954 resultados para leaf nutrient content


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在人类活动导致全球变暖的前提下,由于全球气温的升高,地表水分加速向空中蒸发。从20世纪70年代至今,地球上严重干旱地区的面积几乎扩大了一倍。这一增长的一半可归因于气温升高而不是降雨量下降,因为实际上同期全球平均降水量还略有增长。干旱对陆地植物和农林生态系统产生深远影响,并已成为全球变化研究的一个重要方面。位于青藏高原东部的川西亚高山针叶林是研究气候变暖对陆地生态系统影响的重要森林类型。森林采伐迹地、人工林下和林窗环境作为目前该区人工造林和森林更新的重要生境,其截然不同的光环境对亚高山针叶林更新和森林动态有非常重要的影响。凋落物产生的化感物质可通过影响种子萌发和早期幼苗的定居而影响种群的建立和更新,而人工林和自然林物种以及更新速度的差异性也都受凋落物的影响。 云杉是川西亚高山针叶林群落的重要树种之一,在维持亚高山森林的景观格局和区域生态安全方面具有十分重要的作用,其自然更新能力及其影响机制一直是研究的热点问题。本试验以云杉种子和2年生幼苗为研究对象,从萌发、根尖形态、幼苗生长、光合作用、渗透调节和抗氧化能力等方面研究了不同光环境下水分亏缺和凋落物水浸液对云杉种子和幼苗生长的影响。旨在从更新的角度探讨亚高山针叶林自然更新的过程,其研究成果可在一定程度上为川西亚高山针叶林更新提供科学依据,同时也可为林业生产管理提供科学指导。主要研究结论如下: 水分亏缺在生长形态、光合作用、抗氧化能力、活性氧化对云杉幼苗都有显著影响。总体表现为,水分亏缺导致了云杉幼苗的高度、地径、单株总生物量降低,增加了地下部分的生长;水分亏缺显著降低了云杉叶片中相对含水量、光合色素、叶氮含量,净光合速率和最大量子产量(Fv/Fm),提高了幼苗叶片中膜脂过氧化产物(MDA)的含量;水分亏缺提高了幼苗叶片中过氧化氢(H2O2)含量,超氧荫离子(O2-)生成速率以及脯氨酸和抗氧化系统的活性(ASA, SOD, CAT, POD, APX和GR)。从这些结果可知,植物在遭受水分亏缺导致的伤害时,其自身会形成防御策略,并通过改变形态和生理方面的特性以减轻害。但是,这种自我保护机制依然不能抵抗严重水分亏缺对植物的伤害。 模拟林下低光照条件显著增加单株植物的地上部分生长,尤其是其叶片的比叶面积(叶面积/叶干重),同时其光合色素含量和叶片相对含水量也显著增加,这些改变直接导致植株光合速率和生物量的增加。同时,与高光照水平相比,低光照幼苗的膜脂过氧化产物(MDA)和活性氧物质均较低,显示出低光照比高光照水平对植物的更低的氧化伤害。尽管低光照也导致大部分抗氧化酶活性降低,但这正显示出植物遭受低的氧化伤害,更印证了前面的结论。 凋落物水浸液影响了云杉种子的萌发和根系的生长,更在形态、光合作用、抗氧化能力、活性氧物质以及叶氮水平上显著影响了云杉幼苗,其中,以人工纯林凋落物的影响更有强烈。具体表现在,种子萌发速率和萌发种子幼根的长度表现为对照>自然林处理>人工纯林;凋落物水浸液抑制种子分生区和伸长区的生长,人工林处理更降低了根毛区的生长,使根吸水分和养分困难。对2年生幼苗的影响主要表现在叶绿素含量、光合速率以及叶氮含量的降低;膜脂过氧化产物、活性氧物质和抗氧化酶系统的显著增加。同样的,人工纯林处理对云杉幼苗的影响显著于自然林处理。 在自然生态系统中,由于全球变暖气温升高导致的水分亏缺和森林凋落物都存在森林的砍伐迹地,林窗和林下环境中。我们的研究表明,与迹地或林窗强光照比较,林下的低光照环境由于为植物的生长营造了较为湿润的微环境,因此水分亏缺在林下对云杉幼苗造成的影响微弱。这可以从植物的形态、光合速率以及生物量积累,过氧化伤害和抗氧化酶系统表现出来。另一方面,凋落物水浸液在模拟林下低光照环境对植物的伤害也微弱于强光照环境,这与强光照环境高的水分散失导致环境水分亏缺有关;而人工纯林处理对云杉幼苗的伤害比对照和自然林处理显示出强烈的抑制作用。 Under the pre-condition of global warming resulted from intensive human activities, water in the earth’s surface rapidly evaporates due to the increase of global air temperature. From 1970s up to now, the area of serious drought in the world is almost twice as ever. This increase might be due to the increasing air temperature and not decreasing rainfall because global average rainfall in the corresponding period slightly is incremental. Drought will have profound impacts on terrestrial and agriculture-forest system and has also become the important issue of global change research. The subalpine coniferous forests in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau provide a natural laboratory for the studying the effects of global warming on terrestrial ecosystems. The light environment significantly differs among cutting blanks, forest gap and understory, which is particularly important for plant regeneration and forest dynamics in the subalpine coniferous forests. Picea asperata is one of the keystone species of subalpine coniferouis forests in western China, and it is very important in preserving landscape structure and regional ecological security of subalpine forests. The natural regeneration capacities and influence mechanism of Picea asperata are always the hot topics. In the present study, the short-term effects of two light levels (100% of full sunlight and 15% of full sunlight), two watering regimes (100% of field capacity and 30% of field capacity), two litter aqueous extracts (primitive forest and plantation aqueous extracts) on the seed germination, early growth and physiological traits of Picea asperata were determined in the laboratory and natural greenhouse. The present study was undertaken so as to give a better understanding of the regeneration progress affected by water deficit, low light and litter aqueous extracts. Our results could provide insights into the effects of climate warming on community composition and regeneration behavior for the subalpine coniferous forest ecosystem processes, and provide scientific direction for the forest production and management. Water deficit had significant effects on growth, morphological, physiological and biochemical traits of Picea asperata seedlings. Water deficit resulted in the decrease in height, basal diameter, total biomass and increase in under-ground development; water deficit significantly reduced the needle relative water content, photosynthetic pigments, needle nitrogen concentration, net photosynthetic rate and the maximum potential quantum yield of photosynthesis (Fv/Fm), and increased the degree of lipid peroxidation (MDA) in Picea asperata seedlings; water deficit also increased the rate of superoxide radical (O2-) production, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content, free proline content and the activities of antioxidant systems (ASA, SOD, POD, CAT, APX and GR) in Picea asperata seedlings. These results indicated that some protective mechanism was formed when plants suffered from drought stress, but the protection could not counteract the harm resulting from the serious drought stress on them. Low light in the understory significantly increased seedling above-ground development, especially the species leaf area (SLA), and photosynthetic pigments and relative needle content. These changes resulted in the increase in net photosynthetic rate and total biomass. Moreover, the lower MDA content and active oxygen species (AOS) (H2O2 and O2-) in low light seedlings suggested that low light had weaker oxidative damage as compared to high light. Lower antioxidant enzymes activities in low light seedlings indicated the weaker oxidative damage on Picea asperata seedlings than high light seedlings, which was correlative with the changes in MDA and AOS. Litter aqueous extracts affected seed germination and root system of Picea asperata seedlings. Significant changes in growth, photosynthesis, antioxidant activities, active oxygen species and leaf nitrogen concentration were also found in Picea asperata seedlings, and plantation treatment showed the stronger effects on these traits than those in control and primitive forest treatment. The present results indicated that seed germination and radicle length parameters in control were superior to those in primitive forest treatment, and those of primitive forest treatment were superior to plantation treatment; litter aqueous extracts inhibited the meristematic and elongation zone, and plantation treatment caused a decrease in root hairs so as to be difficult in absorbing water and nutrient in root system. On the other hand, litter aqueous extracts significantly decreased chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate and leaf nitrogen concentration of Picea asperata seedlings; MDA, AOS and antioxidant system activities were significantly increased in Picea asperata seedlings. Similarly, plantation treatment had more significant effect on Picea asperata seedlings as compared to primitive forest treatment. In the nature ecosystem, water deficit resulted from elevating air temperature and litter aqueous extract may probably coexist in the cutting blank, forest gap and understory. Our present study showed that water deficit had weaker effects on low light seedlings in the understory as compared to high light seedlings in the cutting blank and forest gap. The fact was confirmed from seedlings growth, gas exchange and biomass accumulation, peroxidation and antioxidant systems. This might be due to that low light-reduced leaf and air temperatures, vapour-pressure deficit, and the oxidative stresses can aggravate the impact of drought under higher light. On the other hand, litter aqueous extracts in the low light had weaker effects on the Picea asperata seedlings than those at high light level, which might be correlative to the water evapotranspiration under high light. Moreover, plantation litter aqueous extracts showed stronger inhibition for seed germination and seedling growth than control and primitive forest treatments.


