801 resultados para feasibility study
The first feasibility study of using dual-probe heated fiber optics with distributed temperature sensing to measure soil volumetric heat capacity and soil water content is presented. Although results using different combinations of cables demonstrate feasibility, further work is needed to gain accuracy, including a model to account for the finite dimension and the thermal influence of the probes. Implementation of the dual-probe heat-pulse (DPHP) approach for measurement of volumetric heat capacity (C) and water content (θ) with distributed temperature sensing heated fiber optic (FO) systems presents an unprecedented opportunity for environmental monitoring (e.g., simultaneous measurement at thousands of points). We applied uniform heat pulses along a FO cable and monitored the thermal response at adjacent cables. We tested the DPHP method in the laboratory using multiple FO cables at a range of spacings. The amplitude and phase shift in the heat signal with distance was found to be a function of the soil volumetric heat capacity. Estimations of C at a range of moisture contents (θ = 0.09– 0.34 m3 m−3) suggest the feasibility of measurement via responsiveness to the changes in θ, although we observed error with decreasing soil water contents (up to 26% at θ = 0.09 m3 m−3). Optimization will require further models to account for the finite radius and thermal influence of the FO cables. Although the results indicate that the method shows great promise, further study is needed to quantify the effects of soil type, cable spacing, and jacket configurations on accuracy.
La problemática actual de las canteras en la cercanía de las grandes ciudades, debido a la escasez de yacimientos y a las restricciones medioambientales, están poniendo en graves problemas el abastecimiento de áridos naturales y encareciendo su coste. El proyecto realizado responde a la actual necesidad de los países del mundo desarrollado por buscar soluciones a los problemas de abastecimiento de materias primas para la construcción en las zonas urbanizadas. La dependencia de nuestra sociedad hacia los recursos naturales y la consideración de su importancia hacen que se deban aprovechar al máximo, ya sea reciclando, reutilizando o revalorizando. Este proyecto está centrado en los residuos utilizados en el sector de la construcción y la viabilidad de su reutilización. Hemos evaluado la situación y la legislación acerca de la posibilidad de reciclar los materiales de la construcción para volverlos a introducir en el mercado; llevando a cabo una aplicación práctica en la Comunidad de Madrid. El proyecto se complementa con el diseño y estudio de viabilidad de una instalación de reciclaje de residuos de la construcción y demolición en este micromercado. ABSTRACT The current problems of the quarries in the vicinity of large cities, due to the scarcity of deposits and environmental restrictions are putting in serious trouble supplying natural aggregates and more expensive cost. The project undertaken reflects the current need for developed countries to seek solutions to the problems of supply of raw materials for construction in urbanized areas worldwide. The dependence of our society towards natural resources and consideration of its importance that should be made to maximize either by recycling , reusing or revalued. This project is focused on the waste used in the construction sector and feasibility of reuse. We have assessed the situation and legislation about the possibility of recycling construction materials for re- entering the market ; carrying out a practical application in the Community of Madrid. The project complements the design and feasibility study of a facility for recycling construction waste and demolition in this micro market
In current industrial environments there is an increasing need for practical and inexpensive quality control systems to detect the foreign food materials in powder food processing lines. This demand is especially important for the detection of product adulteration with traces of highly allergenic products, such as peanuts and tree nuts. Manufacturing industries dealing with the processing of multiple powder food products present a substantial risk for the contamination of powder foods with traces of tree nuts and other adulterants, which might result in unintentional ingestion of nuts by the sensitised population. Hence, the need for an in-line system to detect nut traces at the early stages of food manufacturing is of crucial importance. In this present work, a feasibility study of a spectral index for revealing adulteration of tree nut and peanut traces in wheat flour samples with hyperspectral images is reported. The main nuts responsible for allergenic reactions considered in this work were peanut, hazelnut and walnut. Enhanced contrast between nuts and wheat flour was obtained after the application of the index. Furthermore, the segmentation of these images by selecting different thresholds for different nut and flour mixtures allowed the identification of nut traces in the samples. Pixels identified as nuts were counted and compared with the actual percentage of peanut adulteration. As a result, the multispectral system was able to detect and provide good visualisation of tree nut and peanut trace levels down to 0.01% by weight. In this context, multispectral imaging could operate in conjuction with chemical procedures, such as Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay to save time, money and skilled labour on product quality control. This approach could enable not only a few selected samples to be assessed but also to extensively incorporate quality control surveyance on product processing lines.
