837 resultados para archive virtuelle


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In line with educational issues involved in emergent literacy practices in preschool, in particular those concerning comprehension processes, this paper focuses on picture-based narrative comprehension during an interactive reading session of a wordless picture book, involving a group of children aged three and their teacher. Children are asked to make inferences about the meaning and outcome of the story, a procedure which gradually elicits their responses on how events link together, thus enhancing their capacity to use prior and implicit knowledge to build the story meaning. Moreover, this study highlights the importance of interaction for developing comprehension. Data collected was analysed following didactic microgenesis, an analytical approach showing that knowledge built during interaction depends on the joint construction of a zone of common meaning by which teacher and children try to adjust to each other. In order to help the process of merging different meanings of the story built online, a text written by researchers, following the narrative structure of the story, was read by the teacher after the picture-based reading. This led us to examine through interactional analysis which semiotic cues were used during recall on the following day, as an additional measure of knowledge construction.


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Before the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) was established by legislation in July 1974, there were several state agencies that handled the tasks that are now the responsibility of an integrated, multimodal Iowa DOT. Among those agencies was the Iowa State Highway Commission (IHC). You are invited to read a brief history of the Iowa DOT here:http://www.iowadot.gov/about/organizationalhistory.htm The IHC operated as an independent state agency between 1913 and 1974. In 1968, the IHC created and released This is YOUR Highway Commission, a 24 ½- minute film that showcased the responsibilities and functions of the IHC. The narrator describes the activities of various offices and employees, and explains how those activities benefited Iowa’s citizens and motorists. The film journeys through all areas of IHC responsibility to Iowa’s roadways, including administration, planning, design, bidding, right of way, materials, construction, maintenance and facilities. As part of the Iowa DOT’s effort to preserve and archive its historical resources, the original 16mm film was professionally cleaned, restored and digitized so that it could be made available via this website. The Iowa DOT is currently researching and compiling information necessary to prepare detailed biographies of the IHC employees identified in the film. Included in each biography will be still frames taken from the film, as well as other images from the Iowa DOT’s archives. This more comprehensive description of the film will be available in the future. In the meantime, below is a list of the IHC employees who have been identified. The list is arranged in the order in which each employee first appears in the film. There remain numerous unidentified employees in the film, and the Iowa DOT would greatly appreciate any assistance in identifying them. If you recognize an IHC employee in the film who is not on this list, please contactbeth.collins@dot.iowa.gov with any information you feel would be useful. Identified employees: Joseph Coupal, Jr.—Director of Highways Harry Bradley—Commissioner Derby Thompson—Commissioner John Hansen—Commissioner Koert Voorhees—Commissioner Harold Shiel—Engineer Howard Gunnerson—Chief engineer Martha Groth—Commission Secretary Robert Barry—Commissioner Nancy Groomes—Director’s Secretary Russell Moreland—Planning C.B. Anderson—Planning Gus Anderson—Engineer Carl Schach—Deputy chief engineer Raymond Kassel—Hearings engineer (later director of Transportation) Bob Given—Deputy chief engineer Don McLean—Director of Engineering Howard Thielen—Surveying (using rod) John Huss—Surveying (using leveling transit) John “Harley” McCoy—Surveying (taking notes) Jim Smith—Right of Way Keith Davis—Contracts Sherrill P. Freed—Sign Shop Olav Smedal—Director of Public Information


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PURPOSE: To report neovascular glaucoma after proton-beam radiotherapy of an adenocarcinoma of the pigmented ciliary epithelium and its successful treatment by iridocyclectomy. PATIENT AND METHODS: A 65-year-old man developed neovascular glaucoma 10 months after proton-beam radiotherapy of a small pigmented iridociliary tumour with a clinical differential diagnosis of uveal melanoma or adenocarcinoma. The diagnosis of 'toxic tumour syndrome' was made, and iridocyclectomy performed. RESULTS: Histopathology and immunohistochemistry of the specimen diagnosed an adenocarcinoma of the pigmented ciliary epithelium, with the presence of mitoses suggesting residual viable tumour cells. The rubeosis regressed, with normalization of the intraocular pressure. Phacoemulsification for radiation-induced cataract restored VA to 6/9, which was better than that recorded at initial referral, the patient having longstanding cellophane maculopathy. CONCLUSIONS: Neovascular glaucoma after radiotherapy of a small, pigmented, ciliary body tumour raises the possibility of adenocarcinoma. This 'toxic tumour syndrome' may respond to iridocyclectomy of the irradiated tumour.


