436 resultados para acetato de mentila


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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As implicações ambientais dos plásticos convencionais, produzidos através de combustíveis fósseis, não permitem a sua utilização de forma sustentável pela sociedade devido aos seus problemas de degradabilidade e à sua dependência de matérias-primas não renováveis. Surgem então os polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA) como uma alternativa ambientalmente sustentável, já que conseguem reproduzir grande parte das aplicações dos plásticos ditos normais, tendo as grandes vantagens de serem biodegradáveis e produzidos a partir de uma fonte de carbono renovável. Mais recentemente, de forma a tornar a produção do PHA mais sustentável, tem-se desenvolvido o conceito de associar a produção destes polímeros ao tratamento de efluentes líquidos através do processo de lamas ativadas. Apesar destas vantagens todo o processo que envolve a produção do PHA é ainda dispendioso. Esta dissertação insere-se na estratégia de tentar minorar esses custos. Uma das formas de o fazer será na otimização de técnicas de quantificação do PHA em culturas mistas. Neste trabalho o principal objetivo reside na avaliação da capacidade da metodologia de análise de imagem, acoplada a microscopia de fluorescência, como método de quantificação de PHA. Pretende-se também explorar a produção de PHA a partir da simulação de um sistema de tratamento de águas residuais implementado num reator descontínuo sequencial (SBR) em regimes cíclicos de feast/famine, aliando assim a função de tratamento de efluentes líquidos com a produção de um produto de valor acrescentado como é o PHA. Deste modo, foi montada uma instalação com um sistema de lamas ativadas num SBR cujo principal objetivo era produzir PHA. Este objetivo de produzir PHA através do regime de alimentação dinâmica aeróbia com uma alimentação com acetato como fonte de carbono, e sem controlo do pH foi conseguido, atingindo-se um máximo de concentração mássica de 0,37 mg PHA/mg SST e de concentração volumétrica de 1785 mg PHA/L. Em relação à capacidade de tratamento, comprovou-se a adequabilidade do sistema utilizado para a remoção da carga orgânica devido a uma elevada captação de nutrientes do afluente pela biomassa. Foram encontradas algumas limitações na metodologia de análise de imagem ao nível da transformação da bidimensionalidade da área projetada dos grânulos de PHA nas imagens para a sua tridimensionalidade real, na gama de concentração de PHA na qual a metodologia é válida e na amostragem relativamente curta. Contudo, foi possível comprovar a potencialidade deste método obtendo-se um R2 de 0,80 para o modelo de previsão da concentração mássica de PHA. Deste modo, pode-se concluir que esta é uma metodologia promissora para quantificar PHA em amostras de licor misto.


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Lead compounds are known genotoxicants, principally affecting the integrity of chromosomes. Lead chloride and lead acetate induced concentration-dependent increases in micronucleus frequency in V79 cells, starting at 1.1 μ M lead chloride and 0.05 μ M lead acetate. The difference between the lead salts, which was expected based on their relative abilities to form complex acetato-cations, was confirmed in an independent experiment. CREST analyses of the micronuclei verified that lead chloride and acetate were predominantly aneugenic (CREST-positive response), which was consistent with the morphology of the micronuclei (larger micronuclei, compared with micronuclei induced by a clastogenic mechanism). The effects of high concentrations of lead salts on the microtubule network of V79 cells were also examined using immunofluorescence staining. The dose effects of these responses were consistent with the cytotoxicity of lead(II), as visualized in the neutral-red uptake assay. In a cell-free system, 20-60 μ M lead salts inhibited tubulin assembly dose-dependently. The no-observed-effect concentration of lead(II) in this assay was 10 μ M. This inhibitory effect was interpreted as a shift of the assembly/disassembly steady-state toward disassembly, e.g., by reducing the concentration of assembly-competent tubulin dimers. The effects of lead salts on microtubule-associated motor-protein functions were studied using a kinesin-gliding assay that mimics intracellular transport processes in vitro by quantifying the movement of paclitaxel-stabilized microtubules across a kinesin-coated glass surface. There was a dose-dependent effect of lead nitrate on microtubule motility. Lead nitrate affected the gliding velocities of microtubules starting at concentrations above 10 μ M and reached half-maximal inhibition of motility at about 50 μ M. The processes reported here point to relevant interactions of lead with tubulin and kinesin at low dose levels. Environ. Mal. Mutagen. 