883 resultados para accommodation paralysis
Purpose. We assessed the prevalence and predictors of inaccurate refractive error among rural refractionists in western China. Methods. A subset of primary school children with visual acuity (VA) ≤6/12 in ≥1 eye, undergoing subjective refinement by local refractionists after cycloplegic autorefraction in an ongoing population-based study, received repeat refraction by university optometrists for quality control. Results. Among 502 children (mean age 10.5 years, 53.2% girls), independent predictors of poor (inaccurate by ≥1.0 diopter [D]) refraction by 21 rural practitioners (66.7% with high school or lower education) included hyperopia (odds ratio [OR], 4.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.4-7.3, P < 0.001), astigmatism (OR = 3.8; 95% CI, 2.5-5.6; P < 0.001) and VA uncorrectable to >6/12 by the rural refractionist (OR = 4.7; 95% CI, 3.1-7.3; P = < 0.001). Among 201 children whose vision was uncorrectable in ≥1 eye by the rural refractionists, vision could be improved to >6/12 by the university optometrist in 110 (54.7%). We estimate vision could be so improved in 9.1% of all children refracted by these rural refractionists. A reason for inaccuracy in this setting is the erroneous tendency of rural refractionists to adjust instrument values for accommodation, even under cycloplegia. Conclusions. Rural refractionists in western China have little formal training and frequently fail to optimize VA among children, even when autorefractors are used. Training is needed emphasizing better use of automated refraction, particularly in children with astigmatism and hyperopia. © 2014 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.
OBJECTIVE: To compare outcomes between adjustable spectacles and conventional methods for refraction in young people. DESIGN: Cross sectional study. SETTING: Rural southern China. PARTICIPANTS: 648 young people aged 12-18 (mean 14.9 (SD 0.98)), with uncorrected visual acuity ≤ 6/12 in either eye. INTERVENTIONS: All participants underwent self refraction without cycloplegia (paralysis of near focusing ability with topical eye drops), automated refraction without cycloplegia, and subjective refraction by an ophthalmologist with cycloplegia. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Uncorrected and corrected vision, improvement of vision (lines on a chart), and refractive error. RESULTS: Among the participants, 59% (384) were girls, 44% (288) wore spectacles, and 61% (393/648) had 2.00 dioptres or more of myopia in the right eye. All completed self refraction. The proportion with visual acuity ≥ 6/7.5 in the better eye was 5.2% (95% confidence interval 3.6% to 6.9%) for uncorrected vision, 30.2% (25.7% to 34.8%) for currently worn spectacles, 96.9% (95.5% to 98.3%) for self refraction, 98.4% (97.4% to 99.5%) for automated refraction, and 99.1% (98.3% to 99.9%) for subjective refraction (P = 0.033 for self refraction v automated refraction, P = 0.001 for self refraction v subjective refraction). Improvements over uncorrected vision in the better eye with self refraction and subjective refraction were within one line on the eye chart in 98% of participants. In logistic regression models, failure to achieve maximum recorded visual acuity of 6/7.5 in right eyes with self refraction was associated with greater absolute value of myopia/hyperopia (P<0.001), greater astigmatism (P = 0.001), and not having previously worn spectacles (P = 0.002), but not age or sex. Significant inaccuracies in power (≥ 1.00 dioptre) were less common in right eyes with self refraction than with automated refraction (5% v 11%, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Though visual acuity was slightly worse with self refraction than automated or subjective refraction, acuity was excellent in nearly all these young people with inadequately corrected refractive error at baseline. Inaccurate power was less common with self refraction than automated refraction. Self refraction could decrease the requirement for scarce trained personnel, expensive devices, and cycloplegia in children's vision programmes in rural China.
Childhood deprivation is a major risk to public health. Poor health in the early years accumulates and is expressed in adult health inequalities. The importance of social mobility - moves into and out of poverty or, indeed, change in relative affluence - for child wellbeing is less well understood. Home ownership and house value may serve as a useful measure of relative affluence and deprivation.