In current industrial environments there is an increasing need for practical and inexpensive quality control systems to detect the foreign food materials in powder food processing lines. This demand is especially important for the detection of product adulteration with traces of highly allergenic products, such as peanuts and tree nuts. Manufacturing industries dealing with the processing of multiple powder food products present a substantial risk for the contamination of powder foods with traces of tree nuts and other adulterants, which might result in unintentional ingestion of nuts by the sensitised population. Hence, the need for an in-line system to detect nut traces at the early stages of food manufacturing is of crucial importance. In this present work, a feasibility study of a spectral index for revealing adulteration of tree nut and peanut traces in wheat flour samples with hyperspectral images is reported. The main nuts responsible for allergenic reactions considered in this work were peanut, hazelnut and walnut. Enhanced contrast between nuts and wheat flour was obtained after the application of the index. Furthermore, the segmentation of these images by selecting different thresholds for different nut and flour mixtures allowed the identification of nut traces in the samples. Pixels identified as nuts were counted and with the actual percentage of peanut adulteration. As a result, the multispectral system was able to detect and provide good visualisation of tree nut and peanut trace levels down to 0.01% by weight. In this context, multispectral imaging could operate in conjuction with chemical procedures, such as Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay to save time, money and skilled labour on product quality control. This approach could enable not only a few selected samples to be assessed but also to extensively incorporate quality control surveyance on product processing lines.
The ability to accurately observe the Earth's carbon cycles from space gives scientists an important tool to analyze climate change. Current space-borne Integrated-Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) Iidar concepts have the potential to meet this need. They are mainly based on the pulsed time-offlight principle, in which two high energy pulses of different wavelengths interrogate the atmosphere for its transmission properties and are backscattered by the ground. In this paper, feasibility study results of a Pseudo-Random Single Photon Counting (PRSPC) IPDA lidar are reported. The proposed approach replaces the high energy pulsed source (e.g. a solidstate laser), with a semiconductor laser in CW operation with a similar average power of a few Watts, benefiting from better efficiency and reliability. The auto-correlation property of Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) and temporal shifting of the codes can be utilized to transmit both wavelengths simultaneously, avoiding the beam misalignment problem experienced by pulsed techniques. The envelope signal to noise ratio has been analyzed, and various system parameters have been selected. By restricting the telescopes field-of-view, the dominant noise source of ambient light can be suppressed, and in addition with a low noise single photon counting detector, a retrieval precision of 1.5 ppm over 50 km along-track averaging could be attained. We also describe preliminary experimental results involving a negative feedback Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) single photon avalanche photodiode and a low power Distributed Feedback laser diode modulated with PRBS driven acoustic optical modulator. The results demonstrate that higher detector saturation count rates will be needed for use in future spacebourne missions but measurement linearity and precision should meet the stringent requirements set out by future Earthobserving missions.
