952 resultados para cluster impact ratio


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Contexte: La césarienne est une procédure chirurgicale qui survient dans plus du quart des accouchements en Amérique du Nord. Les techniques chirurgicales de fermeture de l’utérus lors de la césarienne sont variées, influencent la cicatrisation et le risque de complications chez la femme à court et long terme. Il a été suggéré que la fermeture en un plan barré augmentait le risque de rupture de l’utérus et de défaut de cicatrisation de l’utérus. Cependant, en l’absence d’un haut niveau d’évidence, cette technique est toujours pratiquée au Canada et en Amérique du Nord. Objectif: Comparer l’impact des différentes techniques de fermeture de l’utérus lors de la césarienne sur les complications maternelles à court et long terme. Méthode : Trois revues systématiques et méta-analyses d’études observationnelles ou d’essais randomisés contrôlés (ECR) ont été réalisées. La prévalence des défauts de cicatrisation et les issues à court et long terme ont été comparées entre les techniques de fermeture de l’utérus. Par la suite, un essai randomisé contrôlé a évalué trois techniques de fermeture de l’utérus : un plan barré, deux plans barrés et deux plans non barrés excluant la déciduale, chez 81 femmes avec une césarienne primaire élective à ≥ 38 semaines de grossesse. L’épaisseur du myomètre résiduel a été mesurée six mois après la césarienne à l’aide d’une échographie transvaginale et comparée par un test t de Student. Résultats : Les résultats des revues systématiques et méta-analyses ont montré que 37% à 59% des femmes présentaient un défaut de cicatrisation de l’utérus après leur césarienne. Concernant les complications à court terme, les types de fermeture de l’utérus étudiés sont comparables, à l’exception de la fermeture en un plan barré qui est associée à un temps opératoire plus court que celle en deux plans (-6.1 minutes, 95% intervalle de confiance (IC) -8.7 à -3.4, p<0.001). Les fermetures de l’utérus en un plan barré sont associées à plus de risque de rupture utérine qu’une fermeture en deux plans barrés (rapport de cote 4.96; IC 95%: 2.58–9.52, P< 0.001). L’ECR a également démontré que la fermeture de l’utérus en un plan barré était associée à une épaisseur du myomètre résiduel plus mince que la fermeture en deux plans non barrés excluant la déciduale (3.8 ± 1.6 mm vs 6.1 ± 2.2 mm; p< 0.001). Finalement, aucune différence significative n’a été détectée concernant la fréquence des points d’hémostases entre les techniques (p=1.000). Conclusion : Lors d’une césarienne élective primaire à terme, une fermeture en deux plans non barrés est associée à un myomètre plus épais qu’une fermeture en un plan barré, sans augmenter le recours à des points d’hémostase. De plus, il est suggéré que la fermeture en deux plans réduirait le risque de rupture utérine lors d’une prochaine grossesse. Finalement, la fermeture chez les femmes en travail doit être plus étudiée.


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The solvency rate of banks differs from the other corporations. The equity rate of a bank is lower than it is in corporations of other field of business. However, functional banking industry has huge impact on the whole society. The equity rate of a bank needs to be higher because that makes the banking industry more stable as the probability of the banks going under will decrease. If a bank goes belly up, the government will be compensating the deposits since it has granted the bank’s depositors a deposit insurance. This means that the payment comes from the tax payers in the last resort. Economic conversation has long concentrated on the costs of raising equity ratio. It has been a common belief that raising equity ratio also increases the banks’ funding costs in the same phase and these costs will be redistributed to the banks customers as higher service charges. Regardless of the common belief, the actual reaction of the funding costs to the higher equity ratio has been studied only a little in Europe and no study has been constructed in Finland. Before it can be calculated whether the higher stability of the banking industry that is caused by the raise in equity levels compensates the extra costs in funding costs, it must be calculated how much the actual increase in the funding costs is. Currently the banking industry is controlled by complex and heavy regulation. To maintain such a complex system inflicts major costs in itself. This research leans on the Modigliani and Miller theory, which shows that the finance structure of a firm is irrelevant to their funding costs. In addition, this research follows the calculations of Miller, Yang ja Marcheggianon (2012) and Vale (2011) where they calculate the funding costs after the doubling of specific banks’ equity ratios. The Finnish banks studied in this research are Nordea and Danske Bank because they are the two largest banks operating in Finland and they both also have the right company form to able the calculations. To calculate the costs of halving their leverages this study used the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The halving of the leverage of Danske Bank raised its funding costs for 16—257 basis points depending on the method of assessment. For Nordea the increase in funding costs was 11—186 basis points when its leverage was halved. On the behalf of the results found in this study it can be said that the doubling of an equity ratio does not increase the funding costs of a bank one by one. Actually the increase is quite modest. More solvent banks would increase the stability of the banking industry enormously while the increase in funding costs is low. If the costs of bank regulation exceeds the increase in funding costs after the higher equity ratio, it can be thought that this is the better way of stabilizing the banking industry rather than heavy regulation.


