947 resultados para anti-HIV drugs


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Prostaglandins control osteoblastic and osteoclastic function under physiological or pathological conditions and are important modulators of the bone healing process. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX) activity and consequently prostaglandins synthesis. Experimental and clinical evidence has indicated a risk for reparative bone formation related to the use of non-selective (COX-1 and COX-2) and COX-2 selective NSAIDs. Ketorolac is a non-selective NSAID which, at low doses, has a preferential COX-1 inhibitory effect and etoricoxib is a new selective COX-2 inhibitor. Although literature data have suggested that ketorolac can interfere negatively with long bone fracture healing, there seems to be no study associating etoricoxib with reparative bone formation. Paracetamol/acetaminophen, one of the first choices for pain control in clinical dentistry, has been considered a weak anti-inflammatory drug, although supposedly capable of inhibiting COX-2 activity in inflammatory sites. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether paracetamol, ketorolac and etoricoxib can hinder alveolar bone formation, taking the filling of rat extraction socket with newly formed bone as experimental model. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The degree of new bone formation inside the alveolar socket was estimated two weeks after tooth extraction by a differential point-counting method, using an optical microscopy with a digital camera for image capture and histometry software. Differences between groups were analyzed by ANOVA after confirming a normal distribution of sample data. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Histometric results confirmed that none of the tested drugs had a detrimental effect in the volume fraction of bone trabeculae formed inside the alveolar socket.


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The development of new anti-cancer drugs of algal origin represents one of the least explored frontiers in medicinal chemistry. In this regard, the diversity of micro- and macroalgae found in Brazilian coastal waters can be viewed as a largely untapped natural resource. In this report, we describe a comparative study on the cytotoxic properties of extracts obtained from the Laurencia complex: Laurencia aldingensis, L. catarinensis, L. dendroidea, L. intricata, L. translucida, L. sp, and Palisada flagellifera. All of these species were collected in the coastal waters of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Four out of the twelve samples initially investigated were found to show significant levels of toxicity towards a model tumor cell line (human uterine sarcoma, MES-SA). The highest levels of cytotoxicity were typically associated with non-polar (hexane) algal extracts, while the lowest levels of cytotoxicity were found with the corresponding polar (methanol) extracts. In this report, we also describe a biological model currently in development that will not only facilitate the search for new anti-cancer drug candidates of algal origin, but also permit the identification of compounds capable of inducing the destruction of multi-drug resistant tumors with greater efficiency than the pharmaceuticals currently in clinical use.


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Um eqüino de nove anos de idade apresentou ausência de ar expirado e secreção serossanguinolenta na narina direita, associado a ruído respiratório. Os exames endoscópico e radiológico mostraram uma formação de aproximadamente seis centímetros de diâmetro recoberta por mucosa amarelada, que obstruía a cavidade nasal direita e insinuava-se para a cavidade nasal esquerda. Tal massa foi ressecada por meio de sinusotomia frontal direita. O exame histológico e a cultura revelaram lesão granulomatosa causada por fungos. O tratamento pós-operatório compreendeu associação de antibiótico e antiinflamatório, assim como de lavagens com água destilada e chá de camomila.


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O uso de medicamentos antimamíticos específicos para vacas no período seco é indicado para prevenção de infecções na lactação seguinte. Não obstante, a ação das células envolvidas no período de secagem tem fundamental importância para a involução da glândula mamária e seu restabelecimento para a lactação subseqüente. A indisponibilidade de tais medicamentos para uso em cabras tem resultado na extrapolação do uso de produtos recomendados para vacas sem que se considerem as particularidades e diferenças anátomo-fisiológicas entre as espécies bovina e caprina. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência de cinco antimamíticos específicos para vacas secas sobre a função dos fagócitos provenientes de leite caprino. Para tal, fez-se o isolamento de células somáticas de 20 amostras de leite provenientes de 10 cabras lactantes, sem antecedentes de tratamento de mamite nos últimos 30 dias, sob condições higiênico-sanitárias de colheita e com resultados negativos ao cultivo microbiológico do leite. As células aderidas a lamínulas de vidro foram confrontadas com formulações contendo princípios ativos disponíveis no mercado como Gentamicina (M1), Cefalônio Anidro (M2), Ampicilina (M3), Cloxacilina Benzatínica (M4) e Cefapirina Benzatínica (M5). Avaliou-se, por microscopia, a fagocitose de partículas de Zymosan. As médias dos índices de fagocitose das células submetidas ao tratamento com M2 (15,12% ± 16,22), M3 (6,02% ± 7,96), M4 (4,54% ± 5,45) e M5 (2,47% ± 4,64) foram menores (p<0,001) que a média dos índices de fagocitose do grupo controle (40,67% ± 19,68). A média dos índices de fagocitose das células submetidas ao tratamento com M2 foi maior (p<0,05) que as médias dos tratamentos com M3, M4 e M5 enquanto estas foram estatisticamente iguais entre si. As amostras celulares submetidas ao medicamento M1 exibiram adesão insuficiente ou ausente às lamínulas, inviabilizando a avaliação da fagocitose por meio da técnica utilizada. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que os medicamentos estudados exerceram influência negativa sobre os fagócitos do leite, porém, esta interferência sobre as funções das células somáticas não pode por si só determinar o insucesso da terapia proposta para o período seco, pois deve ser considerada, outrossim, a eficácia do princípio ativo sobre o patógeno causador do processo infeccioso.