45:346-353, 2005. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar as alterações faciais decorrentes da Expansão Rápida da Maxila Assistida Cirurgicamente (ERM-AC). A amostra foi composta por 15 pacientes com idade média de 24 anos e 1 mês, sendo 10 do sexo feminino e 5 do sexo masculino, que apresentavam deficiência transversal da maxila, não tinham sido submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico prévio, apresentavam ficha clínica completa e fotografias em norma frontal nas fases pré-tratamento (T1) e 6 meses após a ERM-AC (T2). Mediadas lineares foram obtidas a partir da marcação de pontos de referência em folhas de acetato fixadas sobre as fotografias, para evitar a necessidade de execução de desenho anatômico. Concluiu-se que a padronização de fotografias em todos os tempos da pesquisa é de fundamental importância para que as medidas avaliadas sejam confiáveis. Quando comparados T1 com T2 por meio do teste t de Student não se verificou alteração estatisticamente significante na: largura intercantal (Ind Ine), altura facial média (N - SN), largura do olho direito (Exd Ind), largura do olho esquerdo (Exe Ine), altura facial (N - Me ), largura facial superior (Zid - Zie ), largura da boca (Cbd Cbe) e altura da boca (Ls Li). As medidas altura facial inferior (Sn - Me ) e a largura do nariz (Ald Ale) apresentaram alteração estatisticamente significante após a ERM-AC.


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Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Apocynaceae), popularly known as ‘mangabeira’, has been used in folk medicine to treat inflammatory disorders, hypertension, dermatitis, diabetes, liver diseases and stomach disorders. Regarding the Hancornia speciosa fruits, the ethnobotany indicates its use especially for treating inflammation and tuberculosis. However, no study has been done so far to prove such biological activities. The objective was evaluation anti-inflammatory activity from the fruits of Hancornia speciosa Gomes (mangabeira). Aqueous extract was prepared by decoction, subsequently submitted the liquid-liquid fractionation. The secondary metabolites were identified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with detector diode array (HPLC-DAD) and liquid chromatography diode array detector coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-DAD-MS). The anti-inflammatory properties of the aqueous extract, dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and n-butanol (n-BuOH) fractions of the fruits from H. speciosa, as well as rutin and chlorogenic acid were investigated using in vitro and in vivo models. In vivo tests comprised the xylene-induced ear edema that was measured the formation of edema, carrageenan-induced peritonitis was evaluated the total leukocytes at 4h and zymosan-induced air pouch was measured the total leukocytes and differential cell count at 6, 24 and 48 hours, whereas in vitro tests were evaluated levels of cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12 and TNF-α using ELISA obtained of carrageenan-induced peritonitis model. The results showed the presence of rutin and chlorogenic acid were detected in the aqueous extract from H. speciosa fruits by HPLC-DAD and LC-DAD-ME. Furthermore, the aqueous extracts and fractions, as well as rutin and chlorogenic acid significantly inhibited the xilol-induced ear edema and reduced cell migration in the animal models such as carrageenan-induced peritonitis and zymosan-induced air pouch. In addition, reduced levels of cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12 and TNF-α were observed. This is the first study that demonstrated the anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous extract from Hancornia speciosa fruits against different inflammatory agents in animal models, suggesting that their bioactive molecules, especially rutin and chlorogenic acid contributing, at least in part, to the anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous extract. These findings support the widespread use of Hancornia speciosa in popular medicine and demonstrate that this aqueous extract has therapeutic potential for the development of a herbal drugs with anti-inflammatory properties.


