868 resultados para Weakness


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This research paper has been prepared by Bachelor students from Dalarna University in Borlänge. The project is centered on a case study of ICA – Kvantum and its brand awareness among customers. The purpose of this study is to find out that which measures can help ICA-Kvantum to create brand awareness among its current and potential customers by looking in to the importance of information of its offerings and use of effective communication tools to convey this information. Further, to recommend them what they need to do, to increase brand awareness among their customers with the help of managerial implications. The research question was formulated as what actions could be seen effective for ICA-Kvantum to maintain or improve brand awareness among its current and potential customers.The project was created with the help of theoretical concepts of brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, consumer decision model, integrated marketing communication approach and strategic planning process. These theories were applied in this thesis in order to find out the most effective communication measures to maintain or improve brand awareness among current and potential customers of ICA-Kvantum.The primary and secondary data was collected. Primary data was gathered through the survey among ICA-Kvantum customers in the front of the store in Borlänge. The personal interview with manager was conducted in the office of ICA-Kvantum store located in Borlänge. Secondary data was gathered from textbooks, academic journals, theses and websites.The empirical findings have been presented in detail and then analyzed with the help of theoretical concepts. The analysis and further results from survey and interview focused on importance of information, marketing communication tools, brand awareness and loyalty, perceived quality and implementation of strategic planning process. Moreover, the main weaknesses and strengths of ICA-Kvantun have been evaluated. The conclusion including short summary of analysis and its results have been provided at the end. Each weakness of issues related to brand awareness i.e. importance of information, effectiveness of marketing communication tools and strengths and weaknesses of ICA-Kvantum discussed in the paper, has been pointed out along with solutions and managerial implications.


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Parkinson’s disease is a clinical syndrome manifesting with slowness and instability. As it is a progressive disease with varying symptoms, repeated assessments are necessary to determine the outcome of treatment changes in the patient. In the recent past, a computer-based method was developed to rate impairment in spiral drawings. The downside of this method is that it cannot separate the bradykinetic and dyskinetic spiral drawings. This work intends to construct the computer method which can overcome this weakness by using the Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) of tangential velocity. The work is done under supervised learning, so a target class is used which is acquired from a neurologist using a web interface. After reducing the dimension of HHT features by using PCA, classification is performed. C4.5 classifier is used to perform the classification. Results of the classification are close to random guessing which shows that the computer method is unsuccessful in assessing the cause of drawing impairment in spirals when evaluated against human ratings. One promising reason is that there is no difference between the two classes of spiral drawings. Displaying patients self ratings along with the spirals in the web application is another possible reason for this, as the neurologist may have relied too much on this in his own ratings.


