960 resultados para dilute-nitric-acid hydrolysis


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A post-complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible microfabrication process of piezoelectric cantilevers has been developed. The fabrication process is suitable for standard silicon technology and provides low-cost and high-throughput manufacturing. This work reports design, fabrication and characterization of piezoelectric cantilevers based on aluminum nitride (AlN) thin films synthesized at room temperature. The proposed microcantilever system is a sandwich structure composed of chromium (Cr) electrodes and a sputtered AlN film. The key issue for cantilever fabrication is the growth at room temperature of the AlN layer by reactive sputtering, making possible the innovative compatibility of piezoelectric MEMS devices with CMOS circuits already processed. AlN and Cr have been etched by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) dry etching using a BCl3–Cl2–Ar plasma chemistry. As part of the novelty of the post-CMOS micromachining process presented here, a silicon Si (1 0 0) wafer has been used as substrate as well as the sacrificial layer used to release the microcantilevers. In order to achieve this, the Si surface underneath the structure has been wet etched using an HNA (hydrofluoric acid + nitric acid + acetic acid) based solution. X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization indicated the high crystalline quality of the AlN film. An atomic force microscope (AFM) has been used to determine the Cr electrode surface roughness. The morphology of the fabricated devices has been studied by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The cantilevers have been piezoelectrically actuated and their out-of-plane vibration modes were detected by vibrometry.


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Padua S.B. & Ishikawa M.M. [Metachromasia for blood basophils identification in hybrid surubim catfish: methodological contribution]. Metacromasia para identificacao de basofilos sanguineos em surubim hibrido: contribuicao metodologica. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 33(3):147-150, 2011. Centro de Aquicultura da Unesp/Jaboticabal Rod. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n Bairro Rural, Jaboticabal, 14884-900, SP. Brasil. E-mail: santiagopadua@live.comDifferent protocols of fixation and hydrolysis of blood smears of hybrid surubim catfish for metachromasia to marking blood basophils were evaluated. For this reason, methanol, acid-alcohol and formalin vapor were tested as fixatives. For hydrolysis of blood smears, HCl, citric acid and 2-Mercaptoethanol + Urea + NaCl solutions was evaluated. After procedures, the blood smears was stained with toluidine blue (0.025%) diluted in McIlvaine buffer (pH 4). The different protocols for fixation and hydrolysis of blood smears for metachromasia influenced the quality of the reaction. Hydrolysis with 2-Mercaptoethanol + Urea + NaCl solutions provided negative results when using methanol and acid-alcohol as fixatives. The fixation with acid-alcohol associated with citric acid hydrolysis provides highest quality reason.


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This project describes a methodology optimization that would allow for a more efficient microwave assisted digestion process for petroleum samples. With the possible chance to vary various factors at once to see if any one factor was significant enough in the answers, experimental planning was used. Microwave assisted digestion allows, through the application of potency, an increasing number of collisions between the HNO3 and H2O2 molecules, favoring sample opening for complex matrixes. For this, a 24 factorial experimental planning was used, varying potency, time and the volumes for HNO3 65% and H2O2 30%. To achieve the desired answers, several elements were monitored (C, Cu, Cr, Fe, Ni, Zn and V) through Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). With this initial study it was noticed that the HNO3 was not a significant factor for any of the statistical studies for any of the analytes and the other 3 factors and their interactions showed statistical significance. A Box Behnken experimental planning was used taking in consideration 3 factors: H2O2 volume, time (min) and Potency (W), Nitric Acid kept at 4mL for a mass of 0,1g of petroleum. The results were extremely satisfying showing higher efficiency in the digestion process and taking in a responsibility between the answers for each analyte and the carbon monitoring was achieved in the following conditions: 7mL of H2O2, 700 Watts of potency and a reaction time of 7 minutes with 4mL de HNO3 for a mass of 0,1g of petroleum. The optimized digestion process was applied to four different petroleum samples and the analytes determined by ICP-OES


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In this study a largely available lignocellulose feedstock hemp (Cannabis sativa), obtained as an industrial waste, was used for cellulose extraction. The extraction of cellulose microfibres from hemp biomass was conducted by alkaline treatment and an acidification process. The extracted cellulose microfibres were characterised using Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).The viability of the study was determined by growing human fibroblasts on the preparation which resulted in being non-toxic; indicating its potential in preparing biological scaffolds. Upon enzymatic hydrolysis of the cellulose microfibre using cellulase from Trichoderma reesei, a maximum of 909 mg/g of reducing sugars were obtained, which endorses its suitability for biofuel production.


