718 resultados para interdisciplinary curriculum
This paper highlights the components necessary for a drug and alcohol addiction curricula to educate, motivate, and link adolescents who are deaf or hard of hearing using oral communication to appropriate treatment.
The focus of this article is on relations between classroom interaction, curricular knowledge and student engagement in diverse classrooms. It is based on a study with ethnographic perspective in which two primary school classes in Sweden were followed for three years. The analysis draws on Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics. The results indicate that language use in the classrooms is on a basic everyday level and that high teacher control results in low-demanding tasks and low engagement among students. Interaction in the classrooms mainly consists of short talk-turns with fragmented language, frequent repairs and interruptions, while writing and reading consists of single words and short sentences. Although the classroom atmosphere is friendly and inclusive, second language students are denied necessary opportunities to develop curricular knowledge and Swedish at the advanced level, which they will need higher up in the school system. The restricted curriculum that these students are offered in school thus restricts their opportunities to school success. Thus, I argue for a more reflective and critical approach regarding language use in classrooms.
O objetivo deste trabalho é responder as perguntas: o que é museologia, o que a diferencia dos outros saberes, isto é, quais são os seus estatutos epistemológicos, porque a Museologia assume no Brasil aspecto predominantemente técnico o que afasta, quase sempre seus profissionais dos postos de comando e/ou decisão na área que lhe é afeta. O tema educacional está imbricado na problemática epistemológica. O tema é abordado através de diferentes aspectos e sucessivas visões: - como o Curso de Museus se inseriu no contexto histórico que lhe deu origem, a longa proposta ideológica do então único Curso de Museus do país, o desempenho deste mesmo curso de sua fundação até os dias de hoje, duas divisões de seus currículos uma quanto a sua coerência ou não com cada momento educacional e outra quanto aos conteúdos. O museu sua gênese e desempenho mundial até hoje. Estas primeiras aproximações nos levaram a constatar faltar à Museologia a evidenciação de seus estatutos epistemológicos, princípios e categorias, que a mostrasse como um saber diferenciado. Aquelas múltiplas visões nos permitiram chegar aos conceitos adequados, na área, para nosso trabalho. Passamos a ordenar o assunto por campos e destes extraímos princípios museológicos e reconhecemos estes como relacionados com a Antropologia Filosófica. Levantamos as Categorias de Antropologia Filosófica contidas nas obras de Jolif e conectamos aqueles "Princípios Museológicos" com estas categorias. Passamos, assim, a ter uma correlação Museologia/ Antropologia Filosófica que ~ permite a Museologia desenvolver-se estruturadamente passando a ter "background" para sustentar uma proposta de ensino universitário e de formação superior para o profissional de museologia e para consequentemente sustentar a pesquisa, a reflexão e a decisão nas lides e no desenvolvi menta contínuo do saber diferenciado: Museologia.
A formação dos docentes para o magistério superior é uma das funções dos Cursos de Mestrado. Na pesquisa das condições em que se desenvolve a formação do professor de Ensino Superior nos Cursos de Mestrado em Educação, identificam-se. entre outras disciplinas básicas, algumas especificamente didáticas: a Metodologia do Ensino Superior no IESAE/cMEd, a Didática do Ensino Superior na UFRJ/CMEd e a Metodologia Didática na PUC/CMEd. Verifica-se não serem obrigatórias essas disciplinas para todos os mestrandos, fato que leva a supor serem suas funções insuficientemente definidas na estrutura curricular desses Cursos, no tocante ã formação do docente. Julgando-se desempenharem essas disciplinas uma mesma função na formação do professor, precisamente daquele que se destina ao magistério superior, supõe-se que a falta de definição do papel por ela desempenhado no currículo dos mestrandos em Educação resulta da imprecisão dos termos Metodologia do Ensino Superior, Didática do Ensino Superior e Metodologia Didática. Esta imprecisão é constatada ao examinar-se a literatura especializada e ao analisar-se as respostas dos mestrandos que cursaram estas disciplinas e que as lecionaram. Os resultados das reflexões dos professores feitas conduziram a opção da Metodologia do Ensino Superior como disciplina eminentemente formativa do docente para este nível de ensino, por considerá-la mais abrangente do que as demais. Pelo mesmo motivo, defende-se sua obrigatoriedade de no currículo de todos os mestrandos em Educação. Caracteriza-se a MES pela interdisciplinar idade, definindo-a como método de trabalho reflexivo, tico e elaborativo que possibilita ao professor de Ensino Superior conduzir adequadamente o processo ensino-aprendizagem. o trabalho consta de duas etapas: a fundamentação teórica e a pesquisa de campo. Na primeira foram feitas: a revisão da literatura, a definição da função da Metodologia do Ensino Superior na formação dos professores e o estudo analítico dos programas das disciplinas Metodologia do Ensino Superior, Didática do Ensino Superior e Metodologia Didática. A pesquisa de campo consiste em aplicação de questionários e entrevistas. o universo da pesquisa compõe-se de todos os mestrandos que cursaram as disciplinas Metodologia de Ensino Superior, Didática do Ensino Superior e Metodologia Didática, dos professores destas disciplinas e dos Coordenadores dos Cursos de Mestrado em Educação do IESAE, da UFRJ e da PUC, respectivamente(1976). Os pressupostos e questionamentos que orientam a pesquisa referem-se à imprecisão conceitual da Metodologia do Ensino Superior e a seu papel indefinido na formação do professor de Ensino Superior.