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土壤可溶性有机物质(Dissolved organic matter,DOM)作为土壤有机质的活性组分,在陆地生态系统物质循环中扮演非常重要的角色。土壤DOM的主要成分可溶性有机碳(Dissolved organic carbon,DOC)和氮(Dissolved organic nitrogen,DON)参与C、N循环过程。为深入揭示全球C、N循环过程机制,在未开展DOC和DON的地区进行相关研究是有必要的。森林土壤(包括枯枝落叶层)DOC、DON动态及调控机理的研究是目前国际上森林生态系统C、N循环研究热点之一。本研究立足于暖温带岷江上游茂县地区人工林植被,对土壤DOC和DON的库容量,季节动态及其与其它养分之间的关系进行了系统研究,旨在了解DOC和DON在该区生态系统中的重要作用,并探讨作为DOM主要来源的叶凋落物对DOC和DON的动态影响,研究有助于更加详细地了解该区生态系统C和N循环过程。本论文主要研究结论如下: 1研究了岷江上游地区两大主要土壤类型(棕壤和褐土)不同植物群落下土壤的DOC和DON含量及特征,结果表明:DOC和DON在两种土壤类型中均有库容量存在,DOC在0-10cm和10-20cm土层的含量幅度分别111.96~159.95 mg kg-1和69.02~100.84 mg kg-1。DON在0-10cm和10-20cm土层的含量幅度分别11.88~23.08 mg kg-1和4.70~10.77 mg kg-1。游离氨基酸在0-10cm和10-20cm土层的含量幅度分别0.84~1.66 mg kg-1和0.39~0.73 mg kg-1。DOC、DON与土壤中的一些养分因子表现出了显著的相关关系,共同反映了土壤的状况和质量,在该区开展DOC和DON的系统研究是有必要的。 2 对油松与连香树林地土壤DOC、DON以及其它化学指标的季节动态进行了研究,结果表明:油松与连香树林地土壤DOC和DON的季节动态变化表现了类似的规律,DOC和DON的含量均以秋季最高。DOC和DON的季节动态变化主要受凋落物生物因素的影响,但其微生物活力的生物因素以及降雨、温度等非生物因素也是控制土壤DOC和DON含量的重要因素。土壤DON在土壤中的行为不同于矿质氮,其季节动态不同于NO3--N和NH4+-N的季节动态,在研究N循环过程中,应考虑DON的变化情况。 3 对油松与连香树林地分解层和表层土壤(0-10cm)氨基酸周转动态进行了研究,结果表明:油松林地和连香树林地均以分解层的氨基酸含量高于矿质表层土壤的含量。每个取样时期,油松林地内各层次的氨基酸含量高于连香树林地内相应层次的含量。两林地各层次无机氮含量均超过了氨基酸的含量,并且室内培养30天后无机N的含量仍然高于氨基酸的含量,所以可以认为该区立地条件下无论是在有机分解层还是矿质土层植物吸收利用的氮素仍是以无机N为主。 4 松林下松针凋落物易于累积,这与松针凋落物分解缓慢有关,从而导致松林内养分周转缓慢。通过用不同性质凋落物和灌丛地土壤构建微生态系统,比较油松、辐射松、连香树、灌丛虎榛子凋落物分解对C、N循环过程的影响,结果显示油松和辐射松针叶凋落物比连香树、虎榛子凋落物分解更慢,减缓了养分循环过程。然而将针叶凋落物与阔叶凋落物混合后,油松和辐射松针叶凋落物的分解加快,C、N元素的循环过程也加速。此结果表明在松林内维持具有高质量凋落物的灌丛植被或在松林内栽植一些阔叶树种如连香树对维持和增进松树人工林的土壤肥力有重大的作用。室内培养的结果还显示添加凋落物后土壤DOC和DON的含量显著增加,表明凋落物是土壤DOM的直接来源。然而不同物种凋落物处理下土壤DOC和DON的含量有所不同,并随时间发生改变。混合凋落物处理下土壤DOC和DON的含量均高于松针凋落物单独处理下土壤DOC和DON的含量。DON是一个主要的水溶性N库,随时间的变化趋势与无机N的变化趋势不同,在土壤N循环过程中起到了中间N库的作用。 As a labile fraction of soil organic matter, dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a very important role in material cycling of terrestrial ecosystem. The turnover of DOM is now being considered as main components in nutrient cycling. DOM mainly includes dissolved organic carbon (DOC), -nitrogen (DON), -phosphorous (DOP) and –sulfur (DOS). Among these constituents, DOC and DON directly participate in C and N cycling. It is essential to study DOC and DON dynamics and their controlling factors in the areas where no related study has ever been carried out. Study about them can provide data supports on understanding the mechanism of the global C and N cycling. DOC and DON dynamics and their controlling factors have been focused on in the research of C and N cycling of forest ecosystems. Based on forest plantations of Maoxian, Minjiang River in warm temperate zone, soil DOC and DON pool size, their seasonal dynamics, and the correlation between DOC, DON and other nutrients were studied in order to understand the importance of DOC and DON in the study area. Soil DOC and DON dynamics induced by leaf litter decomposition were also studied. The study contributed to comprehensively understanding C and N cycling processes and providing baseline data for including DOC and DON into the indices system of evaluating nutrient conditions. The results were as follows: 1 Several different plant communities under brown soil and Cinnamon soil were chosen as sampling plots. The contents and features of soil DOC and DON were evaluated. The results showed that DOC and DON were present under the two soil types. DOC contents in the top soil (0-10 cm) and the subsoil (10-20 cm) respectively varied from 111.96 mg kg-1to 159.95 mg kg-1, and 69.02 mg kg-1 to 100.84 mg kg-1. DON contents in the top soil (0-10 cm) and the subsoil (10-20 cm) respectively varied from 11.88 mg kg-1to 23.08 mg kg-1, and 4.70 mg kg-1 to 10.77 mg kg-1. Free amino acid contents in the top soil (0-10 cm) and the subsoil (10-20 cm) respectively varied from 0.84 mg kg-1to 1.66 mg kg-1, and 0.39 mg kg-1 to 0.73 mg kg-1. Significant correlations were found between DOC, DON and some nutrient indices, which together reflected soil condition and quality. It was hence essential to study DOC and DON in the study area. 2 Seasonal dynamics of DOC, DON, inorganic N, microbial biomass C and N were studied under Pinus tabulaeformis and Cercidiphyllum japonicum plantation. The results indicated that seasonal dynamics of soil DOC and DON under the two plantations performed similar change pattern, with the highest values in autumn. The seasonal dynamics of soil DOC and DON were mainly influenced by the litterfall. However, biotic factors such as soil microbial activities and abiotic factors such as precipitation and temperature also controlled the dynamics of soil DOC and DON. The seasonal dynamic of DON was different from that of NO3--N and NH4+-N, which showed that the behavioral differences between DON and inorganic nitrogen. And hence, it was proposed to include DON into soil N cycling in the study area. 3 Amino acid dynamics in Oa and topsoil (0-10 cm) under P. tabulaeformis and C. japonicum plantation were studied. The results showed that amino acid content in Oa was significantly higher than that in mineral soil. At each sampling time, significantly higher amino acid contents were found in P. tabulaeformis plantation than in C. japonicum plantation. The content of inorganic nitrogen was much higher than the content of amino acid in each sampling layer at each sampling time. After a 30-days laboratory incubation the content of amino acid was still lower than the content of inorganic nitrogen. The results implicated that the form of N absorbed by plants in these study sites were mainly inorganic nitrogen. 4 Usually needle litter is more resistant to decomposition, which leads to needle litter accumulation in pure coniferous stands and slows down the rate of nutrient circulation. By constructing microcosms with local shrubland soil and containing the four single-species (P. tabulaeformis, P. radiata, C. japonicum, Ostryopsis davidiana) litters, the decomposition rates and related C and N dynamics of needle litters and broadleaved litters during the early stage were compared. The results showed that the decomposition rates of pine needles were lower than those of broadleaved litters, which descended C and N cycling processes. However, the presence of C. japonicum or O. davidiana litter into pine needles increased the decomposition rates of pine needles and also dramatically promoted C and N cycling processes. It should be appropriate for plantation managers to consider C. japonicum as an ameliorative species or remain O. davidiana in pine plantations to improve soil conditions and help maintain soil fertility. The laboratory incubation still showed that DOC and DON contents in all litter-amended treatments were significantly higher than no litter-amended treatment, which proved that litter could be a direct source of DOM in soils. Different species litters induced different soil DOC and DON contents, which correspondingly changed over time. DOC and DON contents in mixed litter treatments were higher than those in pine needle litter treatments. As a major soluble N pool, DON developed a different changing pattern over time compared with inorganic N and played a role of interim N pool in soil N cycling.


