938 resultados para intrinsic motivations
This paper reports part of a national study of career motivations and expectations of United Kingdom MPharm students. The aim was to describe the students’ influences and motivations in making their choice to study pharmacy. A self-completion questionnaire was administered to year one and year four students in thirteen pharmacy schools during 2005. The reasons considered most important were objective ones that related to self-interest, both in terms of the nature of the degree course and the advantages conferred by the degree. However, there was evidence that for female students, future patterns of working that are not central to career progression were considered more important than for males. At a time of expanding demand by students for pharmacy education and a parallel demand for qualified pharmacists, this study adds to earlier knowledge on the motivations and influences on students when making their early career choices.
It has been predicted that there will be a full time pharmacist workforce shortage of over 15,000 by 2013. It is therefore necessary to recruit more students of a suitable calibre to undergraduate pharmacy degree courses. This study was designed to investigate the motivations of pre-university and MPharm students for studying pharmacy. A series of focus groups was conducted with Year 12 students and a national survey of Year 13, 1st year MPharm and 4th year MPharm students was undertaken. The study found that amongst Year 12 students, pharmacy is perceived as a background profession and was also perceived as being of a lower status than medicine and dentistry. It was concluded that there was a need for greater promotion of pharmacy as a career amongst pre-university students, including the provision of structured work experience placements. Analysis of UCAS applicant data for pharmacy shows that the applicant pool is buoyant and that the majority of applicants are female. Female respondents to the surveys were significantly more likely than males to wish to work part time if they had a family. This could lead to further shortages in the full time workforce. The largest ethnic group of applicants to pharmacy degree courses were Asian. Business ownership and self-employment were motivations for entering the procession of pharmacy and career aims for significantly more Asian than White respondents. Ownership of independent pharmacies is declining and this could be a barrier to future recruitment to pharmacy degree courses. A high degree of interest in locum working may present a problem for continuity in commissioned services within community pharmacy practice. Further work is needed to examine the motivations for working as a locum pharmacist.
Diabetes mellitus is a condition which requires a high degree of patient cooperation in self-management to achieve optimal glycaemic control. The concept of patient education, to enhance the treatment and management of diabetes, is well recognised. Several diabetes education programmes have already been described, but increased knowledge of diabetes did not necessarily result in improved self-mangement or glycaemic control. Other factors, such as attitudes and motivations, may therefore be particuarly important. The aims of the present study were to investigate the influence of patients' attitudes to diabetes, and to develop motivational aspects which enable the application of knowledge to enhance self-management and compliance with treatment. Thirty-one insulin-dependent diabetic (IDD) patients entered into a 12 month educational programme, particularly designed to increase motivation. Patients' attitudes to diabetes, their knowledge and self-management skills were assessed using questionnaires and practical tests, and parameters of glycaemic control were measured. The progress of these patients was compared at intervals with a close matched group of 25 control IFF patients who continued to receive routine clinic care. Patients completing the educational programme achieved better glycaemic control (p< 0.05), greater knowledge (p< 0.001), more favourable attitudes (p< 0.03) and increased competence in management skills (p< 0.02) compared with the control group. Evaluation procedures indicated that the programme was acceptable to the patients, and was successful in terms of increasing patient motivation. Six months after completion of the programme, glycaemic control deteriorated, although knowledge, attitudes and management skills were unchanged. This might reflect the withdrawal of extrinsic motivation, attention and supervision provided during the programme. It is recommended that consideration be given to the development of patients' intrinsic motivation to achieve maximum benefit from diabetes education programmes.
The purpose of this research is to profile the characteristics and entrepreneurial motivations of graduate entrepreneurs from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities. The authors found that: BME graduate entrepreneurs were diverse in terms of their characteristics: size, gender, ethnicity and when they started the business. Almost all interviewees had worked for someone before they started their business. The two most compelling motivations for start up were 'being your own boss', especially for Indians and Bangladeshis; and making more money (31%), in particular for African Caribbeans. Over half of interviewees started a business in a sector in which they had prior experience, knowledge or skills. Two thirds of interviewees obtained advice from family and friends, while just over a third had completed any kind of training or course. This study has provided an insight into characteristics and entrepreneurial motivations of BME graduate entrepreneurs. Though the results of this study are indicative, there is a compelling case for further research into this relatively unexplored group.
