888 resultados para Tyre-road noise
The noise power spectrum (NPS) is the reference metric for understanding the noise content in computed tomography (CT) images. To evaluate the noise properties of clinical multidetector (MDCT) scanners, local 2D and 3D NPSs were computed for different acquisition reconstruction parameters.A 64- and a 128-MDCT scanners were employed. Measurements were performed on a water phantom in axial and helical acquisition modes. CT dose index was identical for both installations. Influence of parameters such as the pitch, the reconstruction filter (soft, standard and bone) and the reconstruction algorithm (filtered-back projection (FBP), adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR)) were investigated. Images were also reconstructed in the coronal plane using a reformat process. Then 2D and 3D NPS methods were computed.In axial acquisition mode, the 2D axial NPS showed an important magnitude variation as a function of the z-direction when measured at the phantom center. In helical mode, a directional dependency with lobular shape was observed while the magnitude of the NPS was kept constant. Important effects of the reconstruction filter, pitch and reconstruction algorithm were observed on 3D NPS results for both MDCTs. With ASIR, a reduction of the NPS magnitude and a shift of the NPS peak to the low frequency range were visible. 2D coronal NPS obtained from the reformat images was impacted by the interpolation when compared to 2D coronal NPS obtained from 3D measurements.The noise properties of volume measured in last generation MDCTs was studied using local 3D NPS metric. However, impact of the non-stationarity noise effect may need further investigations.
The Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) has become the "standard" for deflection testing of pavements. Iowa has used a Road Rater since 1976 to obtain deflection information. A correlation between the Road Rater and the FWD was needed if Iowa was going to continue with the Road Rater. Comparative deflection testing was done using a Road Rater Model 400 and a Pynatest 8000 FWD on 26 pavement sections. The SHRP contractor, Braun Intertec Pavement, Inc., provided the FWD testing. The r^2 for the linear correlations ranged from 0.90 to 0.99 for the different pavement types and sensor locations.
The use of Railroad Flatcars (RRFCs) as the superstructure on low-volume county bridges has been investigated in a research project conducted by the Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State University. These bridges enable county engineers to replace old, inadequate county bridge superstructures for less than half the cost and in a shorter construction time than required for a conventional bridge. To illustrate their constructability, adequacy, and economy, two RRFC demonstration bridges were designed, constructed, and tested: one in Buchanan County and the other in Winnebago County. The Buchanan County Bridge was constructed as a single span with 56-ft-long flatcars supported at their ends by new, concrete abutments. The use of concrete in the substructure allowed for an integral abutment at one end of the bridge with an expansion joint at the other end. Reinforced concrete beams (serving as longitudinal connections between the three adjacent flatcars) were installed to distribute live loads among the RRFCs. Guardrails and an asphalt milling driving surface completed the bridge. The Winnebago County Bridge was constructed using 89-ft-long flatcars. Preliminary calculations determined that they were not adequate to span 89 ft as a simple span. Therefore, the flatcars were supported by new, steel-capped piers and abutments at the RRFCs' bolsters and ends, resulting in a 66-ft main span and two 10-ft end spans. Due to the RRFC geometry, the longitudinal connections between adjacent RRFCs were inadequate to support significant loads; therefore, transverse, recycled timber planks were utilized to effectively distribute live loads to all three RRFCs. A gravel driving surface was placed on top of the timber planks, and a guardrail system was installed to complete the bridge. Bridge behavior predicted by grillage models for each bridge was validated by strain and deflection data from field tests; it was found that the engineered RRFC bridges have live load stresses significantly below the AASHTO Bridge Design Specification limits. To assist in future RRFC bridge projects, RRFC selection criteria were established for visual inspection and selection of structurally adequate RRFCs. In addition, design recommendations have been developed to simplify live load distribution calculations for the design of the bridges. Based on the results of this research, it has been determined that through proper RRFC selection, construction, and engineering, RRFC bridges are a viable, economic replacement system for low-volume road bridges.
