982 resultados para histone H3 acetylation


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Accumulative evidence suggests that more than 20 neuron-specific genes are regulated by a transcriptional cis-regulatory element known as the neural restrictive silencer (NRS). A trans-acting repressor that binds the NRS, NRSF [also designated RE1-silencing transcription factor (REST)] has been cloned, but the mechanism by which it represses transcription is unknown. Here we show evidence that NRSF represses transcription of its target genes by recruiting mSin3 and histone deacetylase. Transfection experiments using a series of NRSF deletion constructs revealed the presence of two repression domains, RD-1 and RD-2, within the N- and C-terminal regions, respectively. A yeast two-hybrid screen using the RD-1 region as a bait identified a short form of mSin3B. In vitro pull-down assays and in vivo immunoprecipitation-Western analyses revealed a specific interaction between NRSF-RD1 and mSin3 PAH1-PAH2 domains. Furthermore, NRSF and mSin3 formed a complex with histone deacetylase 1, suggesting that NRSF-mediated repression involves histone deacetylation. When the deacetylation of histones was inhibited by tricostatin A in non-neuronal cells, mRNAs encoding several neuronal-specific genes such as SCG10, NMDAR1, and choline acetyltransferase became detectable. These results indicate that NRSF recruits mSin3 and histone deacetylase 1 to silence neural-specific genes and suggest further that repression of histone deacetylation is crucial for transcriptional activation of neural-specific genes during neuronal terminal differentiation.


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Cac1p is a subunit of yeast chromatin assembly factor I (yCAF-I) that is thought to assemble nucleosomes containing diacetylated histones onto newly replicated DNA [Kaufman, P. D., Kobayashi, R. & Stillman, B. (1997) Genes Dev. 11, 345–357]. Although cac1Δ cells could establish and maintain transcriptional repression at telomeres, they displayed a reduced heritability of the repressed state. Single-cell analysis revealed that individual cac1Δ cells switch from transcriptionally “off” to transcriptionally “on” more often per cell cycle than wild-type cells. In addition, cac1Δ cells were defective for transcriptional silencing near internal tracts of C1–3A sequence, but they showed no defect in silencing at the silent mating type loci when analyzed by a reverse transcription–PCR assay. Despite the loss of transcriptional silencing at telomeres and internal C1–3A tracts, subtelomeric DNA was organized into nucleosomes that had all of the features characteristic of silent chromatin, such as hypoacetylation of histone H4 and protection from methylation by the Escherichia coli dam methylase. Thus, these features of silent chromatin are not sufficient for stable maintenance of a silent chromatin state. We propose that the inheritance of the transcriptionally repressed state requires the specific pattern of histone acetylation conferred by yCAF-I-mediated nucleosome assembly.


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The compaction level of arrays of nucleosomes may be understood in terms of the balance between the self-repulsion of DNA (principally linker DNA) and countering factors including the ionic strength and composition of the medium, the highly basic N termini of the core histones, and linker histones. However, the structural principles that come into play during the transition from a loose chain of nucleosomes to a compact 30-nm chromatin fiber have been difficult to establish, and the arrangement of nucleosomes and linker DNA in condensed chromatin fibers has never been fully resolved. Based on images of the solution conformation of native chromatin and fully defined chromatin arrays obtained by electron cryomicroscopy, we report a linker histone-dependent architectural motif beyond the level of the nucleosome core particle that takes the form of a stem-like organization of the entering and exiting linker DNA segments. DNA completes ≈1.7 turns on the histone octamer in the presence and absence of linker histone. When linker histone is present, the two linker DNA segments become juxtaposed ≈8 nm from the nucleosome center and remain apposed for 3–5 nm before diverging. We propose that this stem motif directs the arrangement of nucleosomes and linker DNA within the chromatin fiber, establishing a unique three-dimensional zigzag folding pattern that is conserved during compaction. Such an arrangement with peripherally arranged nucleosomes and internal linker DNA segments is fully consistent with observations in intact nuclei and also allows dramatic changes in compaction level to occur without a concomitant change in topology.