Analysis of the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study dataset focused on cohort members aged 18 and under at the 2001 census and their families. Using housing tenure and house value reported in 2001 and 2011, moves along the “housing ladder” over ten years were identified. Outcome measures were physical disability and mental health status as reported in 2011. Logistic regression models tested if health outcomes varied by upward and downward changes in house value.
After controlling for variations in age, sex, general health and social class, mental health is worse among those who moved to a lower value house. Compared to ‘no change’, those moving from the upper quintile of house value into social renting accommodation were almost six times more likely to report poor mental health (OR 5.90 95% CI 4.52, 7.70). Conversely, those experiencing the greatest upward movement were half as likely to report poor mental health (OR 0.46 95% CI 0.31, 0.68). There were smaller associations between physical health and downward (OR 2.66 95% CI 2.16, 3.27), and upward (OR 0.75 95% CI 0.61, 0.92) moves.
Poor mental health is more strongly associated with declines in living standards than with improvements. The gradient appears at multiple points along this proxy affluence-deprivation spectrum, not only at the extremes. Further research should explore whether circumstances surrounding moves, or change in social position explains the differential association between the health correlates of upward versus downward mobility.
BACKGROUND: Falls and fall-related injuries are symptomatic of an aging population. This study aimed to design, develop, and deliver a novel method of balance training, using an interactive game-based system to promote engagement, with the inclusion of older adults at both high and low risk of experiencing a fall.
STUDY DESIGN: Eighty-two older adults (65 years of age and older) were recruited from sheltered accommodation and local activity groups. Forty volunteers were randomly selected and received 5 weeks of balance game training (5 males, 35 females; mean, 77.18 ± 6.59 years), whereas the remaining control participants recorded levels of physical activity (20 males, 22 females; mean, 76.62 ± 7.28 years). The effect of balance game training was measured on levels of functional balance and balance confidence in individuals with and without quantifiable balance impairments.
RESULTS: Balance game training had a significant effect on levels of functional balance and balance confidence (P < 0.05). This was further demonstrated in participants who were deemed at high risk of falls. The overall pattern of results suggests the training program is effective and suitable for individuals at all levels of ability and may therefore play a role in reducing the risk of falls.
CONCLUSIONS: Commercial hardware can be modified to deliver engaging methods of effective balance assessment and training for the older population.
Esta Tese insere-se no âmbito das Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente e aborda as temáticas do Turismo Sustentável, Educação Ambiental e Áreas Protegidas. Na atualidade o turismo é considerado como um dos fenómenos sociais e económicos mais importantes e um instrumento com grande importância para o desenvolvimento dos países e regiões. A discussão em torno do conceito de turismo sustentável, embora nem sempre coincidentes, orienta para uma conceção onde a componente ambiental, social e económica constituem as principais dimensões que devem ser consideradas no seu desenvolvimento. As áreas protegidas são territórios cuja principal função é conservação do ambiente. Estes espaços protegidos possuem um conjunto de recursos que os potenciam para o desenvolvimento do turismo sustentável e educação ambiental contribuindo, desta forma, para o desenvolvimento sustentado das regiões. Atualmente o turismo sustentável e a educação ambiental são uma realidade cada vez mais presente nas áreas protegidas contribuindo com benefícios sociais, económicos e para o desenvolvimento sustentável das regiões. Pretendeu-se com este trabalho analisar as opiniões e perceções dos visitantes, dos responsáveis dos empreendimentos turísticos, das associações locais e os dirigentes políticos, sobre o turismo sustentável e educação ambiental nos Parques Naturais de Montesinho e Douro Internacional com vista à apresentação de iniciativas para o seu desenvolvimento.Para a concretização deste desiderato geral foi selecionada uma metodologia que englobou, por um lado, uma análise empírica, através da implementação de inquérito por questionários aos visitantes dos Parques Naturais de Montesinho e Douro Internacional. A recolha de informação junto dos empreendimentos turísticos e associações locais, inseridos nos territórios dos parques naturais. Por outro lado, o inquérito por entrevista foi o instrumento de recolha de informação utilizado junto dos responsáveis políticos dos Concelhos que integram os Parques Naturais de Montesinho e Douro Internacional. Dos resultados obtidos, destaca-se