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Cette thèse propose de développer des mécanismes déployables pour applications spatiales ainsi que des modes d’actionnement permettant leur déploiement et le contrôle de l’orientation en orbite de l’engin spatial les supportant. L’objectif étant de permettre le déploiement de surfaces larges pour des panneaux solaires, coupoles de télécommunication ou sections de station spatiale, une géométrie plane simple en triangle est retenue afin de pouvoir être assemblée en différents types de surfaces. Les configurations à membrures rigides proposées dans la littérature pour le déploiement de solides symétriques sont optimisées et adaptées à l’expansion d’une géométrie ouverte, telle une coupole. L’optimisation permet d’atteindre un ratio d’expansion plan pour une seule unité de plus de 5, mais présente des instabilités lors de l’actionnement d’un prototype. Le principe de transmission du mouvement d’un étage à l’autre du mécanisme est revu afin de diminuer la sensibilité des performances du mécanisme à la géométrie de ses membrures internes. Le nouveau modèle, basé sur des courroies crantées, permet d’atteindre des ratios d’expansion plans supérieurs à 20 dans certaines configurations. L’effet des principaux facteurs géométriques de conception est étudié afin d’obtenir une relation simple d’optimisation du mécanisme plan pour adapter ce dernier à différents contextes d’applications. La géométrie identique des faces triangulaires de chaque surface déployée permet aussi l’empilement de ces faces pour augmenter la compacité du mécanisme. Une articulation spécialisée est conçue afin de permettre le dépliage des faces puis leur déploiement successivement. Le déploiement de grandes surfaces ne se fait pas sans influencer lourdement l’orientation et potentiellement la trajectoire de l’engin spatial, aussi, différentes stratégies de contrôle de l’orientation novatrices sont proposées. Afin de tirer profit d’une grande surface, l’actionnement par masses ponctuelles en périphérie du mécanisme est présentée, ses équations dynamiques sont dérivées et simulées pour en observer les performances. Celles-ci démontrent le potentiel de cette stratégie de réorientation, sans obstruction de l’espace central du satellite de base, mais les performances restent en deçà de l’effet d’une roue d’inertie de masse équivalente. Une stratégie d’actionnement redondant par roue d’inertie est alors présentée pour différents niveaux de complexité de mécanismes dont toutes les articulations sont passives, c’est-à-dire non actionnées. Un mécanisme à quatre barres plan est simulé en boucle fermée avec un contrôleur simple pour valider le contrôle d’un mécanisme ciseau commun. Ces résultats sont étendus à la dérivation des équations dynamiques d’un mécanisme sphérique à quatre barres, qui démontre le potentiel de l’actionnement par roue d’inertie pour le contrôle de la configuration et de l’orientation spatiale d’un tel mécanisme. Un prototype à deux corps ayant chacun une roue d’inertie et une seule articulation passive les reliant est réalisé et contrôlé grâce à un suivi par caméra des modules. Le banc d’essai est détaillé, ainsi que les défis que l’élimination des forces externes ont représenté dans sa conception. Les résultats montrent que le système est contrôlable en orientation et en configuration. La thèse se termine par une étude de cas pour l’application des principaux systèmes développés dans cette recherche. La collecte de débris orbitaux de petite et moyenne taille est présentée comme un problème n’ayant pas encore eu de solution adéquate et posant un réel danger aux missions spatiales à venir. L’unité déployable triangulaire entraînée par courroies est dupliquée de manière à former une coupole de plusieurs centaines de mètres de diamètre et est proposée comme solution pour capturer et ralentir ces catégories de débris. Les paramètres d’une mission à cette fin sont détaillés, ainsi que le potentiel de réorientation que les roues d’inertie permettent en plus du contrôle de son déploiement. Près de 2000 débris pourraient être retirés en moins d’un an en orbite basse à 819 km d’altitude.


