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The nasal absorption of larger peptide and protein drugs is generally low. The importance of the mucus layer and enzymic degradation in reducing absorption were investigated. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods were developed to assay a variety of compounds. Pig gastric mucus (PGM) was selected to investigate the importance of the mucus layer. A method of treating and storing PGM was developed and evaluated which was representative of the gel in vivo. The nature of the mucus barrier was evaluated in vitro with three-compartment diffusion cells and a series of compounds with differing physicochemical properties. Mucus retarded the diffusion of all the compounds with molecular weight and charge exerting a marked effect. Binding to mucus was investigated by a centrifugation method. All of the compounds tested were found to bind to mucus with the exception of the negatively charged molecule benzoic acid. The small peptides did not demonstrate greater binding to mucus than any of the other compounds evaluated. The effect of some absorption enhancers upon the rate of diffusion of tryptophan through mucus was determined in vi tro. At the concentrations employed the enhancers EDTA, N-acetylcysteine and taurodeoxycholic acid exerted no effect, whilst taurocholic acid and cholic acid, were found to slightly reduce the rate of diffusion. The intracellular and luminal proteolytic activity of the nose was investigated in the sheep animal model with a nasal mucosal homogenate and a nasal wash preparation respectively and a series of chemically similar peptides. Hydrolysis was also investigated with the proteolytic enzymes carboxypeptidase A, cytosolic leucine aminopeptidase and microsomal leucine aminopeptidase. Sheep nasal mucosa possesses significant peptide hydrolase activity capable of degrading all the substrates tested. Considerable variation in susceptibility was observed. Degradation occurred excl us i ve ly at the pept ide bond between the aromatic amino ac id and glycine, indicating some specificity for aromatic amino acids. Hydrolysis profiles indicated the presence of both aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase enzymes. The specific activity of the microsomal fraction was found to be greater than the cytosolic fraction. Hydrolysis in the nasal wash indicated the presence of either luminal or loosely-bound proteases, which can degrade peptide substrates. The same specificity for aromatic amino acids was observed and aminopeptidase activity demonstrated. The specific activity of the nasal wash was smaller than that of the homogenate.


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AIDS dementia complex is a common neurological syndrome thought to result from the invasion of the CNS by HIV. Phosphonoformate has anti-HIV activity but due to its charged nature is excluded from the CNS by the blood-brain barrier. Lipophilic triesters of phosphonoformate designed to improve transport properties are unsuitable prodrugs due to their rapid and complicated hydrolysis, involving competitive P-O and P-C bond cleavage. Diesters, though hydrolytically stable, are considered too polar to passively diffuse into the CNS. Hydrophilic drugs mimicking endogenous nutrients are known to be actively transported across the blood-brain barrier. In this thesis the possibility that diesters of phosphonoformate may be actively transported is investigated. Triesters of phosphonoformate with labile aryl carboxyl esterrs were synthesised and their hydrolysis followed by 31P NMR spectroscopy. The triesters were found to undergo rapid hydrolysis via P-C bond cleavage to the phosphite. Phosphonoformate diesters designed to be analogues of actively transported -keto acids have been synthesised and fully characterised. Tyrosine-phosphonoformate and lipid-phosphonoformate conjugates have also been synthesised and characterised. An in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier utilising confluent monolayers of porcine brain microvessel endothelial cells grown on a permeable support has been established. The presence of enzyme and antigen markers specific to the blood-brain barrier has been demonstrated for the endothelial cells and the diffusional properties of the model investigated with hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds. Active transport systems for -keto acids and large amino acids have been identified in the endothelial cell monolayers using 14C-pyruvate and 3H-L-tyrosine respectively. Temperature and concentration dependence of the two systems have been demonstrated and transport constants calculated. Competition with 14C-pyruvate transport was shown with other monocarboxylic acids including the anti-epileptic drug valproate. Stereospecificity was shown in that L-lactate inhibited pyruvate transport while D-lactate did not. Sodium methyl methoxycarbonylphosphonate, a phosphonoformate diester was shown not to compete for 14C-pyruvate transport indicating that this compound has no affinity for the carrier. Competition with 3H-L-tyrosine transport was shown with other large amino acids, including the anti-Parkinsonian agent L-dopa. Stereospecificity was shown using L- and D-tyrosine and L- and D-dopa. The tyrosine-phosphonoformate conjugate, which was stable under the experimental conditions, was shown to compete with 3H-Ltyrosine transport indicating that it may be actively transported at the blood-brain barrier. Thirty two triesters, diesters and monoesters of phosphonoformate, showed no activity in an anti-HIV screen above that attributable to hydrolysis to the parent compound.