Este artigo consiste em uma resenha crítica sobre a reflexão de Anne-Marie Slaughter para uma aproximação interdisciplinar entre Direito Internacional e Relações Internacionais. Slaughter tem sido apontada, internacionalmente, como uma das protagonistas neste debate acadêmico, e sua obra é indicada como uma das mais influentes na academia dos Estados Unidos da América, no século XX. Em tempos de aproximação entre juristas e internacionalistas no Brasil, o artigo procura contribuir com a contextualização da produção da autora, bem como elucidar os momentos de influência das suas atividades em outros centros de discussão e produção. A proposta principal deste artigo é, assim, favorecer um mapeamento histórico e contextualizado da chamada para o debate interdisciplinar entre Direito Internacional e Relações Internacionais, a partir dos trabalhos de um de seus pivôs na academia nos Estados Unidos.
This study describes the reading comprehension processes present in the most widely sold textbooks at the fourth grade level in Portugal and discusses how they compare to international assessments of reading literacy. We adopted the Progress of International Reading Literacy Study framework to categorize the questions in the textbooks. Our analyses revealed that they focus heavily on the retrieval of explicitly stated information to the detriment of higher level comprehension skills. Portuguese fourth grade textbooks rarely challenge students to make connections between their knowledge and the ideas in the texts and to adopt a critical and evaluative reading stance. This is in sharp contrast to what students are asked to do in the Progress of International Reading Literacy Study, conducted every five years since 2001, and it may help explain the poor results Portuguese students have in national assessment and in PISA. The findings are discussed in light of the curriculum frameworks currently adopted in Portugal and suggestions are made as to how we can improve reading literacy achievement.
The paper aims at showing how curricular complexity tends to be depleted by the use of digital platforms based on the SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) standard, which was created with the main purpose of recycling content as it is supposed to be independent both from the context of learning and the supporting technology also deemed to be neutral, all surrounded by a rhetoric of innovation and “pedagogical” innovation. The starting point of the discussion is García Perez’s model of Traditional Didactics as a simple tool to show almost graphically that any ancient didactic model is far richer in terms of complexity than the linearity, in disguise most of the times but still visible under a not so sophisticated critical lens, of the interaction human-(reusable) content that is the basis of the SCORM standard. The paper also addresses some of the more common deliberate mix-ups related to those digital platforms, such as learning and teaching, content and learning object, systems of automatic teaching and learning management systems.
This work addresses the study of interdisciplinarity in higher administration education, a topic of great relevance in the present context, due to guidelines issued by Ministry of Education through the National Curriculum Guidelines -NCGs for undergraduate courses in Management. The attention on the subject emerges from the gained experience of a researcher and teacher working as manager of an undergraduate course in Business Administration who set up interdisciplinarity through interdisciplinary projects in a management course pedagogical project at a private university in State of Pará/Brazil. The work rebuilds and reports experiences, and studies the practice of lecturers involved in those interdisciplinary actions. The study aimed to identify changes in pedagogical practices of teachers involved in the searched interdisciplinary experience. To address the questions that directed the work and achieve proposed objectives, from a qualitative approach, a significant bibliographical and documentary work was conducted on the topic. In the survey carried out on secondary sources such as publications of major authors and scientific papers reporting interdisciplinary experiences in higher administration education, it was found that interdisciplinarity for its ambiguous character is still poorly understood by teachers, and reports on its application in administration teaching are incipient. This study also used data collected from primary sources, from dialogues through interviews with educational fellows - teachers and officers of the institution that served as locus of the research, who had the opportunity to experience the studied interdisciplinary experience. Data were processed and analyzed using content analysis technique. Research results showed that teachers of the institution of research have a good understanding of meaning of interdisciplinarity as a link between disciplines; it was also found substantial evidence of changes in teaching practices and actions of such teachers based on their participation in interdisciplinary projects. Although the experience studied can be considered innovative and challenging, much needs to be done in the course management for achievement of interdisciplinary actions in the course, particularly regarding to the removal of institutional, methodological, psychosocial, epistemological obstacles in operationalizing interdisciplinary practices, with emphasis on the need of a process of continuous and specific training aiming at developing skills for interdisciplinary acting, to the extent that these education professionals do not perceive themselves able to act as interdisciplinary lecturers
