1000 resultados para Vegetação tipo savana
A composição, abundância e riqueza de Trichoptera imaturos foram estudadas em 12 tributários da bacia do rio Suiá-Miçú, afluente do rio Xingu, um mosaico de áreas alagadas, córregos e rios na área de transição Cerrado - Floresta Amazônica na região leste de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Larvas de insetos aquáticos foram amostradas em transectos nas margens de tributários lênticos e lóticos com tamanho e níveis de conservação variáveis, em três períodos entre 2007 e 2008. Foram coligidas 867 larvas (sete famílias, 17 gêneros, 45 morfoespécies), sendo Hydropsychidae e Leptoceridae as famílias mais abundantes e ricas, e Leptonema sparsum a espécie mais abundante (n=370). Houve perda de riqueza de espécies em ambientes impactados e naqueles de maior porte ou de fluxo lêntico. Foi possível detectar variações na composição relacionadas ao fluxo, tipo de vegetação e na interação entre o nível de conservação e fluxo. O nível de conservação, a largura e o índice quantitativo de integridade de hábitat (IIH) não influenciaram a composição de Trichoptera isoladamente. Estes resultados podem fomentar novas investigações dos efeitos dos impactos sobre a composição da entomofauna aquática na transição entre o Cerrado e a Floresta Amazônica.
O veado-catingueiro, Mazama gouazoubira (Fischer, 1814) é a espécie mais abundante de cervídeo do Brasil e suas populações têm resistido a alterações antrópicas consideráveis e ocupam regularmente áreas modificadas. Pouco se sabe sobre o uso de ambientes agrícolas pela espécie, portanto, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a preferência de uso do hábitat por M. gouazoubira em um agrossistema dedicado à produção de cana-de-açúcar. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Santa Cecília, município de Jaboticabal, região nordeste do estado de São Paulo, entre fevereiro de 2011 e janeiro de 2012. A área de estudo abrange cerca de 185 ha, cujas formações podem ser classificadas em plantios de cana-de-açúcar nos estágios (i) adulto (1 a 3 m altura), (ii) jovem (até 1 m) e sem cana (pós-safra), além de (iii) eucalipto e (iv) remanescentes de mata ciliar. Os registros foram obtidos percorrendo-se a pé os aceiros entre os talhões cultivados e o perímetro da área, totalizando 204 km percorridos em busca de pegadas e visualizações. A amostragem foi realizada mensalmente, com duração de dois dias consecutivos, entre 6h e 9h, e para cada registro obteve-se a coordenada geográfica e o tipo de vegetação do entorno. Considerando a rotatividade das culturas anuais, foi estimada a disponibilidade total, em hectares, de cada formação vegetacional ao longo do período de amostragem. Foram obtidos 44 registros, sendo que M. gouazoubira evitou o uso das áreas com cana jovem e sem cana e preferiu ambientes próximos à mata ciliar e aos plantios de eucalipto. Estes resultados sugerem que, embora M. gouazoubira apresente grande plasticidade ecológica, existe preferência por ambientes florestais, sugerindo que um mosaico como o encontrado no presente projeto pode sustentar populações da espécie.
I - Methods. II - Phytogeographic aspects. III - The communities and botanical associations: a) The lava Pés-Castelo Novo study area. b) The study area at the Pirataquissé farm. c) The Ribeirão da Fortuna study area. IV - Conclusions.
I - Short description of the species. II - Analytic key of the trees. III - List of the species collected with register number and author's number. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES - This section includes a short morphological analysis of the species and the study of their geographic distribution, locality, habitat and regional zonation. ANALYTIC KEY OF THE TREES - The author was obliged to make a morphological key for his use on account of the great difficulty met in identifying the species in the field. LIST OF SPECIES COLLECTED WITH REGISTER AND COLLECTOR'S NUMBERS - As the majority of the species from Ilheus are paratypes of the types described in "Flora Brasiliensis" it was decided to publish this list. The author's chief objective was to call the attention of specialists tothe undetermined material with a view to interesting them in studying it.
