983 resultados para genetic drift


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We describe the patterns of paternity success from laboratory mating experiments conducted in Antechinus agilis, a small size dimorphic carnivorous marsupial (males are larger than females). A previous study found last-male sperm precedence in this species, but they were unable to sample complete Utters, and did not take male size and relatedness into account. We tested whether last-male sperm precedence regardless of male size still holds for complete litters. We explored the relationship between male mating order, male size, timing of mating and relatedness on paternity success. Females were mated with two males of different size with either the large or the small male first, with 1 day rest between the matings. Matings continued for 6 h. in these controlled conditions male size did not have a strong effect on paternity success, but mating order did. Males mating second sired 69.5% of the offspring. Within first mated males, males that mated closer to ovulation sired more offspring, To a lesser degree, variation appeared also to be caused by differences in genetic compatibility of the female and the male, where high levels of allele-sharing resulted in lower paternity success.


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Sorghum ergot was first discovered in Australia in 1996. It affects seed production and grain usage in stock feed due to concerns of animal toxicity. Three species of Claviceps are known to cause ergot of sorghum with different epidemiological, animal toxicity, and management implications. Claviceps africana was identified as the causal agent but morphological differences between isolates raised the possibility of more than one species being involved. The major aim of this study was to identify the Claviceps species causing sorghum ergot and to determine the genetic diversity among isolates of the ergot pathogen from Australia and overseas. Symptom development, sequencing of the ITS1 region, and radiolabelled DNA amplification fingerprints (RAF) were used to confirm that ergot of sorghum in Australia is caused by C. africana. The morphology of sphacelia, microconidia, macroconidia, and secondary conidia of all 36 Australian isolates studied matched the description for C. africana and the DNA sequence of the ITS1 region of 2 selected Australian isolates was identical to that of C. africana. Based on RAF analysis of 110 Australian and overseas isolates of Claviceps spp., C. africana isolates could be clearly distinguished (


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Allozyme analysis was used to address the question of the source of the Australian populations of the monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus (L.). The study had three major aims: (1) To compare the levels of diversity of Australian and Hawaiian populations with potential source populations. (2) To determine whether eastern and western North American populations were sufficiently divergent for the Australian populations to be aligned to a source population. (3) To compare the differentiation among regions in Australia and North America to test the prediction of greater genetic structure in Australia, as a consequence of reduced migratory behaviour. The reverse was found, with F-ST values an order of magnitude lower in Australia than in North America. Predictably, Australian and Hawaiian populations had lower allelic diversity, but unexpected higher heterozygosity values than North American populations. It was not possible to assign the Australian populations to a definitive source, although the high levels of similarity of Australian populations to each other suggest a single colonization event. The possibility that the Australian populations have not been here long enough to reach equilibrium is discussed. (C) 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 75, 437-452.


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High levels of inheritable resistance to phosphine in Rhyzopertha dominica have recently, been detected in Australia and hi art effort to isolate the genes responsible For resistance we have used random amplified DNA fingerprinting (RAF) to produce a genetic linkage map of R. dominica. The map consists of 94 dominant DNA markers with art average distance between markers of 4.6 cM and defines nine linkage groups with a total recombination distance of 390.1 cM. We have identified two loci that are responsible for high-level resistance. One provides similar to50x resistance to phosphine while the other provides 12.5x resistance and in combination, the two genes act synergistically to provide a resistance level 250 x greater than that of fully susceptible beetles. The haploid genome size has been determined to be 4.76 x 10(8) bp, resulting in an average physical distance of 1.2 Mbp per map unit. No recombination has been observed between either of the two resistance loci and their adjacent DNA markers in a population of 44 fully resistant F-5 individuals, which indicates that the genes are likely to reside within 0.91 cM (1.1 Mbp) of the DNA markers.


