910 resultados para display output
Synthetic peptides with sequences identical to fragments of the constant region of different classes (IgG, IgM, IgA) of antibodies (Fc-peptides) exerted a fungicidal activity in vitro against pathogenic yeasts, such as Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Malassezia furfur, including caspofungin and triazole resistant strains. Alanine-substituted derivatives of fungicidal Fc-peptides, tested to evaluate the critical role of each residue, displayed unaltered, increased or decreased candidacidal activity in vitro. An Fc-peptide, included in all human IgGs, displayed a therapeutic effect against experimental mucosal and systemic candidiasis in mouse models. It is intriguing to hypothesize that some Fc-peptides may influence the antifungal immune response and constitute the basis for devising new antifungal agents.
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sub-clinical alterations on the amplitudes and slopes of the DPOAE input-output responses from subjects with previous history of middle ear dysfunction. Material/Methods: The study included 15 subjects with and 15 subjects without a history of otitis media in the last 10 years. All participants were assessed with acoustic immittance, pure-tone audiometry, and DPOAEs. For the later, I/O functions and I/O slopes were estimated at 1501, 2002, 3174, 4004 and 6384Hz. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between the 2 groups in terms of behavioral thresholds. The group with a previous history of middle ear dysfunction presented significantly lower mean DPOAE amplitudes at 2002, 3174 and 4004 Hz. In terms of DPOAE slopes, no statistically significant differences were observed at the tested frequencies, except at 3174 Hz. Conclusions: Middle ear pathologies can produce subclinical alterations that are undetectable with traditional pure-tone audiometry. The data from the present study show that reduced amplitude DPOAEs are associated with a previous history of middle ear complications. The corresponding DPOAE slopes were affected at only 1 tested frequency, suggesting that the cochlear non-linearity is preserved. Considering these results, it remains to be elucidated to what degree the DPOAE amplitude attenuation interferes with higher-order auditory tasks.
Abstract Background The mitochondrial DNA of kinetoplastid flagellates is distinctive in the eukaryotic world due to its massive size, complex form and large sequence content. Comprised of catenated maxicircles that contain rRNA and protein-coding genes and thousands of heterogeneous minicircles encoding small guide RNAs, the kinetoplast network has evolved along with an extreme form of mRNA processing in the form of uridine insertion and deletion RNA editing. Many maxicircle-encoded mRNAs cannot be translated without this post-transcriptional sequence modification. Results We present the complete sequence and annotation of the Trypanosoma cruzi maxicircles for the CL Brener and Esmeraldo strains. Gene order is syntenic with Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania tarentolae maxicircles. The non-coding components have strain-specific repetitive regions and a variable region that is unique for each strain with the exception of a conserved sequence element that may serve as an origin of replication, but shows no sequence identity with L. tarentolae or T. brucei. Alternative assemblies of the variable region demonstrate intra-strain heterogeneity of the maxicircle population. The extent of mRNA editing required for particular genes approximates that seen in T. brucei. Extensively edited genes were more divergent among the genera than non-edited and rRNA genes. Esmeraldo contains a unique 236-bp deletion that removes the 5'-ends of ND4 and CR4 and the intergenic region. Esmeraldo shows additional insertions and deletions outside of areas edited in other species in ND5, MURF1, and MURF2, while CL Brener has a distinct insertion in MURF2. Conclusion The CL Brener and Esmeraldo maxicircles represent two of three previously defined maxicircle clades and promise utility as taxonomic markers. Restoration of the disrupted reading frames might be accomplished by strain-specific RNA editing. Elements in the non-coding region may be important for replication, transcription, and anchoring of the maxicircle within the kinetoplast network.
