927 resultados para Weathering.


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Northeastern Brazil is mainly formed by crystalline terrains (around 60% in area). Moreover, this region presents a semi-arid climate so that it is periodically subject to drought seasons. Furthermore, ground water quality extracted fromwells usually presents poor quality because of their high salinity contents. Nevertheless, ground water is still a very important source of water for human and animal consumption in this region. Well sitting in hard rocks terrains in Northeastern Brazil offers a mean success index of aboul 60%, given that a successful siting is defined by a well producing at least 0.5 m³/h. This low index reveals lack of knowledga about the true conditions of storage and percolation of ground water in crystalline rocks. Two models for structures storing and producing ground water in crystalline rocks in Northeastem Brazil have been proposed in the literature. The first model,tradnionally used for well sitting since the sixties are controlled by faults or fractures zones. This model is commonly referred, in Brazilian hydrogeological literature, as the "creek-crack" model (riacho-fenda in Portuguese). Sites appearing to present dense drainage network are preferred for water well siting - particularly at points where the drainages cross-cul each other. Field follow up work is usually based only on geological criteria. The second model is the "eluvio-alluvial through" (calha eluvio-aluvionar in Portuguese); it is also described in the literature but it is not yet incorporated in well sitting practice. This model is based on the hypothesis that reclilinear drainages can also be controlled by the folietion of the rock. Eventually, depending upon the degree of weathering, a through-shaped structure filled with sediments (alluvium and regolith) can be developed which can store and water can be produced from. Using severalfield case studies, this Thesis presents a thorough analysis ofthe two above cited models and proposes a new model. The analysis is based on an integrated methodological approach using geophysics and structural geology. Both land (Resitiviy and Ground Penetrating Radar- GPR) and aerogeophysical (magnetics and frequency domain eletromagnetics) surveys were used. Slructural analysis emphasized neolectonic aspects; in general, itwas found that fractures in the E-W direction are relatively open, as compared to fracturas inthe N-S direction, probably because E-W fractures were opened by the neotectonic stress regime in Northeastern Brazil, which is controlled by E-W compression and N-S extension. The riacho-fenda model is valid where drainages are controlled by fractures. The degree of fracturing and associated weathering dictale the hydrogeological potential of the structure. Field work in structural analogues reveals that subvertical fractures show consistent directions both in outcrop and aerophotograph scales. Geophysical surveys reveal subvertical conductive anomalies associated to the fracture network controlling the drainage; one of the borders of the conductive anomaly usually coincide wih the drainage. An aspect of particular importance to the validation of fracture control are the possible presence of relalively deep conductive anomalies wihoul continuation or propagalion to the surface. The conductive nature of lhe anomaly is due to the presence of wealhered rock and sedirnenls (alluvium and/or regolilh) storing ground waler which occur associated to the fracture network. Magnetic surveys are not very sensisnive to these structures.lf soil or covering sedirnents are resislive (> 100 Ohm.m), GPR can ba used to image precisely lhe fracture network. A major limialion of riacho-fenda model, revealed by GPR images, is associated to the fact thal subhorizontal fractures do play a very important role in connecting the fracture network, besides connect shallow recharge zones to relalively deep subvertical frecture zones. Iffractures play just a secondary control on the drainage, however, r/acho-fenda model may have a very limiled validny; in these cases, large portions oflhe drainage do nol coincide wilh frectures and mosl oflhewells localed in lhe drainage surrounding would resull dry. Usually, a secondary conlrol on lhe drainage by Ihefraclure networkcan be revealed only wilh detailed geophysical survey. The calha elClv1o-aluvlonarmodel is valid where drainages are conlrolled by folialion. The degree 01 wealhering 01 lhe lolialion planes dictales lhe hydrogeological polenlial 01 lhe slruclure. Outcrop analysis reveals Ihal lolialion and drainage direclions are parallel and Ihal no Iraclures, orfraclures wilh diflerent directions 01 lhe drainage direclion occur. Geophysical surveys reveal conduclive anomalies in a slab lorm associaled 10 lhe Ihrough 01 lhe wealhered rock and sedimenls (alluvium and/or regolith). Magnelic surveys can ofler a very good conlrol on lolialion direclion. An importanl