971 resultados para infrared thermal imaging


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The technical improvement and new applications of Infrared Thermography (IRT) with healthy subjects should be accompanied by results about the reproducibility of IRT measurements in different popula-tion groups. In addition, there is a remarkable necessity of a larger supply on software to analyze IRT images of human beings. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: firstly, to investigate the reproducibility of skin temperature (Tsk) on overweight and obese subjects using IRT in different Regions of Interest (ROI), moments and side-to-side differences (?T); and secondly, to check the reliability of a new software called Termotracker®, specialized on the analysis of IRT images of human beings. Methods: 22 overweight and obese males (11) and females (11) (age: 41,51±7,76 years; height: 1,65±0,09 m; weight: 82,41±11,81 Kg; BMI: 30,17±2,58 kg/m²) were assessed in two consecutive thermograms (5 seconds in-between) by the same observer, using an infrared camera (FLIR T335, Sweden) to get 4 IRT images from the whole body. 11 ROI were selected using Termotracker® to analyze its reproducibility and reliability through Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Coefficient of Variation (CV) values. Results: The reproducibility of the side-to-side differences (?T) between two consecutive thermograms was very high in all ROIs (Mean ICC = 0,989), and excellent between two computers (Mean ICC = 0,998). The re-liability of the software was very high in all the ROIs (Mean ICC = 0,999). Intraexaminer reliability analysing the same subjects in two consecutive thermograms was also very high (Mean ICC = 0,997). CV values of the different ROIs were around 2%. Conclusions: Skin temperature on overweight subjects had an excellent reproducibility for consecutive ther-mograms. The reproducibility of thermal asymmetries (?T) was also good but it had the influence of several factors that should be further investigated. Termotracker® reached excellent reliability results and it is a relia-ble and objective software to analyse IRT images of humans beings.


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Infrared thermography (IRT) is a safe and non-invasive tool used for examining physiological functions based on skin temperature (Tsk) control. The aim of this paper was to establish the probable thermal difference between the beginning and the end of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rehabilitation process after surgery. For this purpose thermograms from 25 ACL surgically operated patients (2 women, 23 men) were taken on the first and last day of a six-week rehabilitation program. A FLIR infrared camera according to the protocol established by the International Academy of Clinical Thermology (IACT). The results showed significant temperature increases in the posterior thigh area between the first and the last week of the rehabilitation process probably due to a compensatory mechanism. According to this, we can conclude that temperature of the posterior area of the injured and non-injured leg has increased from the first to the last day of the rehabilitation process.


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We demonstrate a new class of semiconductor device: the optically triggered infrared photodetector (OTIP). This photodetector is based on a new physical principle that allows the detection of infrared light to be switched ON and OFF by means of an external light. Our experimental device, fabricated using InAs/AlGaAs quantum-dot technology, demonstrates normal incidence infrared detection in the 2−6 μm range. The detection is optically triggered by a 590 nm light-emitting diode. Furthermore, the detection gain is achieved in our device without an increase of the noise level. The novel characteristics of OTIPs open up new possibilities for third generation infrared imaging systems


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We demonstrate a new class of semiconductor device: the optically triggered infrared photodetector (OTIP). This photodetector is based on a new physical principle that allows the detection of infrared light to be switched ON and OFF by means of an external light. Our experimental device, fabricated using InAs/AlGaAs quantum-dot technology, demonstrates normal incidence infrared detection in the 2−6 μm range. The detection is optically triggered by a 590 nm light-emitting diode. Furthermore, the detection gain is achieved in our device without an increase of the noise level. The novel characteristics of OTIPs open up new possibilities for third generation infrared imaging systems


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This paper presents a robust approach for recognition of thermal face images based on decision level fusion of 34 different region classifiers. The region classifiers concentrate on local variations. They use singular value decomposition (SVD) for feature extraction. Fusion of decisions of the region classifier is done by using majority voting technique. The algorithm is tolerant against false exclusion of thermal information produced by the presence of inconsistent distribution of temperature statistics which generally make the identification process difficult. The algorithm is extensively evaluated on UGC-JU thermal face database, and Terravic facial infrared database and the recognition performance are found to be 95.83% and 100%, respectively. A comparative study has also been made with the existing works in the literature.


