982 resultados para agentes biológicos


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the no-preference for feeding and biological aspects of Spodoptera eridania fed on cowpea cultivars BR17 Gurgueia, BRS Urubuquara, BRS Nova Era, Sempre Verde, BRS Milenio and BR3 Tracuateua. In free-choice test, leaf discs were placed in Petri dishes where one third instar larvae per cultivar was released, whereas in no-choice test one leaf disc was placed per Petri dish where one caterpillar per cultivar was released, evaluating their attractiveness after 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 360 and 720 minutes, as well as the leaf area consumed. Randomized blocks and complete randomized blocks design were used for free-choice and no-choice tests, respectively, with six treatments and 10 replications. The evaluation of the biological parameters of S. eridania was carried out in Petri dishes where recently hatched caterpillars were transferred in the proportion of one per dish, and the leafs of the cultivars were offered to them during the whole larval period, and we evaluated: periods and viabilities of larvae and pupae, overall viability, weight of larvae and pupae, sex ratio, longevity and overall cycle. Complete randomized design was used with six treatments and 30 replications. In no- preference for feeding free-choice test the cultivars Sempre Verde and BR17 Gurgueia were the most and the least consumed, respectively. Regarding the effects of cowpea cultivars on larval viability we can infer that BRS Urubuquara and Sempre Verde show antibiosis-type resistance to S. eridania.


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Studies with Stegasta bosquella in peanut crop are little explored by researchers, mainly by the need of obtaining, in the field, a large quantity of closed leaflets. Therefore, it was sought a way of rearing in a natural diet that facilitates the attainment of the insect. The research was developed at the Laboratorio de Resistencia de Plantas a Insetos (FCAV/Jaboticabal) (T: 25 +/- 2 degrees C, RH 60 +/- 10% and photophase: 12 hours) (Runner IAC 886). The rearing stock of was carried out by collecting caterpillars from the field and keeping them in flat bottom glass tubes until adult emergence and test performance. Caterpillars were individualized in Petri dish plates, lined with moistened filter paper, which contained closed and early opened leaflets, but closed with paper clips (imitating the closed leaflet). A randomized design with two treatments and 36 repetitions was used. After the pupae formation, they were separated into five couples and the adults were kept in transparent plastic cages containing a peanut stem with leaves for oviposition, and fed with a 10% honey solution. The duration and viability of the larval and pupal periods, male and female longevity with and without food, and fertility were evaluated. The two forms of larvae rearing (closed leaflet and leaflet closed with clips) did not influence on any of the studied parameters. Therefore, the rearing of S. bosquella becomes feasible in natural diet, which means there is no need to use the enclosed leaflets for this purpose, and implies the easiness for rearing.


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The citrus-growing ecosystem houses a great deal of species of natural enemies, among them Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861), which presents a great potential for use in the biological control of pests. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of the preys Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) and Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy, 1907) on the development of larva and pupa of C. externa. The trial was carried out in an acclimatized room at 25 +/- 1 degrees C, 70 +/- 10% RH and 12-hour photophase, the treatments consisting of the continuous and alternate supply of those two preys in each instar of the predator, in addition to eggs of Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller, 1879) utilized for comparison purposes. Both the white mealybug and the aphids were given in sufficient amounts to the C. externa larvae to be able to feed ad libitum. The lifetime and the survival rate of the phases of larva, pupa and the larval-adult period of C. externa were evaluated. It was found that T. citricida given either singly along the larval development or in two consecutive instars of the predator was not an adequate prey, 100% of mortality over the larval-adult period being found. When the larvae fed on P. citri, given in two instars of the predator, the survival rate in the larval-adult period was similar to the diet constituted of only A. kuehniella eggs, except when fed with T. citricida in the first instar.


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Cycloneda sanguinea is an important biological control agent of aphid cotton. The objective of this study was to evaluate the biological aspects of C. sanguinea fed with nymphs and adults of Aphis gossypii reared in DeltaOPAL and NuOPAL cultivars (Bollgard I). The experiment was conducted in the laboratory under controlled temperature (25 +/- 1 degrees C), humidity (70 +/- 10%) and photophase (12 hours). The experimental design was completely randomized, and treatments aphids fed on the two cultivars, and replicates 40 individuals. Each larva was individually until adult emergence of the predator in Petri dishes of 9 cm in diameter with moistened filter paper. For evaluation of individual adults were five couples newly emerged in plastic pots 12 cm in diameter and 9 cm tall, with filter paper for oviposition. The parameters evaluated were: duration and viability of the larval stage, pupal stage duration and survival, adult longevity, reproductive period, post-reproductive and total number of eggs per female. The duration of the larval stage of C. sanguinea was lower when fed aphids reared on the cultivar NuOPAL, while adult longevity and the reproductive period were higher. The female fertility and egg viability were also lower.


