973 resultados para clinical diagnosis
To evaluate the prevalence of genetic defects in clinically suspected autoinflammatory syndromes (AIS) in a Brazilian multicenter study. The study included 102 patients with a clinical diagnosis of Cryopyrin Associated Periodic Syndromes (CAPS), TNF Receptor Associated Periodic Syndrome (TRAPS), Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF), Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency (MKD) and Pediatric Granulomatous Arthritis (PGA). One of the five AIS-related genes (NLRP3, TNFRSF1A, MEFV, MVK and NOD2) was evaluated in each patient by direct DNA sequencing, based on the most probable clinical suspect. Clinical diagnoses of the 102 patients were: CAPS (n = 28), TRAPS (n = 31), FMF (n = 17), MKD (n = 17) and PGA (n = 9). Of them, 27/102 (26 %) had a confirmed genetic diagnosis: 6/28 (21 %) CAPS patients, 7/31 (23 %) TRAPS, 3/17 (18 %) FMF, 3/17 (18 %) MKD and 8/9 (89 %) PGA. We have found that approximately one third of the Brazilian patients with a clinical suspicion of AIS have a confirmed genetic diagnosis.
Objectives: To establish normative amplitude values for relative difference measurements of the middle latency response (MLR) in normal-hearing pediatrics and to determine if these measurements provided a significant reduction of within-group variability when compared to raw, absolute amplitude measures. A relative amplitude difference is defined in the present paper as the difference in Na-Pa amplitude between two electrodes (e.g. vertical bar Na-Pa at C3 minus Na-Pa at C4 vertical bar, or electrode effects) or between two ears (e.g. vertical bar Na-Pa on left ear stimulation minus Na-Pa on right ear stimulation vertical bar, or ear effects). In contrast, an absolute amplitude is defined as a single Na-Pa measurement made at one electrode for stimulation of one ear (e.g. Na-Pa measured at C3 on left ear stimulation). Design: Cross-sectional study. Study sample: 155 pediatrics with normal peripheral and central hearing, and no history of psychological, neurological, or learning disability issues. Results: Within-group variability was significantly smaller for relative differences when compared to absolute amplitude measures. Electrode effects showed significantly less variability than ear effects. Normative values for ear and electrode effects were reported. Conclusions: Relative differences may provide better utility in the clinical diagnosis of central auditory pathology in pediatrics when compared to absolute amplitude measures because these difference measures show significantly lower variability when examined across subjects.
Traditional methods for bacterial identification include Gram staining, culturing, and biochemical assays for phenotypic characterization of the causative organism. These methods can be time-consuming because they require in vitro cultivation of the microorganisms. Recently, however, it has become possible to obtain chemical profiles for lipids, peptides, and proteins that are present in an intact organism, particularly now that new developments have been made for the efficient ionization of biomolecules. MS has therefore become the state-of-the-art technology for microorganism identification in microbiological clinical diagnosis. Here, we introduce an innovative sample preparation method for nonculture-based identification of bacteria in milk. The technique detects characteristic profiles of intact proteins (mostly ribosomal) with the recently introduced MALDI SepsityperTM Kit followed by MALDI-MS. In combination with a dedicated bioinformatics software tool for databank matching, the method allows for almost real-time and reliable genus and species identification. We demonstrate the sensitivity of this protocol by experimentally contaminating pasteurized and homogenized whole milk samples with bacterial loads of 10(3)-10(8) colony-forming units (cfu) of laboratory strains of Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, and Staphylococcus aureus. For milk samples contaminated with a lower bacterial load (104 cfu mL-1), bacterial identification could be performed after initial incubation at 37 degrees C for 4 h. The sensitivity of the method may be influenced by the bacterial species and count, and therefore, it must be optimized for the specific application. The proposed use of protein markers for nonculture-based bacterial identification allows for high-throughput detection of pathogens present in milk samples. This method could therefore be useful in the veterinary practice and in the dairy industry, such as for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis and for the sanitary monitoring of raw and processed milk products.
Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common neuropathy in the upper extremity, resulting from the compression of the median nerve at wrist level. Clinical studies are essentials to present evidence on therapeutic resources use at early restoration on peripheral nerve functionality. Low-level laser therapy has been widely investigated in researches related to nerve regeneration. Therefore, it is suggested that the effect of low-level laser therapy associated with other conservative rehabilitation techniques may positively affect symptoms and overall hand function in compressive neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy in addition to orthoses therapy and home orientations in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Methods/Design: Patients older than 18 years old will be included, with clinical diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome, excluding comorbidies. A physiotherapist will conduct intervention, with a blinding evaluator. Randomization will be applied to allocate the patients in each group: with association or not to low-level laser therapy. All of them will be submitted to orthoses therapy and home orientations. Outcome will be assessed through: pain visual analogic scale, Semmes Weinstein monofilaments (TM) threshold sensibility test, Pinch Gauge T, Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire and two point discrimination test. Discussion: This paper describes the design of a randomized controlled trial, which aim to assess the effectiveness of conservative treatment added to low-level laser therapy for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Trial registration: Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (ReBec) - 75ddtf / Universal Trial Number: U1111-1121-5184
The aim of this study was to examine a case report of vascular leiomyoma located in the oral mucosa of the oral cavity. Vascular leiomyoma is a benign tumor arising from smooth muscle. One factor that makes vascular leiomyomas in the oral cavity rare is that there is little smooth muscle in the mouth. The most common histological subtype in the oral cavity is the vascular subtype. The greatest difficulty in histological diagnosis of this entity is the similarity in morphology with other malignancies, particularly of neural or fibroblastic lineage. Wide surgical resection is the only treatment reported in the literature with good results. The recurrence rate is very low if complete resection is achieved. The study of rare or unusual lesions is very important for the clinical diagnosis of vascular leiomyoma
Abstract Background Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS; OMIM 194050) is caused by a hemizygous contiguous gene microdeletion at 7q11.23. Supravalvular aortic stenosis (SVAS), mental retardation, and overfriendliness comprise typical symptoms of WBS. Although fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is considered the gold standard technique, the microsatellite DNA markers and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) could be used for to confirm the diagnosis of WBS. Results We have evaluated a total cohort of 88 patients with a suspicion clinical diagnosis of WBS using a collection of five markers (D7S1870, D7S489, D7S613, D7S2476, and D7S489_A) and a commercial MLPA kit (P029). The microdeletion was present in 64 (72.7%) patients and absent in 24 (27.3%) patients. The parental origin of deletion was maternal in 36 of 64 patients (56.3%) paternal in 28 of 64 patients (43.7%). The deletion size was 1.55 Mb in 57 of 64 patients (89.1%) and 1.84 Mb in 7 of 64 patients (10.9%). The results were concordant using both techniques, except for four patients whose microsatellite markers were uninformative. There were no clinical differences in relation to either the size or parental origin of the deletion. Conclusion MLPA was considered a faster and more economical method in a single assay, whereas the microsatellite markers could determine both the size and parental origin of the deletion in WBS. The microsatellite marker and MLPA techniques are effective in deletion detection in WBS, and both methods provide a useful diagnostic strategy mainly for developing countries.
OBJECTIVE: To study the antibody prevalence against dengue in the municipality of Jundiaí, São Paulo, Brazil, due to the low number of official confirmed autochthonous cases. METHODS: A serological study on dengue infection was conducted during January 2010 and previous reports on dengue and entomological surveillance during that period were reviewed. RESULTS: A prevalence of 7.8% IgG positive (68:876) was found. Furthermore, based on the detection of IgM antibodies in five samples, it was observed that the incidence of dengue in the city at the time of the survey contrasts with the absence of notifications by local health authorities over the same period of time. CONCLUSION: These results highlight the discrepancies between the actual and the detected number of dengue infections, possibly due to significant numbers of asymptomatic infections aggravated by difficulties with dengue clinical diagnosis.