aspect 10 validale lolialion conlrol are lhe presence 01 conductive anomalies showing shallow and deep portions area which are linked. Illhere is an exlensive soil cover, r/acho-fenda and calha eIClv1o-aluv/onar conlrols can be easily misinlerpreled in lhe absence 01 geophysical conlrol. Certainly, Ihis lacl could explain at leasl a part of lhe failure index in well sitting. The model wealhering sack (bolsllo de Intempertsmo in Portuguese) is proposed to explain cases where a very inlensive wealhering occur over lhe crystalline rock so Ihal a secondary inlerslilial porosity is crealed. The waler is Ihen stored in lhe porous of lhe regolilh in a similar mannerlo sedimentary rocks. A possible example ofthis model was delecled by using land geophysical survey where a relalivelyvery deep isolaled conduclive anomaly, in a slab form, was delected. Iflhis structure does store ground waler, certainly Ihere must be a link 01 lhe deep slructure wilh lhe surface in orderlo provide walerfeeding. This model mighl explain anomalous waler yields as greal as 50 m³/h Ihalsomelimescan occur in crystalline rocks in Northeaslern Brazil


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Hydrogeological prospecting in Northeast Brazil and in other crystalline terrains has been developed on the basis of structural and regional geology concepts that date back to the 50-60 decades and, as such, demand a natural re-evaluation and update. In this kind of terrain, the percolation and accumulation of ground water are controlled by fractures and other types of discontinuities, such as foliations and geological contacts that, through weathering, impart porosity and permeability to the rocks, allowing water flow and storage. Several factors should be considered in the process of locating water wells, as discussed in the literature. Among these, the kind of structures, fracture geometry (including aperture and connectivity) and their geological and chronological context. It is important to correlate fracture systems with the regional neotectonic framework. Fractures at low angle (sub parallel) with the principal stress axis (s1) are those which tend to open (actually they work as tension joints) and, in principle, would present major hydric potential; in the opposite side, fractures at high angle to s1 would behave as closed by a compressional component. Fractures diagonal to the compression and tension axes correspond to shear fractures and, due to their connectivity with second fractures, are also important in terms of hydric potential. Uplift followed by terrain denudation leads to decompression and a general tendency to open (aided by weathering processes) fractures and other rock discontinuities, at different orientations. Low angle fractures, formed in this context, are equally important to increase connectivity, collection of water and recharge of the aquifer systems. In a general way, an opening component (neotectonic or by terrain decompression) and several models to increase fracture connectivity correlate with a greater hydric potential of these structures. Together with parallel research, this thesis addresses models of ground water occurrence in crystalline terrains, either improving well established concepts like the (Riacho-Fenda model), but also stressing other possibilities, like the role of alluvium and paleo-regoliths (the Calha Elúvio-Aluvionar model) and of strongly altered, permo-porous zones placed at variable depths below the present surface, flanking several types of discontinuities, especially interconnected fracture arrays (the Bolsões de Intemperismo model). Different methodological approaches are also discussed in order to improve success rates in the location of water wells in crystalline terrains. In this methodological review, a number of case studies were selected in the eastern domain of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, involving the localities of Santa Cruz, Santo Antônio, Serrinha, Nova Cruz, Montanhas, Lagoa de Pedras and Lagoa Salgada. Besides the neotectonic analysis of brittle structures, this Thesis addresses the validation of remote sensing as a tool for ground water prospecting. Several techniques were tested in order to detect and select areas with higher potential for ground water accumulation, using Landsat 5-TM and RADARSAT images, besides conventional aerial photos. A number of filters were tested to emphasize lineaments in the images, improving their discrimination, to identify areas with higher overburden humidity, which could reflect subsurface water accumulation, as well as alluvium and other sedimentary covers that might act as recharge zones. The work started with a regional analysis with the orbital images, followed by analysis of aerial photos, up to a detailed structural study of rock exposures in the terrain. This last step involved the analysis of outcrops surrounding wells (in a ray of approximately 10 to 100 m) with distinct productivities, including dry examples. At the level required for detail, it was not possible to accomplish a statistical approach using the available well data catalogs, which lack the desired specific information. The methodology worked out in this Thesis must undergo a testing phase through location of new water wells. An increase in the success rates as desired will led to a further consolidation step with wider divulgation of the methodology to private companies and governmental agencies involved in ground water prospecting in crystalline terrains