que os visitantes, na maioria, são pessoas que visitaram estes parques pela primeira ou segunda vez, não ficam alojados na área e visitaram o parque acompanhados. Salienta-se a opinião favorável, destes, sobre a existência de áreas protegidas em Portugal e sobre a contribuição que estas podem dar para a conservação do ambiente, representando um recurso importante para as gerações futuras. Destaca-se, também, a opinião positiva sobre a visita aos parques e a consideração de que é importante o desenvolvimento do turismo e da educação ambiental. Em relação aos empreendimentos turísticos que participaram no estudo verificou-se que são, principalmente da tipologia de espaço rural. Além da oferta de alojamento, alguns empreendimentos turísticos disponibilizam atividades turísticas nos parques. Os responsáveis são da opinião que os parques são uma mais-valia para a região e tem uma opinião favorável sobre o desenvolvimento do turismo sustentável nas áreas em estudo. No que concerne às associações, verificou-se que as atividades que desenvolvem não estão vocacionadas para o turismo e educação ambiental. No entanto, estas associações também consideram importante a existência dos parques na região e que o turismo sustentável e a educação ambiental são duas componentes complementares que podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentável das áreas dos parques. A opinião dos dirigentes dos municípios que integram os parques naturais de Montesinho e Douro Internacional orienta-se no mesmo sentido. Estes são de opinião que é necessário desenvolver uma estratégia e implementar medidas para o desenvolvimento do turismo sustentável nos parques naturais. Esperamos que os resultados desta investigação possam, de alguma forma, contribuir para orientar as iniciativas e ações de desenvolvimento do turismo sustentável e educação ambiental dos diversos agentes que atuam nos Parques Naturais de Montesinho e Douro Internacional.
Muitas são as teorias que sugerem uma explicação para a realização do comércio internacional, tentando justificar porque é que determinados países são mais atrativos para Investimento Direto Estrangeiro (IDE) do que outros. A revisão de literatura realizada no âmbito desta investigação permitiu perceber que, embora sejam muitas as teorias existentes, os autores são unânimes ao afirmar que a internacionalização das empresas, através de IDE, é influenciada por fatores de atração relacionados com as características específicas dos países de acolhimento (meio envolvente contextual e transacional) e por fatores impulsionadores relacionados com características específicas das empresas e do país de origem das mesmas. Apesar do número existente de estudos sobre IDE ser vasto, são poucos aqueles que analisam este tipo de investimento no setor do Turismo e inexistentes os que analisam o IDE no setor do Turismo português. A presente investigação pretende colmatar essa lacuna e tem como objetivo identificar os principais fatores de atratividade para IDE no setor do Turismo português. Para o efeito, foi construído um modelo teórico onde foram considerados como fatores de atração seis fatores relacionados com o meio envolvente de Portugal e cinco fatores relacionados com o setor do Turismo. Como fatores impulsionadores consideraram-se aspetos relativos ao país de origem das empresas estrangeiras e às características endógenas das mesmas. A metodologia utilizada para validar o modelo e respetivas hipóteses assentou, numa primeira fase, na elaboração de entrevistas exploratórias semiestruturadas à Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal e ao Turismo de Portugal. Numa segunda fase, foram aplicados inquéritos por questionário aos investidores estrangeiros a explorar empreendimentos turísticos e unidades de alojamento local em Portugal continental. Foram considerados válidos para análise 53 questionários, representando 63,9% do universo de investidores estrangeiros em Portugal (subsetor do Alojamento), responsáveis pela exploração de 20.999 camas. Os resultados obtidos no âmbito deste estudo permitem concluir que a localização geográfica de Portugal, a imagem/marca do setor do Turismo português e a oferta turística portuguesa são considerados os fatores de atração mais importantes para IDE. As afinidades culturais e históricas foram consideradas fatores de atração pelos investidores de pequena dimensão, enquanto a procura turística foi considerada atrativa pelos investidores de média/grande dimensão. Este estudo identificou claramente que os maiores entraves ao IDE são a burocracia, a carga fiscal e a atual situação económica do país. Conclui-se, ainda, que os países que mais investem no setor do Turismo português são também os principais emissores de turistas para Portugal e que investidores provenientes de diferentes mercados de origem procuram diferentes regiões em Portugal para investir. Por fim, apresentam-se as principais contribuições da investigação do ponto de vista teórico e prático, indicam-se algumas limitações e sugerem-se recomendações para investigações futuras.
