630 resultados para Trastorno bipolar


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In Bacillus subtilis, parE and parC were shown to be essential genes for the segregation of replicated chromosomes. Disruption of either one of these genes resulted in failure of the nucleoid to segregate. Purified ParE and ParC proteins reconstituted to form topoisomerase IV (topo IV), which was highly proficient for ATP-dependent superhelical DNA relaxation and decatenation of interlocked DNA networks. By immunofluorescence microscopy and by directly visualizing fluorescence by using green fluorescence protein fusions, we determined that ParC is localized at the poles of the bacteria in rapidly growing cultures. The bipolar localization of ParC required functional ParE, suggesting that topo IV activity is required for the localization. ParE was found to be distributed uniformly throughout the cell. On the other hand, fluorescence microscopy showed that the GyrA and GyrB subunits of gyrase were associated with the nucleoid. Our results provide a physiologic distinction between DNA gyrase and topo IV. The subcellular localization of topo IV provides physical evidence that it may be part of the bacterial segregation machinery.


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Bipolar mood disorder (BP) is a debilitating syndrome characterized by episodes of mania and depression. We designed a multistage study to detect all major loci predisposing to severe BP (termed BP-I) in two pedigrees drawn from the Central Valley of Costa Rica, where the population is largely descended from a few founders in the 16th–18th centuries. We considered only individuals with BP-I as affected and screened the genome for linkage with 473 microsatellite markers. We used a model for linkage analysis that incorporated a high phenocopy rate and a conservative estimate of penetrance. Our goal in this study was not to establish definitive linkage but rather to detect all regions possibly harboring major genes for BP-I in these pedigrees. To facilitate this aim, we evaluated the degree to which markers that were informative in our data set provided coverage of each genome region; we estimate that at least 94% of the genome has been covered, at a predesignated threshold determined through prior linkage simulation analyses. We report here the results of our genome screen for BP-I loci and indicate several regions that merit further study, including segments in 18q, 18p, and 11p, in which suggestive lod scores were observed for two or more contiguous markers. Isolated lod scores that exceeded our thresholds in one or both families also occurred on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 15, 16, and 17. Interesting regions highlighted in this genome screen will be followed up using linkage disequilibrium (LD) methods.


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In the mammalian retina, extensive processing of spatiotemporal and chromatic information occurs. One key principle in signal transfer through the retina is parallel processing. Two of these parallel pathways are the ON- and OFF-channels transmitting light and dark signals. This dual system is created in the outer plexiform layer, the first relay station in retinal signal transfer. Photoreceptors release glutamate onto ON- and OFF-type bipolar cells, which are functionally distinguished by their postsynaptic expression of different types of glutamate receptors, namely ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors. In the current concept, rod photoreceptors connect only to rod bipolar cells (ON-type) and cone photoreceptors connect only to cone bipolar cells (ON- and OFF-type). We have studied the distribution of (RS)-α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) glutamate receptor subunits at the synapses in the outer plexiform layer of the rodent retina by immunoelectron microscopy and serial section reconstruction. We report a non-classical synaptic contact and an alternative pathway for rod signals in the retina. Rod photoreceptors made synaptic contact with putative OFF-cone bipolar cells that expressed the AMPA glutamate receptor subunits GluR1 and GluR2 on their dendrites. Thus, in the retina of mouse and rat, an alternative pathway for rod signals exists, where rod photoreceptors bypass the rod bipolar cell and directly excite OFF-cone bipolar cells through an ionotropic sign-conserving AMPA glutamate receptor.


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The “cut” mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe are defective in spindle formation and/or chromosome segregation, but they proceed through the cell cycle, resulting in lethality. Analysis of temperature-sensitive alleles of cut11+ suggests that this gene is required for the formation of a functional bipolar spindle. Defective spindle structure was revealed with fluorescent probes for tubulin and DNA. Three-dimensional reconstruction of mutant spindles by serial sectioning and electron microscopy showed that the spindle pole bodies (SPBs) either failed to complete normal duplication or were free floating in the nucleoplasm. Localization of Cut11p tagged with the green fluorescent protein showed punctate nuclear envelope staining throughout the cell cycle and SPBs staining from early prophase to mid anaphase. This SPB localization correlates with the time in the cell cycle when SPBs are inserted into the nuclear envelope. Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed the localization of Cut11p to mitotic SPBs and nuclear pore complexes. Cloning and sequencing showed that cut11+ encodes a novel protein with seven putative membrane-spanning domains and homology to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene NDC1. These data suggest that Cut11p associates with nuclear pore complexes and mitotic SPBs as an anchor in the nuclear envelope; this role is essential for mitosis.