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Apesar de predominar junto à população a idéia de que a violência sexual é praticada por pessoas desconhecidas, na realidade a maioria desses crimes é praticada por pessoa identificável pela vítima. Além de conseqüências físicas e psicológicas, também há risco em adquirir o vírus HIV. Para prevenção deste, em situação de risco, há orientação para uso da quimioprofilaxia anti-retroviral. Esse uso, por 28 dias, pode trazer efeitos adversos com intensidades variáveis. O conhecimento da sorologia anti-HIV do agressor torna-se fundamental para manter, ou suspender, com segurança, essa indicação. Este estudo descritivo, realizado no Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba, teve como objetivo identificar os agressores e suas respectivas sorologias. Foi realizado a partir de fichas de notificação e os prontuários no período de julho de 2003 a dezembro de 2005. Encontraram-se 920 vítimas de violência sexual, com idades entre oito meses e 77 anos, havendo predomínio do sexo feminino (86,5 por cento). Dentre os agressores, 76 por cento foram referidos como identificáveis. Indicou-se profilaxia anti-retroviral para 24,9 por cento das vítimas. Para 80 (33,2 por cento) agressores localizados, a busca foi realizada através de contato telefônico. Encontrou-se 52,5 por cento em seus domicílios, 45 por cento em Presídio/Delegacia e 2,5 por cento no Pronto Socorro. Um agressor (1,3 por cento) apresentou sorologia positiva para HIV. As buscas encerraram-se, em sua maioria, em até seis dias (80 por cento), possibilitando a suspensão da quimioprofilaxia em 30,6 por cento dos casos. Concluiu-se que a busca ao denunciado permitiu conhecer sua sorologia anti-HIV e suspender, para um terço das vítimas, o uso da quimioprofilaxia anti-retroviral, diminuindo, com isso, a possibilidade de efeitos adversos


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A fully automated multipumping flow system (MPFS) using water-soluble CdTe quantum dots (QD) as sensitizers is proposed for the chemiluminometric determination of the anti-diabetic drugs gliclazide and glipizide in pharmaceutical formulations. The nanocrystals acted as enhancers of the weak CL emission produced upon oxidation of sulphite by Ce(IV) in acidic medium, thus improving sensitivity and expanding the dynamical analytical concentration range. By interacting with the QD, the two analytes prevented their sensitizing effect yielding a chemiluminescence quenching of the Ce(IV)-SO(3)(2-)CdTe QD system. The pulsed flow inherent to MPFS assured a fast and efficient mixing of all solutions inside the flow cell, circumventing the need for a reaction coil and facilitating the monitoring of the short-lived generated chemiluminescent species. QD crystal size, concentration and spectral region for measurement were investigated. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated the influence of gastrointestinal environmental factors (pH, digestive enzymes, food components, medicaments) on the survival of Lactobacillus casei Shirota and Lactobacillus casei LC01, using a semi-dynamic in vitro model that simulates the transit of microorganisms through the human GIT. The strains were first exposed to different simulated gastric juices for different periods of time (0, 30, 60 and 120 min), and then to simulated intestinal fluids for zero, 120, 180 and 240 min, in a step-wise format. The number of viable cells was determined after each step. The influence of food residues (skim milk) in the fluids and resistance to medicaments commonly used for varied therapeutic purposes (analgesics, antiarrhythmics, antibiotics, antihistaminics, proton pump inhibitors, etc.) were also evaluated. Results indicated that survival of both cultures was pH and time dependent, and digestive enzymes had little influence. Milk components presented a protective effect, and medicaments, especially anti-inflammatory drugs, influenced markedly the viability of the probiotic cultures, indicating that the beneficial effects of the two probiotic cultures to health are dependent of environmental factors encountered in the human gastrointestinal tract.


