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In this work the hydrodechlorination of CF3OCFClCF2Cl to produce unsaturated CF3OCF=CF2 was studied over a series of supported metal catalysts. Currently this molecule is produced from the precursor CF3OCFClCF2Cl by dechlorination with zinc powder. An important cost on the economic and environmental balance is represents by the large amount of ZnCl2 produced and to be disposed of. A new approach, based on gas-phase hydrodechlorination over supported catalysts can lead to a new sustainable process. During the feasibility step of this project, substantially two kind of materials were studied: metals supported over activated carbon and Pd/Cu species supported over MCM-41 mesoporous silica. Observed catalytic performances were strongly dependent on the metal and support used. All carbon-supported Ru, Pd, and bimetallic catalysts are fairly active and yielded the target product CF3OCF=CF2, the higher selectivity being obtained with ruthenium- and palladium-based materials. Nevertheless, Ru-based catalysts showed poor stability and this deactivation may be attributed to the deposition of chlorinated organic species blocking the active sites. On the other hand, palladium-containing catalysts showed high stability. Ru/Pd and Pd/Cu bimetallic catalysts exhibited long-term selectivity and stability, highlighting the possibility for these materials to be employed in the CF3OCF=CF2 production process. During the second part of this thesis, a series of bimetallic meso-structured Pd/Cu MCM-41 catalysts were studies to overcome possible mass transfer limitations. The materials were obtained by different synthesis methods. The incorporation of Pd and Cu during MCM-41 synthesis, did not destroy the typical hexagonal array and ordered pore system of MCM-41. However, the calcination for the removal of the template provoked significant segregation of oxides. The impregnation leads to pore-occlusion and formation of Cu particles and large bimetallic PdCu species. Larger metal particles leads to lower CF3OCFClCF2Cl conversion, while the monometallic particles can decrease the selectivity to CF3OCF=CF2, fostering the dehalogenation to CF3OCH=CF2.


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The aim of the dissertation was to test the feasibility of a new psychotherapeutic protocol for treating children and adolescents with mood and anxiety disorders: Child-Well-Being Therapy (CWBT). It originates from adult Well-Being Therapy protocol (WBT) and represents a conceptual innovation for treating affective disorders. WBT is based on the multidimensional model of well-being postulated by Ryff (eudaimonic perspective), in sequential combination with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Results showed that eudaimonic well-being was impaired in children with affective disorders in comparison with matched healthy students. A first open investigation aimed at exploring the feasibility of a 8-session CWBT protocol in a group of children with emotional and behavioural disorders has been implemented. Data showed how CWBT resulted associated to symptoms reduction, together with the decrease of externalizing problems, maintained at 1-year follow-up. CWBT triggered also an improvement in psychological well-being as well as an increasing flourishing trajectory over time. Subsequently, a modified and extended version of CWBT (12-sessions) has been developed and then tested in a controlled study with 34 patients (8 to 16 years) affected by mood and anxiety disorders. They were consecutively randomized into 3 different groups: CWBT, CBT, 6-month waiting list (WL). Both treatments resulted effective in decreasing distress and in improving well-being. Moreover, CWBT was associated with higher improvement in anxiety and showed a greater recovery rate (83%) than CBT (54%). Both groups maintained beneficial effects and CWBT group displayed a lower level of distress as well as a higher positive trend in well-being scores over time. Findings need to be interpret with caution, because of study limitations, however important clinical implications emerged. Further investigations should determine whether the sequential integration of well-being and symptom-oriented strategies could play an important role in children and adolescents’ psychotherapeutic options, fostering a successful adaptation to adversities during the growth process.