Osteoarthritis (OA) or degenerative joint disease (DJD) is a pathology which affects the synovial joints and characterised by a focal loss of articular cartilage and subsequent bony reaction of the subcondral and marginal bone. Its etiology is best explained by a multifactorial model including: age, sex, genetic and systemic factors, other predisposing diseases and functional stress. In this study the results of the investigation of a modern identified skeletal collection will be presented. In particular, we will focus on the relationship between the presence of OA at various joints. The joint modifications have been analysed using a new methodology that allows the scoring of different degrees of expression of the features considered. Materials and Methods The sample examined comes from the Sassari identified skeletal collection (part of “Frassetto collections”). The individuals were born between 1828 and 1916 and died between 1918 and 1932. Information about sex and age is known for all the individuals. The occupation is known for 173 males and 125 females. Data concerning the occupation of the individuals indicate a preindustrial and rural society. OA has been diagnosed when eburnation (EB) or loss of morphology (LM) were present, or when at least two of the following: marginal lipping (ML), esostosis (EX) or erosion (ER), were present. For each articular surface affected a “mean score” was calculated, reflecting the “severity” of the alterations. A further “score” was calculated for each joint. In the analysis sexes and age classes were always kept separate. For the statistical analyses non parametric test were used. Results The results show there is an increase of OA with age in all the joints analyzed and in particular around 50 years and 60 years. The shoulder, the hip and the knee are the joints mainly affected with ageing while the ankle is the less affected; the correlation values confirm this result. The lesion which show the major correlation with age is the ML. In our sample males are more frequently and more severely affected by OA than females, particularly at the superior limbs, while hip and knee are similarly affected in the two sexes. Lateralization shows some positive results in particular in the right shoulder of males and in various articular surfaces especially of the superior limb of both males and females; articular surfaces and joints are quite always lateralized to the right. Occupational analyses did not show remarkable results probably because of the homogeneity of the sample; males although performing different activities are quite all employed in stressful works. No highest prevalence of knee and hip OA was found in farm-workers respect to the other males. Discussion and Conclusion In this work we propose a methodology to score the different features, necessary to diagnose OA, that allows the investigation of the severity of joint degeneration. This method is easier than the one proposed by Buikstra and Ubelaker (1994), but in the same time allows a quite detailed recording of the features. Epidemiological results can be interpreted quite simply and they are in accordance with other studies; more difficult is the interpretation of the occupational results because many questions concerning the activities performed by the individuals of the collection during their lifespan cannot be solved. Because of this, caution is suggested in the interpretation of bioarcheological specimens. With this work we hope to contribute to the discussion on the puzzling problem of the etiology of OA. The possibility of studying identified skeletons will add important data to the description of osseous features of OA, enriching the medical documentation, based on different criteria. Even if we are aware that the clinical diagnosis is different from the palaeopathological one we think our work will be useful in clarifying some epidemiological as well as pathological aspects of OA.