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Phthalocyanines have been used as systemic photosensitizers because of their high affinity towards tumour tissue, and the high rates of reactive oxygen species produced when they are irradiated during photodynamic therapy. However, the topical administration of these compounds is limited by their large size, poor hydrosolubility and ionic character. This study aimed to investigate the iontophoretic delivery of charged zinc phthalocyanine tetrasulfonic acid (ZnPcS(4)) from a hydrophilic gel to different skin layers by means of in-vitro and in-vivo studies. Six hours of passive administration was insufficient for ZnPcS(4) to cross the stratum corneum (SC) and to reach the epidermis and dermis. No positive effect was reached when anodal iontophoresis was performed, showing that the drug-electrode attraction effect was higher than the electro-osmosis contribution at a pH of 5.5. Cathodal iontophoresis, however, was able to transport significant amounts of the drug to the viable epidermis. In addition, the absence of NaCl in the formulation significantly increased (by five-fold) the amount of ZnPcS(4) that crossed the SC and accumulated in the epidermis and dermis. It was possible to visualize the drug accumulation in the follicle openings and in the epidermis, even after SC removal. In-vivo experiments in rat skin showed that these results were maintained in an in-vivo model, even with only 15 min of iontophoresis. In addition, confocal analysis of the treated skin showed a homogeneous distribution of ZnPcS(4) in the viable epidermis after this short period of cathodal iontophoresis. Anti-Cancer Drugs 22:783-793 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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CD4-selective targeting of an antibody-polycation-DNA complex was investigated The complex was synthesized with the anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody B-F5, polylysine(268) (pLL) and either the pGL3 control vector containing the luciferase reporter gene or the pGeneGrip vector containing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. B-F5-pLL-DNA complexes inhibited the binding of I-125-B-F5 to CD4(+) Jurkat cells, while complexes synthesised either without B-F5 or using a non-specific mouse IgG1 antibody had little or no effect Expression of the luciferase reporter gene was achieved in Jurkat cells using the B-F5-pLL-pGL3 complex and was enhanced in the presence of PMA. Negligible luciferase activity was defected with the non-specific antibody complex in Jurkat cells or with the B-F5-pLL-pGL3 complex in the CD4(-) K-562 cells. Using complexes synthesised with the pGeneGrip vector, the transfection efficiency in Jurkat and K-562 cells was examined using confocal microscopy. More than 95% of Jurkat cells expressed GFP and the level of this expression was markedly enhanced by PMA. Negligible GFP expression was seen in K-562 cells or when B-F5 was replaced by a nonspecific antibody. Using flow cytometry, fluorescein-labelled complex showed specific targeting to CD4(+) cells in a mixed cell population from human peripheral blood. These studies demonstrate the selective transfection of CD4(+) T-lymphoid cells using a polycation-based gene delivery system. The complex may provide a means of delivering anti-HIV gene therapies to CD4(+) cells in vivo.


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Background: Obesity is a serious chronic disease and the prevalence of this condition is increasing among the elderly. Although the benefits of weight loss to improve control of associated diseases are well known in young adults, they are not in older patients. The use of anti-obesity drugs to promote weight loss is widespread in Brazil and other countries, and obesity specialists frequently prescribe medicines in doses and for durations previously unreported in the literature. Sibutramine, orlistat and amfepramone (diethylpropion) have been evaluated in clinical trials of more than 2 years` duration in adults, demonstrating safety and efficacy, but long-term studies in obesity treatment are absent for other drugs. The efficacy and safety of obesity pharmacotherapy among the elderly is unknown. Objective: To describe the experience of obesity pharmacotherapy in the elderly in a specialized obesity care setting in Brazil, with a focus on efficacy and safety. Methods: A retrospective evaluation was conducted on medical charts from an outpatient clinic of a specialized tertiary centre for the treatment of obesity. We included patients who had had at least one consultation between January and December 2007, were aged >= 60 years at the beginning of the treatment, had had at least 6 months of follow-up and had received a prescription of at least one potential weight-loss drug. Diagnoses reported on medical records were documented. Age, weight, height and body mass index (BMI) were recorded at admission, after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months, and at the last available visit. The medicines prescribed, together with the dose, duration of use, adverse effects and reasons for discontinuation, were documented. Results: The group consisted of 44 women (86%) and 7 men (14%), with a mean +/- SD age of 65.2 +/- 4.5 years, weight of 95.3 +/- 12.5 kg and BMI of 38.5 +/- 4.3 kg/m(2). The mean +/- SD time of follow-up was 39.3 +/- 26.4 months, and the mean weight loss was 6.65 kg (p < 0.01). After the first 6 months, the mean +/- SD weight loss was 5.7 +/- 3.8 kg (p < 0.0001). A smaller weight loss was seen between the 6th and 12th months, with no statistically significant change in weight thereafter. A weight loss of >= 5% was achieved by 64.71%, 63.64%, 62.16% and 69.70% in the 6th, 12th, 18th and 24th months, respectively, and a weight loss of >= 10% was achieved by 17.65%, 34.09%, 32.43% and 39.39% in the 6th, 12th, 18th and 24th months, respectively. The medicines prescribed were sibutramine, orlistat, fluoxetine, sertraline, topiramate, fenproporex, mazindol and amfepramone, alone or in combinations, concomitantly or sequentially. The reasons for discontinuation were lack of response (n = 13), loss of response (development of tolerance) [n= 11], lack of adherence (n = 14) and adverse effects (n= 14). One episode of atrial flutter occurred in a patient taking fenproporex. The weight-loss medications were generally well tolerated, and only transient adverse events were reported. Conclusions: Long-term pharmacotherapy for obesity was effective and well tolerated by this group of elderly patients.