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The study reported here is part of a large project for evaluation of the Thermo-Chemical Accumulator (TCA), a technology under development by the Swedish company ClimateWell AB. The studies concentrate on the use of the technology for comfort cooling. This report concentrates on measurements in the laboratory, modelling and system simulation. The TCA is a three-phase absorption heat pump that stores energy in the form of crystallised salt, in this case Lithium Chloride (LiCl) with water being the other substance. The process requires vacuum conditions as with standard absorption chillers using LiBr/water. Measurements were carried out in the laboratories at the Solar Energy Research Center SERC, at Högskolan Dalarna as well as at ClimateWell AB. The measurements at SERC were performed on a prototype version 7:1 and showed that this prototype had several problems resulting in poor and unreliable performance. The main results were that: there was significant corrosion leading to non-condensable gases that in turn caused very poor performance; unwanted crystallisation caused blockages as well as inconsistent behaviour; poor wetting of the heat exchangers resulted in relatively high temperature drops there. A measured thermal COP for cooling of 0.46 was found, which is significantly lower than the theoretical value. These findings resulted in a thorough redesign for the new prototype, called ClimateWell 10 (CW10), which was tested briefly by the authors at ClimateWell. The data collected here was not large, but enough to show that the machine worked consistently with no noticeable vacuum problems. It was also sufficient for identifying the main parameters in a simulation model developed for the TRNSYS simulation environment, but not enough to verify the model properly. This model was shown to be able to simulate the dynamic as well as static performance of the CW10, and was then used in a series of system simulations. A single system model was developed as the basis of the system simulations, consisting of a CW10 machine, 30 m2 flat plate solar collectors with backup boiler and an office with a design cooling load in Stockholm of 50 W/m2, resulting in a 7.5 kW design load for the 150 m2 floor area. Two base cases were defined based on this: one for Stockholm using a dry cooler with design cooling rate of 30 kW; one for Madrid with a cooling tower with design cooling rate of 34 kW. A number of parametric studies were performed based on these two base cases. These showed that the temperature lift is a limiting factor for cooling for higher ambient temperatures and for charging with fixed temperature source such as district heating. The simulated evacuated tube collector performs only marginally better than a good flat plate collector if considering the gross area, the margin being greater for larger solar fractions. For 30 m2 collector a solar faction of 49% and 67% were achieved for the Stockholm and Madrid base cases respectively. The average annual efficiency of the collector in Stockholm (12%) was much lower than that in Madrid (19%). The thermal COP was simulated to be approximately 0.70, but has not been possible to verify with measured data. The annual electrical COP was shown to be very dependent on the cooling load as a large proportion of electrical use is for components that are permanently on. For the cooling loads studied, the annual electrical COP ranged from 2.2 for a 2000 kWh cooling load to 18.0 for a 21000 kWh cooling load. There is however a potential to reduce the electricity consumption in the machine, which would improve these figures significantly. It was shown that a cooling tower is necessary for the Madrid climate, whereas a dry cooler is sufficient for Stockholm although a cooling tower does improve performance. The simulation study was very shallow and has shown a number of areas that are important to study in more depth. One such area is advanced control strategy, which is necessary to mitigate the weakness of the technology (low temperature lift for cooling) and to optimally use its strength (storage).


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Denna uppsats kretsar kring att pröva hur en av de främsta företrädarna för den realistiska skolan, förklarar de amerikanska anfallen mot Afghanistan (2001) och Irak (2003). Hans namn är Robert Kagan och uppsatsen syftar till ge en realists tolkning till varför USA handlade som man gjorde. Man måste därför försöka uppfatta världen utifrån USA:s horisont och försöka tolka samt sätta sig in i den amerikanska positionen på den internationella arenan. Problemformuleringarna kretsar kring att få insikt i grundstenarna i Kagans teori, samt hur Kagans grundsyn skiljer sig gentemot den idealistiska. Vidare hur USA:s militära styrka, enligt Kagan, påverkar dess beteende på den internationella arenan, men även hur Kagan ser på USA:s kommande globala engagemang. Robert Kagans bok Om paradiset och makten USA och Europa i den nya världsordningen kommer att utgöra fundamentet i studien. I boken kretsar bl.a. Kagans resonemang kring att USA och Europa distanserar från varandra, men även kring militär styrka. Därför ger boken oss en väldigt bra bild av USA:s position på den internationella arenan. Kagans resonemang vävs sedan ihop med kritik, realism, idealism och geopolitik. Slutsatsen blir att grundstenarna i Kagans resonemang återfinns i den s.k. realismteorin, men även till viss del i geopolitiken. Han sätter stor vikt vid militära medel och ser staterna som de mest betydelsefulla aktörerna, samt ser världen som allmänt hotfull. Han realistiska resonemang grundas på amerikanska spelregler och ledarskap på den internationella arenan. Skillnaden mellan Kagans grundsyn och den idealistiska bottnar främst i idealisternas fokusering på integration mellan stater. Vidare att de sätter tilltro till internationell rätt, samt har ett mer multilateralt förhållningssätt till omvärlden. Kagan menar vidare att starka stater är mer villiga att använda tvång och hot i internationella relationer. De bedömer dessutom hot och risker annorlunda jämfört med svagare stater. Enligt Kagan beter sig USA som en internationell sheriff på den globala arenan och beteendet bottnar i militär styrka. Vidare anser Kagan att USA har haft samma kurs i flera århundraden. USA har expanderat in i Europa och Asien och aldrig dragit sig tillbaka. Man hade redan före den 11 september 2001 fokuserat på Kina som motspelare. Dessutom, menar Kagan, att USA varit villiga att satsa på ny militär teknik, vilken kan förändra krigföringen. Han skriver även att både Clinton och Bushadministrationen varit grundade på att USA är en nödvändig nation, samt att amerikaner vill beskydda och sprida det liberala systemet i världen.