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The use of immunological adjuvants has been established since 1924 and ever since many candidates have been extensively researched in vaccine development. The controlled release of vaccine is another area of biotechnology research, which is advancing rapidly with great potential and success. Encapsulation of peptide and protein drugs within biodegradable microspheres has been amongst the most successful of approaches within the past decade. The present studies have focused on combining the advantages of microsphere delivery systems composed of biodegradable polylactide (PLLA) and polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) polymers with that of safe and effective adjuvants. The research efforts were directed to the development of single-dose delivery vehicles which, can be manufactured easily, safely, under mild and favourable conditions to the encapsulated antigens. In pursuing this objective non ionic block copolymers (NIBCs) (Pluronics@ LI01 and L121) were incorporated within poly-dl-lactide (PDLA) micorospheres prepared with emulsification-diffusion method. LI0I and L121 served both as adjuvants and stabilising agents within these vaccine delivery vehicles. These formulations encapsulating the model antigens lysozyme, ovalbumin (OVA) and diphtheria toxoid (DT) resulted in high entrapment efficiency (99%), yield (96.7%) and elicited high and sustained immune response (IgG titres up to 9427) after one single administration over nine months. The structural integrity of the antigens was preserved within these formulations. In evaluating new approaches for the use of well-established adjuvants such as alum, these particles were incorporated within PLLA and PLGA microspheres at much lesser quantities (5-10 times lower) than those contained within conventional alum-adsorbed vaccines. These studies focused on the incorporation of the clinically relevant tetanus toxoid (TT) antigen within biodegradable microspheres. The encapsulation of both alum particles and TT antigen within these micropheres resulted in preparations with high encapsulation efficiency (95%) and yield (91.2%). The immune response to these particles was also investigated to evaluate the secretion of serum IgG, IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b after a single administration of these vaccines. The Splenic cells proliferation was also investigated as an indication for the induction of cell mediated immunity. These particles resulted in high and sustained immune response over a period of 14 months. The stability of TT within particles was also investigated under dry storage over a period of several months. NIBC microspheres were also investigated as potential DNA vaccine delivery systems using hepatitis B plasmid. These particles resulted in micro spheres of 3-5 μm diameter and were shown to preserve the integrity of the encapsulated (27.7% entrapment efficiency) hepatitis B plasmid.


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The number of new chemical entities (NCE) is increasing every day after the introduction of combinatorial chemistry and high throughput screening to the drug discovery cycle. One third of these new compounds have aqueous solubility less than 20µg/mL [1]. Therefore, a great deal of interest has been forwarded to the salt formation technique to overcome solubility limitations. This study aims to improve the drug solubility of a Biopharmaceutical Classification System class II (BCS II) model drug (Indomethacin; IND) using basic amino acids (L-arginine, L-lysine and L-histidine) as counterions. Three new salts were prepared using freeze drying method and characterised by FT-IR spectroscopy, proton nuclear magnetic resonance ((1)HNMR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The effect of pH on IND solubility was also investigated using pH-solubility profile. Both arginine and lysine formed novel salts with IND, while histidine failed to dissociate the free acid and in turn no salt was formed. Arginine and lysine increased IND solubility by 10,000 and 2296 fold, respectively. An increase in dissolution rate was also observed for the novel salts. Since these new salts have improved IND solubility to that similar to BCS class I drugs, IND salts could be considered for possible waivers of bioequivalence.


