394 resultados para lírica
Helena Kolody (1912-2004) é poeta brasileira e filha de emigrantes ucranianos, nascida em Cruz Machado, Estado do Paraná - Brasil. Os temas recorrentes na lírica de Kolody são: o tempo, a solidão, a memória, a efemeridade e permanência, o duplo, a viagem, entre outros. Com doze livros publicados, várias antologias e obras completas, Kolody realiza um fazer poético enquanto busca da síntese, projetada nas formas escolhidas e no enxugamento dos textos. Os poemas sintéticos, tais como os dísticos, tercetos, quadras, epigramas, tankas e haicais (poesia de origem japonesa), são formas poéticas escolhidas pela poeta.
In this paper, we discuss important echoes of Galician-Portuguese lyric that remain in the 17th-century love lyric poetry produced in Portugal. In order to achieve this main objective, we highlight some specificities of the troubadours’ lyric and of the 17th-century poetry, particularly the fundamentally musical character of the troubadours’ songs as opposed to the fundamentally written character of the 17th-century poems. This contrast indicates that they are compositions from different times (predominantly the 13th and the 17th centuries) and produced according to distinct poetic conceptions. However, they are compositions which are also similar in many ways, and whose similarities, especially regarding the lyrical genre, point to similar quests for perfect practice of love, outlining “arts of love” understood as unsystematic precepts of loving which are practiced in poetry. In this article, we intend to show that these poetic loves are technically conceived and, as historical constructs, they differ from each other, since they are characterized by their peculiar moments of achievement. However, they are not isolated in the time. As mentioned above, the troubadours’ songs are essentially musical while the 17th-century poems, as indicated by the prevalent poetic preceptive in their time, are essentially written. Nevertheless, those trobar songs reverberate in these poems (“written songs”) and in both kinds we read and listen to similar precepts of love, as though we were in labyrinths of love echoes with no way out.
This study investigates the motives and the modes of confluence between lyric prose and prose, in the novel, Húmus, of Raul Germano Brandão, portuguese writer from XX century. The higher the sensibility of the man, more he understands that the mystery of poetry is in the essence of what is said and not in certain shapes. In lyric predominates the feeling, the emotion, the subjectivity, the expression of ‘self’, because the lyric matter is, exactly, the subjective world. The modern man is an anguished being, once he watches the fragmentation of his integrity, namely, his identity is being misplaced. However such anguish cannot be expressed by common words, because they cannot translate all the intensity of human pain. The expression of deep restlessness that oppresses the being demands the presence of the lyric. Insofar makes poetry, the romance text unfold itself as space of experimentation, of varied configurations, of multiple resources, that substitutes the unity of enunciator by the plurality of enouncements and assimilates uncountable proper resources of the poetry making, such as metaphors, symbols, images and allegories, turning the frontiers between poetry and prose fluid. After all, truthfully, it is the language of poetry that makes the literature exists.
RESUMEN: Juana Fernández Morales, conocida universalmente como Juana de América, escritora uruguaya, considerada una de las voces más personales de la lírica hispanoamericana de principios del siglo XX, adoptó el apellido de su marido para firmar sus publicaciones, dejó de ser Juana Fernández para convertirse en Juana de Ibarbourou. Ella aceptó esos dos nombres derivados del discurso de lo femenino que elaboró la lógica patriarcal de la época, y esa aceptación invisibilizó durante mucho tiempo resistencias discursivas presentes en su obra que a todas luces se muestran enfrentadas a esa codificación. En este artículo pretendo desmontar la sumisión feliz de la amante-esposa (Juana de Ibarbourou) y de la poeta nacional (Juana de América) que el campo cultural le asignó. PALABRAS-CLAVE: Juana Fernández Morales; estrategia discursiva; disidencias. http://dx.doi.org/10.5935/1981-4755.20160003