915 resultados para avian species richness
In a Chinese eutrophic shallow lake, the spatial, temporal and vertical distributions of meiofauna in different lake zones along a eutrophic gradient were analyzed. The spatial distribution of meiofauna among sampling stations changed with nutrient levels. Nematoda were most abundant at the majority of sampling stations comprising 70.6 - 93.2 % meiofaunal abundance except for a hypereutrophic station. The seasonal patterns in abundance of nematodes, oligochaetes, rotifers, chironomids and different nematode feeding groups differed among stations, which revealed that the temporal variations of these meiofaunal groups and the nematode feeding groups may vary with different nutrient loadings. The vertical distributions of meiofaunal groups, nematode species, and nematode trophic groups in the upper and lower sediment layers were similar, suggesting a consistent vertical distribution pattern across different trophic conditions. Nematode species richness, Shannon-Wiener species diversity index, trophic diversity and Maturity Index were significantly correlated with nutrient levels (total phosphorus and nitrogen in lake water and total phosphorus in sediment). Our results suggest the importance of nematode community analyses in the assessment of freshwater eutrophication.
由于人类活动所引起的地球大气层中温室气体的富集已导致全球地表平均温度在20世纪升高了0.6 ℃,并预测在本世纪将上升1.4-5.8 ℃。气候变暖对陆地植物和生态系统影响深远,并已成为全球变化研究的重要议题。高海拔、高纬度地带的生态系统对气候变化最敏感。而在高原和高山极端环境影响下所形成的高寒草甸生态系统极其脆弱,对由于温室效应引起的全球气候变化极其敏感,对这些变化的响应更具有超前性。 本研究以川西北高寒草甸植物群落及几种主要物种为研究对象,采用国际山地综合研究中心(ITEX)普遍所采用的增温方法-----开顶式生长室(OTC)模拟气候变暖来研究增温对高寒草甸植物群落结构、物质分配及其主要物种生长和生理的影响,以探讨高寒草甸植物响应与适应气候变暖的生物学和生态学机制。主要研究结论如下: 1、OTC的增温效果 由于地温、地表温度和气温的平均值在OTC内分别高出对照样地0.28℃、0.46℃和1.4℃,这说明本研究所采用的开顶式生长室(OTC)起到了增温的作用;同时,由于温室内与温室外接受的降水量相同,温室内由于热量条件的改善,土壤蒸发和植被的蒸腾作用增强,直接导致了OTC内土壤表层相对湿度的减少。 2、群落结构对增温的响应 由于增温时间较短,增温内外样地的物种组成并未发生改变;但增温后一定程度上改变了植物群落的小气候环境,从而导致物种间的竞争关系被破坏,种间竞争关系的破坏引起群落优势种组成发生相应的改变,在对照样地,鹅绒委陵菜、甘青老鹳草、遏蓝菜和蚤缀是占绝对优势的物种,而在OTC内,小米草、尼泊尔酸模、垂穗披碱草、发草和羊茅的重要性显著增加。 禾草和杂草由于对增温的生物学特性及其资源利用响应的不同,加之增温造成土壤含水量下降等环境因子的改变。与对照样地相比较,OTC内禾草的盖度及生物量都显著增加,而杂草的盖度和生物量则显著下降。 3、植物生长期对增温的响应 OTC内立枯和调落物的生物量在生长季末(10月份)都要小于对照样地的立枯和调落物生物量,而OTC内的地上鲜体生物量在10月份却略高于对照样地。这说明OTC内植物的衰老或死亡得以延缓,而植物的生长期得以延长。 4、群落生物量及分配对增温的响应 OTC内的地上鲜体生物量(10月份除外)和地下0-30cm的根系生物量与对照样地相比较,都出现了不同程度的减少;土壤根系的分配格局也发生了明显的改变,其中,OTC内0-10cm土层的生物量分配比例增加,而20-30cm土层生物量分配比例的减少。 5、群落碳、氮对增温的响应 增温后,OTC内植物群落地上活体和地下活根的碳浓度不同程度的高于对照样地,植物群落的碳库在OTC内也略高于对照样地;而OTC内植物群落地上活体和地下活根的氮浓度不同程度的低于对照样地,其植物群落的氮库与对照样地相比也略有下降。 6、几种主要植物的生长及物质分配对增温的响应 垂穗披碱草在增温后株高、比叶面积和地上生物量均显著地增加;尼泊尔酸模在增温后比叶面积和单株平均生物量积累显著地增加,而各组分中,增温处理使叶的生物量显著增加,而根的生物量却显著下降;鹅绒委陵菜在增温后株高、比叶面积和单株平均生物量积累显著地减少,而各组分中,增温处理使叶和茎的生物量显著减少,根的生物量却显著地增加。 尼泊尔酸模的LMR、RMR、R/S、根部碳含量、碳和氮在叶片与根部的分配比例在增温后显著地增加,而SMR、根部氮含量、碳和氮在茎部的分配比例在增温后却显著地降低;鹅绒委陵菜的RMR、R/S、碳和氮在根部的分配比例在增温后显著地增加,而SMR、LMR、碳在叶片的分配比例在增温后却显著地降低 7、几种主要植物的光合生理过程对增温的响应 增温使垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片中的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量显著增加;而鹅绒委陵菜叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量在增温后显著减少,类胡萝卜素含量在增温后却显著增加。 增温对3种植物的气体交换产生了显著影响。其中,垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片的光响应曲线在增温后明显高于对照处理,A、E、gs、Pmax、、Rday、AQY和LSP显著增加,而LCP则显著降低;鹅绒委陵菜的光响应曲线在增温后则明显的低于对照处理,A、E、gs、Pmax、、Rday、AQY和LSP显著减少,而LCP则显著增加。 增温后垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片的Fv/Fm、Yield和qP显著增加;而鹅绒委陵菜叶片的Fv/Fm、Yield和qP则显著减少,qN却显著地增加。 8、几种主要植物的抗氧化酶系统对增温的响应 增温使垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模体内抗氧化酶活性和非酶促作用有所提高,植物膜脂过氧化作用降低;鹅绒委陵菜叶片中酶促反应和非酶促反应在增温后也显著提高,但可能由于增温后的土壤干旱超过了鹅绒委陵菜叶的抗氧化保护能力,抗氧化酶活性及非酶促反应(脯氨酸、类胡萝卜素)的提高不足以完全清除干旱诱导形成的过量活性氧,因此叶片的膜脂过氧化程度仍然显著提高。 Enrichment of atmospheric greenhouse gases resulted from human activities such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation has increased global mean temperature by 0.6 ℃ in the 20th century and is predicted to increase in this century by 1.4-5.8 ℃. The global warming will have profound, long-term impacts on terrestrial plants and ecosystems. The ecoologcial consequences arising from global warming have also become the very important issuses of global change research. The terrestrial habitats of high-elevation and high-latitude ecosystems are regarded as the most sensitive to changing climate. The alpine meadow ecosystme, which resulted from the composite effects of mountain extreme climatic factors in Tibetan Plateau, is thus thought to be especially vulnerable and sensitive to global warming. In this paper, the response of plant community and several main species in the alpine meadow of Northewst Sichuan to experimemtal warming was studied by using open-top chambers (OTC). The aim of the this study was to research the warming effects on plant community structure, substance allocation, growth and physiological processes of several mian species, and to explore the biological and ecological mechanism of how the alpine meadow plants acclimate and adapt to future global warming. The results were as follows: 1. Warming effects of OTC The mean soil temperature, soil surface temperature and air temperature in OTC manipulation increased by 0.28℃、0.46℃ and 1.4℃ compared to the control during the growing season. This suggested that the OTC used in our study had increased temperature there. Meanwhile, the OTC manipulation slightly altered thermal conditions, but the same amount of precipitation was supplied to both the OTC manipulation and the control, so higher soil evaporation and plant transpiration in OTC manipulation directly lead to the decrease of soil surface water content. 2. The reponse of community structure to experimental warming The species richness was not changed by the short-term effect of OTC manipulation. However, experimental warming changed the microenvironment of plant community, therefore competitive balances among species were shift, leading to changes in species dominance. In the present study, the dominant plant species in the control plots were some forbs including Potentilla anserine, Geranium pylzowianum, Thlaspi arvense and Arenaria serpyllifolia, however, the importance value of some gramineous grasses including Elymus nutans, Deschampsia caespitosa, Festuca ovina, and some forbs including Euphrasia tatarica and Rumex acetosa significantly increased in OTC. The different biology characteristics and resource utilizations between gramineous grasses and forbs, and enhanced temperature caused change in some environment factors such as soil water content. As a result, the coverage and biomass of gramineous grasses significantly increased in OTC compared to the control, however, the coverage and biomass of forbs singnifciantly decreased in OTC compared to the control. 3. The reponse of plant growing season to experimental warming Both the standing dead and fallen litter biomass in OTC were lower than those in the control in October, and the biomass of aboveground live-vegetation in OTC was higher than that of the control. The results indicated that the senescence of plants was postponed, and the growing season was prolonged in our research. 