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大气臭氧的损耗导致了地球表面具有生物学效应的紫外线-B(UV-B)辐射增强。同时,大气成分变化中除了UV-B辐射增强外,氮沉降是一个新近出现而又令人担忧的环境问题,其来源和分布正在迅速扩展到全球范围,并不断向陆地和水生生态系统沉降。本试验在四川省境内的中国科学院茂县生态站内进行,以云山、冷杉、色木槭和红椋子幼苗为模式植物,从生长形态、光合作用、抗氧化能力和矿质营养等方面研究了青藏高原东缘4种树苗对全球变化-增强UV-B辐射和氮供应(氮沉降)的响应。该试验为室外盆栽试验,包括四个处理:(1)大气UV-B辐射+无额外的氮供应(C);(2)大气UV-B辐射+额外的氮供应(N);(3)增强UV-B辐射+无额外的氮供应(UV-B);(4)增强UV-B辐射+额外的氮供应(UV-B+N)。其目的:一方面有助于丰富我国对全球变化及区域响应研究的全面认识,进一步完善在全球气候变化条件下臭氧层削减和氮沉降对陆地生态系统影响的内容;另一方面,在一定程度上有助于我们更好的理解在全球变化下森林更新的早期过程。具体结果如下: 增强的UV-B辐射在生长形态、光合、抗氧化能力、活性氧和矿质营养方面对4种幼苗都有显著的影响。UV-B辐射增强对幼苗的影响不仅与物种有关,而且,还与氮营养水平相关。总体表现为,高的UV-B辐射导致了色木槭和红椋子幼苗叶片的皱缩和卷曲,并降低了色木槭幼苗的叶片数和叶重,在额外的氮供应下,云杉、冷杉和红椋子的叶重也显著地降低了;色木槭和红椋子幼苗叶片的解剖结构受到了增强的UV-B辐射的影响,增强的UV-B辐射显著地降低了色木槭叶片的栅栏组织厚度,提高了红椋子叶片的厚度;增强的UV-B辐射显著地降低了4种幼苗的单株总生物量、植物地下部分的生长、总叶绿素含量 [Chl (a + b)]、净光合速率和最大量子产量(Fv/Fm),提高了4种幼苗叶片的膜脂过氧化(MDA含量),改变了植物体不同器官中的矿质元素含量;增强的UV-B辐射提高了冷杉、色木槭和红椋子叶片中的过氧化氢含量(H2O2)、超氧负离子(O2-)生成速率,在额外的氮供应下,云杉叶片中的活性氧含量也显著地提高了;在无额外的氮供应条件下,增强的UV-B辐射显著地提高了4种幼苗叶片中的UV-B吸收物质、脯氨酸含量和抗氧化酶的活性(SOD、POD、CAT、GR和APX)。在额外的氮供应条件下,UV-B辐射的增强却显著地降低了冷杉叶片中脯氨酸含量和红椋子叶片中UV-B吸收物质含量,但是,在4种幼苗叶片中,5种抗氧化酶的活性对UV-B辐射的增强没有明显的规律性,增强的UV-B辐射显著地提高了云杉叶片中的POD、SOD和GR的活性,提高了冷杉叶片中的POD和GR活性,提高了色木槭叶片中的POD、SOD和CAT活性和红椋子幼苗叶片中的POD和SOD活性。从这些结果可知,植物在遭受高的UV-B辐射导致的过氧化胁迫时,植物体内形成了一定的保护机制,但是,这种保护不能抵抗高的UV-B辐射对植物的伤害。 额外的氮供应在生长形态、光合、抗氧化能力、活性氧和矿质营养方面对4种幼苗都有一定的影响,不同幼苗对额外的氮供应响应不同,并且受到UV-B辐射水平的影响。在当地现有的UV-B辐射水平下,额外的氮供应显著地提高了幼苗的单株总生物量、植物地下部分的生长、Chl (a + b)、净光合速率(红椋子除外)、UV-B吸收物质(冷杉除外)、脯氨酸含量(红椋子除外)和部分抗氧化酶的活性,降低了H2O2的含量、O2-的生成速率和MDA含量(红椋子除外),改变了植物体内部分矿质元素含量,显著地提高了云杉和冷杉叶片中的Fv/Fm。这些指标总体表明,在当地现有大气UV-B辐射水平下,额外的氮供应对植物的生长和发育是有利的。在增强的UV-B辐射水平下,4种幼苗的生长形态和光合大部分指标都没有受到额外氮供应的影响,额外的氮供应提高了红椋子幼苗的单株总生物量和Chl (a + b)含量,提高了冷杉和色木槭叶片中的活性氧含量和MDA含量,却降低了红椋子叶片中的活性氧含量;额外的氮供应也提高了云杉、色木槭和红椋子叶片中UV-B吸收物质和脯氨酸含量,降低了冷杉叶片中UV-B吸收物质和脯氨酸含量;在抗氧化酶活性方面,额外的氮供应降低了云杉、冷杉叶片中5种抗氧化酶的活性和红椋子叶片中POD和GR的活性,提高了色木槭叶片中的POD和SOD的活性;4种幼苗植物体内的矿质元素含量对额外的氮供应没有显著的规律性。从这些结果可知,在高的UV-B辐射下,额外的氮供应提高了云杉、冷杉和色木槭幼苗对高的UV-B辐射的敏感性,然而,额外的氮供应却促进了红椋子幼苗的生长,原因可能是,在高的UV-B辐射下,额外的氮供应增加了红椋子叶片的厚度、叶重和叶片数,降低了叶片中活性氧含量的结果。表明在高的UV-B辐射水平下,额外的氮供应降低了红椋子幼苗对高的UV-B辐射的敏感性。 在全球变化的趋势下,UV-B辐射增强和氮沉降可能同时存在,我们的研究表明,与大气UV-B辐射+无额外的氮供应处理相比,增强UV-B辐射+额外的氮供应处理显著地降低了幼苗的单株总生物量(红椋子除外)、Chl (a + b)、净光合速率、Fv/Fm(冷杉除外)和MDA含量(红椋子除外),提高了活性氧含量 (云杉除外)、UV-B紫外吸收物质含量(冷杉除外)、脯氨酸含量和部分抗氧化酶的活性,改变了植物体不同器官中的矿质元素含量。结果表明,在当地现有条件下,全球变化(UV-B辐射增强和氮沉降)对云杉、冷杉和色木槭幼苗的生长是不利,尽管植物体内一些抗氧化性指标提高了,然而,却对红椋子幼苗的单株总生物量的累积没有显著的影响。 The depletion of the ozone led to the increase of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) with biological effects in the earth’s surface. At the same time, except for enhanced UV-B radiation, nitrogen deposition was an anxious environmental problem at present, rapidly expanding to the global scope and continuously depositing to land and aquatic ecosystem. The experiment was conducted in Maoxian Ecological Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sichuan province, China. Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana, Acer mono Maxim and Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings were selected as model plants to assess the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation and supplemental nitrogen supply on growth, morphological, photosynthesis, antioxidant and mineral nutrient traits of 4 species seedlings in east Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The experiment was potted outdoor, including 4 treatments: (1) ambient UV-B without supplemental nitrogen (control, C); (2) ambient UV-B with supplemental nitrogen (N); (3) enhanced UV-B without supplemental nitrogen (UV-B); (4) enhanced UV-B with supplemental nitrogen (UV-B+N). One hand, it was helpful for enriching our country to comprehensive understanding of the researches in the global change and the region response, further perfecting the effects of the depleted ozone layer and nitrogen deposition on land ecosystem under the global change; the other hand, it was favorable for us to better understanding of the early process of forest renews under the global change. The results were as follows: Enhanced UV-B radiation had significant effects on 4 species seedlings in growth, morphological, photosynthesis, antioxidant and mineral nutrient traits of 4 species seedlings. The effects of enhanced UV-B on plants were not only related with species, but also related with nitrogen nutrient level. Generally, the increase of UV-B radiation led to the shrinkage and curl of leaves in Acer mono Maxim and Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings, and reduced the number of leaf and leaf weight of Acer mono Maxim seedlings, under supplemental nitrogen supply, leaf weight of Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana and Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings significantly also reduced; the anatomical features of leaf in Acer mono Maxim and Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings affected by enhanced UV-B radiation, the increase of UV-B radiation markedly reduced the palisade tissue thickness of Acer mono Maxim leaf and enhanced the leaf thickness of Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings; the enhanced UV-B radiation significantly reduced total biomass per plant of 4 species seedlings, the growth of the underground parts, Chl (a + b), net photosynthetic rate and maximum potential quantum yield of photosynthesis (Fv/Fm), and increased the degree of lipid peroxidation (MDA content) and changed the content of mineral elements in different parts of plants; the enhanced UV-B radiation also increased the rate of superoxide radical (O2-) production and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content in leaves of Abies