Successive curricular changes that occurred in professional education altered pedagogical practices, and these practices being developed by means of integrating projects, at Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Sergipe (CEFET-SE), between 2001 and 2003, originated some questions which became the study object of this thesis. We search for theoretical support mainly in GEPEM research (GEPEM/UFRN) works and practices in order to analyze elements that emerged from this pedagogical practice. To do so, we take as main reference the research of qualitative approach. We developed documents analysis, interviews, considering three aspects: the scenery where these changes took place, the conception and implementation of the Integrating Projects for what, we ask support in pedagogy of projects studies and principles of interdisciplinary, and contextualization as curriculum structuring elements. This research brought out some difficulties, conflicts and possible consensus in developing the methodological strategies for the Projects. In this process of coexistence of the traditional and the new, of an unavoidable distance between what was thought and what was effectively done, elements for a new pedagogical practice emerged. This could be noticed in terms of participative work, formative moments, teacher s autonomy related to the pedagogical work. A new door could be open to the possibilities of taking conscience of accepting the differences and oneself autoexperimentation. These are the possibilities that make men, not being mere information deposit, can dialog and transform, producing his existence by this means. In the present case, the existence of being teacher, the build himself in the time of possibilities
The subject of Classic Gravitation is part of the actual curriculum for High School in Brazil, and it is taught in the first year of that education level. This master thesis presents a research regarding the subject Classic Gravitation in High School. This research was based in two complementary guidelines of research and action. The first guideline was the analysis of 21 didactic books of physics which are the more frequently used in High School, in the city of Natal/RN. The second guideline, worked after being verified the most common deficiencies presents in the didactic books, was the elaboration, followed by a practical application, of a course suggesting how to approach that subject in the classroom. The Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (National Curricular Parameters for High School PCNEM) defend that Classic Gravitation is very important in the student s formation and that its study helps the comprehension of many nature s phenomena. Because of this vision of that subject by the PCNEM, the 21 analyzed books were separated in two groups: the first one, containing 10 books, was edited before the spreading of PCNEM, and the second, with 11 books, after that spreading. Whatever the group to which the didactic books belonged, the great majority of them let that subject in a second plan; two of them even suggesting, in the teacher s orientations, that the subject Gravitation can be suppressed in case of insufficient time . These analyses points that the PCNEM had produced no changes in the conception of the authors that wrote books regarding that subject. To analyze the didactic books, we elaborated a script which was used as an analysis tool, in which we put in evidence the relative importance of the historic and philosophic contextualization of the subject, the quotidian experience of the students and the interdisciplinary approach, among other aspects. It became evident that the didactic books give very little emphasis to historic aspects of the knowledge construction, to the relations with the day-by-day questions and to the interdisciplinary character of the subject Gravitation. It calls attention the non concordance among the authors opinions regarding the necessary previous knowledge or prerequisites the students should fulfill in order to begin to study Gravitation. The course we elaborated was given to a group of teachers as well as to students. In those courses we treated theoretical and practical aspects and emphasized historical questions and the ones which are related to people s daily life. The course for teachers was realized as an extra-mural activity of the UFRN and was given by the author of this thesis at the Escola Estadual Francisco Ivo Cavalcanti (a state public school in Natal/RN). There were 23 teachers present, from several public schools and several fields of knowledge. The thesis supervisor and the master degree s colleagues of the author acted as collaborators , reporting the participants opinions and speeches. The course to the students, on the other hand, had the participation of 300 regular students who belonged to 6 different 1st year classes of the High School Escola Marista de Natal (RN), in which the author acts as a physics teacher. The student s course was realized as part of the regular curriculum activities, in which three classes stood under the responsibility of the author and other three classes in charge of another Marista s teacher, who participated as a collaborator . The teacher s course as well as the students one were given in two stages, with five hours each. The first stage was divided in two moments, the first one focused on the survey of the spontaneous conceptions about gravitation, in which we worked basically with experiments of free throwing and pendulum, and the second one focused in theoretical presentations and quarrels about universe s models. In the second stage of the course we improved the study of Kepler s laws and the Newton s Universal Gravitation law, and we used as motivating tools some practices involving the construction of the solar system in scale. As instruments for evaluating both courses we used questionnaires and reported the speeches with participants opinions, beyond usual written evaluations in the course for the students. The teachers who participated in the course showed very good wills in realizing interdisciplinary practices; nevertheless, according their own speeches, they frequently came across the difficulty of how to do . From the experience we had in both courses, we conclude that the approach we propose hear to the teaching of the subject Classic Gravitation , supported on the tripod theory, practice and historical and philosophical aspects, is viable and effective. One hopes that this research may contribute in the formation of a opinion, among the teachers, concerning how to approach the subject of Classic Gravitation, and may offer suggestions in order those who want to apply that approach may develop classroom practices aiming to improve the teaching of that subject, which has a singular importance in the formation of High School students