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What determines the nuclear organization within a cell and whether this organization itself can impose cellular function within a tissue remains unknown. To explore the relationship between nuclear organization and tissue architecture and function, we used a model of human mammary epithelial cell acinar morphogenesis. When cultured within a reconstituted basement membrane (rBM), HMT-3522 cells form polarized and growth-arrested tissue-like acini with a central lumen and deposit an endogenous BM. We show that rBM-induced morphogenesis is accompanied by relocalization of the nuclear matrix proteins NuMA, splicing factor SRm160, and cell cycle regulator Rb. These proteins had distinct distribution patterns specific for proliferation, growth arrest, and acini formation, whereas the distribution of the nuclear lamina protein, lamin B, remained unchanged. NuMA relocalized to foci, which coalesced into larger assemblies as morphogenesis progressed. Perturbation of histone acetylation in the acini by trichostatin A treatment altered chromatin structure, disrupted NuMA foci, and induced cell proliferation. Moreover, treatment of transiently permeabilized acini with a NuMA antibody led to the disruption of NuMA foci, alteration of histone acetylation, activation of metalloproteases, and breakdown of the endogenous BM. These results experimentally demonstrate a dynamic interaction between the extracellular matrix, nuclear organization, and tissue phenotype. They further show that rather than passively reflecting changes in gene expression, nuclear organization itself can modulate the cellular and tissue phenotype.


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Enhancers are defined by their ability to stimulate gene activity from remote sites and their requirement for promoter-proximal upstream activators to activate transcription. Here we demonstrate that recruitment of the p300/CBP-associated factor PCAF to a reporter gene is sufficient to stimulate promoter activity. The PCAF-mediated stimulation of transcription from either a distant or promoter-proximal position depends on the presence of an upstream activator (Sp1). These data suggest that acetyltransferase activity may be a primary component of enhancer function, and that recruitment of polymerase and enhancement of transcription are separable. Transcriptional activation by PCAF requires both its acetyltransferase activity and an additional activity within its N terminus. We also show that the simian virus 40 enhancer and PCAF itself are sufficient to counteract Mad-mediated repression. These results are compatible with recent models in which gene activity is regulated by the competition between deacetylase-mediated repression and enhancer-mediated recruitment of acetyltransferases.


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In cells infected with HIV type 1 (HIV-1), the integrated viral promoter is present in a chromatin-bound conformation and is transcriptionally silent in the absence of stimulation. The HIV-1 Tat protein binds to a stem-loop structure at the 5′ end of viral mRNA and relieves this inhibition by inducing a remodeling of the nucleosome arrangement downstream of the transcription-initiation site. Here we show that Tat performs this activity by recruiting to the viral long terminal repeat (LTR) the transcriptional coactivator p300 and the closely related CREB-binding protein (CBP), having histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity. Tat associates with HAT activity in human nuclear extracts and binds to p300 and CBP both in vitro and in vivo. Integrity of the basic domain of Tat is essential for this interaction. By a quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation assay we show that the delivery of recombinant Tat induces the association of p300 and CBP with the chromosomally integrated LTR promoter. Expression of human p300 in both human and rodent cells increases the levels of Tat transactivation of the integrated LTR. These results reinforce the evidence that p300 and CBP have a pivotal function at both cellular and viral promoters and demonstrate that they also can be recruited by an RNA-targeted activator. Additionally, these findings have important implications for the understanding of the mechanisms of HIV-1 latency and reactivation.


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Somatic histone H1 reduces both the rate and extent of DNA replication in Xenopus egg extract. We show here that H1 inhibits replication directly by reducing the number of replication forks, but not the rate of fork progression, in Xenopus sperm nuclei. Density substitution experiments demonstrate that those forks that are active in H1 nuclei elongate to form large tracts of fully replicated DNA, indicating that inhibition is due to a reduction in the frequency of initiation and not the rate or extent of elongation. The observation that H1 dramatically reduces the number of replication foci in sperm nuclei supports this view. The establishment of replication competent DNA in egg extract requires the assembly of prereplication complexes (pre-RCs) on sperm chromatin. H1 reduces binding of the pre-RC proteins, XOrc2, XCdc6, and XMcm3, to chromatin. Replication competence can be restored in these nuclei, however, only under conditions that promote the loss of H1 from chromatin and licensing of the DNA. Thus, H1 inhibits replication in egg extract by preventing the assembly of pre-RCs on sperm chromatin, thereby reducing the frequency of initiation. These data raise the interesting possibility that H1 plays a role in regulating replication origin use during Xenopus development.


