948 resultados para flash crowd attack


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La tesi descrive lo sviluppo di un pezzo di software di acquisizione dati per l'esperimento LUCID di ATLAS al CERN che viene testato nella calibrazione di due rivelatori inorganici cristallini allo ioduro di sodio


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La simulazione realistica del movimento di pedoni riveste una notevole importanza nei mondi dell'architettonica e della sicurezza (si pensi ad esempio all'evacuazione di ambienti), nell'industria dell'entertainment e in molti altri ambiti, importanza che è aumentata negli ultimi anni. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è l'analisi di un modello di pedone esistente e l'applicazione ad esso di algoritmi di guida, l'implementazione di un modello più realistico e la realizzazione di simulazioni con particolare attenzione alla scalabilità. Per la simulazione è stato utilizzato il framework Alchemist, sviluppato all'interno del laboratorio di ricerca APICe, realizzando inoltre alcune estensioni che potranno essere inglobate nel pacchetto di distribuzione del sistema stesso. I test effettuati sugli algoritmi presi in esame evidenziano un buon guadagno in termini di tempo in ambienti affollati e il nuovo modello di pedone risulta avere un maggiore realismo rispetto a quello già esistente, oltre a superarne alcuni limiti evidenziati durante i test e ad essere facilmente estensibile.


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In questa tesi ho voluto descrivere il Timing Attack al sistema crittografico RSA, il suo funzionamento, la teoria su cui si basa, i suoi punti di forza e i punti deboli. Questo particolare tipo di attacco informatico fu presentato per la prima volta da Paul C. Kocher nel 1996 all’“RSA Data Security and CRYPTO conferences”. Nel suo articolo “Timing Attacks on Implementations of Diffie-Hellman, RSA, DSS, and Other Systems” l’autore svela una nuova possibile falla nel sistema RSA, che non dipende da debolezze del crittosistema puramente matematiche, ma da un aspetto su cui nessuno prima di allora si era mai soffermato: il tempo di esecuzione delle operazioni crittografiche. Il concetto è tanto semplice quanto geniale: ogni operazione in un computer ha una certa durata. Le variazioni dei tempi impiegati per svolgere le operazioni dal computer infatti, necessariamente dipendono dal tipo di algoritmo e quindi dalle chiavi private e dal particolare input che si è fornito. In questo modo, misurando le variazioni di tempo e usando solamente strumenti statistici, Kocher mostra che è possibile ottenere informazioni sull’implementazione del crittosistema e quindi forzare RSA e altri sistemi di sicurezza, senza neppure andare a toccare l’aspetto matematico dell’algoritmo. Di centrale importanza per questa teoria diventa quindi la statistica. Questo perché entrano in gioco molte variabili che possono influire sul tempo di calcolo nella fase di decifrazione: - La progettazione del sistema crittografico - Quanto impiega la CPU ad eseguire il processo - L’algoritmo utilizzato e il tipo di implementazione - La precisione delle misurazioni - Ecc. Per avere più possibilità di successo nell’attaccare il sistema occorre quindi fare prove ripetute utilizzando la stessa chiave e input differenti per effettuare analisi di correlazione statistica delle informazioni di temporizzazione, fino al punto di recuperare completamente la chiave privata. Ecco cosa asserisce Kocher: “Against a vulnerable system, the attack is computationally inexpensive and often requires only known ciphertext.”, cioè, contro sistemi vulnerabili, l’attacco è computazionalmente poco costoso e spesso richiede solo di conoscere testi cifrati e di ottenere i tempi necessari per la loro decifrazione.


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La tesi di laurea presentata si inserisce nell’ampio contesto della Sicurezza Informatica, in particolare tratta il problema del testing dei sistemi di sicurezza concepiti per contrapporsi alle odierne minacce: gli attacchi mirati (Targeted Attacks) ed in generale le minacce avanzate persistenti (Advanced Persistent Threats). Il principale obiettivo del lavoro svolto è lo sviluppo e la discussione di una metodologia di test per sistemi di sicurezza focalizzati su questo genere di problemi. Le linee guida proposte hanno lo scopo di aiutare a colmare il divario tra quello che viene testato e quello che in realt`a deve essere affrontato realmente. Le attività svolte durante la preparazione della tesi sono state sia di tipo teorico, per quanto concerne lo sviluppo di una metodologia per affrontare al meglio il testing di sistemi di sicurezza a fronte di attacchi mirati, che ne di tipo sperimentale in quanto si sono utilizzati tali concetti per lo svolgimento di test su più strumenti di difesa in uno scenario d’interesse reale.