INTRODUÇÃO: Durante procedimentos endovasculares, estão presentes os riscos relacionados ao uso dos contrastes iodados, tais como a nefropatia por contraste, uma vez que é fundamental o emprego de um meio de contraste para a obtenção das imagens radiológicas vasculares. A injeção intravascular de gás CO2 purificado é reconhecidamente uma alternativa relativamente mais segura ao contraste iodado, contudo, seu manuseio artesanal pode também trazer dificuldades técnicas e riscos aos pacientes. Para contemplar estas questões, foi desenvolvido o protótipo de um injetor intravascular de CO2 medicinal, microprocessado, dedicado à obtenção de imagens angiográficas. OBJETIVOS: Realizar os testes de viabilidade técnica inicial do protótipo em modelo in vivo. MÉTODOS: Realizar a angioplastia da artéria renal esquerda de 10 porcos, divididos em 2 grupos: Grupo 1 (n=5) injeção de contraste iodado, Grupo 2 (n=5) injeção de CO2 através do protótipo. Monitorização clínica e laboratorial dos animais no pré, intra e pós-operatório, com exames de função renal na véspera e 48h após os procedimentos e 3 gasometrias arteriais seriadas no intra-operatório. Observação clínica foi mantida por 48h no pós- operatório. RESULTADOS: Os procedimentos de angioplastia com CO2 foram realizados com sucesso técnico de 100%, sem necessidade de complementação com injeção de contraste iodado no Grupo 2. Não foram identificadas falhas no protótipo em funcionamento. Não foram identificadas alterações clínicas ou radiológicas sugestivas de contaminação por ar ambiente do sistema de CO2 e nem alterações laboratoriais nos animais. As imagens angiográficas obtidas no Grupo 2 foram consideradas, numa avaliação subjetiva, relativamente inferiores às imagens obtidas no Grupo 1. DISCUSSÃO: A qualidade inferior de imagem no Grupo 2 pode ser atribuída ao equipamento de fluoroscopia utilizado, com software desatualizado em relação aos equipamentos atuais, que incluem pré-configurações para angiografia com CO2; no entanto, ainda assim todos os procedimentos propostos no Grupo 2 foram realizados com sucesso técnico, o que nos leva a classificar as imagens deste grupo 2 como satisfatórias. O manuseio do aparelho mostrou-se ágil e eficiente, com a programação dos parâmetros sendo realizada com facilidade através do visor \"touch screen\", comparativamente superior ao método artesanal de injeção de CO2 com seringas em selo d\'água. CONCLUSÕES: O protótipo do aparelho injetor intravascular de CO2 funcionou de forma adequada durante os testes e as imagens obtidas permitiram a compleição com sucesso dos procedimentos. Portanto, os resultados positivos obtidos sugerem que o equipamento é tecnicamente viável
A gaseificação utiliza o conteúdo intrínseco de carbonos e hidrogênios das matérias primas sólidas ou líquidas na geração de uma mistura de hidrogênio (H2), monóxido de carbono (CO), dióxido de carbono (CO2) e metano (CH4). Tal mistura pode ser utilizada como matéria prima na síntese de novos produtos ou como combustível. A gaseificação pode ser utilizada no processamento de uma gama variada de produtos, independentemente de suas características ou estado físico. A utilização de biomassa como insumo da gaseificação vem sendo cada vez mais explorada e estudada, já que apresenta benefícios não somente na esfera ambiental, mas também em âmbitos econômicos e sociais. A vinhaça é um subproduto do processo de produção de álcool, que contém grandes concentrações de nutrientes e matéria orgânica em sua composição. A sua utilização hoje está limitada a fertirrigação e a aplicações isoladas em biodigestão e outros, que não são suficientes para o consumo da produção anual crescente do resíduo. Seu uso na gaseificação permitiria o aproveitamento do conteúdo orgânico da mesma e a produção de gases de alto valor agregado. Como a umidade do insumo interfere negativamente na eficiência da gaseificação clássica, a aplicação da mesma para matérias primas com alto teor de líquidos não é recomendada. Uma alternativa viável seria a utilização do meio gaseificante supercrítico, que resulta em rendimentos constantes, independentemente da umidade da corrente de entrada do reator. O presente trabalho consiste no projeto de um módulo de gaseificação de vinhaça em água supercrítica, a ser instalado como uma unidade anexa a usinas de açúcar e álcool. Ele compreende o projeto conceitual e análise de viabilidade deste módulo, incluindo estimativas de CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) e OPEX (Operation Expenditure) e uma análise de sensibilidade dos mesmos. O estudo apresenta ainda o estado da arte do conhecimento e da tecnologia de gaseificação com água supercrítica (SCWG), relacionando os gargalos a serem resolvidos, assim como os ganhos intrínsecos da definição conceitual do projeto.