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Graphene oxide (GO) based magnetic nano-sorbent was synthesized by assembling the Fe3O4 and GO on the surface of polystyrene (denoted as PS@Fe3O4@GO). The morphology of the nano-sorbent was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), while their individual nano-components were characterized using UV-visible spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), zeta potential, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The assembled nano-sorbent was further investigated for Pb (II) ions removal by optimizing the parameters including pH, temperature and contact time. The obtained data was modelled for adsorption kinetics, adsorption isotherms and thermodynamics. Kinetic experiments indicated the Pb (II) adsorption followed first order kinetics. The adsorption equilibrium data fits Langmuir isotherm model well and the adsorption process was found to be spontaneous. The adsorption capacity of the prepared nano-sorbent was estimated to be 73.52mgg-1, with a maximum removal of 93.78% at pH 6. The nano-sorbent can be regenerated by nitric acid (HNO3) for reuse. FT-IR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies confirmed the interactions between the Pb (II) ions and the nano-sorbent.


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A novel route to prepare highly active and stable N2O decomposition catalysts is presented, based on Fe-exchanged beta zeolite. The procedure consists of liquid phase Fe(III) exchange at low pH. By varying the pH systematically from 3.5 to 0, using nitric acid during each Fe(III)-exchange procedure, the degree of dealumination was controlled, verified by ICP and NMR. Dealumination changes the presence of neighbouring octahedral Al sites of the Fe sites, improving the performance for this reaction. The so-obtained catalysts exhibit a remarkable enhancement in activity, for an optimal pH of 1. Further optimization by increasing the Fe content is possible. The optimal formulation showed good conversion levels, comparable to a benchmark Fe-ferrierite catalyst. The catalyst stability under tail gas conditions containing NO, O2 and H2O was excellent, without any appreciable activity decay during 70 h time on stream. Based on characterisation and data analysis from ICP, single pulse excitation NMR, MQ MAS NMR, N2 physisorption, TPR(H2) analysis and apparent activation energies, the improved catalytic performance is attributed to an increased concentration of active sites. Temperature programmed reduction experiments reveal significant changes in the Fe(III) reducibility pattern with the presence of two reduction peaks; tentatively attributed to the interaction of the Fe-oxo species with electron withdrawing extraframework AlO6 species, causing a delayed reduction. A low-temperature peak is attributed to Fe-species exchanged on zeolitic AlO4 sites, which are partially charged by the presence of the neighbouring extraframework AlO6 sites. Improved mass transport phenomena due to acid leaching is ruled out. The increased activity is rationalized by an active site model, whose concentration increases by selectively washing out the distorted extraframework AlO6 species under acidic (optimal) conditions, liberating active Fe species.


