891 resultados para house dust mites
Endeostigmata are early derivative acariform mites, fossils of which are known from the Devonian. Extant species bear numerous plesiomorphies, the most striking being remnant opisthosomal segmentation. Also, many are all-female parthenogens with broad geographical distributions. Many of the species reported in the present study may represent clones of ancient Gondwana species. Before the present study only a handful of endeostigmatans had been reported from Australia. A key to the families of Endeostigmata is provided in the present paper, along with a review of the Australian fauna of the families Alicorhagiidae (new record), Grandjeanicidae (new record), Oehserchestidae (new record), and Terpnacaridae. Terpnacarus gibbosus (Womersley) is redescribed. A report of the first records of the cosmopolitan parthenogens Alicorhagia usitata Theron et al., Alycosmesis palmata (Oudemans), Stigmalychus veretrum Theron et al., Terpnacarus carolinaensis Theron, and Oehserchestes arboriger (Theron) in Australia is provided, along with a description of the new species Grandjeanicus theroni (Grandjeanicidae). Terpnacarus variolus Shiba and T. glebulentus Theron are junior synonyms of T. gibbosus.
Colorimetric analysis of roadway dust is currently a method for monitoring the incombustible content of mine roadways within Australian underground coal mines. To test the accuracy of this method, and to eliminate errors of judgement introduced by human operators in the analysis procedure, a number of samples were tested using scanning software to determine absolute greyscale values. High variability and unpredictability of results was noted during this testing, indicating that colorimetric testing is sensitive to parameters within the mine that are not currently reproduced in the preparation of reference samples. This was linked to the dependence of colour on particle surface area, and hence also to the size distribution of coal particles within the mine environment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We report the First occurrence in Australia of an exotic mite parasite of lizards, Hirstiella diolii Baker (Prostigmata, Pterygosomatidae), and its association with iguanas at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney. We also report on the spread of the exotic snake mite Ophionyssus natricis (Gervais) to native populations of skinks, provide a key to the mites associated with Australian lizards and review how to distinguish chiggers from pterygosomatid mites.
Social bees have a diverse fauna of symbiotic mesostigmatic mites, including highly pathogenic parasites of the honeybee, but there are few reports of Mesostigmata phoretic on or inhabiting the nests of solitary or communal, ground-nesting bees. In south-eastern Australia, however, native bees in the family Halictidae carry what appears to be a substantial radiation of host-specific mesostigmatans in the family Laelapidae. Herein, we redescribe the obscure genus Raymentia , associated with Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes ) spp. bees (Halictidae) and describe two new species, R. eickwortiana from L. lacthium (Smith) and R. walkeriana from L. atronitens (Cockerell). The type species, R. anomala Womersley, is associated with L. altichum (Smith). In addition, we review the mites known to be associated with Australian bees, provide a key to differentiate them, and describe and illustrate acarinaria of the Halictinae. We also report on the first occurrences in Australia of the genera Trochometridium Cross (Heterostigmata: Trochometridiidae), from L. eremaean Walker (Halictidae), and Cheletophyes Oudemans (Prostigmata: Cheyletidae) from Xylocopa Latreille (Xylocopinae), and on the previously unknown association between a Neocypholaelaps Vitzthum (Mesostigmata: Ameroseiidae) and Lipotriches tomentifera (Friese) (Halictidae).
Passive techniques as an alternative to artificial cooling can bring important energy, environmental, financial, operational and qualitative benefits. However, regions such as the wet tropics can reach high levels of thermal stress in which passive means alone are unable to provide appropriate thermal comfort standards for some parts of the year. Despite a great accumulation of empirical information on the passive performance of houses for either free-running or conditioned modes, very little work has been done on the thermal performance of buildings that can operate with a mixed-running strategy in warm-humid climates. Buildings with such design features are able to balance the needs for comfort, privacy, and energy efficiency during different periods of the year. As free-running and conditioned modes are believed by many to be 'opposite' approaches, and have been presented as separate strategies, this paper demonstrates that not all parameters are directly opposite and a possible dual-mode integrated operation can be used for warm-humid locations for maximum comfort and minimum energy requirements. For this purpose, simulation runs using ESP-R (University of Strathclyde, ESRU, UK) were based on the climate data of Darwin (Australia) and on the ventilation styles of the house: free running and conditioned. Design features applicable to both, i.e. for a dual mode operation could be identified and the differences between conditioned and free running were demonstrated and proved not to be totally conflicting and therefore suitable for a dual mode operation. Different daily usage profiles (five use patterns were defined), and zoning of sleeping and living areas are presented. The dual mode use patterns compared to the base case house, for all the user possibilities, had improved performances of 17-52%, when compared to the free-running mode and 66-98% when compared to the conditioned mode. Simulation runs using other warm-humid climates (Miami, USA; Sao Luis, Brazil; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) were also conducted and compared to the results found for Darwin. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents an analysis of personal respirable coal dust measurements recorded by the Joint Coal Board in the underground longwall mines of New South Wales from 1985 to 1999. A description of the longwall mining process is given. In the study, 11 829 measurements from 33 mines were analysed and the results given for each occupation, for seven occupational groups, for individual de-identified mines and for each year of study. The mean respirable coal dust concentration for all jobs was 1.51 mg/m(3) (SD 1.08 mg/m(3)). Only 6.9% of the measurements exceeded the Australian exposure standard of 3 mg/m(3). Published exposure-response relationships were used to predict the prevalence of progressive massive fibrosis and the mean loss of FEV1, after a working lifetime (40 years) of exposure to the mean observed concentration of 1.5 mg/m(3). Prevalences of 1.3 and 2.9% were predicted, based on data from the UK and the USA, respectively. The mean loss of FEV1 was estimated to be 73.7 ml.
