999 resultados para Wall Stress


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Density functional theory for adsorption in carbons is adapted here to incorporate a random distribution of pore wall thickness in the solid, and it is shown that the mean pore wall thickness is intimately related to the pore size distribution characteristics. For typical carbons the pore walls are estimated to comprise only about two graphene layers, and application of the modified density functional theory approach shows that the commonly used assumption of infinitely thick walls can severely affect the results for adsorption in small pores under both supercritical and subcritical conditions. Under supercritical conditions the Henry's law coefficient is overpredicted by as much as a factor of 2, while under subcritical conditions pore wall heterogeneity appears to modify transitions in small pores into a sequence of smaller ones corresponding to pores with different wall thicknesses. The results suggest the need to improve current pore size distrubution analysis methods to allow for pore wall heterogeneity. The density functional theory is further extended here to allow for interpore adsorbate interactions, and it appears that these interaction are negligible for small molecules such as nitrogen but significant for more strongly interacting heavier molecules such as butane, for which the traditional independent pore model may not be adequate.


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Aims: The frequency of the Taq I A alleles (A1 and A2) of the D2 dopamine receptor (DRD2) gene was examined in Caucasian post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients and controls. Results: In 91 PTSD patients, the frequency of the A1 allele was higher (P = 6.12 x 10(-3)) than in the 51 controls. In the 38 PTSD harmful drinkers (greater than or equal to60 g alcohol/day), A1 allelic frequency was higher (P = 3.91 x 10(-2)) than in the 53 non-harmful drinkers (


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It has been argued that power-law time-to-failure fits for cumulative Benioff strain and an evolution in size-frequency statistics in the lead-up to large earthquakes are evidence that the crust behaves as a Critical Point (CP) system. If so, intermediate-term earthquake prediction is possible. However, this hypothesis has not been proven. If the crust does behave as a CP system, stress correlation lengths should grow in the lead-up to large events through the action of small to moderate ruptures and drop sharply once a large event occurs. However this evolution in stress correlation lengths cannot be observed directly. Here we show, using the lattice solid model to describe discontinuous elasto-dynamic systems subjected to shear and compression, that it is for possible correlation lengths to exhibit CP-type evolution. In the case of a granular system subjected to shear, this evolution occurs in the lead-up to the largest event and is accompanied by an increasing rate of moderate-sized events and power-law acceleration of Benioff strain release. In the case of an intact sample system subjected to compression, the evolution occurs only after a mature fracture system has developed. The results support the existence of a physical mechanism for intermediate-term earthquake forecasting and suggest this mechanism is fault-system dependent. This offers an explanation of why accelerating Benioff strain release is not observed prior to all large earthquakes. The results prove the existence of an underlying evolution in discontinuous elasto-dynamic, systems which is capable of providing a basis for forecasting catastrophic failure and earthquakes.


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Coral bleaching events have become more frequent and widespread, largely due to elevated sea surface temperatures. Global climate change could lead to increased variability of sea surface temperatures, through influences on climate systems, e.g. El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Field observations in 1999, following a strong ENSO, revealed that corals bleached in winter after unusually cold weather. To explore the basis for these observations, the photosynthetic responses of the coral species Montipora digitata Studer were investigated in a series of temperature and light experiments. Small replicate coral colonies were exposed to ecologically relevant lower temperatures for varying durations and under light regimes that ranged from darkness to full sunlight. Photosynthetic efficiency was analyzed using a pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer (F-0, F-m, F-v/F-m), and chlorophyll a (chl a) content and symbiotic dinoflagellate density were analyzed with spectrophotometry and microscopy, respectively. Cold temperature stress had a negative impact on M digitata colonies indicated by decreased photosynthetic efficiency (F-v/F-m), loss of symbiotic dinoflagellates and changes in photosynthetic pigment concentrations. Corals in higher light regimes were more susceptible to cold temperature stress, Moderate cold stress resulted in photoacclimatory responses, but severe cold stress resulted in photodamage, bleaching and increased mortality. Responses to cold temperature stress of M digitata appeared similar to that observed in corals exposed to warmer than normal temperatures, suggesting a common mechanism. The results of this study suggest that corals and coral reefs may also be impacted by exposure to cold as well as warm temperature extremes as climate change occurs.


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Direct numerical simulation has been carried out for turbulent flow set up by a rotating cylinder with two backward-facing steps axisymmetrically mounted in the circumferential direction. This flow geometry creates a qualitatively similar flow pattern as observed near, a sudden, pipe expansion or a plane backward-facing step, characterized by flow separation and reattachment. A region of intense turbulence intensity and high wall-shear-stress fluctuations is formed in,the recirculating I region downstream of the step, where high mass-transfer capacity was also experimentally observed. Since, corrosion is frequently mass-transfer., controlled, our findings, put forward this apparatus as useful tool for future corrosion research.


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This article describes one aspect of a prospective cohort study of 10,432 women aged between 70 and 75 years. After a 3-year period, 503 women self-reported a new diagnosis by a doctor of angina or myocardial infarction (symptomatic coronary heart disease [CHD]). Time one psychosocial variables (Duke Social Support Index, time pressure, Perceived Stress Scale, Mental Health Index, having a partner, educational attainment, and location of residence) were analyzed using univariate binary logistic regression for their ability to predict subsequent symptomatic CHD. Of these variables, the Duke Social Support Index, Perceived Stress Scale and the Mental Health Index were found to be significant predictors of symptomatic CHID diagnosis. Only the Perceived Stress Scale, however, proved to be a significant independent predictor. After controlling for time one nonpsychosocial variables, as well as the frequency of family doctor visits, perceived stress remained a significant predictor of the new diagnosis of symptomatic CHD in this cohort of older women over a 3-year period.