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This dissertation deals with the characterization, distribution and provenience of heavy minerals along the Piranhas-Açu River, from the City of Parelhas (Seridó River) to your mouth at the City of Macau-RN. Many heavy minerals species were recorded in this study: clinoamphibole, epidote (including zoisite), garnet, sillimanite, tourmaline, staurolite, andalusite, zircon, rutile, augite, ilmenite, hematite and magnetite. Major transparent minerals, those forming more than 5% of some assemblages, are hornblende, epidote, tourmaline, staurolite and zircon. Predominant opaque mineral is ilmenite. Six assemblages were identified along the river: (i) Garnet-hornblende-tourmaline with sillimanite, when cutting rocks of the Seridó Formation; (ii) Hornblende-garnet-zircon, when crossing rocks of the Caicó gnaisse-migmatitic Complex; (iii) Hornblende-zircon-epidote-staurolite, when draining rocks of the Jucurutu Formation; (iv) Hornblende-zircon-epidote, when cutting rocks of the Açu Formation; (v) Hornblende-zircon-staurolite, on the lowermost Açu River, when crossing limestones of the Jandaíra Formation and (vi) Zircon-tourmaline-staurolite in the Açu River mouth (Cenozoic rocks) where coastal process dominate. Mineral ratios that reflect differences in grain shape, density, and selective chemical decomposition were used in an attempt to isolate the effects of source and process as controls of mineral variability. Reworking of the sediments was regionally effective in selective sorting; the more equant minerals (e.g. epidote) and heavier minerals (e.g. opaques) had a higher probability of being selected for permanent deposition during reworking. The processes of selective decomposition stand out at the river mouth. A priori knowledge of provenance, associated with the assemblage distribution and effects of process were utilized to the interpretations, that points to the follow provenances: hornblende comes from micashists of the Seridó Formation, orthognaisses and amphibolites of the Caico Complex, paragnaisses and paranphibolites of the Jucurutu Formation and granites intrusions; epidote comes from paragnaisses and calciosilicatics of the Jucurutu Formation, granites intrusions (-Npy3al/ca and -Npy3mz, gravels deposits and Açu Formation; Andalusite and staurolite come from the Seridó Formation; Sillimanite, tourmaline and garnet come from micashists of the Seridó Formation, as well as from quartzites of the Equador Formation; Zircon comes from Precambrian rocks (pink and prismatic zircon) and from sediments of several cycles (round zircon); Opaques come from all rocks cutted for the Piranhas-Açu River; Rutile comes from metamorphic rocks, in general; Augite comes from the Ceará-Mirim, Serra do Cuó and Macau volcanisms. The texture of gravels deposits reveals a sediment transport mechanisms by traction-current processes, together with a diagenetic clay matrix suggests a hot-humid environments for deposition. The presence of unstable heavy minerals assemblages, as well as pebbles of different composition and degrees of rounding and esfericity, indicate more than one source. The occurrence of calcio/alkaline granites suites, in areas closed to the gravel deposits, suggests that these intrusions are the main source of sediments. This could explain for instance, the significant amounts of epidote and presence of unstable heavy minerals (e.g. hornblende). The analyses of heavy minerals also show significante variability between the modern (Piranhas-Açu) and ancestral (Açu Formation) river sediments. In general, these variations reflect relatively higher unstable and lower stable heavy minerals contents of the modern Piranhas-Açu sediments. The absence of significant compositional differences probably reflects uniform weathering conditions