faxoniana, Acer mono Maxim, Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings, under supplemental nitrogen supply, the reactive oxygen species in leaves of Picea asperata seedlings also significantly increased by enhanced UV-B radiation; under without supplemental nitrogen supply, enhanced UV-B radiation evidently induced an increase in UV-B absorbing compounds, proline content and the activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, POD, CAT, GR and APX) of leaves in 4 species seedlings. Under supplemental nitrogen supply, enhanced UV-B radiation induced a decrease in proline content of leaves in Abies faxoniana seedlings and UV-B absorbing compounds of leaves in Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings, but, there were no obvious rules in the activities of five antioxidant enzymes of 4 species seedling leaves to enhanced UV-B radiation, enhanced UV-B radiation significantly increased the activities of POD, SOD and GR in Picea asperata leaves, the activities of POD and GR in Abies faxoniana leaves and the activities of POD, SOD and CAT in Acer mono Maxim leaves. The results indicated that some protective mechanism was formed when plants were exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation, but the protection could not counteract the harm of high UV-B radiation on plants. Supplemental nitrogen supply had some effects on 4 species seedlings in growth, morphological, photosynthesis, antioxidant and mineral nutrient traits. The response of 4 species seedlings was different to supplemental nitrogen supply, and was affected by UV-B levels. Under local ambient UV-B radiation, supplemental nitrogen supply significantly increased the total biomass per plant, the growth of underground parts, Chl (a + b), net photosynthetic rate (except for Acer mono Maxim seedlings), UV-B absorbing compounds (except for Abies faxoniana seedlings), proline content (except for Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings) and the activities of some antioxidant enzymes, and reduced H2O2 content, the rate of O2- production and MDA content (except for Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings) and changed the content of mineral elemental in different parts; supplemental nitrogen supply also evidently increased Fv/Fm in Picea asperata and Abies faxoniana seedlings. These results indicated that supplemental nitrogen supply was favorable for the growth of plants under local ambient UV-B radiation. Under enhanced UV-B radiation, mostly parameters in growth and morphology of 4 species seedlings were not affected by supplemental nitrogen supply. Supplemental nitrogen supply increased the total biomass per plant and Chl (a + b) of Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedling, increased the reactive oxygen species and MDA content in Abies faxoniana and Acer mono Maxim leaves, and reduced the reactive oxygen species in Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak leaves; supplemental nitrogen supply also increased UV-B absorbing compounds and proline content in Picea asperata, Acer mono Maxim and Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak leaves, decreased UV-B absorbing compounds and proline content in Abies faxoniana leaves; in the activities of antioxidant enzymes, supplemental nitrogen supply significantly reduced the activities of antioxidant enzymes in Picea asperata and Abies faxoniana leaves and the activities of POD and GR in Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak leaves, and increased the activities of POD and SOD in Acer mono Maxim leaves; the content of mineral elements in 4 species seedlings was no significantly rule to supplemental nitrogen supply. We knew from the results, under enhanced UV-B radiation, supplemental nitrogen supply made Picea asperata, Acer faxoniana and Acer mono Maxim seedlings more sensitivity to enhanced UV-B radiation, however, accelerated the growth of Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings. The reason was probably that supplemental nitrogen supply increased the leaf thickness, leaf weight and leaf number, reduced the reactive oxygen content of leaf in Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings grown under high UV-B radiation. This showed that supplemental nitrogen supply reduced the sensitivity of Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings to high UV-B radiation. Under the tendency of the global change, enhanced UV-B radiation and nitrogen deposition may probably coexist. The results showed, compared with the treatment of ambient UV-B radiation without supplemental nitrogen supply, the treatment of enhanced UV-B radiation with supplemental nitrogen supply significantly reduced the total biomass per plants (except for Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings), Chl (a + b), net photosynthetic rate, Fv/Fm and MDA content (except for Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings), and increased reactive oxygen content (except for Picea asperata seedlings), UV-B absorbing compounds (except for Abies faxoniana seedlings), proline content and part antioxidant enzymes, and changed the content of mineral elements of different parts. The results indicated that the global change (enhanced UV-B and nitrogen deposition) were not favorable for the growth of plants under local ambient UV-B radiation and nitrogen nutrient level,, though increased some antioxidant indexes, however, the treatment of enhanced UV-B with supplement nitrogen supply did not significantly affect on the biomass accumulation of Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings.


