988 resultados para Very-low


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Química Sustentável


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Thick blood films and malaria indirect fluorescent antibody test (P. falciparum and P. vivax) were done in four different regions in Amazonas. There was a very low prevalence of parasites anã the antibody rates suggest a small amount of transmission and that P. vivax was the predominant parasite. The calculation of probability of being infected per year was about 8% in Tefé. Coari, Colonia Fernanão Costa and Labrea and 0.8% in Anori.


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Objectivo: A Ventilação de Alta Frequência Oscilatória(VAFO) tem resultados promissores na ventilação de RN de pré-termo com Doença das Membranas Hialinas (DMH), embora os resultados dos estudos publicados não sejam uniformes. Esta diferença dos resultados poderá ser atribuída à falta de uniformidade das estratégias utilizadas e à forma de utilização desta técnica de ventilação. A utilização de VAFO precoce com optimização precoce do volume pulmonar, tem sido a estratégia mais eficaz, levando a uma menor incidência de morbilidade pulmonar. Considerámos como objectivos prioritários, a avaliação dos benefícios desta técnica na redução da morbilidade respiratória precoce e tardia, na incidência da retinopatia da prematuridade (ROP) e da hemorragia intraperiventricular (HIPV) e na redução da mortalidade. Desenho do Estudo: Estudo descritivo prospectivo. Os Recém-nascidos (RN) foram seguidos periodicamente desde a altura do nascimento até ao momento da alta hospitalar. Local do estudo: Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais(UCIRN) da Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa (Unidade Terciária com 12 postos de ventilação permanentes). Doentes: 424 RN com peso de nascimento inferior ou igual a 1500gr (RN MBP), nascidos na Maternidade entre 1 de Janeiro de 1999 e 1 de Janeiro de 2003 (4 anos). O grupo de extremo baixo peso(peso de nascimento < 1000 gr) foi analisado separadamente. Foram excluídos RN com hidrópsia fetal, anomalias congénitas cardíacas, pulmonares ou da parede abdominal (incluindo hérnia diafragmática) e também RN com pneumonia congénita e aqueles nascidos fora da maternidade ("Outborn"). Foram também excluídos RN optimizados mas sem o critério de optimização definido pelo estudo. Métodos: Em todos os RN MBP foi utilizada VAFO como modalidade ventilatória única e exclusiva e imediatamente após intubação traqueal na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais(UCIN) ou após chegada do RN à UCIN vindo da sala de partos ou do bloco operatório. Iniciámos de imediato a Optimização do Volume Pulmonar (OPT). A administração de surfactante só foi efectuada após optimização do volume pulmonar (1°- critério de pulmão optimizado: definido como a CDP (MAP) que permitiu reduzir o Fi02 para valores < 40%, 2°- critérios de administração de surfactante; CDP X Fi02 > 3 - 4, a / A 02 < 0.22 - 0.17 e / ou evidência radiológica de DMH de grau III - IV). A Doença pulmonar Crónica(DPC) foi definida como a necessidade de suplementação com 02 às 36 semanas de idade pós-concepcional. Resultados: O total da população de RN MBP, nascidos na MAC, correspondeu a 424; destes, 57 RN faleceram (13,4%) e 367 sobreviveram (86,5 %). A mediana do peso de nascimento foi de 989 gr e a da idade gestacional de 28 semanas. Dos sobreviventes a mediana do tempo de ventilação e de suplementação com 02 foi respectivamentre de 2,5 dias (min/Max = 6 horas/70 dias) e 23 dias (min / Max = 2 / 130 dias). A incidência de DPC foi de 9.0 % (33 / 367). Nenhum RN teve alta hospitalar submetido a terapêutica com 02. A incidência de HIPV grau III - IV (grupo total de RN) foi de 9.9% (42 / 424) e a de ROP 3 de 7.7% (24 / 310). A população total de extremo baixo peso, nascida na MAC (RN < 1000 gr), correspondeu a 210 RN; 46 faleceram (21.9%), 164 RN sobreviveram(78.1%). Dos sobreviventes a mediana do tempo de ventilação e do tempo de suplementação com 02 foi respectivamente de 5 dias (min/ Max = 12 horas / 70 dias) e de 40 dias (min / Max = 4 / 130 dias). A incidência de DPC foi neste grupo de 15.9% (26 / 164). Nenhum RN teve alta hospitalar submetido a terapêutica com 02. A incidência de HIPV de grau III - IV (grupo total < 1000 gr) foi de 13.8 %(29 / 210) e a de ROP 3 foi de 13.1 % (20 / 153). Conclusão: A VAFO como modalidade ventilatória única e exclusiva, iniciada imediatamente após intubação traqueal e/ou chegada do RN à UCIN e com optimização precoce do volume pulmonar, melhorou as trocas gasosas, encurtou a necessidade do suporte respiratório e do tempo de suplementação com 02 e melhorou a morbilidade pulmonar no RN MBP com DMH.


