892 resultados para homogeneous mutitype Markov chains
We show here a 2(Omega(root d.log N)) size lower bound for homogeneous depth four arithmetic formulas. That is, we give an explicit family of polynomials of degree d on N variables (with N = d(3) in our case) with 0, 1-coefficients such that for any representation of a polynomial f in this family of the form f = Sigma(i) Pi(j) Q(ij), where the Q(ij)'s are homogeneous polynomials (recall that a polynomial is said to be homogeneous if all its monomials have the same degree), it must hold that Sigma(i,j) (Number of monomials of Q(ij)) >= 2(Omega(root d.log N)). The above mentioned family, which we refer to as the Nisan-Wigderson design-based family of polynomials, is in the complexity class VNP. Our work builds on the recent lower bound results 1], 2], 3], 4], 5] and yields an improved quantitative bound as compared to the quasi-polynomial lower bound of 6] and the N-Omega(log log (N)) lower bound in the independent work of 7].
Homogeneous temperature regions are necessary for use in hydrometeorological studies. The regions are often delineated by analysing statistics derived from time series of maximum, minimum or mean temperature, rather than attributes influencing temperature. This practice cannot yield meaningful regions in data-sparse areas. Further, independent validation of the delineated regions for homogeneity in temperature is not possible, as temperature records form the basis to arrive at the regions. To address these issues, a two-stage clustering approach is proposed in this study to delineate homogeneous temperature regions. First stage of the approach involves (1) determining correlation structure between observed temperature over the study area and possible predictors (large-scale atmospheric variables) influencing the temperature and (2) using the correlation structure as the basis to delineate sites in the study area into clusters. Second stage of the approach involves analysis on each of the clusters to (1) identify potential predictors (large-scale atmospheric variables) influencing temperature at sites in the cluster and (2) partition the cluster into homogeneous fuzzy temperature regions using the identified potential predictors. Application of the proposed approach to India yielded 28 homogeneous regions that were demonstrated to be effective when compared to an alternate set of 6 regions that were previously delineated over the study area. Intersite cross-correlations of monthly maximum and minimum temperatures in the existing regions were found to be weak and negative for several months, which is undesirable. This problem was not found in the case of regions delineated using the proposed approach. Utility of the proposed regions in arriving at estimates of potential evapotranspiration for ungauged locations in the study area is demonstrated.
Identification of homogeneous hydrometeorological regions (HMRs) is necessary for various applications. Such regions are delineated by various approaches considering rainfall and temperature as two key variables. In conventional approaches, formation of regions is based on principal components (PCs)/statistics/indices determined from time series of the key variables at monthly and seasonal scales. An issue with use of PCs for regionalization is that they have to be extracted from contemporaneous records of hydrometeorological variables. Therefore, delineated regions may not be effective when the available records are limited over contemporaneous time period. A drawback associated with the use of statistics/indices is that they do not provide effective representation of the key variables when the records exhibit non-stationarity. Consequently, the resulting regions may not be effective for the desired purpose. To address these issues, a new approach is proposed in this article. The approach considers information extracted from wavelet transformations of the observed multivariate hydrometeorological time series as the basis for regionalization by global fuzzy c-means clustering procedure. The approach can account for dynamic variability in the time series and its non-stationarity (if any). Effectiveness of the proposed approach in forming HMRs is demonstrated by application to India, as there are no prior attempts to form such regions over the country. Drought severity-area-frequency (SAF) curves are constructed corresponding to each of the newly formed regions for the use in regional drought analysis, by considering standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) as the drought indicator.
There has been much interest in understanding collective dynamics in networks of brain regions due to their role in behavior and cognitive function. Here we show that a simple, homogeneous system of densely connected oscillators, representing the aggregate activity of local brain regions, can exhibit a rich variety of dynamical patterns emerging via spontaneous breaking of permutation or translational symmetries. Upon removing just a few connections, we observe a striking departure from the mean-field limit in terms of the collective dynamics, which implies that the sparsity of these networks may have very important consequences. Our results suggest that the origins of some of the complicated activity patterns seen in the brain may be understood even with simple connection topologies.
It is known that all the vector bundles of the title can be obtained by holomorphic induction from representations of a certain parabolic group on finite-dimensional inner product spaces. The representations, and the induced bundles, have composition series with irreducible factors. We write down an equivariant constant coefficient differential operator that intertwines the bundle with the direct sum of its irreducible factors. As an application, we show that in the case of the closed unit ball in C-n all homogeneous n-tuples of Cowen-Douglas operators are similar to direct sums of certain basic n-tuples. (c) 2015 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
We present a stochastic simulation technique for subset selection in time series models, based on the use of indicator variables with the Gibbs sampler within a hierarchical Bayesian framework. As an example, the method is applied to the selection of subset linear AR models, in which only significant lags are included. Joint sampling of the indicators and parameters is found to speed convergence. We discuss the possibility of model mixing where the model is not well determined by the data, and the extension of the approach to include non-linear model terms.
Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is a popular technique for analysing data for complex models where the likelihood function is intractable. It involves using simulation from the model to approximate the likelihood, with this approximate likelihood then being used to construct an approximate posterior. In this paper, we consider methods that estimate the parameters by maximizing the approximate likelihood used in ABC. We give a theoretical analysis of the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimator. In particular, we derive results analogous to those of consistency and asymptotic normality for standard maximum likelihood estimation. We also discuss how sequential Monte Carlo methods provide a natural method for implementing our likelihood-based ABC procedures.
This work addresses the problem of estimating the optimal value function in a Markov Decision Process from observed state-action pairs. We adopt a Bayesian approach to inference, which allows both the model to be estimated and predictions about actions to be made in a unified framework, providing a principled approach to mimicry of a controller on the basis of observed data. A new Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler is devised for simulation from theposterior distribution over the optimal value function. This step includes a parameter expansion step, which is shown to be essential for good convergence properties of the MCMC sampler. As an illustration, the method is applied to learning a human controller.