749 resultados para documentary practice and theory


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Nurse researchers are increasingly adopting qualitative methodologies for research practice and theory development. These approaches to research are, in many cases, more appropriate for the field of nursing inquiry than the previously dominant techno-rational methods. However, there remains the issue of adapting methodologies developed in other academic disciplines to the nursing research context. This paper draws upon my own experience with interpretive research to raise questions about the issue of nursing research within a social science research framework. The paper argues that by integrating the characteristics of nursing practice with the characteristics of research practice, the researcher can develop a 'nursing lens', an approach to qualitative research that brings an added dimension to social science methodologies in the nursing research context. Attention is drawn to the unique nature of the nurse-patient relationship, and the ways in which this aspect of nursing practice can enhance nursing research. Examples are given from interview transcripts to support this position.


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Digital Stories are short autobiographical documentaries, often illustrated with personal photographs and narrated in the first person, and typically produced in group workshops. As a media form they offer ‘ordinary people’ the opportunity to represent themselves to audiences of their choosing; and this amplification of hitherto unheard voices has significant repercussions for their social participation. Many of the storytellers involved in the ‘Rainbow Family Tree’ case study that is the subject of this paper can be characterised as ‘everyday’ activists for their common desire to use their personal stories to increase social acceptance of marginalised identity categories. However, in conflict with their willingness to share their personal stories, many fear the risks and ramifications of distributing them in public spaces (especially online) to audiences both intimate and unknown. Additionally, while technologies for production and distribution of rich media products have become more accessible and user-friendly, many obstacles remain. For many people there are difficulties with technological access and aptitude, personal agency, cultural capital, and social isolation, not to mention availability of the time and energy requisite to Digital Storytelling. Additionally, workshop context, facilitation and distribution processes all influence the content of stories. This paper explores the many factors that make ‘authentic’ self-representation far from straight forward. I use qualitative data drawn from interviews, Digital Story texts and ethnographic observation of GLBTQIS participants in a Digital Storytelling initiative that combined face-to-face and online modes of participation. I consider mediating influences in practice and theory and draw on strategies put forth in cultural anthropology and narrative therapy to propose some practical tools for nuanced and sensitive facilitation of Digital Storytelling workshops and webspaces. Finally, I consider the implications of these facilitation strategies for voice, identity and social participation.


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“Slow Horizon” is comprised of six lenticular panels hung in an even, horizontal sequence. As the viewer moves in front of the work, each panel alternates subtly between two vertical colour gradients. From left to right, the panels move through yellow, orange, magenta and violet to ‘midnight blue’. Together, the coloured panels comprise an abstract horizon line that references the changing nature of light at sunset. The scale, movement and chromatic qualities of the panels also allude to the formal characteristics of the screen technologies that pervade contemporary visual culture. “Slow Horizon” contributes to studies in the field of contemporary art. It is particularly concerned with the relationships between abstraction, colour, signification and perception. Since early Modernity, debates concerning representation and the formal qualities of the picture plane have been fundamental to art practice and theory. These debates have often dovetailed with questions of art’s capacity to generate shifts in thought and perception. Practitioners such as Ellsworth Kelly, James Turrell and Ed Ruscha have variously used block and blended colour to engage in these formal, symbolic and perceptual potentials of colour. Using a practice-led research methodology, “Slow Horizon” furthers this creative inquiry. By conflating the reductive visual logics of abstraction and minimalism with the iconic, romantic evocations of sunset imagery, it questions not only the contemporary relationship between abstraction and image-making, but also art’s ability to create moments of stillness and contemplation in a context significantly shaped by screen technologies. “Slow Horizon” has been exhibited internationally as part of “Supermassive” at LA Louver Gallery, Venice, California in 2013. The exhibition was reviewed in The Los Angeles Times.


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Creative Development: The Body and Light. Within the current cultural climate, the independent choreographer struggles to pursue and establish their artistic career outside the infrastructure of mainstream dance companies. The independent choreographer is challenged to articulate alternative choreographic models without the support of that infrastructure. My research examines that challenge by exploring my own independent choreographic practice through a number of performance-based dance projects. This exploration will be underpinned by theoretical research to enable clarification of the tacit understandings of an embodied practice and the point of intersection between practice and theory so as to articulate alternative choreographic models. As a starting point for that enquiry, an example is provided of how questions that emerge from within the choreographic practice can be discussed in terms of research through an initial investigation exploring light in relation to the moving body and the implications of atmospheres.