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Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) nanocomposites containing environmentally-friendly tungsten disulphide inorganic nanotubes (INTeWS2) have been successfully prepared by a simple solution blending method. The dynamic and isothermal crystallization studies by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) demonstrated that the INTeWS2 exhibits much more prominent nucleation activity on the crystallization of PHB than specific nucleating agents or other nanoscale fillers. Both crystallization rate and crystallinity significantly increase in the nanocomposites compared to neat PHB. These changes occur without modifying the crystalline structure of PHB in the nanocomposites, as shown by wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXS) and infrared/Raman spectroscopy. Other parameters such as the Avrami exponent, the equilibrium melting temperature, global rate constant and the fold surface free energy of PHB chains in the nanocomposites were obtained from the calorimetric data in order to determine the influence of the INTeWS2 filler. The addition of INTeWS2 remarkably influences the energetics and kinetics of nucleation and growth of PHB, reducing the fold surface free energy by up to 20%. Furthermore, these nanocomposites also show an improvement in both tribological and mechanical (hardness and modulus) properties with respect to pure PHB evidenced by friction and nanoindentation tests, which is of important potential interest for industrial and medical applications.


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Las personas que usan la silla de ruedas como su forma de movilidad prioritaria presentan una elevada incidencia (73%) de dolor de hombro debido al sobreuso y al movimiento repetitivo de la propulsión. Existen numerosos métodos de diagnóstico para la detección de las patologías del hombro, sin embargo la literatura reclama la necesidad de un test no invasivo y fiable, y sugiere la termografía como una técnica adecuada para evaluar el dolor articular. La termografía infrarroja (IRT) proporciona información acerca de los procesos fisiológicos a través del estudio de las distribuciones de la temperatura de la piel. Debido a la alta correlación entre ambos lados corporales, las asimetrías térmicas entre flancos contralaterales son una buena indicación de patologías o disfunciones físicas subyacentes. La fiabilidad de la IRT ha sido estudiada con anterioridad en sujetos sanos, pero nunca en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. Las características especiales de la población con discapacidad (problemas de sudoración y termorregulación, distribución sanguínea o medicación), hacen necesario estudiar los factores que afectan a la aplicación de la IRT en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. La bibliografía discrepa en cuanto a los beneficios o daños resultantes de la práctica de la actividad física en las lesiones de hombro por sobreuso en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. Recientes resultados apuntan a un aumento del riesgo de rotura del manguito rotador en personas con paraplejia que practican deportes con elevación del brazo por encima de la cabeza. Debido a esta falta de acuerdo en la literatura, surge la necesidad de analizar el perfil termográfico en usuarios de sillas de ruedas sedentarios y deportistas y su relación con el dolor de hombro. Hasta la fecha sólo se han publicado estudios termográficos durante el ejercicio en sujetos sanos. Un mayor entendimiento de la respuesta termográfica al ejercicio en silla de ruedas en relación al dolor de hombro clarificará su aparición y desarrollo y permitirá una apropiada intervención. El primer estudio demuestra que la fiabilidad de la IRT en usuarios de sillas de ruedas varía dependiendo de las zonas analizadas, y corrobora que la IRT es una técnica no invasiva, de no contacto, que permite medir la temperatura de la piel, y con la cual avanzar en la investigación en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. El segundo estudio proporciona un perfil de temperatura para usuarios de sillas de ruedas. Los sujetos no deportistas presentaron mayores asimetrías entre lados corporales que los sedentarios, y ambos obtuvieron superiores asimetrías que los sujetos sin discapacidad reportados en la literatura. Los no deportistas también presentaron resultados más elevados en el cuestionario de dolor de hombro. El área con mayores asimetrías térmicas fue hombro. En deportistas, algunas regiones de interés (ROIs) se relacionaron con el dolor de hombro. Estos resultados ayudan a entender el mapa térmico en usuarios de sillas de ruedas. El último estudio referente a la evaluación de la temperatura de la piel en usuarios de sillas de ruedas en ejercicio, reportó diferencias significativas entre la temperatura de la piel antes del test y 10 minutos después del test de propulsión de silla de ruedas, en 12 ROIs; y entre el post-test y 10 minutos después del test en la mayoría de las ROIs. Estas diferencias se vieron atenuadas cuando se compararon