396 resultados para enemy


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No âmbito do Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada foi elaborada uma caracterização fisiológica do soldado nas operações em áreas edificadas, tendo como objetivo geral contribuir para o quadro teórico e prático na área da motricidade humana, relativamente às aptidões fisiológicas, designadamente: a Frequência Cardíaca, o Consumo de Oxigénio máximo (VO2max) e o Lactato Sanguíneo. Neste estudo foi executada uma pista de combate em áreas edificadas, com o nível de dificuldade crescente, inicialmente sem e com carga (colete balístico) de seguida com o inimigo armado com airsoft e para finalizar, a esquadra de assalto com armas de airsoft. A pista desenrolou-se na Aldeia de Camões em Mafra. Para medição dos parâmetros em estudo, utilizou os monitores cardíacos Garmin Forerunner 310XT, que fornecem os valores das Frequências Cardíacas e o Lactete Plus, que nos dão os valores dos níveis de Lactato Sanguíneo. Verificou-se que não existe uma doutrina de referência que evidencie o treino físico orientado para o combate em áreas edificadas nos dias de hoje. Da análise dos resultados obtidos verificámos que a intensidade do esforço, durante a execução das pistas de combate, foi predominantemente realizada no regime anaeróbio. Com os resultados alcançados durante a realização da pista de combate, identificámos algumas das tarefas mais críticas na sua execução. Apurámos através dos níveis de lactato que a função do comandante de esquadra é de uma intensidade de esforço físico superior a exigida na restante esquadra de assalto.


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In the middle of writing this chapter, I visited a friend who has beenin the development industry for a couple of decades. I had not seenhim for a while as he had been in Afghanistan and, for a considerableperiod after that, in hospital. Afghanistan has arguably been the mostdangerous place in the world to do development work, perhaps since the1960s, and, of course, undertaking development while a war is ongoingis almost a contradiction in terms. Especially in Afghanistan, butperhaps in many other ‘difficult sociopolitical contexts’, developmentgains have been few, extraordinarily expensive for their outcomes, andprobably not sustainable.Not all development workers end up in my friend’s situation; a suicidebomber left him substantially and permanently damaged. But, juston this personal level, I have had colleagues and friends arrested, shotat, jailed and kidnapped, as well as being exposed to dangerous illnessesand, too often unstated, often long-term psychological trauma. Localswhom colleagues have worked with have experienced all this, as well asbeing beaten, tortured and, too often, killed. My own first rule in ‘difficultsociopolitical contexts’ is never to expose another person to danger,either at the time or, potentially, later. Yet it happens, to foreigners, tolocals working with foreigners and to state employees. Developmentworkers easily fall foul of the extremes of competing perspectives andgoals, where there is no such thing as neutrality and everyone who isnot a clear friend is a clear enemy.


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World War II profoundly impacted Florida. The military geography of the State is essential to an understanding the war. The geostrategic concerns of place and space determined that Florida would become a statewide military base. Florida’s attributes of place such as climate and topography determined its use as a military academy hosting over two million soldiers, nearly 15 percent of the GI Army, the largest force theUS ever raised. One-in-eight Floridians went into uniform. Equally,Florida’s space on the planet made it central for both defensive and offensive strategies. The Second World War was a war of movement, and Florida was a major jump off point forUSforce projection world-wide, especially of air power. Florida’s demography facilitated its use as a base camp for the assembly and engagement of this military power. In 1940, less than two percent of the US population lived in Florida, a quiet, barely populated backwater of the United States.[1] But owing to its critical place and space, over the next few years it became a 65,000 square mile training ground, supply dump, and embarkation site vital to the US war effort. Because of its place astride some of the most important sea lanes in the Atlantic World,Florida was the scene of one of the few Western Hemisphere battles of the war. The militarization ofFloridabegan long before Pearl Harbor. The pre-war buildup conformed to theUSstrategy of the war. The strategy of theUS was then (and remains today) one of forward defense: harden the frontier, then take the battle to the enemy, rather than fight them inNorth America. The policy of “Europe First,” focused the main US war effort on the defeat of Hitler’sGermany, evaluated to be the most dangerous enemy. In Florida were established the military forces requiring the longest time to develop, and most needed to defeat the Axis. Those were a naval aviation force for sea-borne hostilities, a heavy bombing force for reducing enemy industrial states, and an aerial logistics train for overseas supply of expeditionary campaigns. The unique Florida coastline made possible the seaborne invasion training demanded for USvictory. The civilian population was employed assembling mass-produced first-generation container ships, while Floridahosted casualties, Prisoners-of-War, and transient personnel moving between the Atlantic and Pacific. By the end of hostilities and the lifting of Unlimited Emergency, officially on December 31, 1946, Floridahad become a transportation nexus. Florida accommodated a return of demobilized soldiers, a migration of displaced persons, and evolved into a modern veterans’ colonia. It was instrumental in fashioning the modern US military, while remaining a center of the active National Defense establishment. Those are the themes of this work. [1] US Census of Florida 1940. Table 4 – Race, By Nativity and Sex, For the State. 14.