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Induction motor is a typical member of a multi-domain, non-linear, high order dynamic system. For speed control a three phase induction motor is modelled as a d–q model where linearity is assumed and non-idealities are ignored. Approximation of the physical characteristic gives a simulated behaviour away from the natural behaviour. This paper proposes a bond graph model of an induction motor that can incorporate the non-linearities and non-idealities thereby resembling the physical system more closely. The model is validated by applying the linearity and idealities constraints which shows that the conventional ‘abc’ model is a special case of the proposed generalised model.


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Waters, in 2009, introduced an important technique, called dual system encryption, to construct identity-based encryption (IBE) and related schemes. The resulting IBE scheme was described in the setting of symmetric pairing. A key feature of the construction is the presence of random tags in the ciphertext and decryption key. Later work by Lewko and Waters removed the tags and proceeding through composite-order pairings led to a more efficient dual system IBE scheme using asymmetric pairings whose security is based on non-standard but static assumptions. In this work, we have systematically simplified Waters 2009 IBE scheme in the setting of asymmetric pairing. The simplifications retain tags used in the original description. This leads to several variants, the first one of which is based on standard assumptions and in comparison to Waters’ original scheme reduces ciphertexts and keys by two elements each. Going through several stages of simplifications, we finally obtain a simple scheme whose security can be based on two standard assumptions and a natural and minimal extension of the decision Diffie-Hellman problem for asymmetric pairing groups. The scheme itself is also minimal in the sense that apart from the tags, both encryption and key generation use exactly one randomiser each. This final scheme is more efficient than both the previous dual system IBE scheme in the asymmetric setting due to Lewko and Waters and the more recent dual system IBE scheme due to Lewko. We extend the IBE scheme to hierarchical IBE (HIBE) and broadcast encryption (BE) schemes. Both primitives are secure in their respective full models and have better efficiencies compared to previously known schemes offering the same level and type of security.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor um modelo de ontologia simples e generalista, capaz de descrever os conceitos mais básicos que permeiam o domínio de conhecimento dos jornais on-line brasileiros não especializados, fundamentado tanto na prática quanto conceitualmente, em conformidade com os princípios da Web Semântica. A partir de uma nova forma de classificação e organização do conteúdo, a ontologia proposta deve ter condições de atender as necessidades comuns de ambas as partes, jornal e leitor, que são, resumidamente, a busca e a recuperação das informações.


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Nesta tese, faço uma leitura dos escritos de Winnicott coligada à filosofia de Whitehead apoiada nas afinidades existentes entre estes autores. Realizo uma leitura que, ao contrário do que é usual nas exposições do autor, explicita pressupostos e sistematiza conceitos. Nela, priorizo a abordagem relacional e processual, aprofundo as descrições dos conceitos de self, meio ambiente, saúde, apropriação e transição e chego a delinear uma metapsicologia winnicotiana. A releitura dos processos de transformação de si daí resultantes potencializa a relevância das colocações de Winnicott para a clínica e para a teoria psicanalítica.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar, a partir da reforma das licenciaturas nas universidades ocorrida em 2001, a constituição do eixo disciplinar Prática como Componente Curricular (PCC) nos currículos de licenciatura de cursos de Letras, Português / Espanhol da região sudeste brasileira, focando-nos na relação entre teoria e prática. Para tal discussão, utilizamo-nos das reflexões de Deleuze (1968) a fim de problematizar as possibilidades de repetição total ou de diferenciação total; Vázquez (1977), ao trazer sua discussão de práxis que trata da indissociabilidade da teoria e da prática e Schwartz (2010), para incorporar a discussão sobre o âmbito do trabalho, em particular no que concerne a impossibilidade de antecipação completa da atividade a ser realizada por um profissional. Operamos, também, com os preceitos da Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa (MAINGUENEAU, 1998, 2003) quando tratamos os enunciados como socio-historicamente situados em nossas análises. Para atingirmos nosso fim, realizamos uma contextualização documental que contou com a análise do Parecer CNE/CP 28/2001, no qual estão as determinações sobre carga horária e definição dos eixos de disciplinas da licenciatura, sendo eles: Acadêmico Científico, Prática como Componente Curricular e Estágio Supervisionado. Voltamo-nos, também, para os Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos das universidades analisadas, a fim de investigar qual o entendimento de prática construído nesses documentos. Por fim, recorremos às ementas das disciplinas obrigatórias de PCC oferecidas pelas universidades que compuseram o córpus, buscando identificar as marcas que aproximam a temática da disciplina com o trabalho que considere a prática docente, já que o eixo em questão pressupõe essa discussão. Como critérios de seleção de córpus, consideramos: contemplar uma universidade de cada estado da Região Sudeste; duas universidades que possuem disciplinas que contenham exclusivamente horas de PCC e outras duas que contenham, em uma mesmo disciplina, horas dos eixos de PCC e Acadêmico Científico. Com isso, as universidades analisadas são: UERJ, UFSCar, UFES e UFTM.