4. The reponse of community biomass accumulation and its allocation to experimental warming Experimental warming caused the decrease of aboveground live biomass and belowground root biomass except for the aboveground live biomass in October. Experimental warming also had pronounced effects on the pattern of root biomass allocation. In the present study, the root biomass in 0-10cm soil layer increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control, however, the root biomass in the 20-30cm soil layer decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. 5. The reponse of community C and N content to experimental warming The C concentration and stock in aboveground live and belowground root both increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. However, the N concentration and stock in aboveground live and belowground root both decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. 6. The reponse of gowth and biomass, C and N alloction of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming significantly increased the height, SLA (specific leaf area) and aboveground biomass of Elymus nutans in OTC manipulation compared to the control. The SLA and total biomass of Rumex acetosa also significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to control, among the different components of Rumex acetosa, leaf biomass significantly increased, but root biomass significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. However, the height, SLA and total biomass of Potentilla anserina significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control, among the different component of Potentilla anserina, leaf and stem biomass significantly decreased, but root biomass significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. The LMR (leaf mass ratio), RMR (root mass ratio), R/S (shoot/root biomass ration) and root C concentration of Rumex acetosa significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Rumex acetosa allocated relatively more C and N content to leaf and root in response to experimental warming, however, the SMR (stem mass ration) and root N concentration of Rumex acetosa significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Rumex acetosa allocated relatively less C and N content to stem in response to experimental warming. The RMR and R/S of Potentilla anserina significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Potentilla anserina allocated relatively more C and N content to root in response to experimental warming, however, the SMR and LMR of Potentilla anserina significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Potentilla anserina allocated relatively less C and N content to leaf in response to experimental warming. 7. The reponse of physiological processes of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming significantly increased chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation compared to outside control. However, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation significantly decreased compared to outside control. Experimental warming had pronounced effects on gas exchange of Elymus nutans, Rumex acetosa and Potentilla anserine. In the present study, warming markedly increased the light response curves of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, and also singnificantly increased A (net photosynthesis rate), E (transpiration rate), gs (stomatal conductance), Pmax (maximum net photosynthetic rate), Rday (dark respiration rate), AQY (apparent quantum yield) and LSP (light saturation point), but LCP (photosynthetic light compensation) of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation singnificantly decreased compared to outside control. However, warming markedly decreased the light response curves of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, and also singnificantly decreased A, E, gs, Pmax, Rday, AQY and LSP, but LCP of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation singnificantly increased compared to outside control. Experimental warming singnificantly increased the chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics parameters such as Fv/Fm, Yield and qP of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa and qN of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation, but Fv/Fm, Yield and qP of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation singnificantly decreased. 8. The reponse of antioxidative systems of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming tended to increase the activities of antioxidative enzymes and stimulate the role of non-enzymes of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa. As a result, MDA content of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa decreased. The activities of antioxidative enzymes and non-enzymes of Potentilla anserina also significantly increased in OTC manipulation, but more O2- was produced because of lower soil water content, and the O2- accumulation exceeded the defense ability of antioxidative systems and non-enzymes fuctions. As a result, MDA content of Potentilla anserine still increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control.
九寨沟湖泊湿地在维持九寨沟的生态平衡中起着重要的作用,在旅游产业的发展下,湿地生态系统及生物多样性面临着较大的威胁。尽管九寨沟湿地具有重要的生态价值,但目前对其研究尚比较薄弱。湿地植物群落和植物地理研究可以为湿地资源的可持续利用和监测保护提供科学依据。作者从2004年8月到2007年11月对九寨沟湿地的植物物种组成、地理分布、优势植物群落的结构、生长动态、湿地土壤种子库进行了调查研究。主要结果如下: 1. 九寨沟湿地物种组成、地理分布特点及湿地植物群落特点 九寨沟湿地共有苔藓植物8科13属16种,维管植物为48科107属199种。九寨沟湿地植物的地理成份较为丰富,维管植物在科级水平上有7种地理分布型(变型),在属级水平上有13种地理分布型(变型), 在种级水平上共有29种地理分布型(变型)。九寨沟湿地植物以温带成份和我国特有成份为主,同时兼有热带、亚热带成份和环极—高山成份。九寨沟湿地植物的分布表现出明显的垂直地带性和水平地带性。湿地植物群落可划分21个群落类型,不同植物群落类型的物种多样性及物种组成存在较大的差异。九寨沟湿地植物的物种多样性和群落多样性以及较高的生产力特征,是维持其湿地生态景观多样性和稳定性的基础。 2. 土壤、水环境、海拔等对湿地植物的分布及生物多样性的影响 九寨沟湿地土壤、水等环境因子存在较大的差异。帕米尔苔草和宽叶香蒲等群落的凋落物较多,土壤有机碳、土壤总磷较高,可能是九寨沟湿地的重要土壤碳库。 九寨沟湿地植物沿水环境梯度的分布规律表现为:沉水植物(轮藻—篦齿眼子菜,水苦荬,杉叶藻)——挺水植物(水木贼,芦苇,宽叶香蒲)——湿生草本(苔草、节节草、披散木贼)——湿生灌木(柳灌丛,小檗灌丛)等。海拔也影响湿地植物的物种组成。 水深对物种多样性有影响,水深与物种丰富度负相关。随着水深的增加,水木贼、芦苇、杉叶藻、宽叶香蒲等群落的物种多样性下降;在长期淹水和季节性淹水的地方,水木贼群落物种多样性存在显著差异。土壤总氮与水木贼群落物种丰富度正相关。 3. 土壤营养元素、水环境对植物生长的影响 水深影响湿地植物生物量的分配。芦苇无性系分株在47 cm水深的环境中单株平均生物量最大;在干滩地中(地面水深0 cm),叶生物量百分比最大,而茎生物量百分比最小,茎的生物量百分比和生长速率随水深的增加而增加;在较干的滩地生境中,开花率、花序的生物量百分比明显大于水较深的生境。 水深与水木贼地上生物量负相关,但水木贼地上生物量在长期淹水和季节性淹水的地方没有显著的差异。在水浅的地方,杉叶藻、水木贼、芦苇等植物群落中,其他伴生物种的生物量占样方总生物量的百分比较大。 土壤有机碳、土壤总氮、土壤总磷等对湿地植物生物量的影响比较大:宽叶香蒲地上生物量与土壤总磷正相关;水木贼地上生物量与土壤总氮正相关;杉叶藻地上生物量与土壤有机碳正相关。 水深、土壤营养成分对湿地植物高度、密度等有影响。水木贼的平均高度在季节性淹水的地方比长期淹水的地方低,平均密度在长期淹水的地方比季节性淹水的地方低;除了5月份,其他观察月份水木贼的密度都与水深负相关,同时与土壤有机碳正相关。另外,芦苇密度与土壤有机碳含量正相关,宽叶香蒲密度与水深负相关,帕米尔苔草高度与土壤有机碳负相关。 4. 优势植物群落的动态变化 在优势植物群落中,优势种的高度、密度、盖度、生物量等在群落中占绝对优势。除五花海,水木贼群落的物种组成、高度、生物量在两年间没有显著的变化。芦苇群落的物种丰富度在近两年有所增加。 湿地植物生长表现为明显的季节动态,生长的峰值大多在7月-8月。优势植物群落的物候与水文周期有关。湿地植物群落的物种组成和密度,可以作为对湿地监测和保护的生物指示。 5. 九寨沟湿地土壤种子库特征及其在湿地生物多样性恢复中的作用 水深和现存植被物种丰富度可以解释湿地土壤种子库的变化。水深可以解释表层物种丰富度45%的变化。