The indices found are analysed as a whole and general conclusions are drawn from them which may be of use in understanding many of the problems offered by the local flora (Ilhéus). The first column of the tables presented indicates the biological form of the species, showing the nature of the flora and the constitution of the climax. A total of 200 species of phanerophyta were found; 69 macrophanerophyta (trees), 54 are mesophanerophyta (treelets) and 77 are nanophanerophyta (shrubs). The macrophanerophyta are consequently considered as dominants and the meso-and nanophanerophyta as codominants (the biological forms: chamaephyta, hemicriptophyta, criptophyta, geophyta, therophyta, epiphyta and hydrophyta are subdominants), the more so as the first cover 80% and the others more or less 50%. This points to a climax of trees and a local vegetation mainly composed of trees also. The smaller forms are left out as they are beyond the present scope of this sort of wort in Brazil. The third column of ecological formulae indicates the reaction of the constituent species to light (C = sciophilous, F = photophilous and I = indifferents), the biological types of vegetation (H = hygrophytes, X = xerophytes and M = mesophytes) and the fidelity of the species to the climax. Of the species studied: 25 are pioneers (P. Table I), 63 are accidentals (A. Table II), 35 are companion species (O. Table III), 19 show preferences (E. Table with vitality Vn), 44 are selective (S. Table V) and 13 exclusive species (L. Table VI). This leads to the conclusion that the vegetation of the region is in full reconstitution. As to the ecological characteristics of the 200 species studied, 89 are either pioneers (a class separated by the author) or accidentals; this means that the devastated zones are being reconstituted in the subsere both with members of the prisere and alien species. Of the remaining species, 54 are companion, or accompanying species, which appear in most subclimax, serclímax and quasiclimax associations, and 57 are real constituents of the local climax. As all the species except the pioneers, selectives and exclusives (xerophytes and mesophytes) may be considered as hygrophytes this type evidently predominantes in the region and may constitute a hygrophilous serclimax and quasiclímax. In regard to light 101 are sciophilous, 32 indiferents and 67 photophilous. This leads to the conclusion that the vegetation comprises mainly tolerant species, showing the hygrophilous and mesophilous character of the region with a vegetation composed mostly of trees. The presence a large number of sciophilous species is easy to understand as the hygrophilous and mesophilous habitats and the dominance of trees favour the germination and growth of tolerant species. The last two columns analyse the percentage of individuals present and the occurrent classes to which they belong: 92 species vary between 1 and 9%; 50 between to 10 and 19%; 36 between 20 and 29%; 14 between 30 and 39%; and 8 between 40 and 49%. Only 8 species belong to occurrence class V; 14 to classe IV; 36 to class III; 50 to class II; and 92 to class I. This leads to the conclusion that the local formation is very unsociable and very complex, though the median coverture is 80% and the number of species is very large. The analysis of the data also shows that the climax is being reconstituted in the subsere with elements drawn from the prisere and alien species introduced either by man (following desvastation) or by other consequent factors (such as brusque changes of microclimates due to total or partial destruction). This modifies the subclimax appreciably and apparently also the climax of the local regional subsere. As a final conclusion it is suggested that as in the subsere the pioneer formation is xerophilous, the prisere also beging as a xerosere; but as there are and probably always were hydrophilous formation evolving in the same climate, the local climax is composed of species with medium exactions, that is of relative mesophites.
It is well-known that diverse groups of vegetation with an analogous but not identical floristic composition show an ecological similarity which leads to a determined type of vegetation. Starting from this fact it becomes evident that the scope of phytosociological work is the establishing of the significance of the species within the association and the discovery of the rules which govern associations. The floristic surveys made in the field have to be analysed statistically so as to obtain satisfactory results. The usefulness of this method depends largely on the possibilities of comparing the results with previous studies of the same kind, in the same country, or elsewhere. The method used in this paper is that of measuring circumferences and counting individuals in the different associations studied because it permits the presentation of the results in tables which show the phytosociological complexity of the Brazilian rain-forests. The classical method of characteristics is valuable because the more evolved an association is the less sociable are the species it contains, so that such groups do not show clear differences between species but rather between sinusia or strata of individuals. Five tables are presented in which several of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics are studied with a view to discussing their value in relation to groups and species. They are: I - Abundance (number of individuals). II - Density (distance in meters between the individuals belonging to each stratum). III - Basal coverture (circles measured in square meters of the mean projection of the individuals on the surface). IV - Basal area (mean circle in square meters occupied by individuals on the surface). V - Frequency, abundance and sociability in relation to occurrence. TABLE I. This table indicates first