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花椒(Zanthoxylum piperitum)是川西干旱河谷地区的重要经济作物,化感作用是花椒连作障碍的原因之一。系统研究花椒化感作用有助于深入理解并最终解决花椒连作障碍。本文通过研究花椒叶、林下土壤浸提液及单一纯化感物质对花椒幼苗生长、苜蓿种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响作用,从生理生化角度揭示浸提液及纯化感物质的作用方式。通过室外和室内模拟实验,对浸提液及纯化感物质的化感效应进行比较,为花椒连作障碍的解决和化感作用机制的深入理解提供依据。主要结果如下: 1.花椒叶及林下土壤浸提液对地下生物量影响作用强与对地上生物量的化感效应,两种浸提液的化感效应强度不同,叶浸提液作用表现更显著。其中在Y6、Y8 、T6和T8处理时,花椒幼苗地下生物量分别降低了31.2%、32.1%、31.6%和31.7%。 2.两种浸提液均能显著影响花椒幼苗体内的保护性酶活性,总体说来,在高浓度下抑制各种抗氧化物酶活性,幼苗体内丙二醛含量增加,幼苗受害严重;在较低浓度下,各种保护性酶活性有所增加,丙二醛含量减少,幼苗伤害减轻。同时,不同月份里,各种酶的活性高低显著不同,9月份的活性显著低于7月份的酶活性。对于养分含量的影响,Y8、T8的影响强度最大,分别使碳元素含量降低了27.8%和30.8%,使钾元素含量降低了34.7%和25.6%。 3.花椒叶及林下土壤浸提液对苜蓿种子萌发及幼苗生长有化感作用,表现在最终萌发率、不同物质代谢及保护性酶活性的差异上。两种浸提液对苜蓿种子萌发过程中蛋白质的含量均无显著性影响,对淀粉和可溶性糖的影响作用类似,高浓度处理无明显化感效应,较低浓度处理显著降低二者在萌发苜蓿种子中的含量。Y2、Y4与T4处理分别使可溶性糖含量减少了32.3%、29.1%和18.8%,Y2与T2处理分别使淀粉含量降低了29.3%和26.8%。 4.苜蓿种子在4种单一化感物质最高浓度即10-3 mol•L-1处理下,萌发率显著降低,半数萌发时间推迟,随着处理浓度降低,抑制作用逐渐减弱,当降低到10-6 mol•L-1时,又能够表现出对苜蓿种子萌发的促进作用。 5.纯化感物质在10-6 mol•L-1时使苜蓿幼苗叶片的保护性酶活性显著升高,丙二醛含量显著降低;在10-3 mol•L-1时使苜蓿叶片中保护性酶活性显著降低,丙二醛含量增加,膜脂过氧化程度加重。 Zanthoxylum piperitum is one of the most important cash crops and has been extensively cultivated in Eastern Tibetan Plateau, especially in the fragile dry valley areas. Allelopathic effects could be a reason for Z. piperitum’s continuous cropping impediment. Systemmatically research of the effect of Z. piperitum allelopathy could help to comprehend the continuous cropping impediment. The allelopathic effects on seedlings growth and seed germination of aqueous extracts of Zanthoxylum piperitum and phenolic allelochemicals were studied, and the action mechanism of the two substances was also discussed from physiology. Indoor and outdoor experiments were set to compare the difference between aqueous extracts and pure allelochemicals. The main results showed that: 1. The aqueous extracts of leaf and soil had significant allelopathic effects on aboveground and underground biomass, but the effect on underground biomass was stronger than the effect on underground evidently. Treated with Y6、Y8 、T6 and T8, the underground biomass was reduced 31.2%、32.1%、31.6% and 31.7% respectively. 2. The activity of activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase and ascorbate peroxidase were significantly reduced, while the content of MDA was increased and the seedlings were suffered stronger, when treated by the high concentration; but at the low concentration, these were reversed. And then, at the different month, the activities of antioxidant enzyme were significantly distinct. As for the contents of nutrient element, Y8、T8 had the more intensive effects than other treatments. 3. The results showed that the two types of aqueous extracts had significant allelopathic effects on seed germination, substances metabolize and the activity of antioxidant enzyme. But the aqueous extracts had no effects on the content of protein, while had the similar effects on the content of starch and soluble sugar. At Y2、Y4 and T4, the content of soluble sugar decreased 32.3%、29.1% and 18.8% respectively. 4. Treated with 10-3 mol•L-1 of the four allelochemicals, the seed germination of alfalfa was significantly inhibited. Ferulic acid, coumarin and vanillic acid at 10-3 mol•L-1 significantly reduced the activities of antioxidant enzyme, while the content of MDA in alfalfa seedling was significantly increased. The restrain effects became weakened with the treat concentration falled. However, ferulic acid, coumarin and vanillic acid could increase the activities of antioxidant enzyme at 10-6mol•L-1.


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干旱环境常常由于多变的降水事件和贫瘠土壤的综合作用,表现出较低的生产力和较低的植被覆盖度。全球性的气候变暖和人类干扰必将使得干旱地区缺水现状越来越严竣。贫瘠土壤环境中已经很低的有效养分含量也将会随着干旱的扩大而越来越低。干旱与半干旱系统中不断加剧的水分与养分的缺失将严重限制植物的生长和植被的更新,必然会使得已经恶化的环境恶化速率的加快、恶化范围的加大。如何抑制这种趋势,逐步改善已经恶化的环境是现在和将来干旱系统管理者面临的主要关键问题。了解干旱系统本土植物对未来气候变化的适应机制,不仅是植物生态学研究的重要内容,也对人为调节干旱环境,改善干旱系统植被条件,提高植被覆盖度具有重要的实践意义。 本研究以干旱河谷优势灌木白刺花(Sophora davidii)为研究对象,通过两年大棚水分和施N控制实验和一个生长季野外施N半控制实验,从植物生长-生理-资源利用以及植物生长土壤环境特征入手,系统的研究了白刺花幼苗生长特性对干旱胁迫和施N的响应与适应机制,并试图探讨施N是否可调节干旱系统土壤环境,人工促进干旱条件下幼苗定居,最终贡献于促进植被更新实践。初步研究结论如下: 1)白刺花幼苗生长、生物量积累与分配以及水分利用效率对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应白刺花幼苗株高、基径、叶片数目、叶面积、根长、生物量生产、相对含水量和水分利用效率随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而明显降低,但地下部分生物量比例和R/S随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而增加。轻度施N处理下幼苗株高、基径、叶片数目、叶片面积和生物量生产有所增加。但重度施N处理下这些生长指标表现出微弱甚至降低的趋势。严重干旱胁迫条件下,幼苗叶面积率、R/S、相对含水量和水分利用效率也以轻度施N处理为最高。 2)白刺花幼苗叶片光合生理特征对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应叶片光合色素含量和叶片光合效率随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而显著降低,并且PS2系统在干旱胁迫条件下表现出一定程度的光损害。但是比叶面积随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而增加。在相对较好水分条件下幼苗净光合速率的降低可能是因为气孔限制作用,而严重干旱胁迫条件下非气孔限制可能是导致幼苗叶片光合速率下降的主要原因。叶片叶绿素含量、潜在光合能力、羧化效率、光合效率以及RUBP再生能力等在施N处理下得到提高,并因而改善干旱胁迫条件下光合能力和效率。虽然各荧光参数对施N处理并无显著的反应,但是干旱胁迫条件下qN和Fv/Fm在轻度施N处理下维持相对较高的水平,而两年连续处理后在严重干旱胁迫条件下幼苗叶片光合效率受到重度施N处理的抑制,并且Fv/Fm和qN也在重度施N处理下降低。 3)白刺花幼苗C、N和P积累以及N、P利用效率对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应白刺花幼苗C、N和P的积累,P利用效率以及N和P吸收效率随干旱胁迫程度的增加而显著降低,C、N和P的分配格局也随之改变。在相同水分处理下,C、N和P的积累量、P利用效率以及N和P吸收效率在轻度施N处理下表现为较高的水平。然而,C、N和P的积累量和P利用效率在重度施N处理下不仅没有表现出显著的正效应,而且有降低的趋势。另外,在相同水分条件下白刺花幼苗N利用效率随着施N强度的增加而降低。 4)白刺花幼苗生长土壤化学与微生物特性对干旱胁迫和施N的适应白刺花幼苗生长土壤有机C、有效N和P含量也随干旱胁迫程度的增加而明显降低。干旱胁迫条件下土壤C/N、C/P、转化酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性的降低可能表明较低的N和P矿化速率。尽管微生物生物量C、N和P对一个生长季干旱胁迫处理无显著反应,但微生物生物量C和N在两年连续干旱胁迫后显著降低。土壤有机C和有效P含量在轻度施N处理下大于重度施N处理,但是有效N含量随着施N强度的增加而增加。微生物生物量C和N、碱性磷酸酶和转化酶活性也在轻度施N处理下有所增加。但是碱性磷酸酶活性在重度施N处理下降低。 5)野外条件下白刺花幼苗生长特征及生长土壤生化特性对施N的适应植物生长、生物生产量、C的固定、N、P等资源的吸收和积累、其它受限资源的利用效率(如P)在轻度施N处理下均有所增加,但N利用效率有所降低。幼苗生物生产量及C、N和P等资源的分配格局在轻度施N处理下也没有明显的改变。白刺花幼苗叶片数目、生物生产量和C、N、P的积累量在重度施N处理下虽然也相对于对照有所增加,但幼苗根系长度显著降低。生物量及资源(生物量、C、N、P)在重度施N处理下较多地分配给地上部分(主要是叶片)。另外,土壤有机C、全N和有效N含量随外源施N的增加而显著增加,土壤pH随之降低,但土壤全P含量并无显著反应。其中有机C含量和有效P含量以轻度施N处理最高。微生物生物量C、N和P在轻度施N处理下也显著增加,而微生物生物量C在重度施N处理下显著降低。同时,转化酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和中性磷酸酶活性在施N处理下也明显的提高,但酸性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性显著降低,其中碱性磷酸酶和中性磷酸酶活性以轻度施N处理最高。 综合分析表明,干旱河谷水分和N严重限制了白刺花幼苗的生长。施N不能完全改变干旱胁迫对白刺花幼苗的抑制的作用,但是由于施N增加土壤N有效性,改善土壤一系列生物与化学过程,幼苗的生长特性也对施N表现出强烈的反应,表现为植物结构与资源分配格局的改善,植物叶片光合能力与效率的提高,植物生长以及利用其他受限资源(如水分和P)的效率的增加,致使植物自身生长及其生长环境在干旱环境下得到改善。但是过度施N不仅不能起到改善干旱胁迫下植物生长环境、促进植物生长的作用,反而在土壤过程以及植物生长过程中加重干旱胁迫对植物的伤害。因此,建议在采用白刺花作为先锋种改善干旱河谷系统环境的实践中,可适当施加N以改善土壤环境,调节植物利用与分配资源的效率,促进植物定居,得到人工促进种群更新的目的。但在实践过程中也要避免过度施N。 Arid regions of the world are generally noted for their low primary productivity which is due to a combination of low, unpredictable water supply and low soil nutrient concentrations. The most serious effects of global climate change and human disturbances may well be those which related to increasing drought since drought stress has already been the principal constraint in plant growth. The decline in total rainfall and/or soil water availability expected for the next decades may turn out to be even more drastic under future warmer conditions. Nevertheless, water deficit is not the only limiting factor in arid and semiarid environments. Soils often suffer from nutrient (especially N and P) deficiencies in these ecosystems, which can also be worsened by climate change. How to improve the poor soil quality and enhance the vegetation coverage is always the problem facing ecosystem managers. The adaptive mechanisms of native plant to future climate change is always the focus in plant ecology, it also plays important roles in improving vegetation coverage by manual controlled programmes. Sophora davidii is a native perennial shrub of arid valleys, which is often predominant on eroded slopes and plays a vital role in retaining ecological stability in this region. It has been found that S. davidii was better adapted to dry environment than other shrubs, prompting its use for re-vegetation of arid lands. A two-years greenhouse experiment and a field experiment were conducted in order to understand the adaptation responses of Sophora davidii seedlings to different water and N conditions, and further explore if additional N supply as a modified role could enhance the adaptation ability of S. davidii seedlings to dry and infertile environment. Two-month old seedlings were subjected to a completely randome design with three water (80%, 40% and 20% water field capacity (FC)) and three N supply (N0: 0, Nl: 92 and Nh: 184 mg N kg-1 soil) regimes. Field experiment was arranged only by three N supplies in the dry valley. 