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Localised, targeted drug delivery to the oesophagus offers the potential for more effective delivery and reduced drug dosages, coupled with increased patient compliance. This thesis considers bioadhesive liquids, orally retained tablets and films as well as chewable dosage forms as drug delivery systems to target the oesophagus. Miconazole nitrate was used as a model antifungal agent. Chitosan and xanthan gum hydrogels were evaluated as viscous polymer viables with the in vitro retention, drug release and minimum inhibitory concentration values of the formulations measured. Xanthan showed prolonged retention on the oesophageal surface in vitro yet chitosan reduced the MIC value; both polymers offer potential for local targeting to the oesophagus. Cellulose derivatives were investigated within orally retained dosage forms. Both drug and polymer dissolution rates were measured to investigate the drug release mechanism and to develop a formulation with concomitant drug and polymer release to target the oesophagus with solubilised drug within a viscous media. Several in vitro dissolution methods were evaluated to measure drug release from chewable dosage forms with both drug and polymer dissolution quantified to investigate the effects of dissolution apparatus on drug release. The results from this thesis show that a range of drug delivery strategies that can be used to target drug to the oesophagus. The composition of these formulations as well as the methodology used within the development are crucial to best understand the formulation and predict its performance in vivo.


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Cationic liposomes of dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA) incorporating the glycolipid trehalose 6,6-dibehenate (TDB) forms a promising liposomal vaccine adjuvant. To be exploited as effective subunit vaccine delivery systems, the physicochemical characteristics of liposomes were studied in detail and correlated with their effectiveness in vivo, in an attempt to elucidate key aspects controlling their efficacy. This research took the previously optimised DDA-TDB system as a foundation for a range of formulations incorporating additional lipids of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) or 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC), by incrementally replacing the cationic content within DDA-TDB or reducing the total DDA-TDB dose upon its substitution, to ascertain the role of DDA and the effect of DDA-TDB concentration in influencing the resultant immunological performance upon delivery of the novel subunit TB vaccine, Ag85B–ESAT-6-Rv2660c (H56 vaccine). With the aim of using the DPPC based systems for pulmonary vaccine delivery and the DSPC systems for application via the intramuscular route, initial work focused on physicochemical characterisation of the systems with incorporation of DPPC or DSPC displaying comparable physical stability, morphological structure and levels of antigen retention to that of DDA-TDB. Thermodynamic analysis was also conducted to detect main phase transition temperatures and subsequent in vitro cell culture studies demonstrated a favourable reduction in cytotoxicity, stimulation of phagocytic activity and macrophage activation in response to the proposed liposomal immunoadjuvants. Immunisation of mice with H56 vaccine via the proposed liposomal adjuvants showed that DDA was an important factor in mediating resultant immune responses, with partial replacement or substitution of DDA-TDB stimulating Th1 type cellular immunity characterised by elevated levels of IgG2b antibodies and IFN-? and IL-2 cytokines, essential for providing protective efficacy against TB. Upon increased DSPC content within the formulation, either by DDA replacement or reduction of DDA and TDB, responses were skewed towards Th2 type immunity with reduced IgG2b antibody levels and elevated IL-5 and IL-10 cytokine production, as resultant immunological responses were independent of liposomal zeta potential. The role of the cationic DDA lipid and the effect of DDA-TDB concentration were appreciated as the proposed liposomal formulations elicited antigen specific antibody and cellular immune responses, demonstrating the potential of cationic liposomes to be utilised as adjuvants for subunit vaccine delivery. Furthermore, the promising capability of the novel H56 vaccine candidate in eliciting protection against TB was apparent in a mouse model.


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Neural stem cells (NSC) are a valuable model system for understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic controls for self-renewal and differentiation choice. They also offer a platform for drug screening and neurotoxicity studies, and hold promise for cell replacement therapies for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Fully exploiting the potential of this experimental tool often requires the manipulation of intrinsic cues of interest using transfection methods, to which NSC are relatively resistant. In this paper, we show that mouse and human NSC readily take up polystyrene-based microspheres which can be loaded with a range of chemical or biological cargoes. This uptake can take place in the undifferentiated stage without affecting NSC proliferation and their capacity to give rise to neurons and glia. We demonstrate that ß-galactosidase-loaded microspheres could be efficiently introduced into NSC with no apparent toxic effect, thus providing proof-of-concept for the use of microspheres as an alternative biomolecule delivery system.