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PANA V Evaluation of a Literacy ProjectSUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONSThis evaluation set out to explore the impact of the literacy work carried out through PANA V. It focussed on clarifying effects such as empowerment and poverty reduction in relation to the civil society. Two specific objectives were to evaluate the methodological approach and the didactic materials and to evaluate the sustainability of the project.Although the focus of the evaluation has been PANA V, the project has been evaluated in its context, as one in a series of five projects located in Rwanda ten years after the war and genocide. The conclusion will consider future plans in this field.The evaluator has striven to create a holistic picture of the effects of the project, although the given time for the evaluation was short. Only three weeks were spent in the field study and only ten days in the actual field. Although there were some organisational and logistic problems, as is common when carrying out a study like this in a poor country, many literacy sites were visited and quite many participators were interviewed. The overall impression from the study is overwhelmingly positive. So many people commit themselves in this task of teaching Rwandans reading, writing and numeracy. Despite harsh conditions learners strive to learn and group leaders devote themselves to the task. Many leaders on different levels try their very best to manage their difficult and demanding task. The main objective was to explore the impact of the project on poverty reduction, particularly on empowerment and strategies for everyday life. Women were to be regarded particularly. From the results it is clear that the project has a strong, positive impact both on poverty reduction and empowerment of marginalised groups. Among those who have benefited from the alphabetisation are mainly women. Unfortunately, when it comes to leaders in PANA, who may also be said to have benefited from the project, only a small minority is women. This is something that is recommended that it be reconsidered inside the organisation. As a majority of the targeted learners are women, and as the economic and social situation of women in Rwanda is generally weak, this is a question that I recommend the Pentesostal church and ADEPR to look particularly into. With many women being single breadwinners of their households, it is important that also women get access to positions that may bring benefits of different kind.It is also clear that the project has positive effects for the civil society. In the present situation in Rwanda, during the process of reconciliation and rapid progress, basic education for the poor majority is a democratic issue. In a country with a plethora of internet-cafés in the capital and a small minority that use cars and mobile-telephones to communicate nation-wide, it is of outmost importance that the majority acquires basic education, of which literacy is a central part. To strengthen the civil society in Rwanda literacy is important. One central issue is then that Rwanda develops toward becoming a country where literacy is used for the benefit of the citizens and it is a democratic issue that all citizens get an opportunity to participate. Crucial for this is that strong efforts are put into primary schools nation-wide. Literacy projects for adults, like PANA, may only complement these efforts, but they constitute important and necessary complements. Other relevant ways to promote literacy are campaigns in Radio and TV and through cultural events such as festivals, music and theatre. News papers, magazines and books are natural parts of such campaigns as well as adult education. As stated under the results not much can be said about the didactics in this evaluation. On the whole the methodology and the materials fill their function well and receive a high reputation. As people learn to read and write under very simple conditions, obviously the approach is appropriate. A few suggestions may be given from the study:•Focus groups leaders’ attention on clearness, that they show very clearly what is to be read. Good structuring is probably of great importance for many learners.•Make clear what is tested in the tests and consider the possibility to use a holistic test that would be more congruent with the methodology. The possibility to use only one grade, pass, would enable a more practical test, such as reading a short, relevant text, writing something relevant and solving practical mathematic problems. Avoid tests that demand school knowledge.•Avoid using methaphors such as “fight against illiteracy” and connections between illiteracy/literacy and darkness/light. It is not true that illiteracy causes bad things and that literacy only brings good. •Be prepared that it may be more difficult in the future to achieve the goals as it may be the case that the early learners where the ones who achieved easily. The goal of “literacy in six month” in PANA will probably hold only for some learners but also those who do not manage in six months need literacy skills.A third objective was to secure sustainability. As for sustainability of the project in itself, and of the literacy process, the main conclusion is that there is a good potential. The commitment and devotedness among many involved in PANA proves good. One weakness is individual leaders in ADEPR who do not see this as an important task for the Pentecostal church in Rwanda. Other weaknesses are the unwillingness to mention explicitly the wish, for example among group leaders, to get some kind of incentive and the fear of loosing believers by cooperation with other organisations. A higher degree of transparency in this issue would probably solve some irritations and tensions.As for the sustainability of the literacy skills much may be done to improve. The acquired skills seem to be comparably relevant. The level achieved, and the level tested, may be defined as basic literacy skills, consisting of basic reading, writing and numeracy skills. However, these skills are very restricted and there is a high risk that the skills will decline, which means that there is a high risk that people will forget how to read and write because of lack of exercising. From these conclusions a few suggestions for future development will be given.