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The term vitamin E refers to a group of eight molecular compounds which differ in structure and bioavailability, and the RRR-alpha-tocopherol more biologically active form. The composition of vitamin E in breast milk undergoes variations during lactation, colostrum and milk richer in this micronutrient compared to transitional and mature milk. Newborns, especially premature infants are more susceptible to vitamin E deficiency and to prevent the damage caused by this deficiency has been proposed supplementation of neonates with this micronutrient, however, there is no consensus to carry out this intervention. Thus, maternal supplementation with RRRalpha-tocopherol in the postpartum period can be a good alternative to try to raise the alpha-tocopherol levels in breast milk and therefore provide the premature newborn adequate amounts of vitamin E. This study to evaluate the effect of supplementation with 400 UI acetate RRR-alpha-tocopherol in women with premature births, on the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in breast milk colostrum, transitional and mature. The study included 89 healthy adult women were enrolled in the control group (n = 51) and supplemented group (n = 38). Blood samples were collected and milk colostrum soon after birth (0h milk) twenty-four hours, new rate of colostrum milk was collected (24h milk). The transitional and mature milk were collected in seven days (7d milk) and thirty days (30d milk) after delivery, respectively. Supplementation in the supplemented group was held after the collection of blood and 0h milk. The alpha-tocopherol analyzes were performed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Serum levels of alpha-tocopherol less than 516 μg/dL were considered indicative of nutritional deficiency. The average concentration of alphatocopherol in the serum of the control group mothers was 1159.8 ± 292.4 μg/dL and the supplemented group was 1128.3 ± 407.2 μg/dL (p = 0.281). All women had nutritional status in vitamin E suitable. In both groups, it was observed that the concentration of vitamin E in colostrum milk was higher compared to transitional and mature milk. In the supplemented group, the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in the milk increased 60 % after supplementation, from 1339.3 ± 414.2 μg/dL (0h milk) to 2234.7 ± 997.3 μg/dL (24h milk). While the control group values in colostrum 0h and colostrum 24h were similar (p = 0.681). In the control group the follow-on milk alphatocopherol value was 875.3 ± 292.4 μg/dL and in the group supplemented 1352.8 ± 542.3 μg/dL, an increase of 35% in the supplemented group compared to control (p <0.001). In mature milk alpha-tocopherol concentrations between the control group (426.6 ± 187.5 μg/dL) and supplemented (416.4 ± 214.2 μg/dL) were similar (p = 0.853). Only 24h milk supplemented group answered the nutritional requirement of alpha-tocopherol (4 mg/day) of the newborn. These results show that the transport of this micronutrient for milk occurs in a controlled and limited way. Thus, the native vitamin E supplementation increases the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in colostrum and milk and transition does not influence the concentration in mature milk. Only the increase in colostrum milk was sufficient to meet the nutritional requirement of premature newborns.


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Compared to conventional composites, polymer matrix nanocomposites typically exhibit enhanced properties at a significantly lower filler volume fraction. Studies published in the literature indicate t hat the addition of nanosilicate s can increase the resistance to flame propagation in polymers. In this work, a treatment of montmorillonite (MMT) nano clay and the effect of its ad dition o n flame propagation characteristics of vinyl ester were studied. The resea rch was conducted in two stages. The first stage focused on the purification and activation of the MMT clay collected from a natural deposit to improve compatibility with the polymer matrix . Clay modification with sodium acetate was also studied to improve particle dispersion in the polymer. The second step was focused on the effect of the addition of the treated clay on nanocomposites ’ properties. Nanocomposites with clay con tents of 1, 2, 4 wt. % were processed. T he techniques for the characterization of the clay included X - ray fluorescence (XRF), X - r ay d iffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric a nalysis (TGA), d ifferential scanning c alorimetry (DSC) , s urface area (BET) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). For t he characterization of the nanocomposites , the techniques used were thermogravimetric a nalysis (TGA) , differential scanning c alorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) , scanning electron mi croscopy (SEM), transmission electron m icroscopy (TEM), and the determination of tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and resistance to flame propagation. According to the results, the purification and activation treatment with freeze - drying used in thi s work for the montmorillonite clay was efficient to promote compatibility and dispersion in the polymer matrix as evidenced by the characterization of the nanocomposite s . It was also observed that the clay modifica tion using sodium acetate did not produce any significant effect to improve compatibilization of the clay with the polymer. The addition of the treated MMT resulted in a reduction of up to 53% in the polymer flame propagation speed and did not affect the mechanical tensile strength and modulus o f elas ticity of the polymer, indicating compatibility between the clay and polymer. The effectiveness in reducing flame propagation speed peaked for nanocomposites with 2 wt. % clay, indicating that this is the optimum clay concentration for this property. T he clay treatment used in this work enables the production of vinylester matrix nanocomposites with flame - retardancy properties .