Lo sviluppo e la funzionalità della placenta influenzano direttamente la crescita ed il benessere del feto all'interno dell'utero, quindi qualsiasi problema strutturale o funzionale della placenta influenzerà lo sviluppo del feto. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di approfondire diversi aspetti clinici e clinico-patologici dell’insufficienza placentare nella specie equina, con l’intento di individuare dei parametri che possano essere di ausilio per l’identificazione precoce del puledro a rischio e della necessità di interventi terapeutici. La valutazione della concentrazione di lattato nel sangue e nel liquido amniotico potrebbe essere un utile strumento diagnostico per la diagnosi di acidosi metabolica associata ad ipossia/ischemia nel puledro e per identificare la necessità di un intervento precoce alla nascita. La risposta all’ipossia sembra essere mediata dall’HIF-1 e dall’HSF-1 anche nel puledro neonato, e se questi dati venissero confermati su un numero maggiore di animali, i due marcatori proteici e la MDA potrebbero essere utilizzati per la diagnosi di PAS nel puledro. L’esame di tutta l’unità placentare riveste un ruolo di fondamentale importanza per l’acquisizione di informazioni riguardo all’ambiente di vita intrauterino del puledro, ed è quindi auspicabile nella pratica ostetrica routinaria una maggiore attenzione all’esame della placenta, soprattutto in caso di patologie materno-fetali. Tra i parametri biochimici valutati al momento della nascita, la creatininemia e la glicemia possono fornire informazioni sull’efficienza dello scambio placentare ed essere quindi utilizzati per individuare puledri a rischio. Infine, lo sviluppo di una macro per il software ImageJ porta alla luce uno strumento nuovo, semplice da usare ed economico, per la valutazione morfometrica dell’arborizzazione dei villi placentari; tuttavia la ricerca necessità ulteriori indagini su un numero maggiore di animali per valutare le differenze morfometriche tra placente normali e patologiche.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic and progressive neurodegenerative disorder and according to the WHO it is estimated that 36 millions of people worldwide currently suffer from AD. Genetic and environmental factors interact in a complex interplay that might affect pathogenic mechanisms leading to age-related neurodegeneration. The hypothesis is that the presence of allelic polymorphisms in selected genes affecting individual brain susceptibility to infection by the herpes virus family during aging, may contribute to neuronal loss, inflammation and amyloid deposition. Herpes virus family show features relevant to AD, since they infect a large proportion of human population, develop a latent form persisting for several years, are difficult to eliminate by immune responses especially when latency has been established and are able to infect neurons. The association between AD and herpes viruses infection has been investigated. In particular the investigation focused on CMV, EBV and HHV-6 in DNA samples from peripheral blood of a large cohort of patients with clinical diagnosis of AD and age matched CTR, from a longitudinal population study, and DNA samples from brain tissue of patients with neuropathological diagnosis of definitive AD. An association between the presence of EBV and HHV-6 DNA from PBL positivity with the cognitive deterioration and progression to AD has been focused. Moreover, IgG plasma levels in CTR and AD to these viruses were tested. CMV and EBV IgG plasma levels were higher in elderly subjects that developed clinical AD at the end of the five year follow up. Our findings support the notion that persistent cycles of latency and reactivation of herpes viruses may contribute to impair systemic immune response and induce altered inflammatory process that in turn affect cognitive decline during aging.
Aim of this study is to describe the possible diagnostic value of sleep disturbances in the differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by parkinsonism at onset. 42 consecutive patients with parkinsonian features and disease duration up to 3 years were included in the BO-ProPark study. Each patient was evaluated twice, at baseline (T0) and 16 months later (T1). Patients were diagnosed as Parkinson disease (PD, 27 patients), PD plus (PD with cognitive impairment/dementia or dysautonomia, 4 patients) and parkinsonian syndrome (PS, 11 patients). All patients underwent a full night video-polysomnography scored by a neurologist blinded to the clinical diagnosis. Sleep efficiency and total sleep time were reduced in all patients; wake after sleep onset was higher in patients with atypical parkinsonisms than in PD patients. No significant differences between groups of patients were detected in other sleep parameters. The mean percentage of epochs with enhanced tonic muscle EMG activity during REM sleep was higher in PD plus and PS than in PD. No difference in phasic muscle EMG activity during REM sleep was seen between the two groups. REM behaviour disorder was more frequent in PD plus and PS than in PD patients. Our data suggest that REM sleep motor control is more frequently impaired at disease onset in patients with PS and PD plus compared to PD patients. The presence of RBD or an enhanced tonic muscle EMG activity in a patient with recent onset parkinsonian features should suggest a diagnosis of atypical parkinsonism, rather than PD. More data are needed to establish the diagnostic value of these features in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonisms. The evaluation of sleep disorders may be a useful tool in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonism at onset.