1) The growth, biomass partitioning and water-use efficiency of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply Seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, root length, biomass production, relative water content (RWC) and WUE were decreased with increase of drought stress. An increase in below-ground biomass was observed indicating a higher root/shoot ratio (R/S) under drought stress conditions. Low N supply increased seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, and biomass production, but decreased root length. In contrast, these growth characteristics showed little or negative effect to high N supply treatment. Leaf percentages increased with increase of N supply, but fine root percentages decreased. In addition, Low N supply rather than the other two N treatments increased leaf area ratio (LAR), leaf/fine root mass ratio (L/FR), R/S and RWC under severe drought stress (20%FC), even though these parameters could increase with the high N supply treatment under well-watered condition (80%FC). Moreover, Low N supply also increased WUE under three water conditions, but high N supply had little effect on WUE under drought stress conditions (40%FC and 20%FC). 2) Leaf gas exchange and fluorescence parameters of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply Leaf area (LA), photosynthetic pigment contents, and photosynthetic efficiency were decreased with increase of drought stress, but specific leaf area (SLA) increased. Photodamage in photosystem 2 (PS2) was also observed under drought stress condition. The decreased net photosynthetic rate (PN) under relative well-watered water conditions might result from stomatal limitations, but the decreased PN under other hand, photosynthetic capacity by increasing LA, photosynthetic chlorophyll contents, Pnmax, CE, Jmax were increased with increase N supply, and photosynthetic efficiency was improved with N supply treatment under water deficit. Although N supply did a little in alleviating photodamages to PS2 caused by drought stress, low N supply enhanced qN and kept relative high Fv/Fm under drought stress condition. However, high N supply inhibited leaf photosynthetic efficiency, and declined Fv/Fm and qN under severe drought stress condition after two year continues drought stress and N supply. 3) Carbon accumulation, nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply C, N and P accumulation, NUE , N and P uptake efficiency (NUtE and NUtE ) P N P were decreased with increase of drought stress regardless of N supply. On the other hand, the S. davidii seedlings exhibited strong responses to N supply, but the responses were inconsistent with the various N supply levels. Low N supply rather than the other two N treatments increased C, N and P accumulation, improved NUEP, NUtE and NUtE under corresponding water condition. In contrast, high N supply N P did few even depressed effects on C, N and P accumulation, and NUEP, although NUtEN and NUtEP could increase with high N supply under corresponding water conditions. Even so, a decrease of NUEN was observed with increase of N supply under corresponding water conditions. 4) Soil microbial and chemical characters in respond to drought stress and N supply The content of soil organic C, available N and P were decreased with increase of drought stress. Decreases in C/N and C/P, and invertase, urea and alkaline phosphatase activity were also observed under drought stress conditions, indicating a lower N and P mineralization rate. Although microbial biomass C, N and P showed slight responses to drought stress after one growth period treatment, microbial biomass C and N were also decreased with increase of drought stress after two year continuous treatment. The content of soil organic C and available P showed the stronger positive responses to low N supply than which to high N supply, although than the other two N treatments increased microbial biomass N and invertase activity under severe drought stress condition, even though invertase activity could increase with high N supply treatment under relative well-water conditions. Moreover, low N supply treatment also increased C/P and alkaline phosphatase activity which might result from higher P mineralization, but high N supply did negative effects on alkaline phosphatase activity. 5) The growth characteristics of Sophora davidii seedlings and soil microbial and chemical characters in respond to N supply under field condition Low N supply facilitated seedlings growth by increasing leaf number, basal diameter, root length, biomass production, C, N and P accumulation and absorption, and enhancing the use efficiency of other limited resources as P. Compared to control, however, low N supply did little effect on altering biomass, C, N and P portioning in seedlings components. On the contrary, high N supply treatment also increased leaf number, biomass and C, N and P accumulation relative to control, but significantly decreased root length, and altered more biomass and resources to above-ground, which strongly reduced the ability of absorbing water under drought condition, and thus which might deep the drought stress. In addition, N supply increased soil C, N and available N content, but declined pH and showed little effects on P content. Low N supply showed higher values of soil C and available P content. Low N supply also increased microbial biomass C, N and P, although high N supply decreased microbial biomass C. N supply significantly enhanced soil invertase, urea, alkaline and neutral phosphratase activity, while declined acid phosphratase and catalase activity. Low N supply exhibited higher alkaline and neutral phosphratase activity compared to the others. The results from this study indicated that both drought and N limited the growth of S. davidii seedlings and their biomass production. Regardless of N supply levels, drought stress dramatically reduced the seedlings growth and biomass production. Although plant growth parameters, including basal diameter, height, leaf number, and biomass and their components were observed to be positive responses to low N supply, N supply alone can not alter the diminishing tendency which is caused by drought. available N content increased with increase N supply. In addition, low N supply rather These findings imply that drought played a primary limitation role and N was only the secondary. Even so, appropriate N supply was seemed to enhance the ability that S. davidii seedlings adapted to the xeric and infertile environment by improving soil processes, stimulating plant growth, increasing recourses accumulation, enhancing use efficiency of other limited resources, and balancing biomass and resources partitioning. Appropriate N supply, therefore, would be recommended to improve S. davidii seedling establishment in this region, but excess N supply should be avoided.