the number of individuals in relation to the sinusia studied: next, the sum total of the individuals belanging to the strata are given for each association, thus providing the numeric value of the sinusia: finally, the relation between the total number of individuals in the association and the total for the sinusium thus fursnishing the abundance per sinusium, in the classic sence, that is the percentage, or rather the relative number, of the elements which compose the group. CONCLUSIONS. The general character of abundance of the regional vegetation of Ilheos may be summed up in the following way: as an association evolves towards permanent equilibirum the number of individuals the inferior strata diminishes in relation to those of the superior strata which increase. For the shrub sinusium, two important facts were observed: a) in a given association the number of elements of the inferior strata diminishes as the diameter of the individuals increases; b) the percentage of individuals belonging to the shrub sinusium in the sere diminishes as the association evolve. In the subarboreal sinusium it is seen that: in the sere the number of subarboreal individuals does not vary much; whereas in the climax or the prisere there is a fall owing to the equilibrum of the biologic forms. In the arboreal sinusium the following conclusion can be deduced from analogous facts: the number of individuals of the lower strata diminishes as circumference increases. Also, in the sere there is a progressive sequence for the individuals belonging to the superior strata. TABLE II. The relation between the mean distances of individuals belonging to the same stratum and the area of an association is equal to the density. The table shows that the mean density of the association and the distance between the individuals belonging to the strata of the same sinusium in relation to the total number of individuals belonging to the association. CONCLUSIONS. As rule, the density of individuals in the associations studied follows a very general character or at least a regional one: the distance between the individuals in the diverse strata varies according to their abundance and sociability. Two other facts of some sociological importance are: a) in identical strata of the same sere the density of individuals oscillates in an analogous manner in teh subclimaces and varies in the stages which have reached equilibrium. b) the density of individuals varias in accordance with the sinusium and the distances between individuals of the same sinusium varg in accordance with the strata. TABLE III. This table presents the mean basal individual coverture, that is the mean projection of the frond of the various individuals belonging to the same stratum. The means were obtained by measurement in the field, of 100 individuals belonging to each stratum and their projection on the surface. In the latoratory these measurements were converted into mean circles (in square meters) and the result was multiplied by the individuals belonging to the strata corresponding to the sinusium of each association. The result obtained is named basal coverture. CONCLUSIONS. As a rule, the basal coverture of the vegetation of the county of Ilhéus indicates that: in the evolution of the vegetation the basal coverture of the arbustive sinusium diminishes progressively whereas that of the arboreal one increases. The special norms obtained are: 1) in the shrub sinusium the basal coverture seems to follow a uniform norm, that is, in stages of evolution of the subclimax the basal coverture oscillates with a certain uniformity. 2) in the subarboreal sinusium this fact is related to the vitality and age of the species, as in the subclimax the number of young trees is large and the vitality of the species very variable. This permits the conclusion that: in the sere the basal coverture increases with the evolution of the vegetation and diminishes when an equilibrium is reached. 3) in the tree sinusium the climax association of the prisere and subsere seem to obey a binomial rule, as the coverture (density-abundance) increases until a determined stratum is reached and...
Em continuação a um artigo anterior (I), são apresentados os valores médios mensais das seguintes observaçõs: efeito do abrigo, temperaturas extremas, amplitude térmica diária, temperatura do solo, radiação global, velocidade do vento e déficit de saturação. O exame, dos gráficos e tabelas contidos no texto, mostra que: 1 - Enquanto em locais livremente expostos ao vento a diferença entre a temperatura lida dentro do abrigo tipo "Stevenson" e a obtida com o psicrômetro ventilado, só excepcionalmente tem significado estatístico, na mata as diferenças médias da ordem de 0,5ºC são comuns, em qualquer das horas de observação. 2 - As maiores médias das temperaturas máximas foram sempre as obtidas ao ar livre. Na mata elas são mais elevadas no vale e mais baixas no alto da elevação. 3 - As diferenças entre as temperaturas mínimas só são nítidas no inverno, quando em alguns pontos da mata elas são mais baixas e em outros mais altas do que as observadas ao ar livre. Nos meses mais frios a inversão noturna póde provocar, na mata, uma diferença médias de 3ºC para um desnível de 100 m. 4 - A não ser no vale, onde foram registrados alguns valores médios iguais aos observados aos ar livre, a amplitude térmica diária é sempre menor na mata. 5 - A evolução da curva da temperatura do solo é influenciada pela situação topográfica e pela proteção oferecida pela vegetação. 6 - A atenuação da velocidade do vento é provocada principalmente pelas copas das árvores. Abaixo dess estrato, praticamente não foi registrada variação nos valores médios da velocidade do vento. 7 - Para o estudo do estado higrométrico do ar, dentro da mata, o déficit de saturação fornece melhors informações do que a umidade relativa.