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In higher eukaryotic cells, the spindle forms along with chromosome condensation in mitotic prophase. In metaphase, chromosomes are aligned on the spindle with sister kinetochores facing toward the opposite poles. In anaphase A, sister chromatids separate from each other without spindle extension, whereas spindle elongation takes place during anaphase B. We have critically examined whether such mitotic stages also occur in a lower eukaryote, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using the green fluorescent protein tagging technique, early mitotic to late anaphase events were observed in living fission yeast cells. S. pombe has three phases in spindle dynamics, spindle formation (phase 1), constant spindle length (phase 2), and spindle extension (phase 3). Sister centromere separation (anaphase A) rapidly occurred at the end of phase 2. The centromere showed dynamic movements throughout phase 2 as it moved back and forth and was transiently split in two before its separation, suggesting that the centromere was positioned in a bioriented manner toward the poles at metaphase. Microtubule-associating Dis1 was required for the occurrence of constant spindle length and centromere movement in phase 2. Normal transition from phase 2 to 3 needed DNA topoisomerase II and Cut1 but not Cut14. The duration of each phase was highly dependent on temperature.


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Bipolar affective disorder (BPAD; manic-depressive illness) is characterized by episodes of mania and/or hypomania interspersed with periods of depression. Compelling evidence supports a significant genetic component in the susceptibility to develop BPAD. To date, however, linkage studies have attempted only to identify chromosomal loci that cause or increase the risk of developing BPAD. To determine whether there could be protective alleles that prevent or reduce the risk of developing BPAD, similar to what is observed in other genetic disorders, we used mental health wellness (absence of any psychiatric disorder) as the phenotype in our genome-wide linkage scan of several large multigeneration Old Order Amish pedigrees exhibiting an extremely high incidence of BPAD. We have found strong evidence for a locus on chromosome 4p at D4S2949 (maximum genehunter-plus nonparametric linkage score = 4.05, P = 5.22 × 10−4; sibpal Pempirical value <3 × 10−5) and suggestive evidence for a locus on chromosome 4q at D4S397 (maximum genehunter-plus nonparametric linkage score = 3.29, P = 2.57 × 10−3; sibpal Pempirical value <1 × 10−3) that are linked to mental health wellness. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that certain alleles could prevent or modify the clinical manifestations of BPAD and perhaps other related affective disorders.


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Chronic administration of the atypical antipsychotic drug, clozapine, to rodents has been shown to increase the concentration of apolipoprotein D (apoD) in several area of the brain, suggesting that apoD could be involved in the therapeutic effects of antipsychotic drugs and/or the pathology of psychotic illnesses. Here, we measured a significant decrease in the concentration of apoD in serum samples from schizophrenic patients. In contrast, apoD levels were significantly increased (92–287%) in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Brodmann's area 9) of schizophrenic and bipolar subjects. Elevated levels of apoD expression were also observed in the caudate of schizophrenic and bipolar subjects (68–89%). No differences in apoD immunoreactivity were detected in occipital cortex (Brodmann's area 18) in either group, or in the hippocampus, substantia nigra, or cerebellum of the schizophrenic group. The low serum concentrations of apoD observed in these patients supports recent hypotheses involving systemic insufficiencies in lipid metabolism/signaling in schizophrenia. Elevation of apoD expression selectively within central nervous system regions implicated in the pathology of these neuropsychiatric disorders suggests a focal compensatory response that neuroleptic drug regimens may augment.