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Variations of cellular total lipid, total carbohydrate and total protein content of two dominant bloom-forming species (Skeletonema costatum and Prorocentrum donghaiense) isolated from the Yangtze River Estuary were examined under six different nutrient conditions in batch cultures. Daily samples were collected to estimate the cell growth, nutrient concentration and three biochemical compositions content during 7 days for S. costatum and the same sampling procedure was done every other day during 10 days for P. donghaiense. Results showed that for S. costatum, cellular total lipid content increased under phosphorus (P) limitation, but not for nitrogen (N) limitation; cellular carbohydrate were accumulated under both N and P limitation: cellular total protein content of low nutrient concentration treatments were significantly lower than that of high nutrient concentration treatments. For P. donghaiense, both cellular total lipid content and total carbohydrate content were greatly elevated as a result of N and P exhaustion, but cellular total protein content had no significant changes under nutrient limitation. In addition, the capability of accumulation of three biochemical constituents of P. donghaiense was much stronger than that of S. costatum. Pearson correlation showed that for both species, the biochemical composition of three constituents (lipid, carbohydrate and protein) had no significant relationship with extracellular N concentration, but had positive correlation with extracellular and intracellular P concentration. The capability of two species to accumulate cellular total lipid and carbohydrate under nutrient limitation may help them accommodate the fluctuating nutrient condition of the Yangtze River Estuary. The different responses of two species of cellular biochemical compositions content under different nutrient conditions may provide some evidence to explain the temporal characteristic of blooms Caused by two species in the Yangtze River Estuary. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nutrient concentrations in seawater, and C, N, P, Si and chlorophyll a content in different-sized particulates were measured in Jiaozhou Bay, and C, N, P, Si composition in different-sized fractions of phytoplankton and their ecological responses to nutrient structure of the seawater were studied. Microphytoplankton and nanophytoplankton were dominant in Jiaozhou Bay. High C (16.50-20.97 unol L-1), N (2.46-2.99 mu mol L-1) and low P (0.06-0.12 mu mol L-1), Si (0.18-0.57 mu mol L-1) content, and high N/P (24.7-64.6) and low SUP (4.4-10.8), Si/N (0.06-0.20) ratios were found in all sized groups of particulates. These values reflected the elemental compositions of different-sized fractions of phytoplankton as being an ecological response to the nutrients in the seawater. The ratios deviated significantly from the Redfield values. The nutrient composition of seawater and particulates and their relationship to chlorophyll a showed that phytoplankton growth was possibly limited by Si. Si limitation appears favorable for controlling the ecological equilibrium of Jiaozhou Bay. Different-sized fractions of phytoplankton had different suitability to nutrient structures of the seawater. Among phytoplankton size groups, nanophytoplankton and microphytoplankton growths were more adaptable in eutrophic Jiaozhou Bay, and more competitive for assimilation of Si. This is consistent with their diatom-dominated composition, controlling the biomass and productivity of phytoplankton in Jiaozhou Bay. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The increasing trend of air temperature along with the climate warming has been accepted gradual-ly by scientists and by the general public. Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, a unique geographic unit due to high-altitude climate, is one of the most susceptible regions to climate warming. Its ecosystem is very fragile and sensi-tive to climate change. In order to get a better understanding of the impacts of climate warming on the nutrient contents of herbage grown in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, a simulative study was implemented at Daban Moutain by using temperature differences resulted from sites selected at different altitudes and nutrient contents and in vitro digestibility were determined for assessing the quality of the grown herbage. There were significant downtrends in crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE) and nitrogen free extract (NFE) contents of herbage along with the increase of temperature. It had a positive correlation between temperature and content of acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL) in herbage. In vitro digestibility of herbage decreased along with the in-crease of temperature. The results of this study indicated that climate warming significantly influence nutrient contents and in vitro digestibility of herbage grown in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. It is suggested that the future climate warming especially the gradual rise of the night temperature could cause negative effect on herbage quality grown in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau by decreasing CP, EE, and NFE contents and increasing some indi-gestible ingredients such as crude fibre (CF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), ADF, and ADL. This, conse-quently, decreases the ruminant assimilation ability.


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The dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium contains several toxin producing species and strains, which can cause major economic losses to the shell fish industry. It is therefore important to be able to detect these toxin producers and also distinguish toxic strains from some of the morphologically identical non-toxic strains. To facilitate this DNA probes to be used in a microarray format were designed in silico or developed from existing published probes. These probes targeted either the 18S or 28S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene in Alexandrium tamarense Group I, Group III and Group IV, Alexandrium ostenfeldii and Alexandrium minutum. Three strains of A. tamarense Group I, A. tamarense Group III, A. minutum and two strains of A. ostenfeldii were grown at optimal conditions and transferred into new environmental conditions changing either the light intensity, salinity, temperature or nutrient concentrations, to check if any of these environmental conditions induced changes in the cellular ribonucleic acid (RNA) concentration or growth rate. The aim of this experiment was the calibration of several species-specific probes for the quantification of the toxic Alexandrium strains. Growth rates were highly variable but only elevated or lowered salinity significantly lowered growth rate for A. tamarense Group I and Group III; differences in RNA content were not significant for the majority of the treatments. Only light intensity seemed to affect significantly the RNA content in A. tamarense Group I and Group III, but this was still within the same range as for the other treatments meaning that a back calibration from RNA to cell numbers was possible. The designed probes allow the production of quantitative information for Alexandrium species for the microarray chip.