las asimetrías antes y después del test. La temperatura de la piel tendió a disminuir inmediatamente después completar el ejercicio, e incrementar significativamente 10 minutos después. El análisis de las asimetrías vs dolor de hombro reveló relaciones significativas negativas en 5 de las 26 ROIs. No se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre las variables de propulsión y el cuestionario de dolor de hombro. Todas las variables cinemáticas correlacionaron significativamente con las asimetrías en múltiples ROIs. Estos resultados indican que los deportistas en sillas de ruedas exhiben una capacidad similar de producir calor que los deportistas sin discapacidad; no obstante, su patrón térmico es más característico de ejercicios prolongados que de esfuerzos breves. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de la termorregulación en usuarios de sillas de ruedas durante el ejercicio, y aporta información relevante para programas deportivos y de rehabilitación. ABSTRACT Individuals who use wheelchairs as their main means of mobility have a high incidence (73%) of shoulder pain (SP) owing to overuse and repetitive propulsion movement. There are numerous diagnostic methods for the detection of shoulder pathologies, however the literature claims that a noninvasive accurate test to properly assess shoulder pain would be necessary, and suggests thermography as a suitable technique for joint pain evaluation. Infrared thermography (IRT) provides information about physiological processes by studying the skin temperature (Tsk) distributions. Due to the high correlation of skin temperature between both sides of the body, thermal asymmetries between contralateral flanks are an indicator of underlying pathologies or physical dysfunctions. The reliability of infrared thermography has been studied in healthy subjects but there are no studies that have analyzed the reliability of IRT in wheelchair users (WCUs). The special characteristics of people with disabilities (sweating and thermoregulation problems, or blood distribution) make it necessary to study the factors affecting the application of IRT in WCUs. Discrepant reports exist on the benefits of, or damage resulting from, physical exercise and the relationship to shoulder overuse injuries in WCUs. Recent findings have found that overhead sports increase the risk of rotator cuff tears in wheelchair patients with paraplegia. Since there is no agreement in the literature, the thermographic profile of wheelchair athletes and nonathletes and its relation with shoulder pain should also be analysed. Infrared thermographic studies during exercise have been carried out only with able-bodied population at present. The understanding of the thermographic response to wheelchair exercise in relation to shoulder pain will offer an insight into the development of shoulder pain, which is necessary for appropriate interventions. The first study presented in this thesis demonstrates that the reliability of IRT in WCUs varies depending on the areas of the body that are analyzed. Moreover, it corroborates that IRT is a noninvasive and noncontact technique that allows the measurement of Tsk, which will allow for advances to be made in research concerned with WCUs. The second study provides a thermal profile of WCUs. Nonathletic subjects presented higher side-to-side skin temperature differences (ΔTsk) than athletes, and both had greater ΔTsk than the able-bodied results that have been published in the literature. Nonathletes also revealed larger Wheelchair Users Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI) score than athletes. The shoulder region of interest (ROI) was the area with the highest ΔTsk of the regions measured. The analysis of the athletes’ Tsk showed that some ROIs are related to shoulder pain. These findings help to understand the thermal map in WCUs. Finally, the third study evaluated the thermal response of WCUs in exercise. There were significant differences in Tsk between the pre-test and the post-10 min in 12 ROIs, and between the post-test and the post-10 in most of the ROIs. These differences were attenuated when the ΔTsk was compared before and after exercise. Skin temperature tended to initially decrease immediately after the test, followed by a significant increase at 10 minutes after completing the exercise. The ΔTsk versus shoulder pain analysis yielded significant inverse relationships in 5 of the 26 ROIs. No significant correlations between propulsion variables and the results of the WUSPI questionnaire were found. All kinematic variables were significantly correlated with the temperature asymmetries in multiple ROIs. These results present indications that high performance wheelchair athletes exhibit similar capacity of heat production to able-bodied population; however, they presented a thermal pattern more characteristic of a prolonged exercise rather than brief exercise. This work contributes to improve the understanding about temperature changes in wheelchair athletes during exercise and provides implications to the sports and rehabilitation programs.


