933 resultados para Thermal Remote Sensing, UHI-Urban Heat Island, LST-Land Surface Temperature, Classificazione, Emissività


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A study of chemical and isotopic composition of coastal thermal springs and waters of the Kraternaya Bay, Yankicha Island, revealed that the total mineralization and concentrations of d18O and d2H decrease from the thermal spring site I to V. These waters are of marine origin with various proportions of local meteoric water. Thermal waters of the site VI have considerably altered chemical and isotopic composition due to high temperatures of surrounding rocks. Base temperatures calculated for this area were 130-200°C. Coastal thermal springs affect isotopic composition of water throughout the bay.


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The ground surface temperature is one of the key parameters that determine the thermal regime of permafrost soils in arctic regions. Due to remoteness of most permafrost areas, monitoring of the land surface temperature (LST) through remote sensing is desirable. However, suitable satellite platforms such as MODIS provide spatial resolutions, that cannot resolve the considerable small-scale heterogeneity of the surface conditions characteristic for many permafrost areas. This study investigates the spatial variability of summer surface temperatures of high-arctic tundra on Svalbard, Norway. A thermal imaging system mounted on a mast facilitates continuous monitoring of approximately 100 x 100 m of tundra with a wide variability of different surface covers and soil moisture conditions over the entire summer season from the snow melt until fall. The net radiation is found to be a control parameter for the differences in surface temperature between wet and dry areas. Under clear-sky conditions in July, the differences in surface temperature between wet and dry areas reach up to 10K. The spatial differences reduce strongly in weekly averages of the surface temperature, which are relevant for the soil temperature evolution of deeper layers. Nevertheless, a considerable variability remains, with maximum differences between wet and dry areas of 3 to 4K. Furthermore, the pattern of snow patches and snow-free areas during snow melt in July causes even greater differences of more than 10K in the weekly averages. Towards the end of the summer season, the differences in surface temperature gradually diminish. Due to the pronounced spatial variability in July, the accumulated degree-day totals of the snow-free period can differ by more than 60% throughout the study area. The terrestrial observations from the thermal imaging system are compared to measurements of the land surface temperature from the MODIS sensor. During periods with frequent clear-sky conditions and thus a high density of satellite data, weekly averages calculated from the thermal imaging system and from MODIS LST agree within less than 2K. Larger deviations occur when prolonged cloudy periods prevent satellite measurements. Futhermore, the employed MODIS L2 LST data set contains a number of strongly biased measurements, which suggest an admixing of cloud top temperatures. We conclude that a reliable gap filling procedure to moderate the impact of prolonged cloudy periods would be of high value for a future LST-based permafrost monitoring scheme. The occurrence of sustained subpixel variability of the summer surface temperature is a complicating factor, whose impact needs to be assessed further in conjunction with other spatially variable parameters such as the snow cover and soil properties.


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In this paper, modernized shipborne procedures are presented to collect and process above-water radiometry for remote sensing applications. A setup of five radiometers and a bidirectional camera system, which provides panoramic sea surface and sky images, is proposed for the collection of high-resolution radiometric quantities. Images from the camera system can be used to determine sky state and potential glint, whitecaps, or foam contamination. A peak in the observed remote sensing reflectance RRS spectra between 750-780 nm was typically found in spectra with relatively high surface reflected glint (SRG), which suggests this waveband could be a useful SRG indicator. Simplified steps for computing uncertainties in SRG corrected RRS are proposed and discussed. The potential of utilizing "unweighted multimodel averaging," which is the average of four or more common SRG correction models, is examined to determine the best approximation RRS. This best approximation RRS provides an estimate of RRS based on various SRG correction models established using radiative transfer simulations and field investigations. Applying the average RRS provides a measure of the inherent uncertainties or biases that result from a user subjectively choosing any one SRG correction model. Comparisons between inherent and apparent optical property derived observations were used to assess the robustness of the SRG multimodel averaging ap- proach. Correlations among the standard SRG models were completed to determine the degree of association or similarities between the SRG models. Results suggest that the choice of glint models strongly affects derived RRS values and can also influence the blue to green band ratios used for modeling biogeochemical parameters such as for chlorophyll a. The objective here is to present a uniform and traceable methodology for determining ship- borne RRS measurements and its associated errors due to glint correction and to ensure the direct comparability of these measurements in future investigations. We encourage the ocean color community to publish radiometric field measurements with matching and complete metadata in open access repositories.