现存植被物种丰富度可以分别解释10 cm土层、2-5 cm土层及5-10 cm土层土壤种子库45%、48%和25%的变化。 湿地土壤种子库的密度为0-15945粒m-2, 种子库中共发现23个物种。现存植被优势物种和种子库优势物种不同。各层土壤种子库密度和物种丰富度并不存在显著的差异,但第二层土壤种子库密度最大。海拔、现存植被优势种盖度、土壤总磷、土壤总氮、土壤有机碳对湿地土壤种子库的密度和垂直结构没有影响。土壤种子库物种丰富度小于地上植被物种丰富度。湿地土壤种子库与地上植被的相关性不大。在浅水区域,湿地土壤种子库在湿地植被恢复中有一定作用。但在深水区域,保护现存植被更重要。 The lakeshore wetlands are valuable ecological units of the Jiuzhaigou lakes. Pressure for travel industry development pose a continuing and severe threat to the biodiversity-support function of the wetland system. Despite the ecological importance of wetlands in Jiuzhaigou, they are so far poorly studied. Both general plant communties and biogeographical studies are needed in order to attain basis for sustainable use the wetland resources and adequate protection of these areas. The present study was undertaken to examine aquatic plants distribution and the species compositon, structure and growth dynamics of their communities with variations of environmental factors along altitudes, water depth and soil properities gradients in Jiuzhaigou. Analysis of field survey data collected during August 2004 and November 2007 in lakeshore wetlands in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China. The results were as following: (i) Species composition and biogeography in wetland vegetation 8 families, 13 genus, 16 species of moss and 48 families, 107 genus and 199 species of vascular plants in Jiuzhaigou wetlands were found. The floristic compositions were abundunt. Ten geographical distribution types at family level, 13 geographical distributions types at generic level and 29 geographical distribution types at specific level in vascular plants were found. Most species in Jiuzhaigou wetlands are temperate elements and Chinese endemic elements, with a few of tropical and subtropical and some circumarctic elements. And the plant distributions show clear vertical and horizontal patterns. There were 21 major wetland plant community types. Species composition and species richness in different plant communities are different. The species diversity and plant community diversity and their high biomass are the basis for the diversity and stability of wetland landscapes in Jiuzhaigou. (ii) Water depth, soil nutrients and altitudes influence on the species diversity and plant distribution. Total phosphorous and organic cabon in soil were higher in C. pamiernensis and T. latifolia communities, where are important cabon reservoirs in Jiuzhaigou wetlands. Along gradients of water depth, among populations of the dominant plant species present: submerged macrophytes (Chara vulgaris, Potagemonton pectinatus, Veronica anagalis-aquatica,Hippuris vulgaris), emergent macrophytes (Equisetum fluviatile, Phragamites australis, Typha latifolia), helophytes (Carex pamirensis )and shrubs (Salix sp., Berberis sp. ). Altitudes influence on the assemblage of plant communities. Water depth negatively correlated with species richness. Specie richness showed differences between permanently flooded sites and seasonally flooded sites in E. fluvatile communities. And total nitrogen in soil was negatively correlated with species richness in E. fluviatile communities. Altitudes show no significant influence on species richness, but in fact, through our analyses, they do have influence on the assemblage of wetland plants. (iii) Water depth, soil nutrients influence on the plant growth Water depth influences the biomass allocation in Phragmities australis. The average aboveground biomass of a single ramet (4.2 g) was the largest in the habitat with water level 47 cm above the soil surface. At the habitat with water level under soil surface 15 cm (-15 cm), the leaf biomass percentage (of the total ramet biomass) was the largest (46.1%), and the height and percentage of ramose ramets ( with branches on stem )(of the total ramets in a plot) were found obviously different. The deeper in water, the larger the biomass percentage and growth rate of stems were. The flowering rate and biomass of panicles were greater in shallow water than those in deep water. Water depth negatively correlated with aboveground biomass of E. fluviatile. However, above-ground biomass of E. fluviatile showed no significant difference between permanently flooded sites and seasonally flooded sites. But in shallow water, more biomasses of accompanying species were found in dominant plant communities such as H. vulgaris communities, E. fluviatile communities and P. australis communities. Water depth, soil nutrients influence on shoot density and shoot length of wetland plants. The shoot density of E. fluviatile was correlated to water depth in all growth months. Annual average density was significantly lower at permanently flooded sites than at seasonally flooded sites. But the annual average shoot length was significantly lower at seasonally flooded sites than at permanently flooded sites. (iv) Growth dynamics of dominant communities in Jiuzhaigou wetland The shoot length and shoot density, coverage and biomass of domiant species were dominated in plant communities. The species composition increased in P. australis communities in recent two years. The species richness in E. fluviatile communities showed no difference between 2005 and 2007. The above-ground biomass and shoot density in Five-flower Lake from July 2005 to July 2007 were significantly different, while in other sites, the differences were not significant. Shoot height, shoot density and above-ground biomass showed significant seasonal changes in all sites. Growth dynamics correlated with the cycle of water levels in lakes. Most plants growth parameters peaked at July or August. The biomass of T. latifolia peaked in August. But the shoot length of T. latifolia in deeper water peaked in July. The shoot length of E. fluviatile increased significantly from May to August except in seasonally flooded sites in Arrow-bamboo Lake. The species composition of communities and shoot density can be used as bioindicators in Jiuzhaigou wetland. (v) Soil seed bank in Jiuzhaigou wetland and its role in vegetation restoration Seed density in all soil layer samples was negatively correlated to water depth. Water depth can explain 45% variance of species richness in surface layer in sediment. Species richness in extant vegetation can explain 45%, 48%, 25% variance of species richness in total 10 cm and in 2-5 cm and 5-10 cm layer sediment respectively. Mean seed densities in wetlands ranged from 0 to 15945 m–2. A total of 23 species germinated in seed bank. The dominant species in seed bank and extant vegetation showed great difference. The total number of species and seedlings that germinated in different layers was not significantly different. But the second layer had the greatest seed density. In shallow water, seed bank can contribute to vegetation restoration, while in deeper water, protection of extant vegetation may be a better strategy.