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El estudio de la emoción y la cognición constituyen dos de las grandes áreas de interés en la psicología desde su origen. Fue necesaria la llegada del paradigma cognitivo-conductual para que el análisis de ambas áreas de estudio alcanzaran su mayor interés y desarrollo empírico, a través del estudio de su interrelación, implicaciones, evaluación y tratamiento, permitiendo dar validez científica a los supuestos teóricos y así alcanzar el nivel de ciencia en el que depositar todo ello. Centrándonos en el desarrollo de los modelos cognitivos, revisaremos en primer lugar los conceptos fundamentales para el estudio del Trastorno Obsesivo Compulsivo (en adelante TOC), continuaremos con un acercamiento a los principales modelos explicativos, haciendo hincapié en el análisis de los sesgos cognitivos, especialmente aquellos que afectan a la tendencia obsesiva, es decir, los sesgos atencionales y los sesgos de interpretación, así como los más novedosos modelos metacognitivos de estudio e investigación. Así en el análisis de la actividad cognitiva, especialmente aquella que subyace al procesamiento de los pacientes con tendencias obsesivas o con un diagnóstico de TOC, partimos tanto de los enfoques que la explican a través de la perspectiva de que el pensamiento obsesivo es debido a un fallo en el procesamiento de la información, como aquellos modelos explicativos que postulan que la importancia para entender la actividad cognitiva TOC radica en la tendencia a desarrollar creencias disfuncionales que determinan el pensamiento y por tanto, las obsesiones y las consecuentes compulsiones que dificultan la vida de nuestros pacientes. Junto a ambas perspectivas, que nos sitúan en el marco de lo cognitivo, nos acercaremos, ya de forma experimental al TOC y al pensamiento con tendencias obsesivas, para ahondar en su vinculación con los aspectos emocionales a través del papel que tienen el sentido de culpa y la empatía...


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La valoración de las funciones ejecutivas tiene una especial dificultad cuando se intenta llevar a cabo mediante un enfoque tradicional de pruebas neuropsicológicas. Este aspecto es especialmente relevante en la evaluación de funciones ejecutivas en población pediátrica, lo que propició el desarrollo de cuestionarios de conducta como el Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF), con el fin de convertirse en una medida ecológica de las alteraciones de funciones ejecutivas. Resulta necesario realizar una adaptación completa de una prueba psicométrica para que ésta pueda ser utilizada en una población diferente para la cual fue diseñada. El BRIEF ha sido utilizado para la valoración de las alteraciones ejecutivas en numerosas patologías, pero destacan los estudios realizados en niños con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención - Hiperactividad (TDAH). El TDAH presenta alteraciones neuropsicológicas que implican especialmente a las funciones ejecutivas, lo que justifica el uso de la prueba en esta patología. Incluso, algunas de las teorías más importantes sobre TDAH apuntan a las alteraciones en inhibición como el síntoma nuclear del trastorno. La existencia de dos subtipos principales en el TDAH (subtipo predominantemente inatento y combinado) podría implicar un patrón diferente de alteraciones ejecutiva en cada tipo. OBJETIVOS: Se presentan dos objetivos principales: 1) Adaptación del BRIEF a población española, y 2) Estudio del perfil diferencial del BRIEF entre los subtipos inatento y combinado del TDAH...


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Las intervenciones de carácter psicosocial dirigidas a familiares y cuidadores de personas con esquizofrenia se han mostrado empíricamente eficaces, efectivas y eficientes, principalmente por el impacto positivo que tienen en el curso del trastorno y por la repercusión que pueden tener en la salud y calidad de vida del familiar. Por otro lado, amplios son los estudios que avalan que el hecho de convivir y atender a una persona con esquizofrenia genera niveles de sobrecarga y malestar altos. Todo ello hace relevante el desarrollo de tratamientos encaminados a mejorar el bienestar de los familiares y cuidadores de estos pacientes...