Black and minority ethnic graduate entrepreneurs: motivations, characteristics and access to finance
This paper draws upon four case studies to examine characteristics, entrepreneurial motivations and access to finance of black and minority ethnic (BME) graduates in the UK. We find that BME graduates starting a business are motivated by a desire to “do better”, and rely heavily on personal savings and family sources for start-up capital. In addition: • There is no conclusive evidence that suggests in this study that BME graduates entered entrepreneurship because of unemployment; with the exception of a few, all had jobs prior to entering self employment. • “Glass ceilings” were often cited by participants of the case studies as a kind of barrier, but there was reluctance to specify exactly what that meant. • Also, lack of satisfaction from working for others is considered to be a strong motivator for entering self-employment but other reasons, to be one’s own boss and the prospect of higher earnings, are also strong motivators. There is, therefore, a need for support agencies and universities to recognise the distinctive nature of BME graduate enterprise in order to provide effective solutions for different groups. This might include a) work experience, b) advice on an adequate capital structure at start up, c) adequate funding and training, and d) appropriate training for all graduates in basic business education.
Purpose: Lipids play a vital role at interfaces such as the tear film in the protection of the anterior eye. Their role is to act as lubricants and reduce surface and interfacial tension. Although there is a lack of appropriate methods to solubilize and dilute phospholipids to the tear film. Here, we report that styrene-maleic acid copolymers (PSMA), can form polymer–lipid complexes in the form of monodisperse nanometric particles, which can easily solubilise these phospholipid molecules by avoiding for example, the use of any kind of surfactant. Method: The interactions of PSMA with phospholipids have been studied by its adsorption from aqueous solutions into monolayers of dimyristoyl-phosphorylcholine (DMPC). The Langmuir trough (LT) technique is used to study this pH-dependant complex formation. The formed nanoparticles have been also analysed by 31P NMR, particle size distribution by light scattering (DLS) and morphology by electron microscopy (SEM). Results: The LT has been found to be a useful technique for in vitro simulation of in vivo lipid layer behaviour: The limiting surface pressure of unstable tear films ranges between 20 and 30 mN/m. More stable tear films show an increase in surface pressure, within the range of 35–45 mN/m. The DMPC monolayers have a limiting surface pressure of 38 mN/m (water), and 45 mN/m (pH 4 buffer), and the PSMA-DMPC complexes formed at pH 4 have a value of 42 mN/m, which resembles that of the stable tear film. The average particle size distribution is 53 ± 10 nm with a low polydispersity index (PDI) of 0.24 ± 0.03. Conclusions: New biocompatible and cheap lipid solubilising agents such as PSMA can be used for the study of the tear film composition and properties. These polymer–lipid complexes in the form of nanoparticles can be used to solubilise and release in a controlled way other hydrophobic molecules such as some drugs or proteins.
Shopping motivations have been extensively studied in marketing literature. However, what research names motivations may represent two different constructs: depending on studies, they are defined either individual permanent characteristics depending on consumer personality (motivational trait), or temporary states of mind depending on consumption contexts (motivational states). The objective of this paper is to stress the difference between these two types of motivations and to disentangle their effects on consumer behavior.
La définition des motivations du consommateur est souvent ambigüe. Elles sont parfois considérées comme des caractéristiques permanentes de l’individu influençant son comportement général (traits motivationnels) et elles sont parfois définies comme des variables contextuelles expliquant pourquoi un individu agit d’une certaine façon dans un contexte donné (états motivationnels). Notre objectif est de clarifier ces deux concepts et d’étudier leur impact respectif sur le comportement du consommateur. En appliquant notre étude aux motivations pour le shopping, nous démontrons l’existence d’une forte interaction entre ces deux types de motivations.