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The solvency rate of banks differs from the other corporations. The equity rate of a bank is lower than it is in corporations of other field of business. However, functional banking industry has huge impact on the whole society. The equity rate of a bank needs to be higher because that makes the banking industry more stable as the probability of the banks going under will decrease. If a bank goes belly up, the government will be compensating the deposits since it has granted the bank’s depositors a deposit insurance. This means that the payment comes from the tax payers in the last resort. Economic conversation has long concentrated on the costs of raising equity ratio. It has been a common belief that raising equity ratio also increases the banks’ funding costs in the same phase and these costs will be redistributed to the banks customers as higher service charges. Regardless of the common belief, the actual reaction of the funding costs to the higher equity ratio has been studied only a little in Europe and no study has been constructed in Finland. Before it can be calculated whether the higher stability of the banking industry that is caused by the raise in equity levels compensates the extra costs in funding costs, it must be calculated how much the actual increase in the funding costs is. Currently the banking industry is controlled by complex and heavy regulation. To maintain such a complex system inflicts major costs in itself. This research leans on the Modigliani and Miller theory, which shows that the finance structure of a firm is irrelevant to their funding costs. In addition, this research follows the calculations of Miller, Yang ja Marcheggianon (2012) and Vale (2011) where they calculate the funding costs after the doubling of specific banks’ equity ratios. The Finnish banks studied in this research are Nordea and Danske Bank because they are the two largest banks operating in Finland and they both also have the right company form to able the calculations. To calculate the costs of halving their leverages this study used the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The halving of the leverage of Danske Bank raised its funding costs for 16—257 basis points depending on the method of assessment. For Nordea the increase in funding costs was 11—186 basis points when its leverage was halved. On the behalf of the results found in this study it can be said that the doubling of an equity ratio does not increase the funding costs of a bank one by one. Actually the increase is quite modest. More solvent banks would increase the stability of the banking industry enormously while the increase in funding costs is low. If the costs of bank regulation exceeds the increase in funding costs after the higher equity ratio, it can be thought that this is the better way of stabilizing the banking industry rather than heavy regulation.


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Objectives: To study the relationship between severity of injury of the lower limb and severity of injury of the head, thoracic, and abdominal regions in frontal-impact road traffic collisions. Methods: Consecutive hospitalised trauma patients who were involved in a frontal road traffic collision were prospectively studied over 18 months. Patients with at least one Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) ≥3 or AIS 2 injuries within two AIS body regions were included. Patients were divided into two groups depending on the severity of injury to the head, chest or abdomen. Low severity group had an AIS < 2 and high severity group had an AIS ≥ 2. Backward likelihood logistic regression models were used to define significant factors affecting the severity of head, chest or abdominal injuries. Results: Eighty-five patients were studied. The backward likelihood logistic regression model defining independent factors affecting severity of head injuries was highly significant (p=0.01, nagelkerke r square = 0.1) severity of lower limb injuries was the only significant factor (p=0.013) having a negative correlation with head injury (Odds ratio of 0.64 (95% CI: 0.45-0.91). Conclusion: Occupants who sustain a greater severity of injury to the lower limb in a frontal-impact collision are likely to be spared from a greater severity of head injury.