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Atualmente, uma empresa deve ter sua atenção voltada não somente ao mercado brasileiro, mas também ao mercado internacional. Esta nova forma de postura, denominada “A Nova Competição Global”, vem forçando os empresários à aprimorarem, continuamente, seus processos produtivos. Nesse sentido, as novas formas de organização da produção estão revolucionando o gerenciamento das empresas. Informações geradas por relatórios econômico-financeiros são consideradas como uma das melhores formas de medição das rotinas e melhorias ocorridas, e visam proporcionar tomadas de decisão rápidas e seguras. Com as mudanças no ambiente empresarial, vieram à tona as deficiências dos sistemas tradicionais de custeio, dado que eles não mais respondiam, satisfatoriamente, às necessidades de informação impostas pelo atual ambiente competitivo. Em vista da problemática exposta, este trabalho estuda os sistemas de custeio vigentes, buscando identificar seus pontos fortes e fracos para, então, combiná-los convenientemente, propondo um sistema de custeio alternativo, adequado às novas exigências das empresas. Este trabalho inicia com a análise dos sistemas de custeio tradicionais e contemporâneos, à luz da nova competição global. Na seqüência, destaca as principais deficiências destes sistemas e, por fim, propõe um sistema de custeio adaptado à atual realidade competitiva. O sistema de custeio proposto é uma combinação conveniente do princípio de custeio por absorção associado aos métodos do custo-padrão, das unidades de esforço de produção e do custeio baseado em atividades. Um estudo de caso foi realizado em uma empresa de produção seriada, tendo por objetivo validar o sistema de custeio proposto, partindo da implementação dos conceitos teóricos referenciados no trabalho, convenientemente adaptados à estrutura de custos já existente numa empresa real. Como principais resultados, o sistema de custos proposto permitiu avaliar as perdas do processo produtivo, bem como identificar as atividades administrativas e de apoio à produção (nãoprodutivas), visando dar subsídios para a realização de melhorias.


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A reforma da previdência social tem sido uma preocupação de vários países: tanto no mundo desenvolvido como no em desenvolvimento. A motivação básica é o esgotamento do modelo de repartição, devido a fatores demográficos: queda de natalidade e aumento da longevidade. Analisando o fenômeno do esgotamento, o artigo propugna pela adesão, tal como no bem sucedido caso chileno, do sistema de capitalização.


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This paper measures the degree of segmentation in the brazilian labor market. Controlling for observable and unobservable characteristics, workers earn more in the formal sector, which supports the segmentation hypothesis. We break down the degree of segmentation by socio-economic attributes to identify the groups where this phenomenon is more prevalent. We investigate the robustness of our findings to the inclusion of self-employed individuals, and apply a two-stage panel probit model using the self-selection correction strategy to investigate a potential weakness of the fixed-effects estimator


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Os processos de negociação sobre poluição transfronteiriça na América Latina têm sido pouco analisados. Esta tese examina o caso das negociações, os acordos assinados entre Brasil e Uruguai pelo risco de contaminação transfronteiriça produzida pela Usina Termelétrica Presidente Médici (UTPM) e a implementação dos acordos. O processo é analisado desde o seu início em 1988, estendendo-se até 2002. Em primeiro lugar, a tese explica porque o processo de negociação tornou-se possível. A explicação está baseada em três fatores: a existência de uma relação de confiança mútua e de cooperação desenvolvida através do tempo entre ambos Estados; o interesse dos órgãos brasileiros de controle ambiental em melhorar os controles sobre a UTPM; e a falta de alternativas melhores para as partes. Fatores de contexto – como o processo de integração regional, através do Mercosul, e a mudança na política ambiental brasileira – também contribuíram para que o país se interessasse em resolver o problema. O resultado foi positivo para ambas as partes, que decidiram assinar um acordo para a implementação de um monitoramento conjunto. Este monitoramento não comprovou a existência de chuva ácida no Uruguai. Em segundo lugar, a tese revela que a “fraqueza” institucional dos acordos não foi impedimento para que fossem implementados. Ao contrário, permitiu que as autoridades brasileiras cooperassem com Uruguai na realização de um monitoramento sobre a região. Em terceiro lugar, é mostrado que o processo de implementação dos acordos (1991-2002) favoreceu o aumento da capacidade institucional do órgão de controle ambiental do Uruguai e da FEPAM (Brasil), aperfeiçoou o sistema de controle do comportamento ambiental da empresa, e forçou a UTPM a tomar medidas de melhorias ambientais. Por último, a tese deixa claro que o processo de implementação não foi concluído porque o interesse político pelo tema diminuiu em ambos os países, vindo a se tornar um debate meramente técnico