Past studies resulted in conflicting definitions of consumer motivation. On the one hand, motivations are seen as the consumer’s characteristics that shape her general behavior (motivational trait). On the other hand, they are seen as contextual variables representing the reason why the individual is behaving specific to today’s context (motivational state). The objective of this research is to stress the difference between these two concepts and to understand the impact of each on consumer behavior. We applied our empirical study to shopping motivations; our results show a strong interaction between motivational trait and motivational state. Problem and Hypothesis On the one hand, Westbrook and Black (1985) consider shopping motivations as individual permanent characteristics. This concept is shared by other researchers (Rohm and Swaminathan 2004), which show that some shoppers are functional (they shop for convenience, information seeking, and time saving) while some others are hedonic (they shop for social interaction, bargain hunting and browsing). On the other hand, Kaltcheva and Weitz (2006) define motivations as a contextual orientation changing over time, depending on the situation, and show that contextual shopping motivations have a strong impact on shopping behavior. From our knowledge, no research specifically examined the respective impact of both these shopping motivation types. To deal with this issue, we used the notions of “traits” and “states” that have been largely used in marketing research to designate respectively a permanent characteristic of the individual and a temporary orientation of the consumer (Mowen 2000). The reversal theory (Apter 2001) suggests that two opposite states exist: the telic and the paratelic states. In the telic state, individuals set goals for themselves, must be disciplined to reach these goals, and do not behave in accordance with their personal trait. In the paratelic state, individuals are seeking arousal and enjoyment, do not set rules, and one could postulate that they act in accordance with their natural tendencies. Based on these considerations, we hypothesize the following process: in situations involving paratelic states, hedonic as well as functional individuals should behave according to their natural traits, whereas in situations involving telic states, hedonic people should inhibit their natural propensity to enjoy shopping and behave similarly to functional people. Hence, we postulate the following: Hypothesis: Compared to shoppers with functional motivational trait, shoppers with hedonic motivational trait will a) significantly display more hedonic shopping behavior intentions in a condition of paratelic motivational state, and b) not display more hedonic shopping behavior intentions in a condition a telic motivational state Empirical Research First, 108 participants were asked to fill a multi-items scale about their shopping habits, which actually measured their shopping motivational traits. This questionnaire allowed us to highlight four different dimensions in shopping motivational traits: social interaction, novelty/utility seeking, bargain hunting, and browsing. According to their scores on different items, participants were classified as functional or as hedonic on each of these four dimensions (a single individual may be hedonic on some dimensions and functional on others). Then, participants were then induced to adopt either a telic or a paratelic shopping motivational state while reading an appropriate scenario. Finally, participants were asked for their shopping behavior intentions in response to the shopping context. Four items were developed, corresponding to the four shopping motivational trait dimensions we found with our factor analysis. Results As we found four dimensions in shopping motivational trait, we set up four quasi-experimental designs to capture the entire phenomenon: for each dimension, a 2 (motivational trait) x 2 (motivational state) design was built, where the dependant variable was the shopping behavior element corresponding to the studied dimension. Four 2 x 2 Anovas were performed to assess the interaction between motivational trait and motivational state. Concerning the three dimensions - browsing, novelty/utility seeking, and bargain hunting- , in the paratelic state scenario participants with hedonic motivational trait displayed significantly more hedonic shopping behavior intentions than participants with a functional motivational trait (resp. F = 9.701, p = .003; F = 4.979, p = .03; F = 5.757, p = .02); and in the telic state scenario, there was no significant difference in behavior intentions between participants with hedonic or functional motivation trait. Each time, the interaction effect between motivational state and motivational trait was significant (resp. F = 4.859, p = .03; F = 3.314, p = .07; F = 2.98, p = .08). Concerning the fourth dimension, social interaction, shopping behavior intentions of participants with hedonic and with functional motivational traits were significantly different in the paratelic state scenario (F = 29.898, p <.000) as well as in the telic state scenario (F = 9.559, p = .003). However, the interaction effect showed that this behavioral difference was significantly stronger in the paratelic scenario. All these results support our research hypothesis. Discussion and Implications Our study provides consistent support for our hypotheses saying that there is an interaction effect between shopping motivational states and shopping motivational traits. The generalization of the results is strengthened by the study of four different shopping traits: social interaction, novelty/utility seeking, bargain hunting and browsing. As we proposed, when shopping in a goal-oriented state (telic state), behaviors of hedonic and functional shoppers do not differ significantly. Conversely, when shopping for a recreational reason (paratelic state), hedonic and functional shoppers behave significantly different. These results could explain why some previous studies concluded that shopping motivational traits had no impact on shopping behavior: they did not take into consideration the interaction between motivational trait and motivational state. Moreover, our study shows that marketing surveys performed by store managers to draw the personal profile of their customers must be crossed with contextual motivations in order to accurately forecast shopper behavior. Future Developments Our results can be explained by the self-control process, which pushes hedonic-trait shoppers to behave in a rather functional way in utilitarian situations. However, to be certain that this is the very process that occurs, we plan to add self-control perception scales to our existing measures. This is obviously the next step of this research.