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Two bioassays were performed to evaluate the effect of two biopesticides based on Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuillemin and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin on the biological parameters of Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner, 1983. In the first one, displays with S. frugiperda, 1797 eggs were dropped into the biopesticide suspension and offered to the parasitoid females for 24 hours. In the second one, parasitoid females were fed with a suspension containing honey and biopesticide suspension. In both cases, after the parasitoid death they were mantained into a humid chamber to observe fungus sporulation. The experiments were maintained in a climatized chamber at 25 +/- 1 degrees C, RH 70 +/- 10%, and photophase of 14 hours. The longevity and adult mortality, total parasitism, progeny emergency, number of individuals per egg and sexual ratio were analyzed. The biopesticides did not affect the evaluated parameters and no fungus sporulation was observed in dead females. It is possible to assert that the entomopathogenic fungi B. bassiana and M. anisopliae can be used with T. atopovirilia in IPM S. frugiperda systems.


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Foram avaliados os aspectos biológicos dos estádios imaturos de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) e Ceraeochrysa cincta (Schneider), alimentados com ovos e ninfas de Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biótipo B. Ovos dos predadores foram individualizados em recipientes de vidro de fundo chato com 2,5 cm de diâmetro e 8,5 cm de altura que foram mantidos à temperatura de 25±2ºC, UR de 70±10% e fotofase de 14h. Após a eclosão das larvas, discos de folhas de tomateiro e de couve com 2 cm de diâmetro, contendo ovos e ninfas de B. tabaci, respectivamente, foram colocados nos recipientes. A duração e a viabilidade de cada ínstar e da fase pupal de ambas as espécies predadoras alimentadas com diferentes estágios da presa foram avaliados. Larvas de primeiro ínstar de C. externa apresentaram desenvolvimento mais lento quando alimentadas com ovos de B. tabaci biotipo B monstrando influência do estágio da presa fornecida no período de desenvolvimento do predador. O mesmo não ocorreu para a espécie C. cincta. O desenvolvimento de larvas de primeiro ínstar de ambas as espécies predadoras foi semelhante quando foram alimentadas com ovos de B. tabaci; porém C. cincta apresentou período de desenvolvimento mais longo (5,4 dias) comparada a C. externa (4,0 dias) quando alimentada com ninfas da presa. Para larvas de segundo e terceiro ínstares e para a duração da fase larval não houve influência do estágio da presa fornecida (ovo ou ninfa) no período de desenvolvimento. A duração do segundo ínstar foi maior para C. cincta do que para C. externa (4,8 e 4,1 dias, respectivamente). Porém a duração do terceiro instar foi maior e da fase larval foi menor para C. externa (6,6 e 15,3 dias, respectivamente) do que para C. cincta (6,4 e 16,7 dias, respectivamente). A viabilidade dos ínstares foi acima de 90% para ambas as espécies. No entanto, menor porcentagem de viabilidade da fase de pupa foi registrada para C. cincta, quando alimentada com ovos (30%) ou ninfas (55,6%).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os aspectos biológicos de Harmonia axyridis, alimentada com duas espécies de presas, e a ocorrência de predação intraguilda com Eriopis connexa. Larvas de H. axyridis foram alimentadas diariamente com ovos de Anagasta kuehniella ou com o pulgão Schizaphis graminum. Adultos da joaninha foram separados em dez casais que receberam o mesmo tipo de alimento da fase larval. Na avaliação da predação, uma larva de quarto instar de cada espécie foi mantida na presença ou ausência de abrigo e de ovos de A. kuehniella. A fase larval de H. axyridis durou 10,2 e 8,9 dias, quando alimentada com A. kuehniella e S. graminum, respectivamente. A sobrevivência do predador, em fase imatura, variou de 70 a 100%. A joaninha apresentou período de oviposição de 47,3 e 51,7 dias, com 887,6 e 822,5 ovos, ao se alimentar de A. kuehniella e S. graminum, respectivamente. A longevidade das fêmeas foi de 74,1 e 76,2 dias e a dos machos de 67,3 e 70,3 dias, em A. kuehniella e S. graminum, respectivamente. H. axyridis atuou como predador intraguilda e foi a espécie dominante na competição com E. connexa.