Para avaliar os benefícios da comunicação rápida ao clínico do diagnóstico de vírus respiratórios, foi analisado a viabilidade econômica de 2 testes, com o tempo de entrega de resultado em 2 horas para teste rápido e 48 horas para Biologia Molecular. As amostras coletadas foram processadas utilizando técnicas convencionais e os testes disponíveis no mercado local. Foram escolhidos dois testes rápidos pelo método de imunocromatografia para quatro parâmetros analíticos: Influenza A, Influenza H1N1, Influenza B e Vírus Sincicial Respiratório (RSV) e em Biologia Molecular um teste de RT-PCR multiplex com 25 patógenos entre vírus e bactérias. O tipo de amostra utilizada foi swab e lavado de nasofaringe. A população escolhida para o estudo foi paciente adulto, em tratamento de câncer, que necessita de uma resposta rápida já que a maioria se encontra com comprometimento do sistema imune por doença ou por tratamento. O estudo foi transversal, realizado entre os anos de 2012 e 2013, para avaliar a viabilidade econômica da introdução de testes de diagnóstico da infecção respiratória aguda de etiologia viral a partir de amostras de nasofaringe em pacientes com câncer atendidos no Centro de Atendimento de Oncologia Intercorrência (CAIO ), do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo (ICESP), hospital público que atende exclusivamente Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e Hospital A.C. Camargo, que atende tanto a pacientes do SUS como da rede privada. O estudo incluiu 152 pacientes em tratamento para qualquer tipo de câncer, predominantemente do sexo feminino (81 mulheres e 70 homens) com idades entre 18-86 anos. Para participar do estudo o paciente era consultado e o critério para escolha do paciente foi ser portador de câncer, com história de febre (ainda que referida) acompanhada de tosse ou dor de garganta, tosse e sintomas respiratórios agudos, atendidos por protocolo padronizado que inclui avaliação na admissão, seguimento e manejo antimicrobiano. Para a avaliação econômica os pacientes foram classificados de acordo com o estado geral de saúde, se apresentavam bom estado de estado de saúde poderiam receber alta e faziam uso da medicação em casa evitando 5 dias de internação se recebessem algum resultado para Influenza ou RSV, no entanto os pacientes que apresentavam outro vírus, resultado negativo ou o estado geral era ruim permaneciam internados por 7 dias em observação e cuidados com medicação adequada. Foram realizadas análises econômicas em dois âmbitos: o sistema de saúde publico e o privado considerando o fator diminuição de dias de internação. A analise de Custo-benefício foi eficiente no Sistema privado mas inadequada para o SUS assim como, qualquer outra medida monetária já que os valores de reembolso do SUS estão defasados do custo de qualquer internação. A análise de Custo-efetividade que olha para outros fatores além do monetário foi efetiva nos dois sistemas que enfrentam falta de leitos além da condição de saúde do paciente de evitar a ingestão desnecessária de antibióticos, evitar os gastos do acompanhante, perda de dias de trabalho e estudo. Não houve correspondência de resultados dos testes rápidos com o multiplex de Biologia Molecular
"This condensation (SW-14c.1) of Feasibility Study of the Disposal of Polyethylene Plastic Waste was prepared for the Federal solid waste management program by Irene Kiefer."
"Adopted by the Board, February 1970."
This paper describes a feasibility study of a for lactic acid production integrated with are treatment of wastewater from an industrial starch plant. Rhizopus oryzae two strains, Rhizopus arrhizus and Rhizopus oligosporus were tested with respect to their capability to carry out simultaneous saccharification and fermentation to lactic acid using potato wastewater. Rhizopus arrhizus DAR 36017 was identified as a suitable strain that demonstrated a high capacity for starch saccharification and lactic acid synthesis. The optimal conditions, in terms of pH, temperature and starch concentration, for lactic acid production were determined. The selected fungal strain grew well in a pH range from 3.0 to 7.0. The addition of CaCO(3)10 g dm(-3) maintained the pH at 5.0-6.0 and significantly enhanced lactic acid production. Kinetic study revealed that almost complete starch saccharification and a lactic acid yield of 450g kg(-1) could be achieved in 20 h and 28 h cultivation, respectively. The maximum lactic acid production 21 g dm(-3) and mycelial biomass (1.7 g dm(-3)) were obtained at 30degreesC. Besides the multiple bioproducts, total removal of suspended solids and 90% reduction of COD were achieved in a single no-aseptic operation. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.