The contemporary workplace appears rife with psychological strain, which can have considerable deleterious outcomes to the firm and the individual. However, research on strain in the sales force is underdeveloped. This paper reports the results of a study of the antecedents and consequences of psychological strain in the sales force, with particular attention to the roles of role ambiguity, emotional exhaustion, and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Emotional exhaustion is found to increase strain. Intrinsic motivation reduces strain under conditions of relatively high role ambiguity, but leads to more strain under conditions of low role ambiguity. Strain is found to have a J-shaped relationship with turnover intentions, and is linearly related to lower job satisfaction and lower job performance.
Past studies resulted in conflicting definitions of consumer motivation. Motivations are seen either as the consumer? s characteristics that shape her general behavior (motivational trait), or as contextual variables representing the reason why the individual is behaving specific to today?s context (motivational state). The objective of this research is to understand the impact of each on consumer behavior. Applied to shopping motivations, our study shows a strong interaction between motivational trait and state: motivational traits influence behavior only when associated with a recreational motivational state. In a functional motivational state, individuals prevent their personal characteristics from being fully expressed.
We demonstrate an intrinsic biochemical concentration sensor based on a polymer optical fiber Bragg grating. The water content absorbed by the polymer fiber from a surrounding solution depends on the concentration of the solution because of the osmotic effect. The variation of water content in the fiber causes a change in the fiber dimensions and a variation in refractive index and, therefore, a shift in the Bragg wavelength. Saline solutions with concentration from 0% to 22% were used to demonstrate the sensing principle, resulting in a total wavelength shift of 0.9 nm, allowing high-resolution concentration measurements to be realized.
A new type of fibre-optic biochemical concentration sensor based on a polymer optical fibre Bragg grating (POFBG) is proposed. The wavelength of the POFBG varies as a function of analyte concentration. The feasibility of this sensing concept is demonstrated by a saline concentration sensor. When polymer fibre is placed in a water based solution the process of osmosis takes place in this water-fibre system. An osmotic pressure which is proportional to the solution concentration, will apply to the fibre in addition to the hydraulic pressure. It tends to drive the water content out of the fibre and into the surrounding solution. When the surrounding solution concentration increases the osmotic pressure increases to drive the water content out of the fibre, consequently increasing the differential hydraulic pressure and reducing the POFBG wavelength. This process will stop once there is a balance between the osmotic pressure and the differential hydraulic pressure. Similarly when the solution concentration decreases the osmotic pressure decreases, leading to a dominant differential hydraulic pressure which drives the water into the fibre till a new pressure balance is established. Therefore the water content in the polymer fibre - and consequently the POFBG wavelength - depends directly on the solution concentration. A POFBG wavelength change of 0.9 nm was measured for saline concentration varying from 0 to 22%. For a wavelength interrogation system with a resolution of 1 pm, a measurement of solution concentration of 0.03% can be expected.