Atherosclerosis is a complex disease in which vessels develop plaques comprising dysfunctional endothelium, monocyte derived lipid laden foam cells and activated lymphocytes. Considering that humans and animal models of the disease develop quite distinct plaques, we used human plaques to search for proteins that could be used as markers of human atheromas. Phage display peptide libraries were probed to fresh human carotid plaques, and a bound phage homologous to plexin B1, a high affinity receptor for CD100, was identified. CD100 is a member of the semaphorin family expressed by most hematopoietic cells and particularly by activated T cells. CD100 expression was analyzed in human plaques and normal samples. CD100 mRNA and protein were analyzed in cultured monocytes, macrophages and foam cells. The effects of CD100 in oxLDL-induced foam cell formation and in CD36 mRNA abundance were evaluated. Human atherosclerotic plaques showed strong labeling of CD100/SEMA4D. CD100 expression was further demonstrated in peripheral blood monocytes and in in vitro differentiated macrophages and foam cells, with diminished CD100 transcript along the differentiation of these cells. Incubation of macrophages with CD100 led to a reduction in oxLDL-induced foam cell formation probably through a decrease of CD36 expression, suggesting for the first time an atheroprotective role for CD100 in the human disease. Given its differential expression in the numerous foam cells and macrophages of the plaques and its capacity to decrease oxLDL engulfment by macrophages we propose that CD100 may have a role in atherosclerotic plaque development, and may possibly be employed in targeted treatments of these atheromas.
It is well established that female sex hormones have a pivotal role in inflammation. For instance, our group has previously reported that estradiol has proinflammatory actions during allergic lung response in animal models. Based on these findings, we have decided to further investigate whether T regulatory cells are affected by female sex hormones absence after ovariectomy. We evaluated by flow cytometry the frequencies of CD4+Foxp3+ T regulatory cells (Tregs) in central and peripheral lymphoid organs, such as the thymus, spleen and lymph nodes. Moreover, we have also used the murine model of allergic lung inflammation a to evaluate how female sex hormones would affect the immune response in vivo. To address that, ovariectomized or sham operated female Balb/c mice were sensitized or not with ovalbumin 7 and 14 days later and subsequently challenged twice by aerosolized ovalbumin on day 21. Besides the frequency of CD4+Foxp3+ T regulatory cells, we also measured the cytokines IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13 and IL-17 in the bronchoalveolar lavage from lungs of ovalbumine challenged groups. Our results demonstrate that the absence of female sex hormones after ovariectomy is able to increase the frequency of Tregs in the periphery. As we did not observe differences in the thymus-derived natural occurring Tregs, our data may indicate expansion or conversion of peripheral adaptive Tregs. In accordance with Treg suppressive activity, ovariectomized and ovalbumine-sensitized and challenged animals had significantly reduced lung inflammation. This was observed after cytokine analysis of lung explants showing significant reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 and IL-17, associated to increased amount of IL-10. In summary, our data clearly demonstrates that OVA sensitization 7 days after ovariectomy culminates in reduced lung inflammation, which may be directly correlated with the expansion of Tregs in the periphery and further higher IL-10 secretion in the lungs.
[EN] To determine central and peripheral hemodynamic responses to upright leg cycling exercise, nine physically active men underwent measurements of arterial blood pressure and gases, as well as femoral and subclavian vein blood flows and gases during incremental exercise to exhaustion (Wmax). Cardiac output (CO) and leg blood flow (BF) increased in parallel with exercise intensity. In contrast, arm BF remained at 0.8 l/min during submaximal exercise, increasing to 1.2 +/- 0.2 l/min at maximal exercise (P < 0.05) when arm O(2) extraction reached 73 +/- 3%. The leg received a greater percentage of the CO with exercise intensity, reaching a value close to 70% at 64% of Wmax, which was maintained until exhaustion. The percentage of CO perfusing the trunk decreased with exercise intensity to 21% at Wmax, i.e., to approximately 5.5 l/min. For a given local Vo(2), leg vascular conductance (VC) was five- to sixfold higher than arm VC, despite marked hemoglobin deoxygenation in the subclavian vein. At peak exercise, arm VC was not significantly different than at rest. Leg Vo(2) represented approximately 84% of the whole body Vo(2) at intensities ranging from 38 to 100% of Wmax. Arm Vo(2) contributed between 7 and 10% to the whole body Vo(2). From 20 to 100% of Wmax, the trunk Vo(2) (including the gluteus muscles) represented between 14 and 15% of the whole body Vo(2). In summary, vasoconstrictor signals efficiently oppose the vasodilatory metabolites in the arms, suggesting that during whole body exercise in the upright position blood flow is differentially regulated in the upper and lower extremities.
