426 resultados para WATERSHEDS
This thesis focuses on tectonic geomorphology and the response of the Ken River catchment to postulated tectonic forcing along a NE-striking monocline fold in the Panna region, Madhya Pradesh, India. Peninsular India is underlain by three northeast-trending paleotopographic ridges of Precambrian Indian basement, bounded by crustal-scale faults. Of particular interest is the Pokhara lineament, a crustal scale fault that defines the eastern edge of the Faizabad ridge, a paleotopographic high cored by the Archean Bundelkhand craton. The Pokhara lineament coincides with the monocline structure developed in the Proterozoic Vindhyan Supergroup rocks along the Bundelkhand cratonic margin. A peculiar, deeply incised meander-like feature, preserved along the Ken River where it flows through the monocline, may be intimately related to the tectonic regime of this system. This thesis examines 41 longitudinal stream profiles across the length of the monocline structure to identify any tectonic signals generated from recent surface uplift above the Pokhara lineament. It also investigates the evolution of the Ken River catchment in response to the generation of the monocline fold. Digital Elevation Models (DEM) from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) were used to delineate a series of tributary watersheds and extract individual stream profiles which were imported into MATLAB for analysis. Regression limits were chosen to define distinct channel segments, and knickpoints were defined at breaks between channel segments where there was a discrete change in the steepness of the channel profile. The longitudinal channel profiles exhibit the characteristics of a fluvial system in transient state. There is a significant downstream increase in normalized steepness index in the channel profiles, as well as a general increase in concavity downstream, with some channels exhibiting convex, over-steepened segments. Normalized steepness indices and uppermost knickpoint elevations are on average much higher in streams along the southwest segment of the monocline compared to streams along the northeast segment. Most channel profiles have two to three knickpoints, predominantly exhibiting slope-break morphology. These data have important implications for recent surface uplift above the Pokhara lineament. Furthermore, geomorphic features preserved along the Ken River suggest that it is an antecedent river. The incised meander-like feature appears to be the abandoned river valley of a former Ken River course that was captured during the evolution of the landscape by what is the present day Ken River.
According to the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), federal action to manipulate habitat for species conservation requires an environmental impact statement, which should integrate natural, physical, economic, and social sciences in planning and decision making. Nonetheless, most impact assessments focus disproportionately on physical or ecological impacts rather than integrating ecological and socioeconomic components. We developed a participatory social-ecological impact assessment (SEIA) that addresses the requirements of NEPA and integrates social and ecological concepts for impact assessments. We cooperated with the Bureau of Land Management in Idaho, USA on a project designed to restore habitat for the Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). We employed questionnaires, workshop dialogue, and participatory mapping exercises with stakeholders to identify potential environmental changes and subsequent impacts expected to result from the removal of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis). Via questionnaires and workshop dialogue, stakeholders identified 46 environmental changes and associated positive or negative impacts to people and communities in Owyhee County, Idaho. Results of the participatory mapping exercises showed that the spatial distribution of social, economic, and ecological values throughout Owyhee County are highly associated with the two main watersheds, wilderness areas, and the historic town of Silver City. Altogether, the SEIA process revealed that perceptions of project scale varied among participants, highlighting the need for specificity about spatial and temporal scales. Overall, the SEIA generated substantial information concerning potential impacts associated with habitat treatments for Greater Sage-Grouse. The SEIA is transferable to other land management and conservation contexts because it supports holistic understanding and framing of connections between humans and ecosystems. By applying this SEIA framework, land managers and affected people have an opportunity to fulfill NEPA requirements and develop more comprehensive management plans that better reflect the linkages of social-ecological systems.
Project AWARE is the Iowa DNR's volunteer river cleanup.
The Rathbun Land and Water Alliance and partners have undertaken a highly effective approach to water quality protection through the Rathbun Lake Special Project. This approach is achieving a significant reduction in the sediment and phosphorus that impair water quality in Rathbun Lake and its tributaries as a result of the targeted application of best management practices (BMPs) for priority land in the watershed. This project application proposes to assist landowners to apply BMPs that will reduce sediment and phosphorus delivery from priority land in three targeted sub-watersheds as part of the Rathbun Lake Special Project. Features of this project are: (1) use of geographic information system (GIS) analysis to identify priority land that requires BMPs; (2) assistance for landowners to apply BMPs for 1,200 acres that will reduce the annual delivery of sediment by 1,800 tons and phosphorus by 6,000 pounds; (3) evaluation of the benefits from BMP application using GIS analysis and water quality monitoring; and (4) watershed outreach activities that encourage landowners to apply BMPs for priority land to protect water quality.