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Geological and geophysical studies (resistivity, self potential and VLF) were undertaken in the Tararaca and Santa Rita farms, respectively close to the Santo Antônio and Santa Cruz villages, eastern Rio Grande do Norte State, NE Brazil. Their aim was to characterize water acummulation structures in crystalline rocks. Based on geological and geophysical data, two models were characterized, the fracture-stream and the eluvio-alluvial through, in part already described in the literature. In the Tararaca Farm, a water well was located in a NW-trending streamlet; surrounding outcrops display fractures with the same orientation. Apparent resistivity sections, accross the stream channel, confirm fracturing at depth. The VLF profiles systematically display an alignment of equivalent current density anomalies, coinciding with the stream. Based on such data, the classical fracture-stream model seems to be well characterized at this place. In the Santa Rita Farm, a NE-trending stream display a metric-thick eluvioregolith-alluvial cover. The outcropping bedrock do not present fractures paralell to the stream direction, although the latter coincides with the trend of the gneiss foliation, which dips to the south. Geophysical data confirm the absence of a fracture zone at this place, but delineate the borders of a through-shaped structure filled with sediments (alluvium and regolith). The southern border of this structure dips steeper compared to the northern one. This water acummulation structure corresponds to an alternative model as regards to the classical fracture-stream, being named as the eluvio-alluvial trough. Its local controls are the drainage and relief, coupled with the bedrock weathering preferentially following foliation planes, generating the asymmetry of the through


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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in the city of Limeira, southeastern Brazil, an important exposure of Permian sediments of the Parana basin was revealed by an open pit mine that exploits limestone for production of soil correction compounds and raw materials for the ceramic industry. The radioactivity of these sediments was investigated in some detail and the results provided a general view of the vertical distributions of uranium, thorium and potassium concentrations and of the element ratios U/K, U/Th and Th/K. In general, the concentrations of the main natural radioactive elements are low, with uranium being enriched in some limestone and shale levels. In addition the results showed that the U-238 series is in radioactive disequilibrium in many of the analyzed samples. Although the origin of the observed disequilibrium has not been investigated, the results suggest that it is due to weathering processes and water interaction with the rock matrix. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Bura do Itapira pua carbonatite is located in southern Brazil and belongs to the Cretaceous Ponta Grossa alkaline-carbonatitic province related to the opening of the South Atlantic. The carbonatite complex is emplaced in Proterozoic granites and is mainly composed of plutonic magnesio- to ferrocarbonatite, with smaller amounts of subvolcanic magnesiocarbonatite. Hydrothermal alteration of the carbonatite has led to the formation of quartz, apatite, fluorite, rue earth fluorocarbonates, barite and sulfides in variable proportions. Trace element data, delta(13)C and delta(18)O are presented here, with the aim of better understanding the geochemical nature of hydrothermal alteration related to rare earth elements (REE) mineralization. The non-overprinted plutonic carbonatite shows the lowest REE contents, and its primitive carbon and oxygen stable isotopic composition places it in the field of primary igneous carbonatites. Two types of hydrothermally overprinted plutonic carbonatites can be distinguished based on secondary minerals and geochemical composition. Type I contains mainly quartz, rare earth fluorocarbonates and apatite as hydrothermal secondary minerals, and has steep chondrite normalized REE patterns, with Sigma(REE+Y) of up to 3 wt.% (i.e., two orders of magnitude higher than in fresh plutonic samples). In contrast, the Type II overprint contains apatite, fluorite and barite as dominant hydrothermal minerals, and is characterized by heavy REE enrichment relative to the fresh samples, with flat chondrite normalized REE patterns. Carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratios of Types I and II are elevated (delta(18)O + 8 to + 12 parts per thousand; delta(13)C - 6 to - 2 parts per thousand) relative to the fresh samples. Hydrothermally overprinted carbonatites exposed to weathering show even higher delta(18)O values (delta(18)O 13 to 25 parts per thousand) but no additional REE enrichment. The subvolcanic carbonatite has anomalously high delta(13)C of up to + 1 parts per thousand, which suggests crustal contamination through interaction with carbonate-bearing metasediments. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Santana Cave is located at the Upper Ribeira Touristic State Park (PETAR-Parque Estadual Turistico do Alto Ribeira) in southern São Paulo State, Brazil. This paper describes Pb-210 activity concentration data in soda straw stalactites samples collected at Salao das Flores in Santana Cave that is a fossil tributary of the cave river. Non-expensive alpha counting following some analytical steps for extracting and depositing Pb-210 were used for providing the Pb-210 data. In the analyzed samples, Pb-210 values of increasingly older samples fitted an exponential curve, thus suggesting that the production of Pb-210 has been constant with time. Also, the near-ideal fit indicated that the growth was uniform and there was no break in the continuous growth. The soda straw growth rates were determined from the best fit to the exponential curve through the Pb-210 activity concentration. The results of the measurements allowed estimate a longitudinal rate corresponding to 1.3 mm/yr and a lateral rate of 0.01 mm/yr, which permitted calculate times of 70 years and 317-498 years for their formation, respectively. The lateral growth rate is compatible with values from studies of chemical weathering rates held under laboratory and natural conditions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os solos derivados de rochas serpentinizadas ou serpentinitos constituem um grupo especial de solos em toda superfície terrestre. de caráter ultramáfico, ou seja, rochas com mais de 70 % de minerais máficos (ferromagnesianos), os serpentinitos apresentam uma mineralogia pobre em sílica e escassa em Al, sendo, no entanto, muito enriquecida em Mg. São poucos os estudos sobre a morfologia, mineralogia, gênese e classificação dos solos desenvolvidos de tais rochas. em ambiente tropical úmido no sudoeste de Minas Gerais, na zona do greenstone belt do Morro de Ferro, em superfícies geomórficas jovens, três perfis de solos representativos dessa paisagem sobre rochas serpentinizadas foram caracterizados por meio de descrições macro e micromorfológicas, análises granulométricas, químicas e por mineralogia de raios X das frações argila e silte. Complementarmente, para acompanhamento da alteração geoquímica dos horizontes do solo, foram feitas microanálises das seções delgadas por EDRX. Os solos foram classificados como Chernossolo Háplico Férrico típico, Cambissolo Háplico eutroférrico léptico e Neossolo Regolítico eutrófico típico e, embora situados num clima que favorece o rápido intemperismo, do ponto de vista morfológico e mineralógico, mostraram-se similares aos solos derivados de rochas serpentinizadas das regiões subtropicais e temperada. No processo de formação de solo, a evolução da trama segue a seguinte seqüência: alteração da rocha ® trama frâgmica ® trama porfírica com cavidades ® trama porfírica aberta por coalescência de cavidades. O processo de argiluviação é evidente e se dá em dois estádios distintos: argiluviação primária, que ocorre nas fendas e cavidades que se formam por alteração de rocha, e argiluviação secundária, verificada na porosidade mais aberta e evoluída da coalescência das cavidades. Os solos apresentam mineralogia pouco comum para solos tropicais, com presença de minerais primários de fácil decomposição até mesmo na fração argila, com destaque para o talco, clorita trioctaedral e ocorrência limitada de tremolita, sendo esta última abundante na fração silte. Óxidos de Fe, caulinita e os interestratificados de clorita-esmectita e de clorita-vermiculita completam a assembléia mineralógica. A tendência de evolução é para B textural ou para B nítico com mineralogia 1:1 e alto conteúdo de óxidos de Fe. Nas fases iniciais de alteração, os alteromorfos já apresentam composição química similar aos agregados do solo, com forte perda de Mg, Ca e Si e acúmulo relativo de Al e Fe. Nas três situações estudadas, ocorreu um rejuvenescimento superficial por erosão diferencial, que acumulou material grosseiro e removeu os finos, contribuindo para o incremento da relação textural.


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Em uma paisagem natural, os solos apresentam uma ampla variação dos atributos químicos, tanto vertical como horizontal, resultante da interação dos diversos fatores de formação envolvidos. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em Guariba-SP, com o objetivo de avaliar a variabilidade espacial do pH, cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg) e saturação por bases (V%) em um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, utilizando-se métodos da estatística clássica, análise geoestatística e técnica de interpolação de dados, com a finalidade de observar padrões de ocorrência destes atributos na paisagem. No terço inferior da encosta, após análise detalhada da variação do gradiente do declive, caracterizaram-se dois compartimentos (I e II), sob os quais os solos foram amostrados nos pontos de cruzamento de uma malha, com intervalos regulares de 50m, perfazendo um total de 206 pontos, nas profundidades de 0,0-0,2m e 0,6-0,8m. Os maiores alcances foram observados na profundidade de 0,0-0,2m para todos os atributos estudados, com exceção do cálcio que apresentou comportamento inverso, refletindo os efeitos do maior grau de intemperismo e do manejo na variabilidade natural dos solos. Pequenas variações, nas formas do relevo, condicionam variabilidade diferenciada para os atributos químicos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)