997 resultados para Wet chemistry
Concentrations of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), urea, and dissolved organic carbon in bottom water are shown to be considerable, sometimes several times higher than in the photic and surface layers of the ocean. Urea and ATP concentrations are inversely proportional. Identified biochemical characteristics of bottom water are of great importance in determining the status of the aquatic environment. The highest life activity (maximum ATP content) in bottom water appeared in the vicinity of faults in rift zones of the ocean, where high gas concentrations were also found. Population of chemoautotrophic microorganisms was clearly present under these conditions. Biochemical investigations provide additional criteria for identifying oil and gas prospects. They are also of definite interest in combination with gasometric determinations, which will undoubtedly give us deeper understanding of processes of formation of oil and gas and will help in finding them.
Sulfur speciation in bottom sediments from the area of the Peru upwelling has been studied. Data on sulfur contents in different compounds (sulfide, elemental, sulfate, pyritic and organic), water content, Eh, and organic carbon content in the bottom sediments have been obtained. The bottom sediments from the area are characterized by high content of organic carbon and low contents of total and reactive iron; this is typical for bottom sediments from ocean upwelling areas. Intense process of sulfate reduction occurs in the bottom sediments of the area, and accumulation of reduced sulfur compounds derivated from bacterial hydrogen sulfide does not exceed previously known values for other regions of the ocean.
Contents of Fe, Mn, Al, P, and rare earth elements (REE) in ferruginous nodules and host sediments of the eastern Barents Sea were studied. A direct Fe-P correlation in reactive components of the sediments and nodules was found. The nodules were shown to be formed through Fe(II) oxidation in the surface layer of sediments and cementation of terrigenous fraction of sediments by Fe(III) oxyhydroxides. The latter accumulate phosphorus due to processes of sorption - co-precipitation, by forming Fe(III) hydrophosphates. REE composition in the sediments and nodules normalized to NASC contents is characterized by increased proportion of light REE that may be caused by regional features of their sources. Due to significant share of terrigenous matter in the Fe nodules (up to 65% for Nd), REE composition of bulk samples is similar to that of host sediments. A negative cerium anomaly in composition of reactive REE may result from REE sorption from seawater. REE bulk composition of a ferruginous crust is closer to that of seawater than one of the ferruginous nodules from the sediments because of essentially lower content of diluent terrigenous matter.
Results of geochemical studies of suspended matter from the water mass over the hydrothermal field at 9°50'N on the East Pacific Rise are reported. The suspended matter was sampled in background waters, in the buoyant plume, and in the near-bottom waters. Contents of Si, Al, P, Corg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, As, Cr, Cd, Pb, Ag, and Hg were determined. No definite correlations were found between the elements in the background waters. Many of the chemical elements correlated with Fe and associated with its oxyhydroxides in the buoyant plume. In the near-bottom waters trace elements are associated with Fe, Zn, and Cu (probably, with their sulfides formed during mixing of hydrothermal fluids with seawater). Chemical composition of sediment matter precipitated in a sediment trap was similar to the near-bottom suspended matter.
(Table 1-4) Chemical composition of ferromanganese nodules from the South Basin of the Pacific Ocean
Gamma-spectrometric analysis was used for six sediment cores from the area occupied by metalliferous sediments in the Southeast Pacific. In five of these cores vertical distribution curves of 230Th enabled positions of equilibrium points to be determined and sediments to be dated. The ionium curve was normalized for one core. Vertical distribution of 230Th in metalliferous sediments resembles its distribution in normal ocean-floor sediments beyond the area of influence of active ridges. Sedimentation rates lay within the range 0.7-12.3 mm/ky.
Several bog manganese deposits were discovered in the Riding Mountain area in Manitoba during the spring and summer of 1940. A study was made of the known deposits to determine the grade of the occurrences, a possible source of the manganese oxides in the bog deposits and the possibilities of locating other manganese occurrences. Samples of the bog manganese, of spring waters from which the manganese oxides have apparently been precipitated, of the Odanah shale in which the deposits occur, and of "ironstone" nodules found in the Odanah and Riding Mountain shales were gathered in the field and later analyzed. In addition to chemical analyses of the above-mentioned samples, several polished sections of the manganese oxides were prepared and studied under the microscope, thin-sections of nodules were examined, and spectrographic analyses of both nodules and bog manganese were made. ...
Deep sea manganese nodules from the Southern Ocean have been studied using chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, optical mineragraphic and electron probe microanalysis techniques. The nodules were lower in manganese, iron and associated elements than the average grade of manganese nodules from other localities. A number of chemical relationships have been observed. Nickel, copper, cobalt, barium, zinc, molybdenum, strontium, sulphur and phosphorus are associated with the manganese rich phases and titanium with the iron rich phases. X-ray diffraction analysis and electron probe microanalysis results indicate that the manganese phases are similar to the disordered delta-MnO2 and "manganite" phases reported by other workers.
A study of lead distribution in recent, ancient Black Sea and Neweuxinian bottom sediment shows similar vertical distributions of the element in the oxygen and hydrogen sulfide zones of the sea; i.e. hydrogen sulfide contamination does not affect lead contents in bottom sediments of the sea. Lead distribution in sediment mass of the Black Sea reflects dependence of accumulation of the element on the hydrodynamic regime of the sea and forms of its migration. It is noted that absence of lead accumulation in Black Sea nodules results from specific nodule formation and from geochemical activity of the element. A large role of diagenetic sulfide formation in lead geochemistry is shown. Degree of lead accumulation in iron sulfides depends on conditions of sedimentation and on physical and chemical parameters in the sea.
Grain-size, mineral and chemical compositions of suspended particulate matter (SPM) from waters of the Severnaya (North) Dvina River mouth area during the spring flood in May 2004 is studied. Data published on composition of riverine SPM in the White Sea basin are very poor. The spring flood period when more than half of annual runoff is supplied from the river to the sea in during short time is understood more poorly. The paper considers comparison results of the grain size compositions of SPM and bottom sediments. Data of laser and hydraulic techniques of grain size analysis are compared. Short-period variations of SPM concentration and composition representing two diurnal peaks of the tide level are studied. It is found that SPM is mainly transferred during the spring flood as mineral aggregates up to 40 µm diameter. Sandy-silty fraction of riverine SPM settles in delta branches and channels, and bulk of clay-size material is supplied to the sea. Mineral and chemical compositions of SPM from the North Dvina River are determined by supply of material from the drainage basin. This material is subjected to intense mechanic separation during transfer to the sea. Key regularities of formation of mineral composition of SPM during the flood time are revealed. Effect of SPM grain size composition on distribution of minerals and chemical elements in study in the dynamic system of the river mouth area are characterized.