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IEEE 802.11 standard has achieved huge success in the past decade and is still under development to provide higher physical data rate and better quality of service (QoS). An important problem for the development and optimization of IEEE 802.11 networks is the modeling of the MAC layer channel access protocol. Although there are already many theoretic analysis for the 802.11 MAC protocol in the literature, most of the models focus on the saturated traffic and assume infinite buffer at the MAC layer. In this paper we develop a unified analytical model for IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol in ad hoc networks. The impacts of channel access parameters, traffic rate and buffer size at the MAC layer are modeled with the assistance of a generalized Markov chain and an M/G/1/K queue model. The performance of throughput, packet delivery delay and dropping probability can be achieved. Extensive simulations show the analytical model is highly accurate. From the analytical model it is shown that for practical buffer configuration (e.g. buffer size larger than one), we can maximize the total throughput and reduce the packet blocking probability (due to limited buffer size) and the average queuing delay to zero by effectively controlling the offered load. The average MAC layer service delay as well as its standard deviation, is also much lower than that in saturated conditions and has an upper bound. It is also observed that the optimal load is very close to the maximum achievable throughput regardless of the number of stations or buffer size. Moreover, the model is scalable for performance analysis of 802.11e in unsaturated conditions and 802.11 ad hoc networks with heterogenous traffic flows. © 2012 KSI.


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Microporous, poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) matrices were loaded with the aminoglycoside antibiotic, gentamicin sulphate (GS) using the precipitation casting technique by suspension of powder in the PCL solution prior to casting. Improvements in drug loading from 1.8% to 6.7% w/w and distribution in the matrices were obtained by pre-cooling the suspension to 4°C. Gradual release of approximately 80% of the GS content occurred over 11 weeks in PBS at 37°C and low amounts of antibiotic were measured up to 20 weeks. The kinetics of release could be described effectively by the Higuchi model with the diffusion rate constant (D) increasing from of 1.7 to 5.1 μg/mg matrix/day0.5 as the drug loading increased from 1.4% to 8.3% w/w. GS-loaded PCL matrices retained anti-bacterial activity after immersion in PBS at 37°C over 14 days as demonstrated by inhibition of growth of S. epidermidis in culture. These findings recommend further investigation of precipitation-cast PCL matrices for delivery of hydrophilic molecules such as anti-bacterial agents from implanted, inserted or topical devices. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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STUDY DESIGN: The twy/twy mouse undergoes spontaneous chronic mechanical compression of the spinal cord; this in vivo model system was used to examine the effects of retrograde adenovirus (adenoviral vector [AdV])-mediated brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene delivery to spinal neural cells. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the targeting and potential neuroprotective effect of retrograde AdV-mediated BDNF gene transfection in the chronically compressed spinal cord in terms of prevention of apoptosis of neurons and oligodendrocytes. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Several studies have investigated the neuroprotective effects of neurotrophins, including BDNF, in spinal cord injury. However, no report has described the effects of retrograde neurotrophic factor gene delivery in compressed spinal cords, including gene targeting and the potential to prevent neural cell apoptosis. METHODS: AdV-BDNF or AdV-LacZ (as a control gene) was injected into the bilateral sternomastoid muscles of 18-week old twy/twy mice for retrograde gene delivery via the spinal accessory motor neurons. Heterozygous Institute of Cancer Research mice (+/twy), which do not undergo spontaneous spinal compression, were used as a control for the effects of such compression on gene delivery. The localization and cell specificity of ß-galactosidase expression (produced by LacZ gene transfection) and BDNF expression in the spinal cord were examined by coimmunofluorescence staining for neural cell markers (NeuN, neurons; reactive immunology protein, oligodendrocytes; glial fibrillary acidic protein, astrocytes; OX-42, microglia) 4 weeks after gene injection. The possible neuroprotection afforded by retrograde AdV-BDNF gene delivery versus AdV-LacZ-transfected control mice was assessed by scoring the prevalence of apoptotic cells (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling-positive cells) and immunoreactivity to active caspases -3, -8, and -9, p75, neurofilament 200 kD (NF), and for the oligodendroglial progenitor marker, NG2. RESULTS.: Four weeks after injection, the retrograde delivery of the LacZ marker gene was identified in cervical spinal neurons and some glial cells, including oligodendrocytes in the white matter of the spinal cord, in both the twy/twy mouse and the heterozygous Institute of Cancer Research mouse (+/twy). In the compressed spinal cord of twy/twy mouse, AdV-BDNF gene transfection resulted in a significant decrease in the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling-positive cells present in the spinal cord and a downregulation in the caspase apoptotic pathway compared with AdV-LacZ (control) gene transfection. There was a marked and significant increase in the areas of the spinal cord of AdV-BDNF-injected mice that were NF- and NG2-immunopositive compared with AdV-LacZ-injected mice, indicating the increased presence of neurons and oligodendrocytes in response to BDNF transfection. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that targeted retrograde BDNF gene delivery suppresses apoptosis in neurons and oligodendrocytes in the chronically compressed spinal cord of twy/twy mouse. Further work is required to establish whether this method of gene delivery may provide neuroprotective effects in other situations of compressive spinal cord injury.