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The medicinal plants constitute a rich source of biologically active compounds used for the treatment of many psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety disorders and depression. Generalized anxiety disorder has increased significantly, being the second most prevalent disorder in care facilities to public health. Depression is considered a chronic and common psychiatric disorder that affects 350 million people of all ages around the world. In this context, the pharmacological intervention conduits have been employed, effective, although leave to be desired when observed adverse effects. The genus Passiflora is commonly commercially known by its fruit, but is also widely used in traditional Brazilian medicine. Passiflora edulis displays considerable morphological variability. This plant produces two types of fruit: Purple (Passiflora edulis Sims fo. edulis) and yellow (Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa Degener). This study investigated the central effects of aqueous extract of the leaves of the two varieties of the species Passiflora edulis in tests used to assess behavior related to anxiety and depression, as well as investigating the potential effect of the antidepressant-like fractions of edulis fo. edulis and neuropharmacological mechanisms responsible for this action. To conduct this study used male Swiss mice (2 months old, weighing 30-35 g). The animals received the aqueous extract of the leaves of the two species of Passiflora: edulis fo. edulis (100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) and fractions ethyl acetate, butanol and aqueous waste (25, 50, 75, 100 mg / kg) and edulis fo. flavicarpa (30, 100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) or saline by gavage 60 minutes prior to the maze tests at high cross the open field test, test forced swim test and sedation induced by thiopental. To investigate the mechanism of action of the activity of antidepressant type of fractions the following drugs were used: PCPA (inhibitor of 5-HT synthesis) AMPT (inhibitor of catecholamine synthesis), DSP-4 (noradrenergic neurotoxin) and Sulpiride (antagonist selective dopamine D2 receptor). They were used as a standard positive control, fluoxetine and nortriptyline. The results of the phytochemical profile show very different characteristics to the aqueous extract of the varieties of Passiflora edulis "flavicarpa" and "edulis". The aqueous extracts of both varieties of Passiflora edulis share anxiolytic activity type (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo. flavicarpa 300 and 1000 mg/kg) and antidepressant (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo flavicarpa 1000 mg/kg), while the effect hipolocomotor/sedative was only seen for edulis fo. edulis (1000 mg/kg). Both fractions ethyl acetate, butanol aqueous extract edulis fo. edulis showed activity type antidepressant at a dose of 50 mg/kg in the forced swim test. The data suggest that the effect of antidepressant-like fractions edulis fo. edulis involves catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission, particularly dopaminergic, there is seen that pre-treatment DSP-4 is not affected antidepressant action of fractions as was dependent activation of dopamine D2 receptors.