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Background. Regional left ventricular (LV) dysfunction may occur in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) in the absence of infarction, but the causes of this phenomenon are unclear. We sought to identify whether changes in regional LV function were related to stenosis severity, using sensitive new ultrasound markers of function. Methods: We studied 67 individuals with no history of infarction and with normal LV systolic function: 49 patients with CAD and 18 control subjects without CAD. All patients underwent color Doppler tissue imaging, integrated backscatter (IB), anatomic M-mode echocardiography, and strain rate imaging to detect changes in structure and function. Peak early and late diastolic myocardial velocity, cyclic variation of IB, wall thickness, and percent wall thickening were measured in each basal and mid segment. Strain rate and peak systolic strain were calculated in each wall. CAD was defined as greater than or equal to 50% diameter stenosis. Normokinetic segments (n = 354) subtended by CAD were divided according to stenosis severity into 3 groups: group 1 (subtended by 50%-69% stenosis); group 2 (subtended by 70%-98% stenosis); and group 3 (subtended by greater than or equal to99% stenosis). Each parameter in each group was compared with that in 216 segments from control subjects. Results: Segments subtended by significant CAD showed lower peak early and late diastolic myocardial velocity compared with control segments. Group 3 showed significantly lower myocardial velocities than group 2 for both peak early (4.8 +/- 1.8 vs 6.0 +/- 2.0 cm/s, P


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Atm gene-disrupted mice recapitulate the majority of characteristics observed in patients with the genetic disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). However, although they exhibit defects in neuromotor function and a distinct neurological phenotype, they do not show the progressive neurodegeneration seen in human patients, but there is evidence that ataxia-telangiectasia mutated ( Atm)-deficient animals have elevated levels of oxidized macromolecules and some neuropathology. We report here that in vitro survival of cerebellar Purkinje cells from both Atm knock-out and Atm knock-in mice was significantly reduced compared with their wild-type littermates. Although most of the Purkinje neurons from wild-type mice exhibited extensive dendritic elongation and branching under these conditions, most neurons from Atm-deficient mice had dramatically reduced dendritic branching. An antioxidant ( isoindoline nitroxide) prevented Purkinje cell death in Atm-deficient mice and enhanced dendritogenesis to wild-type levels. Furthermore, administration of the antioxidant throughout pregnancy had a small enhancing effect on Purkinje neuron survival in Atm gene-disrupted animals and protected against oxidative stress in older animals. These data provide strong evidence for a defect in the cerebellum of Atm-deficient mice and suggest that oxidative stress contributes to this phenotype.


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Background Exercise testing has limited efficacy for identifying coronary artery disease (CAD) in the absence of anginal. symptoms. Exercise echocardiography is more accurate than standard exercise testing, but its efficacy in this situation has not been defined. We sought to identify whether the Duke treadmill. score or exercise echocardiography (ExE) could be used to identify risk in patients without anginal symptoms. Methods We studied 1859 patients without typical or atypical angina, heart failure, or a history or ECG evidence of infarction or CAD, who were referred for ExE, of whom 1832 (age 51 15 years, 944 men) were followed for up to 10 years. The presence and extent of ischaemia and scar were interpreted by expert reviewers at the time of the original study. Results Exercise provoked significant (>0.1 mV) ST segment depression in 215 patients (12%), and wall motion abnormalities in 137 (8%). Seventy-eight patients (4%) died before revascularization, only 17 from known cardiac causes. The independent predictors of death were age (RR 1.1, p


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Background Latent left ventricular (LV) dysfunction in patients with valvular or myocardial disease may be identified by loss of contractile reserve (CR) at exercise echocardiography. Contraction in the LV longitudinal axis may be more sensitive than radial contraction to minor disturbances of LV function. We sought to determine whether tissue Doppler measurement of longitudinal function could be used to identify CR. Methods Exercise echocardiography was performed in 86 patients (20 women, age 53 +/- 18 years), 72 with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic mitral regurgitation, and 14 normal controls. Pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging (DTI) was used to measure maximum annular systolic velocity at rest and stress. Inducible ischemia was excluded by analysis of wall motion by an experienced observer. CR was defined by greater than or equal to5% improvement of stress compared with rest ejection fraction (EF). Exercise capacity was assessed from expired gas analysis. Results CR was present in 34 patients with mitral regurgitation (47%); peak EF in patients with and without CR was 74% +/- 11% versus 54% +/- 15% (P


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Two varieties of adzuki grown in Australia, Bloodwood and Erimo, were stored for up to 6 months at three temperatures (10, 20 and 30 degreesC), and two relative humidities (RH; 40 and 65%). The amount of cell wall material increased with time under all storage conditions. This increase was greatest at 30 degreesC and 40% RH. Storage time and conditions did not affect the total pectin levels in the cell wall. Erimo constantly exhibited a higher total pectin level than Bloodwood. The Bloodwood soluble pectin, Ca++ and Mg++ and Erimo Ca++ in the cell wall remained stable during storage, while the Erimo soluble pectin and Mg++ exhibited a slight decrease at 20 and 30 degreesC after 3 months of storage. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sco proteins are found in mitochondria and in a variety of oxidase positive bacteria. Although Sco is required for the formation of the Cu-A centre in a cytochrome oxidase of the aa(3) type, it was observed that oxidases with a Cu-A centre are not present in many bacteria that contain a Sco homologue. Two bacteria of this type are the pathogens Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The sco genes of N. gonorrhoeae strain 1291 and N. meningitidis strain MC58 were cloned, inactivated by inserting a kanamycin resistance cassette and used to make knockout mutants by allelic exchange. Both N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis sco mutants were highly sensitive to oxidative killing by paraquat, indicating that Sco is involved in protection against oxidative stress in these bacteria. (C) 2003 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.