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O ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis, vetor da leprose dos citros, é uma espécie polífaga que tem ampla gama de hospedeiros alternativos nos pomares cítricos, nos quais se pode manter e/ou incrementar suas populações. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a sobrevivência, a oviposição e o modo de alimentação do ácaro B. phoenicis em plantas de buva (Conyza canadensis) com diferentes tamanhos. Para avaliação da sobrevivência e oviposição do ácaro B. phoenicis, foi utilizado o delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e doze repetições. Os tratamentos estudados foram: (1) secções de caules de plantas menores que 20 cm, (2) entre 21 e 50 cm, (3) entre 51 e 100 cm e (4) maiores que 101 cm de altura; e (5) secções de ramos de laranja. Dez fêmeas adultas de B. phoenicis, procedentes de uma criação-estoque, foram transferidas para cada secção de caule de buva e ramos de citros como testemunha. Avaliou-se a sobrevivência e a oviposição dos ácaros até 120 horas após a transferência. Alguns aspectos comportamentais do ácaro B. phoenicis foram fotomicrografados, utilizando-se microscópico eletrônico de varredura. Verificou-se que as plantas de maior altura de buva foram mais favoráveis à sobrevivência do ácaro B. phoenicis do que as de menor tamanho. Contudo, a quantidade de ovos postos pelo ácaro não diferiu em relação à altura das plantas de buva. Com base nas fotomicrografias, constatou-se a preferência do ácaro B. phoenicis por se alimentar na base dos tricomas presentes na superfície do caule da planta de buva, justificado, possivelmente, pela maior turgescência das células encontradas nessa região da planta. Esses resultados reforçam a importância do manejo de buva nos pomares cítricos, pois a sua presença no campo pode favorecer a sobrevivência e o desenvolvimento do ácaro B. phoenicis, servindo, portanto, como hospedeira alternativa, o que pode contribuir para a disseminação do ácaro e, consequentemente, da leprose nos pomares cítricos.


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A mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci biótipo B é uma praga de grande importância econômica para muitas culturas em todo o mundo. No Brasil, especialmente no Estado da Bahia, essa praga causou perdas que variam entre 30% e 70% em cultura de algodão. Essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de avaliar parâmetros biológicos de B. tabaci biótipo B em genótipos de algodoeiro para verificar a possível ocorrência de antibiose como mecanismo de resistência sob condições de casa de vegetação. Os genótipos estudados foram IAC-23, Coodetec 406, BRS Aroeira, Fabrika, Coodetec 407, IAC-24, Makina, IAC 20-233, Coodetec 401 e CNPA Acala I. Foram avaliados os períodos de incubação e ninfal, o desenvolvimento total e a longevidade. Dos genótipos avaliados observou-se em Coodetec 406 maior período ninfal (14,7 dias) e IAC-23 a menor viabilidade de ninfas (30,7%), indicando a ocorrência de resistência do tipo antibiose contra essa mosca-branca.


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Os crisopídeos são importantes predadores e são encontrados em diversos agroecossistemas. A temperatura é um dos fatores determinantes para o desenvolvimento dos insetos, sendo que existe um gradiente de variação aceitável para cada espécie. Portanto, objetivou-se com este estudo verificar a influência de diferentes temperaturas sobre o desenvolvimento embrionário e pós-embrionário de C. raimundoi assim como verificar as conseqüências nas diferentes gerações. As fases jovens foram criadas em três ambientes com temperaturas constantes de 19,0, 25,0 e 31,0ºC e em um ambiente externo sem controle dos fatores abióticos. Foram observados a duração do período embrionário, do primeiro, segundo e terceiro ínstares, a duração do período larval, pupal e ovo-adulto, assim como, a sobrevivência em cada estágio, estádio e a porcentagem de emergência. O desenvolvimento embrionário e pós-embrionário diferiu entre as gerações F2 e F4. Quanto à influência de diferentes temperaturas para a geração F2, os indivíduos criados a 31,0ºC demonstraram redução na taxa de desenvolvimento com relação aos outros dois ambientes. Para a geração F4, observou-se que as diferentes temperaturas influenciaram no desenvolvimento, sendo que a 19,0ºC houve prolongamento do mesmo.