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Eccentric exercise commonly results in muscle damage. The primary sequence of events leading to exercise-induced muscle damage is believed to involve initial mechanical disruption of sarcomeres, followed by impaired excitation-contraction coupling and calcium signaling, and finally, activation of calcium-sensitive degradation pathways. Muscle damage is characterized by ultrastructural changes to muscle architecture, increased muscle proteins and enzymes in the bloodstream, loss of muscular strength and range of motion and muscle soreness. The inflammatory response to exercise-induced muscle damage is characterized by leukocyte infiltration and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines within damaged muscle tissue, systemic release of leukocytes and cytokines, in addition to alterations in leukocyte receptor expression and functional activity. Current evidence suggests that inflammatory responses to muscle damage are dependent on the type of eccentric exercise, previous eccentric loading (repeated bouts), age and gender. Circulating neutrophil counts and systemic cytokine responses are greater after eccentric exercise using a large muscle mass (e.g. downhill running, eccentric cycling) than after other types of eccentric exercise involving a smaller muscle mass. After an initial bout of eccentric exercise, circulating leukocyte counts and cell surface receptor expression are attenuated. Leukocyte and cytokine responses to eccentric exercise are impaired in elderly individuals, while cellular infiltration into skeletal muscle is greater in human females than males after eccentric exercise. Whether alterations in intracellular calcium homeostasis influence inflammatory responses to muscle damage is uncertain. Furthermore, the effects of antioxidant supplements are variable, and the limited data available indicates that anti-inflammatory drugs largely have no influence on inflammatory responses to eccentric exercise. In this review, we compare local versus systemic inflammatory responses, and discuss some of the possible mechanisms regulating the inflammatory responses to exercise-induced muscle damage in humans.


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Methotrexate is eliminated almost entirely by the kidneys. The risk of methotrexate toxicity is therefore increased in patients with poor renal function, most likely as a result of drug accumulation. Declining renal function with age may thus be an important predictor of toxicity to methotrexate. Up to 60% of all patients who receive methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) discontinue taking it because of adverse effects, most of which occur during the first year of therapy. Gastrointestinal complications are the most common adverse effects of methotrexate, but hepatotoxicity, haematological toxicity, pulmonary toxicity, lymphoproliferative disorders and exacerbation of rheumatic nodules have all been reported, Decreased renal function as a result of disease and/or aging appears to be an important determinant of hepatic, lymphoproli ferative and haematological toxicity, Concomitant use of low doses of folic acid has been recommended as an approach to limiting toxicity. Interactions between methotrexate and several nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been reported, but they may not be clinically significant. However, caution is advised in the use of such combinations in patients with reduced renal function. More serious toxicities (e.g. pancytopenia) may result when other inhibitors of folate utilisation [e.g. cotrimoxazole (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole)] or inhibitors of renal tubular secretion (e.g. probenecid) are combined with methotrexate. Before starting low dose methotrexate therapy in patients with RA, a full blood count, liver function tests, renal function tests and chest radiography should be performed. Blood counts and liver function tests should be repeated at regular intervals. Therapeutic drug monitoring of methotrexate has also been suggested as a means of limiting toxicity. Patients with RA usually respond very favourably to low dose methotrexate therapy, and the probability of patients continuing their treatment beyond 5 years is greater than for other slow-acting antirheumatic drugs. Thus, given its sustained clinical utility and relatively predictable toxicity profile, low dose methotrexate is a useful addition to the therapy of RA.


