959 resultados para evoked brain stem response


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This study used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to examine the dynamic patterns of neural activity underlying the auditory steady-state response. We examined the continuous time-series of responses to a 32-Hz amplitude modulation. Fluctuations in the amplitude of the evoked response were found to be mediated by non-linear interactions with oscillatory processes both at the same source, in the alpha and beta frequency bands, and in the opposite hemisphere. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The latency variation of the P100M from minute to minute, between morning and afternoon and from day to day was investigated in an unshielded environment using two single channel magnetometers. Latency variation was greatest from minute to minute with relatively little longer term variation. The two magnetometers differed both in mean latency and in the degree of variation. This may be attributed to variation in the performance of the filters which were set a narrow bandwidth for recording in an unshielded environment.


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A decrease in the check size of a pattern shift stimulus increases the latency and amplitude of the visual evoked potential (VEP) P100. In addition, for a given check size, decreasing the size of the stimulus field increases the latency and amplitude of the P100. These results imply that the central regions of the retina make a significant contribution to the generation of the electrical P100. However, the corresponding magnetic P100m may have a different origin. We have studied the effects of check and field size on the P100m in five normal subjects using a DC-Squid, second-order gradiometer. Magnetic responses were recorded at the positive maximum of the P100m over the occipital scalp to six check sizes (10-100') presented in a large (13 degrees 34') and small (5 degrees 14') field and to a large check (100') presented in seven field sizes (1 degree 45' - 15 degrees 10'). No responses were recorded to any check size with a small field. Decreasing the check size presented in a large field increased latency of the P100m by approx. 30 ms while the amplitude of the response decreased with the largest reduction occurring between 70' and 12' checks. Using a large check, latency increased and amplitude decreased as the field size was reduced. The latency changes in response to check and field size were similar to those described for the VEP although the magnitudes of the magnetic changes were greater. Unlike the VEP, amplitude responses were maximal when large checks were presented in a large stimulus field. This suggests that regions outside the central retina make a more significant contribution to the visual evoked magnetic response than they do to the VEP, and that the P100m may be useful clinically in the study of diseases that affect the more peripheral regions of the retina.


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The topography of the visual evoked magnetic response (VEMR) to a pattern onset stimulus was studied in five normal subjects using a single channel BTi magnetometer. Topographic distributions were analysed at regular intervals following stimulus onset (chronotopograpby). Two distinct field distributions were observed with half field stimulation: (1) activity corresponding to the C11 m which remains stable for an average of 34 msec and (2) activity corresponding to the C111 m which remains stable for about 50 msec. However, the full field topography of the largest peak within the first 130 msec does not have a predictable latency or topography in different subjects. The data suggest that the appearance of this peak is dependent on the amplitude, latency and duration of the half field C11 m peaks and the efficiency of half field summation. Hence, topographic mapping is essential to correctly identify the C11 m peak in a full field response as waveform morphology, peak latency and polarity are not reliable indicators. © 1993.


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The visual evoked magnetic response to half-field stimulation using pattern reversal was studied using a d.c. SQUID coupled to a second order gradiometer. The main component of the magnetic response consisted of a positive wave at around 100 ms (P100M). At the time this component was present the response to half-field stimulation consisted of an outgoing magnetic field contralateral and extending to the midline. When the left half field was stimulated the outgoing field was over the posterior right visual cortex and when the right half field was stimulated it was over the left anterior visual cortex. These findings would correctly identify a source located in the contralateral visual cortex. The orientation of the dipoles was not that previously assumed to explain the paradoxical lateralization of the visual evoked potential. The results are discussed in terms of both electrical and magnetic models of the calcarine fissure. © 1992.


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The visual evoked magnetic response (VEMR) was measured over the occipital cortex to pattern and flash stimuli in 86 normal subjects aged 15-86 years. The latency of the major positive component (outgoing magnetic field) to the pattern reversal stimulus (P100M) increased with age, particularly after 55 years, while the amplitude of the P100M decreased more gradually over the lifespan. By contrast, the latency of the major positive component to the flash stimulus (P2M) increased more slowly with age after about 50 years, while its amplitude may have decreased in only a proportion of the elderly subjects. The changes in the P100M with age may reflect senile changes in the eye and optic nerve, e.g. senile miosis, degenerative changes in the retina or geniculostriate deficits. The P2M may be more susceptible to senile changes in the visual cortex. The data suggest that the contrast channels of visual information processing deteriorate more rapidly with age than the luminance channels.


