909 resultados para Vital reaction


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The values of the life history parameters expressed in the Lotka's equation were measured in the experimental conditions (20ºC, food ad libitum) for the aquatic pumonate Physa acuta. The estimated fitness value allows the population to double in about 4 weeks. The life cycle is very short (about 3 times shorter than for Lymnaea peregra in similar conditions) because of the important relative size of the eggs, a very high growth rate and an early maturity. This kind of strategy seems adaptive in eutrophic and temporary pools, where the adult mortality is important and density-independant. While the longevity shows very poor correlations with all other parameters, adult size, age at maturity and fecundity are strongly correlated. Structural and functionnal interpetations of these correlations are proposed. A mixed strategy seems a good hypothesis for this usually bivoltine species: the little-size, early-maturity and high-fecondity strategy may be selected during the summer, and the big-size, delayed-maturity and poor fecundity strategy during the winter


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This publication is an historical recording of the most requested statistics on vital events and is a source of information that can be used in further analysis.


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This publication is an historical recording of the most requested statistics on vital events and is a source of information that can be used in further analysis.


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This publication is an historical recording of the most requested statistics on vital events and is a source of information that can be used in further analysis.


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This publication is an historical recording of the most requested statistics on vital events and is a source of information that can be used in further analysis.


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We describe an original case of disseminated infection with Histoplasma capsulatum (Hc) var. duboisii in an African patient with AIDS who migrated to Switzerland. The diagnosis of histoplasmosis was suggested using direct examination of tissues and confirmed in 24 h with a panfungal polymerase chain reaction assay. The variety duboisii of Hc was established using DNA sequencing of the polymorphic genomic region OLE. Molecular tools allow diagnosis of histoplasmosis in 24 h, which is drastically shorter than culture procedures.


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Comenta sobre la alimentación saludable y nutritiva en base a productos marinos como el pescado y mariscos. Reseña la situación a nivel mundial de malos hábitos alimenticios, de la situación real de la población mundial y de las consecuencias físicas que perjudican el desarrollo del hombre. Proporciona las posibles soluciones de alimentos nutritivos que nos brinda el mar.


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It is a well-appreciated fact that in many organisms the process of ageing reacts highly plastically, so that lifespan increases or decreases when the environment changes. The perhaps best-known example of such lifespan plasticity is dietary restriction (DR), a phenomenon whereby reduced food intake without malnutrition extends lifespan (typically at the expense of reduced fecundity) and which has been documented in numerous species, from invertebrates to mammals. For the evolutionary biologist, DR and other cases of lifespan plasticity are examples of a more general phenomenon called phenotypic plasticity, the ability of a single genotype to produce different phenotypes (e.g. lifespan) in response to changes in the environment (e.g. changes in diet). To analyse phenotypic plasticity, evolutionary biologists (and epidemiologists) often use a conceptual and statistical framework based on reaction norms (genotype-specific response curves) and genotype × environment interactions (G × E; differences in the plastic response among genotypes), concepts that biologists who are working on molecular aspects of ageing are usually not familiar with. Here I briefly discuss what has been learned about lifespan plasticity or, more generally, about plasticity of somatic maintenance and survival ability. In particular, I argue that adopting the conceptual framework of reaction norms and G × E interactions, as used by evolutionary biologists, is crucially important for our understanding of the mechanisms underlying DR and other forms of lifespan or survival plasticity.


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Selostus: Sikiön DNA:n tunnistaminen naudan sikiövedestä polymeraasiketjureaktion avulla


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) dysfunction has been implicated in the manifestation of many diseases and illnesses, ranging from obesity to cancer. Herein, we discuss the role of PPARbeta, one of the three PPAR isotypes, during wound healing. While PPARbeta expression is undetectable in unchallenged and healthy adult interfollicular mouse skin, it is robustly re-activated in stress situations, such as upon phorbol ester treatment, hair plucking and cutaneous wounding. The inflammatory reaction associated with a skin injury activates the keratinocytes at the edges of the wound. This activation involves PPARbeta, whose expression and activity as transcription factor are up-regulated by pro-inflammatory signals. The re-activation of PPARbeta influences three important properties of the activated keratinocytes that are vital for rapid wound closure, namely, survival, migration and differentiation. The anti-apoptotic and, thus, survival role of PPARbeta is mediated by the up-regulation of expression of integrin-linked kinase and 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1. Both kinases are required for the full activation of the Akt1 survival cascade. Therefore, the up-regulation of PPARbeta, early after injury, appears to be important to maintain a sufficient number of viable keratinocytes at the wound edge. At a later stage of wound repair, the stimulation of keratinocyte migration and differentiation by PPARbeta is also likely to be important for the formation of a new epidermis at the wounded area. Consistent with these observations, the entire wound healing process is delayed in PPARbeta +/- mice and wound closure is retarded by 2-3 days. The multiple roles of PPARbeta in the complex keratinocyte response after injury and during skin repair certainly justify a further exploration of its potential as a target for wound healing drugs.


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Selostus: Vehnästä ja ohrasta eristettyjen F. avenaceum -punahomekantojen analysointi UP-PCR-menetelmällä


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A route of accumulation and elimination of therapeutic engineered nanoparticles (NPs) may be the kidney. Therefore, the interactions of different solid-core inorganic NPs (titanium-, silica-, and iron oxide-based NPs) were studied in vitro with the MDCK and LLC-PK epithelial cells as representative cells of the renal epithelia. Following cell exposure to the NPs, observations include cytotoxicity for oleic acid-coated iron oxide NPs, the production of reactive oxygen species for titanium dioxide NPs, and cell depletion of thiols for uncoated iron oxide NPs, whereas for silica NPs an apparent rapid and short-lived increase of thiol levels in both cell lines was observed. Following cell exposure to metallic NPs, the expression of the tranferrin receptor/CD71 was decreased in both cells by iron oxide NPs, but only in MDCK cells by titanium dioxide NPs. The tight association, then subsequent release of NPs by MDCK and LLC-PK kidney epithelial cells, showed that following exposure to the NPs, only MDCK cells could release iron oxide NPs, whereas both cells released titanium dioxide NPs. No transfer of any solid-core NPs across the cell layers was observed.


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Using the extended Thomas-Fermi version of density-functional theory (DFT), calculations are presented for the barrier for the reaction Na20++Na20+¿Na402+. The deviation from the simple Coulomb barrier is shown to be proportional to the electron density at the bond midpoint of the supermolecule (Na20+)2. An extension of conventional quantum-chemical studies of homonuclear diatomic molecular ions is then effected to apply to the supermolecular ions of the alkali metals. This then allows the Na results to be utilized to make semiquantitative predictions of position and height of the maximum of the fusion barrier for other alkali clusters. These predictions are confirmed by means of similar DFT calculations for the K clusters.


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The basic photosynthetic unit containing the reaction centre and the light-harvesting I complex (RC-LHI) of the purple non-sulphur bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum was purified and reconstituted into two-dimensional (2D) membrane crystals. Transmission electron microscopy using conventional techniques and cryoelectron microscopy of the purified single particles and of 2D crystals yielded a projection of the RC-LHI complex at a resolution of at least 1.6 nm. In this projection the LHI ring appears to have a square symmetry and packs in a square crystal lattice. The square geometry of the LHI ring was observed also in images of single isolated particles of the RC-LHI complex. However, although the LHI units are packed identically within the crystal lattice, a new rotational analysis developed here showed that the reaction centres take up one of four possible orientations within the ring. This fourfold disorder supports our interpretation of a square ring symmetry and suggests that a hitherto undetected component may be present within the photosynthetic unit.