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We investigate the Becker-Döring model of nucleation with three generalisations; an input of monomer, an input of inhibitor and finally, we allow the monomers to form two morphologies of cluster. We assume size-independent aggregation and fragmentation rates. Initially we consider the problem of constant monomer input and determine the steady-state solution approached in the large-time limit, and the manner in which it is approached. Secondly, in addition to a constant input of monomer we allow a constant input of inhibitor, which prevents clusters growing any larger and this removes them from the kinetics of the process; the inhibitor is consumed in the action of poisoning a cluster. We determine a critical ratio of poison to monomer input below which the cluster concentrations tend to a non-zero steady-state solution and the poison concentration tends to a finite value. Above the critical input ratio, the concentrations of all cluster sizes tend to zero and the poison concentration grows without limit. In both cases the solution in the large-time limit is determined. Finally we consider a model where monomers form two morphologies, but the inhibitor only acts on one morphology. Four cases are identified, depending on the relative poison to monomer input rates and the relative thermodynamic stability. In each case we determine the final cluster distribution and poison concentration. We find that poisoning the less stable cluster type can have a significant impact on the structure of the more stable cluster distribution; a counter-intuitive result. All results are shown to agree with numerical simulation.


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Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether participation in a four-month, pedometer-based, physical activity, workplace health programme results in an improvement in risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. METHODS: Adults employed within Australia in primarily sedentary occupations and voluntarily enrolled in a workplace programme, the Global Corporate Challenge®, aimed at increasing physical activity were recruited. Data included demographic, behavioural, anthropometric and biomedical measurements. Measures were compared between baseline and four-months. RESULTS: 762 participants were recruited in April/May 2008 with 79% returning. Improvements between baseline and four-months amongst programme participants were observed for physical activity (an increase of 6.5% in the proportion meeting guidelines, OR(95%CI): 1.7(1.1, 2.5)), fruit intake (4%, OR: 1.7(1.0, 3.0)), vegetable intake (2%, OR: 1.3(1.0, 1.8)), sitting time (-0.6(-0.9, -0.3) hours/day), blood pressure (systolic: -1.8(-3.1, -.05) mmHg; diastolic: -1.8(-2.4, -1.3) mmHg) and waist circumference (-1.6(-2.4, -0.7) cm). In contrast, an increase was found for fasting total cholesterol (0.3(0.1, 0.4) mmol/L) and triglycerides (0.1(0.0, 0.1) mmol/L). CONCLUSION: Completion of this four-month, pedometer-based, physical activity, workplace programme was associated with improvements in behavioural and anthropometric risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Long-term evaluation is required to evaluate the potential of such programmes to prevent the onset of chronic disease.


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BACKGROUND: Blood pressure targets in individuals treated for hypertension in primary care remain difficult to attain.

AIMS: To assess the role of practice nurses in facilitating intensive and structured management to achieve ideal BP levels.

METHODS: We analysed outcome data from the Valsartan Intensified Primary carE Reduction of Blood Pressure Study. Patients were randomly allocated (2:1) to the study intervention or usual care. Within both groups, a practice nurse mediated the management of blood pressure for 439 patients with endpoint blood pressure data (n=1492). Patient management was categorised as: standard usual care (n=348, 23.3%); practice nurse-mediated usual care (n=156, 10.5%); standard intervention (n=705, 47.3%) and practice nurse-mediated intervention (n=283, 19.0%). Blood pressure goal attainment at 26-week follow-up was then compared.

RESULTS: Mean age was 59.3±12.0 years and 62% were men. Baseline blood pressure was similar in practice nurse-mediated (usual care or intervention) and standard care management patients (150 ± 16/88 ± 11 vs. 150 ± 17/89 ± 11 mmHg, respectively). Practice nurse-mediated patients had a stricter blood pressure goal of ⩽125/75 mmHg (33.7% vs. 27.3%, p=0.026). Practice nurse-mediated intervention patients achieved the greatest blood pressure falls and the highest level of blood pressure goal attainment (39.2%) compared with standard intervention (35.0%), practice nurse-mediated usual care (32.1%) and standard usual care (25.3%; p<0.001). Practice nurse-mediated intervention patients were almost two-fold more likely to achieve their blood pressure goal compared with standard usual care patients (adjusted odds ratio 1.92, 95% confidence interval 1.32 to 2.78; p=0.001).

CONCLUSION: There is greater potential to achieve blood pressure targets in primary care with practice nurse-mediated hypertension management.