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The medicinal plants constitute a rich source of biologically active compounds used for the treatment of many psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety disorders and depression. Generalized anxiety disorder has increased significantly, being the second most prevalent disorder in care facilities to public health. Depression is considered a chronic and common psychiatric disorder that affects 350 million people of all ages around the world. In this context, the pharmacological intervention conduits have been employed, effective, although leave to be desired when observed adverse effects. The genus Passiflora is commonly commercially known by its fruit, but is also widely used in traditional Brazilian medicine. Passiflora edulis displays considerable morphological variability. This plant produces two types of fruit: Purple (Passiflora edulis Sims fo. edulis) and yellow (Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa Degener). This study investigated the central effects of aqueous extract of the leaves of the two varieties of the species Passiflora edulis in tests used to assess behavior related to anxiety and depression, as well as investigating the potential effect of the antidepressant-like fractions of edulis fo. edulis and neuropharmacological mechanisms responsible for this action. To conduct this study used male Swiss mice (2 months old, weighing 30-35 g). The animals received the aqueous extract of the leaves of the two species of Passiflora: edulis fo. edulis (100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) and fractions ethyl acetate, butanol and aqueous waste (25, 50, 75, 100 mg / kg) and edulis fo. flavicarpa (30, 100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) or saline by gavage 60 minutes prior to the maze tests at high cross the open field test, test forced swim test and sedation induced by thiopental. To investigate the mechanism of action of the activity of antidepressant type of fractions the following drugs were used: PCPA (inhibitor of 5-HT synthesis) AMPT (inhibitor of catecholamine synthesis), DSP-4 (noradrenergic neurotoxin) and Sulpiride (antagonist selective dopamine D2 receptor). They were used as a standard positive control, fluoxetine and nortriptyline. The results of the phytochemical profile show very different characteristics to the aqueous extract of the varieties of Passiflora edulis "flavicarpa" and "edulis". The aqueous extracts of both varieties of Passiflora edulis share anxiolytic activity type (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo. flavicarpa 300 and 1000 mg/kg) and antidepressant (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo flavicarpa 1000 mg/kg), while the effect hipolocomotor/sedative was only seen for edulis fo. edulis (1000 mg/kg). Both fractions ethyl acetate, butanol aqueous extract edulis fo. edulis showed activity type antidepressant at a dose of 50 mg/kg in the forced swim test. The data suggest that the effect of antidepressant-like fractions edulis fo. edulis involves catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission, particularly dopaminergic, there is seen that pre-treatment DSP-4 is not affected antidepressant action of fractions as was dependent activation of dopamine D2 receptors.


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This dissertation presents the development of voltammetric methods to zinc determination in multivitamin commercial samples, talc, and art materials for painting (soft pastel) combining an alkaline extraction with 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH aqueous solution and bismuth modified electrodes. Two electrodes were used to zinc quantification in the samples, bismuth film electrode (BiFE) plated in situ onto glassy carbon and carbon paste electrode chemically modified with strongly acidic ion exchange resin Amberlite® IR 120 and bismuth nanostructures (EPCAmbBi). It was verified that the best concentration of Bi3+ for Bi film deposition onto glassy carbon was 4.0 μmol L-1 using an 0.1 mol L-1 acetate buffer aqueous solution (pH = 4.5) as supporting electrolyte. The best condition to formation of Bi nanostructures in the EPC modified with 10 % Amberlite® IR 120 was the use of 30 s to pre-concentration (open circuit) in 0.5 mmol L-1 Bi3+ aqueous solution (pH 5.5) prepared with supporting electrolyte solution. The obtained analytical curve for Zn2+ using BiFE presented linear range from 0.5 to 5.0 μmol L-1, the limit of detection (LD) was 41 nmol L-1. For EPCAmbBi only one linear range was observed for the analytical curve varying the Zn2+ concentration from 0.05 to 8.2 μmol L-1, LD obtained in this curve it was equal to 10 nmol L-1. The EPCAmbBi presented the most intense and sharp anodic stripping peaks for Zn2+ presenting, therefore, a better voltammetric profile, with sensitivity higher than obtained with the BiFE. Moreover, the EPCAmbBi presented a LD lower than that obtained with the BiFE. Alkaline extraction was an efficient sample pretreatment to extract Zn2+ from solid samples, besides that, this procedure was less susceptible to interferences from Cu2+, since it remains at extracting vessel as insoluble Cu(OH)2. The combination of alkaline extraction with the EPCAmbBi is a simple, fast, efficient and low cost for the zinc determination in pharmaceutical formulations and art materials for painting (soft pastel) samples, which can be employed as a low-cost alternative method to the atomic absorption spectroscopy.