对白水河自然保护区进行了生物多样性和植物区系调查,根据获得的生物多样性数据和标本的鉴定结果分析,得到结果和推论如下:1.白水河自然保护区生物多样性的垂直分布格局1.1 植物群落α 多样性随海拔梯度的变化乔木种的丰富度及多样性随海拔上升表现出明显的线性下降趋势。而灌木和草本物种丰富度及多样性随海拔上升表现出抛物线式的下降趋势。乔木种从海拔1400m 的15 种至林线时下降为2 种;灌木和草本植物分别从35 和38 种至山顶时下降为5 种和20 种。乔木物种随海拔升高出现明显的物种替代现象,表明海拔梯度包含了多种环境因子的梯度效应,影响着植物群落的分布与结构及物种多样性。1.2 植物群落β 多样性随海拔梯度的变化海拔2200 m 左右是一个明显的生境转折点。海拔2200 米以下相邻群落的相似性( CJ ) 明显大于海拔2200 m 以上的群落,说明海拔2200 m 以下的群落间共有种多,生境差异较小;而海拔2200 以上的群落则相反,相似性较低。低海拔区由于人为干扰较大,所以群落具有较高的物种丰富度,相邻群落之间的物种替换总量(Cody 指数) 较大。海拔2800 米到海拔3200 米之间因杜鹃群落的影响,物种替换总量(Cody 指数) 略有升高。研究β 多样性沿海拔梯度的变化必须考虑到物种丰富度和群落类型的影响,用不同指数从不同角度能更好地理解β 多样性沿环境梯度的变化。2.白水河自然保护区植物区系性质及起源白水河自然保护区自产种子植物计138 科421 属990 种。本文在科、属的水平上对该保护区植物区系特性进行了较深入的统计和分析。统计表明,温带和热带分布型均占有相当比重,但温带分布型稍占优势;热带、亚热带和温带的科、属多,中国特有属也有相当比例,它们是保护区具有特征意义的类群,其中许多属为古老和残遗成分。结论认为白水河保护区植物区系起源古老,较完好的保存了北极-第三纪古植物群。We have collected the specimens and gotten the biodiversity datas of BaiShuihe Nature Reserve in Peng Zhou,analysed the datas,the results as follows:1. Diversity of the plant community along altitudinal gradient1.1 α diversity of the plant communities along altitudinal gradientFrom 1400m to 3900m at Baishuihe Nature Reserve, 52 plots were investigatedwith an interval 100m in altitude; α diversity and β diversity of plant communitiesand their variety along altitudinal gradient were studied. The results showed that indifferent successional layers of trees, richness and diversity decreased linearly withthe increase of altitude. But shrub and herb layers don’t decrease linearly with theincrease of altitude. Tree species decreased from 15 species at 1400m so only 2species at timberline. Shrub and herb species decreased from 35 and 38 species at2000m to 5 and 20 species at 3800m respectively. Tree species are replacedobviously with the increase of altitude; It shows that altitude includes manyenvironmental facts, which infect the distribution, structure and diversity of plant population.1.2 The variety of βdiversity along altitudinal gradient.The entironment changed obviously near 2200m according to our research. Forsimilarity(CJ) between neighboring plots above 2200m is larger than wich below it.It shows that below 2200m,the neighboring plots has more same species,and thehabitats of neighboring plots has more similarity. Above 2200 is the other way round.The plant communites have higher species richness and species turnoverlargestly between neighboring plots because of the disturbance from humanity at lowaltitude. Between 2800m and 3200m species turnover not so obviously because ofmore Rhododendron live there.We should think over species and the types of plant communities effect thevariety of β diversity along altitude gradient. Use more biodiversity indexs and fromseveral aspects to understand the variety of β diversity along altitudinal gradient.2.Origin and characteristic features of Bai Shuihe Nature Reserve990 species of wild seed plants (belonging to 421 generas in 138 families) inthe floristic region of Bai Shuihe Nature Reserve were reported here. The statisticsand comparatively intensive analysis at generic and familiar levelss. Based on thestatistics,the results show that both temperate and tropical distribution types areacounted for considerable proportion of the total,but formal is a little moreimportant than the later. The North Temperate and E.Asia-N.America disjunctedpatterns are more concentrated in this area. These may be considered as thecharacteristic features of Bai Shuihe Nature Reserve flora, while many of them arearchaic and relic elements. According to above data,the floristic region of BaiShuihe Nature Reserve may be considered as a typical region in Chinese flora. Also,the flora of Bai Shuihe Nature Reserve are originated since ancient time as a wellconserved Arctic-Tertiar flora.
横断山地区是一个十分自然的植物区系地区,在中国植物区系分区中是作为泛北极植物区中国-喜马拉雅亚区中的一个地区,其种子植物区系具有丰富的科、属、种,地理成分复杂,特有现象和替代现象明显。该地区作为植物区系和生物多样性的研究热点地区,长期以来极受中外植物学家关注。横断山脉东缘是中国-喜马拉雅和中国-日本植物区系的交汇过渡区域,北部的岷江流域以及南部的金沙江流域,孕育了该区丰富的物种资源和植被资源。而岷江干热河谷和金沙江干热河谷的相似性和相关性,更为该区的植物区系和生物多样性南北的对比研究提供了有利的条件。 本研究选择的九顶山西坡和龙肘山分别位于横断山区北部和南部,九顶山属岷江流域而龙肘山属金沙江流域。本研究结合植物区系研究和生物多样性研究,对该区的植物资源进行调查。通过样带调查和样线踏查结合,大量详实的野外样方调查和标本采集,进行传统的区系研究和生物多样性研究。研究该区物种多样性的海拔梯度格局及其潜在的影响影子,并利用新的区系评估质量方法对九顶山西坡的植物区系质量进行定量的研究,以期能更为深刻的理解该区的植物资源,为该区的资源保护和利用提供合理可行的建议。主要研究结论如下: 1)九顶山西坡植物区系的性质和特点 经鉴定和统计,九顶山西坡共有1707 种维管植物,分属617 属和140 科,其中种子植物1616 种,分属572 属117 科。就科的分布区成分构成而言,该区系的热带成分与温带成分相当,热带成分略占优势,表明九顶山西坡的植物区系与热带植物区系有较强的联系。但是,在九顶山西坡属的分布区类型所占的比例上,温带成分远远超过了热带成分,本区的种子植物分布表现出明显的温带性质。且温带分布类型的许多物种组成了九顶山西坡植被的建群种和优势种,是本区系最重要的成分,充分体现了本区系的温带性质。 2)九顶山西坡不同植被带的生物多样性海拔梯度格局 基于对土门-断头崖、茶山-九顶山、雁门沟-光光山三条垂直植被样带的调查,我们发现九顶山西坡的生物多样性沿海拔梯度的变化呈现出一定的规律性,不同样带之间有一定差异。就三条样带的物种组成相似性来看,虽然土门-断头崖样带属于涪江水系,而茶山-九顶山样带和雁门沟-光光山样带属于岷江水系,但不同水系对该区物种组成的影响并不明显。三条样带中,草本层物种丰富度均远远大于灌木层和乔木层,而以乔木层物种丰富度最低;α-多样性指数随着海拔梯度的变化在土门-断头崖样带中呈现单一下降趋势,在茶山-九顶山样带表现为双峰模型,而在雁门沟-光光山样带则表现为不显著波动变化;均匀度指数在土门-断头崖样带呈现出单一下降的趋势,在雁门沟-光光山样带表现为凹形曲线,而在茶山-九顶山样带却无明显的变化规律。β-多样性指数在土门-断头崖样带和茶山-九顶山样带呈现出明显的波动状态,植被类型替代现象明显;而在雁门沟-光光山样带却并未有十分显著的转折点,因其水平植被带受到干扰,同海拔替代现象不显著。 3)九顶山西坡维管植物丰富度的海拔梯度格局 我们考察了九顶山西坡和两条垂直样带(土门-断头崖和雁门沟-光光山样带)的不同分类等级(包括科、属、种)和不同生活型物种(乔木、灌木、禾草、蕨类和其它草本)的丰富度沿着海拔梯度的分布。结果发现,物种的丰富度海拔梯度格局具有不同的模式,单一下降和中间膨胀格局依然是其主流。不同生活型的物种具有不同的丰富度格局,但是对于环境需求相似的类型具有较相似的丰富度格局。不同的丰富度格局可能由多因素导致,包括:气候,海拔跨度,面积,人为干扰等等。 4)九顶山西坡区系质量评估 我们尝试使用传统的区系质量评估方法对九顶山西坡的区系质量进行评估,并尝试使用一种新的区系质量评估体系对该区的区系进行评价。在九顶山西坡随着海拔梯度的上升,平均保守性系数在各条植被带中均呈现出逐渐上升的趋势。区系质量指数随着海拔的升高都表现为双峰模型,在植被交错区区系质量指数相对较高,而在海拔的两极,区系质量指数都很低。大部分地区使用新方法计算所得的加权平均保守性系数和区系质量指数都比传统方法计算的平均保收性系数和区系质量指数要高,说明在九顶山西坡的三条样带中,大部分地区都是那些保守性系数较高的物种占据优势,同时也表明九顶山西坡具有很高质量的区系和自然植被。 5)龙肘山种子植物区系的性质和特点 龙肘山种子植物区系的物种较为丰富,共有154 科,544 属,1156 种。科的优势十分明显,单种属和寡种属数量众多,说明本区系植物成分较为复杂、起源古老、物种多样性指数较高。地理成分复杂,分布类型多样,其中热带成分在总数量上高于温带成分,但是许多温带成分的属是该区植被的重要建群类群和优势类群,表现出明显的亚热带性质。 6)龙肘山生物多样性的现状和特点 在海拔梯度上,龙肘山地区无论是科、属、种的数量,还是不同等级分类单元之间的数量比,均呈现先升后降的趋势,并在中海拔地区达到峰值。物种多样性指数从总体上来说变化幅度不大,略有先升后降的趋势,在中海拔梯度物种多样性最高。乔、灌、草三层的多样性指数表现出乔木层<灌木层<草本层的特征;乔木层均匀度的变化很大,而灌木层和草本层均匀度的变化较小;灌木层均匀度的波动又强于草本层。β-多样性指数呈现单峰模式,中海拔地区最高。就龙肘山东、西坡物种多样性相比较而言,两者虽然在数值上交替上升,但是却体现出了较为一致的趋势,但西坡因受到干热河谷气候的影响,其平均气温要高于东坡,导致了东坡植物群落和物种的分布比西坡要低。在区系成分构成上,低山区的相同海拔段,西坡的热带亚热带成分所占的比例要比东坡高,这是因为西坡的平均气温比东坡稍高,导致了热带、亚热带物种分布更多。而随着海拔的上升,东、西两坡的气候、土壤等条件趋于一致,其植物区系成分的构成格局也趋于一致。 