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The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a limited life-span, which is measured by the number of divisions that individual cells complete. Among the many changes that occur as yeasts age are alterations in chromatin-dependent transcriptional silencing. We have genetically manipulated histone deacetylases to modify chromatin, and we have examined the effect on yeast longevity. Deletion of the histone deacetylase gene RPD3 extended life-span. Its effects on chromatin functional state were evidenced by enhanced silencing at the three known heterochromatic regions of the genome, the silent mating type (HM), subtelomeric, and rDNA loci, which occurred even in the absence of SIR3. Similarly, the effect of the rpd3Δ on life-span did not depend on an intact Sir silencing complex. In fact, deletion of SIR3 itself had little effect on life-span, although it markedly accelerated the increase in cell generation time that is observed during yeast aging. Deletion of HDA1, another histone deacetylase gene, did not result in life-span extension, unless it was combined with deletion of SIR3. The hda1Δ sir3Δ resulted in an increase in silencing, but only at the rDNA locus. Deletion of RPD3 suppressed the loss of silencing in rDNA in a sir2 mutant; however, the silencing did not reach the level found in the rpd3Δ single mutant, and RPD3 deletion did not overcome the life-span shortening seen in the sir2 mutant. Deletion of both RPD3 and HDA1 caused a decrease in life-span, which resulted from a substantial increase in initial mortality of the population. The expression of both of these genes declines with age, providing one possible explanation for the increase in mortality during the life-span. Our results are consistent with the loss of rDNA silencing leading to aging in yeast. The functions of RPD3 and HDA1 do not overlap entirely. RPD3 exerts its effect on chromatin at additional sites in the genome, raising the possibility that events at loci other than rDNA play a role in the aging process.


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Nuclear domains, called cleavage bodies, are enriched in the RNA 3′-processing factors CstF 64 kDa and and CPSF 100 kDa. Cleavage bodies have been found either overlapping with or adjacent to coiled bodies. To determine whether the spatial relationship between cleavage bodies and coiled bodies was influenced by the cell cycle, we performed cell synchronization studies. We found that in G1 phase cleavage bodies and coiled bodies were predominantly coincident, whereas in S phase they were mostly adjacent to each other. In G2 cleavage bodies were often less defined or absent, suggesting that they disassemble at this point in the cell cycle. A small number of genetic loci have been reported to be juxtaposed to coiled bodies, including the genes for U1 and U2 small nuclear RNA as well as the two major histone gene clusters. Here we show that cleavage bodies do not overlap with small nuclear RNA genes but do colocalize with the histone genes next to coiled bodies. These findings demonstrate that the association of cleavage bodies and coiled bodies is both dynamic and tightly regulated and suggest that the interaction between these nuclear neighbors is related to the cell cycle–dependent expression of histone genes.


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Efficient 3′-end processing of cell cycle-regulated mammalian histone premessenger RNAs (pre-mRNAs) requires an upstream stem–loop and a histone downstream element (HDE) that base pairs with the U7 small ribonuclearprotein. Insertions between these elements have two effects: the site of cleavage moves in concert with the HDE and processing efficiency declines. We used Xenopus oocytes to ask whether compensatory length insertions in the human U7 RNA could restore the fidelity and efficiency of processing of mouse histone insertion pre-mRNAs. An insertion of 5 nt into U7 RNA that extends its complementary to the HDE compensated for both defects in processing of a 5-nt insertion substrate; a noncomplementary insertion into U7 did not. Yet, the noncomplementary insertion mutant U7 was shown to be active on insertion substrates further mutated to allow base pairing. Our results suggest that the histone pre-mRNA becomes rigidified upstream of its HDE, allowing the bound U7 small ribonucleoprotein to measure from the HDE to the cleavage site. Such a mechanism may be common to other RNA measuring systems. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of length suppression in an RNA processing system.


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The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) nuclear protein 2 (EBNA2) and herpes simplex virion protein 16 (VP16) acidic domains that mediate transcriptional activation now are found to have affinity for p300, CBP, and PCAF histone acetyltransferases (HATs). Transcriptionally inactive point mutations in these domains lack affinity for p300, CBP, or PCAF. P300 and CBP copurify with the principal HAT activities that bind to EBNA2 or VP16 acidic domains through velocity sedimentation and anion-exchange chromatography. EBNA2 binds to both the N- and C-terminal domains of p300 and coimmune-precipitates from transfected 293T cells with p300. In EBV-infected Akata Burkitt's tumor cells that do not express the EBV encoded oncoproteins EBNA2 or LMP1, p300 expression enhances the ability of EBNA2 to up-regulate LMP1 expression. Through its intrinsic HAT activity, PCAF can further potentiate the p300 effect. In 293 T cells, P300 and CBP (but not PCAF) can also coactivate transcription mediated by the EBNA2 or VP16 acidic domains and HAT-negative mutants of p300 have partial activity. Thus, the EBNA2 and VP16 acidic domains can utilize the intrinsic HAT or scaffolding properties of p300 to activate transcription.