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Infrared thermography (IRT) is a safe and non-invasive tool used for examining physiological functions based on skin temperature (Tsk) control. Thermograms from 25 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgically operated patients (2 female, 23 male) were taken with a FLIR infrared camera according to the protocol established by the International Academy of Clinical Thermology (IACT). This work consists of 4 studies. Studies 1 and 3 were related to establish the probable thermal difference among different moments of an ACL rupture after surgery: before starting the rehabilitation (P0), at the end of rehabilitation (P1) and 18 months from the end of rehabilitation (P2). For this purpose, on the other hand, studies 2 and 4 were related to establish the skin thermal difference (Tsk) between the injured and the non-injured leg in P0, P1 and P2. Results of the first study showed significant temperature increases in the posterior thigh area between P0 and P1 probably due to a compensatory mechanism. According to this, we can conclude that temperature of the posterior area of the injured and noninjured leg has increased from the first to the last day of the rehabilitation process. In the second study we found significant temperature differences between the injured and non-injured leg in both stages of rehabilitation (p<.01). On the one hand, the temperature of the injured leg is higher in the anterior view and the temperature of the non-injured leg is higher in the posterior view. By the time the patients had recovered from the reconstruction, thermal imbalances should have not been shown between symmetrical parts, but differences seemed to be still latent.. Study 3 shows that temperatures seem to be higher after a year and a half (P2) than in P1. Study 4 shows how thermal values 18 months later seemed to be normalized between both legs. No significant differences were found between the injured leg and the noninjured leg after one year and a half of the rehabilitation process. Considering results from Study 3 and 4 we can conclude that patients seemed to have recovered from a thermal point of view. The temperature in P2 was higher but symmetrical. RESUMEN La termografía infrarroja (IRT) es una herramienta segura y no invasiva utilizada para examinar funciones fisiológicas que se basan en el control de temperatura de la piel (Tsk). Termogramas de 25 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) (2 mujeres, 23 hombres) fueron tomadas con una cámara de infrarrojos FLIR de acuerdo con el protocolo establecido por la Academia Internacional de Termología Clínica (IACT). Este trabajo consiste en 4 estudios. Los estudios 1 y 3 describen la diferencia térmica entre los diferentes momentos tras la operación del ligamento cruzado anterior: antes de comenzar la rehabilitación (P0), al final de la rehabilitación (P1) y 18 meses tras finalizar la rehabilitación (P2). Por otra parte, los estudios 2 y 4 describen la diferencia de temperatura de la piel (Tsk) entre la pierna lesionada y la pierna no lesionada en P0, P1 y P2. Los resultados del primer estudio mostraron aumentos significativos de temperatura en la zona posterior de los muslos entre P0 y P1, probablemente debido a un mecanismo de compensación. De acuerdo con esto, se puede concluir que la temperatura de la zona posterior de la pierna lesionada y no lesionada se ha incrementado desde el primero hasta el último día del proceso de rehabilitación. En el segundo estudio se encontraron diferencias significativas de temperatura entre la pierna lesionada y no lesionada en ambas etapas de la rehabilitación (p<.01). Por un lado, la temperatura de la pierna lesionada es mayor en la vista anterior. Por otro lado, la temperatura de la pierna no lesionada es mayor en la vista posterior. Una vez que los pacientes se han recuperado de todo el proceso, no deberían existir desequilibrios térmicos entre partes simétricas del cuerpo, pero las diferencias todavía estaban latentes. El tercer estudio muestra que la temperatura es más alta en P2 que en P1. El cuarto estudio muestra cómo los valores térmicos entre ambas piernas en P2 se han normalizado entre ambas piernas. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la pierna lesionada y la pierna no lesionada después de 18 meses tras el proceso de rehabilitación. Considerando los resultados del studio 3 y 4, podemos concluir que se ha llegado a la recuperación total desde un punto de vista térmico. La temperatura es más elevada en P2 pero simétrica.