The Hengduan Mountain region is a very natural floristic region; it belongs toChina-Himalaya sub-region of Holarctic region in floristic subarea of China. The flora in this areais rich in family, genus and species; has a very complex composition of geographical elements;especially with high richness of endemic species and obvious substitution phenomenon. Thisregion as a hot-spot area of floristic and biodiversity, has fascinated biologists in the world for along time. The eastern range of Hengduan Mountain is the transition zone of China – Himalayaforest sub-region and China-Japan forest sub-region in floristic. The water systems are quitedifferent, Minjiang River in the north and Jishajiang River in the south grow quit different but alsoabundant plant species and vegetation resources. The similarity and correlativity of Minjiang River dry valleys and Jinshajiang River dry valleys have provided advantageous condition tocontrast flora and biodiversity between north and south. In the present study, the Jiuding Mountainlies in the north of Hengduan Mountain and belongs to Minjiang River, and the LongzhouMountain lies in the south of Hengduan Mountain and belongs to Jinshajiang River. In our study, we combined the methods of floristic research and biodiversity investigation toexplore the resources of plant species and vegetations; sampled with transects along the altitudinalgradients and also with transverse straps with similar elevation; collected the vascular plant specimen with sampling plots of ecology. We explored the plant species richness patterns alongaltitudinal gradients and discussed the underlying factors aroused these patterns; and used a novelmethod to assess the quality of Jiuding Mountain’s flora. All for a deeper comprehension of the plant recourses of this region; and provided feasible and reasonable suggestion for the protectionof resources. The results were as follows: 1 The characteristic of the flora of the west slope of Jiuding Mountain We had collected 1707 species of vascular plants belonging to 617 genera in 140 families inthe west slope of Jiuding Mountain,in which included 1616 seed plant species belonging to 572genera and 117 families. As for the composition of the areal types of the Families of seed plants,tropic components and temperate components are well-balanced, and percentage of tropicscomponents is higher than that of temperate ones for a litter bit. This shows the flora in the westslope of Jiuding Mountain has strong relationship with the tropic flora. But for the composition ofthe areal types of genera, temperate components have far exceeded the tropics ones, indicated thewhole flora with a conspicuous temperate character. Temperate components possess maximumproportion in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain, and many of them belong to constructivespecies and dominant species in the vegetation, are most important components in JiudingMountain’s Flora, also have embodied the temperate character of this area sufficiently. 2 Biodiversity patterns along altitudinal gradients in different vegetation transects in the westslope of Jiuding Mountain Based on the investigation of three vegetation transects (including Tumen-Duantouya transect,Chashan-Jiudingshan transect and Yanmengou-Guangguangshan Transect) in the west slope ofJiuding Mountain, we found the change of biodiversity along the altitude gradients displayedcertain regularity, but have differences among different transects. The three transects belong todifferent water systems; the Tumen-Duantouya transect belongs to Fujiang River, and the othertwo belong to Minjiang River. From the similarity of species compositions of different transects,we found different water system didn’t show obvious impact on the species composition. In all thethree transects, the species richness of herb layer was remarkably higher than shrub and tree layer,and the species richness of tree layer was the lowest one. With the increasing of the altitude, theline of α-diversity was monotonically decreasing curve in Tumen-Duantouya transect, andbimodal curve in Chashan-Jiudingshan transect, but in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transectshowed a wave-like curve although not very obvious. Species evenness showed monotonicallydecreasing trends in Tumen-Duantouya transect, and very low at mid-altitude in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transect, but in Chashan-Jiudingshan transect changed irregularly. Changes inβ-diversity corresponded with the transition of vegetation in the Tumen-Duantouya transect andChashan-Jiudingshan transect, and the curve of β-diversity along altitude had obvious turningpoint; but in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transect had no obvious turning point, and thesubstitution phenomenon was not obvious, transverse vegetation straps distributed interlaced. 3 Richness patterns of vascular plant species along altitude in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain Direct gradient analysis and regression methods were used to describe the species richnesspatterns along the altitudinal for Mt. Jiuding, as well as separately for Tumen-Duantouya Transectand Yanmengou-Guangguangshan Transect. Altitudinal gradient of diversity of units at differenttaxonomic level (including Family, Genus and Species) and at different life form (including tree,shrub, pteridophyte, grass and other herb) were tested to find differences among the richnesspattern. We found altitudinal richness also shows different patterns, and both monotonicallydecreasing pattern and hump-shaped pattern can be founded in vascular species richness. Speciesin different life forms show different altitudinal patterns, but those species with similarrequirements to environmental conditions show similar richness patterns along altitudinalgradients. Different richness patterns can be aroused by different climate, different altitudinal span,area factor, anthropogenic factor and so on. 4 Floristic quality assessments in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain We used both the conventional method broadly adopted in the USA and the new one toassess the floristic quality in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain. The Mean Coefficient ofConservatism (MC) had the trend of increment along the altitudinal gradients. The FloristicQuality Index (FQI) was a bimodal curve with increasing of elevation; FQI got maximum valuesin the transition zones of different vegetations in the middle altitude, and had very low values atthe two end of elevation. In most areas of the west slope of the Jiuding Mountain, the resultscalculated using the new methods were higher than those using the conventional method. Thisindicated the dominant species of the communities had very high coefficients of conservatism inmost areas of Jiuding Mountain, and the communities are relatively kept pristine and the habitats very integrative. 