Objectives. Mindfulness meditation practices have become increasingly popular in clinical therapies, changing patterns of depressogenic thinking for individuals who experience consecutive episodes of depression. We were interested in finding out how Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) worked for programme participants by focussing on how meditative practices changed their relationships to their thoughts. Design. Data for the study came from six semi-structured research interviews carried out with individuals who had taken part in an 8 week MBCT programme Methods. We used Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to analyse the experiential accounts. Results. We report on two superordinate themes – Engaging the Neutral Mind (with subordinate themes ‘breaking the paralysis of worry’ and ‘choosing to think differently’) and Experiencing the Neutral Mind (with subordinate themes of ‘reflection on previous thinking styles’ and ‘becoming psychologically self-reliant’). Conclusions. Themes from the present study offer support to the assertion that mindfulness meditation helps facilitate a different mode of meta-cognitive processing with which to handle depression-related cognitions. Practitioner Points Participants reported that they experienced an enhanced capacity to differentiate between their thought processes, experiencing an ability to tolerate some more uncomfortable thoughts and experiencing a/more choice in how to respond to thoughts Participants recognised that ruminating over negative thoughts was related to depressive states and experienced a shift in meta-cognitive processes that actively challenged depressogenic cognitions Participants became more psychologically self-reliant and therapeutically independent following MBCT Integrating mindfulness based practices in therapy may be a mediating factor in sustaining psychological wellbeing and may help clients develop self-compassion Future research looks to examining exit cases to understand elements of MBCT which are experienced as less successful by clients
Dissertação de mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2004
Revenue Management’s most cited definitions is probably “to sell the right accommodation to the right customer, at the right time and the right price, with optimal satisfaction for customers and hoteliers”. Smart Revenue Management (SRM) is a project, which aims the development of smart automatic techniques for an efficient optimization of occupancy and rates of hotel accommodations, commonly referred to, as revenue management. One of the objectives of this project is to demonstrate that the collection of Big Data, followed by an appropriate assembly of functionalities, will make possible to generate a Data Warehouse necessary to produce high quality business intelligence and analytics. This will be achieved through the collection of data extracted from a variety of sources, including from the web. This paper proposes a three stage framework to develop the Big Data Warehouse for the SRM. Namely, the compilation of all available information, in the present case, it was focus only the extraction of information from the web by a web crawler – raw data. The storing of that raw data in a primary NoSQL database, and from that data the conception of a set of functionalities, rules, principles and semantics to select, combine and store in a secondary relational database the meaningful information for the Revenue Management (Big Data Warehouse). The last stage will be the principal focus of the paper. In this context, clues will also be giving how to compile information for Business Intelligence. All these functionalities contribute to a holistic framework that, in the future, will make it possible to anticipate customers and competitor’s behavior, fundamental elements to fulfill the Revenue Management
Dissertação de mestrado em Turismo e Culturas Urbanas, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do do Algarve, 2016