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Agriculture is still important for socio-economic development in rural areas of Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia (BMS). However, for sustainable rural development rural economies should be diversified so attention should be paid also to off-farm and non-farm income-generating activities. Agricultural and rural development (ARD) processes and farm activity diversification initiatives should be well governed. The ultimate objective of this work is to explore linkages between ARD governance and rural livelihoods diversification in BMS. The thesis is based on an extended secondary data analysis and surveys. Questionnaires for ARD governance and coordination were sent via email to public, civil society and international organizations. Concerning rural livelihood diversification, the field questionnaire surveys were carried out in three rural regions of BMS. Results show that local rural livelihoods are increasingly diversified but a significant share of households are still engaged in agriculture. Diversification strategies have a chance to succeed taking into consideration the three rural regions’ assets. However, rural households have to tackle many problems for developing new income-generating activities such as the lack of financial resources. Weak business skills are also a limiting factor. Fully exploiting rural economy diversification potential in BMS requires many interventions including improving rural governance, enhancing service delivery in rural areas, upgrading rural people’s human capital, strengthening rural social capital and improving physical capital, access of the rural population to finance as well as creating a favourable and enabling legal and legislative environment fostering diversification. Governance and coordination of ARD policy design, implementation and evaluation is still challenging in the three Balkan countries and this has repercussions also on the pace of rural livelihoods diversification. Therefore, there is a strong and urgent need for mobilization of all rural stakeholders and actors through appropriate governance arrangements in order to foster rural livelihoods diversification and quality of life improvement.


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Die Kompetenzorientierung der Lehrerbildung bezieht sich nicht nur auf die universitären Ausbildungsabschnitte des Lehramtsstudiums, sondern auch auf die praktischen Phasen. Daher ist es von Interesse, diese praktischen Phasen genauer zu untersuchen. Bisherige Forschungsarbeiten konzentrierten sich dabei vor allem auf die Kompetenzentwicklung (Bach, 2013; Gröschner & Schmitt, 2012; Schubarth et al., 2012) und auf die Betreuung im Schulpraktikum (Bach, 2013; Hascher, 2012; Schubarth et al., 2011). Die Untersuchung dieser Arbeit stellt die Praktikumsdokumentation in den Fokus, da diese ebenfalls zur Kompetenzförderung im Schulpraktikum beitragen kann. Dazu werden zwei Formen von Praktikumsdokumentationen gegenübergestellt. Dies sind einerseits die Praktikumsaufgaben, die als offene Reflexionsaufgaben formuliert werden und andererseits ein strukturiertes Arbeitsheft mit dem Ziel, die Beobachtungskompetenz der Studierenden anzuleiten und die Dokumentation der Beobachtungen zu strukturieren. Diese beiden Formen der Praktikumsdokumentation werden hinsichtlich der Akzeptanz, der Entwicklung der Kompetenzen, der Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und des pädagogisch-psychologischen Wissens miteinander verglichen. Die Angaben von n = 66 Studierenden, die das Arbeitsheft im Orientierenden Praktikum nutzten, wurden in einem prä-post-follow-up-Design untersucht und zwei Referenzgruppen gegenübergestellt. Die erste Referenzgruppe (n = 64) hatte das Orientierende Schulpraktikum noch nicht absolviert. Die zweite Referenzgruppe (n = 105) hatte dieses beendet und mit den Praktikumsaufgaben gearbeitet. Mit Hilfe von Online-Fragebögen wurden Daten zu Rahmenbedingungen des Schulpraktikums, die selbsteingeschätzte Kompetenz der Studierenden, die Relevanz und Anwendungshäufigkeit der Kompetenzen (adaptierte Skala nach Gröschner, 2009), die allgemeine Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung (Jerusalem & Schwarzer, 1999), das pädagogisch-psychologische Wissen sowie die Akzeptanz erfasst. Die Ergebnisse zeigen keine Unterschiede in der Kompetenz- und Relevanzeinschätzung sowie bei der Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und dem Wissen zwischen den Gruppen. Signifikant besser schätzten die Studierenden mit dem Arbeitsheft die Anwendungshäufigkeit der Kompetenzen und die Akzeptanz der Praktikumsdokumentation ein. Das neu entwickelte Arbeitsheft und die Praktikumsaufgaben fördern die Kompetenzentwicklung wahrscheinlich in vergleichbarem Maß. Die Studierenden akzeptieren das Arbeitsheft jedoch mehr, was eine wichtige Implementationsbedingung ist. Das Design der Studie sowie die Selbstselektion der Gruppen schränken die Aussagekraft der Studie ein. Zu betonen ist jedoch, dass im Rahmen dieser Studie erstmalig versucht wurde, eine längsschnittliche Interventionsstudie mit Praktikumsdokumentationen umzusetzen sowie die Gelingensbedingungen von Schulpraktika und Kompetenzentwicklung im Lehramtsstudium zu untersuchen.