Um eine neue phytogeographische Einteilung des Amazonasgebietes (Região Amazônica) in Angriff nehmen zu koennen, zieht der Autor anfangs die Ergebnisse der geomorphologischen, klimatologischen und floristischen Studien aelterer und neuerer Beobachter heran und setzt sie in Uebereinstimmung mit den oekologischen Resultaten. Die Einteilung umfasst: A. Region des guianensischen Schildes mit 5 Subregionen; B. Region der Sedimentboeden mit 3 teilweise unterteilten Subregionen; C. Region des nordbrasilianischen Schildes mit 2 unterteilten Subregionen. In den drei Gebieten finden wir, infolge der verschiedenen geologischen Verhaeltnisse, praktisch alle Vegetationstypen Brasiliens, obwohl das Klima uniform (warm-feucht) ist. Nach der Beurteilung der verschiedenen Theorien ueber die geologischen und floristischen Gegebenheiten und unter Hinzufuegung biologischer Tatsachen (Samenverbreitung) kommt der Autor zum Schluss, dass in dem Gebiet vier grosse, endemisch begruendete Baumzonen bestehen, deren Existenz auf dem heutigen hydrographischen Netz und seinen oekologischen Bedingugen beruht: 1. Die Trockengebiete der kristallinen Hochebenen am oberen Rio Negro und Rio Branco und auf dem suedamazonischen Schild; 2. Eine die Sedimentregion umgebende Zone; 3. Die Gebiete der Hochebenen und die hoeher gelegenen Teile der Sandaufschuettungen; 4. Die fruchtbaren Sedimentebenen. Ausserdem kann man die wechselnden Gebiete periodischer Ueberschwemmungen als kennzeichnende Zonen der augenblicklichen Entwicklungsphase des Amazonasbeckens ansehen.
Die west-zentrale Region Brasiliens, die im Gebiet des gleichfoermigen feuchten tropischen Klimas mit Trockenzeiten liegt, schliesst, allgemein gesehen, drei phytogeographische Zonen in sich ein; die noerdliche mit Wald, die zentrale mit Savannen und die suedliche mit Campos. In den Zonen sind verschiedene Waldinseln eingeschlossen, deren Existenz, entsprechend den vielfaeltigen orographischen Verhaeltnissen und der hiermit zusammenhaengenden komplexen geologischen Struktur, eine ausreichende Erklaerung fuer die beobachtete Zerschneidung der Zonen abgibt. Es finden sich: 1. Auf den hoeheren Ebenen: a) "Cerrado" (Buschwald). Er breitet sich aus auf den ebenen kretassischen Stufen und Haegen mit kompakteren Boeden, sowohl auf denen der "Chapadões" wie auch auf denen, die die grosse paraguaische Depression umgeben; b) Savanne. Sie tritt immer auf ebenen oder schwach gewellten Gelaenden auf, wo eine dicke, gut durchlaessige Schicht auf undurchiaessigem Untergrund liegt; c) Campo. Er dehnt sich auf Flaechen aus, die oberflaeching undurchlaessig geworden sind, und zwar sowohl auf ebenen, wie auch auf schwaecher oder staerker bewegten Gelaenden; d) Wald. Er findet sich auf den Talsohlen, begleitet die Wasserlaeufe und Talhaenge in stark bewegtem Gelaende. 2. Die Campos der grossen paraguaischen Depression nehmen sehr ausgedehnte Gebiete ein, die von kleineren feuchten Niederungen, Fluessen und Inselbergn unterbrochen sind, wo sich Buschwald, Galleriewald und Cerrado findet. 3. Auf den fruchtbareren Boeden, die auf Zerfall eruptiver Gesteine zurueckgefuehrt werden und durch das Einschneiden des ausgedehnten hydrographischen Netzes, das die Region zerschneidet, herausgearbeitet sind, bedecken die Waelder unterschiedslos die ebenen wie die schwach oder stark geneigten Gelaende.