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Oral drug delivery is considered the most popular route of delivery because of the ease of administration, availability of a wide range of dosage forms and the large surface area for drug absorption via the intestinal membrane. However, besides the unfavourable biopharmaceutical properties of the therapeutic agents, efflux transporters such as Pglycoprotein (P-gp) and multiple resistance proteins (MRP) decrease the overall drug uptake by extruding the drug from the cells. Although, prodrugs have been investigated to improve drug partitioning by masking the polar groups covalently with pre-moieties promoting increased uptake, they present significant challenges including reduced solubility and increased toxicity. The current work investigates the use of amino acids as ion-pairs for three model drugs: indomethacin (weak acid), trimethoprim (weak base) and ciprofloxacin (zwitter ion) in an attempt to improve both solubility and uptake. Solubility was studied by salt formation while creating new routes for uptake across the membranes via amino acids transporter proteins or dipeptidyl transporters was the rationale to enhance absorption. New salts were prepared for the model drugs and the oppositely charged amino acids by freeze drying and they were characterised using FTIR, 1HNMR, DSC, SEM, pH solubility profile, solubility and dissolution. Permeability profiles were assessed using an in vitro cell based method; Caco-2 cells and the genetic changes occurring across the transporter genes and various pathways involved in the cellular activities were studied using DNA microarrays. Solubility data showed a significant increase in drug solubility upon preparing the new salts with the oppositely charged counter ions (ciprofloxacin glutamate salt exhibiting 2.9x103 fold enhancement when compared to the free drug). Moreover, permeability studies showed a 3 fold increase in trimethoprim and indomethacin permeabilities upon ion-pairing with amino acids and more than 10 fold when the zwitter ionic drug was paired with glutamic acid. Microarray data revealed that trimethoprim was absorbed actively via OCTN1 transporters while MRP7 is the main transporter gene that mediates its efflux. The absorption of trimethoprim from trimethoprim glutamic acid ion-paired formulations was affected by the ratio of glutamic acid in the formulation which was inversely proportional to the degree of expression of OCTN1. Interestingly, ciprofloxacin glutamic acid ion-pairs were found to decrease the up-regulation of ciprofloxacin efflux proteins (P-gp and MRP4) and over-express two solute carrier transporters; (PEPT2 and SLCO1A2) suggesting that a high aqueous binding constant (K11aq) enables the ion-paired formulations to be absorbed as one entity. In conclusion, formation of ion-pairs with amino acids can influence in a positive way solubility, transfer and gene expression effects of drugs.


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Objective-We previously demonstrated that upregulation of intermediate-conductance Ca2+ -activated K+ channels (KCa 3.1) is necessary for mitogen-induced phenotypic modulation in isolated porcine coronary smooth muscle cells (SMCs). The objective of the present study was to determine the role of KCa3.1 in the regulation of coronary SMC phenotypic modulation in vivo using a swine model of postangioplasty restenosis. Methods and Results-Balloon angioplasty was performed on coronary arteries of swine using either noncoated or balloons coated with the specific KCa3.1 blocker TRAM-34. Expression of KCa3.1, c-jun, c-fos, repressor element-1 silencing transcription factor (REST), smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SMMHC), and myocardin was measured using qRT-PCR in isolated medial cells 2 hours and 2 days postangioplasty. KCa3.1, c-jun, and c-fos mRNA levels were increased 2 hours postangioplasty, whereas REST expression decreased. SMMHC expression was unchanged at 2 hours, but decreased 2 days postangioplasty. Use of TRAM-34 coated balloons prevented KCa3.1 upregulation and REST downregulation at 2 hours, SMMHC and myocardin downregulation at 2 days, and attenuated subsequent restenosis 14 and 28 days postangioplasty. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated corresponding changes at the protein level. Conclusion-Blockade of KCa3.1 by delivery of TRAM-34 via balloon catheter prevented smooth muscle phenotypic modulation and limited subsequent restenosis. © 2008 American Heart Association, Inc.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the “last mile” delivery link between a hub and spoke distribution system and its customers. The proportion of retail, as opposed to non-retail (trade) customers using this type of distribution system has been growing in the UK. The paper shows the applicability of simulation to demonstrate changes in overall delivery policy to these customers. Design/methodology/approach – A case-based research method was chosen with the aim to provide an exemplar of practice and test the proposition that simulation can be used as a tool to investigate changes in delivery policy. Findings – The results indicate the potential improvement in delivery performance, specifically in meeting timed delivery performance, that could be made by having separate retail and non-retail delivery runs from the spoke terminal to the customer. Research limitations/implications – The simulation study does not attempt to generate a vehicle routing schedule but demonstrates the effects of a change on delivery performance when comparing delivery policies. Practical implications – Scheduling and spreadsheet software are widely used and provide useful assistance in the design of delivery runs and the allocation of staff to those delivery runs. This paper demonstrates to managers the usefulness of investigating the efficacy of current design rules and presents simulation as a suitable tool for this analysis. Originality/value – A simulation model is used in a novel application to test a change in delivery policy in response to a changing delivery profile of increased retail deliveries.