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The visual evoked magnetic response to half-field stimulation using pattern reversal was studied using a dc-SQUID coupled to a second-order gradiometer. The main component of the magnetic response consisted of a positive wave at around 100ms (P100M). At the same time this component was present the reponse to half-field stimulation consisted of an outgoing field contralateral and extending to the midline. When the left half-field was stimulates the outgoing field was over the posterior right visual cortex and when the right half field was stimulated it was over the left anterior visual cortex. These findings would correltly identify a source located in the contralateral visual cortex. The orientation of the dipoles was not that previously assumed to explain the paradoxical lateralization of the visual evoked potential. The results are discussed in terms of both electrical and magnetic models of the calcarine fissure.


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Since the visual evoked potential to pattern reversal stimulation produces a paradoxical lateralisation of the major positive P100 component and since this paradoxical lateralisation is dependent on the stimulus parameters including check and field size, we have therefore, carried out a study of the magnetic response (VEMR) to a pattern reversal stimulus in four normal subjects using both full field and half field stimulation and two different check sizes.


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Distributed source analyses of half-field pattern onset visual evoked magnetic responses (VEMR) were carried out by the authors with a view to locating the source of the largest of the components, the CIIm. The analyses were performed using a series of realistic source spaces taking into account the anatomy of the visual cortex. Accuracy was enhanced by constraining the source distributions to lie within the visual cortex only. Further constraints on the source space yielded reliable, but possibly less meaningful, solutions.


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Blurring a pattern reversal stimulus increases the latency and decreases the amplitude of the visual evoked potential (VEP) P100 peak. Recording the visual evoked magnetic response (VEMR) is some subjects may therefore be difficult because their spectacles create excessive magnetic noise. Hence, the effect of varying degrees of blur (-5 to +5 D) on the VEMR was investigated in three subjects with 6/6 vision to determine whether refraction with non-magnetic frames and lenses was necessary before magnetic recording. Small (32') and larger (70') checks were studied since there is evidence that blurring small checks has a more significant effect on the VEP compared with large checks. The VEMR was recorded using a single channel dc-SQUID, second order gradiometer in an unshielded laboratory. The latency (ms) and amplitude (fT) of the most prominant positive peak within the first 130 ms (P100M) were measured. Blurring the 32' checks significantly increased latency aand reduced the amplitude of the P100M peak. The resulting response curves were parabolic with minimum latency and maximum amplitude recorded at 0 D. Blurring the 70' check had no significant effect on latency or amplitude. Hence, the magnetic P100M responds similarly to the electrical P100 in response to blur. It would be essential when recording the VEMR that vision is corrected with non-magnetic spectacles especially when small checks are used.


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This work sets out to evaluate the potential benefits and pit-falls in using a priori information to help solve the Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) inverse problem. In chapter one the forward problem in MEG is introduced, together with a scheme that demonstrates how a priori information can be incorporated into the inverse problem. Chapter two contains a literature review of techniques currently used to solve the inverse problem. Emphasis is put on the kind of a priori information that is used by each of these techniques and the ease with which additional constraints can be applied. The formalism of the FOCUSS algorithm is shown to allow for the incorporation of a priori information in an insightful and straightforward manner. In chapter three it is described how anatomical constraints, in the form of a realistically shaped source space, can be extracted from a subject’s Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI). The use of such constraints relies on accurate co-registration of the MEG and MRI co-ordinate systems. Variations of the two main co-registration approaches, based on fiducial markers or on surface matching, are described and the accuracy and robustness of a surface matching algorithm is evaluated. Figures of merit introduced in chapter four are shown to given insight into the limitations of a typical measurement set-up and potential value of a priori information. It is shown in chapter five that constrained dipole fitting and FOCUSS outperform unconstrained dipole fitting when data with low SNR is used. However, the effect of errors in the constraints can reduce this advantage. Finally, it is demonstrated in chapter six that the results of different localisation techniques give corroborative evidence about the location and activation sequence of the human visual cortical areas underlying the first 125ms of the visual magnetic evoked response recorded with a whole head neuromagnetometer.


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In an endeavour to provide further insight into the maturation of the cortical visual system in human infants, chromatic transient pattern reversal visual evoked potentials to red/green stimuli, were studied in a group of normal full term infants between the ages of 1 and 14 weeks post term in both cross sectional and longitudinal studies. In order to produce stimuli in which luminance cues had been eliminated with an aim to eliciting a chromatic response, preliminary studies of isoluminance determination in adults and infants were undertaken using behavioural and electrophysiological techniques. The results showed close similarity between the isoluminant ratio for adults and infants and all values were close to photometric isoluminance. Pattern reversal VEPs were recorded to stimuli of a range of red/green luminance ratios and an achromatic checkerboard. No transient VEP could be elicited with an isoluminant chromatic pattern reversal stimulus from any infant less than 7 weeks post term and similarly, all infants more than 7 weeks post term showed clear chromatic VEPs. The chromatic response first appeared at that age as a major positive component (P1) of long latency. This was delayed and reduced in comparison to the achromatic response. As the infant grew older, the latency of the P1 component decreased with the appearance of N1 and N by the 10th week post term. This finding was consistent throughout all infants assessed. In a behavioural study, no infant less than 7 weeks post term demonstrated clear discrimination of the chromatic stimulus, while those infants older than 7 weeks could do so. These findings are reviewed with respect to current neural models of visual development.