[EN] With altitude acclimatization, blood hemoglobin concentration increases while plasma volume (PV) and maximal cardiac output (Qmax) decrease. This investigation aimed to determine whether reduction of Qmax at altitude is due to low circulating blood volume (BV). Eight Danish lowlanders (3 females, 5 males: age 24.0 +/- 0.6 yr; mean +/- SE) performed submaximal and maximal exercise on a cycle ergometer after 9 wk at 5,260 m altitude (Mt. Chacaltaya, Bolivia). This was done first with BV resulting from acclimatization (BV = 5.40 +/- 0.39 liters) and again 2-4 days later, 1 h after PV expansion with 1 liter of 6% dextran 70 (BV = 6.32 +/- 0.34 liters). PV expansion had no effect on Qmax, maximal O2 consumption (VO2), and exercise capacity. Despite maximal systemic O2 transport being reduced 19% due to hemodilution after PV expansion, whole body VO2 was maintained by greater systemic O2 extraction (P < 0.05). Leg blood flow was elevated (P < 0.05) in hypervolemic conditions, which compensated for hemodilution resulting in similar leg O2 delivery and leg VO2 during exercise regardless of PV. Pulmonary ventilation, gas exchange, and acid-base balance were essentially unaffected by PV expansion. Sea level Qmax and exercise capacity were restored with hyperoxia at altitude independently of BV. Low BV is not a primary cause for reduction of Qmax at altitude when acclimatized. Furthermore, hemodilution caused by PV expansion at altitude is compensated for by increased systemic O2 extraction with similar peak muscular O2 delivery, such that maximal exercise capacity is unaffected.
[EN] A universal O2 sensor presumes that compensation for impaired O2 delivery is triggered by low O2 tension, but in humans, comparisons of compensatory responses to altered arterial O2 content (CaO2) or tension (PaO2) have not been reported. To directly compare cardiac output (QTOT) and leg blood flow (LBF) responses to a range of CaO2 and PaO2, seven healthy young men were studied during two-legged knee extension exercise with control hemoglobin concentration ([Hb] = 144.4 +/- 4 g/l) and at least 1 wk later after isovolemic hemodilution ([Hb] = 115 +/- 2 g/l). On each study day, subjects exercised twice at 30 W and on to voluntary exhaustion with an FIO2 of 0.21 or 0.11. The interventions resulted in two conditions with matched CaO2 but markedly different PaO2 (hypoxia and anemia) and two conditions with matched PaO2 and different CaO2 (hypoxia and anemia + hypoxia). PaO2 varied from 46 +/- 3 Torr in hypoxia to 95 +/- 3 Torr (range 37 to >100) in anemia (P < 0.001), yet LBF at exercise was nearly identical. However, as CaO2 dropped from 190 +/- 5 ml/l in control to 132 +/- 2 ml/l in anemia + hypoxia (P < 0.001), QTOT and LBF at 30 W rose to 12.8 +/- 0.8 and 7.2 +/- 0.3 l/min, respectively, values 23 and 47% above control (P < 0.01). Thus regulation of QTOT, LBF, and arterial O2 delivery to contracting intact human skeletal muscle is dependent for signaling primarily on CaO2, not PaO2. This finding suggests that factors related to CaO2 or [Hb] may play an important role in the regulation of blood flow during exercise in humans.