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BACKGROUND: The leading causes of morbidity and mortality for people in high-income countries living with HIV are now non-AIDS malignancies, cardiovascular disease and other non-communicable diseases associated with ageing. This protocol describes the trial of HealthMap, a model of care for people with HIV (PWHIV) that includes use of an interactive shared health record and self-management support. The aims of the HealthMap trial are to evaluate engagement of PWHIV and healthcare providers with the model, and its effectiveness for reducing coronary heart disease risk, enhancing self-management, and improving mental health and quality of life of PWHIV.

METHODS/DESIGN: The study is a two-arm cluster randomised trial involving HIV clinical sites in several states in Australia. Doctors will be randomised to the HealthMap model (immediate arm) or to proceed with usual care (deferred arm). People with HIV whose doctors are randomised to the immediate arm receive 1) new opportunities to discuss their health status and goals with their HIV doctor using a HealthMap shared health record; 2) access to their own health record from home; 3) access to health coaching delivered by telephone and online; and 4) access to a peer moderated online group chat programme. Data will be collected from participating PWHIV (n = 710) at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months and from participating doctors (n = 60) at baseline and 12 months. The control arm will be offered the HealthMap intervention at the end of the trial. The primary study outcomes, measured at 12 months, are 1) 10-year risk of non-fatal acute myocardial infarction or coronary heart disease death as estimated by a Framingham Heart Study risk equation; and 2) Positive and Active Engagement in Life Scale from the Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ).

DISCUSSION: The study will determine the viability and utility of a novel technology-supported model of care for maintaining the health and wellbeing of people with HIV. If shown to be effective, the HealthMap model may provide a generalisable, scalable and sustainable system for supporting the care needs of people with HIV, addressing issues of equity of access.


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Objective: To evaluate the impact of a lifestyle intervention in Australian general practice to reduce the risk of vascular disease.

Design, setting and participants: Stratified cluster randomised controlled trial among 30 general practices in New South Wales from July 2008 to January 2010. Patients aged 40–64 years were invited to participate. The subgroup who were 40–55 years of age were included only if they had either hypertension or dyslipidaemia.

Intervention: A general practice-based health-check with brief lifestyle counselling and referral of high-risk patients to a program consisting of one to two individual visits with an exercise physiologist or dietitian, and six group sessions.

Main outcome measures: Outcomes at baseline, 6 and 12 months included the behavioural and physiological risk factors for vascular disease — self-reported diet and physical activity, and measured weight, body mass index, waist circumference, blood lipid and blood sugar levels, and blood pressure.

Results: Of the 3128 patients who were invited, 958 patients (30.6%) responded and 814 were eligible to participate. Of these, 699 commenced the study, and 655 remained in the study at 12 months. Physical activity levels increased to a greater extent in the intervention group than the control group at 6 and 12 months (P = 0.005). There were no other changes in behavioural or physiological outcomes or in estimated absolute risk of cardiovascular disease at 12 months. Of the 384 enrolled in the intervention group, 117 patients (30.5%) attended the minimum number of group program sessions and lost more weight (mean weight loss, 1.06 kg) than those who did not attend the minimum number of sessions (mean weight gain, 0.73 kg).

Conclusion: While patients who received counselling by their general practitioner increased self-reported physical activity, only those who attended the group sessions sustained an improvement in weight. However, more research is needed to determine whether group programs offer significant benefits over individual counselling in general practice.


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Cluster analysis has been identified as a core task in data mining. What constitutes a cluster, or a good clustering, may depend on the background of researchers and applications. This paper proposes two optimization criteria of abstract degree and fidelity in the field of image abstract. To satisfy the fidelity criteria, a novel clustering algorithm named Global Optimized Color-based DBSCAN Clustering (GOC-DBSCAN) is provided. Also, non-optimized local color information based version of GOC-DBSCAN, called HSV-DBSCAN, is given. Both of them are based on HSV color space. Clusters of GOC-DBSCAN are analyzed to find the factors that impact on the performance of both abstract degree and fidelity. Examples show generally the greater the abstract degree is, the less is the fidelity. It also shows GOC-DBSCAN outperforms HSV-DBSCAN when they are evaluated by the two optimization criteria.