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Adaptation and reproductive isolation, the engines of biological diversity, are still elusive when discussing the genetic bases of speciation. Namely, the number of genes and magnitude of selection acting positively or negatively on genomic traits implicated in speciation is contentious. Here, we describe the first steps of an ongoing research program aimed at understanding the genetic bases of population divergence and reproductive isolation in the lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis). A preliminary linkage map originating from a hybrid cross between dwarf and normal ecotypes is presented, whereby some of the segregating AFLP markers were found to be conserved among natural populations. Maximum-likelihood was used to estimate hybrid indices from non-diagnostic markers at 998 AFLP loci. This allowed identification of the most likely candidate loci that have been under the influence of selection during the natural hybridisation of whitefish originating from different glacial races. As some of these loci could be identified on the linkage map, the possibility that selection of traits in natural populations may eventually be correlated to specific chromosomal regions was demonstrated. The future prospects and potential of these approaches to elucidate the genetic bases of adaptation and reproductive isolation among sympatric ecotypes of lake whitefish is discussed.


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Mangroves are often described as a group of plants with common features and common origins based mostly on their broad distributional patterns, together with an erroneous view of comparable abilities in long-distance dispersal. However, whilst mangroves have common needs to adapt to rigorous environmental constraints associated with regular seawater inundation, individual taxa have developed different strategies and characteristics. Since mangroves are a genetically diverse group of mostly flowering plants, they may also have evolved at quite different geological periods, dispersed at different rates from different locations and developed different adaptive strategies. Current distributions of individual taxa show numerous instances of unusual extant distribution which demonstrate finite dispersal limitations, especially across open water. Our preliminary assessment of broad distribution and discontinuities reveals important patterns. Discontinuities, in the absence of current dispersal barriers, may be explained by persistent past barriers. As we learn more about discontinuities, we are beginning to appreciate their immense implications and what they might tell us about past geological conditions and how these might have influenced the distribution and evolution of mangroves. In this article, we describe emerging patterns in genetic relationships and distributions based on both current knowledge and preliminary results of our studies of molecular and morphometric characteristics of Rhizophora species in the Indo West Pacific region.


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Genetic diversity in Cassia brewsteri (F. Muell.) F. Muell. ex Benth. was assessed with Randomly Amplified DNA Fingerprints (RAFs). Thirty accessions of C. brewsteri collected from throughout its natural distribution were analysed with three random decamer primers, along with three accessions of C. tomentella (Benth.) Domin and a single accession of each of C. queenslandica C. T. White and C. marksiana (F. M. Bailey) Domin. The three primers yielded a reproducible amplification profile of 265 scorable polymorphic fragments for the 35 accessions. These molecular markers were used to calculate Nei and Li similarity coefficients between each pair of individuals. A matrix of dissimilarity of each pair of individuals was examined by multidimensional scaling (MDS). The analysis supports the division of C. brewsteri into two subspecies and the suggestion that intergradation of C. brewsteri and C. tomentella can occur where the distributions of these species meet.


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Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) is autotetraploid, and predominantly allogamous. This complex breeding structure maximises the genetic diversity within lucerne populations making it difficult to genetically discriminate between populations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of random genetic diversity within and between a selection of Australian-grown lucerne cultivars, with tetraploid M. falcata included as a possible divergent control source. This diversity was evaluated using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs). Nineteen plants from each of 10 cultivars were analysed. Using 11 RAPD primers, 96 polymorphic bands were scored as present or absent across the 190 individuals. Genetic similarity estimates (GSEs) of all pair-wise comparisons were calculated from these data. Mean GSEs within cultivars ranged from 0.43 to 0.51. Cultivar Venus (0.43) had the highest level of intra-population genetic diversity and cultivar Sequel HR (0.51) had the lowest level of intra-population genetic diversity. Mean GSEs between cultivars ranged from 0.31 to 0.49, which overlapped with values obtained for within-cultivar GSE, thus not allowing separation of the cultivars. The high level of intra- and inter-population diversity that was detected is most likely due to the breeding of synthetic cultivars using parents derived from a number of diverse sources. Cultivar-specific polymorphisms were only identified in the M. falcata source, which like M. sativa, is outcrossing and autotetraploid. From a cluster analysis and a principal components analysis, it was clear that M. falcata was distinct from the other cultivars. The results indicate that the M. falcata accession tested has not been widely used in Australian lucerne breeding programs, and offers a means of introducing new genetic diversity into the lucerne gene pool. This provides a means of maximising heterozygosity, which is essential to maximising productivity in lucerne.