Modulo 2: lezioni 10-12
Modulo 2: lezioni 18-21
Modulo 2: Lezioni 22-24
Modulo 2. Esempio di modello input output di complemento ai lucidi sulle TIO
La mostra è diventata un nuovo paradigma della cultura contemporanea. Sostenuta da proprie regole e da una grammatica complessa produce storie e narrazioni. La presente ricerca di dottorato si struttura come un ragionamento critico sulle strategie del display contemporaneo, tentando di dimostrare, con strumenti investigativi eterogenei, assumendo fonti eclettiche e molteplici approcci disciplinari - dall'arte contemporanea, alla critica d'arte, la museologia, la sociologia, l'architettura e gli studi curatoriali - come il display sia un modello discorsivo di produzione culturale con cui il curatore si esprime. La storia delle esposizioni del XX secolo è piena di tentativi di cambiamento del rapporto tra lo sviluppo di pratiche artistiche e la sperimentazione di un nuovo concetto di mostra. Nei tardi anni Sessanta l’ingresso, nella scena dell’arte, dell’area del concettuale, demolisce, con un azzeramento radicale, tutte le convenzioni della rappresentazione artistica del dopoguerra, ‘teatralizzando’ il medium della mostra come strumento di potere e introducendo un nuovo “stile di presentazione” dei lavori, un display ‘dematerializzato” che rovescia le classiche relazioni tra opera, artista, spazio e istituzione, tra un curatore che sparisce (Siegelaub) e un curatore super-artista (Szeemann), nel superamento del concetto tradizionale di mostra stessa, in cui il lavoro del curatore, in quanto autore creativo, assumeva una propria autonomia strutturale all’interno del sistema dell’arte. Lo studio delle radici di questo cambiamento, ossia l’emergere di due tipi di autorialità: il curatore indipendente e l’artista che produce installazioni, tra il 1968 e il 1972 (le mostre di Siegelaub e Szeemann, la mimesi delle pratiche artistiche e curatoriali di Broodthaers e la tensione tra i due ruoli generata dalla Critica Istituzionale) permette di inquadrare teoricamente il fenomeno. Uno degli obbiettivi della ricerca è stato anche affrontare la letteratura critica attraverso una revisione/costruzione storiografica sul display e la storia delle teorie e pratiche curatoriali - formalizzata in modo non sistematico all'inizio degli anni Novanta, a partire da una rilettura retrospettiva della esperienze delle neoavanguardie – assumendo materiali e metodologie provenienti, come già dichiarato, da ambiti differenti, come richiedeva la composizione sfaccettata e non fissata dell’oggetto di studio, con un atteggiamento che si può definire comparato e post-disciplinare. Il primo capitolo affronta gli anni Sessanta, con la successione sistematica dei primi episodi sperimentali attraverso tre direzioni: l’emergere e l’affermarsi del curatore come autore, la proliferazione di mostre alternative che sovvertivano il formato tradizionale e le innovazioni prodotte dagli artisti organizzatori di mostre della Critica Istituzionale. Esponendo la smaterializzazione concettuale, Seth Siegelaub, gallerista, critico e impresario del concettuale, ha realizzato una serie di mostre innovative; Harald Szeemann crea la posizione indipendente di exhibition maker a partire When attitudes become forms fino al display anarchico di Documenta V; gli artisti organizzatori di mostre della Critica Istituzionale, soprattutto Marcel Broodhthears col suo Musée d’Art Moderne, Départment des Aigles, analizzano la struttura della logica espositiva come opera d’arte. Nel secondo capitolo l’indagine si sposta verso la scena attivista e alternativa americana degli anni Ottanta: Martha Rosler, le pratiche community-based di Group Material, Border Art Workshop/Taller de Arte Fronterizo, Guerrilla Girls, ACT UP, Art Workers' Coalition che, con proposte diverse elaborano un nuovo modello educativo e/o partecipativo di mostra, che diventa anche terreno del confronto sociale. La mostra era uno svincolo cruciale tra l’arte e le opere rese accessibili al pubblico, in particolare le narrazioni, le idee, le storie attivate, attraverso un originale ragionamento sulle implicazioni sociali del ruolo del curatore che suggeriva punti di vista alternativi