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This paper extends the conditions of the cluster-based routing protocols in terms of general algorithm complexity of data fusion, general compressing ratio of data fusion, and network area with long distance. Corresponding three general evaluation methods to evaluate the energy efficiency of the cluster-based routing protocols such as LEACH, PEGASIS, and BCDCP are provided. Moreover, three facts are found in them: (1) High-level software energy macro model is used to compute the energy dissipation of general data fusion software and make the constant value of energy dissipation of 1-bit data fusion an especial instance. (2) Multi-hop energy efficiency is related to the radio hardware parameters and the dynamic topology of network and the above protocols do not exploit the best use of the energy efficiency of multi-hop scheme. (3) High-energy dissipation non-cluster-head nodes, whose number changes with the density of the sensor nodes in clusters, worsen the death of nodes. The numerical results of experiments reprove these discoveries. Furthermore, they provide helpful guide for improving the above routing protocols to extent their application ranges.


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BACKGROUND: Patient participation is an important indicator of quality care. Currently, there is little evidence to support the belief that participation in care is possible for patients during the acute postoperative period. Previous work indicates that there is very little opportunity for patients to participate in care in the acute context. Patients require both capability, in terms of having the required knowledge and understanding of how they can be involved in their care, and the opportunity, facilitated by clinicians, to engage in their acute postoperative care. This cluster randomised crossover trial aims to test whether a multimedia intervention improves patient participation in the acute postoperative context, as determined by pain intensity and recovery outcomes.

METHODS/DESIGN: A total of 240 patients admitted for primary total knee replacement surgery will be invited to participate in a cluster randomised, crossover trial and concurrent process evaluation in at least two wards at a major non-profit private hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Patients admitted to the intervention ward will receive the multimedia intervention daily from Day 1 to Day 5 (or day of discharge, if prior). The intervention will be delivered by nurses via an iPad™, comprising information on the goals of care for each day following surgery. Patients admitted to the control ward will receive usual care as determined by care pathways currently in use across the organization. The primary endpoint is the "worst pain experienced in the past 24 h" on Day 3 following TKR surgery. Pain intensity will be measured using the numerical rating scale. Secondary outcomes are interference of pain on activities of daily living, length of stay in hospital, function and pain following TKR surgery, overall satisfaction with hospitalisation, postoperative complications and hospital readmission.

DISCUSSION: The results of this study will contribute to our understanding of the effectiveness of interventions that provide knowledge and opportunity for patient participation during postoperative in-hospital care in actually increasing participation, and the impact of participation on patient outcomes. The results of this study will also provide data about the barriers and enablers to participation in the acute care context.


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BACKGROUND: Waiting lists for treatment are common in outpatient and community services, Existing methods for managing access and triage to these services can lead to inequities in service delivery, inefficiencies and divert resources from frontline care. Evidence from two controlled studies indicates that an alternative to the traditional "waitlist and triage" model known as STAT (Specific Timely Appointments for Triage) may be successful in reducing waiting times without adversely affecting other aspects of patient care. This trial aims to test whether the model is cost effective in reducing waiting time across multiple services, and to measure the impact on service provision, health-related quality of life and patient satisfaction.

METHODS/DESIGN: A stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial has been designed to evaluate the impact of the STAT model in 8 community health and outpatient services. The primary outcome will be waiting time from referral to first appointment. Secondary outcomes will be nature and quantity of service received (collected from all patients attending the service during the study period and health-related quality of life (AQOL-8D), patient satisfaction, health care utilisation and cost data (collected from a subgroup of patients at initial assessment and after 12 weeks). Data will be analysed with a multiple multi-level random-effects regression model that allows for cluster effects. An economic evaluation will be undertaken alongside the clinical trial.

DISCUSSION: This paper outlines the study protocol for a fully powered prospective stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial (SWCRCT) to establish whether the STAT model of access and triage can reduce waiting times applied across multiple settings, without increasing health service costs or adversely impacting on other aspects of patient care. If successful, it will provide evidence for the effectiveness of a practical model of access that can substantially reduce waiting time for outpatient and community services with subsequent benefits for both efficiency of health systems and patient care.