5 The characteristic of the flora of Longzhou Mountain The flora of Longzhou Mountain has very abundant in species composition; there are about1156 species of seed plants belonging to 544 genera in 154 families. In which, twelve families with more than 20 species include totally 232 genera and 532 species, and form the majority of itsflora. The origin of its flora is old, monospecific genera and oligotypic genera amounts to 510 innumber, which constitute 93.75% of total number of genera. The geographical components arevarious in Longzhou Mountain, the majority of flora are temperate and pantropic ones. The tropiccomponents overtopped temperate components on genera quantity, but many temperatecomponents belong to constructive species and dominant species in the vegetation, and the wholeflora shows an obvious subtropical character. 6 Current situation and characteristic of biodiversity in Longzhou Mountain With the increasing of altitude, the number of species, genus, family and the ratios ofdifferent taxonomic levels all displayed a trend of descending after rising first, and peaked atmiddle height area. The change of α-diversity was not very acutely, with the trend of descendingafter rising first in some degree, the middle height area had highest α-diversity. As studying thetree layer, shrub layer and herb layer respectively, the Shannon-Wiener index was in followingorder: tree layer < shrub layer < herb layer; the change of evenness was more complicatedly thanthat of diversity, the tree layer changed acutely, but the shrub layer and herb layer fluctuatedsmoothly. Changes in β-diversity also showed the trend of descending after rising first. TheJaccard index and Cody index all peaked at the middle height forest area. As for the comparison ofplant diversity and evenness between the west and east slope, the numerical values ascendedalternatively, but the trend of changing was similar. The distribution of similar plant communitiesand species in east slope were lower than the west slope for the influence of Jinsha River DryValley. As for the composition of different floristic components, in lower altitude area of westslope, the tropic and sub-tropic plants had higher ratio than east slope’s and even could be equal tothe temperate plants. With the increasing of elevation, the floristic composition become morelikely between the east and west slope and temperate plants dominated the flora.
黄龙世界自然遗产地岷江冷杉林(Abies faxoniana)生境类型多样,群落结构复杂,群落植物种类组成多样性丰富。揭示不同生境的生物多样性及其差异是认识生物多样性格局、形成及维持机制的前提和进行多样性保育的基础。本文采用样方法对黄龙钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境及半阳坡非钙化生境的岷江冷杉原始林植物群落结构及植物多样性进行了研究。结果表明: 黄龙岷江冷杉林具有明显的复层异龄结构,垂直结构明显,乔木、灌木、草本、苔藓层次分明。共发现高等植物386 种,其中维管植物46 科103 属163 种,苔藓植38 科83 属物223 种。各层片结构及物种组成如下: (1)钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境、半阳坡非钙化生境分别发现乔木18 种、13种、8 种。乔木层均可分为两个亚层,第一亚层优势种均为岷江冷杉,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树或其它大高位芽物种。钙化滩生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外混生有巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)、粗枝云杉(Picea asperata)以及阔叶树种白桦(Betula platyphylla)等,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树;阴坡非钙化生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外间有巴山冷杉和白桦,第二亚层物种主要为川滇长尾槭(Acer caudatum var. prattii);半阳坡非钙化生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外混生有巴山冷杉,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树。依乔木层优势种的差异,钙化滩生境及半阳坡非钙化生境为岷江冷杉纯林,阴坡非钙化生境为岷江冷杉-川滇长尾槭混交林。不同生境乔木层郁闭度、乔木密度、树高结构、直径结构均存在差异。 (2)钙化滩生境发现灌木41 种,平均盖度为18.49±1.72(%),平均高度为52.12±4.45(cm),优势种为直穗小檗(Berberis dasystachya);阴坡非钙化生境发现灌木30 种,平均盖度为29.33±2.56 (%),平均高度为119.55±8.01 (cm),优势种为箭竹 (Fargesia spathacea) 、唐古特忍冬(Lonicera tangutica) 和袋花忍冬(Lonicera saccata);半阳坡非钙化生境发现灌木29 种,平均盖度为31.35±1.93 (%),平均高度为107.55±4.24 (cm),优势种为箭竹(Fargesia spathacea)。不同生境灌木层结构和物种组成多样性差异显著,钙化滩生境的灌木盖度、高度总体上较非钙化的坡地生境低, 钙化滩生境灌木以小型叶的落叶灌木为主,沟两侧非钙化的坡地生境上则发育了丰富箭竹。 (3)钙化滩生境发现草本46 种,平均盖度为7.18±0.79 (%),平均高度为5.04±0.26(cm),以山酢浆草(Oxalis griffithii)为优势种;阴坡非钙化生境发现草本物种71 种,平均盖度达29.04±2.31(%),平均高度为9.08±0.52(cm),以钝叶楼梯草(Elatostema obtusum)、山酢浆草为优势种;半阳坡非钙化生境草本物种50 种,平均盖度为以8.79±0.82(%),平均高度为7.67±0.43 (cm),以扇叶铁线蕨(Adiantum flabellulatum)、双花堇菜(Viola biflora)、华中蛾眉蕨(Lunathyrium shennongense)、山酢浆草为优势种。阴坡非钙化生境草本层片发育良好,多样性最为丰富,盖度和物种丰富度均显著高于钙化滩生境和半阳坡非钙化生境。 (4)钙化滩生境发现苔藓物种140 种,平均盖度达84.25±1.30 (%),以仰叶星塔藓(Hylocomiastrum umbratum) 等大型藓类为优势种;阴坡非钙化生境发现苔藓物种115 种,平均盖度为79.29±1.64 (%),以刺叶提灯藓(Mnium spinosum)、大羽藓(Thuidium cymbifolium)、毛尖燕尾藓(Bryhnia trichomitra)等个体较小的物种为优势种;半阳坡非钙化生境发现苔藓物种91 种,平均盖度为60.64±1.93 (%),也以刺叶提灯藓为优势种。 (5)钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境、半阳坡非钙化生境的物种数分别为234 种、221 种、175 种。乔木层的Shannon-Wiener 指数分别为0.75 ±0.12、1.87±0.12、1.78±0.07(灌木层,0.44±0.08、1.71± 0.15、2.49±0.06;草本层,0.33±0.13、1.31±0.15 、2.15±0.08; 苔藓层1.30±0.11、2.08±0.04、1.73±0.11,);Pielou 均匀度指数分别为0.45±0.05、0.29±0.06、0.28±0.08(灌木层,0.75±0.03、0.68±0.05、0.52±0.06;草本层,0.68±0.02、0.77±0.02、0.74±0.02;苔藓层,0.40±0.03、0.63±0.02、0.52±0.03);Simpson's 优势度指数分别为0.63±0.06、0.78±0.04、0.83±0.07(灌木层,0.21±0.03、0.28±0.05、0.45±0.06;草本层,0.25±0.02、0.12±0.01、0.17±0.01;苔藓层,0.45±0.04、0.18±0.01、0.31±0.04)。三种生境间乔木层、草本层的Sorenson 群落相似性系数较低, 灌木层、苔藓层的的Sorenson 群落相似性系数较高。 综上所述,黄龙岷江冷杉林的群落结构、植物多样性在三种生境间存在差异性,这将意味着我们在进行黄龙世界自然遗产地的森林经营管理时要较多地关注岷江冷山林群落在不同生境中的差异性。 