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A enterocolite necrosante (ECN) constitui o problema gastrointestinal mais grave e mais frequente no recém-nascido (RN) de baixo peso. A melhoria na taxa de sobrevivência tem sido atribuída ao diagnóstico mais precoce e à experiência adquirida no tratamento do recém-nascido pré-termo em estado crítico. Desde 1977 que a drenagem peritoneal como actuação prioritária nos quadros de ECN tem sido preconizada nos recém- -nascidos de peso inferior a 1500 g com perfuração intestinal, e nos de peso superior a 1500 g com instabilidade hemodinâmica. Neste artigo relata-se o caso de um recém-nascido, com 1473 g de peso e 30 semanas de idade gestacional, ECN, sinais de perfuração intestinal e de instabilidade hemodinâmica, o qual foi submetido a drenagem peritoneal com evolução favorável e sem sequelas. Na discussão faz-se referência especial, de acordo com dados de literatura, aos mecanismos que explicam os bons resultados do procedimento em cerca de 2/3 dos casos de ECN com perfuração, os quais estão relacionados com as características particulares da cicatrização nos tecidos imaturos. Em conclusão, admite-se que a drenagem peritoneal deverá constituir a forma de actuação prioritária nos casos de ECN com perfuração e instabilidade hemodinâmica em RN pré-termo de muito baixo peso.


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An area believed to be an autochthonous focus for Chagas' disease was investigated in the municipality of Caxias, Rio de Janeiro State. The study included search for domestic triatomine bugs, serological test (IFT and CFT) in persons in whose house infested bugs were discovered, detailed clinicai examination and xenodiagnosis test of ali serologicall/ yy positive persons, and xenodiagnosis test on dogs from households in which infected triatomine bugs have been found. Only in one of the locatities (Piranema) domestic Triatoma infestans have been discovered. some of which were infected with T. cruzi. A small number of persons (mostly children) had a positive serologicál test for Chagas’ disease, but in all of them the infection was clinically asymptomatic. From two dogs, belonging to a household in which serologically positive children and infected T. infestans were discovered, T. cruzi was isolated by xenodiagnosis. The importunt epidemiological information obtained from this investigation was the discovery of domestic adaptation of T. infestans in an area with dense population .and with very low social and sanitary conditions, in a locality considered as non-endemic for the infection.


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A persistência de canal arterial hemodinamicamente significativo (PCAHS) é uma patologia frequente em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso. O objectivo deste estudo foi identificar fatores de risco e morbilidades associadas à PCAHS no recém-nascido de muiot baixo peso com idade gestacional de 27 e 31 semanas. Estudaram-se os recém-nascidos(RN) com idade gestacional entre 27 e 31 semans e peso de nascimento inferior a 1500 gramas, admitidos numa unidade de cuidados intensivos neonatais entre 2010 e 2012. Realizou-se um estudo caso-coorte, tendo-se identificado os casos com diagnóstico ecográfico de PCAHS e uma amostra sistemática de RN sem diagnóstico de PCAHS (coorte de controlos). Foram explorados por regressão logística modelos preditivos da ocorrência de PACHS e da sua contribuição para a principal morbilidade neonatal. Nos três anos de estudo, a incidência de PACHS foi de 15%, intervalo de confiança (IC) 95% 11,3 - 19,5. A análise dos 44 RN com PACHS e dos 60 sem PACHS identificou como melhores preditores de PACHS a necessidade de ventilação venosa invasiva (odds ratio (OR) 3.65: IC95%1, 268 - 10,479: p=0,016) e a administração de surfatante (OR ajustado 4,52; IC95% 1,738-11,735; p=0,002); a PACHS mostrou ser significativa no modelo preditivo de leucomalácia periventricular (LPV) (OR ajustado 4,42: IC95% 1,621-12,045; p=0,004). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que estratégias preventivas e terapêuticas que permitam a redução da necessidade de administração de surfatante e de ventilação mecânica invasiva podem reduzir o risco de PCAHS. A PCAHS está positivamente associada à incidência de LPV.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Física