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Nowadays games are so popular that they have become an important part of our lives. Inspired by the motivational properties of games, some scholars made the proposal of applying game mechanics and elements into other fields thus emerged the concept of “Gamification”, along with various other popular concepts for the realization of the application. The effectiveness of gamification in improving user engagement and changing behaviors is demonstrated not only in theory but also in practice. This thesis aims to introduce the related concepts of gamification and the gamification design framework. In addition, this thesis introduces also the concept of MOOCs and the challenges faced by MOOCs platforms. Some of those challenges such as high dropout rate and low participation rate could be solved by gamification. Through creating a more interesting game experience and consequently fostering user motivation, high engagement will be ensured. Following this logic, this thesis explores how to use gamification on MOOCs platform to improve user engagement and the corresponding impacts. Despite of the lack of a quantitative analysis of the effects of gamification on MOOCs platform, the facts found and observed in this thesis support the effectiveness of gamification in improving user engagement on MOOCs platforms.


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This paper describes the development of a tool that uses human rights concepts and methods to improve relevant laws, regulations and policies related to sexual and reproductive health. This tool aims to improve awareness and understanding of States' human rights obligations. It includes a method for systematically examining the status of vulnerable groups, involving non-health sectors, fostering a genuine process of civil society participation and developing recommendations to address regulatory and policy barriers to sexual and reproductive health with a clear assignment of responsibility. Strong leadership from the ministry of health, with support from the World Health Organization or other international partners, and the serious engagement of all involved in this process can strengthen the links between human rights and sexual and reproductive health, and contribute to national achievement of the highest attainable standard of health.


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This publication offers concrete suggestions for implementing an integrative and learning-oriented approach to agricultural extension with the goal of fostering sustainable development. It targets governmental and non-governmental organisations, development agencies, and extension staff working in the field of rural development. The book looks into the conditions and trends that influence extension today, and outlines new challenges and necessary adaptations. It offers a basic reflection on the goals, the criteria for success and the form of a state-of-the-art approach to extension. The core of the book consists of a presentation of Learning for Sustainability (LforS), an example of an integrative, learning-oriented approach that is based on three crucial elements: stakeholder dialogue, knowledge management, and organizational development. Awareness raising and capacity building, social mobilization, and monitoring & evaluation are additional building blocks. The structure and organisation of the LforS approach as well as a selection of appropriate methods and tools are presented. The authors also address key aspects of developing and managing a learning-oriented extension approach. The book illustrates how LforS can be implemented by presenting two case studies, one from Madagascar and one from Mongolia. It addresses conceptual questions and at the same time it is practice-oriented. In contrast to other extension approaches, LforS does not limit its focus to production-related aspects and the development of value chains: it also addresses livelihood issues in a broad sense. With its focus on learning processes LforS seeks to create a better understanding of the links between different spheres and different levels of decision-making; it also seeks to foster integration of the different actors’ perspectives.


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Previously, we described the protective role of the neutrophil serine protease inhibitor serpinB1 in preventing early mortality of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection by fostering bacterial clearance and limiting inflammatory cytokines and proteolytic damage. Surfactant protein D (SP-D), which maintains the antiinflammatory pulmonary environment and mediates bacterial removal, was degraded in infected serpinB1-deficient mice. Based on the hypothesis that increased SP-D would rescue or mitigate the pathological effects of serpinB1 deletion, we generated two serpinB1(-/-) lines overexpressing lung-specific rat SP-D and inoculated the mice with P. aeruginosa. Contrary to predictions, bacterial counts in the lungs of SP-D(low)serpinB1(-/-) and SP-D(high) serpinB1(-/-) mice were 4 logs higher than wild-type and not different from serpinB1(-/-) mice. SP-D overexpression also failed to mitigate inflammation (TNF-α), lung injury (free protein, albumin), or excess neutrophil death (free myeloperoxidase, elastase). These pathological markers were higher for infected SP-D(high)serpinB1(-/-) mice than for serpinB1(-/-) mice, although the differences were not significant after controlling for multiple comparisons. The failure of transgenic SP-D to rescue antibacterial defense of serpinB1-deficient mice occurred despite 5-fold or 20-fold increased expression levels, largely normal structure, and dose-dependent bacteria-aggregating activity. SP-D of infected wild-type mice was intact in 43-kD monomers by reducing SDS-PAGE. By contrast, proteolytic fragments of 35, 17, and 8 kD were found in infected SP-D(low)serpinB1(-/-), SP-D(high) serpinB1(-/-) mice, and serpinB1(-/-) mice. Thus, although therapies to increase lung concentration of SP-D may have beneficial applications, the findings suggest that therapy with SP-D may not be beneficial for lung inflammation or infection if the underlying clinical condition includes excess proteolysis.