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A standard problem within universities is that of teaching space allocation which can be thought of as the assignment of rooms and times to various teaching activities. The focus is usually on courses that are expected to fit into one room. However, it can also happen that the course will need to be broken up, or ‘split’, into multiple sections. A lecture might be too large to fit into any one room. Another common example is that of seminars or tutorials. Although hundreds of students may be enrolled on a course, it is often subdivided into particular types and sizes of events dependent on the pedagogic requirements of that particular course. Typically, decisions as to how to split courses need to be made within the context of limited space requirements. Institutions do not have an unlimited number of teaching rooms, and need to effectively use those that they do have. The efficiency of space usage is usually measured by the overall ‘utilisation’ which is basically the fraction of the available seat-hours that are actually used. A multi-objective optimisation problem naturally arises; with a trade-off between satisfying preferences on splitting, a desire to increase utilisation, and also to satisfy other constraints such as those based on event location and timetabling conflicts. In this paper, we explore such trade-offs. The explorations themselves are based on a local search method that attempts to optimise the space utilisation by means of a ‘dynamic splitting’ strategy. The local moves are designed to improve utilisation and satisfy the other constraints, but are also allowed to split, and un-split, courses so as to simultaneously meet the splitting objectives.


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Despite the simultaneous progress of traffic modelling both on the macroscopic and microscopic front, recent works [E. Bourrel, J.B. Lessort, Mixing micro and macro representation of traffic flow: a hybrid model based on the LWR theory, Transport. Res. Rec. 1852 (2003) 193–200; D. Helbing, M. Treiber, Critical discussion of “synchronized flow”, Coop. Transport. Dyn. 1 (2002) 2.1–2.24; A. Hennecke, M. Treiber, D. Helbing, Macroscopic simulations of open systems and micro–macro link, in: D. Helbing, H.J. Herrmann, M. Schreckenberg, D.E. Wolf (Eds.), Traffic and Granular Flow ’99, Springer, Berlin, 2000, pp. 383–388] highlighted that one of the most promising way to simulate efficiently traffic flow on large road networks is a clever combination of both traffic representations: the hybrid modelling. Our focus in this paper is to propose two hybrid models for which the macroscopic (resp. mesoscopic) part is based on a class of second order model [A. Aw, M. Rascle, Resurection of second order models of traffic flow?, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 60 (2000) 916–938] whereas the microscopic part is a Follow-the Leader type model [D.C. Gazis, R. Herman, R.W. Rothery, Nonlinear follow-the-leader models of traffic flow, Oper. Res. 9 (1961) 545–567; R. Herman, I. Prigogine, Kinetic Theory of Vehicular Traffic, American Elsevier, New York, 1971]. For the first hybrid model, we define precisely the translation of boundary conditions at interfaces and for the second one we explain the synchronization processes. Furthermore, through some numerical simulations we show that the waves propagation is not disturbed and the mass is accurately conserved when passing from one traffic representation to another.