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This study evaluated the effects of incorporating an additive from an agro-industrial residue, after some chemical modification reactions, to petroleum asphalt cement (CAP) through the polymerization reaction of a viscous polyol obtained by bagasse biomass oxypropylation reaction sugarcane with anhydrides. The polyol is obtained by biomass oxypropylation reaction with propylene oxide, the reaction was performed in an autoclave sealed with pressure and temperature control using 25 mL of OP for every 5 grams of biomass 200°C, which time reaction was two hours. The reaction is revealed by varying the system pressure, initially at atmospheric pressure to reach a maximum pressure value and its subsequent return to atmospheric pressure. For the choice of the most suitable reaction time for polymerization of the polyol with pyromellitic anhydride, the reaction was also conducted in an autoclave sealed with temperature controller (150 ° C) using 20 g of polyol, 1 g of sodium acetate (catalyst) and 8 g of pyromellitic anhydride with the times 30 and 60 minutes. The polymerized materials with different times were characterized by determining the relative viscosity and percentage content of extractable in cyclohexane / ethanol. Given the results with the polymerized material 30 minutes showed the lowest percentage content of extractives and an increased viscosity relative indicating that this time is highlighted with respect to time 60 minutes, because the material is possibly in the form of a crosslinked polymer. Given the choice of time of 30 minutes other polymerization reactions were performed with various anhydrides and other conditions employed different proportions by mass of polyol anhydrides we were referred to as condition I (20 g anhydride and 8 g of polyol), II (20 g anhydride and 20 g of polyol) and III (8 g anhydride and 20 g of polyol). The FTIR spectra of polymeric materials with different polymerization conditions used to prove the occurrence of chemical modification due to the appearance of a characteristic band ester groups (1750 cm-1) present in the polymerized material. He chose to work with the condition III, as is the condition which employs a larger amount of polyol, and even with the smaller amount of anhydride used FTIR spectra revealed that the polymerization reaction was performed. Among the various anhydrides (phthalic, maleic and pyromellitic) of the different conditions used that stood out before the solubility test with solvents analyzed was polymerized material with pyromellitic anhydride because the polymerized material likely in the form of a crosslinked polymer because it was insoluble or poorly soluble in the solvents tested. Polymerization of the polyol with pyromellitic anhydride using condition III, that is, BCPP30, CSPP30, PCPP30 e BCPPG30, provided an increase in thermal stability relative to material in the form of polyol. Applicability tests concerning the incorporation of 16% m / m BCPP30, CSPP30, PCPP30 e BCPPG30 additive in relation to the mass of 600 g CAP showed through characterization tests used, softening point, elastic recovery and marshall dosage, it is possible to use BCPP30 as an additive the conventional CAP, because even with the incorporation of this new additive modified CAP met the specifications of the appropriate standard.


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The Banisteriopsis genus is widespread in traditional medicine. This work aims to contribute with information about the chemical composition and on the evaluation of the biological activity of the essential oil, the ethanol extract of the leaves and partitions of the Banisteriopsis laevifolia. The phytochemical screeningtest of ethanol extract and partitions of leaves indicated the presence of flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, phenols and steroids compounds. Nitrogenous compounds, characteristic of some species of this family, were not detected. Flavonoids were the predominant metabolite, with the highest concentrations on the partitions ethyl acetate and n-butanol. The antibacterial activity, antifungal and cytotoxicity of the essetial oil, ethanol extract and partitions were assyed by microdilution broth method (MBM), where the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were calculated. The ethanol extract and partitions did not inhibit growth against to Gram positive bacteria tested, with MIC less than 400 mg L-1. For the Gram negative bacteria tested, the hexane and hydroethanol partitios were more effective against F. nucleatum bacteria (MIC 100 ug mL-1). The ethanol extract showed antifungal activity with MIC of 31.2 mg L-1. Ethyl acetate and n-butanol partitions showed MIC 187.5 mg L-1 and 93.7 mg L-1, respectively, arousing interest for isolation studies. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the DPPH free radical method. The ethanolic extract, ethyl acetate and n-butanol partitions were active, since they showed EC50 values (4.53 ug mL-1, 4.07 and 8.39 ug mL-1, respectively), values equivalent to the BHT (7.3 mg L-1). The analysis by HPLC-MS/MS of the most active fractions (ethyl acetate and n-butanol) identified phenolic compounds (flavonols and phenolic acids) which exert recognized biological activity. The GC-MS analysis of the essential oils from leaves collected in two periods studied (dry and wet), showed a small variation in the number of compounds. The major classes identified for the oil collected in the dry period were aliphatic alcohols (23,4%), terpenoids (18.7%), sterols (10.4%) and long-chain alkanes (9.2%) compounds. Terpenoids (26.8%) were the major class for the rain season. The major compounds (3Z) -hexenol, phytol and untriacontano are present in the two seasons but in different amounts (19.4%, 9.8% and 7.5% during the dry season, and 17.0 %, 14.9% and 15.3% in the rainy season, respectively). The essential oil from rainy season was not effective against to the oral bacteria Gram positive and Gram negative tested. However, showed significant antifungal activity with MIC 1000 mg L-1 against Candidas. Thus, the promising results with respect to biological assays of ethanolic extract and partitions from B. laevifolia contributed to the chemical and biological knowledge of the species B. laevifolia.