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This study investigates four decades of socio-economic and environmental change in a shifting cultivation landscape in the northern uplands of Laos. Historical changes in land cover and land use were analyzed using a chronological series of remote sensing data. Impacts of landscape change on local livelihoods were investigated in seven villages through interviews with various stakeholders. The study reveals that the complex mosaics of agriculture and forest patches observed in the study area have long constituted key assets for the resilience of local livelihood systems in the face of environmental and socio-economic risks. However, over the past 20 years, a process of segregating agricultural and forest spaces has increased the vulnerability of local land users. This process is a direct outcome of policies aimed at increasing national forest cover, eradicating shifting cultivation and fostering the emergence of more intensive and commercial agricultural practices. We argue that agriculture-forest segregation should be buffered in such a way that a diversity of livelihood opportunities and economic development pathways can be maintained.


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Since September 2000, when world leaders agreed on time-bound, measurable goals to reduce extreme poverty, hunger, illiteracy, and disease while fostering gender equality and ensuring environmental sustainability, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have increasingly come to dominate the policy objectives of many states and development agencies. The concern has been raised that the tight timeframe and financial restrictions might force governments to invest in the more productive sectors, thus compromising the quality and sustainability of development efforts. In the long term, this may lead to even greater inequality, especially between geographical regions and social strata. Hence people living in marginal areas, for example in remote mountain regions, and minority peoples risk being disadvantaged by this internationally agreed agenda. Strategies to overcome hunger and poverty in their different dimensions in mountain areas need to focus on strengthening the economy of small-scale farmers, while also fostering the sustainable use of natural resources, taking into consideration their multifunctionality.


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The coevolution of parental investment and offspring solicitation is driven by partly different evolutionary interests of genes expressed in parents and their offspring. In species with biparental care, the outcome of this conflict ma!: be influenced by the sexual conflict over parental investment, Models for the resolution of such family conflicts have made so far untested assumptions about genetic variation and covariation in the parental resource provisioning response and the level of offspring solicitation. Using a combination of cross-fostering and begging playback experiments, we show that, in the great tit (Parus major), (i) the begging call intensity of nestlings depends on their common origin, suggesting genetic variation for this begging display, (ii) only mothers respond to begging calls by increased food provisioning, and (iii! the size of the parental response is positively related to the begging call intensity of nestlings in the maternal but not paternal line. This study indicates that genetic covariation, its differential expression in the maternal and paternal lines and/or early environmental and parental effects need to be taken into account when predicting the phenotypic outcome of the conflict over investment between genes expressed in each parent and the offspring. [References: 36]


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Theoretical models of host-parasite coevolution assume a partially genetic basis to the variability in susceptibility to parasites among hosts, for instance as a result of genetic variation in immune function. However, few empirical data exist for free-living vertebrate hosts to support this presumption. In a cross-fostering experiment with nestling great tits, by comparing nestlings of the same origin we investigated (i) the variance in host resistance against an ectoparasite due to a common genetic origin, (ii) the effect of ectoparasite infestation on cell-mediated immunity and (iii) the variance in cell-mediated immunity due to a common genetic origin. Ectoparasitic hen fleas can impair the growth of nestling great tits and nestling growth was therefore taken as a measure of host susceptibility. A common origin did not account for a significant part of the variation in host susceptibility to fleas. There was no significant overall effect of fleas on nestling growth or cell-mediated immunity, as assessed by a cutaneous hypersensitivity response. A common rearing environment explained a significant part of the variation in cell-mediated immunity among nestlings, mainly through its effect on nestling body mass. The variation in cell-mediated immunity was also related to a common origin. However, the origin-related variation in body mass did not account for the origin-related differences in cell-mediated immunity. The results of the present study thus suggest heritable variation in cell-mediated immunity among nestling great tits. [References: 49]