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Biopharmaceuticals are finding wide applications in the management of diverse disease conditions. Pulmonary delivery of proteins may constitute an effective and efficient non-invasive alternative to parenteral delivery, which is currently the main route of administration of biopharmaceutical drugs. A particular area, in which pulmonary delivery of peptides and proteins may find ready application, is in the local delivery of antimicrobial peptides and proteins to the airway, a measure that could potentially bring about improvements to currently available antipseudomonal therapies. This thesis has therefore sought to develop inhalable antimicrobial proteins in combination with antibiotics that have particularly good antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in the respiratory tract of people with cystic fibrosis (CF). Through process optimisation, a suitable spray drying method was developed and used for the preparation of active, inhalable dry powder formulations of the antimicrobial protein, lactoferrin, and aminoglycosides (tobramycin and gentamicin). The physicochemical properties, aerosolisation performance and the antibacterial properties of the various spray-dried formulations were assessed. In addition, a relevant in vitro cellular model was employed to investigate the potential cytotoxic and pro-inflammatory effects of the various formulations on four bronchial human epithelial cells together with their effectiveness at reducing bacterial colonies when administered on to biofilm co-cultured on the epithelial cells. It was found that following spray drying the particles obtained were mostly spherical, amorphous and possessed suitable aerosolisation characteristics. The various spray-dried antimicrobial proteins (lactoferrin or apo lactoferrin) and co-spray dried combinations of the proteins and aminoglycosides were found to exhibit bactericidal activity against planktonic and biofilms of P. aeruginosa. In general, the spray drying process was found not to significantly affect the antimicrobial activities of the protein. Treatment of the different bronchial epithelial cell lines with the antimicrobial formulations showed that the various formulations were non-toxic and that the co-spray dried combinations significantly reduced established P. aeruginosa biofilms on the four bronchial epithelial cells. Overall, the results from this thesis demonstrates that spray drying could potentially be employed to prepare inhalable antimicrobial agents comprised of proteins and antibiotics. These new combinations of proteins and aminoglycosides has promising applications in the management of P. aeruginosa in the airway of cystic fibrosis patients.


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Purpose: To evaluate lenses produced by excimer laser ablation of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) plates. Setting: University research laboratory. Methods: Two Nidek EC-5000 scanning-slit excimer laser systems were used to ablate plane-parallel plates of PMMA. The ablated lenses were examined by focimetry, interferometry, and mechanical surface profiling. Results: The spherical optical powers of the lenses matched the expected values, but the cylindrical powers were generally lower than intended. Interferometry revealed marked irregularity in the surface of negative corrections, which often had a positive “island” at their center. Positive corrections were generally smoother. These findings were supported by the results of mechanical profiling. Contrast sensitivity measurements carried out when observing through ablated lenses whose power had been neutralized with a suitable spectacle lens of opposite sign confirmed that the surface irregularities of the ablated lenses markedly reduced contrast sensitivity over a range of spatial frequencies. Conclusion: Improvements in beam delivery systems seem desirable.