has increased rapidly over the past 7 years in the JPO but there is room for further improvement.

LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Not applicable.


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Anualmente ocorrem cerca de 16 milhões AVCs em todo o mundo. Cerca de metade dos sobreviventes irá apresentar défice motor que necessitará de reabilitação na janela dos 3 aos 6 meses depois do AVC. Nos países desenvolvidos, é estimado que os custos com AVCs representem cerca de 0.27% do Produto Interno Bruto de cada País. Esta situação implica um enorme peso social e financeiro. Paradoxalmente a esta situação, é aceite na comunidade médica a necessidade de serviços de reabilitação motora mais intensivos e centrados no doente. Na revisão do estado da arte, demonstra-se o arquétipo que relaciona metodologias terapêuticas mais intensivas com uma mais proficiente reabilitação motora do doente. Revelam-se também as falhas nas soluções tecnológicas existentes que apresentam uma elevada complexidade e custo associado de aquisição e manutenção. Desta forma, a pergunta que suporta o trabalho de doutoramento seguido inquire a possibilidade de criar um novo dispositivo de simples utilização e de baixo custo, capaz de apoiar uma recuperação motora mais eficiente de um doente após AVC, aliando intensidade com determinação da correcção dos movimentos realizados relativamente aos prescritos. Propondo o uso do estímulo vibratório como uma ferramenta proprioceptiva de intervenção terapêutica a usar no novo dispositivo, demonstra-se a tolerabilidade a este tipo de estímulos através do teste duma primeira versão do sistema apenas com a componente de estimulação num primeiro grupo de 5 doentes. Esta fase validará o subsequente desenvolvimento do sistema SWORD. Projectando o sistema SWORD como uma ferramenta complementar que integra as componentes de avaliação motora e intervenção proprioceptiva por estimulação, é descrito o desenvolvimento da componente de quantificação de movimento que o integra. São apresentadas as diversas soluções estudadas e o algoritmo que representa a implementação final baseada na fusão sensorial das medidas provenientes de três sensores: acelerómetro, giroscópio e magnetómetro. O teste ao sistema SWORD, quando comparado com o método de reabilitação tradicional, mostrou um ganho considerável de intensidade e qualidade na execução motora para 4 dos 5 doentes testados num segundo grupo experimental. É mostrada a versatilidade do sistema SWORD através do desenvolvimento do módulo de Tele-Reabilitação que complementa a componente de quantificação de movimento com uma interface gráfica de feedback e uma ferramenta de análise remota da evolução motora do doente. Finalmente, a partir da componente de quantificação de movimento, foi ainda desenvolvida uma versão para avaliação motora automatizada, implementada a partir da escala WMFT, que visa retirar o factor subjectivo da avaliação humana presente nas escalas de avaliação motora usadas em Neurologia. Esta versão do sistema foi testada num terceiro grupo experimental de cinco doentes.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Nutrição Clínica, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015


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A par das patologias oncológicas, as doenças do foro cardíaco, em particular a doença arterial coronária, são uma das principais causas de morte nos países industrializados, devido sobretudo, à grande incidência de enfartes do miocárdio. Uma das formas de diagnóstico e avaliação desta condição passa pela obtenção de imagens de perfusão miocárdica com radionuclídeos, realizada por Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões (PET). As soluções injectáveis de [15O]-H2O, [82Rb] e [13N]-NH3 são as mais utilizadas neste tipo de exame clínico. No Instituto de Ciências Nucleares Aplicadas à Saúde (ICNAS), a existência de um ciclotrão tem permitido a produção de uma variedade de radiofármacos, com aplicações em neurologia, oncologia e cardiologia. Recentemente, surgiu a oportunidade de iniciar exames clínicos com [13N]-NH3 para avaliação da perfusão miocárdica. É neste âmbito que surge a oportunidade do presente trabalho, pois antes da sua utilização clínica é necessário realizar a optimização da produção e a validação de todo o processo segundo as normas de Boas Práticas Radiofarmacêuticas. Após uma fase de optimização do processo, procedeu-se à avaliação dos parâmetros físico-químicos e biológicos da preparação de [13N]-NH3, de acordo com as indicações da Farmacopeia Europeia (Ph. Eur.) 8.2. De acordo com as normas farmacêuticas, foram realizados 3 lotes de produção consecutivos para validação da produção de [13N]-NH3. Os resultados mostraram um produto final límpido e ausente de cor, com valores de pH dentro do limite especificado, isto é, entre 4,5 e 8,5. A pureza química das amostras foi verificada, uma vez que relativamente ao teste colorimétrico, a tonalidade da cor da solução de [13N]-NH3 não era mais intensa que a solução de referência. As preparações foram identificadas como sendo [13N]-NH3, através dos resultados obtidos por cromatografia iónica, espectrometria de radiação gama e tempo de semi-vida. Por examinação do cromatograma obtido com a solução a ser testada, observou-se que o pico principal possuia um tempo de retenção aproximadamente igual ao pico do cromatograma obtido para a solução de referência. Além disso, o espectro de radiação gama mostrou um pico de energia 0,511 MeV e um outro adicional de 1,022 MeV para os fotões gama, característico de radionuclídeos emissores de positrões. O tempo de semi-vida manteve-se dentro do intervalo indicado, entre 9 e 11 minutos. Verificou-se, igualmente, a pureza radioquímica das amostras, correspondendo um mínimo de 99% da radioactividade total ao [13N], bem como a pureza radionuclídica, observando-se uma percentagem de impurezas inferiores a 1%, 2h após o fim da síntese. Os testes realizados para verificação da esterilidade e determinação da presença de endotoxinas bacterianas nas preparações de [13N]-NH3 apresentaram-se negativos.Os resultados obtidos contribuem, assim, para a validação do método para a produção de [13N]-NH3, uma vez que cumprem os requisitos especificados nas normas europeias, indicando a obtenção de um produto seguro e com a qualidade necessária para ser administrado em pacientes para avaliação da perfusão cardíaca por PET.