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1. Egg yolks contain carotenoids that protect biological molecules against free-radical damage and promote maturation of the immune system. Availability of carotenoids to birds is often limited. Trade-offs can thus arise in the allocation of carotenoids to different physiological functions, and mothers may influence the immunocompetence of nestlings by modulating the transfer of carotenoid to the yolk.;2. In the great tit Parus major, we experimentally manipulated the dietary supply of carotenoid to mothers, and partially cross-fostered hatchlings to investigate the effect of an increased availability of carotenoids during egg laying on immunocompetence of nestlings.;3. In addition, we infested half of the nests with hen fleas Ceratophyllus gallinae to investigate the relationship between carotenoid availability, resistance to ectoparasites and immunocompetence.;4. We found that the procedure of cross-fostering can reduce the immune response of nestlings, but this effect can be compensated by the maternally transferred carotenoids. Cross-fostered nestlings of carotenoid-supplemented females show a similar immune response to non-cross-fostered nestlings, while cross-fostered nestlings of control females mounted a weaker cell-mediated immune response. This suggests that yolk carotenoids may help nestlings to cope with stress, for example the one generated by cross-fostering and/or they may enhance nestling competitiveness.;5. There was no statistically significant interaction between parasite and carotenoid treatments, as would be expected if carotenoids helped nestlings to fight parasites. Under parasite pressure, however, lighter nestlings raised a lower immune response, while the immune response was only weakly correlated with body mass in uninfested nests.


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Men and women respond to situations according to their community’s social codes. With menstruation, people adhere to “menstrual codes”. Within academic communities, people adhere to “academic codes”. This report paper investigates performances of academic codes and menstrual codes. Implications of gender identity and race are missing and/or minimal in past feminist work regarding menstruation. This paper includes considerations for gender identity and race. Within the examination of academic codes, this paper discusses the inhibitive process of idea creation within the academic sphere, and the limitations to the predominant ways of knowledge sharing within, and outside of, the academic community. The digital project (www.hu.mtu.edu/~creynolds) is one example of how academic and menstrual codes can be broken. The report and project provide a broadly accessible deconstruction of menstrual advertising and academic theories while fostering conversations on menstruation through the sharing of knowledge with others, regardless of gender, race, or academic standing.


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In the Peruvian Andes, a long history of interaction between the local populations and their natural environment has led to extraordinary levels of agrobiodiversity. However, in sharp contrast with this biological wealth, Andean indigenous populations live under most precarious conditions. Moreover, natural resources are undergoing severe degradation processes and local knowledge about biodiversity management is under serious pressure. Against this background, the BioAndes Programme is developing initiatives based on a biocultural approach that aim at fostering biodiversity through the enhancement of cultural processes. On the basis of intercultural dialogue, joint learning and capacity development, and transdisciplinary action-research, indigenous communities, development practitioners, and researchers strive for the creation of innovative ways to contribute to more sustainable economic, socio-cultural, and political valorization of Andean biodiversity. Project activities are diverse and range from the cultivation, transformation, and commercialization of organic Andean fruits in San Marcos, Cajamarca Department, to the recuperation of natural dying techniques for alpaca wool and traditional weaving in Pitumarca, Cusco Department, and the promotion of responsible ecotourism in both regions. Based on the projects’ first two-years of experience, the following lessons learnt will be presented and discussed: 1. The economic valorization and commercialization of local products can be a powerful tool for the revival and innovation of eroded know-how; at the same time it contributes to the strengthening of local identities, in parallel with the empowerment of marginalized groups such as smallholders and women. 2. Such initiatives are only successful when they are embedded within activities that go beyond the focus on local products and seek the valorization of the entire natural and cultural landscape (e.g. through the promotion of agrotourism and local gastronomy, more sustainable management of local resources including the restoration of ecosystems, and the realization of inventories of local agrobiodiversity and the knowledge related to it). 3. The sustainability of these initiatives, which are often externally induced, is conditioned by the ability of local actors to acquire ownership of projects and access to the knowledge required to carry them out, which also means developing the personal and institutional capacities for handling the whole chain from production to commercialization. 4. The confrontation of different economic rationalities and their underlying worldviews that occur when local or indigenous people integrate into the market economy implies the need for a dialogical co-production of knowledge and collective action by local people, experts from NGOs, and political authorities in order to better control the conditions relating to the market economy. The valorization of local agrobiodiversity shows much potential for enhancing natural and cultural diversity in Southern countries, but only when local communities can participate in the shaping of the conditions under which this happens. Such activities should be designed in the mid- to long-term as part of social learning processes that are carefully embedded in the local context. Supporting institutions play a crucial role in these processes, but should see themselves only as facilitators, while ensuring that control and ownership remain with the local actors.