Conventional skin cancer prevention programs appeal to limited populations, and the middle aged male population responds less frequently. Our objective was to establish a complementary health promotion campaign tool for skin cancer prevention. Internet-based education, instruction for self assessment and teledermatological evaluation of skin lesions by an expert commission of dermatologists was used. Compliance and clinical diagnosis was assessed in a subgroup. 12,000 users visited the educational website. There was strong interest among the middle aged male population (53% (N = 262): male; mean age: 42). 28.5% of examined lesions (N = 494) were considered suspicious. Email requests, sent to the group whose lesions where considered suspicious, were answered by 46.0% of females (N = 29) and 59.7% of males (N = 46) with a female distribution predominantly in younger ages (52.6% of females with known age: < 30 years). Males were predominantly represented over 30 years (86.2% of all males). According to user's declarations, at least 8 (8.5%) malignant lesions (1 melanoma in situ, 1 squamous cell carcinoma, 4 basal cell carcinomas, 2 malignant lesions without declared diagnosis) were finally diagnosed by physicians. We conclude that internet-based, interactive, educational programs, in addition to existing health promotion campaigns, can enhance public participation in the middle aged male population in skin cancer prevention.
Epilepsies have a highly heterogeneous background with a strong genetic contribution. The variety of unspecific and overlapping syndromic and nonsyndromic phenotypes often hampers a clear clinical diagnosis and prevents straightforward genetic testing. Knowing the genetic basis of a patient's epilepsy can be valuable not only for diagnosis but also for guiding treatment and estimating recurrence risks.
Multiple breath washout (MBW) measurements have recently been shown to be sensitive for detection of early cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease, with the lung clearance index (LCI) being the most common measure for ventilation inhomogeneity. The aim of this observational study was to describe the longitudinal course of LCI from time of clinical diagnosis during infancy to school-age in eleven children with CF. Elevated LCI during infancy was present in seven subjects, especially in those with later clinical diagnosis. Tracking of LCI at follow-up was evident only in the four most severe cases. We provide the first longitudinal data describing the long-term course of LCI in a small group of infants with CF. Our findings support the clinical usefulness of MBW measurements to detect and monitor early lung disease in children with CF already present shortly after clinical diagnosis.
Upshaw-Schulman syndrome (USS) is a rarely reported congenital form of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) that results from mutations in the ADAMTS13 gene. Many USS patients are diagnosed during the second or third trimester of their first pregnancy. We present a patient diagnosed with USS following retinal detachments and intrauterine fetal demise at 34 weeks of gestation. The patient's plasma was tested for ADAMTS13 activity, inhibitor, and antibody. Subsequently, she and her first-degree relatives had ADAMTS13 gene sequencing. Initially, the patient was found to have an ADAMTS13 activity of <5% in the absence of an ADAMTS13 inhibitor (FRETS assay) or antibody (immunoassay). Repeat studies in the months following hospital discharge showed persistent, undetectable ADAMTS13 activity and she was given a clinical diagnosis of USS. Molecular sequencing demonstrated two novel missense mutations in the ADAMTS13 gene: one in the maternal exon 17 (p.Ala690Thr due to nucleotide substitution c.2068 G>A) and another in the paternal exon 22 (p.Arg915Cys due to nucleotide substitution c.2746 C>T). In addition to being compound heterozygous for two ADAMTS13 mutations, the patient also had two maternally inherited single nucleotide polymorphisms: p.P618A (exon 16) and p.A732V (exon 18). Her parents and only sister had normal or near-normal ADAMTS13 activity. Each was heterozygous for one of the novel missense mutations. This case highlights the importance of molecular analysis of the ADAMTS13 gene in patients and family members when the severe ADAMTS13 deficiency does not appear to be autoimmune in nature. J. Clin. Apheresis, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.