There were multiplex habitat types, complicated community structure and abundant species composition in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site. Uncovering the differences of biodiversity among different habitats was a precondition to understand the distribution, formation and sustaining mechanism of the biodiversity, and the foundation of biodiversity conservation. In the present study, using plenty of quadrants, we investigated the community structure and the biodiversity of the primitive Abies faxoniana forest in different habitats (travertine bottomland, semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat and shady-slope non-calcified habitat) in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site. The main results are as follows: All the primitive Abies faxoniana forests in the three habitats were uneven-aged with obvious vertical structure including tree layer, shrub layer, herb layer and bryophyte layer. A total of 386 higher plants including 163 vascular plant species (103 generic, 46 families) and 223 bryophyte species (83 generic, 38 families) were investigated. The structure and species composition of each layer are as follows: (1) There were 18, 13 and 8 tree species in travertine bottomland, shady-slope non-calcified habitat and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, respectively. The tree layers in all habitats can be divided into two clear sub-layers. The upper tree layers were dominated by Abies faxoniana, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana or other phanerophytes species. There were Abies fargesii , Picea asperata and Betula platyphylla besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer in travertine bottomland, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana; There were Abies fargesii and Betula platyphylla besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the lower tree layers were dominated by Acer caudatum var. prattii; There was Abies fargesii besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana. According to composition percentage of dominate species in tree layer, both the forest in travertine bottomland and in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat could be ranked as pure forest, and the forest in shady-slope non-calcified habitat could be ranked as mingled forest. There were significant differences in crown density, plant density, height structure and diameter structure among the three habitats. (2) A total of 41 shrub species (average coverage 18.49±1.72%; average height 52.12±4.45 ㎝)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was Berberis dasystachya; A total of 30 shrub species (average coverage 29.33±2.56 %;average height 119.55±8.01 ㎝)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Fargesia spathacea, Lonicera tangutica and Lonicera saccata. A total of 29 shrub species (average coverage 31.35±1.93%; average height 107.55±4.24 ㎝) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Fargesia spathacea. There were significant differences in structure and species diversity of the shrub layers among the three habitats. The coverage and height of shrub had lower value in travertine bottomland than in two non-calcified habitats. Moreover, travertine bottomland was dominated by deciduous shrub species with microphyll and non-calcified habitats developed abundant Fargesia spathacea species. (3) A total of 46 herb species (average coverage 7.18±0.79%;average height 5.04±0.26 ㎝)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was Oxalis griffithii; A total of 71 herb species (average coverage 29.04±2.31%;average height 9.08±0.52 ㎝)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Elatostema obtusum and Oxalis griffithii. A total of 50 herb species (average coverage 8.79±0.82%;average height 7.67±0.43 ㎝) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Adiantum flabellulatum, Viola biflora, Lunathyrium shennongense and Oxalis griffithii. Herb layers developed well in shady-slope non-calcified habitat and had the higher species richness and coverage than travertine bottomland and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat. (4) A total of 140 bryophyte species (average coverage 84.25±1.30%)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was big bryophyte species such as Hylocomiastrum umbratum and so on; A total of 115 bryophyte species (average coverage 79.29±1.64%)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was small bryophyte species such as Mnium spinosum, Thuidium cymbifolium, Bryhnia trichomitra and so on. A total of 91 bryophyte species (average coverage 60.64±1.93%) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Mnium spinosum. (5) There were 234, 221 and 175 plant species in travertine bottomland, shady-slope non-calcified habitat and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, respectively. Shannon-Wiener index of the tree layer was 0.75 ±0.12, 1.87±0.12 and 1.78±0.07 (the shrub layer, 0.44±0.08, 1.71± 0.15 and 2.49±0.06; the herb layer, 0.33±0.13, 1.31±0.15 and 2.15±0.08; the bryophyte layer, 1.30±0.11, 2.08±0.04 and 1.73±0.11.) for the three habitats, respectively; Pielou index of the tree layer was 0.45±0.05, 0.29±0.06 and 0.28±0.08 (the shrub layer, 0.75±0.03, 0.68±0.05 and 0.52±0.06; the herb layer, 0.68±0.02, 0.77±0.02 and 0.74±0.02; the bryophyte layer, 0.40±0.03, 0.63±0.02 and 0.52±0.03.) for the three habitats, respectively. Simpson's index of the tree layer was 0.63±0.06, 0.78±0.04 and 0.83±0.07 (the shrub layer, 0.21±0.03、0.28±0.05、0.45±0.06; the herb layer, 0.25±0.02, 0.12±0.01 and 0.17±0.01; the bryophyte layer, 0.45±0.04, 0.18±0.01 and 0.31±0.04.) for the three habitats, respectively. There were low Sorenson index both in the tree layer and in the herb layer among the three habitats, whereas, high Sorenson index occurred both in the shrub layer and in the bryophyte layer. To sum up, there were differences both in community structure and plant diversity among the three different habitats, which means that we should pay more attention to habitats heterogeneities of the primitive Abies faxoniana forest when we take action to manage the forest in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site.
The study on the relationship between plant species diversity and soil factors in the bird island of Qinghai Lake indicated that this island was a low diversity district,its Shannon-Wienner index and species richness decreased with the increasing soil available K,water soluble salt concentration and pH,and there were significant linear and quadratic correlations between them.Stepwise linear regressions showed that soil available K and water soluble salt were the key factors to estimate Shannon-Wienner index and species richness in this island,respectively,and no correlation was found between species evenness and soil factors.