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According to the last global burden of disease published by the World Health Organization, tumors were the third leading cause of death worldwide in 2004. Among the different types of tumors, colorectal cancer ranks as the fourth most lethal. To date, tumor diagnosis is based mainly on the identification of morphological changes in tissues. Considering that these changes appears after many biochemical reactions, the development of vibrational techniques may contribute to the early detection of tumors, since they are able to detect such reactions. The present study aimed to develop a methodology based on infrared microspectroscopy to characterize colon samples, providing complementary information to the pathologist and facilitating the early diagnosis of tumors. The study groups were composed by human colon samples obtained from paraffin-embedded biopsies. The groups are divided in normal (n=20), inflammation (n=17) and tumor (n=18). Two adjacent slices were acquired from each block. The first one was subjected to chemical dewaxing and H&E staining. The infrared imaging was performed on the second slice, which was not dewaxed or stained. A computational preprocessing methodology was employed to identify the paraffin in the images and to perform spectral baseline correction. Such methodology was adapted to include two types of spectral quality control. Afterwards the preprocessing step, spectra belonging to the same image were analyzed and grouped according to their biochemical similarities. One pathologist associated each obtained group with some histological structure based on the H&E stained slice. Such analysis highlighted the biochemical differences between the three studied groups. Results showed that severe inflammation presents biochemical features similar to the tumors ones, indicating that tumors can develop from inflammatory process. A spectral database was constructed containing the biochemical information identified in the previous step. Spectra obtained from new samples were confronted with the database information, leading to their classification into one of the three groups: normal, inflammation or tumor. Internal and external validation were performed based on the classification sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. Comparison between the classification results and H&E stained sections revealed some discrepancies. Some regions histologically normal were identified as inflammation by the classification algorithm. Similarly, some regions presenting inflammatory lesions in the stained section were classified into the tumor group. Such differences were considered as misclassification, but they may actually evidence that biochemical changes are in course in the analyzed sample. In the latter case, the method developed throughout this thesis would have proved able to identify early stages of inflammatory and tumor lesions. It is necessary to perform additional experiments to elucidate this discrepancy between the classification results and the morphological features. One solution would be the use of immunohistochemistry techniques with specific markers for tumor and inflammation. Another option includes the recovering of the medical records of patients who participated in this study in order to check, in later times to the biopsy collection, whether they actually developed the lesions supposedly detected in this research.


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The transitions and reactions involved in the thermal treatment of several commercial azodicarbonamides (ADC) in an inert atmosphere have been studied by dynamic thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), mass spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. A pseudo-mechanistic model, involving several competitive and non-competitive reactions, has been suggested and applied to the correlation of the weight loss data. The model applied is capable of accurately representing the different processes involved, and can be of great interest in the understanding and quantification of such phenomena, including the simulation of the instantaneous amount of gases evolved in a foaming process. In addition, a brief discussion on the methodology related to the mathematical modeling of TGA data is presented, taking into account the complex thermal behaviour of the ADC.