usando un forum istituzionale. Ogni modalità di display stabiliva relazioni nuove tra artisti, istituzioni e audience generando abitudini e rituali diversi per guardare la mostra. Il potere assegnato all’esposizione, creava contesti e situazioni da agire, che rovesciavano i metodi e i formati culturali tradizionali. Per Group Material, così come nelle reading-room di Martha Rosler, la mostra temporanea era un medium con cui si ‘postulavano’ le strutture di rappresentazione e i modelli sociali attraverso cui, regole, situazioni e luoghi erano spesso sovvertiti. Si propongono come artisti che stanno ridefinendo il ruolo della curatela (significativamente scartano la parola ‘curatori’ e si propongono come ‘organizzatori’). La situazione cambia nel 1989 con la caduta del muro di Berlino. Oltre agli sconvolgimenti geopolitici, la fine della guerra fredda e dell’ideologia, l’apertura ai flussi e gli scambi conseguenti al crollo delle frontiere, i profondi e drammatici cambiamenti politici che coinvolgono l’Europa, corrispondono al parallelo mutamento degli scenari culturali e delle pratiche espositive. Nel terzo capitolo si parte dall’analisi del rapporto tra esposizioni e Late Capitalist Museum - secondo la definizione di Rosalind Krauss - con due mostre cruciali: Le Magiciens de la Terre, alle origini del dibattito postcoloniale e attraverso il soggetto ineffabile di un’esposizione: Les Immatériaux, entrambe al Pompidou. Proseguendo nell’analisi dell’ampio corpus di saggi, articoli, approfondimenti dedicati alle grandi manifestazioni internazionali, e allo studio dell’espansione globale delle Biennali, avviene un cambiamento cruciale a partire da Documenta X del 1997: l’inclusione di lavori di natura interdisciplinare e la persistente integrazione di elementi discorsivi (100 days/100 guests). Nella maggior parte degli interventi in materia di esposizioni su scala globale oggi, quello che viene implicitamente o esplicitamente messo in discussione è il limite del concetto e della forma tradizionale di mostra. La sfida delle pratiche contemporanee è non essere più conformi alle tre unità classiche della modernità: unità di tempo, di spazio e di narrazione. L’episodio più emblematico viene quindi indagato nel terzo capitolo: la Documenta X di Catherine David, il cui merito maggiore è stato quello di dichiarare la mostra come format ormai insufficiente a rappresentare le nuove istanze contemporanee. Le quali avrebbero richiesto - altrimenti - una pluralità di modelli, di spazi e di tempi eterogenei per poter divenire un dispositivo culturale all’altezza dei tempi. La David decostruisce lo spazio museale come luogo esclusivo dell’estetico: dalla mostra laboratorio alla mostra come archivio, l’evento si svolge nel museo ma anche nella città, con sottili interventi di dissimulazione urbana, nel catalogo e nella piattaforma dei 100 giorni di dibattito. Il quarto capitolo affronta l’ultima declinazione di questa sperimentazione espositiva: il fenomeno della proliferazione delle Biennali nei processi di globalizzazione culturale. Dalla prima mostra postcoloniale, la Documenta 11 di Okwui Enwezor e il modello delle Platforms trans-disciplinari, al dissolvimento dei ruoli in uno scenario post-szeemanniano con gli esperimenti curatoriali su larga scala di Sogni e conflitti, alla 50° Biennale di Venezia. Sono analizzati diversi modelli espositivi (la mostra-arcipelago di Edouard Glissant; il display in crescita di Zone of Urgency come estetizzazione del disordine metropolitano; il format relazionale e performativo di Utopia Station; il modello del bric à brac; la “Scuola” di Manifesta 6). Alcune Biennali sono state sorprendentemente autoriflessive e hanno consentito un coinvolgimento più analitico con questa particolare forma espressiva. Qual è l'impatto sulla storia e il dibattito dei sistemi espositivi? Conclusioni: Cos’è la mostra oggi? Uno spazio sotto controllo, uno spazio del conflitto e del dissenso, un modello educativo e/o partecipativo? Una piattaforma, un dispositivo, un archivio? Uno spazio di negoziazione col mercato o uno spazio di riflessione e trasformazione? L’arte del display: ipotesi critiche, prospettive e sviluppi recenti.