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L'étude présentée dans cet ouvrage offre pour la première fois en Suisse une perspective sociologique empirique et générale sur les organisations religieuses locales. Vu sous cet angle, le fait religieux se manifeste d'abord, comme le précisaient déjà Weber ou Durkheim, par l'existence de communautés de tailles et de profils divers, tant dans l'espace rural qu'urbain. En Suisse, 5'734 paroisses et groupes religieux ont pu être dénombrés en 2008. Ce recensement permet de souligner la prégnance institutionnelle des Eglises historiques, mais également l'émergence d'une plus forte pluralité religieuse, particulièrement en milieu urbain. La sociologie des organisations que propose cette étude permet de jeter un éclairage nouveau sur les effets de la sécularisation (baisse des membres et de la pratique) et de la pluralisation (diversification des confessions et traditions religieuses). L'analyse des différences et des similitudes organisationnelles selon les traditions religieuses fait apparaître un positionnement social des groupes en fonction de statuts acquis au cours de l'histoire. Les théories classiques - par exemple à pro- pos des relations entre statuts sociaux des membres et groupes d'appartenance, des types d'autorités religieuses ou encore des différences entre Eglise et Secte - sont revisitées, précisées ou reformulées grâce à des données quantitatives originales et représentatives du champ religieux suisse. -- The study presented in this book for the first time in Switzerland offers a broad empirical and sociological perspective on local religious organizations. From this perspective, religion appears first, as already observed by Weber and Durkheim, through communities regardless of their various profiles. In Switzerland, 5,734 parishes and religious groups have been identified by a national census in 2008. The book underlines the institutional salience of historical churches (Reformed and Roman Catholic) but also the emerging religious plurality, particularly in urban areas. This study sheds a new light upon the effects of secularization (lower limbs and practice) and pluralisation (diversification of religious denominations and traditions) in the organizational field. The analysis of differences and similarities between religious traditions shows a social positioning of the local groups according to the statutes acquired in history. The classical theories − e.g. about the relationship between social status of members and membership groups, types of religious authorities or differences between Church and Sect − are revisited, clarified or reformulated based on an original and representative quantitative data of the Swiss religious field.


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The Biblioteca de Catalunya (BC) was created in 1907 by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). In 1914 the Mancomunitat de Catalunya gave the library its condition of cultural and public service, open to researchers and scholars. The library underwent several changes as a consequence of political events, along the most of 20th century. In 1981 it was recognized by law as national library and it recovered its foundational aim of gathering, preserving and disseminating the bibliographical output of Catalonia and the production related with the Catalan linguistic field. As the proud host of ANADP2, the BC wants to show the attendees to the conference how, since 2004, has positioned itself to face the challenge of the new informational and technological paradigm. The library strategy for oncoming years includes giving open and free access online to the digitization of many of his collections through the portals MDC (Digital Memory of Catalonia), ARCA (Old Catalan Serials Archive) and Google Books project; the creation of the Web Archive of Catalonia and, as the last step in the consolidation of its policy, a high-security preserving repository named COFRE, based on the international guidelines and initiatives and the experience of the BC itself.


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Postprint (published version)


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Hom tracta de dilucidar el context de creació i l’estructura d’un fons policial generat arran de la creació, el 1824, de la Policia General del Regne, fet que sol considerar-se el moment fundacional de la policia estatal en Espanya. A tal fi es combinen tècniques arxivístiques i historiogràfiques, coincidents en l’anàlisi institucional. Els fons de les subdelegacions de policia ens han arribat escadussers i desestructurats al si dels antics corregiments borbònics i solen trobar-se avui en arxius locals i comarcals. No obstant això, s’hi proposa un quadre de classificació.


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Des de la creació de l’Arxiu (1820) ha evolucionat el tractament dels seus fons. Segons els Reglaments (1822, 1879) els oficials descrivien els expedients, el registrador resseguia el tràmit, i l’arxiver controlava amb un registre la ubicació dels lligalls. Esteve (1836) inventarià la documentació antiga, estructurada en seccions per Quintana. Solà (1854), seguit per Rancés, classificà per negociats i matèries i millorà la descripció dels lligalls. Vallès confeccionà un Registre-inventari que descriu cronològicament per negociats i matèries tots els fons. També inventarià col•leccions i fons afegits, que la Mancomunitat destinà a l’IEC, la Biblioteca de Catalunya i els Museus d’Art. Paraules clau: Història d’arxius, arxivística catalana, arxivers catalans, Marià Vallès, Vallès i Vallès, arxiu, Diputació, Mancomunitat, Jacint Verdaguer, Prat de la Riba