In 2010 a group of farmers in the Dry Run Creek watershed, an Iowa High Quality Water Resource, formed the Dry Run Creek Watershed Improvement Association to learn more about and implement solutions to remedy a bacteria impairment in their stream. Through a partnership with Luther College, Iowa DNR Watershed Monitoring and Assessment and Iowa State University Extension the farmers were able to conduct an assessment of their stream and watershed. The assessment showed multiple potential sources of bacteria, dependent on whether water samples were collected following rain events or during dry conditions. This project will allow watershed farmers to implement solutions to reduce bacteria delivery during both wet and dry weather. Funding will be targeted to feedlot runoff control improvements, cover crops and vegetative filters, manure management strategies and livestock stream access. The council intends to continue intensive water monitoring to determine whether the strategies are successful. Research shows the bacteria reduction in water bodies can be seen relatively quickly, within 1-2 years, compared to other types of impairments.
Lake LaVerne Watershed Project Progress Report: Project Number 1415-007, Final Report, June 30, 2016
This application targets a critical need for low maintenance and inexpensive treatment solutions to encourage landowners and resource managers to enhance the water quality of small ponds and lakes. Many rural and urban small ponds and lakes across Iowa and the region have eutrophic conditions with high levels of nutrients and low levels of oxygen. Story SWCD teamed with Iowa State University (ISU) researchers propose to address this need through the construction and monitoring of a vegetated floating island (VFI) system on ISU's iconic Lake LaVerne. VFI's are hydroponically-vegetated islands that reduce nutrient loading directly from pond and lake water (rather than from soil adjacent to the pond). Urban watershed assessment on the ISU campus has already led to reductions in stormwater runoff to the lake but eutrophic conditions persist and are well documented. The VFI will function as a public art attraction for the entire 2015 growing season during which time monitoring will occur to quantify nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon changes in the lake. Tens of thousands of visitors to the ISU campus and Lake LaVerne will interact with this installation using promotional signage on site, public events and interactive social media throughout the project. Water quality and vegetation analysis will quantify nutrient uptake by the island vegetation and thus determine its effectiveness for use in other similar water bodies in Iowa.
In 2010 a group of farmers in the Dry Run Creek watershed, an Iowa High Quality Water Resource, formed the Dry Run Creek Watershed Improvement Association to learn more about and implement solutions to remedy a bacteria impairment in their stream. Through a partnership with Luther College, Iowa DNR Watershed Monitoring and Assessment and Iowa State University Extension the farmers were able to conduct an assessment of their stream and watershed. The assessment showed multiple potential sources of bacteria, dependent on whether water samples were collected following rain events or during dry conditions. This project will allow watershed farmers to implement solutions to reduce bacteria delivery during both wet and dry weather. Funding will be targeted to feedlot runoff control improvements, cover crops and vegetative filters, manure management strategies and livestock stream access. The council intends to continue intensive water monitoring to determine whether the strategies are successful. Research shows the bacteria reduction in water bodies can be seen relatively quickly, within 1-2 years, compared to other types of impairments.