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El interés de esta monografía es interpretar la manera en la que un Estado tiene la capacidad para transformar su identidad y proyectarla satisfactoriamente hacia otros actores. En el caso de China, esto sucede gracias a su estrategia de política exterior conocida como Desarrollo Pacífico, la cual forma parte de su relación con los miembros del grupo BRICS y ha ayudado a consolidar una tendencia hacia la cooperación. Para poder realizar una buena interpretación de la construcción de identidad china dentro del foro internacional BRICS es primordial realizar un acercamiento teórico constructivista que permite un entendimiento del proceso histórico que le ha permitido a China configurar su identidad en el marco de los BRICS, a partir de un proceso constante de interacción e identificación.


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Fundamentalmente basado en documentación del Archivo de la Dirección Nacional de Información c Inteligencia de la Policía de Montevideo, este artículo resume una investigación que pretende contribuir en el avance de una "revaloración" de la frecuentada "excepcionalidad democrática" del Uruguay. Para ello, en el texto se documentan los orígenes y evolución de las sistemáticas estrategias de control desplegadas por el Estado uruguayo desde la persecución de "actividades comunistas" en los años 40 hasta la conformación de la doctrina de abatimiento del "enemigo interno" en los 60.Abstract:This article, mainly based on documents from the Archives of National Burcau of Information and Intelligence Police of Montevideo, summarizes research that aims to contribute to the "revaluation" of the popu­lar "democratic exceptionalism" of Uruguay. To do this, this essay documents the origins and evolution of the systematic control strategies deployed by the Uruguayan State since the persecution of "Communist activities" during the 1940s to the formation of the doctrine of abatement "internal enemy" at the 1960s. 


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Sin duda alguna, el debate sobre el derecho penal del enemigo es una cuestión que está revolucio­nando el mundo del derecho, en general, y el derecho internacional en particular. Es un debate de actualidad que está llamando la atención de la comunidad académica, en tanto se plantea y se avizora un problema de fondo, en cuanto a la efectiva protección de los derechos humanos, por encima de un discurso de seguridad, que se viene planteando como eje central en la comunidad internacional, en la lucha contra el terrorismo y como estrategia jurídico-política al interior de Estados que dicen llamarse democráticos. Esta situación está revolucionando desde cualquier punto de vista la concepción tradicional del derecho, violentando flagrantemente la dignidad humana como eje central del Estado Social de Derecho, al poner en práctica lo que Jakobs denomina “dere­cho penal del enemigo”, práctica que también se viene fortaleciendo y traspasándose del ejercicio del ius puniendi de los Estados, como manifestación de soberanía, al derecho penal internacional.Abstract Without any doubt, the debate about the penal right of the enemy is a question that is revolutionizing the world of law in a general level, and international right in particular. It is a current debate that is drawing the attention of the academic community, as it poses as a basic problem: the effective protection of the human rights, over a security discourse which is presented as central in the international community in the fight against terrorism, and as a legal-political strategy to the interior of the so called democratic States. This situation is revolutionizing, from different points of view, the traditional conception of law, flagrantly violenting the human dignity as the central axis of the Social State of Right, putting in practice what Jakobs denominates “Criminal law for the enemy”. This practice is being fortified and transferring from the exercise of ius puniendi of the States, as manifestation of sovereignty, to the international penal right.