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One of the challenges for structural engineers during design is considering how the structure will respond to crowd-induced dynamic loading. It has been shown that human occupants of a structure do not simply add mass to the system when considering the overall dynamic response of the system, but interact with it and may induce changes of the dynamic properties from those of the empty structure. This study presents an investigation into the human-structure interaction based on several crowd characteristics and their effect on the dynamic properties of an empty structure. The dynamic properties including frequency, damping, and mode shapes were estimated for a single test structure by means of experimental modal analysis techniques. The same techniques were utilized to estimate the dynamic properties when the test structure was occupied by a crowd with different combinations of size, posture, and distribution. The goal of this study is to isolate the occupant characteristics in order to determine the significance of each to be considered when designing new structures to avoid crowd serviceability issues. The results are presented and summarized based on the level of influence of each characteristic. The posture that produces the most significant effects based on the scope of this research is standing with bent knees with a maximum decrease in frequency of the first mode of the empty structure by 32 percent atthe highest mass ratio. The associated damping also increased 36 times the damping of the empty structure. In addition to the analysis of the experimental data, finite element models and a two degree-of-freedom model were created. These models were used to gain an understanding of the test structure, model a crowd as an equivalent mass, and also to develop a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model to best represent a crowd of occupants based on the experimental results. The SDOF models created had an averagefrequency of 5.0 Hz, within the range presented in existing biomechanics research, and combined SDOF systems of the test structure and crowd were able to reproduce the frequency and damping ratios associated with experimental tests. Results of this study confirmed the existence of human-structure interaction andthe inability to simply model a crowd as only additional mass. The two degree-offreedom model determined was able to predict the change in natural frequency and damping ratio for a structure occupied by multiple group sizes in a single posture. These results and model are the preliminary steps in the development of an appropriate methodfor modeling a crowd in combination with a more complex FE model of the empty structure.


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RATIONALE: Copeptin independently predicts functional outcome and mortality at 90 days and one-year after ischemic stroke. In patients with transient ischemic attack, elevated copeptin values indicate an increased risk of further cerebrovascular events. AIMS: The Copeptin Risk Stratification (CoRisk) study aims to validate the predictive value of copeptin in patients with ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack. In patients with ischemic stroke, the CoRisk study aims to further explore the effect of treatment (i.e. thrombolysis) on the predictive value of copeptin. DESIGN: Prospective observational multicenter study analyzing three groups of patients, i.e. patients with ischemic stroke treated with and without thrombolysis and patients with transient ischemic attack. OUTCOMES: Primary end-point: In patients with ischemic stroke, the primary end-point includes disability (modified Rankin scale from 3 to 5) and mortality (modified Rankin scale 6) at three-months after stroke. In patients with transient ischemic attack, the primary end-point is a recurrent ischemic cerebrovascular event (i.e. ischemic stroke or recurrent transient ischemic attack). Secondary end-point: In patients with ischemic stroke, the secondary end-points include in-house complications (i.e. symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage, malignant edema, aspiration pneumonia or seizures during hospitalization, and in-house mortality).


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Sleep-disordered breathing represents a risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and negatively affects short-term and long-term outcome after an ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack. The effect of continuous positive airways pressure in patients with sleep-disordered breathing and acute cerebrovascular event is poorly known. The SAS CARE 1 study assesses the effects of sleep-disordered breathing on clinical evolution, vascular functions, and markers within the first three-months after an acute cerebrovascular event. The SAS CARE 2 assesses the effect of continuous positive airways pressure on clinical evolution, cardiovascular events, and mortality as well as vascular functions and markers at 12 and 24 months after acute cerebrovascular event.


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Patients with a transient ischemic attack and an acute stroke need urgent investigations and therapy in a stroke unit. Immediate investigation of the etiology and early secondary prevention measures reduce the likelihood of recurrent and other vascular events. In selected stroke patients intravenous thrombolysis and/or endovascular therapies lead to a significant reduction of long term disabilities.


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As lightweight and slender structural elements are more frequently used in the design, large scale structures become more flexible and susceptible to excessive vibrations. To ensure the functionality of the structure, dynamic properties of the occupied structure need to be estimated during the design phase. Traditional analysis method models occupants simply as an additional mass; however, research has shown that human occupants could be better modeled as an additional degree-of- freedom. In the United Kingdom, active and passive crowd models are proposed by the Joint Working Group as a result of a series of analytical and experimental research. It is expected that the crowd models would yield a more accurate estimation to the dynamic response of the occupied structure. However, experimental testing recently conducted through a graduate student project at Bucknell University indicated that the proposed passive crowd model might be inaccurate in representing the impact on the structure from the occupants. The objective of this study is to provide an assessment of the validity of the crowd models proposed by JWG through comparing the dynamic properties obtained from experimental testing data and analytical modeling results. The experimental data used in this study was collected by Firman in 2010. The analytical results were obtained by performing a time-history analysis on a finite element model of the occupied structure. The crowd models were created based on the recommendations from the JWG combined with the physical properties of the occupants during the experimental study. During this study, SAP2000 was used to create the finite element models and to implement the analysis; Matlab and ME¿scope were used to obtain the dynamic properties of the structure through processing the time-history analysis results from SAP2000. The result of this study indicates that the active crowd model could quite accurately represent the impact on the structure from occupants standing with bent knees while the passive crowd model could not properly simulate the dynamic response of the structure when occupants were standing straight or sitting on the structure. Future work related to this study involves improving the passive crowd model and evaluating the crowd models with full-scale structure models and operating data.