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Dissertation to obtain the degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering


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Nowadays it is known that the human body is continuous source of many types of energy and the devices used for collecting energy taken from the environment also have the required capabilities for the collection of the energy produced by the Human body (HB), but very limited and with very low efficiency. Low power and high yield converters are particularly needed in these cases of collecting energy from human activity and its movements due to the small amount of energy generated this way. But this situation can be improved. Enhancing or focusing the human movements by using mechanical amplifiers applied to the piezoelectric element. By doing so the input of energy in the element increases. As such increasing its output, therefore producing more energy.


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Ionic Liquids (ILs) belong to a class of compounds with unusual properties: very low vapour pressure; high chemical and thermal stability and the ability to dissolve a wide range of substances. A new field in research is evaluating the possibility to use natural chiral biomolecules for the preparation of chiral ionic liquids (CILs). This important challenge in synthetic chemistry can open new avenues of research in order to avoid some problems related with the intrinsic biodegradability and toxicity associated to conventional ILs. The research work developed aimed for the synthesis of CILs, their characterization and possible applications, based on biological moieties used either as chiral cations or anions, depending on the synthetic manipulation of the derivatives. Overall, a total of 28 organic salts, including CILs were synthesized: 9 based on L-cysteine derivatives, 12 based on L-proline, 3 based on nucleosides and 4 based on nucleotides. All these new CILs were completely characterized and their chemical and physical properties were evaluated. Some CILs based on L-cysteine have been applied for discrimination processes, including resolution of racemates and as a chiral catalyst for asymmetric Aldol condensation. L-proline derived CILs were also studied as chiral catalysts for Michael reaction. In parallel, the interactions of macrocyclic oligosugars called cyclodextrins (CDs) with several ILs were studied. It was possible to improve the solubility of CDs in water and serum. Additionally, fatty acids and steroids showed an increase in water solubility when ILs-CDs systems were used. The development of efficient and selective ILs-CDs systems is indispensable to expand the range of their applications in host-guest interactions, drug delivery systems or catalytic reactions. Novel salts derived from nucleobases were used in order to enhance the fluorescence in aqueous solution. Additionally, preliminary studies regarding ethyl lactate as an alternative solvent for asymmetric organocatalysis were performed.


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Zero valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) are considered very promising for the remediation of contaminated soils and groundwaters. However, an important issue related to their limited mobility remains unsolved. Direct current can be used to enhance the nanoparticles transport, based on the same principles of electrokinetic remediation. In this work, a generalized physicochemical model was developed and solved numerically to describe the nZVI transport through porous media under electric field, and with different electrolytes (with different ionic strengths). The model consists of the Nernst–Planck coupled system of equations, which accounts for the mass balance of ionic species in a fluid medium, when both the diffusion and electromigration of the ions are considered. The diffusion and electrophoretic transport of the negatively charged nZVI particles were also considered in the system. The contribution of electroosmotic flow to the overall mass transport was included in the model for all cases. The nZVI effective mobility values in the porous medium are very low (10−7–10−4 cm2 V−1 s−1), due to the counterbalance between the positive electroosmotic flow and the electrophoretic transport of the negatively charged nanoparticles. The higher the nZVI concentration is in the matrix, the higher the aggregation; therefore, low concentration of nZVI suspensions must be used for successful field application.


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Polymeric nanoparticles (PNPs) have attracted considerable interest over the last few years due to their unique properties and behaviors provided by their small size. Such materials could be used in a wide range of applications such as diagnostics and drug delivery. Advantages of PNPs include controlled release, protection of drug molecules and its specific targeting, with concomitant increasing of the therapeutic index. In this work, novel sucrose and cholic acid based PNPs were prepared from different polymers, namely polyethylene glycol (PEG), poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and PLGA-co-PEG copolymer. In these PNP carriers, cholic acid will act as a drug incorporation site and the carbohydrate as targeting moiety. The uptake of nanoparticles into cells usually involves endocytotic processes, which depend primarily on their size and surface characteristics. These properties can be tuned by the nanoparticle preparation method. Therefore, the nanoprecipitation and the emulsion-solvent evaporation method were applied to prepare the PNPs. The influence of various parameters, such as concentration of the starting solution, evaporation method and solvent properties on the nanoparticle size, size distribution and morphology were studied. The PNPs were characterized by using atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) to assess their size distribution and morphology. The PNPs obtained by nanoprecipitation ranged in size between 90 nm and 130 nm with a very low polydispersity index (PDI < 0.3). On the other hand, the PNPs produced by the emulsion-solvent evaporation method revealed particle sizes around 300 nm with a high PDI value. More detailed information was found in AFM and SEM images, which demonstrated that all these PNPs were regularly spherical. ζ-potential measurements were satisfactory and evidenced the importance of sucrose moiety on the polymeric system, which was responsible for the obtained negative surface charge, providing colloidal stability. The results of this study show that sucrose and cholic acid based polymeric conjugates can be successfully used to prepare PNPs with tunable physicochemical characteristics. In addition, it provides novel information about the materials used and the methods applied. It is hoped that this work will be useful for the development of novel carbohydrate based nanoparticles for biomedical applications, specifically for targeted drug delivery.