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This dissertation adds new evidences and explanations to two distinct streams of debate. The first one refers to the globalisation (or dissemination) of technological innovative capabilities in the context of newly industrialised economies. The second one refers to common generalisations about the deterioration of the innovative capabilities in Latin American countries after 1990. This study was motivated by a lack of empirical studies focused on the relationship between the globalisation of innovative capabilities and sources to build them up in emerging organisations, especially R&D institutes. This dissertation is focused on the globalisation of innovative capabilities at the information and communication technology industry in Brazil. The globalisation of innovative capabilities is measured by the technological capabilities types and levels of 18 national R&D institutes related to this industry. Besides, this dissertation examines sources to build up innovative capabilities in the sampled institutes, namely: their intra-organisational learning processes and the linkages established with firms and the technological infra-structure. The study is based on first-hand empirical evidences, collected by different data-gathering sources in an extensive fieldwork. The data were examined with analytical frameworks, organised in the light of the theoretical basis of the study. The study has found the dissemination of innovative capabilities has been occurring in the Brazilian ICT industry with the involvement of the technological infra-structure with innovative activities. Besides that, the variety of the intra-organisational learning processes and the types of linkages established with technological infra-structure and firms have been influencing the development of innovative capabilities. The evidences that emerge from this study contradict common generalizations and arguments about the inexistence of innovative activities and about the technological infra-structure weakness in emerging or newly industrialized economies.


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A dissertação tem como objeto a investigação das relações entre a o design de um website de comércio eletrônico de CDs e o comportamento do consumidor virtual, com ênfase a sua atitude e intenção de compra. O objetivo principal é mensurar o efeito do design da loja virtual (website) em seu papel de agente de vendas na Internet. A análise do comércio varejista de CDs foi escolhida, pois este produto é um dos principais artigos de venda neste canal. O estudo é apoiado em um referencial teórico, no qual são analisadas as características dos seguintes pontos: i) a Internet atuando como canal de vendas; ii) o comércio varejista de CD no Brasil e iii) o comportamento do consumidor e o seu processo decisório. Ainda no referencial teórico são apresentados os diversos modelos de avaliação de website existentes: baseado em Marketing, Teoria dos Dois Fatores, avaliação da qualidade, avaliação da web (W AM) e aceitação da Tecnologia na Web (T AM). A análise e comparação destes modelos serviu como base para o desenvolvimento da proposta do modelo de avaliação website. O estudo é complementado pelo desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa, com aplicação de questionário via web (websurvey). A coleta dos dados é utilizada como forma de validação estatística das relações existentes no modelo desenvolvido. Isto é feito por meio do uso da ferramenta de análise de Equações Estruturadas (SEM), suportada pelos conceitos e métodos de abordagem descritos no referencial teórico. A ferramenta permite tanto avaliar um modelo de mensuração e um modelo estrutural simultaneamente.