La question du pluralisme religieux est au Québec, l’objet de désaccords et de variations dans son mode de régulation et ses instruments d’action publique. La consultation publique sur le projet loi n° 94, Loi établissant les balises encadrant les demandes d’accommodement dans l’Administration gouvernementale et dans certains établissements, est au cœur de ceux-ci. En se basant sur l’analyse des séances d’auditions publiques en commission parlementaire qui ont eu lieu au Québec entre mai 2010 et janvier 2011 sur le projet de loi n° 94, cette thèse vise à interroger les enjeux liés à la publicisation des prises de positions et de l’échange d’arguments entre différents acteurs. À partir d’une méthodologie par théorisation enracinée et d’un cadre conceptuel qui se rattache à la communication publique, cette thèse cherche à mettre en évidence quelques-unes des propriétés des interactions verbales et non verbales qui composent et incarnent cette activité délibérative. Elle approche ces interactions du point de vue de leur publicisation en s’appuyant sur deux principes : la participation publique en tant qu’un instant de la construction du problème public et l’audition publique en commission parlementaire comme maillon d’un réseau dialogique qui participe à la publicisation du désaccord sur les accommodements raisonnables. Mettant l’accent sur l’usage du langage (verbal, non verbal et para verbal), l’objectif de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre comment des groupes minoritaires et majoritaires, engagés dans une arène publique où les points de vue par rapport aux accommodements raisonnables sont confrontés et mis en visibilité, gèrent leur situation de parole publique. La démarche de recherche a combiné deux stratégies d’analyse : la première stratégie d’inspiration conversationnelle, qui observe chaque séquence comme objet indépendant, a permis de saisir le déroulement des séances d’audition en respectant le caractère séquentiel des tours de parole La deuxième stratégie reviens sur les principaux résultats de l’analyse des séances d’auditions pour valider les résultats et parvenir à la saturation théorique pour élaborer une modélisation. L’exploitation des données selon cette approche qualitative a abouti au repérage de trois dynamiques. La première fait état des contraintes discursives. La seconde met en évidence le rôle des dimensions motivationnelles et socioculturelles dans la construction des positionnements et dans l’adoption d’un registre polémique. La troisième souligne la portée de la parole publique en termes d’actualisation des rapports de pouvoir et de confirmation de son caractère polémique. La modélisation proposée par cette thèse représente le registre polémique comme un élément constitutif de l’engagement argumentatif des acteurs sociaux mais qui est considérablement enchâssé dans d’autres éléments contextuels et motivationnels qui vont orienter sa portée. En tant qu’elle est exprimée dans un site dialogique, la parole publique en situation d’audition publique en commission parlementaire est en mesure de créer de nouvelles intrigues et d’une possibilité de coexister dans le dissensus. Le principal apport de cette thèse est qu’elle propose une articulation, concrète et originale entre une approche de la parole publique en tant que révélatrice d’autre chose que d’elle-même (nécessaire à tout éclaircissement des points de vue dans cette controverse) et une approche de la parole publique en tant que performance conduisant à la transformation du monde social. D’où, le titre de la thèse : la parole en action. Mots clefs : parole publique, discours, arène publique, pluralisme religieux, accommodements raisonnables, controverses, dissensus, théorisation enracinée
Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídico-Civis), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2014
Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015
Tese de mestrado, Ciências do Sono, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015
Broadly globalising processes have been in train for centuries, but contemporary discourse about globalisation is here located within a specific historical context, particularly characterised by new forms of communications and the pressures on states produced by the decline of Keynesianism and the end of the Cold War. Coincident changes also led to a growing interest in national identities, marked not least by the founding of this journal in 1999. Globalisation, a series of processes rather than a single force, has a range of effects on states, nations and national identities, including accommodation and adaptation as well as resistance. Indeed, globalising forces, such as democratisation, are shown to require nation-building. Attempts to impose order on international society through cosmopolitan devices are arguably more inimical to national identities. As with nations, cosmopolitanism involves an imagined community. Because this necessarily exists outside time, the building of a sense of trust and commonality across people and territory is however more challenging. Without popular ownership, it is argued, cosmopolitanism is often more likely to appear a threat than a boon. Building a global civil society, or indeed local democracies, is also unlikely when so many societies still lack local versions anchored in some form of national identity.