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INTRODUCCIÓN Las alteraciones de la salud relacionadas con el trabajo (enfermedades y accidentes), pueden prevenirse desde las actividades bien enfocadas del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SGSST), realizando la identificación y control de los agentes causales en el ambiente de trabajo y la vigilancia de la salud de la población trabajadora. El proyecto desarrollado va dirigido a un grupo específico de artesanos orfebres en la ciudad de Mompox, Bolivar, en la que esta labor artesanal se centra en el arte de la filigrana, transmitido generacionalmente desde antaño En esta ciudad los artesanos orfebres, aunque corresponden a un sector informal de la economía, se encuentran agremiados principalmente en tres asociaciones ubicadas en la cabecera municipal. En el desempeño de sus labores, estos profesionales del arte de la filigrana manipulan agentes químicos como el ácido nítrico, el ácido sulfúrico, la plata y el mercurio, los cuales se utilizan en las diferentes etapas del proceso que incluye técnicas propias de esta labor. Teniendo en cuenta que la información disponible en la literatura científica describe principalmente los efectos de agentes químicos en otros oficios diferentes a la población orfebre y conociendo que la exposición a estas sustancias químicas puede generar variados efectos en el organismo, el interés de este proyecto se centra específicamente en las alteraciones cutáneas posiblemente relacionadas con las condiciones de trabajo de esta población del sector informal. MATERIALES Y METODOS La presente investigación es un estudio de corte trasversal, el cual realizó una selección por conveniencia de 114 trabajadores de orfebres Momposinos con el fin de identificar la relación de las condiciones de trabajo con la presencia de alteraciones cutáneas de los trabajadores que laboran en la orfebrería artesanal en la ciudad de Mompox, departamento de Bolívar, en el año 2015, de tal manera que dejando a consideración la descripción de los hallazgos encontrados, se posibiliten futuras y precisas investigaciones e intervenciones en este colectivo de trabajadores. Los instrumentos empleados para la recolección de la información y para el cumplimento de los objetivos fueron la encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el trabajo de España (INSHT) que permite recolectar información sobre la caracterización de la población a nivel sociodemográfico y ocupacional, y para la determinación de patologías dermatológicas relacionadas con el trabajo se utilizó el Cuestionario NOSQ-2002 Nórdico- Enfermedades Cutáneas de origen Laboral, en su versión validada en español. Se describieron las variables categóricas con porcentajes y las continuas (cuantitativas) con medidas de tendencia central y dispersión La asociación entre los hallazgos de exposición ocupacional y los síntomas y signos en piel, fue estimada mediante riesgos relativos. RESULTADOS El 75,4% del total de la población correspondió al género masculino y el 67,5% reportó realizar sus labores como trabajadores independientes. Respecto a la identificación de condiciones de salud, la percepción por parte de los orfebres fue positiva, reportando muy buena salud en el 34% de los mismos. El 8% de la población manifestó alteraciones dermatológicas tipo eczema en los últimos seis meses y el 11% las presentó principalmente en manos. Respecto de la iniciación del eczema, el 97% de los trabajadores reportó que se iniciaba al contacto con sustancias químicas y el 98,7% manifestó que se encontraban realizando la labor de orfebrería cuando inició el eczema. La lesión prevalente fue mancha roja sin edema (8%), seguida de ronchas o manchas y ampollas pequeñas (3%) y de piel seca con escamas (2%). CONCLUSIONES Los resultados de la presente investigación mostraron la prevalencia de alteraciones cutáneas principalmente en las manos, tipo eczema (manchas rojas) o prurito (picor). Se recomienda la disminución de los tiempos de exposición, adecuación de jornadas y tiempos de descanso, sistemas de protección personal adecuados y la implementación de un programa de educación y participación para el control integral del riesgo.


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Activated carbon (AC) has proved to be an effective adsorbent for the removal of an assortment of organic and inorganic pollutants from aqueous or gaseous media. However, the pursuit for more effective and cheaper AC is still very active and a diversity of textural and chemical treatments are described as a way to expand their applications. It is well known that the surface area and surface chemistry of AC strongly affect their adsorption capacity [1-3]. In particular, an increase in the nitrogen content has been related to an increase of the basic character and also to the development of the porous structure. In most published work this was achieved through an AC post treatment, including either a reaction with nitrogen containing reagents, such as ammonia, nitric acid, or a diversity of amines. However, the AC prepared directly from a nitrogen rich precursor through a physical or chemical activation is referred to as presenting the best characteristics, namely high nitrogen content, high basic character, low nitrogen leaching and also a good thermal stability [4]. To improve the AC adsorption capacities for acidic pesticide removal from the aqueous phase, we intend to improve the porous structure and introduce nitrogenated groups directly into the AC matrix, using different co-adjuvant activating agents as a nitrogen source, by chemical activation, with potassium hydroxide, of cork or poly(ethyleneterephthalate) (PET) precursors.