¿DE DÓNDE SURGIÓ EL TEMA DE INVESTIGACIÓN? La investigación surgió a partir de la preocupación por el poco éxito que han tenido las intervenciones de espacio público en borde de quebradas en el municipio de Medellín -- A pesar de que estos nuevos espacios han contribuido a aumentar los índices de espacio público, la población no se ha apropiado de estos y la administración no ha desarrollado un sistema de gestión, operación y mantenimiento, razón por la cual hoy los parques lineales de quebrada se encuentran en estado de abandono y alto deterioro -- Dadas las proyecciones de nuevos eco parques de quebrada y la construcción de Parques del Río, se incrementarán las cargas económicas de dichos espacios públicos, configurándose como un rubro pasivo más difícil de sostener por las administraciones -- El nuevo POT enuncia instrumentos para hacer frente a dicha circunstancia, y esta investigación es una reflexión sobre las prácticas de manejo, los instrumentos de gestión y los criterios de los parques urbanos con el fin de garantizar el disfrute de los mismos -- ¿POR QUÉ ES IMPORTANTE ESTE TEMA? El espacio público en borde de quebrada en el municipio de Medellín es muy importante porque el Valle de Aburrá cuenta con una extensa red de quebradas las cuales son percibidas, por la mayoría de la población, como límites barriales, espacios residuales contaminados e inseguros -- Las áreas adyacentes a estos cuerpos de agua tienen gran potencial para generar un sistema de espacios públicos, senderos para la movilidad no motorizada inter-barrial y corredores ecológicos -- Así lo enuncia el POT al crear la figura de eco-parque de quebrada, definiendo claramente las actuaciones que se pueden desarrollar en dichos espacios, sin embargo se queda corto, pues no deja claro los responsables y los procesos de implementación de los instrumentos para llevar a cabo su financiación, gestión, mantenimiento y operación -- ¿CUÁL ES EL CASO DE ESTUDIO? El caso de estudio es el parque lineal la Presidenta el cual está ubicado en la comuna 14 de Medellín -- Su selección se debe a que es uno de los sectores que más población flotante recibe, pues la quebrada atraviesa tramos con tratamientos, usos del suelo y situaciones socioeconómicas bastante heterogéneas -- Adicional a esto la quebrada se caracteriza por su gran potencial paisajístico, por estar rodeada de actores claves para implementar un modelo de gestión -- A pesar de ubicarse en una comuna habitada por una población con una masa crítica importante y los esfuerzos de la administración por mantenerla en buen estado y activa, no es suficiente -- ¿QUÉ SE ESPERABA LOGRAR CON LA INVESTIGACIÓN? Con la investigación se esperaba validar la siguiente hipótesis: Los espacios públicos de borde de quebrada en la ciudad de Medellín, particularmente el caso de estudio de la quebrada la Presidenta, no tienen en cuenta los criterios e instrumentos adecuados que garanticen su apropiación y su funcionalidad social, ecológica y urbana como estructurantes de ciudad -- ¿PARA QUÉ SE QUERÍA VALIDAR ESTA HIPÓTESIS? Para definir unas recomendaciones físicas y unas formas de gobierno de los espacios públicos de quebrada en el Municipio de Medellín -- A partir de la definición de criterios como el análisis del contexto, el diseño y la construcción del parque, la ecología del entorno, la gestión y la participación de diversos actores, se esperaba determinar acciones específicas para llevar a cabo en el parque lineal la Presidenta -- De igual manera estas recomendaciones permitirán construir metodologías de análisis replicables en otras quebradas para identificar actores, acciones, criterios e instrumentos claves según las condicionantes de cada territorio, que puedan contribuir a la gestión y sostenibilidad de los espacios públicos, promoviendo la apropiación, conectividad y restauración ecológica del sistema hídrico -- Esta investigación busca visibilizar los criterios e instrumentos encontrados para recuperar los parques lineales actuales a partir de la movilización de actores públicos, privados y comunitarios, y así generar un documento reflexivo que aporte al éxito de parques futuros en la red hídrica de la ciudad de Medellín
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This work presents interactions between quantitative and qualitative river freshwater inputs and the shellfish farming (oyster and mussel) in the Pertuis Charentais. The quantity of freshwater (i.e. salinity) seems to have a weak influence on the shellfish farming contrarily to its quality determined by particulate and dissolved matters contained in the water. In autumn and winter, large precipitations have a "globally positive" effect amending the coastal ecosystem. Associated dissolved nutriments and the organic matter largely determine the quality of the coming spring growth for bred shellfish, itself controlling in turn the annual yield efficiencies. However, in winter their effects are postponed because of strong mineral load, low luminosity and temperature, then limiting the primary production. The spring contributions, directly linked to territorial practices, agriculture and tourism are more variable in quantity and quality from one year to another. They often correspond to high-risk inflows since numerous substances from anthropogenic watersheds can be found diluted in the coastal zone as in the Pertuis Charentais. Their