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This study characterizes the visually evoked magnetic response (VEMR) to pattern onset/offset stimuli, using a single channel BTi magnetometer. The influence of stimulus parameters and recording protocols on the VEMR is studied with inferences drawn about the nature of cortical processing, its origins and optimal recording strategies. Fundamental characteristics are examined, such as the behaviour of successive averaged and unaveraged responses; the effects of environmental shielding; averaging; inter- and intrasubject variability and equipment specificity. The effects of varying check size, field size, contrast and refractive error on latency, amplitude and topographic distribution are also presented. Latency and amplitude trends are consistent with previous VEP findings and known anatomical properties of the visual system. Topographic results are consistent with the activity of sources organised according to the cruciform model of striate cortex. A striate origin for the VEMR is also suggested by the results to quarter, octant and annulus field stimuli. Similarities in the behaviour and origins of the sources contributing to the CIIm and CIIIm onset peaks are presented for a number of stimulus conditions. This would be consistent with differing processing event in the same, or similar neuronal populations. Focal field stimuli produce less predictable responses than full or half fields, attributable to a reduced signal to noise ratio and an increased sensitivity to variations in cortical morphology. Problems with waveform peak identification are encountered for full field stimuli that can only be resolved by the careful choice of stimulus parameters, comparisons with half field responses or with reference to the topographic distribution of each waveform peak. An anatomical study of occipital lobe morphology revealed large inter- and intrasubject variation in calcarine fissure shape and striate cortex distribution. An appreciation of such variability is important for VEMR interpretation, due to the technique's sensitivity to source depth and orientation, and it is used to explain the experimental results obtained.


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The waveform and scalp distribution of the visual evoked potentials elicited by stimuli in the foveal and parafoveal regions have been investigated in a group of normal humans using a 16-channel `brain mapping' system. The waveform and topography of the responses to pattern onset and pattern reversal stimulation were investigated, using 4 x 4o full field and 4 x 2o lateral and altitudinal half-field stimuli. The responses were composed of several successive peaks which are in some respects consistent with those demonstrated by other workers using larger field sizes. The differences in the behaviour of these components with respect to the position of the stimulus in the visual field were suggestive of origins in different areas of the visual cortex and/or different visual mechanism. Of particular interest were the major early positive components `P90' and `P95' of the responses to pattern onset and pattern reversal stimulation respectively. More detailed exploration of the behaviour of these major early positive components was carried out using `M-scaled' stimuli selected to activate one square centimetre patches of striate cortex and associated extrastriate re-projections, positioned at different points in the foveal and parafoveal area of the visual field. The inter- and intra-subject variability in amplitude and localisation of the signals elicited by these targets was considered to be a reflection of the individual variations in relationship of visual field projections with the pattern of gyri and fissures on the proximal surface of the occipital lobe. The behaviour of component P90 of the onset response is consistent with a lateral origin in extrastriate visual cortex; that of P95 of the pattern reversal response is consistent in some respects with a striate cortical origin, but in others with a partial origin in extrastriate cortex.


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The topographical distribution of the pattern reversal Visual Evoked Response (VER) was recorded from a localised montage of 20 electrodes over the visual cortex. The response was recorded after stimulation with a black and white checkerboard stimulus. The effect of field location on the major components was investigated in 11 subjects (age range (23-55). The major components of the half field response were; a negative around 75ms (N75) followed by a positivity around 80ms (P80), then a positivity around 100ms (P100) followed by another positivity at around 120ms (P120) and a negativity at approximately 145ms (N145). No effect of field size could be demonstrated on either the amplitude or latency of the late negativity, N145. No significant effect of field size or location was shown on the latency of the P100 response. A delay previously shown in the upper half field response was therefore not substantiated. In contrast the amplitude of the major positivity, P100 was significantly affected by the field size and location. The amplitude of both P100 and N145 were significantly reduced following upper field stimulation when compared with the lower field response. No significant amplitude difference between the upper and lower field responses was demonstrated using electroretinography, the amplitude may therefore be reduced as a result of the ventral position of the upper field representation on the visual cortex. The lateral half field VEP was compared with the distribution of the visual evoked magnetic response (VEMR). The distribution of the VEMR supported the proposal that the paradoxical lateralisation of the VEP half field response is the result of the source being directed ipsilaterally. The morphology of the VEP following octant and double octant stimulation suggests that the response is generated in the striate cortex, with a reversal in response distribution following stimulation of the upper vertical and horizontal meridia.