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E ste estudo foi motivado pelo sentimento de que o alto custo tínanceiro que se verifica em várias pequenas empresas é, pelo menos em parte. relacionado com a precariedade dos controles administrativos e das infOlmaç õc s contábeis que deveriam suportar a tomada de decisões diárias de seus respectivos gestores. O objetivo desta dissertação é estudar as conseqüênc ias para as pequenas empresas brasileiras de uma má administração de reeursos financeiros, causadas principalmente pela informalidade do negócio e pela precariedade de informações contábeis uti lizadas na tomada de decisões. Partindo-se de pesquisas que mostram a elevada taxa de mortalidade em pequenos negóeios no Brasil e suas principais causas, faz-se nesta dissertação uma descrição sumária dos pri ncipais aspectos teóri cos que envolvem a administração financeira e o processo contábil de geração de informação, além de um estudo sobre as principais fontes de captação de recursos disponíveis para as pequenas empresas e o custo dessas operações.


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This case study investigates, empirically, cost methods and criteria of price discrimination made from hospital organizations when they set up their prices of hospital services to private patients and push down their prices to patients affiliated to health insurance and/or health maintenance organizations (HMO). The theory sought to show the Brazilian health systems either public or private, the aspects about corporate culture, the relationship among three players of the private health system ¿ health insurance companies (or HMO), hospitals and the patients, the importance of the cost systems, and the criteria of price discrimination. With these theories, it was developed a qualitative exploratory research, through open interviews, with hospital¿s managers and co-workers from invoicing department from two hospitals located at the Rio de Janeiro City. Based on results we didn¿t identify appropriate cost systems to help the managers to make a correct decision about price discrimination, but was identified corporate culture factors that could influence the price discrimination. Among the results, we can see unprepared hospital managers. Finally, we discussed some contributions and weakness of this case study, and there are presented suggestions for future researches.


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Ao analisar o grande esforço e tempo dedicado ao planejamento da estratégia corporativa, nota-se que muitas empresas não apresentam resultados coerentes com a dedicação empregada. Um estudo realizado pela consultoria Marakon Associates (2004), sugere que, na média, apenas 60% dos resultados financeiros da empresa derivam do plano estratégico. O presente trabalho foca principalmente em incorporar a estratégia, refletida no mapa estratégico do balanced scorecard, às atividades e projetos da empresa, a fim de que sejam alcançados os resultados almejados. O objetivo é avaliar o modelo proposto, priorizando e balanceando os projetos de acordo com a estratégia planejada. Com isto, podese minimizar o gap entre a formulação e a execução da estratégia, para tanto, o modelo é composto de vários processos e métodos de avaliação, utilizando teorias relacionadas à estratégia e gestão de portfólio como referência. No presente trabalho, este modelo foi aplicado em uma empresa de telecomunicações situada no Brasil (para assegurar confidencialidade a empresa será tratada como "empresa X"). Porém, este modelo também poderá ser aplicado em empresas com características similares, desde que sejam efetuadas as customizações devidas. O ponto forte deste modelo é que engloba todas as dimensões da estratégia corporativa, tais quais, evolução organizacional, clientes e processos internos, e não somente a perspectiva financeira, como na maioria dos outros modelos. Por outro lado, o ponto fraco do modelo é a dependência em relação à qualidade da informação recebida para efetuar a análise, priorização e balanceamento do portfólio de projetos. Devido a esta característica inerente ao modelo, algumas metas de indicadores do balanced scorecard apresentaram diferenças em relação ao valor realizado. Conclui-se, com a utilização do modelo proposto, que os resultados obtidos são bem consistentes e alinhados com o plano estratégico do balanced scorecard.


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A presente dissertação discute o devir das Organizações NãoGovernamentais no Brasil à luz de nossa matriz sócio-política bem como da própria crise civilizatória hodierna. Considerando os desafios inerentes à complexa relação Estado/Sociedade no Brasil, quer pela fragilidade tanto do atual quadro políticoinstitucional quanto da capacidade de organização e democratização da sociedade civil, bem como os imperativos político-econômicos da "nova ordem internacional", buscamos elaborar alguns cenários em que as ONG, para lograrem seus objetivos sociais e políticos, deverão passar por profundas transformações organizacionais e institucionais. À luz das contradições de um modelo de desenvolvimento, política e socialmente excludente, reiteradamente agravadas pelo avanço do neoliberalismo e pela fragmentação de uma modalidade de democracia minimalista, pensamos caber às ONG um papel significativo na mobilização e democratização da sociedade civil brasileira rumo à reconstrução de uma matriz sócio-política capaz de resgatar o povo à nacionalidade, à soberania e à justiça sócio-econômica.