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Recently, new lines of yellow-seeded (CS-Y) and black-seeded canola (CS-B) have been developed with chemical and structural alteration through modern breeding technology. However, no systematic study was found on the bioactive compounds, chemical functional groups, fatty acid profiles, inherent structure, nutrient degradation and absorption, or metabolic characteristics between the newly developed yellow- and black-seeded canola lines. This study aimed to systematically characterize chemical, structural, and nutritional features in these canola lines. The parameters accessed include bioactive compounds and antinutrition factors, chemical functional groups, detailed chemical and nutrient profiles, energy value, nutrient fractions, protein structure, degradation kinetics, intestinal digestion, true intestinal protein supply, and feed milk value. The results showed that the CS-Y line was lower (P ≤ 0.05) in neutral detergent fiber (122 vs 154 g/kg DM), acid detergent fiber (61 vs 99 g/kg DM), lignin (58 vs 77 g/kg DM), nonprotein nitrogen (56 vs 68 g/kg DM), and acid detergent insoluble protein (11 vs 35 g/kg DM) than the CS-B line. There was no difference in fatty acid profiles except C20:1 eicosenoic acid content (omega-9) which was in lower in the CS-Y line (P < 0.05) compared to the CS-B line. The glucosinolate compounds differed (P < 0.05) in terms of 4-pentenyl, phenylethyl, 3-CH3-indolyl, and 3-butenyl glucosinolates (2.9 vs 1.0 μmol/g) between the CS-Y and CS-B lines. For bioactive compounds, total polyphenols tended to be different (6.3 vs 7.2 g/kg DM), but there were no differences in erucic acid and condensed tannins with averages of 0.3 and 3.1 g/kg DM, respectively. When protein was portioned into five subfractions, significant differences were found in PA, PB1 (65 vs 79 g/kg CP), PB2, and PC fractions (10 vs 33 g/kg CP), indicating protein degradation and supply to small intestine differed between two new lines. In terms of protein structure spectral profile, there were no significant differences in functional groups of amides I and II, α helix, and β-sheet structure as well as their ratio between the two new lines, indicating no difference in protein structure makeup and conformation between the two lines. In terms of energy values, there were significant differences in total digestible nutrient (TDN; 149 vs 133 g/kg DM), metabolizable energy (ME; 58 vs 52 MJ/kg DM), and net energy for lactation (NEL; 42 vs 37 MJ/kg DM) between CS-Y and CS-B lines. For in situ rumen degradation kinetics, the two lines differed in soluble fraction (S; 284 vs 341 g/kg CP), potential degradation fraction (D; 672 vs 590 g/kg CP), and effective degraded organic matter (EDOM; 710 vs 684 g/kg OM), but no difference in degradation rate. CS-Y had higher digestibility of rumen bypass protein in the intestine than CS-B (566 vs 446 g/kg of RUP, P < 0.05). Modeling nutrient supply results showed that microbial protein synthesis (MCP; 148 vs 171 g/kg DM) and rumen protein degraded balance (DPB; 108 vs 127 g/kg DM) were lower in the CS-Y line, but there were no differences in total truly digested protein in small intestine (DVE) and feed milk value (FMV) between the two lines. In conclusion, the new yellow line had different nutritional, chemical, and structural features compared to the black line. CS-Y provided better nutrient utilization and availability.


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The physiological response of plants to water deficits are known to vary according to the conditions of application of drought stress and the rate of development of leaf water deficits. At the whole plant level the effect of the water shess is usually perceived as a decrease in photosynthesis and growth, and is associated with alterations in C and N metabolism (McDonald and Davies, 1996). The decrease in water potential affects transpiration and hence xylem transport of nitrate or reduced N into growing regions. The response of the photo-synthetic apparatus either to water stress or rehydration seems to be dependent "on leaf age (O'Neill, 1983; Wolfe et al., 1988). Degradation of both thylakoid and stromal N-containing compounds can occur in response to water stress, recovery from which may pequire more than a week (Chaves, 1991).


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Pea-shoots are a new option as ready-to-eat baby-leaf vegetable. However, data about the nutritional composition and the shelf-life stability of these leaves, especially their phytonutrient composition is scarce. In this work, the macronutrient, micronutrient and phytonutrients profile of minimally processed pea shoots were evaluated at the beginning and at the end of a 10-day storage period. Several physicochemical characteristics (color, pH, total soluble solids, and total titratable acidity) were also monitored. Standard AOAC methods were applied in the nutritional value evaluation, while chromatographic methods with UV–vis and mass detection were used to analyze free forms of vitamins (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS), carotenoids (HPLC-DAD-APCI-MSn) and flavonoid compounds (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn). Atomic absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-AAS) was employed to characterize the mineral content of the leaves. As expected, pea leaves had a high water (91.5%) and low fat (0.3%) and carbohydrate (1.9%) contents, being a good source of dietary fiber (2.1%). Pea shoots showed a high content of vitamins C, E and A, potassium and phosphorous compared to other ready-to-eat green leafy vegetables. The carotenoid profile revealed a high content of β-carotene and lutein, typical from green leafy vegetables. The leaves had a mean flavonoid content of 329 mg/100 g of fresh product, mainly composed by glycosylated quercetin and kaempferol derivatives. Pea shoots kept their fresh appearance during the storage being color maintained throughout the shelf-life. The nutritional composition was in general stable during storage, showing some significant (p < 0.05) variation in certain water-soluble vitamins.


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Among aminoacidopathies, phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most prevalent one. Early diagnosis in the neonatal period with a prompt nutritional therapy (low natural-protein and phenylalanine diet, supplemented with phenylalanine-free amino acid mixtures and special low-protein foods) remains the mainstay of the treatment. Data considering nutrient contents of cooked dishes is lacking. In this study, fourteen dishes specifically prepared for PKU individuals were analysed, regarding the lipid profile and iron and zinc contents. These dishes are poor sources of essential nutrients like Fe, Zn or n-3 fatty acids, reinforcing the need for adequate supplementation to cover individual patients’ needs. This study can contribute to a more accurate adjustment of PKU diets and supplementation in order to prevent eventual nutritional deficiencies. This study contributes to a better understanding of nutrient intake from PKU patients’ meals, showing the need for dietary supplementation.


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In the present thesis entitled” Implications of Hydrobiology and Nutrient dynamics on Trophic structure and Interactions in Cochin backwaters”, an attempt has been made to assess the influence of general hydrography, nutrients and other environmental factors on the abundance, distribution and trophic interactions in Cochin backwater system. The study was based on five seasonal sampling campaigns carried out at 15 stations spread along the Cochin backwater system. The thesis is presented in the following 5 chapters. Salient features of each chapter are summarized below: Chapter 1- General Introduction: Provides information on the topic of study, environmental factors, back ground information, the significance, review of literature, aim and scope of the present study and its objectives.Chapter 2- Materials and Methods: This chapter deals with the description of the study area and the methodology adopted for sample collection and analysis. Chapter 3- General Hydrograhy and Sediment Characteristics: Describes the environmental setting of the study area explaining seasonal variation in physicochemical parameters of water column and sediment characteristics. Data on hydrographical parameters, nitrogen fractionation, phosphorus fractionation and biochemical composition of the sediment samples were assessed to evaluate the trophic status. Chapter 4- Nutrient Dynamics on Trophic Structure and Interactions: Describes primary, secondary and tertiary production in Cochin backwater system. Primary production related to cell abundance, diversity of phytoplankton that varies seasonally, concentration of various pigments and primary productivitySecondary production refers to the seasonal abundance of zooplankton especially copepod abundance and tertiary production deals with seasonal fish landings, gut content analysis and proximate composition of dominant fish species. The spatiotemporal variation, interrelationships and trophic interactions were evaluated by statistical methods. Chapter 5- Summary: The results and findings of the study are summarized in the fifth chapter of the thesis.


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Present study focussed on the water quality status in relation to various anthropogenic activities in the Kodungallur- Azhikode Estuary (KAE). Average depth of the estuary was 3.6 ± 0.2 m with maximum of 4.3 ± 0.4 m in the estuarine mouth. Dissolved oxygen showed an average of 5.1±1 mg/l in the water column, whereas the highest BOD value was noticed during monsoon period (3.1 ± 0.8 mg/l) which could be due to high organic enrichment in the water column. pH displayed slightly alkaline condition in most of the stations and it varied from 7.2 ± 0.5 in Station 7 to 7.5 ± 0.5 in Station 1. Salinity in the estuary displayed mixo-mesohaline nature with clear vertical stratification. High river discharge could have resulted in nutrients and silt loading into the estuary, which makes a highly turbid water column particularly during the monsoon period, which limits light penetration and subsequent primary productivity. Turbidity in the water column showed an average of 20.2 ± 15.8 NTU. Estuary was nitrogen limited during post and pre monsoon periods. Nitrate-nitrogen content in the estuarine water gave negative correlation with ammonia.