Die grosse Nordost-region zeigt klimatische und geomorphologische Eigenheiten, die die Vegetationstypen gut begrenzen, die ihrerseits fast immer alten Klimaces entsprechen. So finden wir: I - Feuchtes Gebiet. 1. Die Kuestenflaechen (immergruener und teil-regengruener Wald) mit starken, gleichmaessig verteilten Niederschlaegen zeigt: 10 - 20 m tiefe Lehmboeden, wenig durchlaessig, ohne Lateritkruste, besiedelt mit Baumarten weiter Verbreitung, untermischt mit endemischen Streuformen, was auf eine ziemlich alte Besiedlung hinweist. 2. Die Flaechen der Hochebenen (mikroklimatisch bedingter Wald), abhaengig von "Bergklima" oder hoher Oberflaechenfeuchtigkeit, zeigen folgende Eigenheiten: In den Bergzuegen aus Urgestein, mit lehmigsandigen Boeden hoher Feuchtigkeit wegen der Passatwinde und der haeufigen Nebelbildung, finden sich dieselben Baumarten, die auch in den benachbarten Waldgebieten vorkommen untermischt mit wenigen endemischen Formen; an den Haengen der Bergzuege aus Sandstein, mit sandig-lehmigen Boeden, die wegen des Anschnitts des Grundwasserspiegels dauernd feucht sind, finden sich endemische Arten - in der Mehrzahl Streuformen aus den Cerradões des mittleren Westens - vergesellschaftet mit anderen groesserer Verbreitung Beide Flaechen scheinen florestale Rueckzugsgebiete darzustellen. 3. Die "Agreste"-Flaechen (mit eingesprengten, mikroklimatisch unterschiedlichen Wald- und "Caatinga"-Gebieten), mit schwachen, jedoch regelmaessig verteilten Regenfaellen, zeigen flache, 1 - 3 m tiefe Sandboeden und ausgedehnte, relativ tiefreichende Lehmboeden, und sind besiedelt von Arten der benachbarten Flaechen, in einzelnen, durch die Savannen getrennten Inseln stehend, was auf eine moderne Besiedlung hinzuweisen scheint. 4. Die Flaechen des "Sertão" (regengruene Buesche und stacheltragende Formationen), mit unregelmaessigen Niederschlaegen, zeigen niedrige (weniger als 1 m Tiefe), abgetragene Sandboeden und Bloecke aus Urgestein auf den Kuppen der Huegel, besiedelt mit endemischen Streuformen der entsprechenden amerikanischen Regionen, was eine sehr alte Besiedlung anzeigt. III - Komplexes Gebiet. Die uebrigen Flaechen, die Niederung von Maranhão (Schwemmland, Mangrove und Palmblattwaelder) und Sandsteintafeln (Cerrado), ebenso wie der Sandstreifen (heide- und buschfoermige Vegetation) und anschliessende Gebiete (Mischwaelder und Cerrado-Caatinga) sind durch sehr spezielle Verhaeltnisse innerhalb der Nordost-Region bedingt. 5. Der Palmblattwald, bedingt durch Steigeregen und begrenzt auf einen Kontaktstreifen zwischen ueberfeuchtem Klima (Amazonas-wald) und Halbtrocken-klima mit scharf begrenzter, oft verlaengerter Trockenzeit (Savanne und Caatinga), stellt eine Uebergangsvegetation dar, wo die gruppenfoermig auftretenden, vorherrschenden endemischen formen ihm den Charakter einer relativ jungen Besiedlung geben. 6. Der Cerrado mit ausgesprochener Trockenperiode wird bedingt durch die tiefgruendigen Sandsteingebiete der unveraendert erhaltenenSchollen der Vorkreidezeit, debeckt mit einer wahrscheinlichen Reliktenvegetation, die frueher grosse Teile des Westens der Nordost-region ueberzog. 7. Die noerdlich und suedlich anschliessenden Gebiete, die zwischen Caatinga-Cerrado und dem geschlossenen Wald und den Agreste-Flächen liegen, zeigen Eigenheiten, die auf eine neuere Veraenderung des vorherrschenden regenreichen Klimas der Region hinweisen - trocken im Sertão und feucht an der Kueste. Zusammenfassend laesst sich sagen, dass in der grossen Nordost-Region die feuchten Kuestenflaechen einen immergruenen Wald besitzen, der sich einem anderem, teil-regengruenen vorlagert, und dass die trockenen Gebiete der Rumpfflaechen des Inneren eine regengruene, dornige bewachsung mit eingeschlossener reliktenvegetation auf den Erhebungen zeigen.
Os autores redescrevem e apresentam figuras originais do exemplar tipo de Stephanoprora singularis (Lutz, 1924) propondo uma nova combinação: Equinoparyphium singularis (Lutz, 1924) comb. n.