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Aims: We assessed the lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) of patients with Parkinson`s disease (PD) and their association with different clinical parameters. Methods: We prospectively evaluated 110 patients (84 men), with a mean age of 61.8 +/- 9.6 years. Mean duration of the disease was 12.3 +/- 7.2 years. Neurological impairment was assessed by the Hoehn-Yahr and the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating scales. LUTS were assessed by the International Continence Society questionnaire. We evaluated the impact of age, PD duration, neurological impairment, gender, and use of anti-Parkinsonian drugs on the voiding function. Results: On multivariate analysis, voiding dysfunction increased with the neurological impairment, but not with patient`s age or disease duration. Quality of life (QOL) was affected by the severity of LUTS, and the symptoms with the worst impact were frequency and nocturia. Sixty-three (57.2%) patients were symptomatic. They did not differ with the asymptomatic as to age and disease duration, but had more severe neurological impairment. No impact on LUTS was associated with the use of levodopa, anticholinergics, and dopamine receptor agonists. Men and women were similarly affected by urinary symptoms. Conclusions: The severity of the neurological disease is the only predictive factor for the occurrence of voiding dysfunction, which affects men and women alike. Neztrourol. Urodynam. 28.510-515, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Drug provocation tests (DPTs) are considered the gold standard for identifying adverse drug reactions (ADRs). The aim of this study was to analyze DPT results and discuss severe systemic reactions associated with them. This was a retrospective analysis of 500 patients with ADRs who sought treatment and were submitted to DPTs when indicated between 2006 and 2010. We performed DPTs according to the European Network for Drug Allergy recommendations. Single-blind, placebo-controlled DPTs were performed with antibiotics, local anesthetics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as with other drugs. Patient characteristics, DPT results, and reactions were analyzed. The sample comprised 198 patients (80.8% of whom were female patients) submitted to 243 DPTs. Ages ranged from 9 to 84 years (mean, 39.9 years). The 243 DPTs were performed with local anesthetics (n = 93), antibiotics (n = 19), acetaminophen (n = 44), benzydamine (n = 33), COX-2 inhibitors (n = 26), dipyrone (n = 7), aspirin (n = 4), or other drugs (n = 17). The results of 4 tests (1.6%) were inconclusive, whereas those of 10 (4.1%) revealed positive reactions to antibiotics (2/19), COX-2 inhibitors (2/26), acetaminophen (3/44), and local anesthetics (3/93). Two severe reactions were observed: cephalexin-induced anaphylactic shock and bupivacaine-induced anaphylaxis without shock. Four patients (2.0%) reacted to the placebo before administration of the drug. Drug provocation tests are safe for use in clinical practice but they should be placebo-controlled and should be performed under the supervision of an allergist. To confirm a presumptive diagnosis and to manage allergies appropriately, it is crucial to perform DPTs. (Allergy Asthma Proc 32:301-306, 2011; doi: 10.2500/aap.2011.32.3450)


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Malignant melanoma is one of the most lethal cancers. Nowadays, several anti-melanoma therapies have been employed. However, the poor prognosis and/or the increased toxicity of those treatments clearly demonstrate the requirement of searching for new drugs or novel combined chemotherapeutic protocols, contemplating both effectiveness and low toxicity. Guanosine (Guo) has been used in combination with acriflavina to potentiate the latter`s antitumor activity, through still unknown mechanisms. Here, we show that Guo induces B16F10 melanoma cell differentiation, attested by growth arrest, dendrite-like outgrowth and increased melanogenesis, and also reduced motility. A sustained ERK 1/2 phosphorylation was observed after Guo treatment and ERK inhibition led to blockage of dendritogenesis. Intracellular cyclic AMP was not involved in ERK activation, since its levels remained unchanged. Protein kinase C (PKC), in contrast to phospholipase C (PLC), inhibition completely prevented ERK activation. While the classical melanoma differentiation agent forskolin activates cAMP-PKA-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway in B16F10 cells, here we suggest that a cAMP-independent, PKC-ERK axis is involved in Guo-induced B16F10 differentiation. Altogether, our results show that Guo acts as a differentiating agent, with cytostatic rather than cytotoxic properties, leading to a decreased melanoma malignancy. Thus, we propose that Guo may be envisaged in combination with lower doses of conventional anti-melanoma drugs, in an attempt to prevent or diminish their adverse effects. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.