Qianyanzhou(QYZ) Ecological Station established in 1983 with an area of 204 hm~2 is affiliated to the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network.Before 1982,herbs had been dominant,sparsely dotted with shrubs.After 20-year restoration of the vegetation,the vegetation showed significant changes in both forest coverage and species diversity.Forest coverage had increased to 93.3% in 1999 from 0.4% in 1982.The vegetation could be broadly classified into two groups: artificial forest,accounting for the most percent,and natural secondary forest.These two groups could be subdivided into 12 types.Based on the 2003 field work,The authors studied plant community composition and vertical structure.The results were as follows: 1) On the study plots were there about 150 species,of which 100,49,and 47 grew in arbor layer and shrub layer and herb layer,respectively.Of 12 community types,the amount of species in shrub layer was larger than that of other two layers.As to the species richness in the different community types,Liquidambar formosana community showed the highest and Imperata cylindrical var.major community the least.The amount of species in arbor layer of artificial forest was smaller than those of natural Pinus massoniana forest,but no difference in understory.2) Loropetalum chinense,Quercus fabric and Vaccinium bracteatum were dominant shrub species with a wide distribution.Three ferns Woodwardia japonica、Dryopteris atrata and Dicrannepteris dichotoma were dominant herb species.Lianas were sparse,but Milletlia reticulata were found in all forest types.3) Up to now some natural regeneration species,such as Eurya muricata、Quercus fabri、Vaccinium bracteatum、Rhus chinensis、Adinandra bockiana,had grown in the arbor layer of artificial forests.Some herb species,such as Arundinella setosa、Miscanthus floridulus、Isachne globosa、Scirpus triqueter,which were dominant ones in the herb layer before the restoration of vegetation,disappeared now.4) The vertical structure of natural Pinus massoniana community and Liquidambar formosana community showed more complex comparing with artificial forests.For the artificial forests,the conifer and broad-leaves mixed forest had a more complex structure.In both natural Pinus(massoniana) community and Liquidambar formosana community,it was dominated by individuals with height of 3~4 m,while 10~12 m in the artificial forests.
Diversity of particle-attached and free-living marine bacteria in Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong, and its adjacent coastal and estuarial environments was investigated using DNA fingerprinting and clone library analysis. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of 16S rRNA genes showed that bacterial communities in three stations of Victoria Harbor were similar, but differed from those in adjacent coastal and estuarine stations. Particle-attached and free-living bacterial community composition differed in the Victoria Harbor area. DNA sequencing of 28 bands from DGGE gel showed Alphaproteobacteria was the most abundant group, followed by the Bacteroidetes, and other Proteobacteria. Bacterial species richness (number of DGGE bands) differed among stations and populations (particle-attached and free-living; bottom and surface). BIOENV analysis indicated that the concentrations of suspended solids were the major contributing parameter for the spatial variation of total bacterial community structure. Samples from representative stations were selected for clone library (548 clones) construction and their phylogenetic distributions were similar to those of sequences from DGGE. Approximately 80% of clones were affiliated to Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Cyanobacteria. The possible influences of dynamic pollution and hydrological conditions in the Victoria Harbor area on the particle-attached and free-living bacterial community structures were discussed.
Diversity of particle-attached and free-living marine bacteria in Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong, and its adjacent coastal and estuarial environments was investigated using DNA fingerprinting and clone library analysis. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of 16S rRNA genes showed that bacterial communities in three stations of Victoria Harbor were similar, but differed from those in adjacent coastal and estuarine stations. Particle-attached and free-living bacterial community composition differed in the Victoria Harbor area. DNA sequencing of 28 bands from DGGE gel showed Alphaproteobacteria was the most abundant group, followed by the Bacteroidetes, and other Proteobacteria. Bacterial species richness (number of DGGE bands) differed among stations and populations (particle-attached and free-living; bottom and surface). BIOENV analysis indicated that the concentrations of suspended solids were the major contributing parameter for the spatial variation of total bacterial community structure. Samples from representative stations were selected for clone library (548 clones) construction and their phylogenetic distributions were similar to those of sequences from DGGE. Approximately 80% of clones were affiliated to Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Cyanobacteria. The possible influences of dynamic pollution and hydrological conditions in the Victoria Harbor area on the particle-attached and free-living bacterial community structures were discussed.
Copepod communities in onshore and offshore waters show a gradient from primarily near shore to primarily oceanic species. Understanding the transition between these communities is fundamental to determining the range of coastal influence. Copepod communities in the northern South China Sea (nSCS) were studied based on samples collected by vertically towing a net in 10 February-6 March (winter) and 26 August-6 September (summer) of 2004. Calanoida species richness, total copepod abundance, Shannon-Weaver diversity index, and onshore-offshore occurrence of dominant species showed obvious change from onshore to offshore waters. Although the offshore stations had lower abundance than the shelf stations, they had more species and larger diversity index. Abundance of some species (groups) with dominance index > 5% (Calanus sinicus, Euchaeta spp., Temora spp., Paracalanus parvus, and Subeucalanus subtenuis) declined from onshore to offshore waters. Warm water species (Pleuromamma abdominalis, P. gracilis, and P. robusta) occurred in offshore waters in both cruises. Station (q-type) cluster analysis in winter and summer separated copepod community into onshore and offshore communities at similar to 40% level of similarity. The two communities were divided at the position of similar to 100-m isobath. In summer, C. sinicus occurred in the upwelling area east of Hainan Island, indicating the presence of an oversummering stock of this species.
Response of the diatom flora in Jiaozhou Bay, China to environmental changes during the last century
The diatom flora in a 164 cm long sediment core obtained from Jiaozhou Bay (Yellow Sea, China) was analyzed in order to trace the response of diatoms to environmental changes over the past 100 years. The sediment core was dated by Pb-210 and Cs-137 and represented approximately 100 years (1899-2001 A.D.). The flora was mainly composed of centric diatoms (59-96%). The concentration of diatoms declined sharply above 30 cm (after similar to 1981 A.D.), while the dominant species changed from Thalassiosira anguste-lineatus, Thalassiosira eccentria, Coscinodiscus excentricus, Coscinodiscus concinnus and Diploneis gorjanovici to Cyclotella stylorum and Paralia sulcata. Species richness decreased slightly, and the cell abundance of warm-water species increased. We argue that these floral changes were probably caused by climate change in combination with eutrophication resulting from aquaculture and sewage discharge. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The ciliate community structure and seasonal dynamics in a solar saltern of the Yellow Sea were studied based oil 4 sampling dates and 8 stations with salinities from 27.7 parts per thousand to 311.0 parts per thousand. The effects of the type and concentration of the fixative used (Lugol's and Bouin's) were tested at the first sampling date. Fixative type and fixative concentration had significant effects on ciliate abundance and blovolume, with 1% Lugol's giving the best results. A detailed investigation using live observations and protargol staining techniques revealed a total of 98 morphospecies from 8 sampling stations. There was obvious seasonal variation in species composition at most of the stations, but this tended to be less distinct with increasing salinity, as the dominant ciliate group shifted from oligotrichs to heterotrichs. Ciliate abundance varied from 4.40 x 10(1) to 2.11 x 10(5) cells l(-1) and biomass ranged between 2.39 and 9.87 x 10(3) mu g Cl-1 (at a salinity of 147.6 parts per thousand). Both abundance and biomass decreased abruptly when salinity exceeded 100-150 parts per thousand. Statistical analyses Suggested that the dynamics of ciliate abundance and biomass were regulated by both salinity and by season, but those of diversity and species richness were mainly controlled by salinity and both significantly decreased with increasing salinity. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.