Previously, two species of Myrmozercon (= Myrmonyssus) have been described from ground-nesting Australian ants in the genus Iridiomyrmex. Herein a new species, Myrmozercon iainkayi, infesting workers and alate adults of a leaf-nesting species of Polyrachis ant is described. The new species has a number of unusual or unique characters, including coxal hypertrichy (6-6-6-4 for legs I-IV, respectively), and based on the structure of its mouthparts, appears to be a haemolymph-feeding parasite.
A possibilidade de escolha de empresas municipais e intermunicipais como entidades cocontratantes é uma "tentação" para os municípios que têm a seu cargo um conjunto de tarefas através das quais visam satisfazer o interesse público local. Terão estas empresas características especiais que as tornam entidades preferenciais para a derrogação das regras da contratação pública? Existe um mercado concorrencial quando estamos perante serviços públicos locais? Justifica-se a aplicação das regras gerais da contratação pública às adjudicações de serviços públicos locais? O mercado em que se desenvolvem as empresas municipais apresenta uma relevância tal que permita haver concorrência? Estas questões têm vindo a ser especialmente tratadas no quadro da jurisprudência comunitária, dentro da qual, é de fazer sobressair o Acórdão Stad Halle, que veio limitar a possibilidade de recurso à exceção "in house providing", ampliando em consequência o âmbito de aplicação das regras gerais da contratação pública, nomeadamente os princípios comunitários da transparência e igualdade de tratamento dos concorrentes. A empresa municipal está mais próxima das necessidades dos cidadãos e, em princípio, estará mais apta para desenvolver um projeto à medida do serviço pretendido. Poderemos questionar se a proximidade da empresa municipal às necessidades reais de certos cidadãos tem uma expressão tal que coloque a empresa numa posição especial relativamente às outras, para permitir a adjudicação direta.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the fungus Aspergillus niger strain CCT4355 in the release of nutrients contained in two types of rock powder (diabase and phonolite) by means of in vitro solubilization trials. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 5 x 4 factorial design with three replications. It was evaluated five treatments (phonolite dust + culture medium; phonolite dust + fungus + culture medium; diabase powder + culture medium; diabase powder + fungus + culture medium and fungus + culture medium) and four sampling dates (0, 10, 20 and 30 days). Rock dust (0.4% w/v) was added to 125 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 50 mL of liquid culture medium adapted to A. niger. The flasks were incubated at 30°C for 30 days, and analysis of pH (in water), titratable acidity, and concentrations of soluble potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and manganese were made. The fungus A. niger was able to produce organic acids that solubilized ions. This result indicates its potential to alter minerals contained in rock dust, with the ability to interact in different ways with the nutrients. A significant increase in the amount of K was found in the treatment with phonolite dust in the presence of the fungus. The strain CCT4355 of A. niger can solubilize minerals contained in these rocks dust.
Há muito que se fala do fim do Marketing tal como o conhecemos. A segmentação cada vez maior de mercados e clientes e a importância da customização, tornaram obsoletas a maior parte das abordagens do marketing de massas. A evolução da economia e das TI (tecnologias da informação) e as consequentes alterações que esse processo implicou na cadeia de valor das empresas, nomeadamente das organizações de grande dimensão, fez com que o B2C –Business to Customer – tenha deixado de fazer sentido para estas empresas. O advento da World Wide Web e o impacto que as tecnologias «interactivas» têm actualmente sobre a economia, provocou grandes alterações nas relações entre as organizações e os seus clientes. Ao Marketing de massas sucedeu-se a relação individualizada cliente a cliente, emergente no B2B – Business to Business –one to one, onde mais importante do que as vendas é o relacionamento com o cliente que assume particular importância, nomeada mente em ordem à sua transição para outras zonas de negócio, como a Internet.