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Oral route of administration is considered to be the most comfortable, safe and greater adaptation for patients. But, oral route presents some disadvantages such as drugs bioavailability and side effects on the stomach. Some technologies are studied to soften and/or resolve these problems, such as coating with polymeric films, which are able to protect the pharmaceutical form of the acid stomachic environment and to act in the drug release, and mucoadhesive systems, which allow the pharmaceutical form remains a greater time interval in the intestine, increasing the effectiveness of the drug. Cellulose triacetate (CTA) films were produced from cellulose extracted from sugar cane bagasse. The films were prepared with different morphologies (with and without water, acting as non-solvent) and concentrations (3, 6.5 and 10%) of CTA and characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), water vapor permeability (WVP), puncture resistance (PR), enzymatic digestion (DE), and mucoadhesive force evaluation (MF). Microscopy showed the formation of symmetric and asymmetric morphologies. WVP data showed that more concentrated films have higher values for WVP; moreover, asymmetric films had higher values than symmetric films. PR measurements showed that symmetric membranes are more resistant than asymmetric ones. More concentrated films were also more puncture resistant, except for symmetric membranes with CTA concentrations of 6.5 and 10% that did not show significant differences. All of the films presented large mucoadhesive capacities independent of their morphology and CTA concentration. From the results of WVP and RP, a symmetric filme with 6.5% CTA showed better ability and mechanical resistance, therefore, was selected to serve as coating of gellan gum (GG) particles incorporating ketoprofen (KET), which was confirmed by SEM. The selected film presented low values in measurements of the swelling index (SI) and in a dissolution test (DT). TGA analysis showed that the CTA coating does not influence the thermal stability of the particles and there is no incompatibility evidence between CTA, GG and KET. Coated particles released 100% of the ketoprofen in 24 h, while uncoated particles released the same amount in 4 h. The results of this study highlight the potential of CTA in the development of new controlled oral delivery systems.