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ABSTRACT: Background. In India, prevalence rates of dementia and prodromal amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) are 3.1% and 4.3% respectively. Most Indians refer to the full spectrum of cognitive disorders simply as ‘memory loss.’ Barring prevention or cure, these conditions will rise rapidly with population aging. Evidence-based policies and practices can improve the lives of affected individuals and their caregivers, but will require timely and sustained uptake. Objectives. Framed by social cognitive theories of health behavior, this study explores the knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning cognitive impairment and related service use by older adults who screen positive for MCI, their primary caregivers, and health providers. Methods. I used the Montreal Cognitive Assessment to screen for cognitive impairment in memory camps in Mumbai. To achieve sampling diversity, I used maximum variation sampling. Ten adults aged 60+ who had no significant functional impairment but screened positive for MCI and their caregivers participated in separate focus groups. Four other such dyads and six doctors/ traditional healers completed in-depth interviews. Data were translated from Hindi or Marathi to English and analyzed in Atlas.ti using Framework Analysis. Findings. Knowledge and awareness of cognitive impairment and available resources were very low. Physicians attributed the condition to disease-induced pathology while lay persons blamed brain malfunction due to normal aging. Main attitudes were that this condition is not a disease, is not serious and/or is not treatable, and that it evokes stigma toward and among impaired persons, their families and providers. Low knowledge and poor attitudes impeded help-seeking. Conclusions. Cognitive disorders of aging will take a heavy toll on private lives and public resources in developing countries. Early detection, accurate diagnosis, systematic monitoring and quality care are needed to compress the period of morbidity and promote quality of life. Key stakeholders provide essential insights into how scientific and indigenous knowledge and sociocultural attitudes affect use and provision of resources.


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Introduction We analyzed the vertical and monthly distributions of culicid species in the gallery forest of Brasília National Park, with an emphasis on the potential vectors of yellow fever (YF). Methods Between September 2010 and August 2011, mosquitoes were captured on the ground and in the canopy of the forest for five consecutive days per month, from nine to 15 hours. The mosquitoes were examined to verify natural infection with flaviviruses by isolation in Aedes albopictus Skuse, 1864 cells followed by indirect immunofluorescence. Results We identified 2,677 culicids distributed in 29 species. Most of the mosquitoes were captured at ground level (69%) during the rainy season (86%). The most abundant species were Sabethes (Sabethes) albiprivus Theobald, 1903; Limatus durhamii Theobald, 1901; Haemagogus (Conopostegus) leucocelaenus Dyar & Shannon, 1924; Haemagogus (Haemagogus) janthinomys Dyar, 1921; Aedes (Ochlerotatus) scapularis Rondani, 1848; Psorophora (Janthinosoma) ferox Von Humboldt, 1819; and Aedes (Ochlerotatus) serratus Theobald, 1901. Limatus durhamii, Limatus durhamii, Psorophora ferox, Aedes scapularis and Aedes serratus showed significant differences (p<0.05) in their habitat use. Limatus durhamii was found more often in the canopy, unlike the other species. During the rainy season, the most abundant species were Sa. albiprivus, Haemagogus leucocelaenus and Limatus durhamii. During the dry season, the potential YF vectors exhibited a very low frequency and abundance, except Aedes scapularis and Aedes serratus. No flavivirus was detected in the 2,677 examined mosquitoes. Conclusions We recommend continued and systematic entomological monitoring in areas vulnerable to the transmission of YF in the Federal District of Brazil.