778 resultados para Watson, Matt
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar aspectos biológicos de Halysidota pearsoni Watson, 1980 (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Lagartas de H. pearsoni foram criadas com folhas de Morus alba L. em potes plásticos até a fase de pupa. Dez casais desse lepidóptero foram individualizados em gaiolas para obtenção de ovos à temperatura de 25 ± 2 °C, umidade relativa de 60 ± 10% e fotofase de 12 horas. Halysidota pearsoni teve período de oviposição de 3,5 ± 0,17 com 141,00 ± 9,18 ovos por fêmea, período de incubação de 7,5 ± 0,17 dias e viabilidade de ovos de 53,34 ± 5,24%. A fase larval de H. pearsoni teve seis estádios, com duração total de 28 dias, viabilidade de 91,78 ± 3,24%. A duração e a viabilidade dos períodos pré-pupal e pupal de H. pearsoni foram, respectivamente, de 7,0 ± 00 e 19,39 ± 0,74 dias e de 70,15 ± 5,63 e 93,62 ± 3,60%. O peso médio de suas pupas foi de 464,17 ± 7,70 mg e a razão sexual e de 0,45. A longevidade (dias) de machos e fêmeas de H. pearsoni, com folhas de M. alba, foi de 7,40 ± 0,34 e 9,50 ± 0,45, respectivamente.
Doktorsavhandlingen Jesus and the Gentiles belyser Jesu attityder gentemot hedningarna. Evangelierna nämner endast två konkreta tillfällen där Jesus hjälper en hedning – en syrisk-fenikisk kvinna (Mark. 7:24–30/Matt. 15:21–28) och en officer i Kafarnaum (Matt. 8:5–13/Luk. 7:1–10). För att förstå Jesu attityder gentemot hedningarna är det viktigt att belysa den sociala, religiösa, ideologiska och etniska bakgrunden av Jesu verksamhet. I ljuset av de arkeologiska utgrävningarna och literära källorna är det klart att i början av första seklet bestod den stora majoriteten av Galileens befolkning av judar. Fastän Jesu verksamhet berörde närmast judar började de tidiga kristna med hednamissionen redan under 40-talet. Hur kan denna unika utveckling förklaras? Inom judendomen var hedningarnas möjliga frälsning oftast anknuten till uppfyllelsen av Israels eskatologiska restauration. De tidiga judekristna trodde att Jesus var Messias och att den eskatologiska tiden hade börjat. Dessa premisser gav de tidiga kristna upphov att tolka GT:s skrifter och Jesu ord och mission från en eskatologisk synvinkel som medförde att frälsingen skulle beröra Israel och även hedningarna. Just i ett eskatologiskt sammanhang är det sannolikt att Jesu liknelser om måltiden i Guds rike (Matt. 8:11-12) och om senapsfrön som växer och blir till ett stort träd (Mark. 4:30–32), refererar till hedningar som skall komma in i Guds rike. De tidiga jude-kristnas hednamission har sina rötter i Jesu förståelse om att den eskatologiska tiden har blivit installerad på något sätt. Även om Jesu verksamhet inte berörde direkt hedningar är det klart att enligt vissa av Jesu autentiska ord var han övertygad om att under den kommande eskatologiska uppfyllelsen skulle en del av hedningarna få plats i Guds rike (Matt. 8:11-12; 11:22-24; 12:41-42).
Os criatórios de peixe do estado de Goiás são inúmeros e de intensa atividade recreativa. No entanto, estudos sobre as cianobactérias nesses ambientes são escassos, fato preocupante, uma vez que é comum notar-se intensa proliferação do fitoplâncton em pesqueiros, principalmente devido a ações antrópicas. O perigo consiste na formação de florações de espécies potencialmente tóxicas, principalmente de cianobactérias. Este trabalho visa inventariar as espécies planctônicas de cianobactérias ocorrentes em um pesqueiro (lago Jaó - um lago artificial raso) da área municipal de Goiânia (GO) (16º39'13" S-49º13'26" O). As amostragens foram realizadas nos períodos de seca (2003 a 2008) e chuva (2009), quando visualmente era evidente a ocorrência de florações. Foram aferidas variáveis climatológicas, morfométricas e limnológicas. O período de seca foi representativo nos anos amostrados apresentando no máximo 50 mm de precipitação mensal em 2005. Foram registrados 31 táxons de cianobactérias pertencentes aos gêneros Dolichospermum (5 spp.), Aphanocapsa (4 spp.), Microcystis (3 spp.), Pseudanabaena (3 spp.), Radiocystis (2 spp.), Oscillatoria (2 spp.), Bacularia, Coelosphaerium, Cylindrospermopsis, Geitlerinema, Glaucospira, Limnothrix, Pannus, Phormidium, Planktolyngbya, Planktothrix, Sphaerocavum e Synechocystis, esses últimos com uma espécie cada. Nos anos de 2003 a 2005 ocorreu predomínio de florações de espécies de Dolichospermum e em 2006 predominaram espécies de Microcystis, Radiocystis e Aphanocapsa. Das espécies inventariadas neste estudo, 21 são primeiras citações para o estado de Goiás e 13 foram constadas na literatura como potencialmente tóxicas.
The Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest is a highly heterogeneous ecosystem comprising large numbers of tropical and subtropical habitats favorable to the development of cyanobacteria. Studies on cyanobacteria in this ecosystem are still rare, however, especially those involving unicellular and colonial types. The high biodiversity and endemism of this biome has been extremely impacted and fragmented, and less than 10% of its original vegetation cover remains today. We describe here a new species of a colonial cyanobacteria, Lemmermanniella terrestris, found on dry soils in a subtropical region of the Atlantic Rainforest in the municipality of Cananéia in southern São Paulo State, Brazil. This new taxon demonstrated all of the diacritical features of the genus Lemmermanniella but, unlike the other species of the genus, it was growing on the soil surface and not in an aquatic environment. A set of morphological features, including colonies composed of subcolonies, and cell dimensions, shapes and contents distinguish it from other species of the genus. Considering that species of Lemmermanniella are found in very distinct habitats (such as thermal and brackish waters) and that they maintain the same life cycle described for the genus in all of those environments, the morphological structures of the colonies can be used as reliable markers for identifying the genus, and its species differ primarily in relation to the habitats they occupy.
The goal of the present research was to elucidate the roles and mechanisms by which the sensory nervous system, through the actions of potent vasodilator neuropeptides, regulates cardiovascular function in both the normal state and in the pathophysiology of hypertension. The animal models of acquired hypertension studied were deoxycorticosterone-salt (DOC-salt), subtotal nephrectomy-salt (SN-salt), and Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME)-induced hypertension during pregnancy in rats. The genetic model was the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) are potent vasodilating neuropeptides. In the acquired models of hypertension, CGRP and SP play compensatory roles to buffer the blood pressure (BP) increase. Their synthesis and release are increased in the DOC-salt model but not in the SN-salt model. This suggests that the mechanism by which both models lower BP in SN-salt rats is by increased vascular sensitivity. CGRP functions in a similar manner in the L-NAME model. In the SHR, synthesis of CGRP and SP is decreased. This could contribute to the BP elevation in this model. The CGRP gene knockout mouse has increased baseline mean arterial pressure. The long-term synthesis and release of CGRP is increased by nerve growth factor, bradykinin, and prostaglandins and is decreased by alpha2-adrenoreceptor agonists and glucocorticoids. In several animal models, sensory nervous system vasoactive peptides play a role in chronic BP elevation. In the acquired models, they play a compensatory role. In the genetic model, their decreased levels may contribute to the elevated BP. The roles of CGRP and SP in human hypertension are yet to be clarified.
Arkit: A-B4.
Arkit: A-B4.
Invokaatio: In nomine Jesu!
Small non-coding RNAs have numerous biological functions in cell and are divided into different classes such as: microRNA, snoRNA, snRNA and siRNA. MicroRNA (miRNA) is the most studied non-coding RNA to date and is found in plants, animals and some viruses. miRNA with short sequences is involved in suppressing translation of target genes by binding to their mRNA post-transcriptionally and silencing it. Their function besides silencing of the viral gene, can be oncogenic and therefore the cause of cancer. Hence, their roles are highlighted in human diseases, which increases the interest in using them as biomarkers and drug targets. One of the major problems to overcome is recognition of miRNA. Owing to a stable hairpin structure, chain invasion by conventional Watson-Crick base-pairing is difficult. One way to enhance the hybridization is exploitation of metal-ion mediated base-pairing, i. e. oligonucleotide probes that tightly bind a metal ions and are able to form a coordinative bonds between modified and natural nucleobases. This kind of metallo basepairs containing short modified oligonucleotides can also be useful for recognition of other RNA sequences containing hairpin-like structural motives, such as the TAR sequence of HIV. In addition, metal-ion-binding oligonucleotides will undoubtedly find applications in DNA-based nanotechnology. In this study, the 3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl substituted purine derivatives were successfully incorporated within oligonucleotides, into either a terminal or non-terminal position. Among all of the modified oligonucleotides studied, a 2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-6-oxopurine base containing oligonucleotide was observed to bind most efficiently to their unmodified complementary sequences in the presence of both Cu2+ or Zn2+. The oligonucleotide incorporating 2,6-bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)purine base also markedly increased the stability of duplexes in the presence of Cu2+ without losing the selectivity.
Metal-ion-mediated base-pairing of nucleic acids has attracted considerable attention during the past decade, since it offers means to expand the genetic code by artificial base-pairs, to create predesigned molecular architecture by metal-ion-mediated inter- or intra-strand cross-links, or to convert double stranded DNA to a nano-scale wire. Such applications largely depend on the presence of a modified nucleobase in both strands engaged in the duplex formation. Hybridization of metal-ion-binding oligonucleotide analogs with natural nucleic acid sequences has received much less attention in spite of obvious applications. While the natural oligonucleotides hybridize with high selectivity, their affinity for complementary sequences is inadequate for a number of applications. In the case of DNA, for example, more than 10 consecutive Watson-Crick base pairs are required for a stable duplex at room temperature, making targeting of sequences shorter than this challenging. For example, many types of cancer exhibit distinctive profiles of oncogenic miRNA, the diagnostics of which is, however, difficult owing to the presence of only short single stranded loop structures. Metallo-oligonucleotides, with their superior affinity towards their natural complements, would offer a way to overcome the low stability of short duplexes. In this study a number of metal-ion-binding surrogate nucleosides were prepared and their interaction with nucleoside 5´-monophosphates (NMPs) has been investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy. To find metal ion complexes that could discriminate between natural nucleobases upon double helix formation, glycol nucleic acid (GNA) sequences carrying a PdII ion with vacant coordination sites at a predetermined position were synthesized and their affinity to complementary as well as mismatched counterparts quantified by UV-melting measurements.