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The relationships between catalytic activity of cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6), polymorphism of CYP2A6 gene, gender and levels of body iron stores were analysed in a sample group of 202 apparently healthy Thais, aged 1947 years. Eleven individuals were found to have high activity of CYP2A6, judged by the relatively large amounts (11.2-14.6 mg) of 7-hydroyxcoumarin (7-OHC) excreted 3 h following administration of 15 mg of coumarin. Ten individuals, however, did not excrete any 7-OHC. Of these 10, four were found to have no CYP2A6 gene (whole gene deletion; CYP2A6*4 allele). The frequency of the CYP2A6 alleles; *1A, *1B and *4 in the whole sample group was 52, 40 and 8% while the frequency of the CYP2A6 gene types; *1A/* 1A, *1A/* 1B, *1B/* 1B, *1A/* 4, *1BI* 4, *4/* 4 was 29, 41, 16, 7, 5 and 2%. Subjects having CYP2A6* 1A/* 1B gene-type group were found to have higher rates of coumarin 7-hydroxylation compared with those of the CYP2A6* 1B/* 1B and CYP2A6* 1A/* 4 gene types. The inter-individual variability in CYP2A6 catalytic activity was therefore attributed in part to the CYP2A6 genetic polymorphism. Variation in CYP2A6 activity in this sample group was not associated with gender but, interestingly, it did show an inverse association with plasma ferritin; an indicator of body iron stores. Higher rates of coumarin 7-hydroxylation were found in individuals with low body iron stores (plasma ferritin < 20 μg/l) compared with subjects having normal body iron store status. Subjects (n = 16) with iron overload (plasma ferritin > 300 mug/l) also tended to have elevated rates of coumarin 7-hydroxylation. These results suggest an increased CYP2A6 expression in subjects who have excessive body iron stores. Further investigations into the underlying factors that may lead to increased expression of CYP2A6 in association with abnormal body iron stores are currently in progress in our laboratory. Pharmacogenetics 12:241-249 (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.


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It is generally accepted that two major gene pools exist in cultivated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), a Middle American and an Andean one. Some evidence, based on unique phaseolin morphotypes and AFLP analysis, suggests that at least one more gene pool exists in cultivated common bean. To investigate this hypothesis, 1072 accessions from a common bean core collection from the primary centres of origin, held at CIAT, were investigated. Various agronomic and morphological attributes (14 categorical and 11 quantitative) were measured. Multivariate analyses, consisting of homogeneity analysis and clustering for categorical data, clustering and ordination techniques for quantitative data and nonlinear principal component analysis for mixed data, were undertaken. The results of most analyses supported the existence of the two major gene pools. However, the analysis of categorical data of protein types showed an additional minor gene pool. The minor gene pool is designated North Andean and includes phaseolin types CH, S and T; lectin types 312, Pr, B and K; and mostly A5, A6 and A4 types alpha-amylase inhibitor. Analysis of the combined categorical data of protein types and some plant categorical data also suggested that some other germplasm with C type phaseolin are distinguished from the major gene pools.


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The abundance of coral reefs worldwide is in decline, and despite the ecological importance of reefs, only a limited number of DNA markers have been identified for scleractinian coral genetic studies. This paper addresses the search for new coral molecular markers and investigates the applicability of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1), and the pocilloporin gene to the question of intraspecific variation in the scleractinian coral Pocillopora verrucosa along the southeast African coastline. The COI fragment was 710 bp long and was identical for P. verrucosa (n = 10) and P. damicornis (n = 3). Only two different ITS1 sequences were found (differing by 13 bp insertion), but more importantly, 24% of the sequences were heterogenous indicating that different multiple copies of the sequence exist. Pocilloporin is an intronless gene that was absolutely conserved throughout all P. verrucosa populations (n = 50). Thus, the three DNA regions studied appear unsuitable for the population genetic analyses of P. verrucosa.