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Buforin II is a 21-aa potent antimicrobial peptide that forms, in a hydrophobic medium, an amphipathic structure consisting of an N-terminal random coil region (residues 1–4), an extended helical region (residues 5–10), a hinge (residue 11), and a C-terminal regular α-helical region (residues 12–21). To elucidate the structural features of buforin II that are required for its potent antimicrobial activity, we synthesized a series of N- and C-terminally truncated or amino acid-substituted synthetic buforin II analogs and examined their antimicrobial activity and mechanism of action. Deletion of the N-terminal random coil region increased the antibacterial activity ≈2-fold, but further N-terminal truncation yielded peptide analogs with progressively decreasing activity. Removal of four amino acids from the C-terminal end of buforin II resulted in a complete loss of antimicrobial activity. The substitution of leucine for the proline hinge decreased significantly the antimicrobial activity. Confocal fluorescence microscopic studies showed that buforin II analogs with a proline hinge penetrated the cell membrane without permeabilization and accumulated in the cytoplasm. However, removal of the proline hinge abrogated the ability of the peptide to enter cells, and buforin II analogs without a proline hinge localized on the cell surface, permeabilizing the cell membrane. In addition, the cell-penetrating efficiency of buforin II and its truncated analogs, which depended on the α-helical content of the peptides, correlated linearly with their antimicrobial potency. Our results demonstrate clearly that the proline hinge is responsible for the cell-penetrating ability of buforin II, and the cell-penetrating efficiency determines the antimicrobial potency of the peptide.


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Accumulating evidence suggests that the mitochondrial molecular chaperone heat shock protein 60 (hsp60) also can localize in extramitochondrial sites. However, direct evidence that hsp60 functions as a chaperone outside of mitochondria is presently lacking. A 60-kDa protein that is present in the plasma membrane of a human leukemic CD4+ CEM-SS T cell line and is phosphorylated by protein kinase A (PKA) was identified as hsp60. An 18-kDa plasma membrane-associated protein coimmunoprecipitated with hsp60 and was identified as histone 2B (H2B). Hsp60 physically associated with H2B when both molecules were in their dephospho forms. By contrast, PKA-catalyzed phosphorylation of both hsp60 and H2B caused dissociation of H2B from hsp60 and loss of H2B from the plasma membrane of intact T cells. These results suggest that (i) hsp60 and H2B can localize in the T cell plasma membrane; (ii) hsp60 functions as a molecular chaperone for H2B; and (iii) PKA-catalyzed phosphorylation of both hsp60 and H2B appears to regulate the attachment of H2B to hsp60. We propose a model in which phosphorylation/dephosphorylation regulates chaperoning of H2B by hsp60 in the plasma membrane.


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The transcription factor E2F plays a major role in cell cycle control in mammalian cells. E2F binding sites, which are present in the promoters of a variety of genes required for S phase, shift from a negative to a positive role in transcription at the commitment point, a crucial point in G1 that precedes the G1/S transition. Before the commitment point, E2F activity is repressed by members of the pocket proteins family. This repression is believed to be crucial for the proper control of cell growth. We have previously shown that Rb, the founding member of the pocket proteins family, represses E2F1 activity by recruiting the histone deacetylase HDAC1. Here, we show that the two other members of the pocket proteins family, p107 and p130, also are able to interact physically with HDAC1 in live cells. HDAC1 interacts with p107 and Rb through an “LXCXE”-like motif, similar to that used by viral transforming proteins to bind and inactivate pocket proteins. Indeed, we find that the viral transforming protein E1A competes with HDAC1 for p107 interaction. We also demonstrate that p107 is able to interact simultaneously with HDAC1 and E2F4, suggesting a model in which p107 recruits HDAC1 to repress E2F sites. Indeed, we demonstrate that histone deacetylase activity is involved in the p107- or p130-induced repression of E2F4. Taken together, our data suggest that all members of the E2F family are regulated in early G1 by similar complexes, containing a pocket protein and the histone deacetylase HDAC1.


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Both cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cisplatin or cis-DDP) and trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) form covalent adducts with DNA. However, only the cis isomer is a potent anticancer agent. It has been postulated that the selective action of cis-DDP occurs through specific binding of nuclear proteins to cis-DDP-damaged DNA sites and that binding blocks DNA repair. We find that a very abundant nuclear protein, the linker histone H1, binds much more strongly to cis-platinated DNA than to trans-platinated or unmodified DNA. In competition experiments, H1 is shown to bind much more strongly than HMG1, which had been previously considered a major candidate for such binding in vivo.