impacts on in situ estuarine ecosystems are still poorly known since these substances are mainly studied and estimated in laboratory in controlled conditions. Several studies showed anthropogenic contaminations (i.e. cadmium, pesticides) could have significant direct or indirect effects on shellfish farming. For instance, the "summer" mortalities between 1990 and 2000 in the South of the Marennes-Oléron bay (MOB), that induced environmental and physiological oyster disorders, could be linked to pesticide effects, measured during consecutive years on the oyster bed of Ronce Perquis in the South of the MOB. The weak results from the spring larval rearing of the IFREMER experimental hatchery in the South of the bay, and chromosomal abnormalities measured on the stocks of wild oysters of the Pertuis could confirm a high-risk spring environment for the shellfish farming. In summer terrestrial inputs are reduced by low precipitations, anthropogenic water removals (drinking water, irrigation) and by plant evapotranspiration. Consequently certain years, a significant salinity increase in water masses of the Pertuis Charentais is observed. However, based on long-term observations, the significant interannual variability noticed in freshwater contributions constitutes one of the most important facts of these last years. When contributions are weak (i.e. 1991 and 2011), the mean annual salinity is 34.5 in the MOB. To the contrary, other years (i.e. 1977, 1981, 1983 and 1988), the mean salinity reduced to 30.5 shows the significant freshwater contributions to the bay. Elsewhere, particularly in the mediterranean region, oyster breeding water conditions characterized by high salinity values show the freshwater does not seem to be necessary for biological functions of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Indeed, the oyster embryonic life in particular is well adapted to high salinity values as long as trophic resources are substantial and temperatures remain high. These two factors firstly condition the embryonic survival before the water salinity. Besides, in the Pertuis Charentais, wind conditions and the geographical bloodstock position rather determine the success of the larvae capture than seawater physic-chemical conditions. Finally, a misunderstanding still remains on summer freshwater contributions to the oyster larvae food supply.
Excess nutrient loads carried by streams and rivers are a great concern for environmental resource managers. In agricultural regions, excess loads are transported downstream to receiving water bodies, potentially causing algal blooms, which could lead to numerous ecological problems. To better understand nutrient load transport, and to develop appropriate water management plans, it is important to have accurate estimates of annual nutrient loads. This study used a Monte Carlo sub-sampling method and error-corrected statistical models to estimate annual nitrate-N loads from two watersheds in central Illinois. The performance of three load estimation methods (the seven-parameter log-linear model, the ratio estimator, and the flow-weighted averaging estimator) applied at one-, two-, four-, six-, and eight-week sampling frequencies were compared. Five error correction techniques; the existing composite method, and four new error correction techniques developed in this study; were applied to each combination of sampling frequency and load estimation method. On average, the most accurate error reduction technique, (proportional rectangular) resulted in 15% and 30% more accurate load estimates when compared to the most accurate uncorrected load estimation method (ratio estimator) for the two watersheds. Using error correction methods, it is possible to design more cost-effective monitoring plans by achieving the same load estimation accuracy with fewer observations. Finally, the optimum combinations of monitoring threshold and sampling frequency that minimizes the number of samples required to achieve specified levels of accuracy in load estimation were determined. For one- to three-weeks sampling frequencies, combined threshold/fixed-interval monitoring approaches produced the best outcomes, while fixed-interval-only approaches produced the most accurate results for four- to eight-weeks sampling frequencies.
"March 1988."
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2015.
This thesis addresses contemporary gaps of vacancy within literature by using qualitative and quantitative methods and tools to determine the quantity, location, and interspatial relationships of vacant buildings and lots located in Baltimore Maryland. Spatial analyses were conducted to answer three questions of vacancy: 1) how many vacant lots and buildings exist, 2) whether there are spatial patterns of vacancy, such as clustering around geographic locations or within watersheds, and 3) how to prioritize intervention opportunities that respond to the city's larger issues? Using the city’s vacant lot and building data-sets, two concepts emerged from these investigations. First, Utilized Landscapes as a classification system that identifies lands that serve a function but have un-traditional qualities that make them susceptible to being labeled “vacant.” Second, the development of Transitional Zones, geographical areas with a high density of vacant buildings or lots that should be prioritized.