We conducted a feasibility study to examine whether a paediatric patient at a regional hospital could be assessed by an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist via videoconference, therefore saving at least one journey to the tertiary hospital for a pre-admission appointment. A video-otoscope was used with standard videoconference equipment, and realtime images were transmitted at a bandwidth of 384 kbit/s. In all, 13 telepaediatric ENT clinics were conducted between November 2003 and April 2005, and 98 consultations were facilitated for 64 patients. The main reasons for referral were recurrent tonsillitis (25%) and obstructive sleep apnoea (23%). Of the 64 patients examined by telemedicine, 42 (66%) were recommended for surgery and placed on the surgical waiting list. About 12 patients (19%) required travel to the tertiary centre for further investigations and tests not available locally, while four patients (6%) were reviewed via videoconference during a scheduled clinic. Six patients (9%) required no further follow-up after their initial telepaedliatric consultation. Videoconferencing is an effective method of assessing ENT conditions of paediatric patients and for pre-screening potential surgical admissions to a tertiary hospital. Careful consideration of a number of economic and logistical factors needs to be made before large investments are made to expand the service.
This paper outlines the methodology of blast fragmentation modeling undertaken for a green field feasibility study at the Riska gold deposit in Indonesia. The favoured milling process for the feasibility study was dump leaching,with no crushing of the ore material extracted from the pit. For this reason,blast fragmentation was a critical issue to be addressed by the study. A range of blast designs were considered with bench heights and blasthole diameters ranging from 4 m to 7 m and 76 mm to 102 mm respectively. Rock mass data was obtained from 19 diamond drill cores across the deposit (total drill length approximately 2200 m). Intact rock strength was estimated from qualitative strength descriptors,while the in situ block size distribution of the rock mass was estimated from the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) of the core.
This paper describes and analyses an innovative engineering management course that applies a project management framework in the context of a feasibility study for a prospective research project. The aim is to have students learn aspects of management that will be relevant from the outset of their professional career while simultaneously having immediate value in helping them to manage a research project and capstone design project in their senior year. An integral part of this innovation was the development of a web-based project management tool. While the main objectives of the new course design were achieved, a number of important lessons were learned that would guide the further development and continuous improvement of this course. The most critical of these is the need to achieve the optimum balance in the mind of the students between doing the project and critically analyzing the processes used to accomplish the work.
As the first step in developing a protocol for the use of video-phones in community health, we carried out a feasibility study among clients with a range of health needs. Clients were equipped with a commercially available video-phone connected using the client's home telephone line. A hands-free speaker-phone and a miniature video-camera (for close-up views) were connected to the video-phone. Ten clients participated: five required wound care, two palliative care, two long-term therapy monitoring and one was a rural client. All but two were aged 75 years or more. Each client had a video-phone for an average of two to three weeks. During the six months of the study, 43 client calls were made, of which 36 (84%) were converted to video-calls. The speaker-phone was used on 24 occasions (56%) and the close-up camera on 23 occasions (53%). Both clients and nurses rated the equipment as satisfactory or better in questionnaires. None of the nurses felt that the equipment was difficult to use, including unpacking it and setting it up; only one client found it difficult. Taking into account the clients' responses, including their free-text comments, a judgement was made as to whether the video-phone had been useful to their nursing care. In seven cases it was felt to be unhelpful and in three cases it was judged helpful. Although the study sample was small, the results suggest that home telenursing is likely to be useful for rural clients in Australia, unsurprisingly, because of the distances involved.