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Pilot and industrial scale dilute acid pretreatment data can be difficult to obtain due to the significant infrastructure investment required. Consequently, models of dilute acid pretreatment by necessity use laboratory scale data to determine kinetic parameters and make predictions about optimal pretreatment conditions at larger scales. In order for these recommendations to be meaningful, the ability of laboratory scale models to predict pilot and industrial scale yields must be investigated. A mathematical model of the dilute acid pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse has previously been developed by the authors. This model was able to successfully reproduce the experimental yields of xylose and short chain xylooligomers obtained at the laboratory scale. In this paper, the ability of the model to reproduce pilot scale yield and composition data is examined. It was found that in general the model over predicted the pilot scale reactor yields by a significant margin. Models that appear very promising at the laboratory scale may have limitations when predicting yields on a pilot or industrial scale. It is difficult to comment whether there are any consistent trends in optimal operating conditions between reactor scale and laboratory scale hydrolysis due to the limited reactor datasets available. Further investigation is needed to determine whether the model has some efficacy when the kinetic parameters are re-evaluated by parameter fitting to reactor scale data, however, this requires the compilation of larger datasets. Alternatively, laboratory scale mathematical models may have enhanced utility for predicting larger scale reactor performance if bulk mass transport and fluid flow considerations are incorporated into the fibre scale equations. This work reinforces the need for appropriate attention to be paid to pilot scale experimental development when moving from laboratory to pilot and industrial scales for new technologies.


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Sphingomyelin was hydrolyzed to ceramide near quantitatively on treatment with 40% HF at 40°C for 72 hr. The reaction of sphingomyelin with HF is much slower than phosphoglycerides. HF treatment did not alter either the fatty acid composition or the stereochemical configuration of the sphingosine moiety of ceramide formed.


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The widespread deployment of commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol currently hinges on developing and evaluating scalable processes whilst broadening feedstock options. This study investigates whole Eucalyptus grandis trees as a potential feedstock and demonstrates dilute acid pre-treatment (with steam explosion) followed by pre-saccharification simultaneous saccharification fermentation process (PSSF) as a suitable, scalable strategy for the production of bioethanol. Biomass was pre-treated in dilute H2SO4 at laboratory scale (0.1 kg) and pilot scale (10 kg) to evaluate the effect of combined severity factor (CSF) on pre-treatment effectiveness. Subsequently, pilot-scale pre-treated residues (15 wt.%) were converted to ethanol in a PSSF process at 2 L and 300 L scales. Good polynomial correlations (n = 2) of CSF with hemicellulose removal and glucan digestibility with a minimum R2 of 0.91 were recorded. The laboratory-scale 72 h glucan digestibility and glucose yield was 68.0% and 51.3%, respectively, from biomass pre-treated at 190 °C /15 min/ 4.8 wt.% H2SO4. Pilot-scale pre-treatment (180 °C/ 15 min/2.4 wt.% H2SO4 followed by steam explosion) delivered higher glucan digestibility (71.8%) and glucose yield (63.6%). However, the ethanol yields using PSSF were calculated at 82.5 and 113 kg/ton of dry biomass for the pilot and the laboratory scales, respectively. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd


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By employing Carstensen's phase-comparison pulse method for measuring ultrasonic velocity-differences, the compressibility of sulphuric acid has been studied anew, the special interest being in the low concentration region. Sulphuric acid is found to show at first a decrease in velocity with increasing concentration and then an increase. The curve representing the apparent molal compressibility Φ(κ̄2) against the square root of the molar concentration c, shows a maximum and a minimum. This anomalous behaviour is interesting in view of the extreme anomalies in other colligative properties of sulphuric acid. A qualitative explanation of the observed maximum and minimum has been suggested.


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Intramolecular amide hydrolysis of N-methylmaleamic acid is revisited at the B3LYP/6-311G(2df,p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)+ZVPE level, including solvent effects at the CPCM-B3LYP/6-311G(2df,p)//Onsager-B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)+ZPVE level. The concerted reaction mechanism is energetically favorable over stepwise reaction mechanisms in both the gas phase and solution. The calculated reaction barriers are significantly lower in solution than in the gas phase. In addition, it is concluded that the substituents of the four N-methylmaleamic acid derivatives considered herein have a significant effect on the gas-phase reaction barriers but a smaller, or little, effect on the barriers in solution.


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The intramolecular amide hydrolysis of N-methylmaleamic acid have been revisited by use of density functional theory and inclusion of solvent effects. The results indicate that concerted reaction mechanism is favored over stepwise reaction mechanism. This is in agreement with the previous theoretical study. Sovlent effects have significant influence on the reaction barrier.