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Orius insidiosus (SAY, 1832) is an important predator for biological pest control programs. The objective of this work was to evaluate the functional response, predation capacity and reproductive aspects of O. insidiosus when predating 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 third/fourth instar nymphs of Aphis gossypii. The tests were conducted under laboratory conditions. Females of the predator were individually maintained in Petri dishes with a cotton leaf at each one of the aphid densities. The average rate of predation was of 0.93 [plus or minus] 0.13, 3.58 [plus or minus] 0.80, 7.31 [plus or minus] 1.45, 7.40 [plus or minus] 1.16, and 10.54 [plus or minus] 1.84 at the densities of 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 aphids, respectively. The results showed an attack rate of 0.10 h-1 and 1.82 h of manipulation time. The predator spent 3.10 to 4.08 h feeding on leaf cotton glands; this behavior was not directly influenced by the prey density. The proportion of egg laying per female grew up to the density of 10 nymphs whereas the number of eggs per laying increased with the number of available preys.


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This work was carried out to study the development of populations of the genus Planococcus in different plant species, aiming at the verification of host specificity. The mealybugs Planococcus minor were obtained from cocoa plants (Theobroma cacao L.) and coffee crop (Coffea canephora L.), and Planococcus citri from citrus seedlings (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). Single eggs were transferred to Petri dishes containing leaf discs of cocoa (T. cacao cultivar Catongo), coffee (Coffea arabica L. cultivar Mundo Novo) and citrus (C. sinensis cultivar Pera Rio). They were maintained on a water-agar slide at 1%, with the abaxial surface turned upwards. The dishes were sealed with a PVC plastic film and kept in climatized chambers regulated at 25 [plus or minus] 1[degrees] C, 70 [plus or minus] 10% RH and 12 hours of photophase. For the mealybugs coming from cocoa plants, the citrus substrate prolonged the nymphal development of the males (26.0 days). In the nymphal period of females and males coming from coffee plants, the coffee substrate allowed a shorter duration of that period (19.2 and 21.3 days, respectively) and, in addition to having providing a longer longevity to the females (59.1 days). The highest rates of mortality were obtained when they were reared on the cocoa substrate, regardless of the host plant from which they were originally collected, and when kept on citrus, for insects collected on coffee plants. P. citri and P. minor have higher preference for coffee substrate regardless of the original host, thus showing partial host specificity.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Teaching formation has been the target of many changes, having been forged according to numerous formats and models through different times and spaces, composing thus, different codes and curricular proposals for different levels of qualification. We've tried in this work to pinpoint the main discussions which take place in the area of the teaching formation, based in the views of modern writers. We ve also tried, through the Social Representations Theory, to reveal and learn how the agents directly involved in this process realize and react, that is, the teachers who cope with the beginning stages of the Fundamental Teaching in the public school system in Natal/RN, taking into account that, in many cases, such formation demands the rethinking of the very formation policies. We've also adopted the concepts of field and educational field introduced by the praxiology of Pierre Bourdieu. It s been considered a fundamental theoretical reference which enables the understanding of social phenomena, both in macro and micro viewpoints. Thus, we do not neglect the whole, and particularly, the nuances of each context or specific situation. In the methodological track we ve used for data gathering the Free Word Association Test, and the Semi-Structured Interview, and also secondary sources for the characterization of the research spectre. Data treatment and analysis were performed with the help of the following software: SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences and EVOC; and the method of Content Category Analysis. The combination of the concepts and techniques mentioned above was necessary to cope with the qualitative and quantitative aspects, in our attempt to offer a wider range of contributions and outcome validations, which have shown, among other less explicit elements, the existence of a social representation of the teaching formation such as: knowledge theoretical and practical; a necessity imposed by the symbolical conflicts of the social field; capacitation and compromisse. We acknowledge the relevance of the thoughts discussed here, though aware that this is just one of the possible approaches to the theme