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La simulación de enfermedad ha estado siempre asociada a la evitación de deberes militares. Tanto es así, que la etimología de la palabra malingering (simulación en inglés) proviene de la vida militar. De hecho, los principales manuales de diagnóstico psiquiátrico todavía mantienen los contextos militares como indicio para sospechar simulación. Además, esta forma de evitar obligaciones públicas se concebía como un intento de deserción y, en consecuencia, se identificaba con la cobardía y la deslealtad. Los Códigos de Justicia Militar de diferentes países así lo han contemplado y, en consecuencia, condenado. Debido a que la mayoría de los problemas psicológicos carecen de sustrato biológico, esta área de la salud ha estado inmersa en la subjetividad, favoreciendo que se relacionara, más que otras, con la sospecha de perfiles psicológicos deshonestos. En este contexto de arbitrariedad, los problemas mentales en población militar han sufrido un doble estigma. Por una parte, la fortaleza guerrera era incompatible con este tipo de problemas, convirtiéndolos en signo de debilidad. Mientras que, por otra, cualquier intento de evitación del servicio militar (como podían ser los problemas psicológicos aparentemente simulados) se asimilaba a un acto desleal. Por lo tanto, los soldados con problemas psicológicos -reales o simulados- eran estigmatizados, bien por debilidad, bien por cobardía o deslealtad. Así, ante las necesidades públicas de Defensa Territorial y/o Nacional, cristalizadas en una estricta cadena de mando cuyos objetivos eran incompatibles con la debilidad mental y la cobardía, la percepción de los problemas psicológicos partía de una visión intuitiva, cargada de connotaciones carentes de empatía y afianzada en este doble estigma. El problema para la sanidad militar –o los expertos de cada momento histórico- era determinar la veracidad de los cuadros psicopatológicos de los soldados, pero sin pruebas objetivas en las que basarse y bajo la presión de la cadena de mando...


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Introdução: O objetivo do estudo foi investigar se há associação entre déficits na capacidade de reconhecimento de emoções faciais e déficits na flexibilidade mental e na adequação social em pacientes com Transtorno Bipolar do tipo I eutímicos quando comparados a sujeitos controles sem transtorno mental. Métodos: 65 pacientes com Transtorno Bipolar do tipo I eutímicos e 95 controles sem transtorno mental, foram avaliados no reconhecimento de emoções faciais, na flexibilidade mental e na adequação social através de avaliações clínicas e neuropsicológicas. Os sintomas afetivos foram avaliados através da Escala de Depressão de Hamilton e da Escala de Mania de Young, o reconhecimento de emoções faciais através da Facial Expressions of Emotion: Stimuli and Tests, a flexibilidade mental avaliada através do Wisconsin Card Sorting Test e a adequação social através da Escala de Auto- Avaliação de Adequação Social. Resultados: Pacientes com Transtorno Bipolar do tipo I eutímicos apresentam uma associação de maior intensidade comparativamente aos controles entre o reconhecimento de emoções faciais e a flexibilidade mental, indicando que quanto mais preservada a flexibilidade mental, melhor será a habilidade para reconhecer emoções faciais Neste grupo às correlações de todas as emoções são positivas com o total de acertos e as categorias e são negativas com as respostas perseverativas, total de erros, erros perseverativos e erros não perseverativos. Não houve uma correlação entre o reconhecimento de emoções faciais e a adequação social, apesar dos pacientes com Transtorno Bipolar do tipo I eutímicos apresentar uma pior adequação social, sinalizando que a pior adequação social não parece ser devida a uma dificuldade em reconhecer e interpretar adequadamente as expressões faciais. Os pacientes com Transtorno Bipolar do tipo I eutímicos não apresentam diferenças significativas no reconhecimento de emoções faciais em relação aos controles, entretanto no subteste surpresa (p=0,080) as diferenças estão no limite da significância estatística, indicando que portadores de transtorno bipolar do tipo I eutímicos tendem a apresentar um pior desempenho no reconhecimento da emoção surpresa em relação aos controles. Conclusão: Nossos resultados reforçam a hipótese de que existe uma associação entre o reconhecimento de emoções faciais e a preservação do funcionamento executivo, mais precisamente a flexibilidade mental, indicando que quanto maior a flexibilidade mental, melhor será a habilidade para reconhecer emoções faciais e melhorar o desempenho funcional do paciente. Pacientes bipolares do tipo I eutímicos apresentam uma pior adequação social quando comparados aos controles, o que pode ser uma consequência do Transtorno Bipolar que ratifica a necessidade de uma intervenção terapêutica rápida e eficaz nestes pacientes