As truck traffic on Iowa secondary roads has increased, engineers have moved to concrete pavements of greater depths. Early designs included thickened edge pavements and depths of seven inches or greater. The designs typically did not have load transfer devices installed in the transverse joints and relied on aggregate interlock for this purpose. In some cases, aggregate interlock was not adequate to deal with the soils and traffic conditions and faulting of the joints has begun to appear. Engineers are now faced with the need to install or retrofit load transfer in the joints to preserve the pavements. Questions associated with this decision range from the type of dowel material to dowel diameter, spacing, number of bars, placement method, and construction techniques to be used to assure reduction or elimination of faulting. Buena Vista County constructed a dowel bar retrofit project on one mile of road. The plan called for addition of the dowels (2, 3, or 4) in the outer wheel path only and surface grinding in lieu of asphalt overlay. The project included the application of elliptical- and round-shaped dowels in a rehabilitation project. Dowel material types included conventional epoxy-coated steel and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP). This work involved the determination of relative costs in materials to be used in this type of work and performance of FRP and elliptical-shaped steel dowels in the retrofit work. The results indicate good performance from each of the bar configurations and use the results of ride and deflection testing over the research period to project the benefits that can be gained from each configuration vs. the anticipated construction costs. The reader is cautioned that this project could not relate the number of dowels required to the level of anticipated truck traffic for other roads that might be considered.
A prior project, HR-388, (which was entitled "Total Cost of Transportation analysis of road and highway issues"), explored the use of a total economic cost basis for evaluation of road based transportation issues. It was conducted as a proof-of-concept effort between 1996 and 2002, with the final report presented in May 2002. TR-477 rebuilt the analytical model using current data, then performed general, system level, county level, and road segment level analyses. The results are presented herein and will be distributed to all county engineers for information and local use.
Please see TR-477 Phase 2 Final Report -- http://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/20041
The 2015 Corridor Management Plan for the Iowa Great River Road is modeled after similar plans for other National Scenic Byways: it is a dynamic, written document that describes the broad range of goals, objectives, policies, programs, projects and activities which can assist with protecting the intrinsic resources of a byway; interpreting the engaging stories of the byway; and promoting and presenting the byway with services and amenities to meet the needs and expectations of the traveling public.
BACKGROUND: A new diagnostic system, called one-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA), has recently been designed to detect cytokeratin 19 mRNA as a surrogate for lymph node metastases. The objective of this prospective investigation was to compare the performance of OSNA with both standard hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) analysis and intensive histopathology in the detection of colon cancer lymph node metastases. METHODS: In total, 313 lymph nodes from 22 consecutive patients with stage I, II, and III colon cancer were assessed. Half of each lymph node was analyzed initially by H&E followed by an intensive histologic workup (5 levels of H&E and immunohistochemistry analyses, the gold standard for the assessment of sensitivity/specificity of OSNA), and the other half was analyzed using OSNA. RESULTS: OSNA was more sensitive in detecting small lymph node tumor infiltrates compared with H&E (11 results were OSNA positive/H&E negative). Compared with intensive histopathology, OSNA had 94.5% sensitivity, 97.6% specificity, and a concordance rate of 97.1%. OSNA resulted in an upstaging of 2 of 13 patients (15.3%) with lymph node-negative colon cancer after standard H&E examination. CONCLUSIONS: OSNA appeared to be a powerful and promising molecular tool for the detection of lymph node metastases in patients with colon cancer. OSNA had similar performance in the detection of lymph node metastases compared with intensive histopathologic investigations and appeared to be superior to standard histology with H&E. Most important, the authors concluded that OSNA may lead to a potential upstaging of >15% of patients with colon cancer.
The Vertical Clearance Log is prepared for the purpose of providing vertical clearance restrictions by route on the primary road system. This report is used by the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Motor Carrier Services to route oversize vehicles around structures with vertical restrictions too low for the cargo height. The source of the data is the Geographic Information Management System (GIMS) that is managed by the Office of Research & Analytics in the Performance & Technology Division. The data is collected by inspection crews and through the use of LiDAR technology to reflect changes to structures on the primary road system. This log is produced annually.
The Proposed Action consists of the improvement of Iowa Highway 58 (IA 58) from U.S. Highway 20 (U.S. 20) north to Greenhill Road in Cedar Falls (Black Hawk County, Iowa). The improvement would include limiting at-grade access to IA 58 by adding one or more interchanges to the corridor which would be located at Viking Road, Greenhill Road, and reconfiguring the U.S. 20 interchange (Figure 1). In order to construct these interchanges and associated ramps, the pavement of IA 58 would be reconstructed. In a couple of locations, the alignment of IA 58 would be shifted.
From Proposed Action: "The proposed action consists of reconstructing the East 1st Street/I-35 interchange with a Diverging Diamond interchange, widening I-35 from four (4) lanes to six (6) lanes, and widening East 1st Street from four (4) lanes to five (5) lanes from Delaware Avenue to Frisk Drive. The project also proposes to reconstruct the intersections of East 1st Street/Creekview Drive and East 1st Street/Frisk Drive."