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In endotherms insects, the thermoregulatory mechanisms modulate heat transfer from the thorax to the abdomen to avoid overheating or cooling in order to obtain a prolonged flight performance. Scarabaeus sacer and S. cicatricosus, two sympatric species with the same habitat and food preferences, showed daily temporal segregation with S. cicatricosus being more active during warmer hours of the day in opposition to S. sacer who avoid it. In the case of S. sacer, their endothermy pattern suggested an adaptive capacity for thorax heat retention. In S. cicatricosus, an active ‘heat exchanger’ mechanism was suggested. However, no empirical evidence had been documented until now. Thermographic sequences recorded during flight performance showed evidence of the existence of both thermoregulatory mechanisms. In S. sacer, infrared sequences showed a possible heat insulator (passive thermal window), which prevents heat transfer from meso- and metathorax to the abdomen during flight. In S. cicatricosus, infrared sequences revealed clear and effective heat flow between the thorax and abdomen (abdominal heat transfer) that should be considered the main mechanism of thermoregulation. This was related to a subsequent increase in abdominal pumping (as a cooling mechanism) during flight. Computer microtomography scanning, anatomical dissections and internal air volume measurements showed two possible heat retention mechanisms for S. sacer; the abdominal air sacs and the development of the internal abdominal sternites that could explain the thermoregulation between thorax and abdomen. Our results suggest that interspecific interactions between sympatric species are regulated by very different mechanisms. These mechanisms create unique thermal niches for the different species, thereby preventing competition and modulating spatio-temporal distribution and the composition of dung beetle assemblages.


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The main objectives of this research are (i) to determine the correct use of infrared thermography in the energy analysis of buildings and to verify its application in conducting energy audits thereof; (ii) to conduct a proposal for a standard methodology (with its corresponding final report) for energy audit of buildings based on currently applicable regulations, specifying the parts of the audit process where the authors propose to include thermal inspections by using infrared thermography.


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A systematic investigation of the thermal decomposition of viscoelastic memory foam (VMF) was performed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to obtain the kinetic parameters, and thermogravimetric analysis coupled to Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectrometry (TGA-FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis coupled to Mass Spectrometry (TGA-MS) to obtain detailed information of evolved products on pyrolysis and oxidative degradations. Two consecutive nth-order reactions were employed to correlate the experimental data from dynamic and isothermal runs performed at three different heating rates (5, 10 and 20 K/min) under an inert atmosphere. On the other hand, for the kinetic study of the oxidative decomposition, the data from combustion (synthetic air) and poor oxygen combustion (N2:O2 = 9:1) runs, at three heating rates and under dynamic and isothermal conditions, were correlated simultaneously. A kinetic model consisting of three consecutive reactions presented a really good correlation in all runs. TGA-FTIR analysis showed that the main gases released during the pyrolysis of VMF were determined as ether and aliphatic hydrocarbons, whereas in combustion apart from the previous gases, aldehydes, amines and CO2 have also been detected as the main gases. These results were confirmed by the TGA-MS.


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The structures of multilayer Langmuir-Blodgett films of barium arachidate before and after heat treatment have been investigated using both atomic force microscopy (AFM) and grazing incidence synchrotron X-ray diffraction (GIXD). AFM gave information on surface morphology at molecular resolution while GIXD provided quantitative details of the lattice structures of the films with their crystal symmetries and lattice constants. As-prepared films contained three coexisting structures: two triclinic structures with the molecularchains tilted by about 20degrees from the film normal and with 3 x 1 or 2 x 2 super-lattice features arising from height modulation of the molecules in the films; a rectangular structure with molecules perpendicular to the film surface. Of these, the 3 x 1 structure is dominant with a loose correlation between the bilayers. In the film plane both superstructures are commensurate with the local structures, having different oblique symmetries. The lattice constants for the 3 x 1 structure are a(s) = 3a = 13.86 Angstrom, b(s) = b = 4.31 Angstrom and gamma(s) = gamma = 82.7degrees; for the 2 x 2 structure a(s) = 2a = 16.54 Angstrom, b(s) = 2b = 9.67 Angstrom, gamma(s) = gamma = 88degrees. For the rectangular structure the lattice constants are a = 7.39 Angstrom, b = 4.96 Angstrom and gamma = 90degrees. After annealing, the 2 x 2 and rectangular structures were not observed, while the 3 x 1 structure had developed over the entire film. For the annealed films the correlation length in the film plane is about twice that in the unheated films, and in the out-of-plane direction covers two bilayers. The above lattice parameters, determined by GIXD, differed significantly from the values obtained by AFM, due possibly to distortion of the films by the scanning action of the AFM tip. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.