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With the increasing fungi resistance compared with existing drugs on the market and the side effects reported by some compounds with antioxidant properties and enzymatic inhibitors, in particular against α-amylase and α-glucosidase, the discovery of new compounds with biological potential, becomes a need. In this context, natural products can be an important source for the discovery of new active molecular architectures. Then, this study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity, the enzymatic inhibitory activity of α-amylase and α-glucosidase, the antifungal and cytotoxic activities of ethanolic extract (EE) the leaves of Banisteriopsis argyrophylla (Malpighiaceae) and their fractions, obtained by liquid-liquid extraction using solvents of increasing polarity. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the free radical DPPH scavenging method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and the ethyl acetate fractions (FAE) and n-butanol (FB) were the most active, confirmed by the peak current and the oxidation potential obtained by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The inhibitory activity of the α-amylase and α-glucosidase was analyzed considering the reactions between substrates α-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl)-β-1,4-galactopiranosilmaltoside (Gal-α-G2-CNP) and 4-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside (p-NPG), respectively. Initially, it was found that the EE showed considerable activity against α-amylase (EC50 = 2.89±0.1 μg m L–1) compared to the acarbose used as positive control (EC50 = 0.08±0.1 μg mL–1) and that did not showed promising activity against the α-glucosidase. After this observation we evaluated the inhibitory activity of α-amylase fractions, with FAE (EC50 = 2.33±0.1 μg mL–1) and FB (EC50 = 2.57 ± 0.1 μg mL–1) showing the best inhibitions. The antifungal activity was evaluated against Candida species, and the FAE had better antifungal potential (MIC's between 93.75 and 11.72 μg mL–1) compared with amphotericin as positive standard (MIC = 1.00 and 2.00 μg L–1 for C. parapsilosis and C. krusei used as controls, respectively). The EE (CC50 = 360.00 ± 12 μg mL–1) and fractions (CC50's> 270.00 μg mL–1) were considerably less toxic to Vero cells than the cisplatin used as positive control (CC50 = 7.01 ± 0 6 μg mL–1). The FAE showed the best results for the activities studied, this fraction was submitted to ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS)), and the following flavonoids have been identified: (±)-catechin, quercetin-3-O-β-D-Glc/ quercetin-3-O-β-D-Gal, quercetin-3-O-β-L-Ara, quercetin-3-O-β-D-Xyl, quercetin-3-O-α-L-Rha, kaempferol-3-O-α-L-Rha, quercetin-3-O-(2''-galoil)-α-L-Rha, quercetin-3-O-(3''-galoil)-α-L-Rha and kaempferol-3-O-(3''-galoil)-α-L-Rha,. FAE was submitted to column chromatography using C18 phase, and (±)-catechin was isolated (FAE-A1, 73 mg) and three fractions consisting of a mixture of flavonoids were obtained (FAE-A2, FAE-A3 and FAE-A4). These compounds were identified by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and (–)-ESI-MS. The (±)-catechin fraction showed an MIC = 2.83 μg ml–1 in assay using C. glabrata, with amphotericin as positive control. The fractions FAE-A2, FAE-A3, FAE-A4, showed less antifungal potential in tested concentrations. The identified flavonoids are described in the literature, regarding their antioxidant capacity and (±)-catechin, quercetin-3-O-Rha and kaempferol-3-O-Rha are described as α-amylase inhibitors. Thus, B. argyrophylla is an important species that produces compounds with antioxidant potential that can be related to the traditional use as anti-inflammatory and also has antifungal compounds and inhibitors of α-amylase. Therefore, these leaves are promising resources for the production of new drugs.


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Bajo la denominación del verdigrís se incluye una amplia variedad de pigmento de origen sintético cuyo color puede ser verde, verde-azulado o incluso azul. Su proceso de obtención se basa en la corrosión del cobre o sus aleaciones provocada por la acción del ácido acético contenido en el vinagre o por la acción de cloruros (cloruro sódico o cloruro amónico). Ha sido uno de los pigmentos más importantes de la historia y ha sido profusamente utilizado por artistas de todas las épocas y escuelas pictóricas. Sus procesos de obtención se conocen desde la antigüedad clásica, y aparecen recogidos en textos de aquella época y en muchos otros de la época medieval y de los siglos XVI al XIX. Incluso existen patentes de invención de los siglos XIX y XX relacionadas con su obtención y con la propuesta de sistemas para mejorar su producción. Una peculiaridad de este pigmento es su solubilidad en agua, por lo que también ha sido utilizado enla elaboración de tintas que han sido profusamente utilizadas para la elaboración de planos y mapas; en este tipo de usos eran utilizadas para representar las zonas de vegetación o de agua (ríos, lagos, zonas de costa) Son numerosas las investigaciones que se han realizado en torno a este pigmento. Muchas de ellas han estado dirigidas a esclarecer su composición química y aunque son de indudable interés, estas aportaciones no resultan suficientes. La principal razón es que se trata de un pigmento que puede obedecer a una amplia variedad de composiciones; a este respecto han sido identificadas diferentes hidroxiacetatos de cobre(II) hidratados, hidroxicloruros de cobre(II) y acetato de cobre(II) hidratado, entre otros compuestos...