Introduction: Approximately one fifth of stage I and II colon cancer patients will suffer from recurrent disease. This is partly due to the presence of small nodal tumour infiltrates, which are undetected by standard histopathology using Haematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) staining on one slice and thus may not receive beneficial adjuvant therapy. A new diagnostic, semi-automatic system, called one-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA), was recently designed for the detection of cytokeratin 19 (CK19) mRNA as a surrogate for lymph node metastases. The objective of the present investigation was to compare the performance of OSNA with both standard H&E as well as intensive histopathologic analyses in the detection of colon cancer lymph node micro- and macro-metastases.Methods: In this prospective study 313 lymph nodes from 22 consecutive stage I - III colon cancer patients were assessed. Half of each lymph node was analysed initially based on one slice of H&E followed by an intensive histologic work-up (5 levels of H&E and immuno-histochemistry staining for each slice), the other half was analysed using OSNA.Results: All OSNA results were available after less than 40 minutes. Fifty-one lymph nodes were positive and 246 lymph nodes negative with both OSNA and standard H&E. OSNA was more sensitive to detect small nodal tumor infiltrates compared to H&E (11 OSNA pos. /H&E neg.). Compared to intensive histopathologic analyses, OSNA had a sensitivity of 94.5% and a specificity of 97.6% to detect lymph node micro- and macro-metastases with a concordance rate of 97.1%. An upstaging due to OSNA was found in 2/13 (15.3%) initially node negative colon cancer patients.Conclusion: OSNA appears to be a powerful and promising molecular tool for the detection of lymph node macro- and micro-metastases in colon cancer patients. OSNA has a similar performance in the detection of micro- and macro-metastases compared to intensive histopathologic investigations and appears to be superior to standard histology with H&E. Since the use of OSNA allows the analysis of the whole lymph node, the problem of sampling bias and undetected tumor deposits due to uninvestigated material will be overcome in the future and OSNA may thus improve staging in colon cancer patients. It is hoped that this improved staging will lead to better patient selection for adjuvant therapy and consecutively improved local and distant control as well as better overall survival.
Efforts to improve safety and traffic flow through merge areas on high volume/high speed roadways have included early merge and late merge concepts and several studies of the effectiveness of these concepts, many using Intelligent Transportation Systems for implementation. The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) planned to employ a system of dynamic message signs (DMS) to enhance standard temporary traffic control for lane closures and traffic merges at two bridge construction projects in western Iowa (Adair County and Cass County counties) on I-80 during the 2008 construction season. To evaluate the DMS system’s effectiveness for impacting driver merging actions, the Iowa DOT contracted with Iowa State University’s Center for Transportation Research and Education to perform the evaluation and make recommendations for future use of this system based on the results. Data were collected over four weekends, beginning August 1–4 and ending October 16–20, 2008. Two weekends yielded sufficient data for evaluation, one of transition traffic flow and the other with a period of congestion. For both of these periods, a statistical review of collected data did not indicate a significant impact on driver merging actions when the DMS messaging was activated as compared to free flow conditions with no messaging. Collection of relevant project data proved to be problematic for several reasons. In addition to personnel safety issues associated with the placement and retrieval of counting devices on a high speed roadway, unsatisfactory equipment performance and insufficient congestion to activate the DMS messaging hampered efforts. A review of the data that was collected revealed different results taken by the tube counters compared to the older model plate counters. Although variations were not significant from a practical standpoint, a statistical evaluation showed that the data, including volumes, speeds, and classifications from the two sources were not comparable at a 95% level of confidence. Comparison of data from the Iowa DOT’s automated traffic recorders (ATRs) in the area also suggested variations in results from these data collection systems. Additional comparison studies were recommended.
A section of US 52 between Dubuque and Luxemburg, Iowa, was listed in the top 5% of Iowa highways for severe crashes involving impaired drivers and single vehicle run-off-road crashes during 2001–2005, and several crashes have occurred on this roadway near the towns of Luxemburg, Holy Cross, and Rickardsville, Iowa, many on curves. Staff and officials from the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Iowa State Patrol, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Center for Transportation Research and Education Dubuque County, and a retired fire chief met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to U.S. Highway 52. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this US 52 corridor and explains several mitigation strategies that the Iowa DOT District 6 Office has selected.